Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


B Topic Guide B BRANCH #878 1 FIGURATIVE: Pr 11:28; Ho 14:6; Isa 60:21; Joh 15:2-5 1.1 Pruning of: Isa 18:5; Da 4:14; Joh 15:6; Ro 11:17,21 1.2 Fruitless, cut off: Joh 15:2,6 1.3 A title of Christ: Ps 80:15; Isa 4:2; 11:1; Jer 23:5; 33:15; Zec 3:8; 6:12 1.4 Symbolic name of Joshua: Zec 6:12 1.5 See GRAFTING BRASS #879 1 (Or more probably COPPER) 2 Smelted: Eze 22:20; Job 28:2 3 A mineral of Canaan: De 8:9; Jos 22:8 4 Of Syria: 2Sa 8:8 5 Tyrians traded in: Eze 27:13 6 Abundance of, for the temple: 1Ki 7:47; 1Ch 22:14 7 Articles made of 7.1 Altar, vessels, and other articles of the tabernacle and temple: Ex 38:28-31; 1Ki 7:14- 47; Ezr 8:27 7.2 Cymbals: 1Ch 15:19 7.3 Trumpets: 1Co 13:1 7.4 Armor: 1Sa 17:5,6; 2Ch 12:10 7.5 Bows, see Bows 7.6 Fetters: Jud 16:21; 2Ki 25:7 7.7 Gates: Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2 7.8 Bars: 1Ki 4:13 7.9 Idols: Da 5:4; Re 9:20 7.10 Mirrors: Ex 38:8 7.11 Household vessels: Mr 7:4 7.12 Money: Mt 10:9; Mr 12:41 8 Workers in: Tubal-cain: Ge 4:22 9 Hiram: 1Ki 7:14 10 Alexander: 2Ti 4:14 11 See BRAZIER 12 See COPPER 13 See MOLDING 14 FIGURATIVE: Le 26:19; De 33:25; Isa 48:4; Jer 1:18; Eze 1:7; Da 2:32,39; 7:19; 10:6; Zec 6:1; Re 1:15 BRAVERY #880 1 See BOLDNESS 2 See COURAGE BRAY #881 1 To pound: Pr 27:22 BRAZEN SEA #882 1 See LAVER BRAZEN SERPENT #883 1 Made by Moses for the healing of the Israelites: Nu 21:9 2 Worshiped by Israelites: 2Ki 18:4 3 A symbol of Christ: Joh 3:14,15 BRAZIER #884 1 An artificer in brass and copper: Ge 4:22; 2Ti 4:14 2 A utensil used for warming houses: Jer 36:22-24 BREAD #885 1 Called the STAFF OF LIFE: Eze 4:16; 5:16; 14:13 2 KINDS OF 2.1 Bread of affliction: 1Ki 22:27; Ps 127:2; Ho 9:4; Isa 30:20 2.2 Leavened (made with yeast): Le 7:13; 23:17; Ho 7:4; Am 4:5; Mt 13:33 2.3 Unleavened (made without yeast): Ge 19:3; Ex 29:2; Jud 6:19; 1Sa 28:24 3 Made of wheat flour: Ex 29:2; 1Ki 4:22; 5:11; Ps 81:16 4 Manna: Nu 11:8 5 Meal: 1Ki 17:12 6 Barley: Jud 7:13 7 HOW PREPARED 7.1 Mixed with oil: Ex 29:2,23 7.2 Honey: Ex 16:31 7.3 With leaven, or ferment 7.4 See leavened, in the paragraph above 7.5 Also see LEAVEN 7.6 Kneaded: Ge 18:6; Ex 8:3; 12:34; 1Sa 28:24; 2Sa 13:8; Jer 7:18; Ho 7:4 7.7 Made into loaves: 1Sa 10:3; 17:17; 25:18; 1Ki 14:3; Mr 8:14 7.8 Cakes: 2Sa 6:19; 1Ki 17:12 7.9 Wafers: Ex 16:21; 29:23 7.10 Cracknels: 1Ki 14:3 7.11 Baked in ovens: Ex 8:3; Le 2:4; 7:9; 11:35; 26:26; Ho 7:4 7.12 in pans: Le 2:5,7; 2Sa 13:6-9 7.13 on hearths: Ge 18:6 7.14 on coals: 1Ki 19:6; Isa 44:19; Joh 21:9 7.15 on coals of dung: Eze 4:12,15 8 Made by men: Ge 40:2 9 Made by women: Le 26:26; 1Sa 8:13; Jer 7:18 10 Traffic in: Jer 37:21; Mr 6:37 11 Sacrificed: Le 21:6,8,17,21,22; 22:25; 1Sa 2:36; 2Ki 23:9 12 By idolaters: Jer 7:18; 44:19 13 See SHEWBREAD 14 See OFFERINGS 15 FIGURATIVE: Isa 55:2; 1Co 10:17; 2Co 9:10 15.1 Christ: Joh 6:32-35 16 SYMBOLICAL 16.1 Of the body of Christ: Mt 26:26; Ac 20:7; 1Co 11:23,24 BREASTPLATE #886 1 For high priest: Ex 25:7 1.1 Directions for the making of: Ex 28:15-30 1.2 Made by Bezaleel: Ex 39:8,21 1.3 Freewill offering of materials for: Ex 35:9,27 1.4 Worn by Aaron: Ex 29:5; Le 8:8 2 Armor for soldiers: Re 9:9,17 3 FIGURATIVE: Isa 59:17; Eph 6:14; 1Th 5:8 BREATH #887 1 Of life: Ge 2:7; 7:22; Ac 17:25 2 Of God: 2Sa 22:16; Job 4:9; 15:30; 33:4; 37:10; Ps 18:15; 33:6; Isa 30:33 3 FIGURATIVE: Eze 37:9 BREECHES #888 1 For the priests: Ex 28:42; 39:28; Le 6:10; 16:4; Eze 44:18 BRIBERY #889 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 23:8; De 16:18,19; 27:25; 1Sa 8:1,3; Job 15:34; Ps 26:9,10; Pr 15:27; 17:8,23; 18:16; 21:14; 25:14; 28:21; 29:4; Ec 7:7; Isa 1:23; 5:22,23; 33:15,16; Eze 13:19; 22:12,13; Am 2:6; 5:12; Mic 7:3 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Delilah: Jud 16:5 2.2 Samuel's sons 2.3 See above 2.4 The false prophet, Shemaiah: Ne 6:10-13 2.5 Ben-hadad: 1Ki 15:19 2.6 Haman bribes Ahasuerus to destroy the Jews: Es 3:9 2.7 Chief priests bribe Judas: Mt 26:15; 27:3- 9; Mr 14:11; Lu 22:5 2.8 Soldiers bribed to declare that the disciples stole the body of Jesus: Mt 28:12-15 2.9 Governor Felix seeks a bribe from Paul: Ac 24:26 BRICK #890 1 Used in building: Babel: Ge 11:3 2 Cities in Egypt: Ex 1:11,14 3 Houses: Isa 9:10 4 Altars: Isa 65:3 5 Made by Israelites: Ex 5:7-19; 2Sa 12:31; Jer 43:9; Na 3:14 BRICK-KILN #891 1 General scriptures concerning: Jer 43:9; Na 3:14 2 Captives tortured in: 2Sa 12:31 BRIDE #892 1 Ornaments of: Isa 49:18; 61:10; Jer 2:32; Re 21:2 2 Presents to: Ge 24:53 3 Maids of: Ge 24:59,61; 29:24,29 4 FIGURATIVE: Ps 45:10-17; Eze 16:8-14; Re 19:7,8; 21:2,9; 22:17 BRIDEGROOM #893 1 Ornaments of: Isa 61:10 2 Exempt from military duty: De 24:5 3 Companions of: Jud 14:11 4 Joy with: Mt 9:15; Mr 2:19,20; Lu 5:34,35 5 Parable of: Mt 25:1-13 6 Song of: So 4:7-16 7 FIGURATIVE: Eze 16:8-14 BRIDLE #894 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 32:9; Pr 26:3; Re 14:20 2 FIGURATIVE: 2Ki 19:28; Ps 39:1; Jas 1:26 2.1 See BIT BRIER #895 1 FIGURATIVE: Isa 5:6; 55:13; Eze 2:6; 28:24 BRIGANDINE #896 1 A coat of mail: Jer 46:4; 51:3 BRIMSTONE #897 1 Fire and, rained upon Sodom: Ge 19:24; Lu 17:29 2 In Palestine: De 29:23 3 FIGURATIVE: Job 18:15; Ps 11:6; Isa 30:33; Eze 38:22; Re 9:17,18; 14:10; 19:20; 21:8 BROOK #898 1 See RIVER BROTH #899 1 General scriptures concerning: Jud 6:19,20; 2Ki 4:38; Isa 65:4 2 Symbolical: Eze 24:5 BROTHEL #900 1 See HIGH PLACE BROTHER #901 1 Signifies 1.1 a relative,: Ge 14:16; 29:12 1.2 a neighbor: De 23:7; Jud 21:6 ; Neh 5:7 1.3 any Israelite: Jer 34:9; Ob 1:10 1.4 mankind: Ge 9:5; Mt 18:35; 1Jo 3:15 1.5 a companion: 2Sa 1:26; 1Ki 13:30; 20:33 2 Love of: Pr 17:17; 18:24; So 8:1 3 Unfaithful: Pr 27:10 4 Reuben's love for Joseph: Ge 37:21,22 5 Joseph's, for his brethren: Ge 43:30-34; 45:1-5; 50:19-25 6 A fraternal epithet, especially among Christians. 6.1 Instituted by Christ: Mt 12:50; 25:40; Heb 2:11,12 6.2 Used by disciples: Ac 9:17; 21:20; Ro 16:23; 1Co 7:12; 2Co 2:13 6.3 by Peter: 1Pe 1:22 6.4 Used among the Israelites: Le 19:17; De 22:1-4 7 Brother's widow. 7.1 Law concerning Levirate marriage of: De 25:5-10; Mt 22:24; Mr 12:19; Lu 20:28 BROTHERLY KINDNESS #902 1 See BROTHER 2 See CHARITABLENESS 3 See FELLOWSHIP 4 See FRATERNITY 5 See FRIENDSHIP 6 See LOVE BUCKET #903 1 General scriptures concerning: Nu 24:7; Isa 40:15 BUCKLER #904 1 See SHIELD BUILDER #905 1 (Of the tabernacle) 2 See BE-ZALEEL 3 See MASTER WORKMAN 4 FIGURATIVE: Ps 118:22; Mt 21:42; Ac 4:11; 1Pe 2:7; Heb 11:10 4.1 See CARPENTER BUILDING #906 1 FIGURATIVE: 2Co 5:1 BUKKI #907 1 Son of Abishua: 1Ch 6:5,51; Ezr 7:4 2 A prince of Dan: Nu 34:22 BUKKIAH #908 1 A Levite: 1Ch 25:4,13 BUL #909 1 (The eighth month (November)) 2 The temple completed in: 1Ki 6:38 3 Jeroboam institutes an idolatrous feast in, to correspond with the Feast of Tabernacles: 1Ki 12:32,33; 1Ch 27:11 BULL #910 1 Wild, caught in nets: Isa 51:20 2 Blood of, in sacrifice: Heb 9:13; 10:4 3 See BULLOCK 4 See OFFERINGS BULLOCK #911 1 (Or, OX (Synonymous terms in A. V.)) 2 Uses of 2.1 For sacrifice: Ex 29:3,10-14,36; Le 4:8,16; Nu 7:87,88; 28:11-31; 29 2.2 For plowing: 1Sa 14:14; 1Ki 19:19; Pr 14:4; Isa 32:20; Jer 31:18 2.3 For treading out grain: De 25:4 2.4 With wagons: Nu 7:3-8; 2Sa 6:3-6 3 Laws concerning 3.1 Trespass by: Ex 21:28-36 3.2 Theft of: Ex 22:1-10 3.3 Rest for: Ex 23:12 3.4 Not to be muzzled, when treading grain: De 25:4; 1Co 9:9; 1Ti 5:18 3.5 Not to be yoked with a donkey: De 22:10 4 Twelve bronze, under the molten sea in Solomon's temple: 1Ki 7:25; 2Ch 4:4; Jer 52:20 5 See BULL 6 See CATTLE 7 SYMBOLICAL: Eze 1:10; Re 4:7 BULRUSH #912 1 (Papyrus, R. V.)) 1.1 Moses' ark (basket) of: Ex 2:3 2 Boats made of: Isa 18:2 3 FIGURATIVE: Isa 58:5 BULWARK #913 1 General scriptures concerning: De 20:20; 2Ch 26:15; Ec 9:14 2 FIGURATIVE: Ps 48:13; Isa 26:1 BUNAH #914 1 Son of Jerahmeel: 1Ch 2:25 BUNNI #915 1 A Levite, a teacher with Ezra: Ne 9:4 2 Ancestor of Shemaiah: Ne 11:15 3 A family of Jews: Ne 10:15 BURDEN #916 1 FIGURATIVE 1.1 Of oppressions: Isa 58:6; Mt 23:4; Lu 11:46; Ga 6:2 1.2 Of the prophetic message: Isa 13:1; 15:1; 17:1; 19:1 BURGLARY #917 1 See THEFT BURIAL #918 1 Rites of: Jer 34:5 2 Soon after death: De 21:23; Jos 8:29; Joh 19:38-42; Ac 5:9,10 3 With spices: 2Ch 16:14; Mr 16:1; Lu 23:56 4 Bier (coffin) used at: 2Sa 3:31; Lu 7:14 5 Attended by relatives and friends 5.1 Of Jacob: Ge 50:5-9 5.2 Abner: 2Sa 3:31 5.3 Child of Jeroboam: 1Ki 14:13 5.4 The son of the widow of Nain: Lu 7:12,13 5.5 Stephen: Ac 8:2 6 Lack of, a disgrace: 2Ki 9:10; Pr 30:17; Jer 16:4; 22:19; Eze 39:15 7 Directions given about, before death 7.1 By Jacob: Ge 49:29,30 7.2 By Joseph: Ge 50:25 8 Burial of Gog (multitude) requiring seven months: Eze 39:12,13 9 BURYING PLACES 9.1 Bought by Abraham: Ge 23; 25:9 9.2 Prepared by 9.2.1 Jacob: : Ge 50:5 9.2.2 Asa: 2Ch 16:14 9.2.3 Joseph: Mt 27:60 9.3 On hills: 2Ki 23:16; Jos 24:33 9.4 In valleys: Jer 7:32 9.5 Family: Ge 47:30; 49:29; Ac 7:16 9.6 Of kings: 1Ki 2:10; 2Ch 32:33 9.7 A place of honor: 2Ch 24:16,25; 21:20 9.8 For poor and strangers: Jer 26:23; Mt 27:7 9.9 Tombs 9.9.1 In houses: : 1Sa 25:1; 1Ki 2:34 21

B Topic Guide B 9.9.2 In gardens: 2Ki 21:18,26; Joh 19:41 9.9.3 In caves: Ge 23:9 9.9.4 Under trees, Deborah's: Ge 35:8 9.9.5 King Saul's: 1Sa 31:13 9.10 Closed with stones: Mt 27:60,66; Joh 11:38; 20:1 9.11 Sealed: Mt 27:66 9.12 Marked with pillars, Rachel's: Ge 35:20 9.13 And inscriptions: 2Ki 23:17 9.14 Painted and garnished: Mt 23:27,29 9.15 With shelves: Isa 14:15 9.16 Demoniacs lived in: Mt 8:28 9.17 Anyone who touched, were unclean: Nu 19:16,18; Isa 65:4 9.18 Refused to the dead: Re 11:9 9.19 Robbed: Jer 8:1 9.20 See CREMATION 9.21 See DEAD, THE 9.22 See DEATH 9.23 See ELEGY 9.24 See GRAVE 9.25 See MOURNING 10 FIGURATIVE: Isa 22:16; Ro 6:4; Col 2:12 BURNING #919 1 As a punishment 2 See PUNISHMENT BURNING BUSH #920 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 3:2-5; Ac 7:30 BURNT OFFERING #921 1 See OFFERINGS, BURNT BUSH, BURNING #922 1 See BURNING BUSH BUSHEL #923 1 About one peck: Mt 5:15; Mr 4:21; Lu 11:33 BUSYBODY #924 1 General scriptures concerning: Le 19:16; Pr 20:3; 2Th 3:11,12; 1Ti 5:13; 1Pe 4:15 2 See TALEBEARER 3 See SPEAKING, EVIL BUTLER #925 1 Pharaoh's, imprisoned and released: Ge 40; 1Ki 10:5; 2Ch 9:4; Ne 1:11; 2:1 BUTTER #926 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 18:8; De 32:14; Jud 5:25; 2Sa 17:29; Job 20:17; Isa 7:15,22 2 Made by churning: Pr 30:33 BUZ #927 1 Son of Nahor: Ge 22:21 2 Father of Jahdo: 1Ch 5:14 BUZZI #928 1 Father of Ezekiel: Eze 1:3 22

B Topic <strong>Guide</strong> B<br />

BRANCH #878<br />

1 FIGURATIVE: Pr 11:28; Ho 14:6; Isa 60:21;<br />

Joh 15:2-5<br />

1.1 Pruning of: Isa 18:5; Da 4:14; Joh 15:6;<br />

Ro 11:17,21<br />

1.2 Fruitless, cut off: Joh 15:2,6<br />

1.3 A title of Christ: Ps 80:15; Isa 4:2; 11:1;<br />

Jer 23:5; 33:15; Zec 3:8; 6:12<br />

1.4 Symbolic name of Joshua: Zec 6:12<br />

1.5 See GRAFTING<br />

BRASS #879<br />

1 (Or more probably COPPER)<br />

2 Smelted: Eze 22:20; Job 28:2<br />

3 A mineral of Canaan: De 8:9; Jos 22:8<br />

4 Of Syria: 2Sa 8:8<br />

5 Tyrians traded in: Eze 27:13<br />

6 Abundance of, for <strong>the</strong> temple: 1Ki 7:47;<br />

1Ch 22:14<br />

7 Articles made of<br />

7.1 Altar, vessels, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r articles of <strong>the</strong><br />

tabernacle <strong>and</strong> temple: Ex 38:28-31; 1Ki 7:14-<br />

47; Ezr 8:27<br />

7.2 Cymbals: 1Ch 15:19<br />

7.3 Trumpets: 1Co 13:1<br />

7.4 Armor: 1Sa 17:5,6; 2Ch 12:10<br />

7.5 Bows, see Bows<br />

7.6 Fetters: Jud 16:21; 2Ki 25:7<br />

7.7 Gates: Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2<br />

7.8 Bars: 1Ki 4:13<br />

7.9 Idols: Da 5:4; Re 9:20<br />

7.10 Mirrors: Ex 38:8<br />

7.11 Household vessels: Mr 7:4<br />

7.12 Money: Mt 10:9; Mr 12:41<br />

8 Workers in: Tubal-cain: Ge 4:22<br />

9 Hiram: 1Ki 7:14<br />

10 Alex<strong>and</strong>er: 2Ti 4:14<br />

11 See BRAZIER<br />

12 See COPPER<br />

13 See MOLDING<br />

14 FIGURATIVE: Le 26:19; De 33:25; Isa 48:4;<br />

Jer 1:18; Eze 1:7; Da 2:32,39; 7:19; 10:6; Zec<br />

6:1; Re 1:15<br />

BRAVERY #880<br />

1 See BOLDNESS<br />

2 See COURAGE<br />

BRAY #881<br />

1 To pound: Pr 27:22<br />

BRAZEN SEA #882<br />

1 See LAVER<br />


1 Made by Moses for <strong>the</strong> healing of <strong>the</strong><br />

Israelites: Nu 21:9<br />

2 Worshiped by Israelites: 2Ki 18:4<br />

3 A symbol of Christ: Joh 3:14,15<br />

BRAZIER #884<br />

1 An artificer in brass <strong>and</strong> copper: Ge 4:22;<br />

2Ti 4:14<br />

2 A utensil used for warming houses: Jer<br />

36:22-24<br />

BREAD #885<br />

1 Called <strong>the</strong> STAFF OF LIFE: Eze 4:16; 5:16;<br />

14:13<br />

2 KINDS OF<br />

2.1 Bread of affliction: 1Ki 22:27; Ps 127:2;<br />

Ho 9:4; Isa 30:20<br />

2.2 Leavened (made with yeast): Le 7:13;<br />

23:17; Ho 7:4; Am 4:5; Mt 13:33<br />

2.3 Unleavened (made without yeast): Ge<br />

19:3; Ex 29:2; Jud 6:19; 1Sa 28:24<br />

3 Made of wheat flour: Ex 29:2; 1Ki 4:22;<br />

5:11; Ps 81:16<br />

4 Manna: Nu 11:8<br />

5 Meal: 1Ki 17:12<br />

6 Barley: Jud 7:13<br />


7.1 Mixed with oil: Ex 29:2,23<br />

7.2 Honey: Ex 16:31<br />

7.3 With leaven, or ferment<br />

7.4 See leavened, in <strong>the</strong> paragraph above<br />

7.5 Also see LEAVEN<br />

7.6 Kneaded: Ge 18:6; Ex 8:3; 12:34; 1Sa<br />

28:24; 2Sa 13:8; Jer 7:18; Ho 7:4<br />

7.7 Made <strong>into</strong> loaves: 1Sa 10:3; 17:17; 25:18;<br />

1Ki 14:3; Mr 8:14<br />

7.8 Cakes: 2Sa 6:19; 1Ki 17:12<br />

7.9 Wafers: Ex 16:21; 29:23<br />

7.10 Cracknels: 1Ki 14:3<br />

7.11 Baked in ovens: Ex 8:3; Le 2:4; 7:9;<br />

11:35; 26:26; Ho 7:4<br />

7.12 in pans: Le 2:5,7; 2Sa 13:6-9<br />

7.13 on hearths: Ge 18:6<br />

7.14 on coals: 1Ki 19:6; Isa 44:19; Joh 21:9<br />

7.15 on coals of dung: Eze 4:12,15<br />

8 Made by men: Ge 40:2<br />

9 Made by women: Le 26:26; 1Sa 8:13; Jer<br />

7:18<br />

10 Traffic in: Jer 37:21; Mr 6:37<br />

11 Sacrificed: Le 21:6,8,17,21,22; 22:25; 1Sa<br />

2:36; 2Ki 23:9<br />

12 By idolaters: Jer 7:18; 44:19<br />

13 See SHEWBREAD<br />

14 See OFFERINGS<br />

15 FIGURATIVE: Isa 55:2; 1Co 10:17; 2Co<br />

9:10<br />

15.1 Christ: Joh 6:32-35<br />


16.1 Of <strong>the</strong> body of Christ: Mt 26:26; Ac 20:7;<br />

1Co 11:23,24<br />

BREASTPLATE #886<br />

1 For high priest: Ex 25:7<br />

1.1 Directions for <strong>the</strong> making of: Ex 28:15-30<br />

1.2 Made by Bezaleel: Ex 39:8,21<br />

1.3 Freewill offering of materials for: Ex<br />

35:9,27<br />

1.4 Worn by Aaron: Ex 29:5; Le 8:8<br />

2 Armor for soldiers: Re 9:9,17<br />

3 FIGURATIVE: Isa 59:17; Eph 6:14; 1Th 5:8<br />

BREATH #887<br />

1 Of life: Ge 2:7; 7:22; Ac 17:25<br />

2 Of God: 2Sa 22:16; Job 4:9; 15:30; 33:4;<br />

37:10; Ps 18:15; 33:6; Isa 30:33<br />

3 FIGURATIVE: Eze 37:9<br />

BREECHES #888<br />

1 For <strong>the</strong> priests: Ex 28:42; 39:28; Le 6:10;<br />

16:4; Eze 44:18<br />

BRIBERY #889<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 23:8;<br />

De 16:18,19; 27:25; 1Sa 8:1,3; Job 15:34; Ps<br />

26:9,10; Pr 15:27; 17:8,23; 18:16; 21:14; 25:14;<br />

28:21; 29:4; Ec 7:7; Isa 1:23; 5:22,23; 33:15,16;<br />

Eze 13:19; 22:12,13; Am 2:6; 5:12; Mic 7:3<br />


2.1 Delilah: Jud 16:5<br />

2.2 Samuel's sons<br />

2.3 See above<br />

2.4 The false prophet, Shemaiah: Ne 6:10-13<br />

2.5 Ben-hadad: 1Ki 15:19<br />

2.6 Haman bribes Ahasuerus to destroy <strong>the</strong><br />

Jews: Es 3:9<br />

2.7 Chief priests bribe Judas: Mt 26:15; 27:3-<br />

9; Mr 14:11; Lu 22:5<br />

2.8 Soldiers bribed to declare that <strong>the</strong><br />

disciples stole <strong>the</strong> body of Jesus: Mt 28:12-15<br />

2.9 Governor Felix seeks a bribe from Paul:<br />

Ac 24:26<br />

BRICK #890<br />

1 Used in building: Babel: Ge 11:3<br />

2 Cities in Egypt: Ex 1:11,14<br />

3 Houses: Isa 9:10<br />

4 Altars: Isa 65:3<br />

5 Made by Israelites: Ex 5:7-19; 2Sa 12:31;<br />

Jer 43:9; Na 3:14<br />

BRICK-KILN #891<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Jer 43:9;<br />

Na 3:14<br />

2 Captives tortured in: 2Sa 12:31<br />

BRIDE #892<br />

1 Ornaments of: Isa 49:18; 61:10; Jer 2:32; Re<br />

21:2<br />

2 Presents to: Ge 24:53<br />

3 Maids of: Ge 24:59,61; 29:24,29<br />

4 FIGURATIVE: Ps 45:10-17; Eze 16:8-14; Re<br />

19:7,8; 21:2,9; 22:17<br />

BRIDEGROOM #893<br />

1 Ornaments of: Isa 61:10<br />

2 Exempt from military duty: De 24:5<br />

3 Companions of: Jud 14:11<br />

4 Joy with: Mt 9:15; Mr 2:19,20; Lu 5:34,35<br />

5 Parable of: Mt 25:1-13<br />

6 Song of: So 4:7-16<br />

7 FIGURATIVE: Eze 16:8-14<br />

BRIDLE #894<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 32:9; Pr<br />

26:3; Re 14:20<br />

2 FIGURATIVE: 2Ki 19:28; Ps 39:1; Jas 1:26<br />

2.1 See BIT<br />

BRIER #895<br />

1 FIGURATIVE: Isa 5:6; 55:13; Eze 2:6; 28:24<br />

BRIGANDINE #896<br />

1 A coat of mail: Jer 46:4; 51:3<br />

BRIMSTONE #897<br />

1 Fire <strong>and</strong>, rained upon Sodom: Ge 19:24; Lu<br />

17:29<br />

2 In Palestine: De 29:23<br />

3 FIGURATIVE: Job 18:15; Ps 11:6; Isa 30:33;<br />

Eze 38:22; Re 9:17,18; 14:10; 19:20; 21:8<br />

BROOK #898<br />

1 See RIVER<br />

BROTH #899<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Jud<br />

6:19,20; 2Ki 4:38; Isa 65:4<br />

2 Symbolical: Eze 24:5<br />

BROTHEL #900<br />

1 See HIGH PLACE<br />

BROTHER #901<br />

1 Signifies<br />

1.1 a relative,: Ge 14:16; 29:12<br />

1.2 a neighbor: De 23:7; Jud 21:6 ; Neh 5:7<br />

1.3 any Israelite: Jer 34:9; Ob 1:10<br />

1.4 mankind: Ge 9:5; Mt 18:35; 1Jo 3:15<br />

1.5 a companion: 2Sa 1:26; 1Ki 13:30; 20:33<br />

2 Love of: Pr 17:17; 18:24; So 8:1<br />

3 Unfaithful: Pr 27:10<br />

4 Reuben's love for Joseph: Ge 37:21,22<br />

5 Joseph's, for his brethren: Ge 43:30-34;<br />

45:1-5; 50:19-25<br />

6 A fraternal epi<strong>the</strong>t, especially among<br />

Christians.<br />

6.1 Instituted by Christ: Mt 12:50; 25:40; Heb<br />

2:11,12<br />

6.2 Used by disciples: Ac 9:17; 21:20; Ro<br />

16:23; 1Co 7:12; 2Co 2:13<br />

6.3 by Peter: 1Pe 1:22<br />

6.4 Used among <strong>the</strong> Israelites: Le 19:17; De<br />

22:1-4<br />

7 Bro<strong>the</strong>r's widow.<br />

7.1 Law concerning Levirate marriage of: De<br />

25:5-10; Mt 22:24; Mr 12:19; Lu 20:28<br />


#902<br />

1 See BROTHER<br />


3 See FELLOWSHIP<br />

4 See FRATERNITY<br />

5 See FRIENDSHIP<br />

6 See LOVE<br />

BUCKET #903<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Nu 24:7;<br />

Isa 40:15<br />

BUCKLER #904<br />

1 See SHIELD<br />

BUILDER #905<br />

1 (Of <strong>the</strong> tabernacle)<br />

2 See BE-ZALEEL<br />


4 FIGURATIVE: Ps 118:22; Mt 21:42; Ac 4:11;<br />

1Pe 2:7; Heb 11:10<br />

4.1 See CARPENTER<br />

BUILDING #906<br />

1 FIGURATIVE: 2Co 5:1<br />

BUKKI #907<br />

1 Son of Abishua: 1Ch 6:5,51; Ezr 7:4<br />

2 A prince of Dan: Nu 34:22<br />

BUKKIAH #908<br />

1 A Levite: 1Ch 25:4,13<br />

BUL #909<br />

1 (The eighth month (November))<br />

2 The temple completed in: 1Ki 6:38<br />

3 Jeroboam institutes an idolatrous feast in,<br />

to correspond with <strong>the</strong> Feast of Tabernacles:<br />

1Ki 12:32,33; 1Ch 27:11<br />

BULL #910<br />

1 Wild, caught in nets: Isa 51:20<br />

2 Blood of, in sacrifice: Heb 9:13; 10:4<br />

3 See BULLOCK<br />

4 See OFFERINGS<br />

BULLOCK #911<br />

1 (Or, OX (Synonymous terms in A. V.))<br />

2 Uses of<br />

2.1 For sacrifice: Ex 29:3,10-14,36; Le 4:8,16;<br />

Nu 7:87,88; 28:11-31; 29<br />

2.2 For plowing: 1Sa 14:14; 1Ki 19:19; Pr<br />

14:4; Isa 32:20; Jer 31:18<br />

2.3 For treading out grain: De 25:4<br />

2.4 With wagons: Nu 7:3-8; 2Sa 6:3-6<br />

3 Laws concerning<br />

3.1 Trespass by: Ex 21:28-36<br />

3.2 Theft of: Ex 22:1-10<br />

3.3 Rest for: Ex 23:12<br />

3.4 Not to be muzzled, when treading grain:<br />

De 25:4; 1Co 9:9; 1Ti 5:18<br />

3.5 Not to be yoked with a donkey: De 22:10<br />

4 Twelve bronze, under <strong>the</strong> molten sea in<br />

Solomon's temple: 1Ki 7:25; 2Ch 4:4; Jer 52:20<br />

5 See BULL<br />

6 See CATTLE<br />

7 SYMBOLICAL: Eze 1:10; Re 4:7<br />

BULRUSH #912<br />

1 (Papyrus, R. V.))<br />

1.1 Moses' ark (basket) of: Ex 2:3<br />

2 Boats made of: Isa 18:2<br />

3 FIGURATIVE: Isa 58:5<br />

BULWARK #913<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: De 20:20;<br />

2Ch 26:15; Ec 9:14<br />

2 FIGURATIVE: Ps 48:13; Isa 26:1<br />

BUNAH #914<br />

1 Son of Jerahmeel: 1Ch 2:25<br />

BUNNI #915<br />

1 A Levite, a teacher with Ezra: Ne 9:4<br />

2 Ancestor of Shemaiah: Ne 11:15<br />

3 A family of Jews: Ne 10:15<br />

BURDEN #916<br />


1.1 Of oppressions: Isa 58:6; Mt 23:4; Lu<br />

11:46; Ga 6:2<br />

1.2 Of <strong>the</strong> prophetic message: Isa 13:1; 15:1;<br />

17:1; 19:1<br />

BURGLARY #917<br />

1 See THEFT<br />

BURIAL #918<br />

1 Rites of: Jer 34:5<br />

2 Soon after death: De 21:23; Jos 8:29; Joh<br />

19:38-42; Ac 5:9,10<br />

3 With spices: 2Ch 16:14; Mr 16:1; Lu 23:56<br />

4 Bier (coffin) used at: 2Sa 3:31; Lu 7:14<br />

5 Attended by relatives <strong>and</strong> friends<br />

5.1 Of Jacob: Ge 50:5-9<br />

5.2 Abner: 2Sa 3:31<br />

5.3 Child of Jeroboam: 1Ki 14:13<br />

5.4 The son of <strong>the</strong> widow of Nain: Lu 7:12,13<br />

5.5 Stephen: Ac 8:2<br />

6 Lack of, a disgrace: 2Ki 9:10; Pr 30:17; Jer<br />

16:4; 22:19; Eze 39:15<br />

7 Directions given about, before death<br />

7.1 By Jacob: Ge 49:29,30<br />

7.2 By Joseph: Ge 50:25<br />

8 Burial of Gog (multitude) requiring seven<br />

months: Eze 39:12,13<br />


9.1 Bought by Abraham: Ge 23; 25:9<br />

9.2 Prepared by<br />

9.2.1 Jacob: : Ge 50:5<br />

9.2.2 Asa: 2Ch 16:14<br />

9.2.3 Joseph: Mt 27:60<br />

9.3 On hills: 2Ki 23:16; Jos 24:33<br />

9.4 In valleys: Jer 7:32<br />

9.5 Family: Ge 47:30; 49:29; Ac 7:16<br />

9.6 Of kings: 1Ki 2:10; 2Ch 32:33<br />

9.7 A place of honor: 2Ch 24:16,25; 21:20<br />

9.8 For poor <strong>and</strong> strangers: Jer 26:23; Mt<br />

27:7<br />

9.9 Tombs<br />

9.9.1 In houses: : 1Sa 25:1; 1Ki 2:34<br />


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