Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


E Topic Guide E PHILIPPIANS, COLOSSIANS, THESSALONIANS, TIMOTHY, TITUS, and PHILEMON. 4 Of JAMES, PETER, and JOHN, see books of the N. T. which bear their names 5 See LETTERS EQUALITY, OF MEN #1687 1 See MAN, ALL MEN EQUAL EQUITY (FAIRNESS) #1688 1 See JUSTICE ER #1689 1 Son of Judah: Ge 38:3,6,7; 46:12; Nu 26:19; 1Ch 2:3 2 A son of Shelah: 1Ch 4:21 3 An ancestor of, Jesus: Lu 3:28 ERAN #1690 1 A grandson of Ephraim: Nu 26:36 ERASTUS #1691 1 A friend of Paul: Ac 19:22; 2Ti 4:20 2 Convert of Paul's, probably same as preceding: Ro 16:23 ERECH #1692 1 A city of Shinar: Ge 10:10 ERI #1693 1 A son of Gad: Ge 46:16; Nu 26:16 ERRORS #1694 1 (In teachers and doctrines) 2 See TEACHERS, FALSE ESAIAS #1695 1 See ISAIAH ESAR-HADDON (ESARHADDON) #1696 1 (King of Assyria) 2 Succeeds Sennacherib: 2Ki 19:37; Isa 37:38 3 Called Asnapper: Ezr 4:2,10 ESAU #1697 1 Older of the twin sons born to Isaac and Rebekah 2 Birth of: Ge 25:19-26; 1Ch 1:34 3 Called Edom: Ge 36:1,8 4 A hunter: Ge 25:27,28 5 Beloved by Isaac: Ge 25:27,28 6 Sells his birthright for a single meal: Ge 25:29-34; Mal 1:2; Ro 9:13; Heb 12:16 7 Marries a Hittite woman: Ge 26:34 8 His marriage to, a grief to Isaac and Rebekah: Ge 26:35 9 Polygamy of: Ge 26:34; 28:9; 36:2,3 10 Is defrauded of his father's blessing by Jacob: Ge 27; Heb 11:20 11 Meets Jacob on the return of the latter from Haran: Ge 33:1 12 With Jacob, buries his father: Ge 35:29 13 Descendants of: Ge 36 14 Hostility of descendants of, toward the descendants of Jacob: Ob 1:10-14 15 Ancestor of Edomites: Jer 49:8 16 Mount of Edom, called MOUNT OF ESAU: Ob 1:8,9,18-21 17 His name used to denote his descendants and their country: De 2:5; Jer 49:8,10; Ob 1:6 18 Prophecies concerning: Ob 1:18 ESCAPE #1698 1 NONE, FROM THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD: Ge 3:7-11; 4:9-11; Job 34:21,22; Isa 10:3; Mt 23:33; Ro 2:3; 1Th 5:2,3; Heb 2:2,3; 12:25,26; Re 6:15-17 1.1 See SIN, FRUITS OF 1.2 See SIN, PUNISHMENT OF 1.3 See JUDGMENTS, NO ESCAPE FROM ESCHEAT #1699 1 See CONFISCATION ESEK #1700 1 A well dug by the servants of Isaac: Ge 26:20 ESH-BAAL #1701 1 See ISH-BOSHETH ESHBAN #1702 1 A son of Dishan or Dishon: Ge 36:26; 1Ch 1:41 ESHCOL #1703 1 An Amorite, and ally of Abraham: Ge 14:13,24 2 A valley or brook near Hebron: Nu 13:23,24; 32:9; De 1:24 ESHEAN #1704 1 A city in Judah: Jos 15:52 ESHEK #1705 1 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:39 ESHTAOL #1706 1 A town of the tribe of Judah: Jos 15:33 2 Allotted to Dan: Jos 19:41; Jud 18:2,8,11 3 Samson moved by the spirit of the Lord near: Jud 13:25 4 Samson buried near: Jud 16:31 ESHTEMOA #1707 1 Also called ESHTEMOH 1.1 A town of Canaan assigned to Judah: Jos 15:50 1.2 Allotted to the Aaronites: Jos 21:14; 1Ch 6:57 1.3 David shared plunder with: 1Sa 30:28 2 A descendant of Ezra: 1Ch 4:17,19 ESHTON #1708 1 Son of Mehir: 1Ch 4:11,12 ESLI #1709 1 An ancestor of Jesus: Lu 3:25 ESROM #1710 1 An ancestor of Jesus: Mt 1:3; Lu 3:33 ESTATE #1711 1 Vast landed: Isa 5:8 2 See LAND ESTHER #1712 1 Also called HADASSAH 2 Niece of Mordecai: Es 2:7,15 3 Chosen queen: Es 2:17 4 Tells the king of the plot against his life: Es 2:22 5 Fasts on account of the decree to destroy the Israelites; Accuses Haman to the king; intercedes for her people: Es 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 ; 9 ETAM #1713 1 A village of Simeon: 1Ch 4:32 2 A city in Judah: 2Ch 11:6 3 A name on the list of Judah's descendants, but probably referring to number two: 1Ch 4:3 4 A rock where Samson was bound and delivered to the Philistines: Jud 15:8,11-13 ETERNAL LIFE #1714 1 See LIFE EVERLASTING ETERNAL PUNISHMENT #1715 1 See PUNISHMENT, ETERNAL ETERNITY #1716 1 God inhabits: Isa 57:15; Mic 5:2 2 God rules: Jer 10:10 3 See GOD, ETERNITY OF 4 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Ps 30:12; 41:13; 72:17; 90:2; 110:4; 119:142; Mt 6:13; 18:8; 2Co 9:9; Jude 1:6 4.1 See LIFE, EVERLASTING 4.2 See PUNISHMENT, ETERNAL ETHAM #1717 1 Second camping place of Israel: Ex 13:20 ; Num 33:6,7 ETHAN #1718 1 A renowned sage: 1Ki 4:31 1.1 See title: Ps 89 2 Son of Zerak: 1Ch 2:6,8 2.1 Two Levites: 1Ch 6:42,44; 15:17,19 ETHANIM #1719 1 (The seventh month (October)) 2 Feast of Trumpets in: Le 23:23-25 3 Day of Atonement, on the tenth day of: Le 23:26-32 4 Feast of Tabernacles in: Le 23:33-43 5 Jubilee proclaimed on the tenth day of: Le 25:9 6 Temple dedicated in: 1Ki 8:2 7 Altar restored in, after the captivity: Ezr 3:1,6 ETHBAAL #1720 1 King of Sidon: 1Ki 16:31 ETHER #1721 1 (A city of Caanan) 2 Assigned to the tribe of Judah: Jos 15:42 3 Subsequently allotted to the tribe of Simeon: Jos 19:7 4 Called TOCHEN in: 1Ch 4:32 ETHIOPIA #1722 1 (A region in Africa, inhabited by the descendants of Ham) 2 The inhabitants of, black: Jer 13:23 3 Within the Babylonian empire: Es 1:1 4 Rivers of: Ge 10:6; Isa 18:1 5 Bordered Egypt on the south: Eze 29:10 6 Was called the land of Cush, mentioned in: Ge 10:6; 1Ch 1:9; Isa 11:11 7 Warriors of: Jer 46:9; 2Ch 12:3; Eze 38:5 8 Defeated by Asa: 2Ch 14:9-15; 16:8 9 Invaded Syria: 2Ki 19:9 10 Merchandise of: Isa 45:14 11 Moses marries a woman of: Nu 12:1 12 Ebel-melech, at the court of Babylon, native of 13 Treats Jeremiah kindly: Jer 38:7-13; 39:15-18 14 Candace, queen of: Ac 8:27 15 A eunuch from, becomes a disciple beause of the preaching of Philip: Ac 8:27-39 16 Prophecies concerning the conversion of: Ps 68:31; 87:4; Isa 45:14; Da 11:43 17 Desolation of: Isa 18:1-6; 20:2-6; 43:3; Eze 30:4-9; Hab 3:7; Zep 2:12 ETHNAN #1723 1 Grandson of Ashur: 1Ch 4:7 ETHNI #1724 1 An ancestor of Asaph: 1Ch 6:41 ETIQUETTE #1725 1 See MANNERS EUBULUS #1726 1 A friend of Paul: 2Ti 4:21 EUCHARIST (THE LORD'S SUPPER) #1727 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 26:17- 30; Mr 14:22-24; Lu 13:26; 22:19,20; Joh 13:1- 4; Ac 2:42,46,47; 20:7; 1Co 10:16,17,21,22; 11:20-34 EUNICE #1728 1 Timothy's mother: 2Ti 1:5 2 See: Ac 16:1 EUNUCH #1729 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 19:12 2 Prohibited from certain privileges of the congregation: De 23:1; Isa 56:3-5 3 Influential court officials: Jer 38:7-13; 52:25; Da 1:3 4 Those who voluntarily became (continent, probably) for the kingdom of heaven's sake: Mt 19:12 5 Baptism of the Ethiopian: Ac 8:26-29 EUODIAS #1730 1 A Christian woman of Philippi: Php 4:2 EUPHRATES #1731 1 A river in the garden of Eden: Ge 2:14 2 The eastern limit of the kingdom of Israel: Ge 15:18; Ex 23:31; De 1:7; 11:24; Jos 1:4; 2Sa 8:3; 1Ki 4:21; 1Ch 5:9; 18:3 3 Pharaoh-necho, king of Egypt, made conquest to: 2Ki 24:7; Jer 46:2-10 4 On the banks of, Jeremiah symbolically buries his sash: Jer 13:1-7 5 Casts the scroll containing the prophecies against Babylon into: Jer 51:59-64 6 SYMBOLICAL 6.1 The inundations of, of the extension of the empire of Assyria: Isa 8:6-8 6.2 In the symbolisms of the Apocalypse: Re 9:14; 16:12 EUROCLYDON #1732 1 A tempestuous wind: Ac 27:14 EUTYCHUS #1733 1 A young man from Troas, restored to life by Paul: Ac 20:9-11 EVANGELISM #1734 1 See MINISTERS, DUTIES OF 2 See ZEAL EVAPORATION #1735 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 135:7; Jer 10:13; 51:16; Am 5:8; 9:6 EVE #1736 1 Creation of: Ge 1:26-28; 2:21-24; 1Ti 2:13 2 Named by Adam: Ge 2:23; 3:20 3 Beguiled by Satan: Ge 3; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14 4 Clothed with fig leaves: Ge 3:7 5 Clothed with animal skins: Ge 3:21 6 Curse denounced against: Ge 3:16 7 Messiah promised to: Ge 3:15 8 Children of: Ge 4:1,2,25; 5:3,4 EVERLASTING FIRE #1737 1 See FIRE, EVERLASTING EVERLASTING LIFE #1738 1 See LIFE, EVERLASTING EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT #1739 1 See PUNISHMENT, ETERNAL EVI #1740 1 Prince of Midian, killed: Nu 31:8; Jos 13:21 EVICTION #1741 1 Of tenants: Mt 21:41; Mr 12:9 EVIDENCE #1742 1 LAWS CONCERNING: Ex 20:16; 23:1,7; Le 5:1; 24:14; Nu 35:30; De 17:6,7; 19:15-21; Pr 24:28; Mt 18:16; 19:18; Heb 10:28 2 SELF-CRIMINATING: Jos 7:19-21 2.1 See WITNESS 2.2 See FALSE WITNESS 2.3 See ACCUSATION, FALSE 2.4 See SELF-CRIMINATION EVIL #1743 1 APPEARANCE OF, TO BE AVOIDED: Ro 14:1-23; 1Co 8:7-13; 10:28-33; 1Th 4:11,12; 5:22 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Paul, in refusing to eat what had been offered to idols: 1Co 8:13 2.2 In supporting himself: 1Co 9:7-23 EVIL FOR EVIL #1744 1 See RETALIATION EVIL FOR GOOD #1745 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 7:4,5; 35:12; 109:5; Pr 17:13 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Joseph accuses his brothers of rendering: Ge 44:4 2.2 Israelites, to Moses: Ex 5:21; 14:11; 15:24; 16:2,3; 17:3,4 2.3 Nabal returns, to David: 1Sa 25:21 2.4 Saul returns, to David: 1Sa 19:1,4,5,10 2.5 David, to Uriah: 2Sa 11 2.6 To Joab: 1Ki 2:4,5,6 2.7 See ENEMIES 2.8 See GOOD FOR EVIL EVIL SPEAKING #1746 1 See SPEAKING, EVIL 45

E Topic Guide E EVIL-MERODACH #1747 1 (Son and successor of King Nebuchadnezzar) 2 Released Jehoiachin from prison: 2Ki 25:27-30; Jer 52:31-34 EXALTATION #1748 1 OF CHRIST 1.1 See JESUS, EXALTATION OF 2 OF SELF 2.1 See SELF-EXALTATION EXAMPLE #1749 1 BAD, ADMONITIONS AGAINST: Le 18:2; 20:23; De 18:9; 2Ch 30:7; Pr 22:24,25; Isa 8:11; Jer 16:12; 17:1,2; Eze 20:18; Ho 4:9,15; 5:5; Zec 1:4; Mt 23:1-3; 1Co 8:9-13; 10:6; Eph 4:17; 3Jo 1:11 1.1 See INFLUENCE 2 GOOD: Ne 5:8-19; Ps 101:2; 1Th 1:6-8; 1Ti 4:12; Tit 2:7,8; Heb 13:7; Jas 5:10,11; 1Pe 2:11- 25; 3:5,6; 5:3 2.1 See INFLUENCE 3 GOD, OUR: Le 11:44; 19:2; Mt 5:48; Lu 6:36; Eph 6:9 4 CHRIST, OUR: Mt 20:28; Mr 10:43-45; Lu 22:27; Joh 13:13-17,34; Ro 15:2-7; 2Co 8:9; 10:1; Eph 5:1,2; Php 2:5-8; Col 3:13; Heb 12:2,3; 1Pe 2:21; 3:17,18; 4:1; 1Jo 2:6; 3:16; Re 3:21 5 PAUL, OUR: Ac 20:35; 1Co 4:16; 7:7,8; 11:1; Php 3:17; 4:9; 2Th 3:7-10; 1Ti 1:16; 2Ti 1:13 5.1 See INFLUENCE EXCHANGERS #1750 1 See MONEY CHANGERS EXCOMMUNICATION #1751 1 See CHURCH, GOVERNMENT OF 2 See CHURCH, RULES OF DISCIPLINE IN EXCUSES #1752 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 3:12,13; Ex 4:1,10-14; 32:22-24; De 30:11-14; Jud 6:12-17; 1Ki 19:19-21; 2Ki 5:10-14; Jer 1:1,4-10; Mt 8:21; Lu 9:59-62; 14:18-20; Ac 24:25; Ro 1:20; 2:1 EXECUTIONER #1753 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 37:36; Pr 16:14; Jer 39:9 2 (Margin): Da 2:14 3 (Margin): Mt 14:10 4 See PUNISHMENT EXILE #1754 1 Absalom: 2Sa 14:13,14,24 2 Ittai: 2Sa 15:19 EXODUS #1755 1 Of early tribes: Ge 11:2 2 Of Israel from Egypt 2.1 See ISRAEL EXORCISM #1756 1 Casting out evil spirits by Sorcery 1.1 See SORCERY EXPEDIENCY #1757 1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 14:14- 22; 1Co 6:12; 8:8-13; 9:19-23; 10:23-33 2 See EVIL, APPEARANCE OF, TO BE AVOIDED 3 See PRUDENCE EXPERIENCE #1758 1 Solomon's: Ec 1:2 2 RELIGIOUS, RELATING OF 2.1 See TESTIMONY, RELIGIOUS EXPERIMENT #1759 1 In worldly pleasure, Solomon's: Ec 1 ; 2 EXPIATION #1760 1 See ATONEMENT EXPORTS #1761 1 From Egypt 1.1 Of horses and chariots, and linen yarn: 1Ki 10:28,29; 2Ch 1:16,17 1.2 Of corn (grain): Ge 42; 43 46 2 From Gilead 2.1 Of spices: Ge 37:25 3 From Ophir 3.1 Of gold: 1Ki 10:11; 22:48; 1Ch 29:4 4 From Tarshish 4.1 Of gold: 1Ki 10:22 4.2 Ivory, apes, and peacocks: 1Ki 10:22 4.3 Silver, iron, tin, lead, brass, slaves: Eze 27:12,13 5 From Arabia 5.1 Of sheep and goats: Eze 27:21 6 From Palestine 6.1 Honey: Eze 27:17 7 See IMPORTS 8 See COMMERCE EXPOSTULATION #1762 1 See REPROOF EXTERMINATION #1763 1 See WAR OF EXTORTION #1764 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 109:11; Isa 16:4; Eze 22:12; Mic 3:2,3; Mt 23:25; Lu 18:11; 1Co 5:10,11; 6:10 2 See USURY 3 INSTANCES OF 3.1 Jacob in demanding Esau's birthright for a mess of pottage: Ge 25:31 3.2 Pharaoh in exacting of the Egyptians lands and persons, for corn (grain): Ge 47:13- 26 EXTRADITION #1765 1 General scriptures concerning: 1Ki 18:7,10; Jer 26:21-23; Ac 9:2,14; 22:5 EXTRAVAGANCE #1766 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 21:17,20; Lu 16:19 2 See GLUTTONY EYE #1767 1 ANTHROPOMORPHIC USES OF: Ps 33:18,19; 34:15; 121:3-5; Isa 1:15; 3:8; Am 9:8; Hab 1:13; 1Pe 3:12 1.1 For additional anthropomorphic uses of 1.2 See ANTHROPOMORPHISMS 2 FIGURATIVE 2.1 Of evil desire, never satisfied: Pr 27:20; Ec 1:8; 1Jo 2:16 2.2 The offending: Mt 5:29 EYE FOR EYE #1768 1 See RETALIATION EYELIDS #1769 1 Painted: Eze 23:40 EZBAI #1770 1 Father of Naarai: 1Ch 11:37 2 Possibly identical with PAARAI in: 2Sa 23:35 EZBON #1771 1 A son of Gad: Ge 46:16 1.1 Called OZNI in: Nu 26:16 2 Son of Bela: 1Ch 7:7 EZEKIAS #1772 1 See HEZEKIAH EZEKIEL #1773 1 (A priest) 2 Time of his prophecy: Eze 1:1-3 3 Persecution of: Eze 3:25 4 Visions of 4.1 Of God's glory: Eze 1; 8; 10; 11:22 4.2 Of Jews' abominations: Eze 8:5,6 4.3 Of their punishment: Eze 9:10 4.4 Of the valley of dry bones: Eze 37:1-14 4.5 Of a man with measuring line: Eze 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48 5 Of the river: Eze 47:1-14 6 Teaches by pantomime 6.1 Feigns dumbness: Eze 3:26; 24:27; 33:22 6.2 Symbolizes the siege of Jerusalem by drawings on a tile: Eze 4 6.3 Shaves himself: Eze 5:1-4 6.4 Removes his belongings to illustrate the approaching Jewish captivity: Eze 12:3-7 6.5 Sighs: Eze 21:6,7 6.6 Employs a boiling pot to symbolize the destruction of Jerusalem: Eze 24:1-14 6.7 Does not show mourning upon the death of his wife: Eze 24:16-27 6.8 Prophesies by parable of an eagle: Eze 17:2-10 7 Other parables: Eze 15; 16; 19; 23 8 His popularity: Eze 33:31,32 EZEL #1774 1 (A stone near Saul's residence) 2 David and Jonathan meet at: 1Sa 20:19 EZEM #1775 1 Also called AZEM, a city of the tribe of Simeon: Jos 15:29; 19:3; 1Ch 4:29 EZER #1776 1 Also called EZAR, a Horite duke: Ge 36:21,27,30; 1Ch 1:38,42 2 A son of Ephraim: 1Ch 7:21 3 A priest: Ne 12:42 4 A man of Judah: 1Ch 4:4 4.1 Perhaps identical with the EZRA of: 1Ch 4:17 5 A Gadite warrior: 1Ch 12:9 6 A Levite: Ne 3:1,9 EZION-GABER (EZION- GEBER) #1777 1 Last encampment of Israel before coming to the "wilderness of Zin,": Nu 33:35,36; De 2:8 2 Solomon built a navy at: 1Ki 9:26 3 Solomon visits: 2Ch 8:17 4 Jehoshaphat built a navy at: 2Ch 20:36 5 Ships of Jehoshaphat wrecked at: 1Ki 22:48 EZRA #1778 1 A famous scribe and priest: Ezr 7:1- 5,6,10,21; Ne 12:36 1.1 Appoints a fast: Ezr 8:21 1.2 Commissioned by Artaxerxes, returns to Jerusalem with a large group of Jews: Ezr 7:8 1.3 His charge to the priests: Ezr 8:29 1.4 Exhorts people to put away their heathen wives: Ezr 9; 10:1-17 1.5 Reads the law: Ne 8 1.6 Reforms corruptions: Ezr 10; Ne 13 1.7 Dedicates the wall of Jerusalem: Ne 12:27-43 2 A leading priest among the colonists under Zerubbabel: Ne 12:1 2.1 Probably identical with AZARIAH in: Ne 10:2 2.2 And: Ezr 7:1 3 A descendant of Judah: 1Ch 4:17 EZRI #1779 1 An overseer of king David: 1Ch 27:26

E Topic <strong>Guide</strong> E<br />


THESSALONIANS, TIMOTHY, TITUS, <strong>and</strong><br />


4 Of JAMES, PETER, <strong>and</strong> JOHN, see books<br />

of <strong>the</strong> N. T. which bear <strong>the</strong>ir names<br />

5 See LETTERS<br />

EQUALITY, OF MEN #1687<br />

1 See MAN, ALL MEN EQUAL<br />

EQUITY (FAIRNESS) #1688<br />

1 See JUSTICE<br />

ER #1689<br />

1 Son of Judah: Ge 38:3,6,7; 46:12; Nu 26:19;<br />

1Ch 2:3<br />

2 A son of Shelah: 1Ch 4:21<br />

3 An ancestor of, Jesus: Lu 3:28<br />

ERAN #1690<br />

1 A gr<strong>and</strong>son of Ephraim: Nu 26:36<br />

ERASTUS #1691<br />

1 A friend of Paul: Ac 19:22; 2Ti 4:20<br />

2 Convert of Paul's, probably same as<br />

preceding: Ro 16:23<br />

ERECH #1692<br />

1 A city of Shinar: Ge 10:10<br />

ERI #1693<br />

1 A son of Gad: Ge 46:16; Nu 26:16<br />

ERRORS #1694<br />

1 (In teachers <strong>and</strong> doctrines)<br />


ESAIAS #1695<br />

1 See ISAIAH<br />


(ESARHADDON) #1696<br />

1 (King of Assyria)<br />

2 Succeeds Sennacherib: 2Ki 19:37; Isa<br />

37:38<br />

3 Called Asnapper: Ezr 4:2,10<br />

ESAU #1697<br />

1 Older of <strong>the</strong> twin sons born to Isaac <strong>and</strong><br />

Rebekah<br />

2 Birth of: Ge 25:19-26; 1Ch 1:34<br />

3 Called Edom: Ge 36:1,8<br />

4 A hunter: Ge 25:27,28<br />

5 Beloved by Isaac: Ge 25:27,28<br />

6 Sells his birthright for a single meal: Ge<br />

25:29-34; Mal 1:2; Ro 9:13; Heb 12:16<br />

7 Marries a Hittite woman: Ge 26:34<br />

8 His marriage to, a grief to Isaac <strong>and</strong><br />

Rebekah: Ge 26:35<br />

9 Polygamy of: Ge 26:34; 28:9; 36:2,3<br />

10 Is defrauded of his fa<strong>the</strong>r's blessing by<br />

Jacob: Ge 27; Heb 11:20<br />

11 Meets Jacob on <strong>the</strong> return of <strong>the</strong> latter<br />

from Haran: Ge 33:1<br />

12 With Jacob, buries his fa<strong>the</strong>r: Ge 35:29<br />

13 Descendants of: Ge 36<br />

14 Hostility of descendants of, toward <strong>the</strong><br />

descendants of Jacob: Ob 1:10-14<br />

15 Ancestor of Edomites: Jer 49:8<br />

16 Mount of Edom, called MOUNT OF ESAU:<br />

Ob 1:8,9,18-21<br />

17 His name used to denote his<br />

descendants <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir country: De 2:5; Jer<br />

49:8,10; Ob 1:6<br />

18 Prophecies concerning: Ob 1:18<br />

ESCAPE #1698<br />


Ge 3:7-11; 4:9-11; Job 34:21,22; Isa 10:3; Mt<br />

23:33; Ro 2:3; 1Th 5:2,3; Heb 2:2,3; 12:25,26;<br />

Re 6:15-17<br />

1.1 See SIN, FRUITS OF<br />

1.2 See SIN, PUNISHMENT OF<br />


ESCHEAT #1699<br />


ESEK #1700<br />

1 A well dug by <strong>the</strong> servants of Isaac: Ge<br />

26:20<br />

ESH-BAAL #1701<br />

1 See ISH-BOSHETH<br />

ESHBAN #1702<br />

1 A son of Dishan or Dishon: Ge 36:26; 1Ch<br />

1:41<br />

ESHCOL #1703<br />

1 An Amorite, <strong>and</strong> ally of Abraham: Ge<br />

14:13,24<br />

2 A valley or brook near Hebron: Nu<br />

13:23,24; 32:9; De 1:24<br />

ESHEAN #1704<br />

1 A city in Judah: Jos 15:52<br />

ESHEK #1705<br />

1 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:39<br />

ESHTAOL #1706<br />

1 A town of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah: Jos 15:33<br />

2 Allotted to Dan: Jos 19:41; Jud 18:2,8,11<br />

3 Samson moved by <strong>the</strong> spirit of <strong>the</strong> Lord<br />

near: Jud 13:25<br />

4 Samson buried near: Jud 16:31<br />

ESHTEMOA #1707<br />

1 Also called ESHTEMOH<br />

1.1 A town of Canaan assigned to Judah:<br />

Jos 15:50<br />

1.2 Allotted to <strong>the</strong> Aaronites: Jos 21:14; 1Ch<br />

6:57<br />

1.3 David shared plunder with: 1Sa 30:28<br />

2 A descendant of Ezra: 1Ch 4:17,19<br />

ESHTON #1708<br />

1 Son of Mehir: 1Ch 4:11,12<br />

ESLI #1709<br />

1 An ancestor of Jesus: Lu 3:25<br />

ESROM #1710<br />

1 An ancestor of Jesus: Mt 1:3; Lu 3:33<br />

ESTATE #1711<br />

1 Vast l<strong>and</strong>ed: Isa 5:8<br />

2 See LAND<br />

ESTHER #1712<br />

1 Also called HADASSAH<br />

2 Niece of Mordecai: Es 2:7,15<br />

3 Chosen queen: Es 2:17<br />

4 Tells <strong>the</strong> king of <strong>the</strong> plot against his life:<br />

Es 2:22<br />

5 Fasts on account of <strong>the</strong> decree to destroy<br />

<strong>the</strong> Israelites; Accuses Haman to <strong>the</strong> king;<br />

intercedes for her people: Es 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 ; 9<br />

ETAM #1713<br />

1 A village of Simeon: 1Ch 4:32<br />

2 A city in Judah: 2Ch 11:6<br />

3 A name on <strong>the</strong> list of Judah's<br />

descendants, but probably referring to<br />

number two: 1Ch 4:3<br />

4 A rock where Samson was bound <strong>and</strong><br />

delivered to <strong>the</strong> Philistines: Jud 15:8,11-13<br />

ETERNAL LIFE #1714<br />



#1715<br />


ETERNITY #1716<br />

1 God inhabits: Isa 57:15; Mic 5:2<br />

2 God rules: Jer 10:10<br />

3 See GOD, ETERNITY OF<br />


TO: Ps 30:12; 41:13; 72:17; 90:2; 110:4;<br />

119:142; Mt 6:13; 18:8; 2Co 9:9; Jude 1:6<br />



ETHAM #1717<br />

1 Second camping place of Israel: Ex 13:20 ;<br />

Num 33:6,7<br />

ETHAN #1718<br />

1 A renowned sage: 1Ki 4:31<br />

1.1 See title: Ps 89<br />

2 Son of Zerak: 1Ch 2:6,8<br />

2.1 Two Levites: 1Ch 6:42,44; 15:17,19<br />

ETHANIM #1719<br />

1 (The seventh month (October))<br />

2 Feast of Trumpets in: Le 23:23-25<br />

3 Day of Atonement, on <strong>the</strong> tenth day of: Le<br />

23:26-32<br />

4 Feast of Tabernacles in: Le 23:33-43<br />

5 Jubilee proclaimed on <strong>the</strong> tenth day of: Le<br />

25:9<br />

6 Temple dedicated in: 1Ki 8:2<br />

7 Altar restored in, after <strong>the</strong> captivity: Ezr<br />

3:1,6<br />

ETHBAAL #1720<br />

1 King of Sidon: 1Ki 16:31<br />

ETHER #1721<br />

1 (A city of Caanan)<br />

2 Assigned to <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah: Jos 15:42<br />

3 Subsequently allotted to <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Simeon: Jos 19:7<br />

4 Called TOCHEN in: 1Ch 4:32<br />

ETHIOPIA #1722<br />

1 (A region in Africa, inhabited by <strong>the</strong><br />

descendants of Ham)<br />

2 The inhabitants of, black: Jer 13:23<br />

3 Within <strong>the</strong> Babylonian empire: Es 1:1<br />

4 Rivers of: Ge 10:6; Isa 18:1<br />

5 Bordered Egypt on <strong>the</strong> south: Eze 29:10<br />

6 Was called <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong> of Cush, mentioned in:<br />

Ge 10:6; 1Ch 1:9; Isa 11:11<br />

7 Warriors of: Jer 46:9; 2Ch 12:3; Eze 38:5<br />

8 Defeated by Asa: 2Ch 14:9-15; 16:8<br />

9 Invaded Syria: 2Ki 19:9<br />

10 Merch<strong>and</strong>ise of: Isa 45:14<br />

11 Moses marries a woman of: Nu 12:1<br />

12 Ebel-melech, at <strong>the</strong> court of Babylon,<br />

native of<br />

13 Treats Jeremiah kindly: Jer 38:7-13;<br />

39:15-18<br />

14 C<strong>and</strong>ace, queen of: Ac 8:27<br />

15 A eunuch from, becomes a disciple<br />

beause of <strong>the</strong> preaching of Philip: Ac 8:27-39<br />

16 Prophecies concerning <strong>the</strong> conversion<br />

of: Ps 68:31; 87:4; Isa 45:14; Da 11:43<br />

17 Desolation of: Isa 18:1-6; 20:2-6; 43:3; Eze<br />

30:4-9; Hab 3:7; Zep 2:12<br />

ETHNAN #1723<br />

1 Gr<strong>and</strong>son of Ashur: 1Ch 4:7<br />

ETHNI #1724<br />

1 An ancestor of Asaph: 1Ch 6:41<br />

ETIQUETTE #1725<br />

1 See MANNERS<br />

EUBULUS #1726<br />

1 A friend of Paul: 2Ti 4:21<br />


SUPPER) #1727<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 26:17-<br />

30; Mr 14:22-24; Lu 13:26; 22:19,20; Joh 13:1-<br />

4; Ac 2:42,46,47; 20:7; 1Co 10:16,17,21,22;<br />

11:20-34<br />

EUNICE #1728<br />

1 Timothy's mo<strong>the</strong>r: 2Ti 1:5<br />

2 See: Ac 16:1<br />

EUNUCH #1729<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 19:12<br />

2 Prohibited from certain privileges of <strong>the</strong><br />

congregation: De 23:1; Isa 56:3-5<br />

3 Influential court officials: Jer 38:7-13;<br />

52:25; Da 1:3<br />

4 Those who voluntarily became (continent,<br />

probably) for <strong>the</strong> kingdom of heaven's sake:<br />

Mt 19:12<br />

5 Baptism of <strong>the</strong> Ethiopian: Ac 8:26-29<br />

EUODIAS #1730<br />

1 A Christian woman of Philippi: Php 4:2<br />

EUPHRATES #1731<br />

1 A river in <strong>the</strong> garden of Eden: Ge 2:14<br />

2 The eastern limit of <strong>the</strong> kingdom of Israel:<br />

Ge 15:18; Ex 23:31; De 1:7; 11:24; Jos 1:4; 2Sa<br />

8:3; 1Ki 4:21; 1Ch 5:9; 18:3<br />

3 Pharaoh-necho, king of Egypt, made<br />

conquest to: 2Ki 24:7; Jer 46:2-10<br />

4 On <strong>the</strong> banks of, Jeremiah symbolically<br />

buries his sash: Jer 13:1-7<br />

5 Casts <strong>the</strong> scroll containing <strong>the</strong> prophecies<br />

against Babylon <strong>into</strong>: Jer 51:59-64<br />


6.1 The inundations of, of <strong>the</strong> extension of<br />

<strong>the</strong> empire of Assyria: Isa 8:6-8<br />

6.2 In <strong>the</strong> symbolisms of <strong>the</strong> Apocalypse: Re<br />

9:14; 16:12<br />

EUROCLYDON #1732<br />

1 A tempestuous wind: Ac 27:14<br />

EUTYCHUS #1733<br />

1 A young man from Troas, restored to life<br />

by Paul: Ac 20:9-11<br />

EVANGELISM #1734<br />


2 See ZEAL<br />

EVAPORATION #1735<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 135:7;<br />

Jer 10:13; 51:16; Am 5:8; 9:6<br />

EVE #1736<br />

1 Creation of: Ge 1:26-28; 2:21-24; 1Ti 2:13<br />

2 Named by Adam: Ge 2:23; 3:20<br />

3 Beguiled by Satan: Ge 3; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14<br />

4 Clo<strong>the</strong>d with fig leaves: Ge 3:7<br />

5 Clo<strong>the</strong>d with animal skins: Ge 3:21<br />

6 Curse denounced against: Ge 3:16<br />

7 Messiah promised to: Ge 3:15<br />

8 Children of: Ge 4:1,2,25; 5:3,4<br />






PUNISHMENT #1739<br />


EVI #1740<br />

1 Prince of Midian, killed: Nu 31:8; Jos 13:21<br />

EVICTION #1741<br />

1 Of tenants: Mt 21:41; Mr 12:9<br />

EVIDENCE #1742<br />

1 LAWS CONCERNING: Ex 20:16; 23:1,7; Le<br />

5:1; 24:14; Nu 35:30; De 17:6,7; 19:15-21; Pr<br />

24:28; Mt 18:16; 19:18; Heb 10:28<br />

2 SELF-CRIMINATING: Jos 7:19-21<br />

2.1 See WITNESS<br />

2.2 See FALSE WITNESS<br />



EVIL #1743<br />


14:1-23; 1Co 8:7-13; 10:28-33; 1Th 4:11,12;<br />

5:22<br />


2.1 Paul, in refusing to eat what had been<br />

offered to idols: 1Co 8:13<br />

2.2 In supporting himself: 1Co 9:7-23<br />

EVIL FOR EVIL #1744<br />


EVIL FOR GOOD #1745<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 7:4,5;<br />

35:12; 109:5; Pr 17:13<br />


2.1 Joseph accuses his bro<strong>the</strong>rs of<br />

rendering: Ge 44:4<br />

2.2 Israelites, to Moses: Ex 5:21; 14:11;<br />

15:24; 16:2,3; 17:3,4<br />

2.3 Nabal returns, to David: 1Sa 25:21<br />

2.4 Saul returns, to David: 1Sa 19:1,4,5,10<br />

2.5 David, to Uriah: 2Sa 11<br />

2.6 To Joab: 1Ki 2:4,5,6<br />

2.7 See ENEMIES<br />

2.8 See GOOD FOR EVIL<br />

EVIL SPEAKING #1746<br />

1 See SPEAKING, EVIL<br />


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