Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


G Topic Guide G GAZZAM #1959 1 One of the Nethinim: Ezr 2:48; Ne 7:51 GEBA #1960 1 (Also called GABA) 2 A city of the tribe of Benjamin, assigned to the sons of Aaron: Jos 21:17; 1Sa 13:3; 2Sa 5:25; 1Ki 15:22; 2Ki 23:8; 1Ch 6:60; 8:6; 2Ch 16:6; Ne 11:31; 12:29; Isa 10:29; Zec 14:10 GEBAL #1961 1 A city south of Sidon 1.1 Given to Reuben: Jos 13:5 1.2 People of, work for Solomon: 1Ki 5:18 1.3 Shipbuilders in: Eze 27:9 2 A district near the Dead Sea: Ps 83:7 GEBER #1962 1 Name of two men, officers of Solomon: 1Ki 4:13,19 GEBIM #1963 1 A city of Benjamin: Isa 10:31 GEDALIAH #1964 1 Governor appointed by Nebucbadnezzar after carrying the Jews into captivity: 2Ki 25:22-24 1.1 Jeremiah committed to the care of: Jer 39:14; 40:5,6 1.2 Warned of the conspiracy of Ishmael by Johanan, and the captains of his army: Jer 40:13-16 1.3 Killed by Ishmael: 2Ki 25:25,26; Jer 41:1- 10 2 A musician: 1Ch 25:3,9 3 A priest, who divorced his Gentile wife after the exile: Ezr 10:18 4 Ancestor of Zephaniah: Zep 1:1 5 A prince who caused imprisonment of Jeremiah: Jer 38:1 GEDEON #1965 1 See GIDEON GEDER #1966 1 An ancient city of Canaan: Jos 12:13 2 Possibly identical with GEDOR, number two or number three GEDERAH #1967 1 A city in the plain of Judah: Jos 15:3,6 GEDEROTH #1968 1 A city in the plain of the tribe of Judah: Jos 15:41; 2Ch 28:18 GEDEROTHAIM #1969 1 A city in the plain of the tribe of Judah: Jos 15:36 GEDOR #1970 1 A city in the mountains of the tribe of Judah: Jos 15:58 2 The town of Jeroham: 1Ch 12:7 2.1 Possibly identical with GEDER (which see) 3 Valley of, taken by Simeonites: 1Ch 4:39 3.1 See GEDER 4 An ancestor of Saul: 1Ch 8:31; 9:37 5 Either a place or a person (authorities disagree): 1Ch 4:4,18 GEHAZI #1971 1 Servant of Elisha: 2Ki 4:12,29,31 2 Covetousness of, and the judgment of leprosy upon: 2Ki 5:20-27 3 Mentions to King Jehoram the miracles of Elisha, his master: 2Ki 8:4,5 GEHENNA #1972 1 See HELL GELILOTH #1973 1 A place mentioned, as marking the boundary of the tribe of Benjamin: Jos 18:17 2 Gilgal is substituted: Jos 15:7 GEMALLI #1974 1 Father of Ammiel: Nu 13:12 GEMARIAH #1975 1 Son of Shaphan: Jer 36:10-12,25 2 An ambassador of Zedekiah to Nebuchadnezzar: Jer 29:3 GENEALOGY #1976 1 General scriptures concerning: Nu 1:18; 2Ch 12:15; Ne 7:5 2 Of no spiritual significance: Mt 3:9; 1Ti 1:4; Tit 3:9 3 From Adam to Noah: Ge 4:16-22; 5; 1Ch 1:1-4; Lu 3:36-38 4 To Abraham: Ge 11:10-32; 1Ch 1:4-27; Lu 3:34-38 5 To Jesus: Mt 1:1-16; Lu 3:23-38 6 Of the descendants of Noah: Ge 10 7 Of Nahor: Ge 22:20-24 8 Of Abraham, by his wife Keturah: Ge 25:1- 4; 1Ch 1:32,33 9 Of Ishmael: Ge 25:12-16; 1Ch 1:28-31 10 Of Esau: Ge 36; 1Ch 1:35-54 11 Of Jacob: Ge 35:23-26; Ex 1:5; 6:14-27; Nu 26; 1Ch 2:9 12 Of Pharez to David: Ru 4:18-22 13 Of the Jews who returned from the captivity: Ezr 7:1-5; 8:1-15; Ne 7; 11:12 14 Of Joseph: Mt 1; Lu 3:23-38 GENERALS, DISTINGUISHED #1977 1 See ABRAHAM 2 See JOSHUA 3 See SAUL 4 See DAVID 5 See JOAB 6 See AMASA 7 See GIDEON 8 See BENAIAH 9 See NAAMAN 10 See JEPHTHAH 11 See BEN-HADAD 12 See SENNACHERIB 13 See CAPTAINS GENEROSITY #1978 1 See LIBERALITY GENIUS #1979 1 Mechanical, a divine inspiration: Ex 28:3; 31:2-11; 35:30-35; 36:1 GENNESARET #1980 1 See GALILEE GENTILES #1981 1 UNCLASSIFIED SCIPTURES RELATING TO: Jer 10:2,3; Mt 6:7,8,31,32; Ac 14:16; 17:4,16,17,22-27; Ro 1:18-32; 2:1-15; 1Co 10:20; 12:2; Ga 2:15; Eph 2:12; 4:17-19; 5:12; 1Th 4:4; 1Pe 4:3,4 1.1 See IDOLATRY 1.2 See MISSIONS 2 PROPHECIES OF THE CONVERSION OF: Ge 12:3,5; 22:18; 49:10; De 32:21; Ps 2:8; 22:27-31; 46:4,10; 65:2,5; 66:4; 68:31,32; 72:1- 20; 86:9; 102:15,18-22; 145:10,11; Isa 2:2-5; 9:1-7; 11:1-10; 18:7; 24:16; 35:1-10; 40:4-11; 42:1-12; 45:6,8,22-24; 49:1,5,6,18-23; 54:1-3; 55:5; 56:3,6-8; 60:1,3-5,8-14; 65:1; 66:7-23; Jer 3:17; 4:2; 16:19-21; Eze 47:3-5; Da 2:35,44,45; 7:13,14; Ho 2:23; Joe 2:28-32; Am 9:11,12; Mic 4:3,4; Hag 2:7; Zec 2:10,11; 6:15; 8:1-23; 9:1,9- 17; 14:8-21; Mal 1:11; Mt 3:9; 8:11; 12:17-21; 19:30; Mr 10:31; Lu 13:29,30; 21:24; Joh 10:16; Ac 9:15 2.1 See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING PROSPERITY OF 3 CONVERSION OF: Ac 10:45; 11:1-18; 13:2,46-48; 14:27; 15:7-9,12-31; 18:4-6; 26:16- 18; 28:28; Ro 1:5-7; 9:22-30; 10:19,20; 11:11- 13,17-21; 15:9-12; Ga 1:15,16; 2:2; 3:14; Eph 3:1-8; Col 3:11; 1Th 2:16; 1Ti 3:16; 2Ti 1:11; Re 11:15; 15:4 3.1 See MISSIONS 3.2 See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING PROSPERITY OF 3.3 See JESUS, KINGDOM OF, PROPHECIES CONCERNING GENTLENESS #1982 1 OF CHRIST: Isa 40:11; 2Co 10:1; Mt 11:29 1.1 See JESUS, COMPASSION OF 1.2 See JESUS, HUMILITY OF 1.3 See JESUS, MEEKNESS OF 2 OF GOD: 2Sa 22:36; Ps 18:35; Isa 40:11 2.1 See GOD, COMPASSION OF 2.2 See GOD, LONG-SUFFERING OF 2.3 Of Paul: 1Th 2:7 3 EXHORTATIONS TO: Ga 5:22; 2Ti 2:24-26; Tit 3:1,2; Jas 3:17 3.1 See HUMILITY 3.2 See KINDNESS 3.3 See MEEKNESS 3.4 See PATIENCE GENUBATH #1983 1 Son of Hadad: 1Ki 11:20 GEOLOGY #1984 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 1:9,10; 1Sa 2:8; 2Sa 22:16; Job 12:8,9; 28:9-11; Ps 18:15; 24:1,2; 104:5-13; 136:6; Pr 30:4; Jer 31:37; Hab 3:9; 2Pe 3:5-7 2 See CREATION 3 See EARTH 4 See METEOROLOGY 5 See ASTRONOMY 6 See also HOT SPRINGS GERA #1985 1 Possibly the name of three men; more probably of one 2 The son of Bela: Ge 46:21; Jud 3:15; 2Sa 16:5; 19:16,18; 1Ki 2:8; 1Ch 8:3,5,7 GERAH #1986 1 A weight equal to thirteen and seventenths grains, Paris 2 Also a coin equivalent to about three cents American money and three half-pence English money: Ex 30:13; Le 27:25; Nu 3:47 GERAR #1987 1 A city of the Philistines: Ge 10:19 1.1 Abimelech, king of: Ge 20:1; 26:6 1.2 Visited by Abraham: Ge 20:1 1.3 Visited by Isaac: Ge 26:1; 2Ch 14:13,14 2 A valley: Ge 26:17-22 GERGESENES #1988 1 See GADARENES GERIZIM #1989 1 Mount of blessing: De 11:29; 27:12; Jos 8:33 2 Jotham addresses the Shechemites from, against the conspiracy of Abimelech: Jud 9:7 3 Samaritans worship at: Joh 4:20 GERSHOM #1990 1 Son of Moses: Ex 2:22; 18:3; 1Ch 23:15,16; 26:24 2 GERSHOM 2.1 See GERSHON 3 A descendant of Phinehas: Ezr 8:2 4 A Levite: Jud 18:30 GERSHON #1991 1 Also called GERSHOM 2 Son of Levi: Ge 46:11; Ex 6:16,17; Nu 3:17- 26; 4:22-28,38; 7:7; 10:17; 26:57; Jos 21:6; 1Ch 6:1,16,17,20,43,62,71; 15:7; 23:6 GESHAM #1992 1 A descendant of Caleb: 1Ch 2:47 GESHEM #1993 1 Also called GASHMU, an Arabian 2 Opposed Nehemiah in building Jerusalem: Ne 2:19; 6:1-6 GESHUR #1994 1 District east of the sources of the Jordan River. The inhabitants of, not subdued by the Israelites: De 3:14; Jos 13:2-13; 1Ch 2:23 2 Inhabitants of one of the villages of, exterminated, and the spoils taken by David: 1Sa 27:8 3 David marries a princess of: 2Sa 3:3; 1Ch 3:2 4 Absalom takes refuge in, after the murder of Amnon: 2Sa 1:3 GETHSEMANE #1995 1 (A garden near Jerusalem) 2 Jesus betrayed in: Mt 26:36-50; Mr 14:32- 46; Lu 22:39-49; Joh 18:1,2 GEZER #1996 1 Also called GAZER, GAZARA, GAZERA, and GOB 2 A Canaanitish royal city 3 King of, defeats Joshua: Jos 10:33; 12:12 4 Canaanites not all expelled from, but made to pay tribute (taxes): Jos 16:10; Jud 1:29 5 Allotted to the half-tribe of Ephraim: Jos 16:3,10; 1Ch 7:28 6 Assigned to Levites: Jos 21:21 7 Battle with Philistines at: 1Ch 20:4; 2Sa 21:18 8 Struck by David: 1Sa 27:8 9 Fortified by Solomon: 1Ki 9:15-17; 12:23 GHOST #1997 1 Soul: Ac 5:5,10; 12:23 2 See SPIRIT 3 See MAN, CREATED A SPIRIT GIAH #1998 1 A place on the way to the wilderness of Gibeon: 2Sa 2:24 GIANTS #1999 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 6:4 2 See ANAKIM 3 See EMIMS 4 See GOLIATH 5 See ISHBI-BENOB 6 See OG 7 See REPHAIM 8 See ZAMZUMMIM GIBBAR #2000 1 General scriptures concerning: Ezr 2:20 2 See GIBEON GIBBETHON #2001 1 A city of the tribe of Dan: Jos 19:44 2 Allotted to the Levites: Jos 21:23 3 Besieged by Israel, while in possession of Philistines: 1Ki 15:27; 16:15,17 GIBEA #2002 1 A descendant of Judah: 1Ch 2:49 GIBEAH #2003 1 OF JUDAH: Jos 15:57 2 OF SAUL 2.1 Also called GIBEAH OF BENJAMIN 2.2 The people's wickedness: Jud 19:12-30; Ho 9:9; 10:9 2.3 Destroyed by the Israelites: Jud 20 2.4 The city of Saul: 1Sa 10:26; 15:34; 22:6 2.5 The ark of the covenant conveyed to, by the Philistines: 1Sa 7:1; 2Sa 6:3 2.6 Deserted: Isa 10:29 3 Another town in Benjamin, also called GIBEATH, in: Jos 18:28 4 GIBEAH IN THE FIELD: Jud 20:31 4.1 Probably identical with GEBA (which see) GIBEON #2004 1 A city of the Hivites: Jos 9:3,17; 2Sa 21:2 1.1 The people of, adroitly draw Joshua into a treaty: Jos 9 1.2 Made servants by the Israelites, when their sharp practice was discovered: Jos 9:27 1.3 The sun stands still over, during Joshua's battle with the five confederated kings: Jos 10:12-14 1.4 Allotted to Benjamin: Jos 18:25 1.5 Assigned to the Aaronites: Jos 21:17 1.6 The tabernacle located at: 1Ki 3:4; 1Ch 16:39; 21:29; 2Ch 1:2,3,13 1.7 Smitten by David: 1Ch 14:16 1.8 Seven sons of Saul killed at, to avenge the inhabitants of: 2Sa 21:1-9 1.9 Solomon worships at, and offers sacrifices: 1Ki 3:4 1.10 Has the dream concerning righteousness: 1Ki 3:5; 9:2 1.11 Abner slays Asahel at: 2Sa 3:30 1.12 Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, defeated at, by Johanan: Jer 41:11-16 2 Pool of: 2Sa 2:13; Jer 41:12 GIDDALTI #2005 1 A son of Heman: 1Ch 25:4,29 53

G Topic Guide G GIDDEL #2006 1 One of the Nethinim: Ezr 2:47; Ne 7:49 2 One of Solomon's servants: Ezr 2:56; Ne 7:58 GIDEON #2007 1 Call of, by an angel: Jud 6:11,14 2 His excuses: Jud 6:15 3 Promises of the Lord to: Jud 6:16 4 Angel attests the call to, by miracle: Jud 6:21-24 5 He destroys the altar of Baal, and builds one to the Lord: Jud 6:25-27 6 His prayer tests: Jud 6:36-40 7 Leads an army against and defeats the Midianites: Jud 6:33-35; 7; 8:4-12 8 Reproaches the Ephraimites for not joining in the campaign against the Midianites: Jud 8:1-3 9 Avenges himself upon the people of Succoth: Jud 8:14-17 10 Israel desires to make him king; he refuses: Jud 8:22,23 11 Makes an ephod which becomes a snare to the Israelites: Jud 8:24-27 12 Had seventy sons: Jud 8:30 13 Death of: Jud 8:32 14 Faith of: Heb 11:32 GIDEONI #2008 1 Father of Abidan: Nu 1:11; 2:22; 7:60,65; 10:24 GIDOM #2009 1 Limit of pursuit after battle of Gibeah: Jud 20:45 GIFTS FROM GOD #2010 1 SPIRITUAL 1.1 Christ, the Saviour: Isa 42:6; 55:4; Joh 3:16; 4:10; 6:32,33 1.2 The Holy Spirit, the Comforter 1.3 See HOLY SPIRIT 1.4 Grace: Jas 4:6 1.5 Wisdom: Pr 2:6; Jas 1:5 1.6 Repentance: Ac 11:18 1.7 Faith: Eph 2:8; Php 1:29 2 TEMPORAL 2.1 Food and raiment: Mt 6:25,33 2.2 Rain and fruitful seasons: Ge 8:22; 27:28; Le 26:4,5; Isa 30:23 2.3 Wisdom: 2Ch 1:12 2.4 Peace: Le 26:6; 1Ch 22:9 2.5 To be used and enjoyed: Ec 3:13; 5:19,20; 1Ti 4:4,5 2.6 Should cause us to remember God: De 8:18 2.7 All creatures partake of: Ps 136:25; 145:15,16 2.8 Prayer for: Zec 10:1; Mt 6:11 3 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO BOTH TEMPORAL AND SPIRITUAL: Ps 4:7; 21:2; 29:11; 34:10; 68:18,35; 84:11; Ec 2:26; Isa 42:5; Eze 11:19; Da 2:21-23; Mt 11:28; 25:14-30; Joh 6:27; 16:23,24; 17:22; Ro 5:16- 18; 6:23; 8:32; 11:29; 12:6-8; 1Co 1:5-7; 7:7; 12:4-11; 13:2; Eph 4:7,8; 1Ti 6:17; Jas 1:17; 1Pe 4:10; 2Pe 1:3 3.1 See BENEFICENCE 3.2 See GIVING 3.3 See LIBERALITY GIHON #2011 1 A river in Egypt: Ge 2:13 2 Pools near Jerusalem: 1Ki 1:33,38,45 2.1 Hezekiah brings the waters of the upper pool by an aqueduct into the city of Jerusalem: 2Ch 32:4,30; 33:14; Ne 2:13-15; 3:13-16; Isa 7:3; 22:9-11; 36:2 GILALAI #2012 1 A priest and musician: Ne 12:36 GILBOA #2013 1 A hill south of Jezreel, where Saul was defeated by the Philistines, and died: 1Sa 28:4; 31:1-8; 1Ch 10:1-8 GILEAD #2014 1 A region east of the Jordan River allotted to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh: Nu 32:1-30; De 3:13; 34:1; 2Ki 10:33 1.1 Reubenites expel the Hagarites from: 1Ch 5:9,10,18-22 54 1.2 Ammonites make war against; defeated by Jephthah: Jud 11 1.3 The prophet Elijah a native of: 1Ki 17:1 1.4 David retreats to, at the time of Absalom's rebellion: 2Sa 17:16,22,24 1.5 Pursued into, by Absalom: 2Sa 17:26 1.6 Absalom defeated and slain in the forests of: 2Sa 18:9 1.7 Hazael, king of Syria, smites the land of: 2Ki 10:32,33; Am 1:3 1.8 Invaded by Tiglath-pileser, king of Syria: 2Ki 15:29 1.9 A grazing country: Nu 32:1; 1Ch 5:9 1.10 Exported spices, balm, and myrrh: Ge 37:25; Jer 8:22; 46:11 2 FIGURATIVE 2.1 Of prosperity: Jer 22:6; 50:19 3 A mountain: Jud 7:3; So 4:1; 6:5 3.1 Laban overtakes Jacob at: Ge 31:21-25 4 A city: Ho 6:8; 12:11 5 Grandson of Manasseh: Nu 26:29,30; 27:1; 36:1; Jos 17:1,3; 1Ch 2:21,23; 7:14,17 6 Father of Jephthah: Jud 11:1,2 7 A chief of Gad: 1Ch 5:14 GILGAL #2015 1 Place of the first encampment of the Israelites west of the Jordan River: Jos 4:19; 9:6; 10:6,43; 14:6 1.1 Monument erected in, to commemorate the passage across the Jordan River by the people of Israel: Jos 4:19-24 1.2 Circumcision renewed at: Jos 5:2-9 1.3 Passover kept at: Jos 5:10,11 1.4 Manna ceased at, after the Passover: Jos 5:12 1.5 Quarries at: Jud 3:19 1.6 Eglon, king of Moab, resides and is slain at: Jud 3:14-26 1.7 A judgment seat, where Israel, in that district, came to be judged by Samuel: 1Sa 7:16 1.8 Saul proclaimed king over all Israel at: 1Sa 11:15 1.9 An altar built at, and sacrifice offered: 1Sa 11:15; 13:4-15; 15:6-23 1.10 Agag, king of the Amalekites, slain at, by Samuel: 1Sa 15:33 1.11 Tribe of Judah assembles at, to proceed to the east side of the Jordan River to conduct King David back after the defeat of Absalom: 2Sa 19:14,15,40-43 1.12 A school of the prophets at: 2Ki 4:38-40 1.13 Prophecies concerning: Ho 4:15; 9:15; 12:11; Am 4:4; 5:5 2 A royal city in Canaan 2.1 Conquered by Joshua: Jos 12:23 GILOH #2016 1 A town in Judah: Jos 15:51; 2Sa 15:12 GIMZO #2017 1 A city of Judah: 2Ch 28:18 GIN #2018 1 A snare: Am 3:5 2 See SNARE GINATH #2019 1 Father of Tibni: 1Ki 16:21,22 GINNETHON #2020 1 Also called GINNETHO, a companion of Nehemiah: Ne 10:6; 12:4,16 GIRDLE #2021 1 Worn by the high priest: Ex 28:4,39; 39:29; Le 8:7; 16:4 2 Other priests: Ex 28:40; 29:9; Le 8:13 3 Women: Isa 3:24 4 Embroidered: Ex 28:8 5 Made of linen: Pr 31:24 6 Made of leather: 2Ki 1:8; Mt 3:4 7 Traffic in: Pr 31:24 8 Used to bear arms: 1Sa 18:4; 2Sa 20:8; 2Ki 3:21 9 FIGURATIVE: Isa 11:5; 22:21; Eph 6:14 10 SYMBOLICAL: Jer 13:1-11; Ac 21:11; Re 15:6 GIRGASHITES #2022 1 Land of, given to Abraham and his descendants: Ge 15:21; De 7:1; Jos 3:10; Ne 9:8 2 Delivered to the people of Israel: Jos 24:11 GISPA #2023 1 Also called GISPHA, an overseer of the Nethinim: Ne 11:21 GITTAH-HEPHER #2024 1 A lengthened form of GATH-HEPHER (which see): Jos 19:13 GITTAIM #2025 1 A place of which little is known: 2Sa 4:3; Ne 11:33 GITTITE #2026 1 See GATH GITTITH #2027 1 See MUSIC GIVING #2028 1 RULES FOR: Mt 6:1-4; 1Co 16:2; 2Co 8:11,12,14; 9:6,7 1.1 See ALMS 1.2 See BENEFICENCE 1.3 See LIBERALITY GIZONITE #2029 1 A man or town of Judah: 1Ch 11:34 GLADIATOR #2030 1 Paul contended with wild "beasts": 1Co 15:32 GLADNESS #2031 1 See JOY GLASS #2032 1 General scriptures concerning: Job 28:17 2 Symbolical: Re 21:18,21 3 Sea of: Re 15:2 4 See MIRROR GLEANING #2033 1 Laws concerning: Le 19:9,10; 23:22; De 24:19,20 2 See ORPHAN 3 See STRANGER 4 See WIDOW 5 FIGURATIVE: Jud 8:2; Isa 17:6; Jer 49:9; Mic 7:1 6 INSTANCES OF 6.1 Ruth in the field of Boaz: Ru 2:2,3 GLEDE #2034 1 A carnivorous bird: De 14:13 GLORIFYING GOD #2035 1 Commanded: 1Ch 16:28; Ps 22:23; Isa 42:12 2 Due to him: 1Ch 16:29 3 For his holiness: Ps 99:9; Re 15:4 4 Mercy and truth: Ps 115:1; Ro 15:9 5 Faithfulness and truth: Isa 25:1 6 Wondrous works: Mt 15:31; Ac 4:21 7 Judgments: Isa 25:3; Eze 28:22; Re 14:7 8 Deliverances: Ps 50:15 9 Grace to others: Ac 11:18; 2Co 9:13; Ga 1:24 10 Accomplished by 10.1 Relying on his promises: Ro 4:20 10.2 Praising him: Ps 50:23 10.3 Doing all to glorify him: 1Co 10:31 10.4 Dying for him: Joh 21:19 10.5 Suffering for Christ: 1Pe 4:14,16 10.6 Glorifying Christ: Ac 19:17; 2Th 1:12 10.7 Bringing forth fruits of righteousness: Joh 15:8; Php 1:11 10.8 Patience in affliction: Isa 24:15 10.9 Faithfulness: 1Pe 4:11 11 Required in body and spirit: 1Co 6:20 12 Shall be universal: Ps 86:9; Re 5:13 13 Saints 13.1 Should resolve to: Ps 69:30; 118:28 13.2 Unite in: Ps 34:3; Ro 15:6 13.3 Persevere in: Ps 86:12 14 All the blessings of God are designed to lead to: Isa 60:21; 61:3 15 The holy example of the saints may lead others to: Mt 5:16; 1Pe 2:12 16 All, by nature, fail in: Ro 3:23 17 The wicked averse to: Da 5:23; Ro 1:21 18 Punishment for not: Da 5:23,30; Mal 2:2; Ac 12:23; Ro 1:21 19 Heavenly hosts engaged in: Re 4:11 20 EXEMPLIFIED 20.1 By David: Ps 57:5 20.2 The multitude: Mt 9:8; 15:31 20.3 The virgin Mary: Lu 1:46 20.4 The angels: Lu 2:14 20.5 The shepherds: Lu 2:20 20.6 By Jesus: Joh 17:4 20.7 The man sick with palsy: Lu 5:25 20.8 The woman with infirmity: Lu 13:13 20.9 The leper whom Jesus healed: Lu 17:15 20.10 The blind man: Lu 18:43 20.11 The centurion: Lu 23:47 20.12 The congregation at Jerusalem: Ac 11:8 20.13 The Gentiles (non-Jewish people) at Antioch (of Syria): Ac 13:48 20.14 Abraham: Ro 4:20 20.15 Paul: Ro 11:36 GLORY #2036 1 God is, to his people: Ps 3:3; Zec 2:5 2 Christ is, to his people: Isa 60:1; Lu 2:32 3 The gospel ordained to be, to saints: 1Co 2:7 4 Of the gospel exceeds that of the law: 2Co 3:9,10 5 The joy of saints is full of: 1Pe 1:8 6 SPIRITUAL 6.1 Is given by God: Ps 84:11 6.2 Is given by Christ: Joh 17:22 6.3 Is the work of the Holy Spirit: 2Co 3:18 7 ETERNAL 7.1 Procured by the death of Christ: Heb 2:10 7.2 Accompanies salvation by Christ: 2Ti 2:10 7.3 Inherited by saints: 1Sa 2:8; Ps 73:24; Pr 3:35; Col 3:4; 1Pe 5:10 7.4 Saints called to: 2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10 7.5 Saints prepared unto: Ro 9:23 7.6 Enhanced by afflictions: 2Co 4:17 7.7 Present afflictions not worthy to be compared with: Ro 8:18 7.8 Of God's people shall be rich and abundant: Isa 60:11-13 7.9 The bodies of saints shall be raised in: 1Co 15:43; Php 3:21 7.10 Saints shall be, of their ministers: 1Th 2:19,20 7.11 Afflictions of ministers are, to saints: Eph 3:13 8 TEMPORAL 8.1 Is given by God: Da 2:37 8.2 Passes away: 1Pe 1:24 8.3 The devil tries to seduce by: Mt 4:8 8.4 Of hypocrites turned to shame: Ho 4:7 8.5 Seek not, from man: Mt 6:2; 1Th 2:6 8.6 Of the wicked is in their shame: Php 3:19 8.7 Ends in destruction: Isa 5:14 9 OF GOD 9.1 Exhibited in Christ: Joh 1:14; 2Co 4:6; Heb 1:3 9.2 Exhibited in his name: De 28:58; Ne 9:5 9.3 His majesty: Job 37:22; Ps 93:1; 104:1; 145:5,12; Isa 2:10 9.4 His power: Ex 15:1,6; Ro 6:4 9.5 His works: Ps 19:1; 111:3 9.6 His holiness: Ex 15:11 9.7 Described as great: Ps 138:5 9.8 Eternal: Ps 104:31 9.9 Rich: Eph 3:16 9.10 Highly exalted: Ps 8:1; 113:4 9.11 Exhibited to Moses: Ex 34:5-7; with 33:18-23 9.12 Stephen: Ac 7:55 9.13 The people of God: De 5:24; Ps 102:16 9.14 Enlightens God's people: Isa 60:1,2; Re 21:11,23 9.15 Saints desire to behold: Ps 63:2; 90:16 9.16 God is jealous of: Isa 42:8 9.17 The earth is full of: Isa 6:3 9.18 The knowledge of, shall fill the earth: Hab 2:14 GLUTTONY #2037 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 16:20,21,27; Nu 11:32,33; De 21:20,21; Pr 23:21; 30:21,22; Ec 10:17; Isa 22:13; Am 6:4-7; Lu 12:19,20,45,46; 21:34; Ro 13:13,14; 1Co 15:32; Php 3:19; 1Pe 4:3; Jude 1:12 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Esau: Ge 25:30-34; with Heb 12:16,17 2.2 Israel: Nu 11:4; with Ps 78:18 2.3 Sons of Eli: 1Sa 2:12-17 2.4 Belshazzar: Da 5:1

G Topic <strong>Guide</strong> G<br />

GAZZAM #1959<br />

1 One of <strong>the</strong> Nethinim: Ezr 2:48; Ne 7:51<br />

GEBA #1960<br />

1 (Also called GABA)<br />

2 A city of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Benjamin, assigned to<br />

<strong>the</strong> sons of Aaron: Jos 21:17; 1Sa 13:3; 2Sa<br />

5:25; 1Ki 15:22; 2Ki 23:8; 1Ch 6:60; 8:6; 2Ch<br />

16:6; Ne 11:31; 12:29; Isa 10:29; Zec 14:10<br />

GEBAL #1961<br />

1 A city south of Sidon<br />

1.1 Given to Reuben: Jos 13:5<br />

1.2 People of, work for Solomon: 1Ki 5:18<br />

1.3 Shipbuilders in: Eze 27:9<br />

2 A district near <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea: Ps 83:7<br />

GEBER #1962<br />

1 Name of two men, officers of Solomon: 1Ki<br />

4:13,19<br />

GEBIM #1963<br />

1 A city of Benjamin: Isa 10:31<br />

GEDALIAH #1964<br />

1 Governor appointed by Nebucbadnezzar<br />

after carrying <strong>the</strong> Jews <strong>into</strong> captivity: 2Ki<br />

25:22-24<br />

1.1 Jeremiah committed to <strong>the</strong> care of: Jer<br />

39:14; 40:5,6<br />

1.2 Warned of <strong>the</strong> conspiracy of Ishmael by<br />

Johanan, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> captains of his army: Jer<br />

40:13-16<br />

1.3 Killed by Ishmael: 2Ki 25:25,26; Jer 41:1-<br />

10<br />

2 A musician: 1Ch 25:3,9<br />

3 A priest, who divorced his Gentile wife<br />

after <strong>the</strong> exile: Ezr 10:18<br />

4 Ancestor of Zephaniah: Zep 1:1<br />

5 A prince who caused imprisonment of<br />

Jeremiah: Jer 38:1<br />

GEDEON #1965<br />

1 See GIDEON<br />

GEDER #1966<br />

1 An ancient city of Canaan: Jos 12:13<br />

2 Possibly identical with GEDOR, number<br />

two or number three<br />

GEDERAH #1967<br />

1 A city in <strong>the</strong> plain of Judah: Jos 15:3,6<br />

GEDEROTH #1968<br />

1 A city in <strong>the</strong> plain of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah: Jos<br />

15:41; 2Ch 28:18<br />

GEDEROTHAIM #1969<br />

1 A city in <strong>the</strong> plain of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah: Jos<br />

15:36<br />

GEDOR #1970<br />

1 A city in <strong>the</strong> mountains of <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Judah: Jos 15:58<br />

2 The town of Jeroham: 1Ch 12:7<br />

2.1 Possibly identical with GEDER (which<br />

see)<br />

3 Valley of, taken by Simeonites: 1Ch 4:39<br />

3.1 See GEDER<br />

4 An ancestor of Saul: 1Ch 8:31; 9:37<br />

5 Ei<strong>the</strong>r a place or a person (authorities<br />

disagree): 1Ch 4:4,18<br />

GEHAZI #1971<br />

1 Servant of Elisha: 2Ki 4:12,29,31<br />

2 Covetousness of, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> judgment of<br />

leprosy upon: 2Ki 5:20-27<br />

3 Mentions to King Jehoram <strong>the</strong> miracles of<br />

Elisha, his master: 2Ki 8:4,5<br />

GEHENNA #1972<br />

1 See HELL<br />

GELILOTH #1973<br />

1 A place mentioned, as marking <strong>the</strong><br />

boundary of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Benjamin: Jos 18:17<br />

2 Gilgal is substituted: Jos 15:7<br />

GEMALLI #1974<br />

1 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Ammiel: Nu 13:12<br />

GEMARIAH #1975<br />

1 Son of Shaphan: Jer 36:10-12,25<br />

2 An ambassador of Zedekiah to<br />

Nebuchadnezzar: Jer 29:3<br />

GENEALOGY #1976<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Nu 1:18;<br />

2Ch 12:15; Ne 7:5<br />

2 Of no spiritual significance: Mt 3:9; 1Ti 1:4;<br />

Tit 3:9<br />

3 From Adam to Noah: Ge 4:16-22; 5; 1Ch<br />

1:1-4; Lu 3:36-38<br />

4 To Abraham: Ge 11:10-32; 1Ch 1:4-27; Lu<br />

3:34-38<br />

5 To Jesus: Mt 1:1-16; Lu 3:23-38<br />

6 Of <strong>the</strong> descendants of Noah: Ge 10<br />

7 Of Nahor: Ge 22:20-24<br />

8 Of Abraham, by his wife Keturah: Ge 25:1-<br />

4; 1Ch 1:32,33<br />

9 Of Ishmael: Ge 25:12-16; 1Ch 1:28-31<br />

10 Of Esau: Ge 36; 1Ch 1:35-54<br />

11 Of Jacob: Ge 35:23-26; Ex 1:5; 6:14-27; Nu<br />

26; 1Ch 2:9<br />

12 Of Pharez to David: Ru 4:18-22<br />

13 Of <strong>the</strong> Jews who returned from <strong>the</strong><br />

captivity: Ezr 7:1-5; 8:1-15; Ne 7; 11:12<br />

14 Of Joseph: Mt 1; Lu 3:23-38<br />



1 See ABRAHAM<br />

2 See JOSHUA<br />

3 See SAUL<br />

4 See DAVID<br />

5 See JOAB<br />

6 See AMASA<br />

7 See GIDEON<br />

8 See BENAIAH<br />

9 See NAAMAN<br />

10 See JEPHTHAH<br />

11 See BEN-HADAD<br />

12 See SENNACHERIB<br />

13 See CAPTAINS<br />

GENEROSITY #1978<br />

1 See LIBERALITY<br />

GENIUS #1979<br />

1 Mechanical, a divine inspiration: Ex 28:3;<br />

31:2-11; 35:30-35; 36:1<br />

GENNESARET #1980<br />

1 See GALILEE<br />

GENTILES #1981<br />


TO: Jer 10:2,3; Mt 6:7,8,31,32; Ac 14:16;<br />

17:4,16,17,22-27; Ro 1:18-32; 2:1-15; 1Co<br />

10:20; 12:2; Ga 2:15; Eph 2:12; 4:17-19; 5:12;<br />

1Th 4:4; 1Pe 4:3,4<br />

1.1 See IDOLATRY<br />

1.2 See MISSIONS<br />


Ge 12:3,5; 22:18; 49:10; De 32:21; Ps 2:8;<br />

22:27-31; 46:4,10; 65:2,5; 66:4; 68:31,32; 72:1-<br />

20; 86:9; 102:15,18-22; 145:10,11; Isa 2:2-5;<br />

9:1-7; 11:1-10; 18:7; 24:16; 35:1-10; 40:4-11;<br />

42:1-12; 45:6,8,22-24; 49:1,5,6,18-23; 54:1-3;<br />

55:5; 56:3,6-8; 60:1,3-5,8-14; 65:1; 66:7-23; Jer<br />

3:17; 4:2; 16:19-21; Eze 47:3-5; Da 2:35,44,45;<br />

7:13,14; Ho 2:23; Joe 2:28-32; Am 9:11,12; Mic<br />

4:3,4; Hag 2:7; Zec 2:10,11; 6:15; 8:1-23; 9:1,9-<br />

17; 14:8-21; Mal 1:11; Mt 3:9; 8:11; 12:17-21;<br />

19:30; Mr 10:31; Lu 13:29,30; 21:24; Joh 10:16;<br />

Ac 9:15<br />



3 CONVERSION OF: Ac 10:45; 11:1-18;<br />

13:2,46-48; 14:27; 15:7-9,12-31; 18:4-6; 26:16-<br />

18; 28:28; Ro 1:5-7; 9:22-30; 10:19,20; 11:11-<br />

13,17-21; 15:9-12; Ga 1:15,16; 2:2; 3:14; Eph<br />

3:1-8; Col 3:11; 1Th 2:16; 1Ti 3:16; 2Ti 1:11; Re<br />

11:15; 15:4<br />

3.1 See MISSIONS<br />



3.3 See JESUS, KINGDOM OF,<br />


GENTLENESS #1982<br />

1 OF CHRIST: Isa 40:11; 2Co 10:1; Mt 11:29<br />


1.2 See JESUS, HUMILITY OF<br />

1.3 See JESUS, MEEKNESS OF<br />

2 OF GOD: 2Sa 22:36; Ps 18:35; Isa 40:11<br />

2.1 See GOD, COMPASSION OF<br />


2.3 Of Paul: 1Th 2:7<br />

3 EXHORTATIONS TO: Ga 5:22; 2Ti 2:24-26;<br />

Tit 3:1,2; Jas 3:17<br />

3.1 See HUMILITY<br />

3.2 See KINDNESS<br />

3.3 See MEEKNESS<br />

3.4 See PATIENCE<br />

GENUBATH #1983<br />

1 Son of Hadad: 1Ki 11:20<br />

GEOLOGY #1984<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 1:9,10;<br />

1Sa 2:8; 2Sa 22:16; Job 12:8,9; 28:9-11; Ps<br />

18:15; 24:1,2; 104:5-13; 136:6; Pr 30:4; Jer<br />

31:37; Hab 3:9; 2Pe 3:5-7<br />

2 See CREATION<br />

3 See EARTH<br />


5 See ASTRONOMY<br />

6 See also HOT SPRINGS<br />

GERA #1985<br />

1 Possibly <strong>the</strong> name of three men; more<br />

probably of one<br />

2 The son of Bela: Ge 46:21; Jud 3:15; 2Sa<br />

16:5; 19:16,18; 1Ki 2:8; 1Ch 8:3,5,7<br />

GERAH #1986<br />

1 A weight equal to thirteen <strong>and</strong> seventenths<br />

grains, Paris<br />

2 Also a coin equivalent to about three<br />

cents American money <strong>and</strong> three half-pence<br />

English money: Ex 30:13; Le 27:25; Nu 3:47<br />

GERAR #1987<br />

1 A city of <strong>the</strong> Philistines: Ge 10:19<br />

1.1 Abimelech, king of: Ge 20:1; 26:6<br />

1.2 Visited by Abraham: Ge 20:1<br />

1.3 Visited by Isaac: Ge 26:1; 2Ch 14:13,14<br />

2 A valley: Ge 26:17-22<br />

GERGESENES #1988<br />

1 See GADARENES<br />

GERIZIM #1989<br />

1 Mount of blessing: De 11:29; 27:12; Jos<br />

8:33<br />

2 Jotham addresses <strong>the</strong> Shechemites from,<br />

against <strong>the</strong> conspiracy of Abimelech: Jud 9:7<br />

3 Samaritans worship at: Joh 4:20<br />

GERSHOM #1990<br />

1 Son of Moses: Ex 2:22; 18:3; 1Ch 23:15,16;<br />

26:24<br />

2 GERSHOM<br />

2.1 See GERSHON<br />

3 A descendant of Phinehas: Ezr 8:2<br />

4 A Levite: Jud 18:30<br />

GERSHON #1991<br />

1 Also called GERSHOM<br />

2 Son of Levi: Ge 46:11; Ex 6:16,17; Nu 3:17-<br />

26; 4:22-28,38; 7:7; 10:17; 26:57; Jos 21:6; 1Ch<br />

6:1,16,17,20,43,62,71; 15:7; 23:6<br />

GESHAM #1992<br />

1 A descendant of Caleb: 1Ch 2:47<br />

GESHEM #1993<br />

1 Also called GASHMU, an Arabian<br />

2 Opposed Nehemiah in building Jerusalem:<br />

Ne 2:19; 6:1-6<br />

GESHUR #1994<br />

1 District east of <strong>the</strong> sources of <strong>the</strong> Jordan<br />

River. The inhabitants of, not subdued by <strong>the</strong><br />

Israelites: De 3:14; Jos 13:2-13; 1Ch 2:23<br />

2 Inhabitants of one of <strong>the</strong> villages of,<br />

exterminated, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> spoils taken by David:<br />

1Sa 27:8<br />

3 David marries a princess of: 2Sa 3:3; 1Ch<br />

3:2<br />

4 Absalom takes refuge in, after <strong>the</strong> murder<br />

of Amnon: 2Sa 1:3<br />

GETHSEMANE #1995<br />

1 (A garden near Jerusalem)<br />

2 Jesus betrayed in: Mt 26:36-50; Mr 14:32-<br />

46; Lu 22:39-49; Joh 18:1,2<br />

GEZER #1996<br />

1 Also called GAZER, GAZARA, GAZERA,<br />

<strong>and</strong> GOB<br />

2 A Canaanitish royal city<br />

3 King of, defeats Joshua: Jos 10:33; 12:12<br />

4 Canaanites not all expelled from, but made<br />

to pay tribute (taxes): Jos 16:10; Jud 1:29<br />

5 Allotted to <strong>the</strong> half-tribe of Ephraim: Jos<br />

16:3,10; 1Ch 7:28<br />

6 Assigned to Levites: Jos 21:21<br />

7 Battle with Philistines at: 1Ch 20:4; 2Sa<br />

21:18<br />

8 Struck by David: 1Sa 27:8<br />

9 Fortified by Solomon: 1Ki 9:15-17; 12:23<br />

GHOST #1997<br />

1 Soul: Ac 5:5,10; 12:23<br />

2 See SPIRIT<br />


GIAH #1998<br />

1 A place on <strong>the</strong> way to <strong>the</strong> wilderness of<br />

Gibeon: 2Sa 2:24<br />

GIANTS #1999<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 6:4<br />

2 See ANAKIM<br />

3 See EMIMS<br />

4 See GOLIATH<br />

5 See ISHBI-BENOB<br />

6 See OG<br />

7 See REPHAIM<br />

8 See ZAMZUMMIM<br />

GIBBAR #2000<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ezr 2:20<br />

2 See GIBEON<br />

GIBBETHON #2001<br />

1 A city of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Dan: Jos 19:44<br />

2 Allotted to <strong>the</strong> Levites: Jos 21:23<br />

3 Besieged by Israel, while in possession of<br />

Philistines: 1Ki 15:27; 16:15,17<br />

GIBEA #2002<br />

1 A descendant of Judah: 1Ch 2:49<br />

GIBEAH #2003<br />

1 OF JUDAH: Jos 15:57<br />

2 OF SAUL<br />

2.1 Also called GIBEAH OF BENJAMIN<br />

2.2 The people's wickedness: Jud 19:12-30;<br />

Ho 9:9; 10:9<br />

2.3 Destroyed by <strong>the</strong> Israelites: Jud 20<br />

2.4 The city of Saul: 1Sa 10:26; 15:34; 22:6<br />

2.5 The ark of <strong>the</strong> covenant conveyed to, by<br />

<strong>the</strong> Philistines: 1Sa 7:1; 2Sa 6:3<br />

2.6 Deserted: Isa 10:29<br />

3 Ano<strong>the</strong>r town in Benjamin, also called<br />

GIBEATH, in: Jos 18:28<br />

4 GIBEAH IN THE FIELD: Jud 20:31<br />

4.1 Probably identical with GEBA (which<br />

see)<br />

GIBEON #2004<br />

1 A city of <strong>the</strong> Hivites: Jos 9:3,17; 2Sa 21:2<br />

1.1 The people of, adroitly draw Joshua <strong>into</strong><br />

a treaty: Jos 9<br />

1.2 Made servants by <strong>the</strong> Israelites, when<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir sharp practice was discovered: Jos 9:27<br />

1.3 The sun st<strong>and</strong>s still over, during<br />

Joshua's battle with <strong>the</strong> five confederated<br />

kings: Jos 10:12-14<br />

1.4 Allotted to Benjamin: Jos 18:25<br />

1.5 Assigned to <strong>the</strong> Aaronites: Jos 21:17<br />

1.6 The tabernacle located at: 1Ki 3:4; 1Ch<br />

16:39; 21:29; 2Ch 1:2,3,13<br />

1.7 Smitten by David: 1Ch 14:16<br />

1.8 Seven sons of Saul killed at, to avenge<br />

<strong>the</strong> inhabitants of: 2Sa 21:1-9<br />

1.9 Solomon worships at, <strong>and</strong> offers<br />

sacrifices: 1Ki 3:4<br />

1.10 Has <strong>the</strong> dream concerning<br />

righteousness: 1Ki 3:5; 9:2<br />

1.11 Abner slays Asahel at: 2Sa 3:30<br />

1.12 Ishmael, <strong>the</strong> son of Nethaniah, defeated<br />

at, by Johanan: Jer 41:11-16<br />

2 Pool of: 2Sa 2:13; Jer 41:12<br />

GIDDALTI #2005<br />

1 A son of Heman: 1Ch 25:4,29<br />


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