Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


H Topic Guide H HASRAH #2219 1 See HARHAS HASTE #2220 1 In judgment, by Moses and the Israelites: Nu 32:1-19; Jos 22:10-34 2 See RASHNESS HASUPHA #2221 1 Also called HASHUPHA 2 A Nethinim family: Ezr 2:43; Ne 7:46 HAT #2222 1 See DRESS HATACH #2223 1 A chamberlain in the court of Ahasuerus: Es 4:5,6,9,10 HATHATH #2224 1 A son of Othniel: 1Ch 4:13 HATIPHA #2225 1 One of the Nethinim: Ezr 2:54; Ne 7:56 HATITA #2226 1 A porter of the temple: Ezr 2:42; Ne 7:45 HATRED #2227 1 Against iniquity, justified: Ps 97:10; 101:3; 119:104,128,163; 139:21,22 2 Of God: Ps 5:5; 45:7; Mal 2:16 3 SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Le 19:17; Ps 25:19; 35:19; Pr 10:12,18; 15:17; 26:24-26; Mt 5:43,44; 6:15; 10:22; Joh 15:18,19,23-25; 17:14; Ga 5:19,20; Eph 4:31; Col 3:8; 1Jo 2:9,11; 3:10,13-15; 4:20 3.1 See ENVY 3.2 See JEALOUSY 3.3 See MALICE 3.4 See REVENGE HATTIL #2228 1 A returned exile: Ezr 2:57; Ne 7:59 HATTUSH #2229 1 Son of Shemaiah: 1Ch 3:22 2 A descendant of David: Ezr 8:2; Ne 3:10; 10:4; 12:2 3 A priest: Ne 12:2 HAUGHTINESS #2230 1 See PRIDE HAURAN #2231 1 A district probably south of Damascus and east of the Jordan River: Eze 47:16,18 HAVILAH #2232 1 Son of Cush: Ge 10:7; 1Ch 1:9 2 A son of Joktan: Ge 10:29; 1Ch 1:23 3 An unknown region: Ge 2:11 4 A district east of Amalek: Ge 25:18; 1Sa 15:7 HAVOTH-JAIR #2233 1 Also called BASHAN-HAVOTH-JAIR in: De 3:14 2 Certain villages east of the Jordan River: Nu 32:41; Jud 10:4 HAWK #2234 1 A carnivorous and ceremonially unclean bird: Le 11:16; De 14:15; Job 39:26 HAY #2235 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 27:25; Isa 15:6; 1Co 3:12 HAZAEL #2236 1 (King of Syria) 2 Anointed king by Elijah: 1Ki 19:15 3 Conquests by: 2Ki 8:28,29; 9:14; 10:32,33; 12:17,18; 13:3,22; 2Ch 22:5,6 4 Conspires against, murders, and succeeds to the throne of Ben-hadad: 2Ki 8:8- 15 5 Death of: 2Ki 13:24 HAZAIAH #2237 1 A man of the tribe of Judah: Ne 11:5 HAZAR-ADDAR #2238 1 Also called ADAR, a place on the southern boundary of Canaan: Nu 34:4; Jos 15:3 HAZAR-ENAN #2239 1 The northeast boundary point of the promised land: Nu 34:9,10; Eze 47:17; 48:1 HAZAR-GADDAH #2240 1 A town in the southern district of Judah: Jos 15:27 HAZAR-HATTICON #2241 1 A place on the boundary of Hauran, probably east of Damascus: Eze 47:16 HAZAR-SHUAL #2242 1 A town on the south of Judah: Jos 15:28; 19:3; 1Ch 4:28; Ne 11:27 HAZAR-SUSAH #2243 1 Also called HAZAR-SUSIM, a city of Judah: Jos 19:5; 1Ch 4:31 HAZARMAVETH #2244 1 Son of Joktan: Ge 10:26; 1Ch 1:20 HAZEL #2245 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 30:37 HAZELELPONI #2246 1 Daughter of Etam: 1Ch 4:3 HAZERIM #2247 1 A district in the south of Canaan: De 2:23 HAZEROTH #2248 1 A station in the journeyings of the people of Israel: Nu 11:35; 12:16; 33:17,18; De 1:1 HAZEZON-TAMAR #2249 1 Also called HAZAZON-TAMAR 1.1 Ancient name of En-gedi: Ge 14:7; 2Ch 20:2 HAZIEL #2250 1 A Levite: 1Ch 23:9 HAZO #2251 1 A son of Nahor: Ge 22:22 HAZOR #2252 1 A fortified city of Naphtali: Jos 11:1,10,11,13; 12:19; 19:36; Jud 4:2,17; 1Sa 12:9; 2Ki 15:29; Ne 11:33 2 A city in the south of Judah: Jos 15:23; 1Ki 9:15 3 A place north of Jerusalem: Ne 11:33 HAZOR-HADATTAH #2253 1 A city of the territory of the tribe of Judah: Jos 15:25 HEAD #2254 1 Shaven when vows were taken: Ac 21:24 2 Diseases of: Isa 3:17 3 Anointed: Le 14:18,29 HEADBANDS #2255 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 3:20 HEARERS #2256 1 General scriptures concerning: Eze 33:30- 32; Mt 7:24-27; 13:14,15,19-23; Lu 6:49; 8:11- 15; Ro 2:13; Jas 1:19,22-25 HEART #2257 1 (Seat of the affections) 2 RENEWED: De 30:6; Ps 51:10; Eze 11:19; 18:31; 36:26; Ro 2:29; Eph 4:23; Col 3:10 2.1 Regenerated: Joh 3:3,7 2.2 Graciously affected of God: 1Sa 10:26; 1Ch 29:18; Ezr 6:22; 7:27; Pr 16:1; 21:1; Jer 20:9; Ac 16:14 2.3 Strengthened: Ps 27:14; 112:8; 1Th 3:13 2.4 Enlightened: 2Co 4:6 2.5 Tested: 1Ch 29:17; Ps 7:9; 26:2; Pr 17:3; Jer 11:20; 12:3; 20:12; 1Th 2:4; Heb 11:17; Re 2:2,10 2.6 It should render to God obedience: De 10:12; 11:13; 26:16; 1Ki 2:4; Ps 119:112; Eph 6:6 2.7 Faith: Ps 27:3; 112:7; Ac 8:37; Ro 6:17; 10:10 2.8 Trust: Pr 3:5 2.9 Love: Mt 22:37 2.10 Fear: Ps 119:161; Jer 32:40 2.11 Fidelity: Ne 9:8 2.12 Zeal: 2Ch 17:16; Jer 20:9 2.13 It should seek God: 2Ch 19:3; 30:19; Ezr 7:10; Ps 10:17; 84:2 2.14 Be joyful: 1Sa 2:1; Ps 4:7; 97:11; Isa 65:14; Zec 10:7 2.15 Upright: Ps 97:11; 125:4 2.16 Clean: Ps 51:10; 73:1 2.17 Pure: Ps 24:4; Pr 22:11; Mt 5:8; 1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 2:22; Jas 4:8; 1Pe 1:22 2.18 Sincere: Lu 8:15; Ac 2:46; Eph 6:5; Col 3:22; Heb 10:22 2.19 Repentant: De 30:2; Ps 34:18; 51:17 2.20 Devout: 1Sa 1:13; Ps 4:4; 9:1; 27:8; 77:6; 119:10,69,145 2.21 Wise: 1Ki 3:9,12; 4:29; Job 9:4; Pr 8:10; 10:8; 11:29; 14:33; 23:15 2.22 Tender: 1Sa 24:5; 2Ki 22:19; Job 23:16; Ps 22:14; Eph 4:32 2.23 Holy: Ps 66:18; 1Pe 3:15 2.24 Compassionate: Jer 4:19; La 3:51 2.25 Lowly: Mt 11:29 3 THE UNREGENERATE 3.1 Is full of iniquity: Ge 6:5; 8:21; 1Sa 17:28; Pr 6:14,18; 11:20; Ec 8:11; 9:3; Jer 4:14,18; 17:9; Ro 1:21 3.2 Loves evil: De 29:18; Ps 95:10; Jer 17:5 3.3 Is a fountain of evil: Mt 12:34 3.4 See DEPRAVITY 3.5 Is wayward: 2Ch 12:14; Ps 101:4; Pr 6:14; 11:20; 12:8; 17:20; Jer 5:23; Heb 3:10 3.6 Blind: Ro 1:21; Eph 4:18 3.7 See BLINDNESS, SPIRITUAL 3.8 Is double (duplicity): 1Ch 12:33; Ps 12:2; Ho 10:2; Jas 1:6,8; Pr 28:14; Isa 9:9; 10:12; 46:12 3.9 See INSTABILITY 3.10 Is hard: Ps 76:5; Eze 2:4; 3:7; 11:19; 36:26; Mr 6:52; 10:5; 16:14; Joh 12:40; Ro 1:21; 2:5 3.11 See IMPENITENCE 3.12 See OBDURACY 3.13 Is deceitful: Jer 17:9 3.14 Is proud: 2Ki 14:10; 2Ch 25:19; Ps 101:5; Pr 18:12; 28:25; Jer 48:29; 49:16 3.15 See PRIDE 3.16 Is subtle: Pr 7:10 3.17 See HYPOCRISY 3.18 Is sensual: Eze 6:9; Ho 13:6; Ro 8:7 3.19 See LASCIVIOUSNESS 3.20 Is worldly: 2Ch 26:16; Da 5:20; Ac 8:21,22 3.21 Is judicially hardened: Ex 4:21; Jos 11:20; Isa 6:10; Ac 28:26,27 3.22 Is malicious: Ps 28:3; 140:2; Pr 24:2; Ec 7:26; Eze 25:15 3.23 See MALICE 3.24 Is impenitent: Ro 2:5 3.25 See IMPENITENCE 3.26 Is diabolical: Joh 13:2; Ac 5:3 3.27 Is covetous: Jer 22:17; 2Pe 2:14 3.28 See COVETOUSNESS 3.29 Is foolish: Pr 12:23; 22:15; Ec 9:3 4 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES DESCRIPTIVE OF THE SEAT OF THE AFFECTIONS: De 5:29; 6:5,6; 1Sa 16:7; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 12:14; Ps 22:26; 34:18; 51:10,17; 57:7; 112:7; Pr 4:23; 14:30; 15:13-15; 16:1; 20:9; Jer 17:1,9,10; Mt 5:8; 9:4; 12:33; 15:18-20; 23:26; Mr 7:21; Ac 8:22; Ro 2:5,14-16; Heb 3:8,15 5 INSTANCES OF HARDENED HEARTS 5.1 Pharoah: Ex 4:21; 7:3,13,22; 8:15,32; 9:12 5.2 Sihon: De 2:30 5.3 King of Canaan: Jos 11:20 5.4 Others: 1Sa 6:6 6 KNOWN TO GOD: De 31:21; 1Sa 16:7; 2Sa 7:20; 1Ki 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; Job 11:11; 16:19; 31:4; Ps 1:6; 44:21; 51:10; 94:11; 139:1-12; Pr 5:21; 16:2; 21:2; Isa 66:18; Jer 12:3; 17:10; Eze 11:5,19-21; 36:25,26; Lu 16:15; Ac 1:24; 15:8; Ro 8:27; 1Co 3:20; Heb 4:12; Re 2:23 7 CHANGE OF 7.1 INSTANCES OF 7.2 Saul: 1Sa 10:9 7.3 Solomon: 1Ki 3:11,12 7.4 Saul of Tarsus: Ac 9:1-18 7.5 See REGENERATION 7.6 See SANCTIFICATION HEARTH #2258 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 18:6; Isa 30:14; Jer 36:22,23 2 See BRAZIER HEAT #2259 1 Jonah overcome with: Jon 4:8 2 See SUNSTROKE HEATH #2260 1 General scriptures concerning: Jer 17:6; 48:6 HEATHEN #2261 1 (Under this heading are grouped all who are not embraced under the Abrahamic covenant) 2 Cast out of Canaan: Le 18:24,25; Ps 44:2 3 Their land given to Israel: Ps 78:55; 105:44; 135:12; 136:21,22; Isa 54:1-3 4 Excluded from the temple: La 1:10 5 Wicked practices of 5.1 See IDOLATRY 6 Divine revelations given to 6.1 Abimelech: Ge 20:3-7 6.2 Pharaoh: Ge 41:1-28 6.3 Balaam: Nu 22 6.4 Nebuchadnezzar: Da 4:1-18 6.5 Belshazzar: Da 5:5,24-29 6.6 Cyrus: 2Ch 36:23; Ezr 1:1-4 6.7 The Magi (wise men from the east): Mt 2:1-11 6.8 The centurion at Capernaum: Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:2-9 6.9 Cornelius: Ac 10:1-7 7 Pious people among: Isa 65:5; Ac 10:35 8 INSTANCES OF 8.1 Melchizedek: Ge 14:18-20 8.2 Abimelech: Ge 20 8.3 Balaam: Nu 22 8.4 Jethro: Ex 18 8.5 Cyrus: Ezr 1:1-3 8.6 Eliphaz: Job 4 8.7 Bildad: Job 8 8.8 Zophar: Job 11 8.9 Elihu: Job 32 8.10 Nebuchadnezzar, after his restoration: Da 4 8.11 The Ninevites: Jon 3:5-10 8.12 The Magi (the wise men from the east): Mt 2:1-12 8.13 The centurion at Capernaum: Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:2-9 8.14 The centurion at Caesarea: Ac 10 8.15 See GENTILES HEAVE OFFERING #2262 1 See OFFERINGS HEAVEN #2263 1 GOD'S DWELLING PLACE: De 26:15; 1Ki 8:30,39,43,49; 1Ch 16:31; 21:26; 2Ch 2:6; 6:18,21,27,30,33,35,39; 30:27; Ne 9:27; Job 22:12,14; Ps 2:4; 11:4; 20:6; 33:13; 102:19; 103:19; 113:5; 123:1; 135:6; Ec 5:2; Isa 57:15; 63:15; 66:1; Jer 23:24; La 3:41,50; Da 4:35; 5:23; Zec 2:13; Mt 5:34,45; 6:9; 10:32,33; 11:25; 12:50; 16:17; 18:10,14; Mr 11:25,26; 16:19; Ac 7:49; Ro 1:18; Heb 8:1; Re 8:1; 12:7-9; 21:22- 27; 22:1-5 2 THE FUTURE DWELLING PLACE OF THE RIGHTEOUS 2.1 Called a GARNER: Mt 3:12 2.2 THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST AND OF GOD: Eph 5:5 2.3 THE FATHER'S HOUSE: Joh 14:2 2.4 A HEAVENLY COUNTRY: Heb 11:16 2.5 A REST: Heb 4:9; Re 14:13 2.6 PARADISE: 2Co 12:2,4 2.7 The wicked excluded from: Ga 5:21; Eph 5:5; Re 22:15 3 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: 2Ki 2:11; Job 3:17; Ps 16:11; 17:15; 23:6; 24:3,7; 73:24; Isa 33:17; 49:9,10; Da 12:3; Mal 3:17; Mt 3:12; 5:3,8,12,20; 6:20; 8:11; 13:30,43,49; 18:10; 19:21; 22:30; 25:34,46; Lu 10:20; 12:8,32,33; 15:6,7,10,32; 16:22; 20:34- 36; 22:29,30; 23:43; Joh 5:28,29; 10:28; 12:26; 13:36; 14:2,3; 17:22,24; Ac 7:55,56; Ro 5:17; 2Co 5:1; 12:2-4; Eph 1:18; Col 1:5,6,12; 3:4; 1Th 2:12; 4:17; 2Th 1:7; 2:14; Heb 10:34; 11:10,16; 12:22-24,28; 13:14; 1Pe 1:4; 2Pe 1:11; 3:13; Re 2:7; 3:21; 4:4; 5:9; 7:9,13-17; 14:1-3; 15:2; 21:1-5,9-11,18,19,21-25,27; 22:1-5 3.1 See RIGHTEOUS, PROMISES TO 4 THE PHYSICAL HEAVENS: Ge 1:1; Ps 19:1; 50:6; 68:33; 89:29; 97:6; 103:11; 113:4; 115:16; Jer 31:37; Eze 1:1; Mt 24:29,30; Ac 2:19,20 4.1 See Sub-topics, below 61

H Topic Guide H 5 PHYSICAL HEAVENS, CREATION OF: Ge 1:1; 2:1; 1Ch 16:26; 2Ch 2:12; Ne 9:6; Job 9:8; Ps 8:3; 19:1; 33:6,9; 148:4-6; Pr 8:27; Isa 37:16; 40:22; 42:5; 45:12,18; Jer 10:12; 32:17; 51:15; Ac 4:24; 14:15; Heb 1:10; Re 10:6; 14:7 5.1 See HEAVENS, NEW 5.2 See CREATION 5.3 See GOD, CREATOR 6 PHYSICAL HEAVENS, DESTRUCTION OF: Job 14:12; Ps 102:25,26; Isa 34:4; 51:6; Mt 5:18; 24:35; Heb 1:10-12; 2Pe 3:10,12; Re 6:12- 14; 20:11; 21:1,4 7 NEW HEAVENS: Isa 65:17; 66:22; 2Pe 3:13; Re 21:1-4 HEBER #2264 1 Head of a family in the tribe of Gad: 1Ch 5:13 2 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:22 3 A son of Beriah: Ge 46:17; Nu 26:45; 1Ch 7:31,32; Lu 3:35 4 Husband of Jael: Jud 4:11,17,21; 5:24 5 Son of Ezra: 1Ch 4:18 6 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:17 HEBREW #2265 1 A word supposed to be a corruption of the name of Eber, who was an ancestor of Abraham: Ge 10:24; 11:14-26 2 See GENEALOGY 3 Applied to 3.1 Abraham: Ge 14:13 3.2 And his descendants: Ge 39:14; 40:15; 43:32; Ex 2:6; De 15:12; 1Sa 4:9; 29:3; Jon 1:9; Ac 6:1; 2Co 11:22; Php 3:5 4 Used to denote the language (Aramaic) of the Jews: Joh 5:2; 19:20; Ac 21:40; 22:2; 26:14; Re 9:11 5 See ISRAELITES 6 See JEWS HEBRON #2266 1 A city of the territory of the tribe of Asher: Jos 19:28 2 A city of the tribe of Judah, south of Jerusalem 2.1 When built: Nu 13:22 2.2 Fortified: 2Ch 11:10 2.3 Called KIRJATH-ARBA: Ge 23:2 2.4 ARBA: Ge 35:27; Jos 15:13 2.5 Abraham lived there and Sarah died at: Ge 23:2 2.6 Hoham, king of, confederated with other kings of the Canaanites against Joshua: Jos 10:3-39 2.7 Descendants of the Anakim live at: Nu 13:22; Jos 11:21 2.8 Conquest of, by Caleb: Jos 14:6-15; Jud 1:10,20 2.9 A city of refuge: Jos 20:7; 21:11,13 2.10 David crowned king of Judah at: 2Sa 2:1-11 ; 3 2.11 David crowned king of Israel at: 2Sa 5:1-5 2.12 The burial place of Sarah: Ge 23:2 2.13 The burial place of Abner: 2Sa 3:32 2.14 The burial place of Ish-bosheth: 2Sa 4:12 2.15 The conspirators against Ish-bosheth hanged at: 2Sa 4:12 2.16 Absalom made king at: 2Sa 15:9,10 2.17 Jews of the Babylonian captivity lived at: Ne 11:25 2.18 Pool of: 2Sa 4:12 3 Son of Kohath: Ex 6:18; Nu 3:19; 1Ch 6:2,18; 23:12,19 HEDGE #2267 1 A fence: Job 1:10; Isa 5:5; Jer 49:3; La 3:7; Eze 13:5; 22:30; Ho 2:6; Mic 7:4; Mr 12:1 2 Of thorns: Pr 15:19 3 People lived in: Lu 14:23 4 See FENCE HEGAI #2268 1 Chamberlain of Ahasuerus: Es 2:3,8,15 HEIFER #2269 1 When used as sacrifice, must be without blemish and must not have come under the yoke: Nu 19:2; De 21:3 2 An atonement for murder: De 21:1-9 3 The red heifer used for the water of separation: Nu 19; Heb 9:13 4 Used for pulling: Jud 14:18 5 Used for treading out wheat: Ho 10:11 62 6 Tractable: Ho 10:11 7 Intractable: Ho 4:16 8 See KINE 9 See OFFERING 10 FIGURATIVE 10.1 Of backsliders: Ho 4:16 10.2 Of the obedient: Ho 10:11 HEIR #2270 1 General scriptures concerning: Ga 4:1,2; Ge 15:3; 21:10; 25:5,6; Le 25:45,46; Nu 27:8- 11; 36:1-8; De 21:15-17; Jos 17:3-6; Ru 4:1-12; Ec 2:18,19; Ga 4:30 2 See INHERITANCE 3 See BIRTHRIGHT 4 See FIRSTBORN 5 See ORPHAN 6 See WILL 7 FIGURATIVE: Ro 8:14-17; Ga 3:29; 4:6,7; Tit 3:7; Jas 2:5 7.1 See ADOPTION HELAH #2271 1 A wife of Asher: 1Ch 4:5 HELAM #2272 1 A place east of the Jordan River: 2Sa 10:16,17 HELBAH #2273 1 A town of the territory of the tribe of Asher: Jud 1:31 HELBON #2274 1 A village near Damascus, noted for fine wines: Eze 27:18 HELDAI #2275 1 The Netophathite 1.1 One of David's heroes: 1Ch 27:15 1.2 Called HELED: 1Ch 11:30 1.3 And HELEB: 2Sa 23:29 2 An Israelite: Zec 6:10 HELEB #2276 1 See HELDAI HELEK #2277 1 Son of Gilead: Nu 26:30; Jos 17:2 HELEM #2278 1 A descendant of Asher: 1Ch 7:35 2 Probably same as HELDAI: Zec 6:10,14 HELEPH #2279 1 A town of the territory of the tribe of Naphtali: Jos 19:33 HELEZ #2280 1 One of David's mighty men: 2Sa 23:26; 1Ch 11:27; 27:10 2 A man of the tribe of Judah: 1Ch 2:39 HELI #2281 1 Father of Joseph: Lu 3:23 HELKAI #2282 1 A priest: Ne 12:15 HELKATH #2283 1 (Also HUKOK) 2 A Levitical town: 1Ch 6:75; Jos 19:25; 21:31 HELKATH-HAZZURIM #2284 1 A battleground: 2Sa 2:16 HELL #2285 1 (In the A. V. this word occurs in O. T. Scriptures, cited below, and is the translation of the Hebrew word "sheol," which signifies the unseen state) 2 In the R. V. of O. T. it appears only in: Isa 5:14; 14:9,15; 28:15,18; 57:9; Eze 31:16,17; 32:21,27; Am 9:2; Jon 2:2; Hab 2:5 3 In the R. V., "sheol" is translated "lowest pit": De 32:22; Ps 86:13 4 And it is translated "pit" in: Ps 55:15 5 In the R. V. the word "Sheol" itself occurs in the following scriptures: 2Sa 22:6; Job 11:8; 26:6; Ps 9:17; 16:10; 18:5; 116:3; 139:8; Pr 5:5; 7:27; 9:18; 15:11,24; 23:14; 27:20 6 "Sheol" is translated "grave" in A. V. in: Ge 37:35; 42:38; 44:29,31; 1Sa 2:6; 1Ki 2:6; 9; Job 7:9; 14:13; 17:13; 21:13; 24:19; Ps 6:5; 30:3; 31:17; 49:14,15; 88:3; 89:48; 141:7; Pr 1:12; 30:16; Ec 9:10; So 8:6; Ho 13:14 7 In the R. V. the Greek word "gehenna" is translated "hell" in the following scriptures: Mt 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mr 9:43,45,47; Lu 12:5; Jas 3:6 8 The R. V. has introduced "Hades," the word found in the Greek text, which signifies the unseen world, in the following scriptures: Mt 11:23; 16:18; Lu 10:15; 16:23; Ac 2:27,31; Re 1:18; 6:8; 20:13,14 9 THE FUTURE HOME OF THE WICKED: Ps 9:17; Pr 5:5; 9:13,15-18; 15:24; 23:13,14; Isa 30:33; 33:14; Mt 3:12; 5:29,30; 7:13,14; 8:11,12; 10:28; 13:30,38-42,49,50; 16:18; 18:8,9,34,35; 22:13; 25:28-30,41,46; Mr 9:43-48; Lu 3:17; 16:23-26,28; Ac 1:25; 2Th 1:9; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6-23; Re 2:11; 9:1,2; 11:7; 14:10,11; 19:20; 20:10,15; 21:8 9.1 See WICKED, PUNISHMENT OF HELM #2286 1 General scriptures concerning: Ac 27:40; Jas 3:4 HELMET #2287 1 A defensive head-gear worn by soldiers: 1Sa 17:5,38; 2Ch 26:14; Jer 46:4; Eze 23:24 2 FIGURATIVE: Isa 59:17; Eph 6:17; 1Th 5:8 HELON #2288 1 Father of Eliab: Nu 1:9; 2:7; 7:24,29; 10:16 HEMAM #2289 1 A son of Lotan: Ge 36:22 2 Called HOMAM: 1Ch 1:39 HEMAN #2290 1 A man noted for wisdom, to whom Solomon is compared: 1Ki 4:31; 1Ch 2:6 2 "The singer," a chief Levite, and musician: 1Ch 6:33; 15:17,19; 16:41 2.1 The king's seer: 1Ch 25:5 2.2 His sons and daughters temple musicians: 1Ch 6:33; 25:1-6 2.3 "Maschil of," title of: Ps 88 HEMATH #2291 1 Another form for HAMATH: Am 6:14 2 An unknown person or place: 1Ch 2:55 HEMDAN #2292 1 Son of Dishon: Ge 36:26 HEMLOCK #2293 1 A poisonous and bitter plant: Ho 10:4; Am 6:12 2 See GALL HEMORRHAGE #2294 1 Menstruation: Le 15:19; Mt 9:20; Lu 8:43 2 A woman suffers for twelve years: Mr 5:25- 29 3 See MENSTRUATION HEMORRHOIDS #2295 1 A disease with which the Philistines were afflicted: 1Sa 5:6,12; 6:4; 5:11; De 28:27 2 See DISEASE 3 See TUMOR HEN #2296 1 FIGURATIVE: Mt 23:37; Lu 13:34 HENA #2297 1 A city on the Euphrates River: 2Ki 18:34; 19:13; Isa 37:13 HENADAD #2298 1 A Levite: Ezr 3:9; Ne 3:18,24; 10:9 HEPHER #2299 1 Son of Gilead, and ancestor of Zelophehad: Nu 26:32,33; 27:1; Jos 17:2,3 2 Son of Naarah: 1Ch 4:6 3 One of David's heroes: 1Ch 11:36 4 A city west of the Jordan River: Jos 12:17; 1Ki 4:10 HEPHZI-BAH #2300 1 Wife of Hezekiah: 2Ki 21:1 2 A prophetic name of Jerusalem: Isa 62:4 HERALD #2301 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 40:3; Da 3:4 2 Signified by the word "preacher,": 1Ti 2:7; 2Ti 1:11; 2Pe 2:5 3 See R.V. (margin). HERBS #2302 1 Given for food: Ge 1:29,30; Pr 15:17 2 See VEGETATION HEREDITY #2303 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 5:3; Ex 20:5,6; 34:7; Nu 14:18,33; Job 14:4; 21:19; Ps 37:28; 51:5; 58:3; Isa 14:20,21; 48:8; 65:6,7; Jer 31:29,30; 32:18; Eze 18:2,19,20; Mt 3:9; Joh 3:6,7; 9:2; Ro 5:12; 1Co 15:22; Eph 2:3 HERES #2304 1 Mountain: Jud 1:35 HERESH #2305 1 A Levite: 1Ch 9:15 HERESY #2306 1 The propagation of, forbidden under severe penalties: De 13; Tit 3:10,11; 2Jo 1:10,11 2 Teachers of, among early Christians: Ac 15:24; 2Co 11:4; Ga 1:7; 2:4; 2Pe 2; Jude 1:3- 16; Re 2:2 3 Paul and Silas accused of: Ac 16:20,21,23 4 Paul accused of: Ac 18:13 5 Disavowed by Paul: Ac 24:13-16 6 See TEACHERS, FALSE HERMAS #2307 1 A Christian at Rome: Ro 16:14 HERMES #2308 1 A Greek Christian: Ro 16:14 HERMOGENES #2309 1 A Christian, who deserted Paul: 2Ti 1:15 HERMON #2310 1 A mountain in the north of Palestine 2 Called 2.1 SIRION: De 3:8,9; Ps 29:6 2.2 SION: De 4:48; Ps 133:3 2.3 SHENIR: De 3:9; 1Ch 5:23; So 4:8 HEROD #2311 1 King of Judah (Herod the Great): Mt 2 2 Tetrarch of Galilee (Herod Antipas): Lu 3:1; 23:7 2.1 Incest of: Mt 14:3,4; Mr 6:17-19 2.2 Beheads John the Baptist: Mr 6:16-28; Mt 14:3-11 2.3 Desires to see Jesus: Lu 9:7,9; 23:8 2.4 Tyranny of: Lu 13:31,32 2.5 Jesus tried by: Lu 23:6-12,15; Ac 4:27 3 Son of Aristobulus (Herod Agrippa I): Ac 12:1-23 HERODIANS #2312 1 A Jewish faction 2 Seek to entangle Jesus: Mt 22:16; Mr 12:13 3 Conspire to kill Jesus: Mr 3:6; 12:13 HERODIAS #2313 1 Daughter of Aristobulus: Mt 14:3,6; Mr 6:17,19,22; Lu 3:19 HERODION #2314 1 A Roman Christian: Ro 16:11 HERON #2315 1 General scriptures concerning: Le 11:19; De 14:18 HESED #2316 1 Father of one of Solomon's officers: 1Ki 4:10 HESHBON #2317 1 A city 2 Of the Amorites: Nu 21:25-35; De 1:4 3 Built by Reuben: Nu 32:37 4 Allotted to Gad: Jos 21:38,39 5 Fish pools at: So 7:4

H Topic <strong>Guide</strong> H<br />


1:1; 2:1; 1Ch 16:26; 2Ch 2:12; Ne 9:6; Job 9:8;<br />

Ps 8:3; 19:1; 33:6,9; 148:4-6; Pr 8:27; Isa 37:16;<br />

40:22; 42:5; 45:12,18; Jer 10:12; 32:17; 51:15;<br />

Ac 4:24; 14:15; Heb 1:10; Re 10:6; 14:7<br />

5.1 See HEAVENS, NEW<br />

5.2 See CREATION<br />

5.3 See GOD, CREATOR<br />


Job 14:12; Ps 102:25,26; Isa 34:4; 51:6; Mt<br />

5:18; 24:35; Heb 1:10-12; 2Pe 3:10,12; Re 6:12-<br />

14; 20:11; 21:1,4<br />

7 NEW HEAVENS: Isa 65:17; 66:22; 2Pe 3:13;<br />

Re 21:1-4<br />

HEBER #2264<br />

1 Head of a family in <strong>the</strong> tribe of Gad: 1Ch<br />

5:13<br />

2 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:22<br />

3 A son of Beriah: Ge 46:17; Nu 26:45; 1Ch<br />

7:31,32; Lu 3:35<br />

4 Husb<strong>and</strong> of Jael: Jud 4:11,17,21; 5:24<br />

5 Son of Ezra: 1Ch 4:18<br />

6 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:17<br />

HEBREW #2265<br />

1 A word supposed to be a corruption of <strong>the</strong><br />

name of Eber, who was an ancestor of<br />

Abraham: Ge 10:24; 11:14-26<br />

2 See GENEALOGY<br />

3 Applied to<br />

3.1 Abraham: Ge 14:13<br />

3.2 And his descendants: Ge 39:14; 40:15;<br />

43:32; Ex 2:6; De 15:12; 1Sa 4:9; 29:3; Jon 1:9;<br />

Ac 6:1; 2Co 11:22; Php 3:5<br />

4 Used to denote <strong>the</strong> language (Aramaic) of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Jews: Joh 5:2; 19:20; Ac 21:40; 22:2; 26:14;<br />

Re 9:11<br />

5 See ISRAELITES<br />

6 See JEWS<br />

HEBRON #2266<br />

1 A city of <strong>the</strong> territory of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Asher:<br />

Jos 19:28<br />

2 A city of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah, south of<br />

Jerusalem<br />

2.1 When built: Nu 13:22<br />

2.2 Fortified: 2Ch 11:10<br />

2.3 Called KIRJATH-ARBA: Ge 23:2<br />

2.4 ARBA: Ge 35:27; Jos 15:13<br />

2.5 Abraham lived <strong>the</strong>re <strong>and</strong> Sarah died at:<br />

Ge 23:2<br />

2.6 Hoham, king of, confederated with o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

kings of <strong>the</strong> Canaanites against Joshua: Jos<br />

10:3-39<br />

2.7 Descendants of <strong>the</strong> Anakim live at: Nu<br />

13:22; Jos 11:21<br />

2.8 Conquest of, by Caleb: Jos 14:6-15; Jud<br />

1:10,20<br />

2.9 A city of refuge: Jos 20:7; 21:11,13<br />

2.10 David crowned king of Judah at: 2Sa<br />

2:1-11 ; 3<br />

2.11 David crowned king of Israel at: 2Sa<br />

5:1-5<br />

2.12 The burial place of Sarah: Ge 23:2<br />

2.13 The burial place of Abner: 2Sa 3:32<br />

2.14 The burial place of Ish-bosheth: 2Sa<br />

4:12<br />

2.15 The conspirators against Ish-bosheth<br />

hanged at: 2Sa 4:12<br />

2.16 Absalom made king at: 2Sa 15:9,10<br />

2.17 Jews of <strong>the</strong> Babylonian captivity lived<br />

at: Ne 11:25<br />

2.18 Pool of: 2Sa 4:12<br />

3 Son of Kohath: Ex 6:18; Nu 3:19; 1Ch<br />

6:2,18; 23:12,19<br />

HEDGE #2267<br />

1 A fence: Job 1:10; Isa 5:5; Jer 49:3; La 3:7;<br />

Eze 13:5; 22:30; Ho 2:6; Mic 7:4; Mr 12:1<br />

2 Of thorns: Pr 15:19<br />

3 People lived in: Lu 14:23<br />

4 See FENCE<br />

HEGAI #2268<br />

1 Chamberlain of Ahasuerus: Es 2:3,8,15<br />

HEIFER #2269<br />

1 When used as sacrifice, must be without<br />

blemish <strong>and</strong> must not have come under <strong>the</strong><br />

yoke: Nu 19:2; De 21:3<br />

2 An atonement for murder: De 21:1-9<br />

3 The red heifer used for <strong>the</strong> water of<br />

separation: Nu 19; Heb 9:13<br />

4 Used for pulling: Jud 14:18<br />

5 Used for treading out wheat: Ho 10:11<br />

62<br />

6 Tractable: Ho 10:11<br />

7 Intractable: Ho 4:16<br />

8 See KINE<br />

9 See OFFERING<br />


10.1 Of backsliders: Ho 4:16<br />

10.2 Of <strong>the</strong> obedient: Ho 10:11<br />

HEIR #2270<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ga 4:1,2;<br />

Ge 15:3; 21:10; 25:5,6; Le 25:45,46; Nu 27:8-<br />

11; 36:1-8; De 21:15-17; Jos 17:3-6; Ru 4:1-12;<br />

Ec 2:18,19; Ga 4:30<br />


3 See BIRTHRIGHT<br />

4 See FIRSTBORN<br />

5 See ORPHAN<br />

6 See WILL<br />

7 FIGURATIVE: Ro 8:14-17; Ga 3:29; 4:6,7; Tit<br />

3:7; Jas 2:5<br />

7.1 See ADOPTION<br />

HELAH #2271<br />

1 A wife of Asher: 1Ch 4:5<br />

HELAM #2272<br />

1 A place east of <strong>the</strong> Jordan River: 2Sa<br />

10:16,17<br />

HELBAH #2273<br />

1 A town of <strong>the</strong> territory of <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Asher: Jud 1:31<br />

HELBON #2274<br />

1 A village near Damascus, noted for fine<br />

wines: Eze 27:18<br />

HELDAI #2275<br />

1 The Netophathite<br />

1.1 One of David's heroes: 1Ch 27:15<br />

1.2 Called HELED: 1Ch 11:30<br />

1.3 And HELEB: 2Sa 23:29<br />

2 An Israelite: Zec 6:10<br />

HELEB #2276<br />

1 See HELDAI<br />

HELEK #2277<br />

1 Son of Gilead: Nu 26:30; Jos 17:2<br />

HELEM #2278<br />

1 A descendant of Asher: 1Ch 7:35<br />

2 Probably same as HELDAI: Zec 6:10,14<br />

HELEPH #2279<br />

1 A town of <strong>the</strong> territory of <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Naphtali: Jos 19:33<br />

HELEZ #2280<br />

1 One of David's mighty men: 2Sa 23:26;<br />

1Ch 11:27; 27:10<br />

2 A man of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah: 1Ch 2:39<br />

HELI #2281<br />

1 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Joseph: Lu 3:23<br />

HELKAI #2282<br />

1 A priest: Ne 12:15<br />

HELKATH #2283<br />

1 (Also HUKOK)<br />

2 A Levitical town: 1Ch 6:75; Jos 19:25;<br />

21:31<br />


#2284<br />

1 A battleground: 2Sa 2:16<br />

HELL #2285<br />

1 (In <strong>the</strong> A. V. this word occurs in O. T.<br />

Scriptures, cited below, <strong>and</strong> is <strong>the</strong> translation<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Hebrew word "sheol," which signifies<br />

<strong>the</strong> unseen state)<br />

2 In <strong>the</strong> R. V. of O. T. it appears only in: Isa<br />

5:14; 14:9,15; 28:15,18; 57:9; Eze 31:16,17;<br />

32:21,27; Am 9:2; Jon 2:2; Hab 2:5<br />

3 In <strong>the</strong> R. V., "sheol" is translated "lowest<br />

pit": De 32:22; Ps 86:13<br />

4 And it is translated "pit" in: Ps 55:15<br />

5 In <strong>the</strong> R. V. <strong>the</strong> word "Sheol" itself occurs<br />

in <strong>the</strong> following scriptures: 2Sa 22:6; Job<br />

11:8; 26:6; Ps 9:17; 16:10; 18:5; 116:3; 139:8;<br />

Pr 5:5; 7:27; 9:18; 15:11,24; 23:14; 27:20<br />

6 "Sheol" is translated "grave" in A. V. in:<br />

Ge 37:35; 42:38; 44:29,31; 1Sa 2:6; 1Ki 2:6; 9;<br />

Job 7:9; 14:13; 17:13; 21:13; 24:19; Ps 6:5;<br />

30:3; 31:17; 49:14,15; 88:3; 89:48; 141:7; Pr<br />

1:12; 30:16; Ec 9:10; So 8:6; Ho 13:14<br />

7 In <strong>the</strong> R. V. <strong>the</strong> Greek word "gehenna" is<br />

translated "hell" in <strong>the</strong> following scriptures:<br />

Mt 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mr<br />

9:43,45,47; Lu 12:5; Jas 3:6<br />

8 The R. V. has introduced "Hades," <strong>the</strong><br />

word found in <strong>the</strong> Greek text, which signifies<br />

<strong>the</strong> unseen world, in <strong>the</strong> following scriptures:<br />

Mt 11:23; 16:18; Lu 10:15; 16:23; Ac 2:27,31;<br />

Re 1:18; 6:8; 20:13,14<br />


9:17; Pr 5:5; 9:13,15-18; 15:24; 23:13,14; Isa<br />

30:33; 33:14; Mt 3:12; 5:29,30; 7:13,14; 8:11,12;<br />

10:28; 13:30,38-42,49,50; 16:18; 18:8,9,34,35;<br />

22:13; 25:28-30,41,46; Mr 9:43-48; Lu 3:17;<br />

16:23-26,28; Ac 1:25; 2Th 1:9; 2Pe 2:4; Jude<br />

1:6-23; Re 2:11; 9:1,2; 11:7; 14:10,11; 19:20;<br />

20:10,15; 21:8<br />


HELM #2286<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ac 27:40;<br />

Jas 3:4<br />

HELMET #2287<br />

1 A defensive head-gear worn by soldiers:<br />

1Sa 17:5,38; 2Ch 26:14; Jer 46:4; Eze 23:24<br />

2 FIGURATIVE: Isa 59:17; Eph 6:17; 1Th 5:8<br />

HELON #2288<br />

1 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Eliab: Nu 1:9; 2:7; 7:24,29; 10:16<br />

HEMAM #2289<br />

1 A son of Lotan: Ge 36:22<br />

2 Called HOMAM: 1Ch 1:39<br />

HEMAN #2290<br />

1 A man noted for wisdom, to whom<br />

Solomon is compared: 1Ki 4:31; 1Ch 2:6<br />

2 "The singer," a chief Levite, <strong>and</strong> musician:<br />

1Ch 6:33; 15:17,19; 16:41<br />

2.1 The king's seer: 1Ch 25:5<br />

2.2 His sons <strong>and</strong> daughters temple<br />

musicians: 1Ch 6:33; 25:1-6<br />

2.3 "Maschil of," title of: Ps 88<br />

HEMATH #2291<br />

1 Ano<strong>the</strong>r form for HAMATH: Am 6:14<br />

2 An unknown person or place: 1Ch 2:55<br />

HEMDAN #2292<br />

1 Son of Dishon: Ge 36:26<br />

HEMLOCK #2293<br />

1 A poisonous <strong>and</strong> bitter plant: Ho 10:4; Am<br />

6:12<br />

2 See GALL<br />

HEMORRHAGE #2294<br />

1 Menstruation: Le 15:19; Mt 9:20; Lu 8:43<br />

2 A woman suffers for twelve years: Mr 5:25-<br />

29<br />


HEMORRHOIDS #2295<br />

1 A disease with which <strong>the</strong> Philistines were<br />

afflicted: 1Sa 5:6,12; 6:4; 5:11; De 28:27<br />

2 See DISEASE<br />

3 See TUMOR<br />

HEN #2296<br />

1 FIGURATIVE: Mt 23:37; Lu 13:34<br />

HENA #2297<br />

1 A city on <strong>the</strong> Euphrates River: 2Ki 18:34;<br />

19:13; Isa 37:13<br />

HENADAD #2298<br />

1 A Levite: Ezr 3:9; Ne 3:18,24; 10:9<br />

HEPHER #2299<br />

1 Son of Gilead, <strong>and</strong> ancestor of<br />

Zelophehad: Nu 26:32,33; 27:1; Jos 17:2,3<br />

2 Son of Naarah: 1Ch 4:6<br />

3 One of David's heroes: 1Ch 11:36<br />

4 A city west of <strong>the</strong> Jordan River: Jos 12:17;<br />

1Ki 4:10<br />

HEPHZI-BAH #2300<br />

1 Wife of Hezekiah: 2Ki 21:1<br />

2 A prophetic name of Jerusalem: Isa 62:4<br />

HERALD #2301<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 40:3;<br />

Da 3:4<br />

2 Signified by <strong>the</strong> word "preacher,": 1Ti 2:7;<br />

2Ti 1:11; 2Pe 2:5<br />

3 See R.V. (margin).<br />

HERBS #2302<br />

1 Given for food: Ge 1:29,30; Pr 15:17<br />

2 See VEGETATION<br />

HEREDITY #2303<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 5:3; Ex<br />

20:5,6; 34:7; Nu 14:18,33; Job 14:4; 21:19; Ps<br />

37:28; 51:5; 58:3; Isa 14:20,21; 48:8; 65:6,7; Jer<br />

31:29,30; 32:18; Eze 18:2,19,20; Mt 3:9; Joh<br />

3:6,7; 9:2; Ro 5:12; 1Co 15:22; Eph 2:3<br />

HERES #2304<br />

1 Mountain: Jud 1:35<br />

HERESH #2305<br />

1 A Levite: 1Ch 9:15<br />

HERESY #2306<br />

1 The propagation of, forbidden under<br />

severe penalties: De 13; Tit 3:10,11; 2Jo<br />

1:10,11<br />

2 Teachers of, among early Christians: Ac<br />

15:24; 2Co 11:4; Ga 1:7; 2:4; 2Pe 2; Jude 1:3-<br />

16; Re 2:2<br />

3 Paul <strong>and</strong> Silas accused of: Ac 16:20,21,23<br />

4 Paul accused of: Ac 18:13<br />

5 Disavowed by Paul: Ac 24:13-16<br />


HERMAS #2307<br />

1 A Christian at Rome: Ro 16:14<br />

HERMES #2308<br />

1 A Greek Christian: Ro 16:14<br />

HERMOGENES #2309<br />

1 A Christian, who deserted Paul: 2Ti 1:15<br />

HERMON #2310<br />

1 A mountain in <strong>the</strong> north of Palestine<br />

2 Called<br />

2.1 SIRION: De 3:8,9; Ps 29:6<br />

2.2 SION: De 4:48; Ps 133:3<br />

2.3 SHENIR: De 3:9; 1Ch 5:23; So 4:8<br />

HEROD #2311<br />

1 King of Judah (Herod <strong>the</strong> Great): Mt 2<br />

2 Tetrarch of Galilee (Herod Antipas): Lu 3:1;<br />

23:7<br />

2.1 Incest of: Mt 14:3,4; Mr 6:17-19<br />

2.2 Beheads John <strong>the</strong> Baptist: Mr 6:16-28; Mt<br />

14:3-11<br />

2.3 Desires to see Jesus: Lu 9:7,9; 23:8<br />

2.4 Tyranny of: Lu 13:31,32<br />

2.5 Jesus tried by: Lu 23:6-12,15; Ac 4:27<br />

3 Son of Aristobulus (Herod Agrippa I): Ac<br />

12:1-23<br />

HERODIANS #2312<br />

1 A Jewish faction<br />

2 Seek to entangle Jesus: Mt 22:16; Mr 12:13<br />

3 Conspire to kill Jesus: Mr 3:6; 12:13<br />

HERODIAS #2313<br />

1 Daughter of Aristobulus: Mt 14:3,6; Mr<br />

6:17,19,22; Lu 3:19<br />

HERODION #2314<br />

1 A Roman Christian: Ro 16:11<br />

HERON #2315<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Le 11:19;<br />

De 14:18<br />

HESED #2316<br />

1 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of one of Solomon's officers: 1Ki<br />

4:10<br />

HESHBON #2317<br />

1 A city<br />

2 Of <strong>the</strong> Amorites: Nu 21:25-35; De 1:4<br />

3 Built by Reuben: Nu 32:37<br />

4 Allotted to Gad: Jos 21:38,39<br />

5 Fish pools at: So 7:4

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