Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


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C Topic <strong>Guide</strong> C<br />

1.2 Jacob, in purchase of Esau's birthright:<br />

Ge 25:31-33<br />

1.3 Obtaining Isaac's blessing: Ge 27:6-29<br />

1.4 In management of Laban's flocks <strong>and</strong><br />

herds: Ge 30:31-43<br />

1.5 Gibeonites, in deceiving Joshua <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Israelites <strong>into</strong> a treaty: Jos 9:3-15<br />

1.6 Sanballat, in trying to deceive Nehemiah<br />

<strong>into</strong> a conference: Ne 6<br />

1.7 Jews, in seeking to entangle <strong>the</strong> Master:<br />

Mt 22:15-17,24-28; Mr 12:13; 14:18-23; Lu<br />

20:19-26<br />

1.8 In seeking to kill Jesus: Mt 26:4; Mr 14:1<br />

CRAFTSMAN #1263<br />

1 See ART<br />


CRANE #1264<br />

1 An amphibious bird: Isa 38:14; Jer 8:7<br />

CREATION #1265<br />

1 Beginning of: Ge 1:1<br />

2 History of: Ge 1 ; 2<br />

3 See ANIMALS<br />

4 See BIRDS<br />

5 See EARTH<br />

6 See FISH<br />

7 See GRASS<br />

8 See HEAVENS<br />

9 See MAN<br />

10 See MOON<br />

11 See SEAS<br />

12 See STARS<br />

13 See SUN<br />

14 See WATER<br />

15 See WOMAN, etc<br />

16 See GOD, CREATOR<br />

17 See JESUS, CREATOR<br />

CREATURE #1266<br />

1 See CREATION<br />

2 See GOD, CREATOR<br />

3 See MAN, CREATED<br />

4 NEW CREATURE: 2Co 5:17; Ga 6:15<br />

4.1 See REGENERATION<br />

CREDITOR #1267<br />

1 LAWS CONCERNING: Ex 21:2-6; 22:25-27;<br />

Le 25:14-17,35-37; De 15:2,3; 23:19,20;<br />

24:6,10-13,17; Mt 5:42; Lu 6:34<br />

2 OPPRESSIONS OF: 2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:1-13; Job<br />

20:18-20; 22:6; 24:3,9; Pr 22:26,27; Mt 5:25,26;<br />

18:28-35; Lu 12:58,59<br />

3 MERCIFUL: Ps 112:5; Mt 18:23-27; Lu 7:41-<br />

43<br />

3.1 See DEBT<br />

3.2 See DEBTOR<br />

3.3 See JUBILEE<br />

3.4 See SURETY<br />

CREED #1268<br />

1 See DECREES<br />

2 See LAW OF MOSES<br />


4 See TRADITION<br />


1 A general term for animals: Ge 1:26; Le<br />

11:20-23,29-31,42; Ps 104:20,25; Ro 1:23<br />

2 Unclean: Le 5:2; 11:20,29-44; De 14:19<br />

3 Clean: Le 11:21,22<br />

4 Uses of, in idolatrous worship: Eze 8:10<br />

CREMATION #1270<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Jos 7:25;<br />

1Sa 31:12; 2Ki 23:20; Am 2:1; 6:10<br />

2 See BURIAL<br />

CRESCENS #1271<br />

1 A disciple with Paul at Rome: 2Ti 4:10<br />

CRETE #1272<br />

1 (An isl<strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Mediterranean Sea)<br />

2 Visited by Paul: Ac 27:7,12,13,21<br />

3 Visited by Titus: Tit 1:5<br />

4 Character of <strong>the</strong> inhabitants of: Ac 2:11; Tit<br />

1:12<br />

CRIB #1273<br />

1 Used for grain: Job 39:9; Pr 14:4; Isa 1:3<br />

CRIME #1274<br />

1 PARTIAL LISTS OF: Eze 22:8-12,27-30; Ho<br />

4:1,2; Mt 15:19; Mr 7:21,22; Ro 1:24,29-32;<br />

3:14-18; 13:9; 1Co 5:11; Ga 5:19-21<br />

1.1 See under terms by which various<br />

crimes are known<br />

1.2 See ADULTERY<br />

1.3 See ARSON<br />

1.4 See HOMICIDE<br />

1.5 See THEFT, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> like<br />

1.6 See PUNISHMENT<br />

CRIMINALS #1275<br />

1 Released at feasts: Mt 27:15,21; Mr 15:6;<br />

Lu 23:17<br />

2 Confined in prisons: Ge 39:20-23; Ezr 7:26;<br />

Ac 4:3; 12:4,5; 16:19-40<br />

3 In dungeons: Ge 40:15; 41:14; Ex 12:29; Isa<br />

24:22; Jer 37:16; 38:10; La 3:53,55<br />

4 Cruelty to<br />

5 See SCOURGING<br />

6 See STONING<br />

7 See MOCKING<br />

8 Punishment of<br />

9 See various crimes, such as ADULTERY,<br />

ARSON, HOMICIDE, etc<br />

10 See also PUNISHMENTS<br />

CRIMINATION #1276<br />


CRIMSON #1277<br />

1 See COLOR<br />

CRISPING PINS #1278<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 3:22<br />

CRISPUS #1279<br />

1 A leader of a synagogue at Corinth: Ac<br />

18:8; 1Co 1:14<br />



CROCODILE #1281<br />

1 See DRAGON<br />

CROSS #1282<br />

1 Jesus crucified on: Mt 27:32; Mr 15:21; Lu<br />

23:26; Ac 2:23,36; 4:10; 1Co 1:23; 2:2,8; Eph<br />

2:16; Php 2:8; Col 1:20; 2:14; Heb 12:2<br />

2 Carried by<br />

2.1 Simon: Mt 27:32; Mr 15:21; Lu 23:26<br />

2.2 Jesus: Joh 19:17<br />

3 FIGURATIVE: Mt 10:38; 16:24; Mr 8:34;<br />

10:21; Lu 9:23; 14:27; 1Co 1:17,18; Ga 5:11;<br />

6:14; Php 3:18<br />

3.1 See CRUCIFIXION<br />

3.2 See SELF-DENIAL<br />


#1283<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 20:5<br />

2 See WITNESS<br />

CROWN #1284<br />

1 Prescribed for priests: Ex 29:6; 39:30; Le<br />

8:9<br />

2 Worn by kings: 2Sa 1:10; 12:30; 2Ki 11:12;<br />

Es 6:8; So 3:11; Re 6:2<br />

3 By queens: Es 1:11; 2:17; 8:15<br />

4 Made of gold: Ps 21:3; Zec 6:11<br />

5 Of victory: 2Ti 2:5<br />

6 An ornament: Eze 23:42; 16:12<br />

7 Set with gems: 2Sa 12:30; 1Ch 20:2; Zec<br />

9:16; Isa 62:3<br />

8 Of thorns: Mt 27:29; Mr 15:17; Joh 19:5<br />

9 FIGURATIVE: Isa 28:5; 1Co 9:25; 2Ti 4:8;<br />

Jas 1:12; 1Pe 5:4; Re 2:10; 3:11<br />

10 SYMBOLICAL: Re 4:4,10; 6:2; 9:7; 12:1,3;<br />

13:1; 14:14; 19:12<br />

CRUCIFIXION #1285<br />

1 The reproach of: Ga 3:13; 5:11<br />

2 Of Jesus<br />

2.1 See JESUS, HISTORY OF<br />

3 Of two criminals: Mt 27:38<br />

4 Of disciples, foretold: Mt 23:34<br />

5 See CROSS<br />

6 FIGURATIVE: Ro 6:6; Ga 2:20; 5:24; 6:14<br />


CRUELTY #1286<br />


1.1 Of Sarah to Hagar: Ge 16:6; 21:9-14<br />

1.2 Egyptians to <strong>the</strong> Israelites: Ex 5:6-18<br />

1.3 Peninnah to Hannah: 1Sa 1:4-7; 2:3<br />

1.4 Of Jews to Jesus: Mt 26:67; 27:28-31<br />

1.5 Soldiers to Jesus: Lu 22:64; Joh 19:3<br />

1.6 In war: Isa 13:16,18<br />


1.8 See KINDNESS<br />

1.9 See LOVE<br />

1.10 See MALICE<br />

1.11 See PRISONERS OF WAR<br />

CRUSE #1287<br />

1 A vessel for liquids: 1Sa 26:11; 1Ki 14:3;<br />

2Ki 2:20<br />

CRYSTAL #1288<br />

1 A precious stone: Job 28:17; Eze 1:22; Re<br />

4:6; 21:11; 22:1<br />

CUBIT #1289<br />

1 A measure of distance: Ge 6:16; De 3:11;<br />

Eze 40:5; 43:13; Re 21:17<br />

2 Who can add to his height: Mt 6:27; Lu<br />

12:25<br />

CUCKOO #1290<br />

1 (A bird)<br />

2 Forbidden as food: Le 11:16; De 14:15<br />

CUCUMBER #1291<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Nu 11:5;<br />

Isa 1:8<br />

CUD #1292<br />

1 Chewing of, was one of <strong>the</strong> facts by which<br />

ceremonially clean <strong>and</strong> unclean animals were<br />

distinguished: Le 11:3-8; De 14:3-8<br />

CUMMIN #1293<br />

1 A plant bearing a small aromatic seed: Isa<br />

28:25,27; Mt 23:23<br />

CUP #1294<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 40:11;<br />

2Sa 12:3; 1Ki 7:26; Mt 23:25<br />

2 Made of silver: Ge 44:2<br />

3 Made of gold: 1Ch 28:17; Jer 52:19<br />

4 Used in <strong>the</strong> institution of <strong>the</strong> Lord's<br />

Supper: Mt 26:27; Mr 14:23; Lu 22:20; 1Co<br />

10:21<br />

5 Of <strong>the</strong> table of demons: 1Co 10:21<br />


6.1 Of sorrow: Ps 11:6; 73:10; 75:8; Isa<br />

51:17,22; Jer 25:15-28; Eze 23:31-34; Mt<br />

20:22,23; 26:39; Mr 14:36; Lu 22:42; Joh 18:11;<br />

Re 14:10<br />

6.2 Of consolation: Jer 16:7<br />

6.3 Of joy: Ps 23:5<br />

6.4 Of salvation: Ps 116:13<br />

CUPBEARER #1295<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge<br />

40:1,11; 1Ki 10:5; 2Ch 9:4; Ne 1:11<br />

CUPIDITY #1296<br />

1 See AVARICE<br />


3 See LUST<br />

CURES #1297<br />

1 (Miraculous)<br />

2 See MIRACLES<br />

3 See DISEASES<br />

4 See PHYSICIAN<br />

CURIOSITY #1298<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 27:20;<br />

Ec 7:21<br />


2.1 Of Eve: Ge 3:6<br />

2.2 Of Abraham, to know whe<strong>the</strong>r God would<br />

destroy <strong>the</strong> righteous people who lived in<br />

Sodom: Ge 18:23-32<br />

2.3 Of Jacob, to know <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong> angel:<br />

Ge 32:29<br />

2.4 Of <strong>the</strong> Israelites<br />

2.4.1 To see God: : Ex 19:21,24<br />

2.4.2 To witness <strong>the</strong> offering in <strong>the</strong> Holy of<br />

Holies: Nu 4:19,20<br />

2.5 Of Manoah, to know <strong>the</strong> name of an<br />

angel: Jud 13:17,18<br />

2.6 Of <strong>the</strong> people of Beth-shemish, to look<br />

inside <strong>the</strong> ark of <strong>the</strong> covenant: 1Sa 6:19<br />

2.7 Of <strong>the</strong> Babylonians, to see Hezekiah's<br />

treasures: 2Ki 20:13<br />

2.8 Of Daniel, to know a vision: Da 12:8,9<br />

2.9 Of Peter<br />

2.9.1 To know what was being done with<br />

Jesus: : Mt 26<br />

2.9.2 To know what John would be<br />

appointed to do: Joh 21:21,22<br />

2.10 A disciple, to know if few would be<br />

saved: Lu 13:23<br />

2.11 Of Herod (Antipas), to see Jesus: Lu<br />

9:9; 23:8<br />

2.12 Of <strong>the</strong> Jews<br />

2.12.1 To see Lazarus, after he was raised<br />

from <strong>the</strong> dead: : Joh 12:9<br />

2.12.2 And to see Jesus: Joh 12:20,21<br />

2.13 Of <strong>the</strong> disciples, to know whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Jesus would restore <strong>the</strong> kingdom of <strong>the</strong><br />

Jews: Ac 1:6,7<br />

2.14 Of <strong>the</strong> A<strong>the</strong>nians, to hear some new<br />

thing: Ac 17:19-21<br />

2.15 Of angels, to look <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> mysteries of<br />

salvation: 1Pe 1:12<br />

CURSE #1299<br />

1 Denounced<br />

1.1 Against <strong>the</strong> serpent: Ge 3:14,15<br />

1.2 Against Adam <strong>and</strong> Eve: Ge 3:15-19<br />

1.3 Against <strong>the</strong> ground: Ge 3:17,18<br />

1.4 Against Cain: Ge 4:11-16<br />

1.5 Against Canaan, Noah's son: Ge 9:24-27<br />

1.6 Against Meroz: Jud 5:23<br />

1.7 Against Gehazi: 2Ki 5:27<br />

2 Barak comm<strong>and</strong>s Balaam to curse Israel:<br />

Nu 22:6; 23:11<br />


4 CURSES OF THE MOSAIC LAW: De 27:1-<br />

26; Jos 8:30-34<br />

4.1 See BLESSINGS<br />

CURSING #1300<br />

1 Of parents<br />

2 Shimei curses David: 2Sa 16:5-8<br />

3 The precepts of Jesus concerning: Mt<br />

5:44; Lu 6:28<br />

4 Apostolic: Ro 12:4<br />


6 See BLASPHEMY<br />

7 See GOD, NAME OF, NOT TO BE<br />


8 See OATH<br />

CURTAINS #1301<br />

1 For <strong>the</strong> tabernacle: Ex 26; 27:9-18; 36:8-18<br />

2 In <strong>the</strong> palace of Ahasuerus: Es 1:6<br />

3 See TABERNACLE<br />

4 See TAPESTRY<br />

5 FIGURATIVE: Isa 40:22; 54:2; Jer 4:20;<br />

10:20; 49:29<br />

CUSH #1302<br />

1 Son of Ham: Ge 10:6-8; 1Ch 1:8-10<br />

2 A Benjamite, title of: Ps 7<br />

3 L<strong>and</strong> of: Ge 2:13; Ps 68:31; Isa 18:1<br />

3.1 See ETHIOPIA<br />

CUSHAN #1303<br />

1 Poetic form of Cush: Hab 3:7<br />

2 See ETHIOPIA<br />

CUSHI #1304<br />

1 A messenger, who brought news to David:<br />

2Sa 18:21-32<br />

2 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Shelemiah: Jer 36:14<br />

3 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Zephaniah: Zep 1:1<br />

CUTH #1305<br />

1 Also called CUTHAH<br />

2 A district of Asia, from which colonists<br />

were transported to Samaria: 2Ki 17:24-30;<br />

Ezr 4:10<br />

CUTTING #1306<br />

1 (The flesh for <strong>the</strong> dead)<br />

1.1 Forbidden: Le 19:28; 21:5; De 14:1; Jer<br />

16:6<br />

CYMBAL #1307<br />

1 (A musical instrument)<br />

2 Of brass (bronze): 1Ch 15:19,28; 1Co 13:1<br />

3 Used in <strong>the</strong> tabernacle service: 2Sa 6:5;<br />

1Ch 13:8; 15:16,19,28<br />


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