Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


C Topic Guide C CAB #929 1 A dry measure containing about one quart: 2Ki 6:25 2 See MEASURE CABBON #930 1 A place in the territory of the tribe of Judah: Jos 15:40 CABINET #931 1 Heads of departments in government 2 David's: 2Sa 8:15-18; 15:12; 20:23-26; 1Ch 27:32-34 3 Solomon's: 1Ki 4:1-7 4 Hezekiah's: Isa 36:3 5 Artaxerxes: Ezr 7:14 6 See COUNSELLOR 7 See MINISTER, PRIME CABUL #932 1 A city in the north of Palestine: Jos 19:27 2 Name given by Hiram to certain cities in Galilee: 1Ki 9:13 CAESAR #933 1 AUGUSTUS: Lu 2:1 2 TIBERIUS: Lu 3:1; 20:22 3 CLAUDIUS: Ac 11:28 4 NERO: Php 4:22 CAESAREA #934 1 A seaport in Palestine 2 The home of 2.1 Philip: Ac 8:40; 21:8 2.2 Cornelius, the centurion: Ac 10:1,24 2.3 Herod: Ac 12:19-23 2.4 Felix: Ac 23:23,24 3 Paul conveyed to, by the disciples to save him from his enemies: Ac 9:30 4 By Roman soldiers to be tried by Felix: Ac 23:23-35 CAESAREA PHILIPPI #935 1 A city in the north of Palestine; visited by Jesus: Mt 16:13; Mr 8:27; Lu 9:18 CAGE #936 1 For birds, unclean: Jer 5:27; Re 18:2 CAIAPHAS #937 1 High priest: Lu 3:2 2 Son-in-law of Annas: Joh 18:13 3 Prophesies concerning Jesus: Joh 11:49- 51; 18:14 4 Jesus tried before: Mt 26:2,3,57,63-65; Joh 18:24,28 5 Peter and other disciples accused before: Ac 4:1-22 CAIN #938 1 Son of Adam: Ge 4:1 1.1 Jealousy and crime of: Ge 4:3-15; Heb 11:4; 1Jo 3:12; Jude 1:11 1.2 Sojourns in the land of Nod: Ge 4:16 1.3 Children and descendants of: Ge 4:17,18 2 A city of Judah: Jos 15:57 CAINAN #939 1 Also called KENAN 1.1 Son of Enos: Ge 5:9-15; 1Ch 1:2; Lu 3:37 2 Son of Arphaxad: Lu 3:36 CALAH #940 1 An ancient city of Assyria: Ge 10:11,12 CALAMUS #941 1 A sweet cane of Palestine: So 4:14; Eze 27:19 2 An ingredient of the holy ointment: Ex 30:23; Isa 43:24 3 Commerce in: Jer 6:20; Eze 27:19 CALCOL #942 1 Son of Zerah: 1Ch 2:6 CALDRON #943 1 In the tabernacle: 1Sa 2:14 2 In the temple: 2Ch 35:13; Jer 52:18,19 3 FIGURATIVE: Eze 11:3-11 CALEB #944 1 One of the two survivors of the Israelites permitted to enter the land of promise: Nu 14:30,38; 26:63-65; 32:11-13; De 1:34-36; Jos 14:6-15 2 Sent to Canaan as a spy: Nu 13:6 3 Brings favorable report: Nu 13:26-30; 14:6- 9 4 Assists in dividing Canaan: Nu 34:19 5 Life of, miraculously saved: Nu 14:10-12 6 Leader of the Israelites after Joshua's death: Jud 1:11,12 7 Age of: Jos 14:7-10 8 Inheritance of: Jos 14:6-15; 15:13-16 9 Descendants of: 1Ch 4:15 CALEB-EPHRATAH #945 1 A place near Bethlehem: 1Ch 2:24 CALF #946 1 Offered in sacrifice: Mic 6:6 2 Golden, made by Aaron: Ex 32; De 9:16; Ne 9:18; Ps 106:19; Ac 7:41 3 Images of, set up in Beth-el and Dan by Jeroboam: 1Ki 12:28-33; 2Ki 10:29 4 Worshiped by Jehu: 2Ki 10:29 5 Prophecies against the golden calves at Beth-el: 1Ki 13:1-5,32; Jer 48:13; Ho 8:5,6; 10:5,6 6 Altars of, destroyed: 2Ki 23:4,15-20 7 "Calves of the lips," a metaphor signifying worship: Ho 14:2 CALKERS (CAULKERS) #947 1 General scriptures concerning: Eze 27:9,27 CALL #948 1 PERSONAL 1.1 By Christ: Isa 55:5 2 TO SPECIAL RELIGIOUS DUTY 2.1 OF ABRAHAM: Ge 12:1-3; Isa 51:2; Heb 11:8 2.2 MOSES: Ex 3:2,4,10; 4:1-16; Ps 105:26; Ac 7:34,35 2.3 AARON AND HIS SONS: Ex 4:14-16 2.4 See above, and: Ps 105:26; Ex 28:1; Heb 5:4 2.5 JOSHUA: Nu 27:18,19,22,23; De 31:14,23; Jos 1:1-9 2.6 GIDEON: Jud 6:11-16 2.7 SAMUEL: 1Sa 3:4-10 2.8 SOLOMON: 1Ch 28:6,10 2.9 JEHU: 2Ki 9:6,7; 2Ch 22:7 2.10 CYRUS: Isa 45:1-4 2.11 AMOS: Am 7:14,15 2.12 APOSTLES: Mt 4:18-22; 9:9; Mr 1:16,17; 2:14; 3:13-19; Lu 5:27; 6:13-15; Joh 15:16 2.13 THE RICH YOUNG MAN: Mr 10:21,22 2.14 PAUL: Ac 9:4-6,15,16; 13:2,3; Ro 1:1; 1Co 1:1; 2Co 1:1; Ga 1:1; Eph 1:1; Col 1:1; 1Ti 1:1; 2Ti 1:1 2.15 ALL WHO ARE CALLED OF GOD: Ro 8:30; 1Co 1:2,9,24; 1Th 2:11,12; 2Th 2:13,14; 2Ti 1:9; Heb 3:1,2,7,8; 1Pe 5:10; 2Pe 1:3,10; Jude 1:1; Re 17:14 2.16 See MINISTERS, CALL OF 2.17 See BACKSLIDERS 2.18 See SEEKERS CALNEH #949 1 Also called CANNEH and CALNO, a city of Assyria: Ge 10:10; Isa 10:9; Eze 27:23; Am 6:2 CALVARY #950 1 Also called GOLGOTHA, place where Jesus was crucified: Mt 27:33; Mr 15:22; Lu 23:33; Joh 19:17 CAMEL #951 1 Herds of: Ge 12:16; 24:35; 30:43; 1Sa 30:17; 1Ch 27:30; Job 1:3,17; Isa 60:6 2 Docility of: Ge 24:11 3 Uses of 3.1 For riding: Ge 24:10,61,64; 31:17 3.2 Posts: Es 8:10,14; Jer 2:23 3.3 Drawing chariots: Isa 21:7 3.4 For carrying burdens: Ge 24:10; 37:25; 1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 8:9; 1Ch 12:40; Isa 30:6 3.5 For cavalry: 1Sa 30:17 3.6 For milk: Ge 32:15 4 Forbidden as food: Le 11:4 5 Hair of, made into cloth: Mt 3:4; Mr 1:6 6 Ornaments of: Jud 8:21,26 7 Stables for: Eze 25:5 CAMON #952 1 Place where Jair was buried: Jud 10:5 CAMP #953 1 Of the Israelites around the tabernacle: Nu 2 ; 3 2 See ITINERARY CAMPHIRE #954 1 (Henna, R. V.)) 1.1 A shrub bearing fragrant flowers (not related to camphor): So 1:14; 4:13 CANA #955 1 Marriage at: Joh 2:1-11 2 Nobleman's son healed at: Joh 4:46,47 3 Nathanael's home at: Joh 21:2 CANAAN #956 1 Son of Ham: Ge 9:18 1.1 Descendants of: Ge 10:6,15; 1Ch 1:8,13 2 Land of: Ge 11:31; 17:8; 23:2 2.1 Called THE SANCTUARY: Ex 15:17 2.2 Called PALESTINE: Ex 15:14 2.3 Called THE LAND OF ISRAEL: 1Sa 13:19 2.4 Called THE LAND OF THE HEBREWS: Ge 40:15 2.5 Called THE LAND OF THE JEWS: Ac 10:39 2.6 Called THE LAND OF PROMISE: Heb 11:9 2.7 Called THE HOLY LAND: Zec 2:12 2.8 Called THE LORD'S LAND: Ho 9:3 2.9 Called IMMANUEL'S LAND: Isa 8:8 2.10 Called BEULAH: Isa 62:4 2.11 Promised to Abraham and his seed: Ge 12:1-7; 13:14-17; 15:18-21; 17:8; De 12:9,10; Ps 105:11 2.12 Renewed to Isaac: Ge 26:3 2.13 Extent of 2.13.1 According to the promise: : Ge 15:18; Ex 23:31; De 11:24; Jos 1:4; 15:1 2.13.2 After the conquest by Joshua: Jos 12:1-8 2.13.3 In Solomon's time: 1Ki 4:21,24; 2Ch 7:8; 9:26 2.14 Prophecy concerning, after the restoration of Israel: Eze 47:13-20 2.15 Fertility of: De 8:7-9; 11:10-13 2.16 Fruitfulness of: Nu 13:27; 14:7,8; Jer 2:7; 32:22 2.17 Products of 2.17.1 Fruits: : De 8:8; Jer 40:10,12 2.17.2 Mineral: De 8:9 2.18 Exports of: Eze 27:17 2.19 Famines in: Ge 12:10; 26:1; 47:13; Ru 1:1; 2Sa 21:1; 1Ki 17 2.20 See FAMINE 2.21 Spies sent into, by Moses: Nu 13:17-29 2.22 Conquest of, by the Israelites: Nu 21:21; 35; De 3:3-6; Jos 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; Ps 44:1- 3 2.23 Divided by lot among the twelve tribes, and families: Nu 26:55,56; 33:54; 34:13 2.24 By Joshua, Eleazar and a prince from each tribe: Nu 34:16-29; 35:1-8; Jos 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 2.25 Divided into twelve provinces by Solomon: 1Ki 4:7-19 2.26 Into two kingdoms, Judah and Israel: 1Ki 11:29-36; 12:16-21 2.27 Roman provinces of: Lu 3:1; Joh 4:3,4 CANAANITES #957 1 Eleven nations, descended from Canaan: Ge 10:15-19; De 7:1; 1Ch 1:13-16 2 Territory of: Ge 10:19; 12:6; 15:18; Ex 23:31; Nu 13:29; 34:2-12; Jos 1:4; 5:1 3 Given to the Israelites: Ge 12:6,7; 15:18; 17:8; Ex 23:23; De 7:1-3; 32:49; Ps 135:11,12 4 Wickedness of: Ge 13:13; Le 18:25,27,28; 20:23 5 To be expelled from the land: Ex 33:2; 34:11 6 To be destroyed: Ex 23:23,24; De 19:1; 31:3-5 7 Not expelled: Jos 17:12-18; Jud 1:1-33; 3:1- 3 8 Defeat the Israelites: Nu 14:45; Jud 4:1-3 9 Defeated by the Israelites: Nu 21:1-3; Jos 11:1-16; Jud 4:4-24 10 By the Egyptians: 1Ki 9:16 11 Chariots of: Jos 17:18 12 Isaac forbidden by Abraham to take a wife from: Ge 28:1 13 Judah marries a woman of: Ge 38:2; 1Ch 2:3 14 The exile Jews take wives from: Ezr 9:2 15 Prophecy concerning: Ge 9:25-27 CANDACE #958 1 Queen of Ethiopia: Ac 8:27 CANDIDATE #959 1 Refuses to make promises: 2Ch 10:3-16 2 Electioneering by, instance of, Absalom: 2Sa 15:1-6 CANDLE #960 1 (Revised version and most commentators substitute "lamp" for "candle" throughout the Scriptures) 2 See LAMP CANDLESTICK #961 1 OF THE TABERNACLE 1.1 Made after divine pattern: Ex 25:31-40; 37:17-24; Nu 8:4 1.2 Place of: Ex 26:35; 40:24,25; Heb 9:2 1.3 Furniture of: Ex 25:38; 37:23; Nu 4:9,10 1.4 Burned every night: Ex 27:20,21 1.5 Trimmed every morning: Ex 30:7 1.6 Carried by Kohathites: Nu 4:4,15 1.7 Called THE LAMP OF GOD: 1Sa 3:3 2 OF THE TEMPLE 2.1 Ten branches of: 1Ki 7:49,50 2.2 Of gold: 1Ch 28:15; 2Ch 4:20 2.3 Taken with other spoils to Babylon: Jer 52:19 3 SYMBOLICAL: Zec 4:2,11; Re 1:12,13,20; 2:5; 11:4 CANE #962 1 See CALAMUS CANKER #963 1 FIGURATIVE: 2Ti 2:17 CANKERWORM #964 1 Sent as a judgment: Joe 1:4; 2:25; Na 3:15,16 CANNEH #965 1 See CALNEH CANNIBALISM #966 1 General scriptures concerning: Le 26:29; De 28:53-57; 2Ki 6:28,29; Jer 19:9; La 2:20; 4:10; Eze 5:10 CAPERNAUM #967 1 (A city on the shore of the Sea of Galilee) 2 Jesus chose, as the place of his abode: Mt 4:13; Lu 4:31 3 Miracles of Jesus performed at: Mt 9:1-26; 17:24; 27; Mr 1:21-45; 2; 3:1-6; Lu 7:1-10; Joh 4:46-53; 6:17-25,59 4 His prophecy against: Mt 11:23; Lu 10:15 CAPHTOR #968 1 A country, now unknown: De 2:23 CAPHTORIM #969 1 People of Caphtor: Ge 10:14; 1Ch 1:12; De 2:23; Jer 47:4; Am 9:7 CAPITAL AND LABOR #970 1 Strife between: Mt 21:33-41; Mr 12:1-9; Lu 20:9-16 2 See EMPLOYEE 3 See EMPLOYER 4 See MASTER 5 See RICH, THE 6 See SERVANT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT #971 1 See PUNISHMENT CAPPADOCIA #972 1 The easternmost province of Asia Minor: Ac 2:9; 1Pe 1:1 23

C Topic Guide C CAPTAIN #973 1 Commander-in-chief of an army: De 20:9; Jud 4:2; 1Sa 14:50; 1Ki 2:35; 16:16; 1Ch 27:34 2 Of the tribes: Nu 2 3 Of thousands: Nu 31:48; 1Sa 17:18; 1Ch 28:1 4 Of hundreds: 2Ki 11:15 5 See CENTURION 6 Of fifties: 2Ki 1:9; Isa 3:3 7 Of the guard: Ge 37:36; 2Ki 25:8 8 Of the ward: Jer 37:13 9 Signifying any commander, as: 1Sa 9:16; 22:2; 2Ki 20:5 10 Leader: 1Ch 11:21; 12:34; 2Ch 17:14-19; Joh 18:12 11 David's captains, or chief heroes: 2Sa 23; 1Ch 11:12 12 King appoints: 1Sa 18:13; 2Sa 17:25; 18:1 13 Angel of the Lord, called: Jos 5:14; 2Ch 13:12 14 Christ called: Heb 2:10 15 See ARMIES CAPTIVE #974 1 Prisoner of war: Ge 14:12; 1Sa 30:1,2 2 Cruelty to 2.1 Putting to death: Nu 31:9-20; De 20:13; 21:10; Jos 8:29; 10:15-40; 11:11; Jud 7:25; 8:21; 21:11; 1Sa 15:32,33; 2Sa 8:2; 2Ki 8:12; Jer 39:6 2.2 Twenty thousand, by Amaziah: 2Ch 25:11,12 2.3 Ripping women with child: 2Ki 8:12; 15:16; Am 1:13 2.4 Tortured under saws and harrows: 2Sa 12:31; 1Ch 20:3 2.5 Blinded: Jud 16:21; Jer 39:7 2.6 Maimed: Jud 1:6,7 2.7 Ravished: La 5:11-13; Zec 14:2 2.8 Enslaved: De 20:14; 2Ki 5:2; Ps 44:12; Joe 3:6 2.9 Robbed: Eze 23:25,26 2.10 Confined in pits: Isa 51:14 3 Other indignities to: Isa 20:4 4 Kindness to: 2Ki 25:27-30; Ps 106:46 5 Advanced to positions in state: Ge 41:39- 45; Es 2:8; Da 1 CAPTIVITY #975 1 Of the Israelites foretold: Le 26:33; De 28:36 2 Of the ten tribes: 2Ki 17:6,23,24; 18:9-12 3 Of Judah in Babylon, prophecy of: Isa 39:6; Jer 13:19; 20:4; 25:2-11; 32:28 4 Fulfilled: 2Ki 24:11-16; 25; 2Ch 36; Jer 52:28-30 5 Jews return from: Ezr 2; 3 ; 8 6 Israelites in, promises to: Ne 1:9 7 As a judgment: Ezr 5:12; 9:7; Isa 5:13; Jer 29:17-19; La 1:3-5; Eze 39:23,24 8 FIGURATIVE: Isa 61:1; Ro 7:23; 1Co 9:27; 2Co 10:5; 2Ti 2:26; 3:6 8.1 "Captivity led captive,": Jud 5:12; Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8 CARBUNCLE #976 1 A precious stone: Isa 54:12; Eze 28:13 2 One of the precious stones set in breastplate: Ex 28:17; 39:10 CARCAS #977 1 A Persian chamberlain: Es 1:10 CARCHEMISH #978 1 A Babylonian city on the Euphrates, against which the king of Egypt made war: 2Ch 35:20; Isa 10:9; Jer 46:2 CARE #979 1 WORLDLY: Ps 39:6; 127:2; Ec 4:8; Mt 6:25- 34; 13:22; Mr 4:19; Lu 8:14; 12:27; 14:18-20; 21:34; 1Co 7:32,33; Php 4:6; 2Ti 2:4 1.1 See CARNAL MINDEDNESS 1.2 See RICHES 1.3 See WORLDLINESS 2 REMEDY FOR: Ps 37:5; 55:22; Pr 16:3; Jer 17:7,8; Mt 6:26-34; Lu 12:22-32; Php 4:6,7; Heb 13:5; 1Pe 5:6,7 3 INSTANCES OF 3.1 Martha: Lu 10:40,41 3.2 Certain persons who desired to follow Jesus: Mt 9:21; Lu 9:57-62 3.3 See RICH, THE 24 CAREAH #980 1 See KAREAH CARMEL #981 1 A fertile and picturesque mountain in Palestine: So 7:5; Isa 33:9; 35:2; Jer 46:18; 50:19; Am 1:2 1.1 Forests of: 2Ki 19:23 1.2 Caves of: Am 9:3; Mic 7:14 1.3 An idolatrous high place upon; Elijah builds an altar upon, and confounds the worshipers of Baal, putting to death four hundred and fifty of its prophets: 1Ki 18:17-46 1.4 Elisha's abode in: 2Ki 2:25; 4:25 2 A city of Judah: Jos 15:55 2.1 Saul erects a memorial at: 1Sa 15:12 2.2 Nabal's possessions at: 1Sa 25:2 2.3 King Uzziah, who delighted in agriculture, had vineyards at: 2Ch 26:10 CARMI #982 1 Son of Reuben: Ge 46:9; Ex 6:14 2 Son of Hezron: 1Ch 4:1 2.1 Called CHELUBAI: 1Ch 2:9 2.2 And CALEB: 1Ch 2:18 3 Father of Achan: Jos 7:1,18; 1Ch 2:7 CARNAL MINDEDNESS #983 1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 8:6-8; Ga 6:8; Jas 4:4 2 See CARE, WORLDLY 3 See RICHES 4 See SIN, FRUITS OF 5 See WORLDLINESS CARPENTRY #984 1 Building the ark of Noah: Ge 6:14-16 2 Tabernacle, and furniture of: Ex 31:2-9 3 See TABERNACLE 4 David's palace: 2Sa 5:11 5 Temple: 2Ki 12:11; 22:6 6 See TEMPLE 7 Making idols: Isa 41:7; 44:13 8 Carpenters: Jer 24:1; Zec 1:20 9 Joseph: Mt 13:55 10 Jesus: Mr 6:3 11 See CARVING 12 See MASTER WORKMAN CARPET #985 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 31:22 CARPUS #986 1 A Christian at Troas: 2Ti 4:13 CARSHENA #987 1 A Persian prince: Es 1:14 CART #988 1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 6:7- 14; 2Sa 6:3; Isa 28:27,28 2 See WAGON CARVING #989 1 Woodwork of the temple was decorated with carvings of flowers, cherubim, and palm trees: 1Ki 6:18,29,32,35; Ps 74:6 2 Beds decorated with: Pr 7:16 3 Idols manufactured by: De 7:5; Isa 44:9-17; 45:20; Hab 2:18,19 4 Persons skilled in 5 Bezaleel: Ex 31:5 6 Hiram: 1Ki 7:13-51; 2Ch 2:13,14 CASIPHIA #990 1 A place in the Persian empire: Ezr 8:17 CASLUHIM #991 1 A people whose progenitor was a son of Mizraim: Ge 10:14; 1Ch 1:12 CASSIA #992 1 An aromatic plant, probably cinnamon: Ps 45:8; Eze 27:19 CASTING #993 1 See MOLDING CASTLE #994 1 A tower: Ge 25:16; Nu 31:10; 1Ch 11:5,7; 2Ch 17:12; 27:4; Ac 21:34,37; 23:10,16,32 2 Bars of: Pr 18:19 3 For the doctrine, "The house is my castle," see: De 24:10,11 4 See FORT 5 See TOWER CASTOR AND POLLUX #995 1 Name of a ship: Ac 28:11 CATERPILLAR #996 1 Sent as a judgment: 1Ki 8:37; Ps 78:46; 105:34; Jer 51:27; Joe 1:4; 2:25 CATHOLICITY #997 1 (Liberality of religious sentiment) 2 INCULCATED: Mr 9:38-41; Lu 9:49,50; Ac 10:1-48; 11:17,18; 15:1-31; Ro 1:1-7,14-16; 3:20-31; 4:1-25; 5:1,2; Ga 3:27,28; Eph 2:14-17; Col 3:11-15 2.1 See HEATHEN 2.2 See STRANGERS 3 INSTANCES OF 3.1 Solomon, in his prayer: 1Ki 8:41 3.2 Paul, in recognizing devout heathen: Ac 13:16,26,42,43 3.3 Peter: Ac 10:34,35 3.4 Rulers of the synagogue at Antioch, permitting the Apostles to preach: Ac 13:5 CATTLE #998 1 (Of the bovine species) 2 Used for sacrifice: 1Ki 8:63 3 See HEIFER 4 See OFFERINGS 5 Sheltered: Ge 33:17 6 Stall-fed: Pr 15:17 7 Gilead adapted to the raising of: Nu 32:1-4 8 Bashan suitable to the raising of: Ps 22:12; Eze 39:18; Am 4:1 9 See ANIMALS 10 See BULL 11 See BULLOCK 12 See COW 13 See HEIFER 14 See KINE 15 See OFFERING CAUL #999 1 Probably the upper lobe of the liver 1.1 Burnt with sacrifice: Ex 29:13,22; Le 3:4,10,15; 4:9; 7:4; 8:16,25; 9:10,19 2 Netted caps: Isa 3:18 CAUSE #1000 1 See ACTIONS AT LAW CAUTION #1001 1 See EXPEDIENCY 2 See PRUDENCE CAVALRY #1002 1 Mounted 1.1 On horses: Ex 14:23; 1Sa 13:5; 2Sa 8:4; 1Ki 4:26; 2Ch 8:6; 9:25; 12:3; Isa 30:16; 31:1; Jer 4:29; Zec 10:5; Re 9:16-18 1.2 On camels: 1Sa 30:17 2 See ARMIES CAVE #1003 1 (Used as a dwelling) 1.1 By Lot: Ge 19:30 1.2 Elijah: 1Ki 19:9 1.3 Israelites: Eze 33:27 1.4 Saints: Heb 11:38 2 Place of refuge: Jos 10:16-27; Jud 6:2; 1Sa 13:6; 1Ki 18:4,13; 19:9,13 3 Burial place: Ge 23:9-20; 25:9; 49:29-32; 50:13; Joh 11:38 4 Of Adullam: 1Sa 22:1; 2Sa 23:13; 1Ch 11:15 5 En-gedi: 1Sa 24:3-8 CEDAR #1004 1 Valuable for building purposes: Isa 9:10 2 David's ample provision of, in Jerusalem, for the temple: 2Ch 1:15; 2:3,4 3 Furnished by Hiram, king of Tyre, for Solomon's temple: 1Ki 5:6-10; 9:11; 2Ch 2:16 4 Used 4.1 In rebuilding the temple: Ezr 3:7 4.2 In David's palace: 2Sa 5:11; 1Ch 17:1 4.3 In Solomon's palace: 1Ki 7:2 4.4 For masts of ships: Eze 27:5 4.5 In purifications: Le 14:4,6,49-52; Nu 19:6 5 FIGURATIVE: Ps 72:16; 92:12; Isa 2:13; 14:8; Jer 22:7; Eze 31:3; Zec 11:2 CEDRON #1005 1 (Also called KIDRON) 2 Brook of, running south under the eastern wall of Jerusalem: 1Ki 2:37; Ne 2:15; Jer 31:40 3 Idols destroyed on the banks of 3.1 By Asa: 1Ki 15:13 3.2 Josiah: 2Ki 23:6,12 3.3 Hezekiah: 2Ch 29:16 4 Its channel changed by Hezekiah: 2Ch 32:4 CELIBACY #1006 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 19:10- 12; 1Co 7:1,2,7-9,25,26,32-40; 9:5; 1Ti 4:1-3; Re 14:1-5 CELLAR #1007 1 For wine: 1Ch 27:27 2 Oi: 1Ch 27:28 CENCHREA #1008 1 A city of Corinth: Ac 18:18; Ro 16:1 CENSER #1009 1 Used for offering incense: Le 16:12; Nu 4:14; 16:6,7,16-18,46; Re 8:3 2 For the temple, made of gold: 1Ki 7:50; 2Ch 4:22; Heb 9:4 3 Those which Korah used were converted into plates: Nu 16:37-39 4 Used in idolatrous rites: Eze 8:11 5 SYMBOLICAL: Re 8:3,5 CENSORIOUSNESS #1010 1 See UNCHARITABLENESS 2 See SPEAKING, EVIL 3 See CHARITABLENESS CENSUS #1011 1 The numbering of Israel 1.1 By Moses: Ex 38:26; Nu 1; 3:14-43; 26 1.2 By David: 2Sa 24:1-9; 1Ch 21:1-8; 27:24 2 A poll tax to be levied at each: Ex 30:12-16; 38:26 3 Of the Roman Empire, by Caesar: Lu 2:1-3 CENTURION #1012 1 A commander of approximately onehundred soldiers in the Roman army: Mr 15:44,45; Ac 21:32; 22:25,26; 23:17,23; 24:23 2 Of Capernaum, comes to Jesus in behalf of his servant: Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:1-10 3 In charge of the soldiers who crucified Jesus, testifies, "Truly this was the Son of God,": Mt 27:54; Mr 15:39; Lu 23:47 4 See CORNELIUS 5 See JULIUS CEPHAS #1013 1 See PETER CESAR #1014 1 See CAESAR CESAREA #1015 1 See CAESAREA CESAREA PHILIPPI #1016 1 See CAESAREA PHILIPPI CHAFF #1017 1 General scriptures concerning: Jer 23:28 2 FIGURATIVE: Job 21:18; Ps 1:4; 35:5; Isa 5:24; 17:13; Da 2:35; Ho 13:3; Mt 3:12; Lu 3:17 CHAINS #1018 1 (Used as ornaments) 2 Worn by princes: Ge 41:42; Da 5:7,29 3 Worn on ankles: Nu 31:50; Isa 3:19 4 Worn on the breastplate of high priest: Ex 28:14; 39:15 5 As ornaments on camels: Jud 8:26 6 A partition of, in the temple: 1Ki 6:21; 7:17 7 Used to confine prisoners: Ps 68:6; 149:8; Jer 40:4; Ac 12:6,7; 21:33; 28:20; 2Ti 1:16 8 See FETTERS 9 FIGURATIVE: Ps 73:6; Pr 1:9; La 3:7; Eze 7:23-27; Jude 1:6; 2Pe 2:4; Re 20:1 CHALCEDONY #1019 1 A precious stone: Re 21:19

C Topic <strong>Guide</strong> C<br />

CAPTAIN #973<br />

1 Comm<strong>and</strong>er-in-chief of an army: De 20:9;<br />

Jud 4:2; 1Sa 14:50; 1Ki 2:35; 16:16; 1Ch 27:34<br />

2 Of <strong>the</strong> tribes: Nu 2<br />

3 Of thous<strong>and</strong>s: Nu 31:48; 1Sa 17:18; 1Ch<br />

28:1<br />

4 Of hundreds: 2Ki 11:15<br />

5 See CENTURION<br />

6 Of fifties: 2Ki 1:9; Isa 3:3<br />

7 Of <strong>the</strong> guard: Ge 37:36; 2Ki 25:8<br />

8 Of <strong>the</strong> ward: Jer 37:13<br />

9 Signifying any comm<strong>and</strong>er, as: 1Sa 9:16;<br />

22:2; 2Ki 20:5<br />

10 Leader: 1Ch 11:21; 12:34; 2Ch 17:14-19;<br />

Joh 18:12<br />

11 David's captains, or chief heroes: 2Sa 23;<br />

1Ch 11:12<br />

12 King appoints: 1Sa 18:13; 2Sa 17:25; 18:1<br />

13 Angel of <strong>the</strong> Lord, called: Jos 5:14; 2Ch<br />

13:12<br />

14 Christ called: Heb 2:10<br />

15 See ARMIES<br />

CAPTIVE #974<br />

1 Prisoner of war: Ge 14:12; 1Sa 30:1,2<br />

2 Cruelty to<br />

2.1 Putting to death: Nu 31:9-20; De 20:13;<br />

21:10; Jos 8:29; 10:15-40; 11:11; Jud 7:25;<br />

8:21; 21:11; 1Sa 15:32,33; 2Sa 8:2; 2Ki 8:12;<br />

Jer 39:6<br />

2.2 Twenty thous<strong>and</strong>, by Amaziah: 2Ch<br />

25:11,12<br />

2.3 Ripping women with child: 2Ki 8:12;<br />

15:16; Am 1:13<br />

2.4 Tortured under saws <strong>and</strong> harrows: 2Sa<br />

12:31; 1Ch 20:3<br />

2.5 Blinded: Jud 16:21; Jer 39:7<br />

2.6 Maimed: Jud 1:6,7<br />

2.7 Ravished: La 5:11-13; Zec 14:2<br />

2.8 Enslaved: De 20:14; 2Ki 5:2; Ps 44:12;<br />

Joe 3:6<br />

2.9 Robbed: Eze 23:25,26<br />

2.10 Confined in pits: Isa 51:14<br />

3 O<strong>the</strong>r indignities to: Isa 20:4<br />

4 Kindness to: 2Ki 25:27-30; Ps 106:46<br />

5 Advanced to positions in state: Ge 41:39-<br />

45; Es 2:8; Da 1<br />

CAPTIVITY #975<br />

1 Of <strong>the</strong> Israelites foretold: Le 26:33; De<br />

28:36<br />

2 Of <strong>the</strong> ten tribes: 2Ki 17:6,23,24; 18:9-12<br />

3 Of Judah in Babylon, prophecy of: Isa 39:6;<br />

Jer 13:19; 20:4; 25:2-11; 32:28<br />

4 Fulfilled: 2Ki 24:11-16; 25; 2Ch 36; Jer<br />

52:28-30<br />

5 Jews return from: Ezr 2; 3 ; 8<br />

6 Israelites in, promises to: Ne 1:9<br />

7 As a judgment: Ezr 5:12; 9:7; Isa 5:13; Jer<br />

29:17-19; La 1:3-5; Eze 39:23,24<br />

8 FIGURATIVE: Isa 61:1; Ro 7:23; 1Co 9:27;<br />

2Co 10:5; 2Ti 2:26; 3:6<br />

8.1 "Captivity led captive,": Jud 5:12; Ps<br />

68:18; Eph 4:8<br />

CARBUNCLE #976<br />

1 A precious stone: Isa 54:12; Eze 28:13<br />

2 One of <strong>the</strong> precious stones set in<br />

breastplate: Ex 28:17; 39:10<br />

CARCAS #977<br />

1 A Persian chamberlain: Es 1:10<br />

CARCHEMISH #978<br />

1 A Babylonian city on <strong>the</strong> Euphrates,<br />

against which <strong>the</strong> king of Egypt made war:<br />

2Ch 35:20; Isa 10:9; Jer 46:2<br />

CARE #979<br />

1 WORLDLY: Ps 39:6; 127:2; Ec 4:8; Mt 6:25-<br />

34; 13:22; Mr 4:19; Lu 8:14; 12:27; 14:18-20;<br />

21:34; 1Co 7:32,33; Php 4:6; 2Ti 2:4<br />


1.2 See RICHES<br />

1.3 See WORLDLINESS<br />

2 REMEDY FOR: Ps 37:5; 55:22; Pr 16:3; Jer<br />

17:7,8; Mt 6:26-34; Lu 12:22-32; Php 4:6,7; Heb<br />

13:5; 1Pe 5:6,7<br />


3.1 Martha: Lu 10:40,41<br />

3.2 Certain persons who desired to follow<br />

Jesus: Mt 9:21; Lu 9:57-62<br />

3.3 See RICH, THE<br />

24<br />

CAREAH #980<br />

1 See KAREAH<br />

CARMEL #981<br />

1 A fertile <strong>and</strong> picturesque mountain in<br />

Palestine: So 7:5; Isa 33:9; 35:2; Jer 46:18;<br />

50:19; Am 1:2<br />

1.1 Forests of: 2Ki 19:23<br />

1.2 Caves of: Am 9:3; Mic 7:14<br />

1.3 An idolatrous high place upon; Elijah<br />

builds an altar upon, <strong>and</strong> confounds <strong>the</strong><br />

worshipers of Baal, putting to death four<br />

hundred <strong>and</strong> fifty of its prophets: 1Ki 18:17-46<br />

1.4 Elisha's abode in: 2Ki 2:25; 4:25<br />

2 A city of Judah: Jos 15:55<br />

2.1 Saul erects a memorial at: 1Sa 15:12<br />

2.2 Nabal's possessions at: 1Sa 25:2<br />

2.3 King Uzziah, who delighted in<br />

agriculture, had vineyards at: 2Ch 26:10<br />

CARMI #982<br />

1 Son of Reuben: Ge 46:9; Ex 6:14<br />

2 Son of Hezron: 1Ch 4:1<br />

2.1 Called CHELUBAI: 1Ch 2:9<br />

2.2 And CALEB: 1Ch 2:18<br />

3 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Achan: Jos 7:1,18; 1Ch 2:7<br />


#983<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 8:6-8;<br />

Ga 6:8; Jas 4:4<br />

2 See CARE, WORLDLY<br />

3 See RICHES<br />

4 See SIN, FRUITS OF<br />


CARPENTRY #984<br />

1 Building <strong>the</strong> ark of Noah: Ge 6:14-16<br />

2 Tabernacle, <strong>and</strong> furniture of: Ex 31:2-9<br />

3 See TABERNACLE<br />

4 David's palace: 2Sa 5:11<br />

5 Temple: 2Ki 12:11; 22:6<br />

6 See TEMPLE<br />

7 Making idols: Isa 41:7; 44:13<br />

8 Carpenters: Jer 24:1; Zec 1:20<br />

9 Joseph: Mt 13:55<br />

10 Jesus: Mr 6:3<br />

11 See CARVING<br />


CARPET #985<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 31:22<br />

CARPUS #986<br />

1 A Christian at Troas: 2Ti 4:13<br />

CARSHENA #987<br />

1 A Persian prince: Es 1:14<br />

CART #988<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 6:7-<br />

14; 2Sa 6:3; Isa 28:27,28<br />

2 See WAGON<br />

CARVING #989<br />

1 Woodwork of <strong>the</strong> temple was decorated<br />

with carvings of flowers, cherubim, <strong>and</strong> palm<br />

trees: 1Ki 6:18,29,32,35; Ps 74:6<br />

2 Beds decorated with: Pr 7:16<br />

3 Idols manufactured by: De 7:5; Isa 44:9-17;<br />

45:20; Hab 2:18,19<br />

4 Persons skilled in<br />

5 Bezaleel: Ex 31:5<br />

6 Hiram: 1Ki 7:13-51; 2Ch 2:13,14<br />

CASIPHIA #990<br />

1 A place in <strong>the</strong> Persian empire: Ezr 8:17<br />

CASLUHIM #991<br />

1 A people whose progenitor was a son of<br />

Mizraim: Ge 10:14; 1Ch 1:12<br />

CASSIA #992<br />

1 An aromatic plant, probably cinnamon: Ps<br />

45:8; Eze 27:19<br />

CASTING #993<br />

1 See MOLDING<br />

CASTLE #994<br />

1 A tower: Ge 25:16; Nu 31:10; 1Ch 11:5,7;<br />

2Ch 17:12; 27:4; Ac 21:34,37; 23:10,16,32<br />

2 Bars of: Pr 18:19<br />

3 For <strong>the</strong> doctrine, "The house is my castle,"<br />

see: De 24:10,11<br />

4 See FORT<br />

5 See TOWER<br />


#995<br />

1 Name of a ship: Ac 28:11<br />

CATERPILLAR #996<br />

1 Sent as a judgment: 1Ki 8:37; Ps 78:46;<br />

105:34; Jer 51:27; Joe 1:4; 2:25<br />

CATHOLICITY #997<br />

1 (Liberality of religious sentiment)<br />

2 INCULCATED: Mr 9:38-41; Lu 9:49,50; Ac<br />

10:1-48; 11:17,18; 15:1-31; Ro 1:1-7,14-16;<br />

3:20-31; 4:1-25; 5:1,2; Ga 3:27,28; Eph 2:14-17;<br />

Col 3:11-15<br />

2.1 See HEATHEN<br />

2.2 See STRANGERS<br />


3.1 Solomon, in his prayer: 1Ki 8:41<br />

3.2 Paul, in recognizing devout hea<strong>the</strong>n: Ac<br />

13:16,26,42,43<br />

3.3 Peter: Ac 10:34,35<br />

3.4 Rulers of <strong>the</strong> synagogue at Antioch,<br />

permitting <strong>the</strong> Apostles to preach: Ac 13:5<br />

CATTLE #998<br />

1 (Of <strong>the</strong> bovine species)<br />

2 Used for sacrifice: 1Ki 8:63<br />

3 See HEIFER<br />

4 See OFFERINGS<br />

5 Sheltered: Ge 33:17<br />

6 Stall-fed: Pr 15:17<br />

7 Gilead adapted to <strong>the</strong> raising of: Nu 32:1-4<br />

8 Bashan suitable to <strong>the</strong> raising of: Ps 22:12;<br />

Eze 39:18; Am 4:1<br />

9 See ANIMALS<br />

10 See BULL<br />

11 See BULLOCK<br />

12 See COW<br />

13 See HEIFER<br />

14 See KINE<br />

15 See OFFERING<br />

CAUL #999<br />

1 Probably <strong>the</strong> upper lobe of <strong>the</strong> liver<br />

1.1 Burnt with sacrifice: Ex 29:13,22; Le<br />

3:4,10,15; 4:9; 7:4; 8:16,25; 9:10,19<br />

2 Netted caps: Isa 3:18<br />

CAUSE #1000<br />

1 See ACTIONS AT LAW<br />

CAUTION #1001<br />

1 See EXPEDIENCY<br />

2 See PRUDENCE<br />

CAVALRY #1002<br />

1 Mounted<br />

1.1 On horses: Ex 14:23; 1Sa 13:5; 2Sa 8:4;<br />

1Ki 4:26; 2Ch 8:6; 9:25; 12:3; Isa 30:16; 31:1;<br />

Jer 4:29; Zec 10:5; Re 9:16-18<br />

1.2 On camels: 1Sa 30:17<br />

2 See ARMIES<br />

CAVE #1003<br />

1 (Used as a dwelling)<br />

1.1 By Lot: Ge 19:30<br />

1.2 Elijah: 1Ki 19:9<br />

1.3 Israelites: Eze 33:27<br />

1.4 Saints: Heb 11:38<br />

2 Place of refuge: Jos 10:16-27; Jud 6:2; 1Sa<br />

13:6; 1Ki 18:4,13; 19:9,13<br />

3 Burial place: Ge 23:9-20; 25:9; 49:29-32;<br />

50:13; Joh 11:38<br />

4 Of Adullam: 1Sa 22:1; 2Sa 23:13; 1Ch 11:15<br />

5 En-gedi: 1Sa 24:3-8<br />

CEDAR #1004<br />

1 Valuable for building purposes: Isa 9:10<br />

2 David's ample provision of, in Jerusalem,<br />

for <strong>the</strong> temple: 2Ch 1:15; 2:3,4<br />

3 Furnished by Hiram, king of Tyre, for<br />

Solomon's temple: 1Ki 5:6-10; 9:11; 2Ch 2:16<br />

4 Used<br />

4.1 In rebuilding <strong>the</strong> temple: Ezr 3:7<br />

4.2 In David's palace: 2Sa 5:11; 1Ch 17:1<br />

4.3 In Solomon's palace: 1Ki 7:2<br />

4.4 For masts of ships: Eze 27:5<br />

4.5 In purifications: Le 14:4,6,49-52; Nu 19:6<br />

5 FIGURATIVE: Ps 72:16; 92:12; Isa 2:13;<br />

14:8; Jer 22:7; Eze 31:3; Zec 11:2<br />

CEDRON #1005<br />

1 (Also called KIDRON)<br />

2 Brook of, running south under <strong>the</strong> eastern<br />

wall of Jerusalem: 1Ki 2:37; Ne 2:15; Jer 31:40<br />

3 Idols destroyed on <strong>the</strong> banks of<br />

3.1 By Asa: 1Ki 15:13<br />

3.2 Josiah: 2Ki 23:6,12<br />

3.3 Hezekiah: 2Ch 29:16<br />

4 Its channel changed by Hezekiah: 2Ch<br />

32:4<br />

CELIBACY #1006<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 19:10-<br />

12; 1Co 7:1,2,7-9,25,26,32-40; 9:5; 1Ti 4:1-3;<br />

Re 14:1-5<br />

CELLAR #1007<br />

1 For wine: 1Ch 27:27<br />

2 Oi: 1Ch 27:28<br />

CENCHREA #1008<br />

1 A city of Corinth: Ac 18:18; Ro 16:1<br />

CENSER #1009<br />

1 Used for offering incense: Le 16:12; Nu<br />

4:14; 16:6,7,16-18,46; Re 8:3<br />

2 For <strong>the</strong> temple, made of gold: 1Ki 7:50; 2Ch<br />

4:22; Heb 9:4<br />

3 Those which Korah used were converted<br />

<strong>into</strong> plates: Nu 16:37-39<br />

4 Used in idolatrous rites: Eze 8:11<br />

5 SYMBOLICAL: Re 8:3,5<br />



2 See SPEAKING, EVIL<br />


CENSUS #1011<br />

1 The numbering of Israel<br />

1.1 By Moses: Ex 38:26; Nu 1; 3:14-43; 26<br />

1.2 By David: 2Sa 24:1-9; 1Ch 21:1-8; 27:24<br />

2 A poll tax to be levied at each: Ex 30:12-16;<br />

38:26<br />

3 Of <strong>the</strong> Roman Empire, by Caesar: Lu 2:1-3<br />

CENTURION #1012<br />

1 A comm<strong>and</strong>er of approximately onehundred<br />

soldiers in <strong>the</strong> Roman army: Mr<br />

15:44,45; Ac 21:32; 22:25,26; 23:17,23; 24:23<br />

2 Of Capernaum, comes to Jesus in behalf<br />

of his servant: Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:1-10<br />

3 In charge of <strong>the</strong> soldiers who crucified<br />

Jesus, testifies, "Truly this was <strong>the</strong> Son of<br />

God,": Mt 27:54; Mr 15:39; Lu 23:47<br />

4 See CORNELIUS<br />

5 See JULIUS<br />

CEPHAS #1013<br />

1 See PETER<br />

CESAR #1014<br />

1 See CAESAR<br />

CESAREA #1015<br />

1 See CAESAREA<br />



CHAFF #1017<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Jer 23:28<br />

2 FIGURATIVE: Job 21:18; Ps 1:4; 35:5; Isa<br />

5:24; 17:13; Da 2:35; Ho 13:3; Mt 3:12; Lu 3:17<br />

CHAINS #1018<br />

1 (Used as ornaments)<br />

2 Worn by princes: Ge 41:42; Da 5:7,29<br />

3 Worn on ankles: Nu 31:50; Isa 3:19<br />

4 Worn on <strong>the</strong> breastplate of high priest: Ex<br />

28:14; 39:15<br />

5 As ornaments on camels: Jud 8:26<br />

6 A partition of, in <strong>the</strong> temple: 1Ki 6:21; 7:17<br />

7 Used to confine prisoners: Ps 68:6; 149:8;<br />

Jer 40:4; Ac 12:6,7; 21:33; 28:20; 2Ti 1:16<br />

8 See FETTERS<br />

9 FIGURATIVE: Ps 73:6; Pr 1:9; La 3:7; Eze<br />

7:23-27; Jude 1:6; 2Pe 2:4; Re 20:1<br />

CHALCEDONY #1019<br />

1 A precious stone: Re 21:19

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