The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


laire and Rimbaud. Author of Umbra vitae (1912). Drowned while trying to save a friend. Hittorff,Jacques (1792-1867). Government architect in Paris Ii·om 1830. Built the Gare du Nord and other public and private buildings. Hoddis, Jakob van. Pseudonym of Hans Davidsohn (1887-1942), expressionist poet. Author of Wellende (1911). Holbach, Baron Paul-Henri Thiry (1723-1789). German-born French materialist philosopher. Author of Le Chrislianisme devoile (1761), Le Sysleme de la nalure (1770), Le Polilique nalurdle (1773). Homais. Freethinking provincial phannacist in Haubert's Madame Bovary (1857). Honfleur. Port on the Nonnandy coast where Baudelaire's stepfather bought a house on a clifftop in 1855. Hotel de Ville. Paris city hall. H8tel-Dieu. Famous hospital in Paris, first established in the twelfth century near Notre­ Dame. It burned down in 1772, was rebuilt, and dlcn was torn down during the Second Empire. A new Hotel-Dieu was built 1868-1878. Houssaye, Arsene (1814-1896). Man of letters; manager of the Comedic Fran

Jehuda Uudah) ben Halevy (ca. 1085-ca. 1140).Jewish poet and philosopher, born in To ledo, Spain. Died on a pilgrimage toJerusalem. Joel, Charlotte. Wife of ErnstJoCl, an old friend of Benjanain's from the youth movement days and later a physician in Berlin, who supervised Benjamin's experiments with hashish. Joubert, Joseph (1754-1824). Thinker and moralist; associate of Diderot and Chateaubriand. He took part in the first period of the Revolution as a justice of the peace in his hometown, Montignac, but withdrew from politics in 1792. His Rmsees) culled from his journals, were lirst published in 1838. JoufIroy d'Abbans, marquis Claude (175 1-1832). Engineer. A pioneer in steam naviga· tion. Journal des debats politiques et littiraires. Daily newspaper founded in Paris in 1789. Advocated views of the government during the July Monarchy. Journet,Jean (1799-1861). Fourierist missionary and poet who gave up his pharmacy to wander for over twenty years, with knapsack and simple garb, preaching a doctrine of passional individualism. Photographed by Nadar. Jugendstil. A style of architectural, figurative, and applied art that flourished in the last decade of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth. Connected with Art Nouveau. In Germany, where it was known at first as the "modern style" and the "decorative movement," it was led by August Endell and Henry van de Velde. Mter 1896, it was associated with the periodical Die Jugend (Youth). It played an important part in exhibitions of applied art at Wassily Kandinsky's Phalanx society, beginning in 1901. It signified not only a crossing of the cultural ban-ier separating "higher" from "lower" arts, but an educational movement intent on reslTUcturing the human environ­ ment. Le Jui! errant (The WanderingJ ew). Novel by Eugene Sue, published 1844-1845. Julian (Flavius Claudius Julianus, known as 'Julian the Apostate" ; 331-363). Roman emperor and aucilOr. Jullien, Louis (1812-1860). French composer and musical director. July Days. See July Revolution. July Ordinances. Issued by Charles X and his ultra ministers onJuly 26, 1830, these ordinances dissolved the newly elected Chamber, restricted suffrage, and abolished liberty of the press. AlUlUlled onJuly 30, one day before Louis Philippe and Lafayette, wrapped in a tricolO1 embraced on the balcony of the Hotel de Ville, as the crowd cheered. July Revolution. To ok place July 27-29, 1830, against Charles X. Led to the proclama· tion of Louis Philippe as "Citizen King" (July Monarchy) . June Insurrection. The so·calledJune Days (June 23-26, 1848), when workers in Paris, after the dissolution of the National Wo rkshops, were joined by students and artisans in spontaneous demonstrations against the newly elected conservative majority. Sup­ pressed in bloody battles on the barricades. Karr, Alphonse (1808-1890). Journalist and novelist; editor of Le Figaro (1839), and founder of the satirical review Les Guepes. Author of Voyage autour de monjatdin (1845). Kautsky, Karl (1854-1938). German socialist writer; secretary to Engels in London (1881). Editor of Die neue Zeit (1883-1917). He opposed Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution. Keller, Gottfried (1819-1890). Swiss German·language poet and novelist, who published his lirst poems in 1846. Author of De,. griine Heinndl (1854-1855), Martin Salander (1886), and other works. Subject of all important essay of 1927 by BeIamin. Kircher, Athanasius (1601-1680). GennanJesuit scholar who taught mathematics and

Jehuda Uudah) ben Halevy (ca. 1085-ca. 1140).Jewish poet and philosopher, born in<br />

To ledo, Spain. Died on a pilgrimage toJerusalem.<br />

Joel, Charlotte. Wife of ErnstJoCl, an old friend of Benjanain's from the youth movement<br />

days and later a physician in Berlin, who supervised Benjamin's experiments with<br />

hashish.<br />

Joubert, Joseph (1754-1824). Thinker and moralist; associate of Diderot and<br />

Chateaubriand. He took part in the first period of the Revolution as a justice of the<br />

peace in his hometown, Montignac, but withdrew from politics in 1792. His Rmsees)<br />

culled from his journals, were lirst published in 1838.<br />

JoufIroy d'Abbans, marquis Claude (175 1-1832). Engineer. A pioneer in steam naviga·<br />

tion.<br />

Journal des debats politiques et littiraires. Daily newspaper founded in Paris in 1789.<br />

Advocated views of the government during the July Monarchy.<br />

Journet,Jean (1799-1861). Fourierist missionary and poet who gave up his pharmacy to<br />

wander for over twenty years, with knapsack and simple garb, preaching a doctrine of<br />

passional individualism. Photographed by Nadar.<br />

Jugendstil. A style of architectural, figurative, and applied art that flourished in the last<br />

decade of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth. Connected with<br />

Art Nouveau. In Germany, where it was known at first as the "modern style" and the<br />

"decorative movement," it was led by August Endell and Henry van de Velde. Mter<br />

1896, it was associated with the periodical Die Jugend (Youth). It played an important<br />

part in exhibitions of applied art at Wassily Kandinsky's Phalanx society, beginning in<br />

1901. It signified not only a crossing of the cultural ban-ier separating "higher" from<br />

"lower" arts, but an educational movement intent on reslTUcturing the human environ­<br />

ment.<br />

Le Jui! errant (<strong>The</strong> WanderingJ ew). Novel by Eugene Sue, published 1844-1845.<br />

Julian (Flavius Claudius Julianus, known as 'Julian the Apostate" ; 331-363). Roman<br />

emperor and aucilOr.<br />

Jullien, Louis (1812-1860). French composer and musical director.<br />

July Days. See July Revolution.<br />

July Ordinances. Issued by Charles X and his ultra ministers onJuly 26, 1830, these<br />

ordinances dissolved the newly elected Chamber, restricted suffrage, and abolished<br />

liberty of the press. AlUlUlled onJuly 30, one day before Louis Philippe and Lafayette,<br />

wrapped in a tricolO1 embraced on the balcony of the Hotel de Ville, as the crowd<br />

cheered.<br />

July Revolution. To ok place July 27-29, 1830, against Charles X. Led to the proclama·<br />

tion of Louis Philippe as "Citizen King" (July Monarchy) .<br />

June Insurrection. <strong>The</strong> so·calledJune Days (June 23-26, 1848), when workers in Paris,<br />

after the dissolution of the National Wo rkshops, were joined by students and artisans in<br />

spontaneous demonstrations against the newly elected conservative majority. Sup­<br />

pressed in bloody battles on the barricades.<br />

Karr, Alphonse (1808-1890). Journalist and novelist; editor of Le Figaro (1839), and<br />

founder of the satirical review Les Guepes. Author of Voyage autour de monjatdin (1845).<br />

Kautsky, Karl (1854-1938). German socialist writer; secretary to Engels in London<br />

(1881). Editor of Die neue Zeit (1883-1917). He opposed Bolshevism and the Russian<br />

Revolution.<br />

Keller, Gottfried (1819-1890). Swiss German·language poet and novelist, who published<br />

his lirst poems in 1846. Author of De,. griine Heinndl (1854-1855), Martin Salander<br />

(1886), and other works. Subject of all important essay of 1927 by BeIamin.<br />

Kircher, Athanasius (1601-1680). GennanJesuit scholar who taught mathematics and

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