ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy

ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy
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The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 3 1.Course title The caring- educational labour methodology. 2.Course contents Classes The school educator as an organizer of the caring-educational labour. ( the range of duties, the documentation, the specificity of proffesion, the prinicples of outlines creation (the methodical plan)). Selected methods of working with group ( a decission -making tree, swot analyses, a thinking- hats method, panel discussion, group decision technique, drama technique, pictures etc. ). Working out the scripts for the educational classes: methods selections and working techniques for selected subjects: friendship, values, conflicts, creative thinking, advantages and disadvantages, dreams, plans for future etc. ) 3.Prerequisites none 4.Learning outcomes The students preparation for leading classes on the range of educational subjects in schools, and common rooms. Practicing the abilities to use the active methods in working with the teenagers. The creation of the abilities to individual classes leading on chosen subject. 5.Recommended reading 1. Gruszka Magdalena, Janiak Iwona, Prarat Justyna: Scenariusze godzin wychowawczych dla szkoły podstawowej. Gdańsk: Wydaw. „Harmonia”, 2003 2. Hamer Hanna: Bliżej siebie. 10 ważnych tematów – scenariusze 20 lekcji ułatwiających poznanie siebie i rozwój. Warszawa: Wydaw. „Veda”, 2001 3. Pisanko Marzena: Kształtowanie pozytywnej postawy ucznia wobec szkoły. Scenariusze zajęć. Łódź: Wydaw. WING, 2001 4. Braun-Gałkowska Maria, „W tę sama stronę”, Warszawa : Wydaw. Krupski i S-ka, 19945. Grażyna Gajewska, Anna Szczęsna, Artur Doliński. Warsztat pracy pedagoga: zbiór scenariuszy i konspektów. Zeszyt. 1, 2, 3, 4 / - Zielona Góra: Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjne Pedagogów Praktyków „Cogito”, 1998 (1999, 2000 ) 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team Department of Pedagogy 8.Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture Classes 30/18 5 3 Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9.Assessment methods Classes-pass 10.Language of instruction Polish 90 586

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 1 1.Course title Methods of pedagogy research 2.Course contents Classes Defining terms (such as: methodology, research stages, problem and research questions, research methods and techniques, research tools, subject of science research and its goal). Qualitative and quantitative research on education, Triangulation, Selection of sample to be researched, Researcher attitude, Poll research, Institution monograph, Individual case study, Methods of observation, Field and ethnographic research, Ethical problems of pedagogy research. 3.Prerequisites None 4.Learning outcomes Students have knowledge of basic methodology terms, understand differences of researcher attitude in methodology paradigms, have ability to characterize qualitative and quantitative orientation, understand meaning of methodological triangulation, can use pedagogy research methods in own research, can formulate problems and research hypothesis, knows how proceed analysis and interpretation of research results. 5.Recommended reading 1. Hammersley M. Atkinson P., Metody badań terenowych, Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 2000. 2. Palka S. (red.) Orientacje w metodologii badań pedagogicznych , Kraków 1998. 3. Łobocki M., Metody i techniki badań pedagogicznych, Kraków 2000. 4. Nachmias Ch. F., Nachmias D., Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Poznań 2001. 5. Malewski M., Metody ilościowe i jakościowe w badaniach nad edukacją, spór o metodologiczną komplementarność, „Kultura i edukacja”, nr 1-2 1997. 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team Department of Pedagogy 8.Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture Classes 15 6 3 Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9.Assessment methods Research presentation, creative activity 10.Language of instruction Polish 30 587

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> Course Catalogue 2010/2011<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits<br />

1<br />

1.Course title<br />

Methods of pedagogy research<br />

2.Course contents<br />

Classes<br />

Defining terms (such as: methodology, research stages, problem and research questions, research methods and<br />

techniques, research tools, subject of science research and its goal). Qualitative and quantitative research on<br />

education, Triangulation, Selection of sample to be researched, Researcher attitude, Poll research, Institution<br />

monograph, Individual case study, Methods of observation, Field and ethnographic research, Ethical problems of<br />

pedagogy research.<br />

3.Prerequisites<br />

None<br />

4.Learning outcomes<br />

Students have knowledge of basic methodology terms,<br />

understand differences of researcher attitude in methodology paradigms,<br />

have ability to characterize qualitative and quantitative orientation,<br />

understand meaning of methodological triangulation,<br />

can use pedagogy research methods in own research,<br />

can formulate problems and research hypothesis,<br />

knows how proceed analysis and interpretation of research results.<br />

5.Recommended reading<br />

1. Hammersley M. Atkinson P., Metody badań terenowych, Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 2000.<br />

2. Palka S. (red.) Orientacje w metodologii badań pedagogicznych , Kraków 1998.<br />

3. Łobocki M., Metody i techniki badań pedagogicznych, Kraków 2000.<br />

4. Nachmias Ch. F., Nachmias D., Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Poznań 2001.<br />

5. Malewski M., Metody ilościowe i jakościowe w badaniach nad edukacją, spór o metodologiczną<br />

komplementarność, „Kultura i edukacja”, nr 1-2 1997.<br />

6.Type of course<br />

Obligatory<br />

7.Teaching team<br />

Department of Pedagogy<br />

8.Course structure<br />

Form Number of hours Semester Year<br />

Lecture<br />

Classes 15 6 3<br />

Laboratory<br />

Project<br />

Seminar<br />

Other<br />

Total student’s<br />

workload<br />

9.Assessment methods<br />

Research presentation, creative activity<br />

10.Language of instruction<br />

Polish<br />

30<br />


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