The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi


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should be adopted." J. Joubert, Oeuvres (Paris, 1883), vol. 2, p. 276 ("Du Style,"<br />

=. In. 16<br />

With regard to political economy, Marx characterizes as "its vulgar element"<br />

above all "that elenlent in it which is mere reproduction-that is, representation<br />

of appearance:' Cited in Korsch, Karl Marx , vol. 2, p. 22.51 Tills<br />

vulgar element is to be denounced in other sciences as well. [N16,3]<br />

Concept of nature in Marx: "If in Hegel ... physical nature likewise encroaches<br />

on world history,' then Marx conceives nature from the beginning in social catego­<br />

ries. Physical nature does not enter direclly into world history; rather, it enters<br />

indirectly, as a process of material production that goes on, from the earliest<br />

moment, not only between man and nature but also between man and man. Or, to<br />

use language that will be clear to philosophers as well: in Marx '8 rigorously social<br />

science, that pure nature presupposed by all human activity (the economic na,tura<br />

naturans) is replaced everywhere by nature as material production (the economic<br />

natura naturata)-that is, by a social matter mediated and transformed<br />

through human social activity, and thus at the same time capable of further change<br />

and modification in the present and the future.' Korsch, Karl Marx, vol. 3, p. 3.;;2<br />

[N16,4]<br />

Korsch provides the following reformulation of the Hegelian triad in Marxian<br />

terms: <strong>The</strong> Hegelian contradiction' was replaced by the struggle of the social<br />

classes; the dialectical 'negation,' by the proletariat; and the dialectical 'synthesis<br />

' by the proletarian revolution." Korsch, Kar·l Marx, vol. 3, p. 45. :) [N16,5]<br />

Restriction of the materialist conception of history in Korsch: As the material<br />

mode of production changes, so does the system of mediations existing between the<br />

material base and its political and juridical superstructure, with its corresponding<br />

social forms of consciousness. Hence, the general propositions ofmatel'ialist social<br />

theory concerning the relations between economy and politics or economy and<br />

ideology, or concerning such general concepts as class and class su"uggle, " .. have<br />

a different meaning for each specific epoch and, strictly speaking, are valid, in the<br />

particular form Marx gave them within the present bourgeois society, only for this<br />

society. " .. Only for contemporary bourgeois society, where the spheres of economy<br />

and politics are formally and entirely separated from each other, and where<br />

workers as citizens of the state are free and possessed of equal rights, does the<br />

scientific demonstration of their actual ongoing lack of freedom in the economic<br />

sphere have the character of a theoretical discovery." Korsch, vol. 3, pp. 21-22.<br />

[N16a,1]<br />

Korsch makes 'the seemingly paradoxical observation (which is nonetheless ...<br />

suited to the final and most mature form of Marxian science) that in the materialist<br />

social theory of Marx the ensemhle of sodal relations, which hourgeois sociologists<br />

treat as an independent domain . .. , already is investigated aceording to its objec-

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