ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy

ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy
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The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 2 1.Course title Methodology of social research 2.Course contents Lecture Methodology as descriptive and normative science. Stages of science development according to T. Kuhn. Structure and role of paradigm in social sciences. Positivism in social sciences: I. wave /A. Comte/, II. wave /R. Avenarius, E. Mach/. Conventionalism /H. Poincare, Le Roy, K. Ajdukiewicz/ Notional apparatus and paradigm. Neopositivism /L. Wittgenstein/ Scientific method according to K.R. Popper. Humanistic sociology. Methodological specificity of understanding research. Behaviour types according to M. Weber. Learning theory by J. Dewey. Basic assumptions of functionalism. Basic assumptions of symbolic interactionism. Classes Roles of investigator in site surveys. Types of scientific work /research, conceptional, methodological/. Stages of scientific work. Structure of research idea. General theory functions and structure according to P. Sztompka. Research methods and techniques. Research types considering: the range /site surveys, monographic/, objective /verificatory, diagnostic, theoretical/ Diagnostic poll. Study of individual cases. Biographical research. Narrative research 3.Prerequisites None 4.Learning outcomes To give students the knowledge and skills necessary for the proper planning and realisation of research procedure. 5.Recommended reading Frankfort-Nachmias C., Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych. Poznań 2001, Wyd. Zysk i S-ka Konarzewski K. Jak uprawiać badania oświatowe. Warszawa 2000, WSiP. Lutyński J. Metody badań społecznych. Łódź 1994, Wyd. ŁTN. Palka S. (ed.) Orientacje w metodologii badań pedagogicznych. Kraków 1998, Wyd. U.J. Rubacha K. Metodologia badań nad edukacją.Warszawa 2008, Wyd. WAiP 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team Department of Pedagogy 8.Course structure: Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture 15 / 10 3 2 Classes 15 / 8 3 2 Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9.Assessment methods credit with mark, final examination 10.Language of instruction Polish 60 522

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 2 1.Course title Training interpersonal skills 2.Course contents Classes Interpersonal training in maturity development .The basis of interpersonal communication.Verbal communication . Speaking and listening abilities. Communication barriers. Self-awareness and the awareness of others. Assertiveness. Body language 3.Prerequisites none 4.Learning outcomes Teaching effects: having finished the course, students are able to determine their own strengths and weaknesses of interpersonal communication, as well as to use and modify them. They are aware of the implications of particular communication techniques. 5.Recommended reading 1. Jedliński K., Trening interpersonalny. Warszawa 2000. 2. Stewart J, Mosty zamiast murów. O komunikowaniu się między ludźmi. Warszawa 2002. 3. Głodowski W. Komunikowanie interpersonalne. Warszawa 2001. 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team Department of Pedagogy 8.Course structure Form Number of hours Semester year Lecture Classes 30/18 IV 2 Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9.Assessment methods classes - written test 10.Language of instruction Polish 60 523

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> Course Catalogue 2010/2011<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits<br />

2<br />

1.Course title<br />

Methodology of social research<br />

2.Course contents<br />

Lecture<br />

Methodology as descriptive and normative science. Stages of science development according to T. Kuhn.<br />

Structure and role of paradigm in social sciences. Positivism in social sciences: I. wave /A. Comte/, II. wave /R.<br />

Avenarius, E. Mach/. Conventionalism /H. Poincare, Le Roy, K. Ajdukiewicz/ Notional apparatus and paradigm.<br />

Neopositivism /L. Wittgenstein/ Scientific method according to K.R. Popper. Humanistic sociology.<br />

Methodological specificity of understanding research. Behaviour types according to M. Weber. Learning theory<br />

by J. Dewey. Basic assumptions of functionalism. Basic assumptions of symbolic interactionism.<br />

Classes<br />

Roles of investigator in site surveys. Types of scientific work /research, conceptional, methodological/. Stages of<br />

scientific work. Structure of research idea. General theory functions and structure according to P. Sztompka.<br />

Research methods and techniques. Research types considering: the range /site surveys, monographic/, objective<br />

/verificatory, diagnostic, theoretical/ Diagnostic poll. Study of individual cases. Biographical research. Narrative<br />

research<br />

3.Prerequisites<br />

None<br />

4.Learning outcomes<br />

To give students the knowledge and skills necessary for the proper planning and realisation of research<br />

procedure.<br />

5.Recommended reading<br />

Frankfort-Nachmias C., Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych. Poznań 2001, Wyd. Zysk i S-ka<br />

Konarzewski K. Jak uprawiać badania oświatowe. Warszawa 2000, WSiP.<br />

Lutyński J. Metody badań społecznych. Łódź 1994, Wyd. ŁTN.<br />

Palka S. (ed.) Orientacje w metodologii badań pedagogicznych. Kraków 1998, Wyd. U.J.<br />

Rubacha K. Metodologia badań nad edukacją.Warszawa 2008, Wyd. WAiP<br />

6.Type of course<br />

Obligatory<br />

7.Teaching team<br />

Department of Pedagogy<br />

8.Course structure:<br />

Form Number of hours Semester Year<br />

Lecture 15 / 10 3 2<br />

Classes 15 / 8 3 2<br />

Laboratory<br />

Project<br />

Seminar<br />

Other<br />

Total student’s<br />

workload<br />

9.Assessment methods<br />

credit with mark, final examination<br />

10.Language of instruction<br />

Polish<br />

60<br />


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