ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy

ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy
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The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Political science ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 2 1. Course title Choice of Lectures – Theory of argumentation 2. Course contents Argumentation vs. reasoning. Specificity of an argument and argumentative statement; standardization of an argument and its diagram; sub-argument. Material correctness of an argument; notion of truth vs. truthfulness criterion. Deductive arguments; logical resulting and deductive concluding; formal correctness of an argument. Analysis of particular non-deductive arguments, e.g. argument from similarity, from authority, ad personam, ad hominem etc. Concept of persuasion. Persuasion in argumentation; eristic tricks and their types. Semiotic-logical aspects of a lie. Beliefs and their logic-methodological analysis; conscious and non-contradictory beliefs. Logic vs. conversation: questions, presupposition, conversational principles by Grice, conversational concluding. Scientific debate, its different forms and goals (method of cognition, method of dispute-solving, etc.) 3. Prerequisites None 4. Learning outcomes Student is able to apply persuasion techniques and knows argumentation methods. Student can use particular logical examples of concluding. 5. Recommended reading W. Marciszewski, Podstawy logicznej teorii przekonań, Warszawa 1972. T. Hołówka, Błędy, spory, argumenty. Warszawa 1998. T. Pszczołowski, Umiejętność przekonywania i dyskusji, Warszawa 1974. K. Szymanek, Sztuka argumentacji: słownik terminologiczny, Warszawa 2001. K. Szymanek, K. A. Wieczorek i A. Wójcik, Sztuka argumentacji. Ćwiczenia w badaniu argumentów. Warszawa 2003. M. Tokarz, Argumentacja, perswazja, manipulacja. Wykłady z teorii komunikacji. Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne 2006. A. Schopenhauer, Erystyka, czyli sztuka prowadzenia sporów. (Wiele wydań i różni wydawcy). R. Smullyan, Na zawsze nierozstrzygnięte. Warszawa 2008. 6. Type of course Obligatory/elective 7. Teaching team Department of Political Science 8. Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture 30/18 VI III Classes Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9. Assessment methods Credit 10. Language of instruction Polish 60 788

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Political science ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 2 1. Course title Choice of Lectures in Foreign Language (stationary studies) - Mutual European Policies 2. Course contents Mutual foreign and safety policy. Mutual energy policy. Mutual agricultural policy. Mutual regional and structural policy. Mutual trade policy. Mutual industrial policy. Mutual competition policy. Mutual transport policy. Mutual currency policy. Mutual society policy.. Mutual environment protection policy. Mutual consumer policy. Mutual policy in field of research and development. 3. Prerequisites None 4. Learning outcomes Student knows issues as regards functioning of European Union. He or she broadens specialist vocabulary concerning EU. Student gains the competence of speaking about topics of mutual EU politics in English language. Student improves skill of understanding specialist texts concerning EU. 5. Recommended reading Z. M. Doliwa-Klepacki, Integracja Europejska, Białystok 2001. P. Fontaine, Europe in 12 lessons, European Communities, 2006. I. Kienzler, Leksykon Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2003. W. Weidenfeld, W. Wessels, Europa od A do Z, Gliwice 2002. 6. Type of course Obligatory/elective 7. Teaching team Department of Political Science 8. Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture 30 V III Classes Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9. Assessment methods Credit 10. Language of instruction English 60 789

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Political science<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> Course Catalogue 2010/2011<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits<br />

2<br />

1. Course title<br />

Choice of Lectures in Foreign Language (stationary studies) - Mutual European Policies<br />

2. Course contents<br />

Mutual foreign and safety policy. Mutual energy policy. Mutual agricultural policy. Mutual regional and<br />

structural policy. Mutual trade policy. Mutual industrial policy. Mutual competition policy. Mutual transport<br />

policy. Mutual currency policy. Mutual society policy.. Mutual environment protection policy. Mutual consumer<br />

policy. Mutual policy in field of research and development.<br />

3. Prerequisites<br />

None<br />

4. Learning outcomes<br />

Student knows issues as regards functioning of European Union. He or she broadens specialist vocabulary<br />

concerning EU. Student gains the competence of speaking about topics of mutual EU politics in English<br />

language. Student <strong>im</strong>proves skill of understanding specialist texts concerning EU.<br />

5. Recommended reading<br />

Z. M. Doliwa-Klepacki, Integracja Europejska, Białystok 2001.<br />

P. Fontaine, Europe in 12 lessons, European Communities, 2006.<br />

I. Kienzler, Leksykon Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2003.<br />

W. Weidenfeld, W. Wessels, Europa od A do Z, Gliwice 2002.<br />

6. Type of course<br />

Obligatory/elective<br />

7. Teaching team<br />

Department of Political Science<br />

8. Course structure<br />

Form Number of hours Semester Year<br />

Lecture 30 V III<br />

Classes<br />

Laboratory<br />

Project<br />

Seminar<br />

Other<br />

Total student’s<br />

workload<br />

9. Assessment methods<br />

Credit<br />

10. Language of instruction<br />

English<br />

60<br />


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