ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy

ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy
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The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 1 1.Course title Pedagogy of the family. 2.Course contents Lecture the Upbringing and the family in the light of pedagogic reflection. Basic notions. Functions of the family but the upbringing. Historical reflection. Social bonds in the family. Pedagogic typologizacja of families. Violence towards the child in the family. Family about accumulated pathogenes. Of the threat and development potentialities of the child in the family touched with the poverty. Divorce – social, emotional, pedagogic consequences for the family. Mourning in the family. Analysis of the picture of the family/ of the person/ of the house/ of the tree – applying in diagnosing and therapy. Classes The Transformation of the family in the postmodernism. Educative function of the family. The family as the communications system. Social bonds in the family. Phenomenon of pathology and deviation in the life of the family. 3.Prerequisites None 4.Learning outcomes The Student recognizes and he understands basic dates and issues from the scope of the pedagogy of the family. He knows threats and the development potential of the family. He can diagnose chosen problems of the family. He knows principles of the correct communication 5.Recommended reading 1.Kawula S., Brągiel J., Janke A., Pedagogika rodziny, Toruń 2002. 2. Kępski Cz. (red.), Opieka i wychowanie w rodzinie, Lublin 2003. 3.Herbert M., Załoba w rodzinie. Jak pomóc cierpiącym dzieciom i ich rodzinom, Gdańsk 2005. 4.Oster G., Gould P., Rysunek w psychoterapii, Gdańsk 2003. 5.Gordon T., Wychowanie bez porażek, Warszawa 1994. 6.Foward S., Toksyczni rodzice, Warszawa 1993 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team Zakład Pedagogiki 8.Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture 15 2 1 Classes 15 Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9.Assessment methods Attestations for estimate. 10.Language of instruction Polish 30 526

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 1 1.Course title The Emission of Voice 2.Course contents Classes Emission of the voice - explanation of terms {time limit}. justification of occupations from the emission of voice - problems of organopathies of the voice. Operating schedule over the emission of voice. 1. respiratory system - acoustic generator. Kinds of respiration, types of respiration. Abdominal ribbed-phrenic breath the most suitable for good emission of breath. The diaphragm and its meaning in phase of exhalation. Respiratory support - the essence of the dynamic breath as the condition to correct phonation; practical exercises; 2. The phonation - the vibrator of the sound. The construction {build} of the larynx. Functions of the larynx. The larynx as the sound source. Plica vocalises. The soft and hard attack of the voice. The diameter of the voice - the use of the diameter of the voice in speaking; practical exercises; 3. The resonance - the amplifier of sound. Proper usage of resonators as the following condition of the correct emission of the voice. Lower resonators - below sound sources. Upper resonators - above sound sources. Timbre. Carrying capacity of sound - speaking on the mask. The proper position of the body ; practical exercises; 4. articulation. Efficiency of the articulatory aid- important element in the emission of voice. The lockjaw as one of reasons of voice disorder. Vowels – centres of speech emision; practical exercises; 5. culture of the lively word: good emission of voice, faultless elocution, acquaintance of the correct pronunciation rules ; practical exercises; 6 disorder and hygiene of the voice. 3.Prerequisites None 4. Learning outcomes Knowledge: Student knows the structure of vocal system, its role and function in the correct voice emission to prevent vocal disorders. Skills: Student is familiar with correct breathing technique, phonation and correct articulation in individual vocal improvement. 5. Recommended reading Tarasiewicz B., Mówię i śpiewam świadomie. Podręcznik do nauki emisji głosu. Universitas, Kraków 2003. Toczyska B., Sarabanda w chaszczach, Gdańsk 1997. Zaleska-Kręcicka M., Kręcicki T., Wierzbicka E., Głos i jego zaburzenia. Zagadnienia higieny i emisji głosu, Wrocław 2004. 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team Department of pedagogy 8.Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture 15 2 I Classes Laboratory Project Seminar 15 2 I Total student’s 30 workload 9. Assessment methods: written test are the conditions of ranking the classes 10. Language of instruction: Polish 527

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> Course Catalogue 2010/2011<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits<br />

1<br />

1.Course title<br />

Pedagogy of the family.<br />

2.Course contents<br />

Lecture<br />

the Upbringing and the family in the light of pedagogic reflection. Basic notions. Functions of the family but the<br />

upbringing. Historical reflection. Social bonds in the family. Pedagogic typologizacja of families. Violence<br />

towards the child in the family. Family about accumulated pathogenes. Of the threat and development<br />

potentialities of the child in the family touched with the poverty. Divorce – social, emotional, pedagogic<br />

consequences for the family. Mourning in the family. Analysis of the picture of the family/ of the person/ of the<br />

house/ of the tree – applying in diagnosing and therapy.<br />

Classes<br />

The Transformation of the family in the postmodernism. Educative function of the family. The family as the<br />

communications system. Social bonds in the family. Phenomenon of pathology and deviation in the life of the<br />

family.<br />

3.Prerequisites<br />

None<br />

4.Learning outcomes<br />

The Student recognizes and he understands basic dates and issues from the scope of the pedagogy of the family.<br />

He knows threats and the development potential of the family. He can diagnose chosen problems of the family.<br />

He knows principles of the correct communication<br />

5.Recommended reading<br />

1.Kawula S., Brągiel J., Janke A., Pedagogika rodziny, Toruń 2002.<br />

2. Kępski Cz. (red.), Opieka i wychowanie w rodzinie, Lublin 2003.<br />

3.Herbert M., Załoba w rodzinie. Jak pomóc cierpiącym dzieciom i ich rodzinom, Gdańsk 2005.<br />

4.Oster G., Gould P., Rysunek w psychoterapii, Gdańsk 2003.<br />

5.Gordon T., Wychowanie bez porażek, Warszawa 1994.<br />

6.Foward S., Toksyczni rodzice, Warszawa 1993<br />

6.Type of course<br />

Obligatory<br />

7.Teaching team<br />

Zakład Pedagogiki<br />

8.Course structure<br />

Form Number of hours Semester Year<br />

Lecture 15 2 1<br />

Classes 15<br />

Laboratory<br />

Project<br />

Seminar<br />

Other<br />

Total student’s<br />

workload<br />

9.Assessment methods<br />

Attestations for est<strong>im</strong>ate.<br />

10.Language of instruction<br />

Polish<br />

30<br />


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