The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


the most priceless material, is first of all the filling up of so many columns, and a literary architect whose name in itself is not a guarantee of profit has to sell at all kinds of prices." Ch. B., Oeuvres, vol. 2, p. 385 C"Conseils aux jeunes litterateurs ").17:-1 [J35a,7] Note from "Fusees": I.'The portrait of Serenus by Seneca. That of Stagirus by Saillt John Chrysostom. Acedia, the malady of monks. Taedium. vitae . . :' Charles Baudelaire, Oeuvres, vol. 2, p. 632.174 [J35a,8] Charles-Henry Hirsch descrihes Baudelaire, in comparison to Hugo, as '"more capable of' adapting to widely varying temperaments, thanks to the keenness of his ideas, sensations, and words . ... The lessons of Baudelaire endure by virtue of ... the strict form which keeps them before our eyes." Cited in Le Cinquantenaire de Charles Baudelaire (Paris, 1917), p. 41. [J36,1] A remark by Nadal' in his memoirs: Around 1911, the director of an agency for newspaper clippings told him that Baudelaire's name used to show up in the newspapers as often as the names of Hugo, Musset, and Napoleon. See Le Cinquantenaire de Charles Baudelaire (Paris, 1917), p. 43. [J36,2] Passage from Le Salut publique attributed by Crepet to Baudelaire: I.'Citizens should not give heed . . . to such as these-to Barthelemy, Jean Journet, and others who extol the republic in execrable verse. The emperor Nero had the laudable habit of rounding up all the bad poets in an amphitheater and flogging them cruelly." Cited in Crepet,

In his commemorative address, Banville draws attention to Baudelaire's classical technique. [J36,8] 'Comment on paie ses dettes quand on a du genie" appeared in 1846 and contains, under the appellative "the second friend," the following portrait of Gautier: The second friend was, and still is, fat, lazy, and sluggish; what is more, he has no ideas and can only string words together as the Osage strings beads for a necklace." Ch. B., Oeuvres, vol. 2, p. 393.115 [J36a,1] Hugo: 'As for me, I am conscious of the starry gulf in my soul." Ave, dea-moriturus te salutat: A Judith Gautier," Victor Hugo, Oeuvres choisies: Poesies et drames en vers (Paris

In his commemorative address, Banville draws attention to Baudelaire's classical<br />

technique. [J36,8]<br />

'Comment on paie ses dettes quand on a du genie" <br />

appeared in 1846 and contains, under the appellative "the second friend," the<br />

following portrait of Gautier: <strong>The</strong> second friend was, and still is, fat, lazy, and<br />

sluggish; what is more, he has no ideas and can only string words together as the<br />

Osage strings beads for a necklace." Ch. B., Oeuvres, vol. 2, p. 393.115 [J36a,1]<br />

Hugo: 'As for me, I am conscious of the starry gulf in my soul." Ave, dea-moriturus<br />

te salutat: A Judith Gautier," Victor Hugo, Oeuvres choisies: Poesies et<br />

drames en vers (Paris

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