ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy

ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy

ECTS - PWSZ im. Witelona w Legnicy


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The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - Field: Management and production engineering<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits<br />

3<br />

1. Course title<br />

Transportation Law<br />

2. Course contents<br />

Lecture<br />

1. Deeds regulative rules of the transportation,<br />

2. Basic comprehendings from the range of the forwarding law,<br />

3. Rules of undertaking and executings of the road service,<br />

4. The road service of persons and things<br />

5. Circumstances and the mode of obtaining of professional certificates ,<br />

6. Givings and competences of the Inspection Of The Road Service,<br />

7. Circumstances conditions of executing of the international road service,<br />

8. Licences given by The Service Bureau Of The International Transport,<br />

9. Rules of executing and safeties of the train service,<br />

10. Conditions of undertaking of the sea carriage,<br />

11. Regulations legal normalizing conditions of executing of the air transport,<br />

12. The system of digital tachographs.<br />

13. Rights and duties of the transport agent realizing the transport of persons, letters luggage- and forwarding.<br />

14. The adaptation of the Polish forwarding law to the regulation of the European Union.<br />

3. Prerequisites<br />

None<br />

4. Learning outcomes<br />

Student is familiar with legal regulations normalizing of the rule of executing of the transportation both on the territory<br />

Polish Republic, as well as of the international transport, with a special regard of requirements of technically<br />

organizational necessary to executing of the transportation.<br />

Student is able to perform analysis of the regulation of legal concerning responsibilities of contracted of transport agents<br />

realizing shipping business.<br />

5. Recommended reading<br />

1. Władysław Górski, Edward Mendyk, Prawo transportu lądowego, Prawo i Ekonomia 2005<br />

2. Mirosław Stec, Umowa przewozu w transporcie towarowym, Prawo i Ekonomia 2005<br />

3. Marek Żylicz, Prawo lotnicze, LexisNexis 2002<br />

Legal acts:<br />

1. Ustawa z dnia 6 września 2001 r. o Transporcie drogowym z pózn. zm.,<br />

2. Ustawa z dnia 2 sierpnia 1997 r. o warunkach wykonywania międzynarodowego transportu drogowego z pózn.<br />

zm.,<br />

3. Ustawa z dnia 15 listopada 1984 r. Prawo przewozowe z pózn. zm.<br />

4. Ustawa z dnia 18 września 2001 r. Kodeks morski z pózn. zm.,<br />

5. Ustawa z dnia 28 marca 2003 r. o Transporcie kolejowym z pózn. zm.,<br />

6. Ustawa z dnia 16 sierpnia 2002 r. Prawo lotnicze z pózn. zm.<br />

6. Type of course<br />

Obligatory<br />

7. Teaching team<br />

Department of Science on Economy and European Union<br />

8. Course structure<br />

Form Number of hours Semester Year<br />

Lecture<br />

Classes<br />

Laboratory<br />

Project<br />

Seminar<br />

Other<br />

15/12 VII 4<br />

Total student’s workload 90<br />

9. Assessment methods<br />

Credit<br />

10. Language of instruction<br />

Polish<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> Course Catalogue 2010/2011<br />


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