The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


Dne Madone is a Baroque statue in a Spanish chapel." Andre Therive, Le Par'nasse (Paris, 1929), p. 101. [J20,5] Therivc finds in Baudelaire certain gaucheries which today one can t help thinking might be traits of the sublime." Andre Therive, Le Parnasse (Paris 1929), p. 99. [J20,6] In an article entitled Une Anecdote controuvee sur Baudelaire" , in the Fortnightly Review section of the Mercure de France (May 15, 1921), Baudelaire's alleged sojourn and activity with a conservative newspaper in Chateauroux is disputed by Ernest Gaubert who examined all the periodicals from the town and who traces the anecdote back to A. Ponroy (a friend of Baudelaires who had family in Chfiteauroux), from whom Crepet got it.. Merenre de Fmnce, 148, pp. 281-282. [J20,7] Dandet, in an inspired phrase, speaks of Baudelaire's "trap-door dispositionwhich is also that of Prince Hamlet." Leon Dandet, Les Pelerins d 'Emmmis (Courrier des Pays-Bas, 4) (Paris

Dne Madone is a Baroque statue in a Spanish chapel." Andre <strong>The</strong>rive, Le Par'nasse<br />

(Paris, 1929), p. 101. [J20,5]<br />

<strong>The</strong>rivc finds in Baudelaire certain gaucheries which today one can t help<br />

thinking might be traits of the sublime." Andre <strong>The</strong>rive, Le Parnasse (Paris<br />

1929), p. 99. [J20,6]<br />

In an article entitled Une Anecdote controuvee sur Baudelaire" , in the Fortnightly Review section of the Mercure de<br />

France (May 15, 1921), Baudelaire's alleged sojourn and activity with a conservative<br />

newspaper in Chateauroux is disputed by Ernest Gaubert who examined all<br />

the periodicals from the town and who traces the anecdote back to A. Ponroy (a<br />

friend of Baudelaires who had family in Chfiteauroux), from whom Crepet got it..<br />

Merenre de Fmnce, 148, pp. 281-282. [J20,7]<br />

Dandet, in an inspired phrase, speaks of Baudelaire's "trap-door dispositionwhich<br />

is also that of Prince Hamlet." Leon Dandet, Les Pelerins d 'Emmmis (Courrier<br />

des Pays-Bas, 4) (Paris

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