The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


Galeries de Bois, 39 Galignani, Le, 591 Galimard, Auguste, 685 Gall, Ferdinand von, 41, 106-107, 419, 493 Gallimard, Paul, 295 Gambetta, Leon, 899 Ganeau (Ganneau), 725-726, 807-808, 996 Garnier, Charles, 410, 787 Gastineau, Belanun, 107, 587-588, 766 Gaubert, Emest, 265 Gaudi, Antonio, 993 Gautier, Feli, 295 Gautier,Judith, 269, 294 Gautier, Theophile, 91, 93, 95, 138, 189, 224, 241, 242, 244, 250, 253, 254, 273, 278, 288, 294, 303, 340, 434-435, 524, 585,614, 674, 689-690, 748, 763-764, 773, 886; Baudelarre and, 234, 248, 249, 260, 274, 279, 281-282, 304, 308, 334; on Hugo, 774-775, 778 Gavanu, Paul, 323, 372, 416, 509, 723, 740, 741, 978 Gay,Jules, 623 Gay, Sophie, 217 Gay-Lussac,Joseph, 571 Gazette de France, La, 275, 579, 770 GdIroy, Gustave, 58, 96, 97, 98, 112-113, 142, 231, 232, 238, 289,414, 434, 470, 616,617, 734, 735, 774, 787, 795, 814 Geismar, Eduard, 421 Gelis, Edouard, 420 Genty, Alcide, 715 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne, 310, 758, 762 George, Stefan, 268, 300, 346, 556 Gerard, Gregoire, 822 German Alliance for Workers, 141 Gerstacker, l

Hallays-Dabot, Victor, 695, 706, 789 Hamp, Pierre, 437, 732, 769 Hardekopf, Ferdinand, 104, 830 Harmel, Maurice, 624 Hase, Carl Benedict, 490 Hauranne, Duvergier dc, 323 Hauser, KasPaI 844, 878 Hauser, Henri, 181 HaUSSmaIlI1, Georges Eugene, Baron, 11-15, 23- 25, 89, 91, 120-122, 125-127, 130, 132, 133, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144-149, 161, 245, 400, 524, 699, 790, 793, 796, 798, 877, 897, 901, 903- 905, 913, 914, 937 Haussmann, lvIadame, 132 Haussoullier, William, 300 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 234., 281 Hcbel,Johann Peter, 101, 118 Hebert,Jacques, 618 Hegel, G, W. E, 13, 17, 347, 451-452, 469, 483, 485, 546, 576, 624, 638, 653, 667, 668, 725, 733, 779, 815, 839, 867, 898, 912, 917, 935, 937, 945 Heideggcr, Martin, 462, 472, 545, 857, 983, 990 Heine, Heinrich, 51, 235, 243, 288, 298, 331, 451, 597, 600, 602, 611, 616, 626, 724-725 Heine, '1110111as, 551 Hello, Ernest, 292, 383-384 Helmersen,Joachim von, 219 Hennebique, Franois, 559 Hennings, Enuuy, 104, 830 Henri IV, 970 Hennot, G., 41, 433, 563 Herault de Sechelles, MarieJean, 674 Heritier, Louis, 578 Herschel, SirJohn, 630, 632, 998 Hersent, Guerinon. 121 Henvegh, Georg, 724 Hess. Moses, 615 Hessel, Franz, 87, 213, 492, 87l, 919, 922, 930, 960, 1011, 1013 HeYlll, Georg, 316, 317, 356-357 Hicp, Nguyen Trong, 3 Hirsch, Charles-Henry, 293 Hirschmann, Albert, 952 Hitler, Adolf, 9411- HitlornJacques, 154,527 Hobbes, Thomas, 250 Hoddis,Jakob van, 101 Holfmann, E. T. A., 272, 277, 425-426, 451, 866, 970 Hofmannslhal, Hugo VOll, 83, ,U6, 417, 547, 777, 860, 880, 882 Hogarth, William, 7l, 238, 853 Iiolbach, Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron, 573 Holbein, Hans, 376 FWlderlin, Friedrich, 1179 Holitscher, Arthur, 257 Honegger,J.J,, 122 Horace, 286, 762 Horkheimer, Max, 386, 471, 803, 873, 930, 937, 957, 1014 Houssaye, Arsene, 95, 138, 196, 279, 399, 764, 773 Hugo, G, 136 Hugo, Victor, 23, 101, 119, 225, 228, 234, 244, 260, 261, 273, 293, 297, 303, 304, 306, 309, 321, 338, 340, 370, 371, 536, 556, 695, 723, 756, 773, 808, 894; allegory in the works of, 272, 292, 302, 319-320; Baudelaire and, 261, 278,283, 755, 756; Baudelaire on, 228, 235, 236, 250, 264, 269, 270, 313, 333; characterizations, 679-770, 739, 767, 771; criticism of, 7l2, 753-754, 756, 759, 774-776; on the crowd and the individual, 268, 269, 285-286, 292, 333, 334, 754-755; drawings and poetry by, 524, 753, 77l; exile, 334; on monumenls of Pmis, 523; obituaries, 522, 746; Paris and, 91, 411-412, 434, 442, 469,522; personality, 778; politics of, 370, 748, 749, 756, 765, 769-770, 775, 899; on the press, 679; publishing income, 757, 771; social criticism, 444-445, 745, 902, WORKS: L'Annee terrible, 469, 482; L'Annee terrible: Les Pre(;1(/"Jeurs, 620; HAnniversaire de la revolution de 1848," 746; 'Apotheoses;' 372; 'A l'Arc de Triomphc," 92, 93-95, 147; "La Caravaue," 292; "Ce gu'on entend sur la montagne," 270; "Ce qui se passait aux Feuillantines," 796; "Cerigo," 378; ILs Cluilill/ellts, 292, 372; "Les Chutes: F1euves et poetes," 302; Les Contemplatiolls, 226, 378, 555, 775; "Desinteressement," 302; "r.;Epopee du vel; " 253; "Les Fantomes;' 24-3, 270; La Fin de SataN, 99- 100, 472; Hemam 775; "Un Homme aux yeux profonds passait," 301; "Llntestin de Leviathan," 412; La Legmde des siecles, 301- 302; LeJ Misirabfes, 90, 92, 195,313, 411-412, 415,416, 424,434, 444-445, 522, 525, 610, 679, 718-719, 754, 757, 759, 763, 766-767, 769, 797, 978; NiJtre-Dame de Pa ris, 165, 776, 836; Oeuvn's dwilies,' Poesie, 301; Oeuvres clw/JieJ: Pohies et drames t'Jl vel'J, 294; Oeuvres (oJ!1j)fdes, 92, 93, 95, Hi5, 195, 286, 292,411-412,415, 525, 719; Lt's Orinda!eJ, 243; Paris, 698; "La Pcnte de la reverie," 285-286; Ro[([mbole, 754; Le Roi s'amu.>e, 775; "To the Peoples of Europe" manifesto, 8, 181; Les 'lravailleun de fll lllt'!; 775; William Slwkt'Jj)eare, 749, 776 Huizinga,Johan, 210, 376, 402, 481-482, 966 Humboldt, Alexander von, 175 Humboldt, 'Wilhelm von, 472 Hunt, H.J, 650, 777, 778 Huxley, Aldous, 402 Huygens, Christian, 821 Huysmans,Joris-Karl, 292, 426, 497, 695, 905 Ibsen, Henrik, 9, 360, 551, 556, 794, 865, 961 Illustratioll, L; 790 InddjJe!uiant, L; (Brussels), 5011

Hallays-Dabot, Victor, 695, 706, 789<br />

Hamp, Pierre, 437, 732, 769<br />

Hardekopf, Ferdinand, 104, 830<br />

Harmel, Maurice, 624<br />

Hase, Carl Benedict, 490<br />

Hauranne, Duvergier dc, 323<br />

Hauser, KasPaI 844, 878<br />

Hauser, Henri, 181<br />

HaUSSmaIlI1, Georges Eugene, Baron, 11-15, 23-<br />

25, 89, 91, 120-122, 125-127, 130, 132, 133,<br />

138, 141, 142, 143, 144-149, 161, 245, 400,<br />

524, 699, 790, 793, 796, 798, 877, 897, 901, 903-<br />

905, 913, 914, 937<br />

Haussmann, lvIadame, 132<br />

Haussoullier, William, 300<br />

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 234., 281<br />

Hcbel,Johann Peter, 101, 118<br />

Hebert,Jacques, 618<br />

Hegel, G, W. E, 13, 17, 347, 451-452, 469, 483,<br />

485, 546, 576, 624, 638, 653, 667, 668, 725,<br />

733, 779, 815, 839, 867, 898, 912, 917, 935, 937,<br />

945<br />

Heideggcr, Martin, 462, 472, 545, 857, 983, 990<br />

Heine, Heinrich, 51, 235, 243, 288, 298, 331,<br />

451, 597, 600, 602, 611, 616, 626, 724-725<br />

Heine, '1110111as, 551<br />

Hello, Ernest, 292, 383-384<br />

Helmersen,Joachim von, 219<br />

Hennebique, Franois, 559<br />

Hennings, Enuuy, 104, 830<br />

Henri IV, 970<br />

Hennot, G., 41, 433, 563<br />

Herault de Sechelles, MarieJean, 674<br />

Heritier, Louis, 578<br />

Herschel, SirJohn, 630, 632, 998<br />

Hersent, Guerinon. 121<br />

Henvegh, Georg, 724<br />

Hess. Moses, 615<br />

Hessel, Franz, 87, 213, 492, 87l, 919, 922, 930,<br />

960, 1011, 1013<br />

HeYlll, Georg, 316, 317, 356-357<br />

Hicp, Nguyen Trong, 3<br />

Hirsch, Charles-Henry, 293<br />

Hirschmann, Albert, 952<br />

Hitler, Adolf, 9411-<br />

HitlornJacques, 154,527<br />

Hobbes, Thomas, 250<br />

Hoddis,Jakob van, 101<br />

Holfmann, E. T. A., 272, 277, 425-426, 451, 866,<br />

970<br />

Hofmannslhal, Hugo VOll, 83, ,U6, 417, 547, 777,<br />

860, 880, 882<br />

Hogarth, William, 7l, 238, 853<br />

Iiolbach, Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron, 573<br />

Holbein, Hans, 376<br />

FWlderlin, Friedrich, 1179<br />

Holitscher, Arthur, 257<br />

Honegger,J.J,, 122<br />

Horace, 286, 762<br />

Horkheimer, Max, 386, 471, 803, 873, 930, 937,<br />

957, 1014<br />

Houssaye, Arsene, 95, 138, 196, 279, 399, 764,<br />

773<br />

Hugo, G, 136<br />

Hugo, Victor, 23, 101, 119, 225, 228, 234, 244,<br />

260, 261, 273, 293, 297, 303, 304, 306, 309,<br />

321, 338, 340, 370, 371, 536, 556, 695, 723,<br />

756, 773, 808, 894; allegory in the works of,<br />

272, 292, 302, 319-320; Baudelaire and, 261,<br />

278,283, 755, 756; Baudelaire on, 228, 235,<br />

236, 250, 264, 269, 270, 313, 333; characterizations,<br />

679-770, 739, 767, 771; criticism of,<br />

7l2, 753-754, 756, 759, 774-776; on the crowd<br />

and the individual, 268, 269, 285-286, 292,<br />

333, 334, 754-755; drawings and poetry by,<br />

524, 753, 77l; exile, 334; on monumenls of<br />

Pmis, 523; obituaries, 522, 746; Paris and, 91,<br />

411-412, 434, 442, 469,522; personality, 778;<br />

politics of, 370, 748, 749, 756, 765, 769-770,<br />

775, 899; on the press, 679; publishing income,<br />

757, 771; social criticism, 444-445, 745, 902,<br />

WORKS: L'Annee terrible, 469, 482; L'Annee terrible:<br />

Les Pre(;1(/"Jeurs, 620; HAnniversaire de la<br />

revolution de 1848," 746; 'Apotheoses;' 372;<br />

'A l'Arc de Triomphc," 92, 93-95, 147; "La<br />

Caravaue," 292; "Ce gu'on entend sur la montagne,"<br />

270; "Ce qui se passait aux Feuillantines,"<br />

796; "Cerigo," 378; ILs Cluilill/ellts, 292,<br />

372; "Les Chutes: F1euves et poetes," 302; Les<br />

Contemplatiolls, 226, 378, 555, 775; "Desinteressement,"<br />

302; "r.;Epopee du vel; " 253;<br />

"Les Fantomes;' 24-3, 270; La Fin de SataN, 99-<br />

100, 472; Hemam 775; "Un Homme aux yeux<br />

profonds passait," 301; "Llntestin de<br />

Leviathan," 412; La Legmde des siecles, 301-<br />

302; LeJ Misirabfes, 90, 92, 195,313, 411-412,<br />

415,416, 424,434, 444-445, 522, 525, 610,<br />

679, 718-719, 754, 757, 759, 763, 766-767, 769,<br />

797, 978; NiJtre-Dame de Pa ris, 165, 776, 836;<br />

Oeuvn's dwilies,' Poesie, 301; Oeuvres clw/JieJ:<br />

Pohies et drames t'Jl vel'J, 294; Oeuvres (oJ!1j)fdes,<br />

92, 93, 95, Hi5, 195, 286, 292,411-412,415,<br />

525, 719; Lt's Orinda!eJ, 243; Paris, 698; "La<br />

Pcnte de la reverie," 285-286; Ro[([mbole, 754;<br />

Le Roi s'amu.>e, 775; "To the Peoples of Europe"<br />

manifesto, 8, 181; Les 'lravailleun de fll lllt'!;<br />

775; William Slwkt'Jj)eare, 749, 776<br />

Huizinga,Johan, 210, 376, 402, 481-482, 966<br />

Humboldt, Alexander von, 175<br />

Humboldt, 'Wilhelm von, 472<br />

Hunt, H.J, 650, 777, 778<br />

Huxley, Aldous, 402<br />

Huygens, Christian, 821<br />

Huysmans,Joris-Karl, 292, 426, 497, 695, 905<br />

Ibsen, Henrik, 9, 360, 551, 556, 794, 865, 961<br />

Illustratioll, L; 790<br />

InddjJe!uiant, L; (Brussels), 5011

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