The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


Flotte, Etienne-Gaston, baron de (1805-1882). Catholic royalist poet and writer from Marseilles who was the author of an essay on the literature of his city. F1ourens, Pierre (1794-1867). French physiologist; professor at the College de France. Author of De l'Instinct et de I 'intelligence des animaux (1841). Fontaine, Pierre (1762-1853). Chief architect for Napoleon. Retained the favor of Louis XVIII and Louis Philippe. Fontanares. Hero of Balzac's play Les Ressources de Qyinola (1842), set in the sixteenth century. Fontanes, Louis de (1757-1821). Writer and statesman. President of the Corps Legislatif (1804); senator (1810); member of the privy council under Louis XVIII. Ford, Henry (1863-1947). American automobile manufacturer Introduccd profit sharing in the Ford Motor Company (1914). Formige,Jean Camille (1845-1926). French architect. Fouque, Friedrich de La Motte (1777-1843). German romantic writer. Author of thc popular fairy tale [hzdi"e (1811), which was set to music by E. T. A. Hoffmann. Fouquet,Jean (1416?-1480). French painter at the court of Louis XI. Known especially for his illumination of Livres d'heures. Fourcroy, Antoine (1755-1809). Chemist. Co-author, with Antoine Lavoisiel; of Mit/lOde de nomenclature chimique (1787). Fourier, Charles (1772-1837). French social theorist and refomler who advocated a cooperative organization of society into comnmuities of producers known as phalansteries. Author of Theone des qualre mouvements (1808), 'Fraite de I'association agricole domestique (1822), Le Nouveau Monde industn·el (1829-1830), La Fau.rse Iudustrie morcelie (1835-1836). Fournier, Marc (1818-1879). Swiss joumalist and author; in Paris from 1838. Director of the Theatre de la Porte de Saint-Martin (1851), for which he 'wrote many popular dramas in the 1850s. Fraisse, Armand (1830-1877). Critic and joumalist working out of Lyons. Admirer of Baudelaire's poems. France, Anatole. Pseudonym of Jacques Thibault (1844-1924), saciTical novelist, critic, poet, and playwright. Author of Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard (1881); and of an Histoire contemj)oraine, including the volumes Ie Mannequin dJOsier (1897) and Monsieur Bergeret a Paris (1901). Franois I (1494-1547). King of France (1515-1547). His reign was marked by a Renais· sance of the arts . Frederick III (1831-1888). Opponent of Bismarck; patron of literature and science. Succeeded his father, Wilhelm I, on March 9, 1888, but died of cancer after three months. Fregier, HonoreAntoine (1789-1860). Police officer. Author of Des Classes dangereuses (1840). Der Freischiih. Opera by Carl Maria von Weber (1821). Fuller, Laie (1862-1928). American dancer who achieved international acclain1 through her innovations in theatrical lighting and her invention of the "serpentine" dance (1889), involving lengths of silk manipulated under colored lights. Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis (1830:-1889). French historian; specialist in ancient and medieval history. Gambetta, Leon (1838-1882). Lawyer; leader of the opposition to Napoleon Ill. Es· caped Paris by balloon during the FrancoPrussian war. Premier of France (1881- 1882). Ganeau (or Ganneau) (1805-1851). Sculptor and pamphleteer who, around 1835,

founded the religion known as Evadamism (Eve + Adam), which called for the nlSion of the sexes. To ok the name Ie Mapah (mater + pater), and sent his androgynous sculptures to politicians. Gautier,Judith (1850-1917), Poet and novelist; daughter of Theophile Gautier. Author of Richard Wagner (1882) and Flew's d'Grien! (1893). Gautier, Theophile (1811-1872). French man ofletters. A leader of the Parnassians. Gavarni, Paul. Pseudonym of Sulpice Chevalier (1804-1866), French illustrator and caricaturist, best knmvn for his sketches of Parisian life. Gavroche. Character in Les Miserables (part Iv, book 6). Gay,Jules (1807-1876). French utopian comrmmist. Gay-Lussac,Joseph (1778-1850). French chemist and physicist. Geffroy, Gustave (1855-1926). Parisian journalist and novelist; art critic for La Justice. Wrote biographies of Charles Meryon and Louis-Augnste Blanqui. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne (1772-1844). Freneh naturalist who propounded a sin­ gle type of stmcture throughout the animal kingdom. Violently opposed by Georges Cuvier. Gerard, Franois (1770-1837). French historical and portrait painter. Gerstacker, Friedrich (1816-1872). German tTaveicr and author of adventure stories often set in North America. Gervex, Henri (1852-1929). Freneh painter, identified with the Impressionist school. Gervinus, Georg (1805-1871). German historian. Giedion, Sigfcied (1888-1968). Swiss art historian. First secretary of the Congres Inter­ nationale d'Architecture Mademe (1928). Professor at Harvard from 1938. Author of Batten in Frallkreich (1928). Girardin, Emile de (1806-1881). Inaugnrated low-priced journalism with Iris editorship of La Presse (1836-1856, 1862-1866), at an lliIDUal subscription rate of forty francs. Member of the Chamber of Deputies (1834-1851; 1877-1881). Girardin, Mme. Delphine (1804-1855). Writing under the pseudonym Charles de Launay, she published novels, comedies, verse, and a series entitled LettreJ Par£­ Jlennes. Gi'quet (1792-1866). Prefect of Pari, police 1831-1836. Le Globe. Important Parisian newspaper founded and edited by Piene Leroux in 1824; became the organ of Saint-Simonianism in 1830. Godin,Jean (1817-1888). French industrialist and social reformer, influenced by Fourier; established a familistere among his operatives, Author of SolutiollJ sociales (1871). Gorgias (485?-380 B.C.). Greek Sophist and rhetorician. Innnortalized by Plato in his dialogue G01ias. Gosse, Nicolas-Louis-Franois (1787-1878). French painter who specialized in works for churches, museums, and public buildings , Gotha. City of central Gennany where, from 1763, the Almanach de Gotha, a record of Europe's aristocratic and royal houses, was published, GozIan, Leon (1803-1866).Joumalist, novelist, and playwright. Author of Le Tiiompfle des omnibus: Poeme lufroi'-comiqU( (1828), Balzac enpantol!/les (1865). Gozo. Island northwest of Malta, Grabbe, Cbristian Dietrich (1801-1836). German dramatic poet. Among his plays are Don Juan und Fa ust (1829) and Napoleon, odeI' Die Hllllderl Tage (1831). Gradan, Baitasar (1601-1658). Spanish writer and philosopher. Rector ofjesuit College at Tarragona. Author of EI Criticon (1651-1657). Grand-Carteret, John (1850-1927). French journalist. Author of Le Decollete et Ie retrousse: Un Siede de gauloiJerie (1910) and other illustrated books on customs of the day.

Flotte, Etienne-Gaston, baron de (1805-1882). Catholic royalist poet and writer from<br />

Marseilles who was the author of an essay on the literature of his city.<br />

F1ourens, Pierre (1794-1867). French physiologist; professor at the College de France.<br />

Author of De l'Instinct et de I 'intelligence des animaux (1841).<br />

Fontaine, Pierre (1762-1853). Chief architect for Napoleon. Retained the favor of Louis<br />

XVIII and Louis Philippe.<br />

Fontanares. Hero of Balzac's play Les Ressources de Qyinola (1842), set in the sixteenth<br />

century.<br />

Fontanes, Louis de (1757-1821). Writer and statesman. President of the Corps Legislatif<br />

(1804); senator (1810); member of the privy council under Louis XVIII.<br />

Ford, Henry (1863-1947). American automobile manufacturer Introduccd profit sharing<br />

in the Ford Motor Company (1914).<br />

Formige,Jean Camille (1845-1926). French architect.<br />

Fouque, Friedrich de La Motte (1777-1843). German romantic writer. Author of thc<br />

popular fairy tale [hzdi"e (1811), which was set to music by E. T. A. Hoffmann.<br />

Fouquet,Jean (1416?-1480). French painter at the court of Louis XI. Known especially<br />

for his illumination of Livres d'heures.<br />

Fourcroy, Antoine (1755-1809). Chemist. Co-author, with Antoine Lavoisiel; of Mit/lOde<br />

de nomenclature chimique (1787).<br />

Fourier, Charles (1772-1837). French social theorist and refomler who advocated a<br />

cooperative organization of society into comnmuities of producers known as phalansteries.<br />

Author of <strong>The</strong>one des qualre mouvements (1808), 'Fraite de I'association agricole<br />

domestique (1822), Le Nouveau Monde industn·el (1829-1830), La Fau.rse Iudustrie morcelie<br />

(1835-1836).<br />

Fournier, Marc (1818-1879). Swiss joumalist and author; in Paris from 1838. Director of<br />

the <strong>The</strong>atre de la Porte de Saint-Martin (1851), for which he 'wrote many popular<br />

dramas in the 1850s.<br />

Fraisse, Armand (1830-1877). Critic and joumalist working out of Lyons. Admirer of<br />

Baudelaire's poems.<br />

France, Anatole. Pseudonym of Jacques Thibault (1844-1924), saciTical novelist, critic,<br />

poet, and playwright. Author of Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard (1881); and of an Histoire<br />

contemj)oraine, including the volumes Ie Mannequin dJOsier (1897) and Monsieur Bergeret<br />

a Paris (1901).<br />

Franois I (1494-1547). King of France (1515-1547). His reign was marked by a Renais·<br />

sance of the arts .<br />

Frederick III (1831-1888). Opponent of Bismarck; patron of literature and science.<br />

Succeeded his father, Wilhelm I, on March 9, 1888, but died of cancer after three<br />

months.<br />

Fregier, HonoreAntoine (1789-1860). Police officer. Author of Des Classes dangereuses<br />

(1840).<br />

Der Freischiih. Opera by Carl Maria von Weber (1821).<br />

Fuller, Laie (1862-1928). American dancer who achieved international acclain1 through<br />

her innovations in theatrical lighting and her invention of the "serpentine" dance<br />

(1889), involving lengths of silk manipulated under colored lights.<br />

Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis (1830:-1889). French historian; specialist in ancient<br />

and medieval history.<br />

Gambetta, Leon (1838-1882). Lawyer; leader of the opposition to Napoleon Ill. Es·<br />

caped Paris by balloon during the FrancoPrussian war. Premier of France (1881-<br />

1882).<br />

Ganeau (or Ganneau) (1805-1851). Sculptor and pamphleteer who, around 1835,

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