Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


G Topic Guide G 20:6; Ne 9:6; Job 9:12; 12:9,10,16,17; 25:2; 33:13; 34:13,24,33; 36:1-33; 41:11; Ps 10:16; 22:28,29; 24:1,10; 29:10; 44:4; 47:2,3,7,8; 50:10-12; 59:13; 65:5; 66:7; 67:4; 74:12; 75:6,7; 76:11,12; 82:1,8; 83:18; 89:11,18; 93:1,2; 95:3- 5; 96:10; 97:1,2,5,9; 98:6; 99:1; 103:19; 105:7; 113:4; 115:3,16; 135:5,6; 136:2,3; 145:11-13; 146:10; Ec 9:1; Isa 24:23; 33:22; 37:16; 40:22,23; 43:15; 44:6; 45:7,23; 52:7; 54:5; Jer 10:10; 18:1-23; 27:5-7; 32:27,28; La 3:37,38; 5:19; Eze 16:50; 17:24; 18:4; Da 2:20,21,47; 4:3,17,25,34,35,37; 5:18,26-28; 6:26; Mic 4:7,13; Hag 2:8; Mal 1:14; Mt 6:10,13; 11:25; 20:15; Lu 1:53; 10:21; Joh 10:29; 19:11; Ac 17:24-26; Ro 9:19; 14:11; 1Co 10:26; Eph 4:6; 1Ti 6:15,16; Heb 1:3; Jas 4:12; Re 1:6; 4:11; 11:4,13,17; 19:6 68.1 See GOD, POWER OF 69 A SPIRIT: Joh 4:24; Ac 17:29 70 TRUTH: Nu 23:19; De 32:4; 1Sa 15:29; Ps 25:10; 31:5; 33:4; 40:10; 43:3; 57:3; 71:22; 86:11,15; 89:14; 91:4; 100:5; 108:4; 117:2; 132:11; 138:2; 146:6; Isa 25:1; 65:6; Jer 10:10; Da 4:37; 9:13; Joh 8:26; 17:17,19; Ro 3:4,7; Tit 1:2; Re 6:10; 15:3 70.1 See GOD, FAITHFULNESS OF, above 70.2 See GOD, JUDGE, AND HIS JUSTICE, above 70.3 See GOD, RIGHTEOUSNESS OF, above 70.4 See also TRUTH 71 UBIQUITOUS: 1Ki 8:27; 2Ch 2:6; Ps 139:3,5,7-10; Jer 23:23,24; Ac 7:48,49 71.1 See GOD, ETERNITY OF, above 71.2 See GOD, INFINITE, above 71.3 See GOD, OMNIPRESENT, above 71.4 See GOD, POWER OF, above 71.5 See GOD, PRESENCE OF, above 71.6 See GOD, PROVIDENCE OF, above 72 UNCHANGEABLE 72.1 See IMMUTABLE 73 UNITY OF: De 6:4; 1Ki 8:60; 20:28; Isa 42:8; Mr 12:29,32; Joh 17:3; 1Co 8:4,6; Ga 3:20; 1Ti 2:5; Jas 2:19 74 UNSEARCHABLE: Ge 32:29; De 29:29; Jud 13:18; 1Ki 8:12,27; 2Ch 2:6; 6:1,18; Job 5:8,9; 9:10; 11:7-9; 26:9,14; 36:26; 37:5,23; Ps 77:19; 92:5; 97:2; 139:6; 145:3; Pr 25:2; 30:4; Ec 3:11; 7:24; 11:5; Isa 40:28; 45:15; 55:8,9; Jer 23:24; Na 1:3; Mt 11:27; Ro 11:33,34; 1Co 2:10,11,16; Eph 3:8 74.1 See MYSTERIES 75 VOICE OF 75.1 See ANTHROPOMORPHISM 76 WISDOM OF: Ezr 7:25; Job 9:4; 12:13,16; Ps 104:24; 136:5; 147:5; Pr 3:19,20; 8:12,22,27- 31; Isa 31:2; Jer 10:7,12; 51:15; Da 2:20-22,28; Ro 16:27; 1Co 1:24,25; Eph 1:8; 3:10; 1Ti 1:17; Jude 1:25; Re 7:12 76.1 See GOD, KNOWLEDGE OF, above 76.2 See GOD, OMNISCIENT, above 77 WORKS OF: Ge 1:10,18,21,25; De 32:4; Ps 26:7; 33:4; 40:5; 66:3; 75:1; 86:8; 92:4,5; 111:2,4,6; 118:17; 136:1-26; 139:14; Ec 3:11,14; Jer 10:12 77.1 See CREATION 77.2 See GOD, CREATOR 77.3 See WORKS GODLESSNESS #2045 1 General scriptures concerning: De 7:10; 32:15; 1Sa 2:30; Job 8:11-13; 35:10; Ps 2:2,4; 9:17; 10:4; 14:2,3; 28:5; 36:1; 50:22; 52:7; 53:2- 4; 54:3; 55:19; 86:14; Pr 14:2; Isa 1:3; 5:12; 17:10; 22:11; 30:1,2,9-13; 31:1; Jer 2:32; Da 5:23; Ho 7:2-4; Mal 2:17; 3:8; Joh 5:42,44; 15:23-25; Ro 1:21,22,28; 3:11,18; 8:6-8; Eph 4:18; Col 1:21; Heb 10:26,27; Jas 4:4 2 See IMPENITENCE 3 See OBDURACY 4 See PRAYERLESSNESS 5 See REPROBACY 6 See UNBELIEF 7 See WICKED GODLINESS #2046 1 See HOLINESS 2 See RIGHTEOUSNESS GODLY #2047 1 See RIGHTEOUS GODS #2048 1 See IDOL 2 See IDOLATRY 3 See IMAGE GOG #2049 1 A Reubenite: 1Ch 5:4 2 A Scythian prince 2.1 Prophecy against: Eze 38; 39; Re 20:8 GOLAN #2050 1 (A town in Bashan) 2 Given to the tribe of Manasseh as a city of refuge: De 4:43; Jos 20:8 3 A Levitical city: Jos 21:27; 1Ch 6:71 GOLD #2051 1 Exported from Havilah: Ge 2:11,12 2 From Ophir: 1Ki 9:28; 10:11; 1Ch 29:4; 2Ch 8:18; Job 22:24 3 Tarshish: 1Ki 22:48 4 Parvaim: 2Ch 3:6 5 Sheba: 1Ki 10:10; 2Ch 9:9; Ps 72:15 6 Uphaz: Jer 10:9 7 Refined: Job 28:19; 31:24; Pr 8:19; 17:3; 27:21; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:3 8 Used in the arts 8.1 Beaten work: 2Ch 9:15 8.2 Made into wire threads and worked into embroidered tapestry: Ex 39:3 8.3 Apparel: Ps 45:9,13 8.4 In ornamenting the priests' garments: Ex 39 8.5 Modeled into forms of fruits: Pr 25:11 8.6 Into ornaments: Ge 24:22; Ex 3:22; 11:2; 28:11; Nu 31:50,51; So 1:10; 5:14; Eze 16:17 8.7 Crowns made of: Ex 25:25; 37:2-11; 39:30; Es 8:15; Ps 21:3; Zec 6:11 8.8 The lampstands made of, for the tabernacle: Ex 25:31-38; 37:17-24 8.9 Shields of: 1Ki 10:16,17 8.10 Overlaying with: Ex 25:11,13,24,28; with 25:1-40; 26:27,29; 30:5; 36:34,36,38; 37:2,4,11,15; 1Ki 6:20-22,28,30,32,35 8.11 Bedsteads made of: Es 1:6 9 Wedge of: Jos 7:21; Isa 13:12 10 Used as money: Ge 44:8; with 44:1; 1Ch 21:25; Ezr 8:25-28; Isa 13:17; 60:9; Eze 7:19; 28:4; Mt 2:11; 10:9; Ac 3:6; 20:33; 1Pe 1:18 11 Solomon rich in: 1Ki 10:2,14,21 12 Vessels and utensils made of, for the tabernacle: Ex 25:26,29,38,39; 37:16 13 For the temple: 1Ch 18:11; 22:14,16; 29:2- 7 14 Altar lamps, and other articles made of: 1Ki 7:48,49-51; 2Ki 25:15; Jer 52:19; Ezr 8:27; Da 5:3 15 See: Overlaying with, above 16 Belongs to God: Eze 16:17 17 FIGURATIVE: Ec 12:6; Jer 51:7; La 4:1; 1Co 3:12 18 SYMBOLICAL: Da 2:32-45; Re 21:18,21 18.1 See GOLDSMITH GOLDEN ALTAR #2052 1 See ALTAR GOLDEN CANDLESTICK #2053 1 See CANDLESTICK GOLDEN RULE #2054 1 General scriptures concerning: Le 19:18; De 5:14,15; Mt 7:12; Lu 6:31; Ro 13:9; Ga 5:14 GOLDSMITH #2055 1 General scriptures concerning: 2Ch 2:7,14; Ne 3:8 2 See GOLD GOLGOTHA #2056 1 The Aramaic name of the place where Jesus was crucified: Mt 27:33; Mr 15:22; Joh 19:17 2 See CALVARY GOLIATH #2057 1 (A giant champion of Gath) 2 Defied armies of Israel and is killed by David: 1Sa 17; 21:9; 22:10 3 His sons: 2Sa 21:15-22; 1Ch 20:4-8 GOMER #2058 1 Son of Japheth: Ge 10:2,3; 1Ch 1:5,6 2 A people descended from Gomer: Eze 38:6 3 Wife (concubine?) of Hosea: Ho 1:3 GOMORRAH #2059 1 One of the "cities of the plain,": Ge 10:19; 13:10 2 Its king defeated by Chedorlaomer: Ge 14:2,8-11 3 Wickedness of: Ge 18:20 4 Destroyed: Ge 19:24-28; De 29:23; 32:32; Isa 1:9,10; 13:19; Jer 23:14; 49:18; 50:40; Am 4:11; Zep 2:9; Mt 10:15; Mr 6:11; Ro 9:29; 2Pe 2:6; Jude 1:7 GONORRHEA #2060 1 General scriptures concerning: Le 15 2 See DISEASES GOOD AND EVIL #2061 1 Choice between, by Adam and Eve: Ge 3 2 Exhortation to choose between: Jos 24:15 3 Conflict between: Re 16:13-21 4 Subjective conflict between: Ro 7:9-25 GOOD FOR EVIL #2062 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 5:44-47; Lu 6:27-36 2 RETURNING: INSTANCES OF 2.1 Abraham, to Abimelech: Ge 20:14-18 2.2 David, to Saul: 1Sa 24:17 2.3 Elisha, to the Syrians: 2Ki 6:22,23 2.4 David, to his enemies: Ps 35:12-14 2.5 Jesus, to his crucifiers: Lu 23:34 2.6 Stephen, to his murderers: Ac 7:60 2.7 See GOLDEN RULE 2.8 See EVIL FOR GOOD GOOD NEWS #2063 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 15:30; 25:25 GOPHER WOOD #2064 1 Noah's ark made of: Ge 6:14 GOSHEN #2065 1 A district in Egypt especially suitable for herds and flocks 1.1 Israelites dwelt in: Ge 45:10; 46:28; 47 1.2 Exempted from plagues: Ex 8:22; 9:26 2 A town and district of the tribe of Judah: Jos 10:41; 11:16; 15:51 GOSPEL #2066 1 Called 1.1 GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM: Mt 4:23; 24:14 1.2 GOSPEL OF GOD: Ro 1:1; 15:16; 1Th 2:8; 1Ti 1:11; 1Pe 4:17 1.3 GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST: Mr 1:1 1.4 GOSPEL OF CHRIST: Ro 1:16; 1Co 9:12,18; Ga 1:7; Php 1:27; 1Th 3:2 1.5 THE DISPENSATION OF THE GRACE OF GOD: Eph 3:2 1.6 THE GRACE OF GOD: Ac 20:24 1.7 GOSPEL OF SALVATION: Eph 1:13 1.8 GOSPEL OF PEACE: Eph 6:15 1.9 THE KINGDOM OF GOD: Lu 16:16 1.10 GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF CHRIST: 2Co 4:4 1.11 PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST: Ro 16:25 1.12 MYSTERY OF CHRIST: Eph 3:4 1.13 MYSTERY OF THE GOSPEL: Eph 6:19 1.14 WORD OF GOD: 1Th 2:13 1.15 WORD OF CHRIST: Col 3:16 1.16 WORD OF SALVATION: Ac 13:26 1.17 WORD OF RECONCILIATION: 2Co 5:19 1.18 WORD OF TRUTH: 2Co 6:7; Eph 1:13 1.19 WORD OF FAITH: Ro 10:8 1.20 WORD OF LIFE: Php 2:16 1.21 MINISTRATION OF THE SPIRIT: 2Co 3:8 1.22 DOCTRINE ACCORDING TO GODLINESS: 1Ti 6:3 1.23 FORM OF SOUND WORDS: 2Ti 1:13 2 Compared to 2.1 A mustard seed: Mt 13:31,32; Mr 4:30-33; Lu 13:18,19 2.2 Good seed: Mt 13:24-30,36-43 2.3 Leaven (yeast): Mt 13:33 2.4 A pearl of great price: Mt 13:45,46; Lu 13:20,21 2.5 A treasure hidden in a field: Mt 13:44 2.6 A householder: Mt 20:1-16 2.7 A feast: Lu 14:16-24 3 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Isa 40:8; Ps 46:4,5; 89:15; Mt 4:23; 11:4-6; 13:17; 24:14; 28:18-20; Mr 1:14,15; 13:10; 16:15; Lu 1:67-79; 2:10-14,34; 4:18,19; 7:22; 10:23,24; 16:16; 17:20,21; Joh 1:16,17; 4:14; 8:32; 12:35,50; 13:20; 17:7,8; 18:36; Ac 2:11; 5:20; 10:36; 13:32,33; 14:3; 16:17; 20:24,32; Ro 1:16,17; 10:15-18; 15:29; 16:25,26; 1Co 1:18,21,24,25; 2:4-7,9; 4:20; 9:16,18; 15:1,2; 2Co 3:6-11,18; 4:3,4,6; 9:15; 10:4,5; Ga 2:2; 3:8; Eph 1:13,14; 3:8-11; 6:15,17,19,20; Col 1:5,6,23,26-29; 1Th 1:5; 2:13; 2Th 1:10; 2:10,14; 1Ti 1:10,11; 2:4; 3:16; 4:6; 2Ti 1:10; 2:3; Heb 4:2; 5:13; 6:1; 7:19; Jas 1:18,21,25; 1Pe 1:23,25; 4:6; 5:12; 2Pe 1:16,19; 2:2,21; 1Jo 2:8; Jude 1:3; Re 14:6,7 4 CALLED THE NEW COVENANT: Jer 31:31- 34; Heb 7:22; 8:6-13; 9:8-15; 10:9; 12:22-24 5 PROPHECIES RELATING TO: Ps 46:4; Isa 2:3-5; 4:2-6; 9:2,6,7; 25:7; 29:18,24; 32:3; 35:5; 40:9; 41:27; 42:6,7; 43:18-21; 46:13; 49:13; 51:4-6; 52:7; 55:1-5; 60:1-22; 61:1-3; Eze 34:23- 31; 47:1-12; Joe 2:28-31; Mic 4:1-7; Mt 24:14 5.1 See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING 5.2 See JESUS, KINGDOM OF 5.3 See JESUS, MISSION OF 5.4 See KINGDOM OF HEAVEN GOSSIP #2067 1 FORBIDDEN: Le 19:16; Ps 50:20; Pr 11:13; 20:19; Eze 22:9 1.1 See SLANDER 1.2 See SPEAKING, EVIL GOURD #2068 1 Jonah's, believed to be a vine resembling the American squash, used in Assyria to cover huts: Jon 4:6-10 2 The wild gourd in this case is supposed to be a plant like the cucumber (in appearance): 2Ki 4:39 GOUT (?) #2069 1 General scriptures concerning: 2Ch 16:12 GOVERNMENT #2070 1 Paternal functions of: Ge 41:25-57 2 Civil service school provided by: Da 1:3- 20 3 Maintains of public instruction: 2Ch 17:7-9 4 Executive departments in 5 See CABINET 6 See KING 7 See RULER 8 Judicial department in 9 See COURT 10 See JUDGE 11 See JUSTICE 12 See LEVITE 13 See PRIEST 14 MOSAIC 14.1 ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM: Ex 18:13-26; Nu 11:16,17,24,25; De 1:9-17 14.2 POPULAR, BY A NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES 14.2.1 Accepted, and agreed to, the law given by Moses: : Ex 19:7,8; 24:3,7; De 29:10- 15 14.3 Refused to make conquest of Canaan: Nu 14:1-10 14.4 Chose, or ratified, the chief ruler: Nu 27:18-23; 1Sa 10:24; with 8:4-22; 11:14,15; 2Sa 3:17-21; 5:1-3; 1Ch 29:22; 2Ch 23:3 14.5 Possessed veto power over the king's purposes: 1Sa 14:44,45 14.6 The court in certain capital cases: Nu 35:12,24,25 14.7 THE DELEGATED, SENATORIAL COUNCIL 14.7.1 Closely associated with Moses and subsequent leaders: : Ex 3:16,18; 4:29-31; 12:21; 17:5,6; 18:12; 19:7,8; 24:1,14; Le 4:15; 9:1; Nu 11:16-18,30; 16:25; De 1:13-15; 5:23; 27:1; 29:10-15; 31:9,28; Jos 7:6; 8:10,32,33; 23:2,3,6; 24:1,24,25; Jud 21:16-25; Ac 5:17,18,21-41 -MOSAIC SENATE, MISCELLANY OF FACTS RELATING 14.8 Demands a king: 1Sa 8:4-10,19-22 14.9 Saul pleads to be honored before: 1Sa 15:30 14.10 Chooses David as king: 2Sa 3:17-21; 5:3; 1Ch 11:3 14.11 Closely associated with David: 2Sa 12:17; 1Ch 15:25; 21:16 14.12 Joins Absalom in his usurpation: 2Sa 17:4 14.13 David rebukes: 2Sa 19:11 14.14 Assists Solomon at the dedication of the temple: 1Ki 8:1-3; 2Ch 5:2-4 14.15 Counsels king Rehoboam: 1Ki 12:6- 8,13 14.16 Counsels king Ahab: 1Ki 20:7,8 14.17 Josiah assembles to hear the law of the Lord: 2Ki 23:1; 2Ch 34:29,31 57

G Topic Guide G 14.18 Legislates with Ezra in reforming certain marriages with the heathen: Ezr 9:1; 10:8-14 14.19 Legislates in later times: Mt 15:2,7-9; Mr 7:1-3 14.20 Sits as a court: Jer 26:10-24 14.21 Constitutes, with priests and scribes, a court for the trial of both civil and ecclesiastical causes: Mt 21:23; 26:3-5,57-68; 27:1,2; Mr 8:31; 14:43-65; 15:1; Lu 22:52-71; Ac 4:1-21; 6:9-15; 7:1-59 14.22 Unfaithful to the city: La 1:19 14.23 Seeks counsel from prophets: Eze 8:1; 14:1; 20:1,3; Joe 1:14; 2:16 14.24 Corrupt: 1Ki 21:8-14; Eze 8:11,12; Mt 26:14,15; with 27:3,4 14.25 A similar senate existed 14.25.1 Among the Egyptians: : Ge 50:7; with 41:37,38; Ex 10:1,7; 12:30; 14:5 14.25.2 Among the Midianites and Moabites: Nu 22:4,7 14.25.3 Among the Gibeonites: Jos 9:11 14.26 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF TRIBES AND CITIES, CALLED PRINCES OR NOBLES, MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY: Nu 1:4-16,44; 7:2,3,10,11,18,24,54,84; 10:4; 16:2; 17:2,6; 27:2; 31:13,14; 32:2; 34:18-29; 36:1; Jos 9:15-21; 17:4; 22:13-32; 1Ki 21:11-13; Ne 3:9,12,16,18,19 14.27 THE MOSAIC JUDICIAL SYSTEM 14.28 See COURT 14.29 See JUDGE 14.30 See PRIEST 14.31 See LEVITE 14.32 See RULER 14.33 See SANHEDRIN 14.34 See SYNAGOGUE 14.35 Forms and facts of government after the death of Moses and the princes who survived Moses 14.36 See ISRAEL, HISTORY OF 14.37 Under these sub-topics 14.38 See JUDGES 14.39 See KINGS 15 CONSTITUTIONAL 15.1 See CONSTITUTION 16 ECCLESIASTICAL 16.1 See CHURCH, GOVERNMENT OF 16.2 See PRIESTS 17 IMPERIAL: Ge 14:1; Jos 11:10; Es 1:1; Da 4:1; 6:1-3; Lu 2:1 18 MONARCHICAL 18.1 Tyranny in, instances of 18.1.1 By Saul: : 1Sa 22:6,12-19 18.1.2 By David: 2Sa 1:13-16; 4:9-12; 11:14- 17 18.1.3 By Solomon: 1Ki 2:23-25,28-34,36-46; 12:1-16; 21:7-16; 2Ki 10 18.1.4 By Ahasuerus: Es 2 ; 3 18.1.5 By Nebuchadnezzar: Da 1:10; 2:5-13; 5:19 18.1.6 By Herod: Mr 6:27,28 18.2 See ISRAEL, HISTORY OF 18.3 Under these sub-topics 18.4 See KINGS 18.5 Also see ASSYRIA; 18.6 See BABYLON 18.7 See CHALDEA 18.8 See SYRIA 18.9 Limited 18.10 See CONSTITUTION 19 MUNICIPAL 19.1 Devolving upon a local senate and executive officers: De 19:12; 21:2-8,18-21; 22:13-21; 25:7-9; Jos 20:4; Jud 8:14-16; 11:5- 11; Ru 4:2-11; 1Sa 11:3; 16:4; 30:26; 1Ki 21:8- 14; 2Ki 10:1-7; Ezr 10:8,14; Ne 3:9,12,16,18,19; La 5:14 20 PROVINCIAL: Ezr 4:8,9; 5:3,6; 6:6; 8:36; Ne 2:7,9; 5:14; Da 6:1-3; Mt 27:2; 28:14; Lu 3:1; Ac 24:1 20.1 See HEROD 20.2 See PILATE 21 REPRESENTATIVE: De 1:13-15; Jos 9:11 21.1 See DELEGATED, SENATORIAL COUNCIL, above 21.2 Also see ELDER 22 THEOCRATIC: Ex 19:3-8; De 26:16-19; 29:1-13; 1Sa 8:6,7 22.1 See GOVERNMENT, GOD IN, below 22.2 Also see RULERS 22.3 See JUDGE 22.4 See ELDER 22.5 See CHURCH AND STATE 23 CORRUPTION IN: 1Ki 21:5-13; Pr 25:5; Mic 3:1-4,9-11 23.1 See CHURCH, CORRUPTION IN 23.2 See COURT, CORRUPT 58 23.3 Instances of 23.3.1 Pilate, in delivering Jesus to death in order to please the clamoring multitude: : Joh 19:12-16; Mt 27:24 23.3.2 Felix, who expected money from Paul: Ac 24:26 23.4 See RULERS, WICKED, INSTANCES OF 24 DUTY OF CITIZENS TO: Mt 22:17-21; Lu 20:25; Ro 13:1-7; Tit 3:1; 1Pe 2:13-17 24.1 See CITIZEN 25 GOD IN 25.1 In appointment of Saul as king: 1Sa 9:15-17; 10:1 25.2 In Saul's rejection: 1Sa 15:26-28; Ac 13:22 25.3 In the appointment of David: 1Sa 16:1,7,13; 2Sa 7:13-16; Ps 89:19-37; Ac 13:22 25.4 In counseling Solomon: 1Ki 9:2-9 25.5 In magnifying him: 1Ch 29:25 25.6 In denouncing Solomon's wickedness: 1Ki 11:9-13 25.7 In raising adversaries against Solomon: 1Ki 11:14,23 25.8 In dividing the Jewish nation into two different countries: 1Ki 11:13; 12:1-24; 2Ch 10:15; 11:4; 22:7 25.9 In blotting out the household of Jeroboam: 1Ki 14:7-16; 15:27-30 25.10 In the appointment of kings: 1Ki 14:14; 16:1-4; 1Ch 28:4,5; 29:25; Ps 22:28 25.11 In the destruction of nations: Am 9:8 25.12 See THEOCRATIC, above 25.13 Also see GOD, SOVEREIGN 26 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO GOD IN: Ps 22:28; Pr 8:15; Isa 9:6,7; Jer 1:9,10; 18:6-10; 25:12-33; Eze 21:25-27; 29:19,20; Da 2:20,21,37; 4:17; 5:18-28; 10:13; Ho 8:4; Am 9:8; Hag 2:21,22; Joh 19:10,11 26.1 See GOD, SOVERIGN 26.2 See JESUS, KINGDOM OF GOZAN #2071 1 (A district of Mesopotamia) 2 Israelites taken in captivity to, by the king of Assyria, after the conquest of Samaria: 1Ch 5:26; 2Ki 17:6; 18:11; 19:12 GRACE OF GOD #2072 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 15:6; 20:6; De 7:6-9; 9:4-6; Job 10:12; 22:2,3; Ps 94:17-19; 138:3; 143:11; Da 9:18; 10:18,19; Joh 6:44,45; 17:11,12,15; Ac 4:29,30; 26:22; Ro 3:22-24; 4:4,5,16; 5:2,6-8,15-21; 9:10-16; 11:5,6; 1Co 1:4-8; 10:13; 15:10; 2Co 1:12; Ga 1:15,16; Eph 1:5-9,11,12; 2:8,9; 3:16; 4:7; 6:10; Php 1:19; 2:13; 1Th 1:1; 5:28; 1Ti 1:14; 2Ti 1:1,9; Tit 3:7; 1Pe 1:5; 4:10; 5:10; 2Pe 1:2; Jude 1:21,24,25; Re 3:10 2 See GOD, GRACE OF 3 GROWTH IN: Ps 84:7; Pr 4:18; Php 1:6,9-11; 3:12-15; Col 1:10,11; 2:19; 1Th 3:10,12,13; 2Th 1:3; Heb 6:1-3; 1Pe 2:1-3; 2Pe 3:18 GRACES #2073 1 (Christian): Mt 5:3-11; Ro 5:3-5; 1Co 13:1- 8,13; Ga 5:22,23; 2Pe 1:5-9 2 See CHARACTER 3 See CHARITABLENESS 4 See COURAGE 5 See GENTLENESS 6 See HOPE 7 See KINDNESS 8 See KNOWLEDGE 9 See LONGSUFFERING 10 See LOVE 11 See MEEKNESS 12 See PATIENCE 13 See PEACE 14 See PERSEVERANCE 15 See PURITY 16 See STABILITY 17 See TEMPERANCE 18 See WISDOM GRAFTING #2074 1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 11:17- 24 GRANDFATHER #2075 1 Called FATHER: Ge 10:21 GRAPE #2076 1 Cultivated in vineyards 1.1 By Noah: Ge 9:20 1.2 By the Canaanites: Nu 13:24; De 6:11; Jos 24:13 1.3 By the Edomites: Nu 20:17 1.4 By the Amorites: Nu 21:22; Isa 16:8,9 1.5 By the Philistines: Jud 15:5 2 Grown 2.1 At Abel (margin): Jud 11:33 2.2 At Baal-hamon: So 8:11 2.3 At Carmel: 2Ch 26:10 2.4 At En-gedi: So 1:14 2.5 At Jezreel: 1Ki 21:1 2.6 At Lebanon: Ho 14:7 2.7 At Samaria: Jer 31:5 2.8 At Shechem: Jud 9:27 2.9 At Shiloh: Jud 21:20,21 2.10 At Timnath: Jud 14:5 3 Cultivation of: Le 25:3,11; De 28:39; 2Ch 26:10; So 6:11; Isa 5:1; Jer 31:5 4 Wine made of: Jer 25:30 5 Wine of, forbidden to Nazarites: Nu 6:4 6 See NAZARITES 7 See VINE 8 See VINEYARDS 9 See WINE 10 FIGURATIVE: De 32:32; Ps 128:3; Jer 2:21; Eze 15; Ho 10:1; Re 14:18-20 10.1 FABLE OF: Jud 9:12,13 10.2 PARABLES OF THE VINE: Ps 80:8-14; Eze 17:6-10; 19:10-14; Joh 15:1-5 10.3 PROVERB OF: Eze 18:2 10.4 See VINE 10.5 See VINEYARDS 10.6 See WINE GRASS #2077 1 Created on the third creative day: Ge 1:11 2 Mown: Ps 72:6 3 God's care of: Mt 6:30; Lu 12:28 4 On roofs of houses: Ps 129:6 5 FIGURATIVE: Ps 90:5,6; Isa 40:6; 1Pe 1:24; Jas 1:10,11 GRASSHOPPER #2078 1 General scriptures concerning: Nu 13:33; Ec 12:5; Isa 40:22; Na 3:17 2 See LOCUST GRATE #2079 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 27:4,5; 38:4,5 GRATITUDE #2080 1 See THANKFULNESS GRAVE #2081 1 General scriptures concerning: Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:55 2 See BURIAL GRAVEL #2082 1 FIGURATIVE: Pr 20:17 GRAVING #2083 1 See ENGRAVING GREAT SEA #2084 1 See MEDITERRANEAN SEA GREAVES #2085 1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 17:6 GREECE #2086 1 Inhabitants of 1.1 Called "Gentiles" (non-Jews): Mr 7:26; Joh 7:35; Ro 2:10; 3:9; 1Co 10:32; 12:13 1.2 Desire to see Jesus: Joh 12:20-23 1.3 Marry among the Jews: Ac 16:1 1.4 Accept the Messiah: Ac 17:2-4,12,34 1.5 Persecute the early Christians: Ac 6:9- 14; 9:29; 18:17 2 Gentiles called "Greeks,": Ro 10:12; Ga 3:28; Col 3:11 3 Schools of philosophy in Athens: Ac 19:9 4 Philosophy of: 1Co 1:22,23 5 Poets of: Ac 17:28 6 Prophecies concerning: Da 10:20; Zec 9:13 7 See ATHENS 8 See EPICUREANS 9 See STOICISM GREED #2087 1 See COVETOUSNESS GREEK #2088 1 Philosophy of: 1Co 1:22,23 2 See GREECE GREYHOUND #2089 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 30:31 GRIEF #2090 1 Attributed to the Holy Spirit: Eph 4:30; Heb 3:10,17 2 See AFFILICTION 3 See SORROW GRINDING #2091 1 See MILL GROUND #2092 1 Man made from: Ge 2:7; 3:19,23; Job 4:19; 33:6 2 Animals made from: Ge 2:19 3 Vegetables come from: Ge 2:9 4 Cursed: Ge 3:17; 5:29 GROVES #2093 1 Translated in R. V. as "Asherod," "Ashera," and "Asherim." 2 They were symbols of the Phoenician goddess, Asherah) 3 See ASHTORETH 4 Forbidden to be established: De 16:21; Isa 1:29; 17:8; 27:9; Mic 5:14 5 Worshiped by Israelites: Jud 3:7; 1Ki 14:15,23; 15:13; 18:19; 2Ki 13:6; 17:10,16; 21:3-7; 2Ch 24:18; Jer 17:2 6 Destroyed by 6.1 Gideon: Jud 6:28 6.2 Hezekiah: 2Ki 18:4 6.3 Josiah: 2Ki 23:14; 2Ch 34:3,4 6.4 Asa: 2Ch 14:3 6.5 Jehoshaphat: 2Ch 17:6; 19:3 7 See IDOLATRY GUARD #2094 1 See WATCHMAN GUDGODAH #2095 1 A station of the Israelites in the wilderness: De 10:7 2 Probably identical with HOR-HAGIDGAD in: Nu 33:32,33 GUEST #2096 1 Salutations to: Ge 18:2 2 Abraham's hospitality to 2.1 See HOSPITALITY 3 Rules for the conduct of: Pr 23:1-3,6-8; 25:6,7,17; Lu 10:5-7; 14:7-11; 1Co 10:27 4 See HOSPITALITY GUIDANCE #2097 1 See GOD 2 See GUIDE GUILE #2098 1 See CONSPIRACY 2 See DECEIT 3 See FRAUD 4 See HYPOCRISY GUILT #2099 1 See CONVICTION 2 See SIN 3 See CONSCIENCE GUNI #2100 1 Son of Naphtali: Ge 46:24; Nu 26:48; 1Ch 7:13 2 Father of Abdiel: 1Ch 5:15 GUR #2101 1 The place where Jehu killed Ahaziah: 2Ki 9:27 GUR-BAAL #2102 1 A town between Canaan and Arabia: 2Ch 26:7

G Topic <strong>Guide</strong> G<br />

14.18 Legislates with Ezra in reforming<br />

certain marriages with <strong>the</strong> hea<strong>the</strong>n: Ezr 9:1;<br />

10:8-14<br />

14.19 Legislates in later times: Mt 15:2,7-9;<br />

Mr 7:1-3<br />

14.20 Sits as a court: Jer 26:10-24<br />

14.21 Constitutes, with priests <strong>and</strong> scribes,<br />

a court for <strong>the</strong> trial of both civil <strong>and</strong><br />

ecclesiastical causes: Mt 21:23; 26:3-5,57-68;<br />

27:1,2; Mr 8:31; 14:43-65; 15:1; Lu 22:52-71; Ac<br />

4:1-21; 6:9-15; 7:1-59<br />

14.22 Unfaithful to <strong>the</strong> city: La 1:19<br />

14.23 Seeks counsel from prophets: Eze 8:1;<br />

14:1; 20:1,3; Joe 1:14; 2:16<br />

14.24 Corrupt: 1Ki 21:8-14; Eze 8:11,12; Mt<br />

26:14,15; with 27:3,4<br />

14.25 A similar senate existed<br />

14.25.1 Among <strong>the</strong> Egyptians: : Ge 50:7; with<br />

41:37,38; Ex 10:1,7; 12:30; 14:5<br />

14.25.2 Among <strong>the</strong> Midianites <strong>and</strong> Moabites:<br />

Nu 22:4,7<br />

14.25.3 Among <strong>the</strong> Gibeonites: Jos 9:11<br />




Nu 1:4-16,44; 7:2,3,10,11,18,24,54,84; 10:4;<br />

16:2; 17:2,6; 27:2; 31:13,14; 32:2; 34:18-29;<br />

36:1; Jos 9:15-21; 17:4; 22:13-32; 1Ki 21:11-13;<br />

Ne 3:9,12,16,18,19<br />


14.28 See COURT<br />

14.29 See JUDGE<br />

14.30 See PRIEST<br />

14.31 See LEVITE<br />

14.32 See RULER<br />

14.33 See SANHEDRIN<br />

14.34 See SYNAGOGUE<br />

14.35 Forms <strong>and</strong> facts of government after<br />

<strong>the</strong> death of Moses <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> princes who<br />

survived Moses<br />

14.36 See ISRAEL, HISTORY OF<br />

14.37 Under <strong>the</strong>se sub-topics<br />

14.38 See JUDGES<br />

14.39 See KINGS<br />


15.1 See CONSTITUTION<br />



16.2 See PRIESTS<br />

17 IMPERIAL: Ge 14:1; Jos 11:10; Es 1:1; Da<br />

4:1; 6:1-3; Lu 2:1<br />


18.1 Tyranny in, instances of<br />

18.1.1 By Saul: : 1Sa 22:6,12-19<br />

18.1.2 By David: 2Sa 1:13-16; 4:9-12; 11:14-<br />

17<br />

18.1.3 By Solomon: 1Ki 2:23-25,28-34,36-46;<br />

12:1-16; 21:7-16; 2Ki 10<br />

18.1.4 By Ahasuerus: Es 2 ; 3<br />

18.1.5 By Nebuchadnezzar: Da 1:10; 2:5-13;<br />

5:19<br />

18.1.6 By Herod: Mr 6:27,28<br />

18.2 See ISRAEL, HISTORY OF<br />

18.3 Under <strong>the</strong>se sub-topics<br />

18.4 See KINGS<br />

18.5 Also see ASSYRIA;<br />

18.6 See BABYLON<br />

18.7 See CHALDEA<br />

18.8 See SYRIA<br />

18.9 Limited<br />

18.10 See CONSTITUTION<br />

19 MUNICIPAL<br />

19.1 Devolving upon a local senate <strong>and</strong><br />

executive officers: De 19:12; 21:2-8,18-21;<br />

22:13-21; 25:7-9; Jos 20:4; Jud 8:14-16; 11:5-<br />

11; Ru 4:2-11; 1Sa 11:3; 16:4; 30:26; 1Ki 21:8-<br />

14; 2Ki 10:1-7; Ezr 10:8,14; Ne 3:9,12,16,18,19;<br />

La 5:14<br />

20 PROVINCIAL: Ezr 4:8,9; 5:3,6; 6:6; 8:36;<br />

Ne 2:7,9; 5:14; Da 6:1-3; Mt 27:2; 28:14; Lu 3:1;<br />

Ac 24:1<br />

20.1 See HEROD<br />

20.2 See PILATE<br />

21 REPRESENTATIVE: De 1:13-15; Jos 9:11<br />


COUNCIL, above<br />

21.2 Also see ELDER<br />

22 THEOCRATIC: Ex 19:3-8; De 26:16-19;<br />

29:1-13; 1Sa 8:6,7<br />

22.1 See GOVERNMENT, GOD IN, below<br />

22.2 Also see RULERS<br />

22.3 See JUDGE<br />

22.4 See ELDER<br />

22.5 See CHURCH AND STATE<br />

23 CORRUPTION IN: 1Ki 21:5-13; Pr 25:5; Mic<br />

3:1-4,9-11<br />


23.2 See COURT, CORRUPT<br />

58<br />

23.3 Instances of<br />

23.3.1 Pilate, in delivering Jesus to death in<br />

order to please <strong>the</strong> clamoring multitude: : Joh<br />

19:12-16; Mt 27:24<br />

23.3.2 Felix, who expected money from Paul:<br />

Ac 24:26<br />


24 DUTY OF CITIZENS TO: Mt 22:17-21; Lu<br />

20:25; Ro 13:1-7; Tit 3:1; 1Pe 2:13-17<br />

24.1 See CITIZEN<br />

25 GOD IN<br />

25.1 In appointment of Saul as king: 1Sa<br />

9:15-17; 10:1<br />

25.2 In Saul's rejection: 1Sa 15:26-28; Ac<br />

13:22<br />

25.3 In <strong>the</strong> appointment of David: 1Sa<br />

16:1,7,13; 2Sa 7:13-16; Ps 89:19-37; Ac 13:22<br />

25.4 In counseling Solomon: 1Ki 9:2-9<br />

25.5 In magnifying him: 1Ch 29:25<br />

25.6 In denouncing Solomon's wickedness:<br />

1Ki 11:9-13<br />

25.7 In raising adversaries against<br />

Solomon: 1Ki 11:14,23<br />

25.8 In dividing <strong>the</strong> Jewish nation <strong>into</strong> two<br />

different countries: 1Ki 11:13; 12:1-24; 2Ch<br />

10:15; 11:4; 22:7<br />

25.9 In blotting out <strong>the</strong> household of<br />

Jeroboam: 1Ki 14:7-16; 15:27-30<br />

25.10 In <strong>the</strong> appointment of kings: 1Ki 14:14;<br />

16:1-4; 1Ch 28:4,5; 29:25; Ps 22:28<br />

25.11 In <strong>the</strong> destruction of nations: Am 9:8<br />

25.12 See THEOCRATIC, above<br />

25.13 Also see GOD, SOVEREIGN<br />


TO GOD IN: Ps 22:28; Pr 8:15; Isa 9:6,7; Jer<br />

1:9,10; 18:6-10; 25:12-33; Eze 21:25-27;<br />

29:19,20; Da 2:20,21,37; 4:17; 5:18-28; 10:13;<br />

Ho 8:4; Am 9:8; Hag 2:21,22; Joh 19:10,11<br />

26.1 See GOD, SOVERIGN<br />

26.2 See JESUS, KINGDOM OF<br />

GOZAN #2071<br />

1 (A district of Mesopotamia)<br />

2 Israelites taken in captivity to, by <strong>the</strong> king<br />

of Assyria, after <strong>the</strong> conquest of Samaria:<br />

1Ch 5:26; 2Ki 17:6; 18:11; 19:12<br />

GRACE OF GOD #2072<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 15:6;<br />

20:6; De 7:6-9; 9:4-6; Job 10:12; 22:2,3; Ps<br />

94:17-19; 138:3; 143:11; Da 9:18; 10:18,19; Joh<br />

6:44,45; 17:11,12,15; Ac 4:29,30; 26:22; Ro<br />

3:22-24; 4:4,5,16; 5:2,6-8,15-21; 9:10-16;<br />

11:5,6; 1Co 1:4-8; 10:13; 15:10; 2Co 1:12; Ga<br />

1:15,16; Eph 1:5-9,11,12; 2:8,9; 3:16; 4:7; 6:10;<br />

Php 1:19; 2:13; 1Th 1:1; 5:28; 1Ti 1:14; 2Ti<br />

1:1,9; Tit 3:7; 1Pe 1:5; 4:10; 5:10; 2Pe 1:2; Jude<br />

1:21,24,25; Re 3:10<br />

2 See GOD, GRACE OF<br />

3 GROWTH IN: Ps 84:7; Pr 4:18; Php 1:6,9-11;<br />

3:12-15; Col 1:10,11; 2:19; 1Th 3:10,12,13; 2Th<br />

1:3; Heb 6:1-3; 1Pe 2:1-3; 2Pe 3:18<br />

GRACES #2073<br />

1 (Christian): Mt 5:3-11; Ro 5:3-5; 1Co 13:1-<br />

8,13; Ga 5:22,23; 2Pe 1:5-9<br />

2 See CHARACTER<br />


4 See COURAGE<br />

5 See GENTLENESS<br />

6 See HOPE<br />

7 See KINDNESS<br />

8 See KNOWLEDGE<br />


10 See LOVE<br />

11 See MEEKNESS<br />

12 See PATIENCE<br />

13 See PEACE<br />


15 See PURITY<br />

16 See STABILITY<br />

17 See TEMPERANCE<br />

18 See WISDOM<br />

GRAFTING #2074<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 11:17-<br />

24<br />

GRANDFATHER #2075<br />

1 Called FATHER: Ge 10:21<br />

GRAPE #2076<br />

1 Cultivated in vineyards<br />

1.1 By Noah: Ge 9:20<br />

1.2 By <strong>the</strong> Canaanites: Nu 13:24; De 6:11;<br />

Jos 24:13<br />

1.3 By <strong>the</strong> Edomites: Nu 20:17<br />

1.4 By <strong>the</strong> Amorites: Nu 21:22; Isa 16:8,9<br />

1.5 By <strong>the</strong> Philistines: Jud 15:5<br />

2 Grown<br />

2.1 At Abel (margin): Jud 11:33<br />

2.2 At Baal-hamon: So 8:11<br />

2.3 At Carmel: 2Ch 26:10<br />

2.4 At En-gedi: So 1:14<br />

2.5 At Jezreel: 1Ki 21:1<br />

2.6 At Lebanon: Ho 14:7<br />

2.7 At Samaria: Jer 31:5<br />

2.8 At Shechem: Jud 9:27<br />

2.9 At Shiloh: Jud 21:20,21<br />

2.10 At Timnath: Jud 14:5<br />

3 Cultivation of: Le 25:3,11; De 28:39; 2Ch<br />

26:10; So 6:11; Isa 5:1; Jer 31:5<br />

4 Wine made of: Jer 25:30<br />

5 Wine of, forbidden to Nazarites: Nu 6:4<br />

6 See NAZARITES<br />

7 See VINE<br />

8 See VINEYARDS<br />

9 See WINE<br />

10 FIGURATIVE: De 32:32; Ps 128:3; Jer<br />

2:21; Eze 15; Ho 10:1; Re 14:18-20<br />

10.1 FABLE OF: Jud 9:12,13<br />

10.2 PARABLES OF THE VINE: Ps 80:8-14;<br />

Eze 17:6-10; 19:10-14; Joh 15:1-5<br />

10.3 PROVERB OF: Eze 18:2<br />

10.4 See VINE<br />

10.5 See VINEYARDS<br />

10.6 See WINE<br />

GRASS #2077<br />

1 Created on <strong>the</strong> third creative day: Ge 1:11<br />

2 Mown: Ps 72:6<br />

3 God's care of: Mt 6:30; Lu 12:28<br />

4 On roofs of houses: Ps 129:6<br />

5 FIGURATIVE: Ps 90:5,6; Isa 40:6; 1Pe 1:24;<br />

Jas 1:10,11<br />

GRASSHOPPER #2078<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Nu 13:33;<br />

Ec 12:5; Isa 40:22; Na 3:17<br />

2 See LOCUST<br />

GRATE #2079<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 27:4,5;<br />

38:4,5<br />

GRATITUDE #2080<br />


GRAVE #2081<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ho 13:14;<br />

1Co 15:55<br />

2 See BURIAL<br />

GRAVEL #2082<br />

1 FIGURATIVE: Pr 20:17<br />

GRAVING #2083<br />

1 See ENGRAVING<br />

GREAT SEA #2084<br />


GREAVES #2085<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 17:6<br />

GREECE #2086<br />

1 Inhabitants of<br />

1.1 Called "Gentiles" (non-Jews): Mr 7:26;<br />

Joh 7:35; Ro 2:10; 3:9; 1Co 10:32; 12:13<br />

1.2 Desire to see Jesus: Joh 12:20-23<br />

1.3 Marry among <strong>the</strong> Jews: Ac 16:1<br />

1.4 Accept <strong>the</strong> Messiah: Ac 17:2-4,12,34<br />

1.5 Persecute <strong>the</strong> early Christians: Ac 6:9-<br />

14; 9:29; 18:17<br />

2 Gentiles called "Greeks,": Ro 10:12; Ga<br />

3:28; Col 3:11<br />

3 Schools of philosophy in A<strong>the</strong>ns: Ac 19:9<br />

4 Philosophy of: 1Co 1:22,23<br />

5 Poets of: Ac 17:28<br />

6 Prophecies concerning: Da 10:20; Zec 9:13<br />

7 See ATHENS<br />

8 See EPICUREANS<br />

9 See STOICISM<br />

GREED #2087<br />


GREEK #2088<br />

1 Philosophy of: 1Co 1:22,23<br />

2 See GREECE<br />

GREYHOUND #2089<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 30:31<br />

GRIEF #2090<br />

1 Attributed to <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit: Eph 4:30; Heb<br />

3:10,17<br />


3 See SORROW<br />

GRINDING #2091<br />

1 See MILL<br />

GROUND #2092<br />

1 Man made from: Ge 2:7; 3:19,23; Job 4:19;<br />

33:6<br />

2 Animals made from: Ge 2:19<br />

3 Vegetables come from: Ge 2:9<br />

4 Cursed: Ge 3:17; 5:29<br />

GROVES #2093<br />

1 Translated in R. V. as "Asherod,"<br />

"Ashera," <strong>and</strong> "Asherim."<br />

2 They were symbols of <strong>the</strong> Phoenician<br />

goddess, Asherah)<br />

3 See ASHTORETH<br />

4 Forbidden to be established: De 16:21; Isa<br />

1:29; 17:8; 27:9; Mic 5:14<br />

5 Worshiped by Israelites: Jud 3:7; 1Ki<br />

14:15,23; 15:13; 18:19; 2Ki 13:6; 17:10,16;<br />

21:3-7; 2Ch 24:18; Jer 17:2<br />

6 Destroyed by<br />

6.1 Gideon: Jud 6:28<br />

6.2 Hezekiah: 2Ki 18:4<br />

6.3 Josiah: 2Ki 23:14; 2Ch 34:3,4<br />

6.4 Asa: 2Ch 14:3<br />

6.5 Jehoshaphat: 2Ch 17:6; 19:3<br />

7 See IDOLATRY<br />

GUARD #2094<br />

1 See WATCHMAN<br />

GUDGODAH #2095<br />

1 A station of <strong>the</strong> Israelites in <strong>the</strong><br />

wilderness: De 10:7<br />

2 Probably identical with HOR-HAGIDGAD<br />

in: Nu 33:32,33<br />

GUEST #2096<br />

1 Salutations to: Ge 18:2<br />

2 Abraham's hospitality to<br />

2.1 See HOSPITALITY<br />

3 Rules for <strong>the</strong> conduct of: Pr 23:1-3,6-8;<br />

25:6,7,17; Lu 10:5-7; 14:7-11; 1Co 10:27<br />


GUIDANCE #2097<br />

1 See GOD<br />

2 See GUIDE<br />

GUILE #2098<br />

1 See CONSPIRACY<br />

2 See DECEIT<br />

3 See FRAUD<br />

4 See HYPOCRISY<br />

GUILT #2099<br />

1 See CONVICTION<br />

2 See SIN<br />

3 See CONSCIENCE<br />

GUNI #2100<br />

1 Son of Naphtali: Ge 46:24; Nu 26:48; 1Ch<br />

7:13<br />

2 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Abdiel: 1Ch 5:15<br />

GUR #2101<br />

1 The place where Jehu killed Ahaziah: 2Ki<br />

9:27<br />

GUR-BAAL #2102<br />

1 A town between Canaan <strong>and</strong> Arabia: 2Ch<br />


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