ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy

ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy
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The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 Punkty ECTS 2 1.Course title Deaf Perdagogy 2.Course contents Lecture and classes Introduction to the education of the deaf and dumb: deaf person as an education entity, terminology. Etiology of hearing defect. Classification of people with hearing organs damage. Education of deaf and dumb vs. different filed of science. Types of educational activity in education of deaf and dumb. Introduction to deaf pedagogy. Types of communication with people in different stage of hearing defect. Types of communication with deaf people. Deaf children’s thinking. Care units and education for people with hearing defect. Modern types of deafness treatment. Speech development for children with hearing damage. Auditory education: early diagnosis, early rehabilitation. Lines of early rehabilitation for children with hearing defect. Family vs. child with hearing defekt. 3.Prerequites None 4.Learning outcomes The student is familiar with the theoretical basic of education of the deaf and dumb, knows how to identify hearing defect, methods of ear test to direct ward’s vicissitudes. Student knows practical methods of leading the auditory education with hard of hearing children. They can create a therapeutic program and lead the rehabilitation courses. 5.Recommended reading Eckert U., (1998), Wybrane zagadnienia z surdopedagogiki. Ak. Ped. Specjalnej.Warszawa. Eckert U., Stecewicz A.,( 1998), Wczesna opieka nad dzieckiem z wadą słuchu. Polski Związek Głuchych. Gunia G., (2006), Terapia logopedyczna dzieci z zaburzeniami słuchu i mowy. Wybrane problemy teorii i praktyki surdologopedycznej. Kraków, Impuls. Loewe A., (1999), Każde dziecko może nauczyć się słyszeć i mówić. Poznań, Media rodzina. Obuchowska I. (2005), Dziecko niepełnosprawne w rodzinie. WSiP. Warszawa. Bouvet D., (1996), Mowa dziecka: wychowanie dwujęzykowe dziecka niesłyszącego. WSiP, Warszawa. Góralówna M., Hołyńska B., (1984), Rehabilitacja małych dzieci z wadą słuchu. Warszawa. 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team Derpartment of Pedagogy 8.Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture 15/10 3 II Classes 15/8 3 II Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9.Assessment methods Lecture - examination, ćwiczenia- written test, preparation of auditory education program 10.Language of instruction Polish 60 520

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy ECTS Course Catalogue 2010/2011 ECTS credits 3 1.Course title Of leading into protective pedagogy 2.Course contents Lecture The Genesis and the development of protective pedagogy. From the philanthropy to protective pedagogy. The care and bringing notions up in the system. Model of the uniform care system education above the child left in Poland. Prevention, intervention, compensation. Social orphanage – childhood at the institution protectively – education. Adoptive family, foster family – threats and problems. Work protectively – education at school. Of setting the tutor. Carer – class tutor at the institution protectively – education. Classes The Principle of the correct communication with the child in the care and the upbringing. Chosen problem protectively – education: work with the child rejected by another children. Innovations in activity protectively – education.: program „ Older brother, older sister ”, „ Older friend ”, field schools, scouting itp. „ Hidden program ” into the institutions protectively – education. School program of the prevention. 3.Prerequisites None 4.Learning outcomes The Student knows issues from the scope of protective pedagogy. He recognizes areas of education and protective threats. He has the knowledge to the topic effective, empatycznego of acting in tasks protectively – education. He can effectively communicate. 5..Recommended reading 1.Jundził E., Pawłowska R., (red.), Pedagogika opiekuńcza. Przeszłość – teraźniejszość – przyszłość, Gdańsk 2008. 2.Gajewska G., Pedagogika opiekuńcza. Elementy metodyki, Zielona Góra 2006. 3.Deptuła M., Dzieci odrzucane przez rówieśników, cz. I i II,[w:] „Remdium” nr 4i 6, 2007 r. 4.Borowicz M., Lekcje w zielonej szkole, [w:] „Problemy Opiekuńczo – Wychowawcze, nr 7, 1995 r. 5.Kowal A., Zielińska D., KONAR – program profilaktyki uzależnień [w:] „Problemy opiekuńczo – wychowawcze” nr 1, 2000r. 6.Type of course Obligatory 7.Teaching team WPT 8.Course structure Form Number of hours Semester Year Lecture 30/18 3 2 Classes 15/10 3 2 Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total student’s workload 9.Assessment methods examinations 10.Language of instruction Polish 90 521

The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Pedagogy<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> Course Catalogue 2010/2011<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits<br />

3<br />

1.Course title<br />

Of leading into protective pedagogy<br />

2.Course contents<br />

Lecture<br />

The Genesis and the development of protective pedagogy. From the philanthropy to protective pedagogy. The<br />

care and bringing notions up in the system. Model of the uniform care system education above the child left in<br />

Poland. Prevention, intervention, compensation. Social orphanage – childhood at the institution protectively –<br />

education. Adoptive family, foster family – threats and problems. Work protectively – education at school. Of<br />

setting the tutor. Carer – class tutor at the institution protectively – education.<br />

Classes<br />

The Principle of the correct communication with the child in the care and the upbringing. Chosen problem<br />

protectively – education: work with the child rejected by another children. Innovations in activity protectively –<br />

education.: program „ Older brother, older sister ”, „ Older friend ”, field schools, scouting itp. „ Hidden<br />

program ” into the institutions protectively – education. School program of the prevention.<br />

3.Prerequisites<br />

None<br />

4.Learning outcomes<br />

The Student knows issues from the scope of protective pedagogy. He recognizes areas of education and<br />

protective threats. He has the knowledge to the topic effective, empatycznego of acting in tasks protectively –<br />

education. He can effectively communicate.<br />

5..Recommended reading<br />

1.Jundził E., Pawłowska R., (red.), Pedagogika opiekuńcza. Przeszłość – teraźniejszość – przyszłość, Gdańsk<br />

2008.<br />

2.Gajewska G., Pedagogika opiekuńcza. Elementy metodyki, Zielona Góra 2006.<br />

3.Deptuła M., Dzieci odrzucane przez rówieśników, cz. I i II,[w:] „Remdium” nr 4i 6, 2007 r.<br />

4.Borowicz M., Lekcje w zielonej szkole, [w:] „Problemy Opiekuńczo – Wychowawcze, nr 7, 1995 r.<br />

5.Kowal A., Zielińska D., KONAR – program profilaktyki uzależnień [w:] „Problemy opiekuńczo –<br />

wychowawcze” nr 1, 2000r.<br />

6.Type of course<br />

Obligatory<br />

7.Teaching team<br />

WPT<br />

8.Course structure<br />

Form Number of hours Semester Year<br />

Lecture 30/18 3 2<br />

Classes 15/10 3 2<br />

Laboratory<br />

Project<br />

Seminar<br />

Other<br />

Total student’s<br />

workload<br />

9.Assessment methods<br />

examinations<br />

10.Language of instruction<br />

Polish<br />

90<br />


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