The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


This This malicious statement statement (which (which comes comes in the wake wake of others) is the equivalent of saying that Paris has been strategically embellished. Well, so be it. ... . . . I do not hesitate to proclaim that strategic embellishments are the most admirable of embellishments." Paris nouveaujuge par unflaneur (Paris, 1868), pp. 21-22. [E4,4] '(,They say that the city of Paris has condemned itself to forced labor, labor, in the sense that, if if it ever ever ceased its various construction construction projects and forced forced its numerous numerous workers to return to their respective provinces, from that day day forward its toll revenues would diminish considerably." Paris nouveau juge par un jlilneur (Paris, (Paris, 1868), p. p. 23. [E4,5] Proposal to link the right to vote for the Paris municipal council to proof of at least fIfteen fIfteen months' months' residence residence in in the the city. city. Part Part of of the the reasoning: reasoning: (,I,If you you examine examine the the matter matter closely, you will soon soon realize that it is precisely during the the agitated, advenadventurousturous, , and and turbulent turbulent period period of his existence that that a a man man resides resides in in Paris." Paris." Paris nouveaujuge nouveaujuge par unflCineur, p. p. 33. [E4,6] (,l,lt is is understood that the follies of the city promote reason of state." Jules Ferry, ComptesJantastiques d'Haussmann (Paris, 1868), p. p. 6. [E4,7] "The concessions, worth hundreds of millions, are apportioned sub rosa. rosa. The principle principle of public public adjudication is set set aside, as is that of cooperation." Ferry, ComptesJantastiques, p. n. [E4a,1] Ferry Ferry analyzes (pp. 21-23 of his ComptesJantastiques) ComptesJantastiques) the the judgments judgments rendered in in cases of expropriation-judgments which, in the course of Haussmann's projects, took on a tendency unfavorable to the city. Following a decree of December 27, 1858--which Ferry regards as merely the normalization of an ancient right, but which which Haussmann Haussmann regards regards as as the the establishment establishment of of a a new new right-the right-the city city was was dedenied the possibility of expropriating in t t.heir . heir entirety properties which lay in the way way of of the the new new arteries. arteries. The The expropriation expropriation was was limited limited to to those those portions portions immediimmediatelyately required required for for the the construction construction of of the the streets. streets. In In this this way, way, the the city city lost lost out out on on the profits it had hoped hoped to make from the sale of remaining plots of land, whose value value was was driven driven up up by by the the construction. construction. [E4a,2} From Haussmann's Haussmann's memorandum memorandum of of December December 11, 11, 1867: 1867: "There "There is is a a deep-rooted deep-rooted and long-standing conviction that the last last two methods of acquisition did not by any means automatically terminate the tenants' occupancy. But the Court of Appeals has ruled, in various decisions spanning spanning the period 1861-1865, 1861-1865, that, vis-avis the city, the judgment requiring the consent of the seller, taken together with the private private contract, has the effect ipso jure of dissolving the lease of the tenants. As As a a consequence, consequence, many many of of the the tenants tenants doing doing business business in in houses houses acquired acquired for for the city by mutual agreement agreement ... ... have have acted to annul annul their leases before the the date of expropriation and have demanded demanded to be be immediately evicted and compen-

This This malicious statement statement (which (which comes comes in the wake wake of others) is the equivalent of<br />

saying that Paris has been strategically embellished. Well, so be it. ... . . . I do not<br />

hesitate to proclaim that strategic embellishments are the most admirable of embellishments."<br />

Paris nouveaujuge par unflaneur (Paris, 1868), pp. 21-22.<br />

[E4,4]<br />

'(,<strong>The</strong>y say that the city of Paris has condemned itself to forced labor, labor, in the sense<br />

that, if if it ever ever ceased its various construction construction projects and forced forced its numerous numerous<br />

workers to return to their respective provinces, from that day day forward its toll<br />

revenues would diminish considerably." Paris nouveau juge par un jlilneur<br />

(Paris, (Paris, 1868), p. p. 23. [E4,5]<br />

Proposal to link the right to vote for the Paris municipal council to proof of at least<br />

fIfteen fIfteen months' months' residence residence in in the the city. city. Part Part of of the the reasoning: reasoning: (,I,If you you examine examine the the<br />

matter matter closely, you will soon soon realize that it is precisely during the the agitated, advenadventurousturous, , and and turbulent turbulent period period of his existence<br />

that that a a man man resides resides in in Paris." Paris."<br />

Paris nouveaujuge nouveaujuge par unflCineur, p. p. 33.<br />

[E4,6]<br />

(,l,lt is is understood that the follies of the city promote reason of state." Jules Ferry,<br />

ComptesJantastiques d'Haussmann (Paris, 1868), p. p. 6. [E4,7]<br />

"<strong>The</strong> concessions, worth hundreds of millions, are apportioned sub rosa. rosa. <strong>The</strong><br />

principle principle of public public adjudication is set set aside, as is that of cooperation." Ferry,<br />

ComptesJantastiques, p. n. [E4a,1]<br />

Ferry Ferry analyzes (pp. 21-23 of his ComptesJantastiques) ComptesJantastiques) the the judgments judgments rendered in in<br />

cases of expropriation-judgments which, in the course of Haussmann's projects,<br />

took on a tendency unfavorable to the city. Following a decree of December 27,<br />

1858--which Ferry regards as merely the normalization of an ancient right, but<br />

which which Haussmann Haussmann regards regards as as the the establishment establishment of of a a new new right-the right-the city city was was dedenied the possibility of expropriating in t t.heir<br />

.<br />

heir entirety properties which lay in the<br />

way way of of the the new new arteries. arteries. <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong> expropriation expropriation was was limited limited to to those those portions portions immediimmediatelyately required required for for the the construction construction of of the the streets. streets. In In this this way, way, the the city city lost lost out out on on<br />

the profits it had hoped hoped to make from the sale of remaining plots of land, whose<br />

value value was was driven driven up up by by the the construction. construction. [E4a,2}<br />

From Haussmann's Haussmann's memorandum memorandum of of December December 11, 11, 1867: 1867: "<strong>The</strong>re "<strong>The</strong>re is is a a deep-rooted<br />

deep-rooted<br />

and long-standing conviction that the last last two methods of acquisition did not by<br />

any means automatically terminate the tenants' occupancy. But the Court of Appeals<br />

has ruled, in various decisions spanning spanning the period 1861-1865, 1861-1865, that, vis-avis<br />

the city, the judgment requiring the consent of the seller, taken together with<br />

the private private contract, has the effect ipso jure of dissolving the lease of the tenants.<br />

As As a a consequence, consequence, many many of of the the tenants tenants doing doing business business in in houses houses acquired acquired for for<br />

the city by mutual agreement agreement ... ... have have acted to annul annul their leases before the the date<br />

of expropriation and have demanded demanded to be be immediately evicted and compen-

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