The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


Degas, Edgar, 688 D'Eichthal, Gustave, 397-398 De1acroix, Eugene, 239, 277, 279, 299, 301, 318, 554, 678, 759 De1aroche, Paul, 678 Dclatouche, Hyacinthe, 288 Delatour, A.-G., 680 De1escluze, Louis Charles, 790, 792 Dclord, Taxile, 92, 753, 782-783 Dclvau, Alfred, 45, 84, 177, 179, 191, 240, 429,

Escholier, Raymond, 225, 429, 442, 773, 775 Esmenard,joseph-Alphonse, 758 Espezel, Pierre d', 41, 42, 89, 107, 129, 131-133, 158,161, 179, 180, 410,424,494,520, 548, 565, 572-573, 574, 603, 604, 673, 699, 700, 796, 799 Etoile, L; 770 Etzel, Karl von, 853 Eugenie, Empress of .France, 284, 408 Euler, Leonhard, 821 Evenement, L; 770, 775 Fabien,Jacques, 66, 136, 410, 567, 836 Faguet, Emile, 274, 278, 306, 307, 364 Falke,Jacob, 151-152, 216 Fanfernot,julie, 597 Fargue, Uon-Paul, 57 Favras, marquis de, 564, 836 February Revolution, 12, 23, 55, 123, 177, 230, 566, 574, 592, 604, 605, 608, 699, 701, 703, 708, 711, 712, 713, 724-725, 728, 729, 731, 736, 744, 767, 781, 817, 967, 995 Filix, Eli,. (Rachel), 837 r"'tuari,Joseph, 629, 630, 631 :Ferry, Gabriel, 771 Ferry,Jule" 125, 130-131, 133,863 Feuerbach, Ludwig, 485, 576, 667, 903 Feudldoll desjoumaux politiques, Le, 754, 756 reval, Paul, 441, 771 Fichte,johann Gottlieb, 469, 725, 779 Hdus (Hugo H6ppener), 353, 557 Heschi, Giuseppe, 192,964 Figaro, Le, 141, 274, 278, 279, 280, 288, 297, 310, 591, 766, 972, 1004 Figuier, Guillaume Louis, 677, 684-685 Fineliere, A. de la, 297, 303 Fischer, Hugo, 210, 468, 653-655 Fittko, Lisa, 946 F1achat, Eugene, 153, 154 F1ambart, Paul, 305 Flrineur, Le, 448 F1aubert, Gustave, 237, 251, 274, 287, 354, 394" 448, 449, 481, 713, 741-743, 768, 806, 904, 908 F1eury, Elise, 716 F1ocon, Ferdinand, 728, 729 Flotte, Etienne-Gaston, baron de, 277, 293, 586 Flourens, Pierre, 790 Focillon, Henri, 80, 487-488, 945 Fontaine, P. 1". L., 91 Fontanes, Louis de, 821 Ford, Henry, 904 Formige,Jean Camille, 180 Foucaud, Edouard, 46, 75, 163, 222, 350, 411, 711,819 Fougere, Henry, 186, 187, 710, 818 Fouquet, Friedrich de La Motte, 352 Fourcroy, Antoine, 412, 674, 821 }"'ourier, Charles, 8, 20, 57, 78, 141, 142, 182, 198- 199,241, 277, 298, 343, 350, 380, 511, 576, 582, 591, 631, 633, 649, 695, 732-734, 736, 743, 770, 777, 784-785, 903, 905, 916, 937; a,­ trological speculation (theory of planets), 621- 622, 623-624, 628, 630-632, 634, 636-637, 638-639, 639-640, 643, 904; on bourgeoisie and class struggle, 626, 627, 667; economic analysis, 620, 625, 627-628; futurist philoso­ phy, 621-622; conception of Han no ny, 16, 44, 78, 634, 638-643, 645-648, 649; hierarchy of children, 45, 640-641, 643-644; industrial­ passion theory, 624, 629; number mysticism, 16, 629-630, 638; Saint-Simonianism and, 635, 650; socialist ideal, 624, 626; on street galleries and arcades, 5, 16-17, 42, 44, 629, 647, 910, 914, 915; utopian community (phalanx, phalan­ "ery), 5, 16-17, 44-45, 58, 3'12, 361, 572, 620, 622, 624, 625, 626, 629-631, 630, 633, 637, 638, 639, 642, 643, 645, 648, 650, 894, 901, 906, 912; on women and feminism, 620-621, 632, 814 Fournel, Victor, 51, 108, 146, 147, 223, 400-401, 402, 429, 431, 523, 680-681 Fournier, Edouard, 56, 140, 414, 434, 525, 568- 569, 685, 741, 798 Fournier, Marc, 32 Fraenkel, Fritz, 947 Fraisse, Armand, 275, 322 France, Anatole, 259, 499, 512, 543, 545, 74,1, 841, 846, 866,983 Francesco, Grete de, 655 F,ank, Philipp, 484 Fran!ifUrter Zeitung, 557 Franklin, Benjamin, 582, 995 Franz, Rodolf, 625 Fregier, Honon-Antoine, 382, 468, 703-704, 713, 738 Freud, Sigmund, 402-403, 510, 511, ,54,0, 908 Freund, Cajetan, 297 Freund, GiselalGisele, 46, 131, 222, 552, 553, 585, 673, 675, 676-678, 687, 774, 780, 888,889 Fricdell, Egon, 70-71, 75, 163, 428,565, 585, 587, 682, 756 Friedmann, Georges, 110, 436, 654 Friedrich Wilhelm III, 206 Fuchs, Eduard, 76, 77-78, 81, 507, 613, 723, 740, 741, 784, 787, 809 Fuller, Francis, 162 Fuller, Loie, 551 Fulton, Robert, 535, 536, 631, 992 Fumet, Stanislas, 303 Fustel de Coulanges, NUl1la Denis, 472, 475 Gaillard, Napoleon, 143 Galerie de l'Horloge, 48 Galerie des Machines, 160, 161, 180, 198 Galerie d'Orieans, 39, 42 Galerie du Barol1letre, 48

Escholier, Raymond, 225, 429, 442, 773, 775<br />

Esmenard,joseph-Alphonse, 758<br />

Espezel, Pierre d', 41, 42, 89, 107, 129, 131-133,<br />

158,161, 179, 180, 410,424,494,520, 548,<br />

565, 572-573, 574, 603, 604, 673, 699, 700,<br />

796, 799<br />

Etoile, L; 770<br />

Etzel, Karl von, 853<br />

Eugenie, Empress of .France, 284, 408<br />

Euler, Leonhard, 821<br />

Evenement, L; 770, 775<br />

Fabien,Jacques, 66, 136, 410, 567, 836<br />

Faguet, Emile, 274, 278, 306, 307, 364<br />

Falke,Jacob, 151-152, 216<br />

Fanfernot,julie, 597<br />

Fargue, Uon-Paul, 57<br />

Favras, marquis de, 564, 836<br />

February Revolution, 12, 23, 55, 123, 177, 230,<br />

566, 574, 592, 604, 605, 608, 699, 701, 703,<br />

708, 711, 712, 713, 724-725, 728, 729, 731,<br />

736, 744, 767, 781, 817, 967, 995<br />

Filix, Eli,. (Rachel), 837<br />

r"'tuari,Joseph, 629, 630, 631<br />

:Ferry, Gabriel, 771<br />

Ferry,Jule" 125, 130-131, 133,863<br />

Feuerbach, Ludwig, 485, 576, 667, 903<br />

Feudldoll desjoumaux politiques, Le, 754, 756<br />

reval, Paul, 441, 771<br />

Fichte,johann Gottlieb, 469, 725, 779<br />

Hdus (Hugo H6ppener), 353, 557<br />

Heschi, Giuseppe, 192,964<br />

Figaro, Le, 141, 274, 278, 279, 280, 288, 297, 310,<br />

591, 766, 972, 1004<br />

Figuier, Guillaume Louis, 677, 684-685<br />

Fineliere, A. de la, 297, 303<br />

Fischer, Hugo, 210, 468, 653-655<br />

Fittko, Lisa, 946<br />

F1achat, Eugene, 153, 154<br />

F1ambart, Paul, 305<br />

Flrineur, Le, 448<br />

F1aubert, Gustave, 237, 251, 274, 287, 354, 394"<br />

448, 449, 481, 713, 741-743, 768, 806, 904, 908<br />

F1eury, Elise, 716<br />

F1ocon, Ferdinand, 728, 729<br />

Flotte, Etienne-Gaston, baron de, 277, 293, 586<br />

Flourens, Pierre, 790<br />

Focillon, Henri, 80, 487-488, 945<br />

Fontaine, P. 1". L., 91<br />

Fontanes, Louis de, 821<br />

Ford, Henry, 904<br />

Formige,Jean Camille, 180<br />

Foucaud, Edouard, 46, 75, 163, 222, 350, 411,<br />

711,819<br />

Fougere, Henry, 186, 187, 710, 818<br />

Fouquet, Friedrich de La Motte, 352<br />

Fourcroy, Antoine, 412, 674, 821<br />

}"'ourier, Charles, 8, 20, 57, 78, 141, 142, 182, 198-<br />

199,241, 277, 298, 343, 350, 380, 511, 576,<br />

582, 591, 631, 633, 649, 695, 732-734, 736,<br />

743, 770, 777, 784-785, 903, 905, 916, 937; a,­<br />

trological speculation (theory of planets), 621-<br />

622, 623-624, 628, 630-632, 634, 636-637,<br />

638-639, 639-640, 643, 904; on bourgeoisie<br />

and class struggle, 626, 627, 667; economic<br />

analysis, 620, 625, 627-628; futurist philoso­<br />

phy, 621-622; conception of Han no ny, 16, 44,<br />

78, 634, 638-643, 645-648, 649; hierarchy of<br />

children, 45, 640-641, 643-644; industrial­<br />

passion theory, 624, 629; number mysticism,<br />

16, 629-630, 638; Saint-Simonianism and, 635,<br />

650; socialist ideal, 624, 626; on street galleries<br />

and arcades, 5, 16-17, 42, 44, 629, 647, 910,<br />

914, 915; utopian community (phalanx, phalan­<br />

"ery), 5, 16-17, 44-45, 58, 3'12, 361, 572, 620,<br />

622, 624, 625, 626, 629-631, 630, 633, 637,<br />

638, 639, 642, 643, 645, 648, 650, 894, 901,<br />

906, 912; on women and feminism, 620-621,<br />

632, 814<br />

Fournel, Victor, 51, 108, 146, 147, 223, 400-401,<br />

402, 429, 431, 523, 680-681<br />

Fournier, Edouard, 56, 140, 414, 434, 525, 568-<br />

569, 685, 741, 798<br />

Fournier, Marc, 32<br />

Fraenkel, Fritz, 947<br />

Fraisse, Armand, 275, 322<br />

France, Anatole, 259, 499, 512, 543, 545, 74,1,<br />

841, 846, 866,983<br />

Francesco, Grete de, 655<br />

F,ank, Philipp, 484<br />

Fran!ifUrter Zeitung, 557<br />

Franklin, Benjamin, 582, 995<br />

Franz, Rodolf, 625<br />

Fregier, Honon-Antoine, 382, 468, 703-704, 713,<br />

738<br />

Freud, Sigmund, 402-403, 510, 511, ,54,0, 908<br />

Freund, Cajetan, 297<br />

Freund, GiselalGisele, 46, 131, 222, 552, 553,<br />

585, 673, 675, 676-678, 687, 774, 780, 888,889<br />

Fricdell, Egon, 70-71, 75, 163, 428,565, 585, 587,<br />

682, 756<br />

Friedmann, Georges, 110, 436, 654<br />

Friedrich Wilhelm III, 206<br />

Fuchs, Eduard, 76, 77-78, 81, 507, 613, 723, 740,<br />

741, 784, 787, 809<br />

Fuller, Francis, 162<br />

Fuller, Loie, 551<br />

Fulton, Robert, 535, 536, 631, 992<br />

Fumet, Stanislas, 303<br />

Fustel de Coulanges, NUl1la Denis, 472, 475<br />

Gaillard, Napoleon, 143<br />

Galerie de l'Horloge, 48<br />

Galerie des Machines, 160, 161, 180, 198<br />

Galerie d'Orieans, 39, 42<br />

Galerie du Barol1letre, 48

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