The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


holds for law and religion holds for culture even more. It would be absurd for us to conceive of the classless society, its forms of existence, in the image of cultural humanity. [N5,4] ""Our election cry must be: Reform of consciousness not through dogmas but through the analysis of mystical consciousness that is unclear to itse]f whether it appears in a religious or a political form. Then people will see that the world has long possessed the dream of a thing-and that it only needs to possess the consciousness of this thing in order really to possess it." K.arl Marx, Ver historische Muterialismus: Die Frilhschriften, ed. Landshut and Mayer (Leipzig < 1932» vol. 1, pp. 226-227 (letter from Marx to Ruge; Kreuzenach, September 1843). 14 [N5a,1] A reconciled humanity will take leave of its past-and one form of reconciliation is gaiety. "The present German regime . . . , the nullity of the ancien regime exhibited for all the world to see, ... is only the comedian of a world order whose real heroes are dead. History is thorough, and passes through many stages when she carries a worn·out form to burial. The last stage of a world-historical form is its comedy. The gods of Greece, who had already been mortally wounded in the Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus, had to die yet again-this time a comic death-in the dialogues of Lucian. Why does history follow this course? So that mankind may take leave of its past gaily." Karl Marx, Der historische Materialismus: Die Friihschriflen, ed. Landshut and Mayer (Leipzig), vol. 1, pp. 268 ("Zur Kritik del' Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie")." Surrealism is the death of the nineteenth century in comedy. [N5a,2] Marx (Marx und Engels nbe,. Feuerbach: Aus dent Nachlass, Marx-Engels Archiv, vol. 1 [Frankfurt am Main ], p. 301): 'There is no history of politics, law, science, etc., of art, religion, etc. '' l(, [N5a,3] Die heilige Familie, on the subject of Bacon's materialism: '"Matter, surrounded by a sensuous poetic glamor, seems to attract man's whole entity with winning smiles."17 [NSa,4] (.(.1 regret having treated in only a very incomplete manner those facts of daily existence-food, clothing, shelter, family routines, civil law, recreation, social relations-which have always been of prime concern in the life of the great majority of individuals." Charles Seignohos, Histoire sincere de la nation franfSaise (Paris, 1933), p. xi. [N5a,5] Ad notam a formula of V;llery's: "What distinguishes a truly general phenomenon is its fertility:'" [N5a,6] Barbarism lurks in the very concept of culture-as the concept of a fu nd of values which is considered independent not, indeed, of the production process in which

these values originated, but of the one in which they survive. In this way they serve the apotheosis of the latter , barbaric as it may be. [N5a,7] To determine how the concept of culture arose, what meaning it has had in different periods, and what needs its institution corresponded to. It could, insofar as it signifies the sum of "cultural riches," turn out to be of recent origin; certainly it is not yet found, for example, in the cleric of the early Middle Ages who waged his war of annihilation against the teachings of antiquity. [N 6,1] Michelet-an author who, wherever he is quoted, makes the reader forget the book in which the quotation appears. [N6,2] To be underlined: the painstaking delineation of the scene in the first writings on social problems and charity, like Naville, De la Chariti ligale; Fregier, Des Classes dangereuses; and various others. [N6,3] "'I cannot insist too strongly on the fact that, for an enlightened materialist like Lafargue, economic determinism is not the 'absolutely perfect instrument' which 'can provide the key to all the problems of history. m Andre Breton, Position politique du surrealisme (Paris

these values originated, but of the one in which they survive. In this way they<br />

serve the apotheosis of the latter , barbaric as it may be.<br />

[N5a,7]<br />

To determine how the concept of culture arose, what meaning it has had in<br />

different periods, and what needs its institution corresponded to. It could, insofar<br />

as it signifies the sum of "cultural riches," turn out to be of recent origin; certainly<br />

it is not yet found, for example, in the cleric of the early Middle Ages who waged<br />

his war of annihilation against the teachings of antiquity. [N 6,1]<br />

Michelet-an author who, wherever he is quoted, makes the reader forget the<br />

book in which the quotation appears. [N6,2]<br />

To be underlined: the painstaking delineation of the scene in the first writings on<br />

social problems and charity, like Naville, De la Chariti ligale; Fregier, Des Classes<br />

dangereuses; and various others. [N6,3]<br />

"'I cannot insist too strongly on the fact that, for an enlightened materialist like<br />

Lafargue, economic determinism is not the 'absolutely perfect instrument' which<br />

'can provide the key to all the problems of history. m Andre Breton, Position<br />

politique du surrealisme (Paris

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