The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi


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If the object of history is to be blasted out of the continuum of historical succes­<br />

sion, that is because its mouadological structure demands it. This structure first<br />

comes to light in the exh'acted object itself. And it does so in the form of the<br />

historical confrontation that makes up the interior (and, as it were, the bowels) of<br />

the historical object, and into which all the forces and interests of history enter on<br />

a reduced scale. It is owing to this monadological structure that the historical<br />

object finds represented in its interior its own fore-history and after-history.<br />

(Thus, for example, the fore-history of Baudelaire, as educed by current scholarship,<br />

resides in allegory; his after-history, inJugendstil.) [NIO,3]<br />

Forming the basis of the confrontation with conventional historiography and<br />

"enshrinement" IS the polemic against empathy (Grillparzer, Fustel de Coulanges).<br />

[NIO,4]<br />

<strong>The</strong> Saint-Simonian Barrault distinguishes between epoques organiques and epoques<br />

cn'tiques. <strong>The</strong> derogation of the critical spirit begins directly<br />

after the victory of the bourgeoisie in theJuly Revolution. [NIO,5]<br />

<strong>The</strong> destructive or critical momentum of materialist historiography is registered<br />

in that blasting of historical continuity with which the historical object first consti­<br />

tutes itself. In fact, an object of history cannot be targeted at all within the<br />

continuous elapse of history. And so, from time immemorial, historical narration<br />

has simply picked out an object from this continuous succession. But it has done<br />

so without foundation, as an expedient; and its first thought was then always to<br />

reinsert the object into the continuum, which it would create anew tluough<br />

empathy. Materialist historiography does not choose its objects arbitrarily. It<br />

does not fasten on them but rather springs them loose from the order of successian.<br />

Its provisions are more extensive, its occurrences more essential. [NIOa,l]<br />

[For] the destructive momentmn in materialist historiography is to be conceived<br />

as the reaction to a constellation of dangers, which tlueatens both the burden of<br />

tradition and those who receive it. It is this constellation of dangers which the<br />

materialist presentation of history comes to engage. In this constellation is com­<br />

prised its actuality; against its tlueat, it must prove its presence of mind. Such a<br />

presentation of history has as goal to pass, as Engels puts it, "beyond the sphere<br />

of thought!"" [NIOa,2]<br />

To thinking belongs the movement as well as the arrest of thoughts. Where<br />

tlunking comes to a standstill in a constellation saturated with tensions-there<br />

the dialectical image appears. It is the caesura in the movement of thought. Its<br />

position is naturally not an arbitrary one. It is to be found, in a word, where the<br />

tension between dialectical opposites is greatest. Hence, the object constructed in<br />

the materialist presentation of history is itself the dialectical image. Tbe latter is<br />

identical with the historical object; it justifies its violent expulsion from the continuum<br />

of historical process. [NIOa,3]

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