The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


aid of two other young republicans. It utilized classical conspiratorial techniques to form a tightly disciplined and hierarchical organization. Three years earlier, Blanqui had founded its predecessor, the secret revolutionary Societe des Familles, and in 1832 he had been a member of the republican Societe des Anns du Peuple, which espoused a Saint-Simonian doctrine, 6, In the aftermath of theJuly Revolution, the ministers of Charles X were arrested and, in December, put on trial. Throughout the trial, troops of the Gal'de Nationale, led by the marquis de Lafayette, were required to control the crowds who gathered in the streets to demand the death sentence for the ministers, The latter were sentenced to life imprisonment on December 24, 1830, but they were all granted anmesty in 1836. 7. Victor Hugo, Les Miserables, trans. Charles E. Wilbour (1862; rpt. New York: Mod­ em Library, 1992), p. 732 ("Facts from which History Springs, and which History Ignores"). 8. Ibid., p. 730. 9. Fifth month (January 20-February 18) ofthe French revolutionary calendru; adopted in October 1793 by the First Republic. 10, This question from the catechism of neophyte revolutionaries of the Societe des Familles-a question that was presented in evidence at the trial ofBlanqui and other members of the organization in 1836-was answered: "One must make a social revo­ lution," See Alan B. Spitzer, The Revolutionary Theon'es o/Louis Auguste Blanqui (1957; rpt. New York: AMS Press, 1970), pp. 90, 92. Marx, too, calls for a social revolution. 11, Compagnon actually derives from the Old French word compaignon, which in tum comes from the Vulgar Latin companio (com, "with" +- panis, "bread"), The word, meaning originally "one who eats bread with another;' is unrelated to compas, " com­ pass," 12. Related to the English word "vent," an obsolete term for liS ale;' "hostelry;' The rrench word vente may have originally referred to a stand of timber. 13. Baudelaire as a Literary Critic, tTans. Lois Boe Hyslop and Francis E. Hyslop, Jr. (University Park: Pennsylvartia State University Press, 1964), p. 356. 14. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire 0/ Louis Bonaparte, trans, anonymous (New York: International Publishers, 1963), p. 75. The Society of the Tenth of December was founded by Louis Napoleon in 1849 (as Marx writes in the sentence inllnediately preceding), on the pretext of establishing a charitable association (see V6,3). Napo­ leon was elected president of the republic on December 10, 1848, W [Fourier] 1. ChaJ:ies Fourier, Harrnonian Man: Selected Tfhtings q/ Charles Foun'er, ed, Mark Poster (New Yo rk: Anchor, 1971), p. 151 (trans. Susan Hanson). 2. Alphonse To ussene1, Passional Zoolo!!)'; OJ Spirit 0/ the Beasts, trans. M. Edgeworth Lazams (New York: Fowlers and Wells, 1852), pp. 293, 289-290, 347-348. 3. Friedrich Engels, "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific;' in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy, ed. Lewis S. Feuer (New York: An­ chor, 1959), p. 76 (trans. Edward Aveling) . 4. Heinrich Heine, French Affairs: Letten .from Paris, trans. Charles Godfrey Leland (New York: Dutton, 1906), p. 460. 5. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Collected Works, vol. 5 (New York: International Publishers, 1976), pp. 512-514 (The German Ideology, vol. 2, trans. C. P. Magill) . 6. "Sullied also are those who buy from merchants in order immediately to sell; for they gain nothing unless they employ many deceptions, And ) in truth, nothing is more

shameful than fraud." Cicero, De Officiis (Treatise on Duty), trans. Walter Miller (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1921), p. 153. 7. This passage is not found in the English-language edition of Charles Fourier, The Theory qf the Four Movements, trans. Ian Patterson (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1996). 8. "Mesh" translates Fourier's engrenage. "Machinal" translates Benjamin's maschinell, which is distinguished from mechanistisch, "mechanistic" (VV4,4). 9. In the smnmer of 1835, the .New York Sun reported that Herschel, by means of a giant telescope, had observed paradisal woods and meadows, hills and valleys, even living organisms on the surface of the moon. News of these "discoveries" spread through­ out Europe. 10. Jules Michelet, The People, trans.Johu P. McKay (Urbana: Universityoflliinois Press, 1973), p. l7ln. 11. Marx and Engels, Collected Works, vol. 4 (New Yo rk: International Publishers, 1975), p. 81 (Tlte Holy Family, trans. Richard Dixon and Clemens Dutt). 12. Toussenel, Passional Zoology, pp. 351-352. 13. Ibid., pp. 334-335. 14. Ibid., p. 341. 15. Ibid., pp. 231-232. 16. Karl Marx, Tlte Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts 'll 1844, trans. Martin Milligan (New Yo rk: h1ternational Publishers, 1964), p. 132. 17. Charles Gide, mtroduction to Design for Utopia: Selected Writings 'II Charles FOurier, b·ans.Julia Franklin (1901; rpt. New York: Schocken, 1971), p. 15. 18. Ibid., p. 16. 19. Ibid., p. 21. 20. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Selected CorresjJondence, 3rd ed., trans. I. Lasker (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975), p. 351 (Engels to Karl Kautsky, April 26, 1884); Marx and Engels, Collected Wo rks, vol. 26 (New Yo rk: International Publish­ ers, 1990), p. 204 (Engels, Tlte Origin 'lithe Family, trans. anonymous). 21. Marx and Engels, Selected Correspondence, p. 172. 22. Marx and Engels, Collected Wo rks, vol. 38, trans. Peter Ross and Betty Ross (New York: International Publishers, 1982), p. 13. Engels alludes to Galatians 3.24, and to Revelation 21.1-2, in the New Te stament. 23. See below, W14,1 and entries following. 24. Fourier, Tlleory qf the Four Movements, p. 38n. 25. Fourier, Tile Utopian Vision qf Clwrles Fourie trans. Jonathan Beecher and Richard Bienvenu (1971; rpt. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1983), pp. 308-309. 26. Ibid., p. 319 (first clause only). 27. Fourier, Tleo'!)l q/tile Four Movements, p. 22. 28. ]iarmlosigkeit, meaning also "ingenuousness." 29. Fourier, Harmonz'an Man, p. 182. 30. Fourier, Utopian Vision, p. 319. 31. Ibid., pp. 320-321, 318-320. 32. The petites hordes are made up of two-thirds boys; the petite.r bandes, of two-thirds girls. 33. Fourier, J-Iarmonian Man, p. 332. 34. Fourier, UtojJian Vision, p. 316. 35. Ibid., p. 316n.

aid of two other young republicans. It utilized classical conspiratorial techniques to<br />

form a tightly disciplined and hierarchical organization. Three years earlier, Blanqui<br />

had founded its predecessor, the secret revolutionary Societe des Familles, and in<br />

1832 he had been a member of the republican Societe des Anns du Peuple, which<br />

espoused a Saint-Simonian doctrine,<br />

6, In the aftermath of theJuly Revolution, the ministers of Charles X were arrested and,<br />

in December, put on trial. Throughout the trial, troops of the Gal'de Nationale, led by<br />

the marquis de Lafayette, were required to control the crowds who gathered in the<br />

streets to demand the death sentence for the ministers, <strong>The</strong> latter were sentenced to<br />

life imprisonment on December 24, 1830, but they were all granted anmesty in 1836.<br />

7. Victor Hugo, Les Miserables, trans. Charles E. Wilbour (1862; rpt. New York: Mod­<br />

em Library, 1992), p. 732 ("Facts from which History Springs, and which History<br />

Ignores").<br />

8. Ibid., p. 730.<br />

9. Fifth month (January 20-February 18) ofthe French revolutionary calendru; adopted<br />

in October 1793 by the First Republic.<br />

10, This question from the catechism of neophyte revolutionaries of the Societe des<br />

Familles-a question that was presented in evidence at the trial ofBlanqui and other<br />

members of the organization in 1836-was answered: "One must make a social revo­<br />

lution," See Alan B. Spitzer, <strong>The</strong> Revolutionary <strong>The</strong>on'es o/Louis Auguste Blanqui (1957;<br />

rpt. New York: AMS Press, 1970), pp. 90, 92. Marx, too, calls for a social revolution.<br />

11, Compagnon actually derives from the Old French word compaignon, which in tum<br />

comes from the Vulgar Latin companio (com, "with" +- panis, "bread"), <strong>The</strong> word,<br />

meaning originally "one who eats bread with another;' is unrelated to compas, " com­<br />

pass,"<br />

12. Related to the English word "vent," an obsolete term for liS ale;' "hostelry;' <strong>The</strong><br />

rrench word vente may have originally referred to a stand of timber.<br />

13. Baudelaire as a Literary Critic, tTans. Lois Boe Hyslop and Francis E. Hyslop, Jr.<br />

(University Park: Pennsylvartia State University Press, 1964), p. 356.<br />

14. Marx, <strong>The</strong> Eighteenth Brumaire 0/ Louis Bonaparte, trans, anonymous (New York:<br />

International Publishers, 1963), p. 75. <strong>The</strong> Society of the Tenth of December was<br />

founded by Louis Napoleon in 1849 (as Marx writes in the sentence inllnediately<br />

preceding), on the pretext of establishing a charitable association (see V6,3). Napo­<br />

leon was elected president of the republic on December 10, 1848,<br />

W [Fourier]<br />

1. ChaJ:ies Fourier, Harrnonian Man: Selected Tfhtings q/ Charles Foun'er, ed, Mark Poster<br />

(New Yo rk: Anchor, 1971), p. 151 (trans. Susan Hanson).<br />

2. Alphonse To ussene1, Passional Zoolo!!)'; OJ Spirit 0/ the Beasts, trans. M. Edgeworth<br />

Lazams (New York: Fowlers and Wells, 1852), pp. 293, 289-290, 347-348.<br />

3. Friedrich Engels, "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific;' in Karl Marx and Friedrich<br />

Engels, Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy, ed. Lewis S. Feuer (New York: An­<br />

chor, 1959), p. 76 (trans. Edward Aveling) .<br />

4. Heinrich Heine, French Affairs: Letten .from Paris, trans. Charles Godfrey Leland<br />

(New York: Dutton, 1906), p. 460.<br />

5. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Collected Works, vol. 5 (New York: International<br />

Publishers, 1976), pp. 512-514 (<strong>The</strong> German Ideology, vol. 2, trans. C. P. Magill) .<br />

6. "Sullied also are those who buy from merchants in order immediately to sell; for they<br />

gain nothing unless they employ many deceptions, And ) in truth, nothing is more

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