The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi


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Belleville. Wo rking·class neighborhood in Paris.<br />

Benda, Julien (1867-1956). French philosophical cntlc. Among his works are La<br />

Berg:ronisme, au [JlIe Philosophie sur fa mobiliti (1912) and La Fin de iffternel (1929).<br />

Beraldi. Perhaps a mistake for Berardi, Leon (1817-?), jomnalist and director of<br />

L'/ndependance beige.<br />

Beranger, Pierre (1780-1857). 1nnnensely popular lyric poet of liberal political sympa·<br />

thies.<br />

Beraud, Henri (1885-1958). Novelist and essayist who promoted nationalism and anti·<br />

Semitism. Author of Le Vi'triol de fa lune (1921; ConeouTt prize).<br />

Bergeret, Madame. Character in Anatole France's series L'lfistoire contemporaine (1896-<br />

1901).<br />

Bed, Emmanuel (1892-1976). French writer andjoumalist, associated -with the circle of<br />

Surrealists around Breton and Aragon.<br />

Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869), French composer, a pioneer of ll1ocie1TI orchestration.<br />

Bernard, Clande (1813-1878). Noted physiologist. Investigated d,e sympathetic nerv·<br />

ous system and the chemical phenomena of digestion.<br />

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre,Jacques (1737-1814). Writer who anticipated French roman·<br />

ticism. Audlor of Pa.ul d Virgin;e (1788).<br />

Bernouard, }ranois. French publisher. Friend of Benjamin during the 1920s and 1930s.<br />

Bernstein, Eduard (1850-1932). German 'writer and politician. Co-editor of Der Sozt'aldemokrat<br />

(1881-1890). Associate of Engels.<br />

Berry, Charles Ferdinand (1778-1820). Last duke of Berry, a nephew of Louis XVIII; in<br />

exile 1789-1814. His assassination in Paris by a fanatical Bonapartist led to a reaction­<br />

aTY swing, countered by conspiracies.<br />

Berryer, Pierre-Antoine (1790-1868). French lawyer and political figure; legitimist.<br />

Bertin. Family famous for its association with Le Journal des debats, which Louis-FraIl

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