Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


A Topic Guide A ARSON #408 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 74:7,8 2 Law concerning: Ex 22:6 3 INSTANCES OF 3.1 By Samson: Jud 15:4,5 3.2 By Absalom: 2Sa 14:30 3.3 By Zimri: 1Ki 16:18 ART #409 1 PRIMITIVE 1.1 Invention of musical instruments and instruments of iron and copper (A. V., brass): Ge 4:21,22 1.2 Carpentry: Ge 6:14-16; Ex 31:2-9 1.3 Of the apothecary or perfumer: Ex 30:25,35 1.4 Of the armorer: 1Sa 8:12 1.5 Of the baker: Ge 40:1; 1Sa 8:13 1.6 Of the barber: Isa 7:20; Eze 5:1 1.7 Of the brickmaker: Ge 11:3; Ex 5:7,8,18 1.8 Of the calker: Eze 27:9,27 1.9 Of compounding confections: 1Sa 8:13 1.10 Of the gardener: Jer 29:5; Joh 20:15 1.11 Of the goldsmith: Isa 40:19 1.12 Of the mariner: Eze 27:8,9 1.13 Of the mason: 2Sa 5:11; 2Ch 24:12 1.14 Of the musician: 1Sa 18:6; 1Ch 15:16 1.15 Of the potter: Isa 64:8; Jer 18:3; La 4:2; Zec 11:13 1.16 Of the refiner of metals: 1Ch 28:18; Mal 3:2,3 1.17 Of the ropemaker: Jud 16:11 1.18 Of the stonecutter: Ex 20:25; 1Ch 22:15 1.19 Of the shipbuilder: 1Ki 9:26 1.20 Of the smelter of metals: Job 28:2 1.21 Of the spinner: Ex 35:25; Pr 31:19 1.22 Of the tailor: Ex 28:3 1.23 Of the tanner: Ac 9:43; 10:6 1.24 Of the tentmaker: Ge 4:20; Ac 18:3 1.25 Of the weaver: Ex 35:35; Joh 19:23 1.26 Of the winemaker: Ne 13:15; Isa 63:3 1.27 Of the writer: Jud 5:14 2 ARTISANS, SKILLFUL 2.1 Jubal: Ge 4:21 2.2 Tubal-cain: Ge 4:22 2.3 Bezaleel and Aholiab: Ex 31:2-14; 35:30- 35 2.4 Hiram: 1Ki 7:13-51; 2Ch 2:13,14 2.5 For the various arts practised, and products manufactured, in ancient times 2.6 See APOTHECARY 2.7 See BEATEN WORK 2.8 See BRASS 2.9 See BREAD 2.10 See BRICK 2.11 See CARPENTRY 2.12 See CARVING 2.13 See CONFECTIONER 2.14 See COPPER 2.15 See DRAWING 2.16 See DYEING 2.17 See EMBROIDERY 2.18 See ENGRAVING 2.19 See FULLER 2.20 See GOLDSMITH 2.21 See LAPIDARY 2.22 See LEATHER 2.23 See LIME 2.24 See MASON 2.25 See MASTER WORKMAN 2.26 See MOLDING 2.27 See MUSIC 2.28 See PAINTING 2.29 See PAPER 2.30 See PARCHMENT 2.31 See PICTURES 2.32 See POTTERY 2.33 See ROPES 2.34 See SHIPS 2.35 See SILK 2.36 See SILVERSMITH 2.37 See SMITH 2.38 See SOAP 2.39 See SPINNING 2.40 See SUN-DIAL 2.41 See TAPESTRY 2.42 See TAILORING 2.43 See TENTS 2.44 See WEAVING 2.45 See WINE ARTAXERXES #410 1 A Persian king probably identical with AHASUERUS 1.1 Prohibits the rebuilding of Jerusalem: Ezr 4:7-24 2 King of Persia. Decree of, in behalf of the Jews: Ezr 7; Ne 2; 5:14 ARTEMAS #411 1 A companion of Paul: Tit 3:12 ARTILLERY #412 1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 20:40 2 See ARMS ARTISAN #413 1 See ART 2 See MASTER WORKMAN ARUBOTH #414 1 A district laid under tribute to Solomon's commissariat: 1Ki 4:10 ARUMAH #415 1 A place near Shechem: Jud 9:41 ARVAD #416 1 An island near Zidon: Eze 27:8,11 ARVADITES #417 1 Descendants of Canaan: Ge 10:18; 1Ch 1:16; Eze 27:8,11 ARZA #418 1 A steward of Elah: 1Ki 16:9 ASA #419 1 King of Judah: 1Ki 15:8-24; 1Ch 3:10; 2Ch 14; 15; 16; Mt 1:7 2 A Levite: 1Ch 9:16 ASAHEL #420 1 Nephew of David, and one of his captains: 2Sa 2:18-24,32; 3:27; 23:24; 1Ch 2:16; 11:26; 27:7 2 A Levite, commissioned by Jehoshaphat to teach the law to Judah: 2Ch 17:8 3 A Levite, who had charge of tithes: 2Ch 31:13 4 Father of Jonathan: Ezr 10:15 ASAHIAH #421 1 An officer of King Josiah: 2Ki 22:12-20; 2Ch 34:20-28 ASAIAH #422 1 A descendant of Simeon: 1Ch 4:36 2 A Levite: 1Ch 6:30 2.1 Probably identical with a man of same name mentioned in: 1Ch 15:6,11 3 A Shilonite: 1Ch 9:5 ASAPH #423 1 Father of Joah: 2Ki 18:18; Isa 36:3,22 2 Son of Berachiah. One of the three leaders of music in David's organization of the tabernacle service: 1Ch 15:16-19; 16:5-7; 25:1-9; 2Ch 5:12; 35:15; Ne 12:46 2.1 Apointed to sound the cymbals in the temple choir: 1Ch 15:17,19; 16:5,7 2.2 A composer of sacred lyrics: 2Ch 29:13- 30 2.3 See titles of: Ps 50; 73; 74; 75; 76; 77; 78; 79; 80; 81; 82; 83 2.4 Descendants of, in the temple choir: 1Ch 25:1-9; 2Ch 20:14; 29:13; Ezr 2:41; 3:10; Ne 7:44; 11:22 3 A Levite, whose descendants lived in Jerusalem after the exile: 1Ch 9:15 4 A Kohath Levite: 1Ch 26:1 5 Keeper of forests: Ne 2:8 ASAREEL #424 1 Son of Jehaleleel: 1Ch 4:16 ASARELAH #425 1 One of the temple choir: 1Ch 25:2,14 2 Probably identical with AZAREEL: 1Ch 25:18 ASCENSION #426 1 Of Elijah: 2Ki 2:1-18 2 Of Jesus: Mr 16:19,20; Lu 24:50-53; Ac 1:9- 12 3 Of two witnesses: Re 11:12 ASCETICISM #427 1 (A philosophy that leads to severe austerities in subordinating the body to the control of the moral attributes of the mind) 2 Extreme application of 2.1 Rebuked by Jesus: Mt 11:19; Lu 7:34 2.2 Rebuked by Paul: Col 2:20-23; 1Ti 4:1-4,8 3 See STOICISM 4 INSTANCES OF THE PRACTICE OF 4.1 John the Baptist: Mt 11:18; Lu 7:33 4.2 Those who practiced celibacy "for the kingdom of heaven's sake,": Mt 19:12 ASENATH #428 1 Wife of Joseph: Ge 41:45,50; 46:20 ASER #429 1 See ASHER ASH #430 1 A tree: Isa 44:14 ASHAN #431 1 A Levitical city of Judah, later of Simeon: Jos 15:42; 19:7; 1Ch 4:32; 6:59 2 See AIN ASHBEA #432 1 A descendant of Shelah: 1Ch 4:21 ASHBEL #433 1 Son of Benjamin: Ge 46:21; Nu 26:38; 1Ch 8:1 ASHCHENAZ #434 1 See ASHKENAZ ASHDOD #435 1 A city of the Philistines: Jos 13:3; 1Sa 6:17; Am 3:9 2 Anakim inhabit: Jos 11:22 3 Assigned to Judah: Jos 15:47 4 Dagon's temple in, where the ark of the covenant was put temporarily: 1Sa 5 5 Conquest of, by Uzziah: 2Ch 26:6 6 Conquest by Tartan: Isa 20:1 7 People of, conspire against the Jews: Ne 4:7,8 8 Jews intermarry with: Ne 13:23,24 9 Prophecies concerning: Jer 25:20; Am 1:8; 9; Zep 2:4; Zec 9:6 10 Called AZOTUS: Ac 8:40 ASHDOTH-PISGAH #436 1 The water courses flowing from Mount Pisgah: De 3:17; 4:49; Jos 12:3; 13:20 ASHER #437 1 Son of Jacob, by Zilpah: Ge 30:13; 35:26; 49:20; Ex 1:4; 1Ch 2:2 1.1 Descendants of: Ge 46:17; Nu 26:44-47 2 Tribe of: Census of, by families: Nu 1:40,41; 26:44-47; 1Ch 7:40; 12:36 2.1 Station of, in camp: Nu 2:25,27 2.2 Prophecies concerning 2.2.1 By Moses: : De 33:24,25 2.2.2 By John: Re 7:6 2.3 Allotment to, of land in Canaan: Jos 19:24-31; Eze 48:2 2.4 Upbraided by Deborah: Jud 5:17 2.5 Summoned by Gideon: Jud 6:35; 7:23 2.6 Join Hezekiah: 2Ch 30:11 3 A city of Shechem: Jos 17:7; 1Ki 4:16 ASHES #438 1 Uses of, in purification: Nu 19:9,10,17; Heb 9:13 2 A symbol of mourning: 2Sa 13:19; Es 4:1,3 3 Sitting in: Job 2:8 4 Repenting in: Job 42:6; Da 9:3; Jon 3:6; Mt 11:21; Lu 10:13 5 Disguises in: 1Ki 20:38,41 ASHIMA #439 1 An idol: 2Ki 17:30 ASHKELON #440 1 Also called ASKELON 2 One of the five chief cities of the Philistines: Jos 13:3 3 Captured by the people of Judah: Jud 1:18 4 Samson kills thirty men of: Jud 14:19 5 Emerods (tumors, R. V.) of: 1Sa 6:17 6 Prophecies concerning: Jer 25:20; 47:5,7; Am 1:8; Zep 2:4,7; Zec 9:5 ASHKENAZ #441 1 Also called ASHCHENAZ 2 Son of Gomer: Ge 10:3; 1Ch 1:6 3 Descendants of: Jer 51:27 ASHNAH #442 1 Name of two towns in Judah: Jos 15:33,43 ASHPENAZ #443 1 A prince in Nebuchadnezzars court: Da 1:3 ASHRIEL #444 1 See ASRIEL ASHTAROTH #445 1 Plural form of ASHTORETH, which see 2 The capital city of Bashan: De 1:4; Jos 9:10 2.1 Giants lived at: Jos 12:4 2.2 Allotted to Manasseh: Jos 13:31; 1Ch 6:71 2.3 Possibly identical with ASHTEROTH KARNAIM, mentioned in: Ge 14:5 ASHTEROTH KARNAIM #446 1 An ancient city of Palestine taken by Chedorlaomer: Ge 14:5 ASHTORETH #447 1 An idol of the Philistines, Zidonians, and Phenicians. Probably identical with queen of heaven: Jer 7:18 2 Worshiped by Israelites: Jud 2:13; 10:6; 1Sa 7:3,4; 12:10; 1Ki 11:5,33; 2Ki 23:13 3 Temple of: 1Sa 31:10 4 High places of, at Jerusalem, destroyed: 2Ki 23:13 ASHUR #448 1 Son of Hezron: 1Ch 2:24; 4:5 ASHURITES #449 1 (Possibly GESHURITES): 2Sa 2:9; Eze 27:6 ASHVATH #450 1 Son of Japhlet: 1Ch 7:33 ASIA #451 1 Inhabitants of, in Jerusalem, at Pentecost: Ac 2:9; 21:27; 24:18 2 Paul and Silas forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach in: Ac 16:6 3 Gospel preached in, by Paul: Ac 19; 20:4 4 Paul leaves: Ac 20:16 5 The congregations of: 1Co 16:19; Re 1:4,11 ASIEL #452 1 Grandfather of Jehu: 1Ch 4:35 ASKELON #453 1 See ASHKELON ASNAH #454 1 Descendants of, return to Jerusalem: Ezr 2:50 ASNAPPER #455 1 A noble Assyrian prince, who colonized the cities of Samaria after the Israelites were taken captive to Assyria: Ezr 4:10 2 See SAMARIA ASP #456 1 A venomous serpent: De 32:33; Job 20:14,16; Isa 11:8; Ro 3:13 2 Venom of, illustrates the speech of the wicked: Ps 140:3; Ro 3:13 3 Injurious effects of wine: De 32:33; Pr 23:32 4 Deprived of venom, illustrates conversion: Isa 11:8,9 ASPATHA #457 1 Son of Haman: Es 9:7 ASPHALTUM #458 1 See SLIME 11

A Topic Guide A ASRIEL #459 1 Also called ASHRIEL, son of Manasseh: Jos 17:2; 1Ch 7:14 ASS (DONKEY) #460 1 DOMESTICATED 1.1 Herds of: Ge 12:16; 24:35; 32:5; 34:28; Nu 31:34,45; 1Ch 5:21; Ezr 2:67; Ne 7:69 1.2 Used for riding: Ge 22:3; Nu 22:21-33; Jos 15:18; Jud 1:14; 5:10; 1Sa 25:23; 2Ch 28:15; Zec 9:9 1.3 By Jesus: Mt 21:2,5; Lu 13:15; Joh 12:14,15; Zec 9:9 1.4 Carrying burdens: Ge 42:26; 2Sa 16:1; Isa 30:6 1.5 Drawing chariots: Isa 21:7 1.6 For food: 2Ki 6:25 1.7 Not to be yoked with an ox: De 22:10 1.8 Rest on the Sabbath: Ex 23:12 1.9 Bridles for: Pr 26:3 1.10 Jawbone of, used by Samson with which to kill Philistines: Jud 15:15-17 1.11 FIRSTLINGS OF redeemed: Ex 13:13; 34:20 2 WILD: Job 6:5; 24:5; 39:5; Ps 104:11; Isa 32:14; Jer 2:24; 14:6; Ho 8:9 ASSASSINATION #461 1 David's abhorrence of: 2Sa 4:9-12 2 Laws prohibiting: De 27:24 3 INSTANCES OF 3.1 Of Eglon, by Ehud: Jud 3:15-22 3.2 Abner, by Joab: 2Sa 3:27 3.3 Ish-bosheth, by the sons of Rimmon: 2Sa 4:5-7 3.4 Amnon, by Absalom: 2Sa 13:28,29 3.5 Amasa, by Joab: 2Sa 20:9,10 3.6 Joash, by his servants: 2Ki 12:20 3.7 Sennacherib, by his sons: 2Ki 19:37; Isa 37:38 ASSAULT AND BATTERY #462 1 LAWS CONCERNING: Ex 21:15,18,22-27; De 17:8-12; Mt 5:38,39 2 STRIKING JESUS 2.1 Prophecies of: Isa 50:6; La 3:30 2.2 The attacks upon: Mt 26:67; 27:30; Mr 14:65; Lu 22:63; Joh 19:3 2.3 See STRIPES 2.4 See STONING ASSHUR #463 1 Son of Shem, and ancestor of the Assyrians: Ge 10:11,22; 1Ch 1:17; Eze 32:22 2 See ASSYRIA ASSHURIM #464 1 Descendants of Dedan: Ge 25:3 ASSIR #465 1 Son of Korah: Ex 6:24; 1Ch 6:22 2 Son of Ebiasaph: 1Ch 6:23,37 3 Son of Jeconiah: 1Ch 3:17 ASSOS #466 1 A seaport in Mysia: Ac 20:13,14 ASSURANCE #467 1 Produced by faith: Eph 3:12; 2Ti 1:12; Heb 10:22 2 Made full by hope: Heb 6:11,19 3 Confirmed by love: 1Jo 3:14,19; 4:18 4 Is the effect of righteousness: Isa 32:17 5 Is abundant in the understanding of the gospel: Col 2:2; 1Th 1:5 6 SAINTS PRIVILEGED TO HAVE 6.1 Of their election: Ps 4:3; 1Th 1:4 6.2 Their redemption: Job 19:25 6.3 Their adoption: Ro 8:16; 1Jo 3:2 6.4 Their salvation: Isa 12:2 6.5 Eternal life: 1Jo 5:13 6.6 The unalienable love of God: Ro 8:38,39 6.7 Union with God and Christ: 1Co 6:15; 2Co 13:5; Eph 5:30; 1Jo 2:5; 4:13 6.8 Peace with God by Christ: Ro 5:1 6.9 Preservation: Ps 3:6; 8; 27:3-5; 46:1-3 6.10 Answers to prayer: 1Jo 3:22; 5:14,15 6.11 Comfort in affliction: Ps 73:26; Lu 4:18; 2Co 4:8-10,16-18 6.12 Continuance in grace: Php 1:6 6.13 A support in death: Ps 23:4 6.14 A glorious resurrection: Job 19:26; Ps 17:15; Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2 12 6.15 A kingdom: Heb 12:28; Re 5:10 6.16 A crown: 2Ti 4:7,8; Jas 1:12 6.17 Saints give diligence to attain: 2Pe 1:10,11 6.18 Strive to maintain: Heb 3:14,18 6.19 Confident hope in God restores: Ps 42:11 6.20 Exemplified 6.20.1 By David: : Ps 23:4; 73:24-26 6.20.2 By Paul: 2Ti 1:12; 4:18 6.21 See FAITH ASSYRIA #468 1 An empire founded by Nimrod: Ge 10:8-12; Mic 5:6 2 It extended from east of the Tigris: Ge 2:14; 10:11 3 Possibly to Egypt: Ge 25:18 4 Its armies invade the land of Israel under Pul: 2Ki 15:19; 1Ch 5:26 5 Tiglath: 2Ki 15:29; 1Ch 5:6,26 6 Shalmaneser: 2Ki 17:3-6,24-27; 18:9-12; Jer 50:17 7 Sennacherib: 2Ki 18:13-37; 19; 2Ch 32; Isa 36; 37 8 Army of, destroyed by the angel of the Lord: Isa 37:36 9 Alliances with, sought by Judah and Israel: Ho 5:13 10 Israelites subject to: La 5:6 11 Israelites carried captive into: 2Ki 17:3-23 12 Jews carried captive to: 2Ki 24; 25; 2Ch 36:5-21 13 Invaded by Pharaoh-necho: 2Ki 23:29 14 Commerce of: Eze 27:23 15 Productiveness of: Isa 36:17 16 Prophecies concerning: Isa 7:17-25; 8:4- 10; 10:5-34; 14:24-28; 19:23-25; 20; 30:27-33; 31:8,9; 37:21-35; Jer 1:15; Eze 31; Jon 3:1-4; Na 1; 2; 3; Zep 2:13-15; Zec 10:11 17 Prophecies of captivity of Israelites in: Ho 9:3; 11:5,11 18 Idols of 19 See ADRAMMELECK 20 See ANAMMELECH 21 See NISROCH 22 See TARTAK ASTROLOGY #469 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 47:13; Jer 10:1,2; Da 1:20; 2:27; 4:7; 5:7 2 See ASTRONOMY 3 See SORCERY ASTRONOMY #470 1 General scriptures concerning: Job 26:7,13; 37:18; 38:31-33; Ps 8:3; 19:1-6; 68:33; 136:5-9; Isa 13:10; 40:22,26; 47:13; Jer 31:35- 37; 33:22; Am 5:8; 1Co 15:41; Jude 1:13 2 SIDEREAL PHENOMENA: Jos 10:12-14; Job 9:6-9; Ec 1:5; Isa 13:13; 34:4; Eze 32:7,8; Mt 24:29,35; 27:45; Mr 13:24,25; Lu 21:25; 23:44,45; Ac 2:19,20; 2Pe 3:10; Re 6:12-14; 8:10-12; 9:1,2; 10:1,2; 12:3,4; 13:13; 16:8,9; 19:11-14; 21:1 2.1 See CONSTELLATIONS 2.2 See ECLIPSE 2.3 See HEAVEN 2.4 See METEOROLOGY 2.5 See MOON 2.6 See STARS 2.7 See SUN ASUPPIM #471 1 A gate of the temple: 1Ch 26:15,17 ASYNCRITUS #472 1 A disciple at Rome: Ro 16:14 ATAD #473 1 The place where the sons of Jacob mourned for their father: Ge 50:10,11 ATARAH #474 1 Wife of Jerahmeel: 1Ch 2:26 ATAROTH #475 1 Also called ATROTH 2 A city east of the Jordan River: Nu 32:3,34 3 A city, or possibly two different cities, of Ephraim: Jos 16:2,5,7; 18:13 4 A city of Judah: 1Ch 2:54 4.1 Called ATROTH-BETH-JOAB (R. V.) 5 A city of Gad: Nu 32:35 ATAROTH-ADAR #476 1 Also called ATAROTH-ADDAR 2 See ATAROTH, number two ATER #477 1 A descendant of Hezekiah, who returned from Babylon: Ezr 2:16; Ne 7:21 2 A porter: Ezr 2:42; Ne 7:45 3 An Israelite, who subscribed to Nehemiah's covenant: Ne 10:17 ATHACH #478 1 A city of Judah: 1Sa 30:30 ATHAIAH #479 1 Perhaps identical with ASAIAH: Ne 11:4 ATHALIAH #480 1 Wife of Jehoram, king of Judah: 2Ki 8:18,26; 11:1-3,12-16,20; 2Ch 22:10-12; 23:12- 15,21 2 Son of Jehoram: 1Ch 8:26 3 Father of Jeshaiah: Ezr 8:7 ATHEISM #481 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 14:1; 53:1 2 ARGUMENTS AGAINST: Job 12:7-25; Ro 1:19,20 2.1 See GOD 2.2 See FAITH 2.3 See UNBELIEF ATHENS #482 1 A city of Greece: Ac 17:15-34; 1Th 3:1 ATHLAI #483 1 A son of Bebai: Ezr 10:28 ATOMS OF MATTER #484 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 8:26 ATONEMENT #485 1 For tabernacle and furniture: Le 16:15- 20,33 2 In consummation of the Levites: Nu 8:21 3 For those defiled by the dead: Nu 6:11 4 Made for houses: Le 14:53 5 For sin, see below 6 By meat offerings: Le 5:11-13 7 By jewels: Nu 31:50 8 By money: Ex 30:12-16; Le 5:15,16; 2Ki 12:16 9 By incense: Nu 16:46-50 10 By animals, see below 11 By Jesus, see below 12 DAY OF 12.1 Time of: Ex 30:10; Le 23:27; 25:9; Nu 29:7 12.2 How observed: Ex 30:10; Le 16:2-34; 23:27-32; Nu 29:7-11; Ac 27:9; Heb 5:3; 9:7,19,22 13 MADE BY ANIMAL SACRIFICES: Ex 29:36; 30:12-16; Le 1:4; 4:20,22-35; 5:6-10; 6:7; 9:7; 10:17; 12:6-8; 14:12-32; 16:6,10,11,15- 19,24-34; 17:11; 19:22; Nu 15:22-28; 28:22,30; 29:5,10,11; Heb 9:22 14 MADE BY JESUS 14.1 Divinely ordained: Lu 2:30,31; Ga 4:4,5; Eph 1:3-12,17-22; 2:4-10; Col 1:19,20; 1Pe 1:20; Re 13:8 14.2 A mystery: 1Co 2:7 14.3 With context: 1Pe 1:8-12 14.4 Made but once: Heb 7:27; 9:24-28; 10:10,12,14; 1Pe 3:18 14.5 Redemption by: Mt 20:28; Ac 20:28; Ga 3:13; 1Ti 2:6; Heb 9:12; Re 5:9 14.6 Typified: Ge 4:4; with Heb 11:4; Ge 22:2; with Heb 11:17,19; Ex 12:5,11,14; with 1Co 5:7; Ex 24:8; with Heb 9:20; Le 16:30,34; with Heb 9:7,12,28; Le 17:11; with Heb 9:22 14.7 See SALVATION, PLAN OF 15 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Ps 40:6,7; Isa 53:4-12; Da 9:24-27; Zec 13:1; Mt 26:28; Lu 22:20; 24:46,47; Joh 1:29,36; 6:51; 11:49-51; Ac 17:2,3; 20:28; Ro 3:24-26; 4:25; 5:1,2,6-11,15-21; 1Co 1:17,18,23,24; 15:3; 2Co 5:18,19; Ga 1:3,4; 4:4,5; Eph 1:7; 2:13-18; 5:2,25; Col 1:14,19-22; 1Th 5:9,10; 1Ti 2:5,6; Tit 2:14; Heb 1:3; 2:9,17; 9:12-15,25,26; 10:1-20; 12:24; 13:12,20,21; 1Pe 1:18-20; 2:24; 3:18; 1Jo 1:7; 2:2; 3:5; 4:10; 5:6; Re 1:5; 5:9; 7:14; 12:11 15.1 See BLOOD 15.2 See JESUS, DEATH OF 15.3 See JESUS, MISSION OF 15.4 See JESUS, SUFFERINGS OF 15.5 See REDEMPTION 15.6 See SALVATION ATROPHY #486 1 Of the hand: Mt 12:10-13 ATTAI #487 1 A Gadite warrior: 1Ch 12:11 2 Son of Rehoboam: 2Ch 11:20 3 Grandson of Sheshan: 1Ch 2:35,36 ATTALIA #488 1 A seaport of Pamphylia: Ac 14:25 ATTORNEY #489 1 Employed: Ac 24:1,2 2 See LAWYER ATTRIBUTES OF GOD #490 1 See GOD AUGUSTUS #491 1 An important Roman emperor: Lu 2:1; Ac 25:21,25; 27:1 AVA #492 1 Also called IVAH 2 A district near Babylon: 2Ki 17:24; 18:34; 19:13 3 See: Ezr 4:9 AVARICE #493 1 General scriptures concerning: Ec 4:7,8; 5:10,11; 1Ti 3:2,3; 6:5,10; Tit 1:7 2 See COVETOUSNESS 3 See RICH 4 See RICHES 5 INSTANCES OF 5.1 The descendants of Joseph: Jos 17:14- 18 AVEN #494 1 "The plain of the Sun,": Am 1:5 2 Another name for ON: Eze 30:17 3 BETH-AVEN: Ho 10:8 AVENGER OF BLOOD #495 1 Premosaic: Ge 9:5,6 2 Cain fears: Ge 4:14,15 3 Lamech fears: Ge 4:24 4 Law concerning, set aside. by David: 2Sa 14:4-11 5 See HOMICIDE 6 FIGURATIVE 7 SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Ge 9:5,6; Nu 35:19-29; De 19:4-13; Jos 20:1-9 AVIM #496 1 A city of Benjamin: Jos 18:23 2 A tribe in southern Palestine 2.1 See AVITES AVITES #497 1 A nation in southern part of Canaan: De 2:23; Jos 13:3 2 Colonists of Samaria: 2Ki 17:31 AVITH #498 1 Capital city of the Edomites: Ge 36:35; 1Ch 1:46 AWL #499 1 A tool: Ex 21:6; De 15:17 AX #500 1 An implement: De 19:5; 1Sa 13:20,21; 2Sa 12:31; Ps 74:5,6 2 Elisha causes to swim: 2Ki 6:5,6 3 Battle-ax: Eze 26:9 4 FIGURATIVE: Jer 46:22; 51:20; Mt 3:10 AXLETREE #501 1 Part of a wheeled vehicle: 1Ki 7:32,33 AZAL #502 1 A place near Jerusalem: Zec 14:5

A Topic <strong>Guide</strong> A<br />

ARSON #408<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 74:7,8<br />

2 Law concerning: Ex 22:6<br />


3.1 By Samson: Jud 15:4,5<br />

3.2 By Absalom: 2Sa 14:30<br />

3.3 By Zimri: 1Ki 16:18<br />

ART #409<br />


1.1 Invention of musical instruments <strong>and</strong><br />

instruments of iron <strong>and</strong> copper (A. V., brass):<br />

Ge 4:21,22<br />

1.2 Carpentry: Ge 6:14-16; Ex 31:2-9<br />

1.3 Of <strong>the</strong> apo<strong>the</strong>cary or perfumer: Ex<br />

30:25,35<br />

1.4 Of <strong>the</strong> armorer: 1Sa 8:12<br />

1.5 Of <strong>the</strong> baker: Ge 40:1; 1Sa 8:13<br />

1.6 Of <strong>the</strong> <strong>bar</strong>ber: Isa 7:20; Eze 5:1<br />

1.7 Of <strong>the</strong> brickmaker: Ge 11:3; Ex 5:7,8,18<br />

1.8 Of <strong>the</strong> calker: Eze 27:9,27<br />

1.9 Of compounding confections: 1Sa 8:13<br />

1.10 Of <strong>the</strong> gardener: Jer 29:5; Joh 20:15<br />

1.11 Of <strong>the</strong> goldsmith: Isa 40:19<br />

1.12 Of <strong>the</strong> mariner: Eze 27:8,9<br />

1.13 Of <strong>the</strong> mason: 2Sa 5:11; 2Ch 24:12<br />

1.14 Of <strong>the</strong> musician: 1Sa 18:6; 1Ch 15:16<br />

1.15 Of <strong>the</strong> potter: Isa 64:8; Jer 18:3; La 4:2;<br />

Zec 11:13<br />

1.16 Of <strong>the</strong> refiner of metals: 1Ch 28:18; Mal<br />

3:2,3<br />

1.17 Of <strong>the</strong> ropemaker: Jud 16:11<br />

1.18 Of <strong>the</strong> stonecutter: Ex 20:25; 1Ch 22:15<br />

1.19 Of <strong>the</strong> shipbuilder: 1Ki 9:26<br />

1.20 Of <strong>the</strong> smelter of metals: Job 28:2<br />

1.21 Of <strong>the</strong> spinner: Ex 35:25; Pr 31:19<br />

1.22 Of <strong>the</strong> tailor: Ex 28:3<br />

1.23 Of <strong>the</strong> tanner: Ac 9:43; 10:6<br />

1.24 Of <strong>the</strong> tentmaker: Ge 4:20; Ac 18:3<br />

1.25 Of <strong>the</strong> weaver: Ex 35:35; Joh 19:23<br />

1.26 Of <strong>the</strong> winemaker: Ne 13:15; Isa 63:3<br />

1.27 Of <strong>the</strong> writer: Jud 5:14<br />


2.1 Jubal: Ge 4:21<br />

2.2 Tubal-cain: Ge 4:22<br />

2.3 Bezaleel <strong>and</strong> Aholiab: Ex 31:2-14; 35:30-<br />

35<br />

2.4 Hiram: 1Ki 7:13-51; 2Ch 2:13,14<br />

2.5 For <strong>the</strong> various arts practised, <strong>and</strong><br />

products manufactured, in ancient times<br />

2.6 See APOTHECARY<br />

2.7 See BEATEN WORK<br />

2.8 See BRASS<br />

2.9 See BREAD<br />

2.10 See BRICK<br />

2.11 See CARPENTRY<br />

2.12 See CARVING<br />

2.13 See CONFECTIONER<br />

2.14 See COPPER<br />

2.15 See DRAWING<br />

2.16 See DYEING<br />

2.17 See EMBROIDERY<br />

2.18 See ENGRAVING<br />

2.19 See FULLER<br />

2.20 See GOLDSMITH<br />

2.21 See LAPIDARY<br />

2.22 See LEATHER<br />

2.23 See LIME<br />

2.24 See MASON<br />

2.25 See MASTER WORKMAN<br />

2.26 See MOLDING<br />

2.27 See MUSIC<br />

2.28 See PAINTING<br />

2.29 See PAPER<br />

2.30 See PARCHMENT<br />

2.31 See PICTURES<br />

2.32 See POTTERY<br />

2.33 See ROPES<br />

2.34 See SHIPS<br />

2.35 See SILK<br />

2.36 See SILVERSMITH<br />

2.37 See SMITH<br />

2.38 See SOAP<br />

2.39 See SPINNING<br />

2.40 See SUN-DIAL<br />

2.41 See TAPESTRY<br />

2.42 See TAILORING<br />

2.43 See TENTS<br />

2.44 See WEAVING<br />

2.45 See WINE<br />

ARTAXERXES #410<br />

1 A Persian king probably identical with<br />


1.1 Prohibits <strong>the</strong> rebuilding of Jerusalem:<br />

Ezr 4:7-24<br />

2 King of Persia. Decree of, in behalf of <strong>the</strong><br />

Jews: Ezr 7; Ne 2; 5:14<br />

ARTEMAS #411<br />

1 A companion of Paul: Tit 3:12<br />

ARTILLERY #412<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 20:40<br />

2 See ARMS<br />

ARTISAN #413<br />

1 See ART<br />


ARUBOTH #414<br />

1 A district laid under tribute to Solomon's<br />

commissariat: 1Ki 4:10<br />

ARUMAH #415<br />

1 A place near Shechem: Jud 9:41<br />

ARVAD #416<br />

1 An isl<strong>and</strong> near Zidon: Eze 27:8,11<br />

ARVADITES #417<br />

1 Descendants of Canaan: Ge 10:18; 1Ch<br />

1:16; Eze 27:8,11<br />

ARZA #418<br />

1 A steward of Elah: 1Ki 16:9<br />

ASA #419<br />

1 King of Judah: 1Ki 15:8-24; 1Ch 3:10; 2Ch<br />

14; 15; 16; Mt 1:7<br />

2 A Levite: 1Ch 9:16<br />

ASAHEL #420<br />

1 Nephew of David, <strong>and</strong> one of his captains:<br />

2Sa 2:18-24,32; 3:27; 23:24; 1Ch 2:16; 11:26;<br />

27:7<br />

2 A Levite, commissioned by Jehoshaphat<br />

to teach <strong>the</strong> law to Judah: 2Ch 17:8<br />

3 A Levite, who had charge of ti<strong>the</strong>s: 2Ch<br />

31:13<br />

4 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Jonathan: Ezr 10:15<br />

ASAHIAH #421<br />

1 An officer of King Josiah: 2Ki 22:12-20;<br />

2Ch 34:20-28<br />

ASAIAH #422<br />

1 A descendant of Simeon: 1Ch 4:36<br />

2 A Levite: 1Ch 6:30<br />

2.1 Probably identical with a man of same<br />

name mentioned in: 1Ch 15:6,11<br />

3 A Shilonite: 1Ch 9:5<br />

ASAPH #423<br />

1 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Joah: 2Ki 18:18; Isa 36:3,22<br />

2 Son of Berachiah. One of <strong>the</strong> three leaders<br />

of music in David's organization of <strong>the</strong><br />

tabernacle service: 1Ch 15:16-19; 16:5-7;<br />

25:1-9; 2Ch 5:12; 35:15; Ne 12:46<br />

2.1 Apointed to sound <strong>the</strong> cymbals in <strong>the</strong><br />

temple choir: 1Ch 15:17,19; 16:5,7<br />

2.2 A composer of sacred lyrics: 2Ch 29:13-<br />

30<br />

2.3 See titles of: Ps 50; 73; 74; 75; 76; 77; 78;<br />

79; 80; 81; 82; 83<br />

2.4 Descendants of, in <strong>the</strong> temple choir: 1Ch<br />

25:1-9; 2Ch 20:14; 29:13; Ezr 2:41; 3:10; Ne<br />

7:44; 11:22<br />

3 A Levite, whose descendants lived in<br />

Jerusalem after <strong>the</strong> exile: 1Ch 9:15<br />

4 A Kohath Levite: 1Ch 26:1<br />

5 Keeper of forests: Ne 2:8<br />

ASAREEL #424<br />

1 Son of Jehaleleel: 1Ch 4:16<br />

ASARELAH #425<br />

1 One of <strong>the</strong> temple choir: 1Ch 25:2,14<br />

2 Probably identical with AZAREEL: 1Ch<br />

25:18<br />

ASCENSION #426<br />

1 Of Elijah: 2Ki 2:1-18<br />

2 Of Jesus: Mr 16:19,20; Lu 24:50-53; Ac 1:9-<br />

12<br />

3 Of two witnesses: Re 11:12<br />

ASCETICISM #427<br />

1 (A philosophy that leads to severe<br />

austerities in subordinating <strong>the</strong> body to <strong>the</strong><br />

control of <strong>the</strong> moral attributes of <strong>the</strong> mind)<br />

2 Extreme application of<br />

2.1 Rebuked by Jesus: Mt 11:19; Lu 7:34<br />

2.2 Rebuked by Paul: Col 2:20-23; 1Ti 4:1-4,8<br />

3 See STOICISM<br />


4.1 John <strong>the</strong> Baptist: Mt 11:18; Lu 7:33<br />

4.2 Those who practiced celibacy "for <strong>the</strong><br />

kingdom of heaven's sake,": Mt 19:12<br />

ASENATH #428<br />

1 Wife of Joseph: Ge 41:45,50; 46:20<br />

ASER #429<br />

1 See ASHER<br />

ASH #430<br />

1 A tree: Isa 44:14<br />

ASHAN #431<br />

1 A Levitical city of Judah, later of Simeon:<br />

Jos 15:42; 19:7; 1Ch 4:32; 6:59<br />

2 See AIN<br />

ASHBEA #432<br />

1 A descendant of Shelah: 1Ch 4:21<br />

ASHBEL #433<br />

1 Son of Benjamin: Ge 46:21; Nu 26:38; 1Ch<br />

8:1<br />

ASHCHENAZ #434<br />

1 See ASHKENAZ<br />

ASHDOD #435<br />

1 A city of <strong>the</strong> Philistines: Jos 13:3; 1Sa 6:17;<br />

Am 3:9<br />

2 Anakim inhabit: Jos 11:22<br />

3 Assigned to Judah: Jos 15:47<br />

4 Dagon's temple in, where <strong>the</strong> ark of <strong>the</strong><br />

covenant was put temporarily: 1Sa 5<br />

5 Conquest of, by Uzziah: 2Ch 26:6<br />

6 Conquest by Tartan: Isa 20:1<br />

7 People of, conspire against <strong>the</strong> Jews: Ne<br />

4:7,8<br />

8 Jews intermarry with: Ne 13:23,24<br />

9 Prophecies concerning: Jer 25:20; Am 1:8;<br />

9; Zep 2:4; Zec 9:6<br />

10 Called AZOTUS: Ac 8:40<br />


1 The water courses flowing from Mount<br />

Pisgah: De 3:17; 4:49; Jos 12:3; 13:20<br />

ASHER #437<br />

1 Son of Jacob, by Zilpah: Ge 30:13; 35:26;<br />

49:20; Ex 1:4; 1Ch 2:2<br />

1.1 Descendants of: Ge 46:17; Nu 26:44-47<br />

2 Tribe of: Census of, by families: Nu<br />

1:40,41; 26:44-47; 1Ch 7:40; 12:36<br />

2.1 Station of, in camp: Nu 2:25,27<br />

2.2 Prophecies concerning<br />

2.2.1 By Moses: : De 33:24,25<br />

2.2.2 By John: Re 7:6<br />

2.3 Allotment to, of l<strong>and</strong> in Canaan: Jos<br />

19:24-31; Eze 48:2<br />

2.4 Upbraided by Deborah: Jud 5:17<br />

2.5 Summoned by Gideon: Jud 6:35; 7:23<br />

2.6 Join Hezekiah: 2Ch 30:11<br />

3 A city of Shechem: Jos 17:7; 1Ki 4:16<br />

ASHES #438<br />

1 Uses of, in purification: Nu 19:9,10,17; Heb<br />

9:13<br />

2 A symbol of mourning: 2Sa 13:19; Es 4:1,3<br />

3 Sitting in: Job 2:8<br />

4 Repenting in: Job 42:6; Da 9:3; Jon 3:6; Mt<br />

11:21; Lu 10:13<br />

5 Disguises in: 1Ki 20:38,41<br />

ASHIMA #439<br />

1 An idol: 2Ki 17:30<br />

ASHKELON #440<br />

1 Also called ASKELON<br />

2 One of <strong>the</strong> five chief cities of <strong>the</strong><br />

Philistines: Jos 13:3<br />

3 Captured by <strong>the</strong> people of Judah: Jud 1:18<br />

4 Samson kills thirty men of: Jud 14:19<br />

5 Emerods (tumors, R. V.) of: 1Sa 6:17<br />

6 Prophecies concerning: Jer 25:20; 47:5,7;<br />

Am 1:8; Zep 2:4,7; Zec 9:5<br />

ASHKENAZ #441<br />

1 Also called ASHCHENAZ<br />

2 Son of Gomer: Ge 10:3; 1Ch 1:6<br />

3 Descendants of: Jer 51:27<br />

ASHNAH #442<br />

1 Name of two towns in Judah: Jos 15:33,43<br />

ASHPENAZ #443<br />

1 A prince in Nebuchadnezzars court: Da 1:3<br />

ASHRIEL #444<br />

1 See ASRIEL<br />

ASHTAROTH #445<br />

1 Plural form of ASHTORETH, which see<br />

2 The capital city of Bashan: De 1:4; Jos 9:10<br />

2.1 Giants lived at: Jos 12:4<br />

2.2 Allotted to Manasseh: Jos 13:31; 1Ch<br />

6:71<br />

2.3 Possibly identical with ASHTEROTH<br />

KARNAIM, mentioned in: Ge 14:5<br />


#446<br />

1 An ancient city of Palestine taken by<br />

Chedorlaomer: Ge 14:5<br />

ASHTORETH #447<br />

1 An idol of <strong>the</strong> Philistines, Zidonians, <strong>and</strong><br />

Phenicians. Probably identical with queen of<br />

heaven: Jer 7:18<br />

2 Worshiped by Israelites: Jud 2:13; 10:6;<br />

1Sa 7:3,4; 12:10; 1Ki 11:5,33; 2Ki 23:13<br />

3 Temple of: 1Sa 31:10<br />

4 High places of, at Jerusalem, destroyed:<br />

2Ki 23:13<br />

ASHUR #448<br />

1 Son of Hezron: 1Ch 2:24; 4:5<br />

ASHURITES #449<br />

1 (Possibly GESHURITES): 2Sa 2:9; Eze 27:6<br />

ASHVATH #450<br />

1 Son of Japhlet: 1Ch 7:33<br />

ASIA #451<br />

1 Inhabitants of, in Jerusalem, at Pentecost:<br />

Ac 2:9; 21:27; 24:18<br />

2 Paul <strong>and</strong> Silas forbidden by <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit<br />

to preach in: Ac 16:6<br />

3 Gospel preached in, by Paul: Ac 19; 20:4<br />

4 Paul leaves: Ac 20:16<br />

5 The congregations of: 1Co 16:19; Re 1:4,11<br />

ASIEL #452<br />

1 Gr<strong>and</strong>fa<strong>the</strong>r of Jehu: 1Ch 4:35<br />

ASKELON #453<br />

1 See ASHKELON<br />

ASNAH #454<br />

1 Descendants of, return to Jerusalem: Ezr<br />

2:50<br />

ASNAPPER #455<br />

1 A noble Assyrian prince, who colonized<br />

<strong>the</strong> cities of Samaria after <strong>the</strong> Israelites were<br />

taken captive to Assyria: Ezr 4:10<br />

2 See SAMARIA<br />

ASP #456<br />

1 A venomous serpent: De 32:33; Job<br />

20:14,16; Isa 11:8; Ro 3:13<br />

2 Venom of, illustrates <strong>the</strong> speech of <strong>the</strong><br />

wicked: Ps 140:3; Ro 3:13<br />

3 Injurious effects of wine: De 32:33; Pr<br />

23:32<br />

4 Deprived of venom, illustrates conversion:<br />

Isa 11:8,9<br />

ASPATHA #457<br />

1 Son of Haman: Es 9:7<br />

ASPHALTUM #458<br />

1 See SLIME<br />


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