The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


Apropos of' "Harmonie du soil''' and other iterative poems: Baudelaire notes in Poe "repetitions of the same line or of several lines, insistent reiterations of' phrases which simulate the obesssions of melancholy or of a fixed idea," '''Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe," in Nouvelles Histoires extr'aordinaires (Paris

Sainte-Beuve with the words : "They both proceed almost continually by figures, allegories, symbols." Vie, potsies et pensees de Joseph Delorme (Paris, 1863), vol. 1, p. 295. [J50a,3] A comparison between Baudelaire and Sainte-Beuve can unfold only within the narrow confines of subject matter and poetic workmanship. For Sainte-Beuve was a genial and indeed cozy sort of author. Charles Maguin justly writes in Le Globe of April 11, 1829: "His spirit might cloud over for a while, but no sooner does it compose itself than a fund of natural benevolence rises to the surface:' (Here, it is not the benevolence but the surface that is decisive.) "Without doubt, this is the source of that sympathy and indulgence which he inspires in us:' Vie, potsies et pensees de Joseph Delorme ( p aris, 1863), vol. 1, p. 294. [J50aA] Miserable sonnet by Sainte-Beuve (Les Consolations [paris, 1863], pp. 262-263) : "I love Paris and its beautiful sunsets of autunm;' witll the closing lines : "And I depart, in my thoughts mingling / Paris with an Ithaca of beautiful sunsets:' [J50a,5] Charles Magnin in his review of Les Poesies de Joseph Delorme, in Le Globe, April III 1829: Doubtless the alexandrine with a variable caesura calls for a stricter rhyme."

Apropos of' "Harmonie du soil''' and other iterative poems: Baudelaire notes in<br />

Poe "repetitions of the same line or of several lines, insistent reiterations of'<br />

phrases which simulate the obesssions of melancholy or of a fixed idea," '''Notes<br />

nouvelles sur Edgar Poe," in Nouvelles Histoires extr'aordinaires (Paris

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