The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi


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Carnot, Lazare (1753-1823). Statesman and military engineer. Member of the Committee<br />

of Public Safety (1793) and the Directory (1795-1797); afterward served Napoleon<br />

in various capacities. Author of works on mathematics and military strategy. See Ecole<br />

Poly technique.<br />

Carpocratians. Followers of the second-century Alexandrian Gnostic Carpocrates) who<br />

preached the transmigration of the soul and the superlative humanity of Christ.<br />

Carrel, Nicolas Armand (1800-1836).Journalist and liberal political leader; co-founder,<br />

with 'DUers and Mignet, and editor (1830-1836) of Le Na tional. Killed by Emile de<br />

Girardin in a dueL<br />

Carus, Carl Gustav (1789-1869). German physician and philosopher; follower of<br />

Schelling.<br />

Casanova, Giovanni (1725-1798). Italian adventurer and writer; author rf Mblloires<br />

eaits !Jar lu;-meme (12 vols., 1826-1838).<br />

Castellane, Victor Boniface (1788-1862). French politician who participated in military<br />

campaigns under Napoleon 1. Was made a peer in 1837, and senator and marechal in<br />

1852.<br />

Castlereagh, Robert Stewart (1769-1822). English statesman. Fought a duel with his<br />

rival George Canning in 1809.<br />

Castles. An English government spy.<br />

Catiline. Full name Lucius Sergius Catalina (108-62 B.C.), Roman aristocrat who conspired<br />

unsuccessfully to overthrow Cicero's government in 63-62 B.C. He was supported<br />

in Rome by debtors and discontented young patricians. Killed in battle.<br />

Caussidiere, Marc (1808-1861). Organizer of secret revolutionary societies under Louis<br />

Philippe. Prefect of Paris police aiter February Revolution (18'18). He emigTated to<br />

England inJunc 1848.<br />

Cavaignac, Louis (1802-1857). French army commander. As minister of war, he suppressed<br />

the Paris uprising in 1848. Unsuccessful candidate for president of France in<br />

December 1848.<br />

Cazotte,Jacques (1719-1792). Author of L{ Diable amoureux (1772) and of a continuation<br />

of the TllOuJalld aJ1d Due Nights. Guillotined as a Royalist in 1792.<br />

Celine, Louis-Ferdinand. Pseudonym of Louis Destouches (1894-1961), French physician<br />

and novelist; fanatical anti-Semite. Author of the highly influential Voyage all bout<br />

de la nuit (1932) and Mort a midit (1936).<br />

Cham. Pseudonym of comte Amedee de Noe (1819-1879), French caricaturist.<br />

Champl1eury. Pseudonym of Jules Husson (1821-1889), novelist, critic; friend of<br />

Baudelaire. Author of Le R

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