Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


A Topic Guide A AMPHIPOLIS #270 1 A city of Macedonia: Ac 17:1 AMPLIAS #271 1 A disciple, Paul sends greeting to: Ro 16:8 AMRAM #272 1 Father of Moses: Ex 6:18; 20; Nu 26:58,59; 1Ch 6:3,18; 23:12,13 1.1 Head of one of the branches of Levites: Nu 3:19,27; 1Ch 26:23 1.2 Age of, at death: Ex 6:20 2 Son of Bani: Ezr 10:34 3 Son of Dishon: 1Ch 1:41 AMRAPHEL #273 1 King of Shinar: Ge 14:1,9 AMUSEMENTS AND WORLDLY PLEASURES #274 1 Belong to the works of the flesh: Ga 5:19,21 2 Are transitory: Job 21:12,13; Heb 11:25 3 Vain: Ec 2:11 4 Choke the word of God in the heart: Lu 8:14 5 Formed a part of idolatrous worship: Ex 32:4,6,19; with 1Co 10:7; Jud 16:23-25 6 Lead to rejection of God: Job 21:14,15 7 Poverty: Pr 21:17 8 Disregard of the judgments and works of God: Isa 5:12; Am 6:1-6 9 Terminate in sorrow: Pr 14:13 10 Lead to greater evil: Job 1:5; Mt 14:6-8 11 The wicked seek for happiness in: Ec 2:1,8 12 Indulgence in is 12.1 A proof of folly: Ec 7:4 13 A characteristic of the wicked: Isa 47:8; Eph 4:17,19; 2Ti 3:4; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 4:3 14 A proof of spiritual death: 1Ti 5:6 15 An abuse of riches: Jas 5:1,5 16 Wisdom of abstaining from: Ec 7:2,3 17 Shunned by the primitive saints: 1Pe 4:3 18 Abstinence from, seems strange to the wicked: 1Pe 4:4 19 Denounced by God: Isa 5:11,12 20 Exclude from the kingdom of God: Ga 5:21 21 Punishment of: Ec 11:9; 2Pe 2:13 22 Renunciation of, exemplified by Moses: Heb 11:25 23 See DANCING 24 See GAMES 25 See PLEASURE, WORLDLY 26 See WORLDLINESS AMZI #275 1 A Levite: 1Ch 6:46 2 A priest: Ne 11:12 ANAB #276 1 A city of Canaan: Jos 11:21; 15:50 ANAH #277 1 Son of Seir: Ge 36:20,24,29; 1Ch 1:38 2 Father-in-law or mother-in-law of Esau. An error of copyist, probably, calls him daughter, instead of son, of Zibeon, the Hivite: Ge 36:2,14,24 2.1 Called also BEERI: Ge 26:34 ANAHARATH #278 1 City on the border of Issachar: Jos 19:19 ANAIAH #279 1 A priest, probably, who stood by Ezra while reading the law: Ne 8:4; 10:22 ANAK #280 1 Father of three giants: Jos 15:13,14; 21:11 ANAKIM #281 1 A race of giants: Nu 13:28-33; De 1:28; 2:10; 9:2 2 Defeated by Joshua: Jos 11:21,22 3 Defeated by Caleb: Jos 14:12,15; 15:13,14; Jud 1:20 4 See HEBRON ANAMIM #282 1 A tribe descended from Mizraim: Ge 10:13; 1Ch 1:11 ANAMMELECH #283 1 An Assyrian idol: 2Ki 17:31 ANAN #284 1 A Jew, returned from Babylonian captivity: Ne 10:26 ANANI #285 1 A descendant of David: 1Ch 3:24 ANANIAH #286 1 Son of Manseiah: Ne 3:23; 8:4 2 Town of Benjamin: Ne 11:32 ANANIAS #287 1 High priest, before whom Paul was tried: Ac 23:2-5; 24:1; 25:2 2 A covetous member of church at Jerusalem. Falsehood and death of: Ac 5:1-11 3 A Christian in Damascus: Ac 9:10-18; 22:12-16 ANARCHY #288 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 3:5-8; Ga 5:13,14; 2Pe 2:10-19; Jude 1:8-13 ANATH #289 1 Father of Shamgar: Jud 3:31 ANATHEMA MARAN-ATHA #290 1 General scriptures concerning: 1Co 16:22 2 See CURSE ANATHOTH #291 1 City of refuge in Benjamin: Jos 21:11; 1Ch 6:60 1.1 Abiathar confined in: 1Ki 2:26 1.2 Birthplace of Jeremiah: Jer 1:1; 32:7-12 1.3 Birthplace of Abiezer: 2Sa 23:27 1.4 Birthplace of Jehu: 1Ch 12:3 1.5 Prophecies against: Jer 11:21-23 1.6 Inhabitants of, Babylonian captivity: Ezr 2:23; Ne 7:27 2 Son of Becher: 1Ch 7:8 3 A Jew, who returned from Babylon: Ne 10:19 ANATOMY #292 1 Human: Job 10:11 ANCHOR #293 1 General scriptures concerning: Ac 27:29,30 2 FIGURATIVE: Heb 6:19 ANCIENT OF DAYS #294 1 An appellate of Jehovah: Da 7:9,13,22 ANDREW #295 1 An apostle. A fisherman: Mt 4:18 2 Of Bethsaida: Joh 1:44 3 A disciple of John: Joh 1:40 4 Finds Peter, his brother, and brings him to Jesus: Joh 1:40-42 5 Call of: Mt 4:19; Mr 1:16 6 His name appears in the list of the apostles in: Mt 10:2; Mr 3:18; Lu 6:14 7 Asks the Master privately about the destruction of the temple: Mr 13:3,4 8 Tells Jesus of the Greeks who sought to see him: Joh 12:20-22 9 Reports the number of loaves at the feeding of the five thousand: Joh 6:8 10 Meets with the disciples after the Lord's ascension: Ac 1:13 ANDRONICUS #296 1 Kinsman of Paul: Ro 16:7 ANEM #297 1 A Levitical city: 1Ch 6:73 ANER #298 1 A Canaanitish chief: Ge 14:13,24 2 A Levitical city of Manasseh: 1Ch 6:70 ANGEL (a spirit) #299 1 A CELESTIAL SPIRIT 1.1 Called ANGEL OF THE LORD: Mt 1:20,24; 2:13,19; 28:2; Lu 1:11; Ac 5:19; 7:30,35; 8:26; 12:7,23 1.2 Called MORNING STARS: Job 38:7 1.3 Hosts: Ge 2:1; 32:2; Jos 5:14; 1Ch 12:22; Ps 33:6; 103:21; Lu 2:13 1.4 Called PRINCIPALITIES, POWERS: Eph 3:10; Col 1:16 1.5 Created: Ge 2:1; Ne 9:6; Col 1:16 1.6 Of different orders: Isa 6:2; 1Th 4:16; 1Pe 3:22; Jude 1:9; Re 12:7 1.7 Immortal: Lu 20:36 1.8 Worship God: Ne 9:6; Php 2:9-11; Heb 1:6 1.9 Not to be worshiped: Col 2:18; Re 19:10; 22:8,9 1.10 Do not marry: Mt 22:30; Mr 12:25; Lu 20:35 1.11 Are obedient: Ps 103:20; Mt 6:10; Lu 11:2; 1Pe 3:22; 2Pe 2:11; Jude 1:6 1.12 Have knowledge of, and interest in, earthly affairs: Mt 24:36; Lu 9:31; 15:7,10; 1Ti 5:21; 1Pe 1:12 1.13 See FUNCTIONS OF, below 1.14 Men called angels: 2Sa 19:27 1.15 Are examples of meekness: 2Pe 2:11; Jude 1:9 1.16 Are wise: 2Sa 14:17,20 1.17 Mighty: Ps 103:20; 2Pe 2:11 1.18 Holy: Mt 25:31; Mr 8:38 1.19 Elect: 1Ti 5:21 1.20 Innumerable: De 33:2; 2Ki 6:17; Job 25:3; Ps 68:17; Heb 12:22; Jude 1:14 1.21 Aspects of: Jud 13:6; Isa 6:2; Da 10:6; Mt 28:3 1.22 See UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO, below 2 FUNCTIONS OF 2.1 Guard the way to the tree of life: Ge 3:24 2.2 Law given by: Ac 7:53; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2 2.3 Medium of revelation to prophets: 2Ki 1:15; Da 4:13-17; 8:19; 9:21-27; 10:10-20; Zec 1:9-11; Ac 8:26; 23:9; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2; Re 1:1; 5:2-14; 7:1-3,11-17; 8:2-13; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 22:6,16 2.4 Remonstrates with Balaam: Nu 22:22-27 2.5 Announces the birth of Samson: Jud 13 2.6 Announces the birth of John the Baptist: Lu 1:11-20 2.7 Announces the birth of Jesus: Mt 1:20,21; Lu 1:28-38; 2:7-15 2.8 Warns Joseph to escape to Egypt: Mt 2:13 2.9 Ministers to Jesus after the temptation: Mt 4:11; Mr 1:13; Joh 1:51 2.10 Ministers to Jesus during his passion: Lu 22:43 2.11 Present at the tomb of Jesus: Mt 28:2-6 2.12 Present at the ascension: Ac 1:11 2.13 Will be with Christ at his second coming: Mt 25:31; Mr 8:38; 2Th 1:7; Jude 1:14,15 2.14 Will be with Christ at the judgment: Mt 13:39,41,49; 16:27; 24:31; 25:31; Mr 13:27 3 MINISTRANT TO THE RIGHTEOUS: Ge 16:7; 24:7,40; Ex 23:20,23; 32:34; 33:2; Nu 20:16; 1Ki 19:5-8; 2Ki 6:17; 2Ch 18:18; Ps 34:7; 68:17; 91:11,12; 104:4; Ec 5:6; Isa 63:9; Da 6:22; 7:10; Mt 4:6; Lu 4:10,11; 16:22; Joh 1:51; 5:4; Ac 5:19,20; 10:3-6; 12:7-10; Heb 1:7,14; 13:2 4 EXECUTE JUDGMENTS UPON THE WICKED: Ge 19:1-25; 2Sa 24:16,17; 1Ch 21:15,16; 2Ki 19:35; 2Ch 32:21; Isa 37:36; Ps 35:5,6; 78:49; Mt 13:41,42,49,50; Ac 12:23; 27:23,24; Jude 1:14,15; Re 7:1,2; 9:15; 15:1 5 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Nu 22:35; De 33:2; 2Ki 6:17; Job 4:15-19; 38:7; Ps 8:5; 68:17; 103:20,21; 104:4; 148:2; Isa 6:2,5-7; Eze 1:4-25; 10; Da 4:13,17; 8:13,14; 9:21-23; Zec 1:12-14; 6:5; Mt 4:6,11; 13:41,42; 17:3; 18:10; 24:31,36; 25:31; 26:53; Mr 1:13; 8:38; 9:4; Lu 9:30,31; 12:8,9; 15:7,10; Joh 1:51; Ac 7:53; 8:26; Ga 3:19; Eph 1:20,21; 3:10; Col 1:16; 2:10; 2Th 1:7; 1Ti 3:16; 5:21; Heb 1:4,5,7,13; 2:2,5,7,16; 12:22; 13:2; 1Pe 1:12; 3:22; 2Pe 2:11; Re 4:8-11; 5:9-11; 7:9,10; 10:1- 6; 14:10; 18:1-3; 19:10; 22:8,9 6 APPEARANCES OF 6.1 To Abraham: Ge 18:2; 22:11-18 6.2 To Hagar, in the wilderness: Ge 16:7 6.3 To Lot, in Sodom: Ge 19:1-17 6.4 To Jacob, in his various visions: Ge 28:12 6.5 To Moses: Ex 3:2 6.6 To the Israelites: Ex 14:19; Jud 2:1-4 6.7 To Balaam: Nu 22:31 6.8 To Joshua, "the captain of the Lord's host,": Jos 5:15 6.9 To Gideon: Jud 6:11-22 6.10 To Manoah: Jud 13:6,15-20 6.11 To David, at the threshing floor of Araunah: 2Sa 24:16,17; 1Ch 21:15,16 6.12 To Elijah: 1Ki 19:5 6.13 To Elisha while he lay under the juniper tree: 2Ki 6:16,17 6.14 To Daniel, in the lions' den: Da 6:22; 8:16; 9:21; 10:5-10,16,18; 12:5-7 6.15 To Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace: Da 3:25,28 6.16 To Zechariah, in a vision: Zec 2:3; 3:1,2; 4:1 6.17 To Joseph, in a dream: Mt 1:20; 2:13,19 6.18 At the transfiguration of Jesus: Mt 17:3; Lu 9:30,31 6.19 To Mary, concerning Jesus: Lu 1:26-38 6.20 To Zacharias: Lu 1:11-20,26-38 6.21 To the shepherds: Lu 2:9-11,13,14 6.22 To Jesus, after His temptation: Mt 4:11 6.23 In Gethsemane: Lu 22:43 6.24 At the tomb of Jesus: Mt 28:2-5; Mr 16:5- 7; Lu 24:23; Joh 20:12 6.25 At the ascension: Ac 1:10,11 6.26 To Peter and John, while in prison: Ac 5:19 6.27 To Philip: Ac 8:26 6.28 To Cornelius, in a dream: Ac 10:3,30-32 6.29 To Peter, in prison: Ac 12:7-11 6.30 To Paul, on the way to Damascus: Ac 27:23 6.31 To John, on the island of Patmos: Re 1:1; 5:2; 7:11; 10:9; 11:1; 17:7; 19:10; 22:8 7 FALLEN ANGEL (Holy Trinity) #300 1 ONE OF THE HOLY TRINITY 1.1 Called ANGEL OF GOD: Ex 14:19; Jud 13:6; 1Sa 29:9; 2Sa 14:17,20; 19:27; Ac 27:23; Ga 4:14 1.2 Called ANGEL OF THE LORD: Ge 16:7,9; 22:11; Ex 3:2; Nu 22:23,25,27,32,35; Jud 2:1; 6:11,12,21,22; 13:3,6,9,13-21; 2Sa 24:16; 1Ki 19:7; 2Ki 1:3,15; 19:35; 1Ch 21:15,18; Ps 34:7; 35:5,6; Zec 1:11,12; 3:5; 12:8 1.3 Called ANGEL OF HIS PRESENCE: Isa 63:9 ANGEL OF THE CHURCHES #301 1 General scriptures concerning: Re 1:20; 2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7,14 ANGER #302 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 4:6; 49:7; 2Ch 28:9; Job 5:2; 19:29; Ps 37:8; 55:3; 76:10; Pr 6:34; 12:16; 14:17,29; 15:1,18; 16:14,29,32; 17:14; 19:11,12,19; 21:24; 22:24,25; 25:28; 27:3,4; 29:8,9,22; 30:33; Ec 7:9; Ho 7:16; Am 1:11; Jon 4:4; Mt 5:22; 2Co 12:20; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 4:26,31; Col 3:8; 1Ti 2:8; Tit 1:7; Jas 1:19,20 2 See HATRED 3 See JEALOUSY 4 See MALICE 5 See SPEAKING, EVIL 6 See STRIFE 7 See KINDNESS 8 See MEEKNESS 9 See PATIENCE 10 INSTANCES OF 10.1 Of Cain slaying Abel: Ge 4:5-8 10.2 Simeon and Levi, on account of the humbling of their sister, Dinah: Ge 49:5-7 10.3 Pharaoh, toward Moses: Ex 10:11,28 10.4 Moses, toward Pharaoh: Ex 11:8; Nu 20:10,11 10.5 Balaam, toward his ass: Nu 22:27,29 10.6 Balak, toward Balaam: Nu 24:10,11 10.7 Ephraimites, toward Gideon, for not soliciting their help against the Midianites: Jud 8:1 10.8 Jonathan, on account of Saul's persecution of David: 1Sa 20:34; 2Ch 25:10 10.9 Saul, toward Jonathan, on account of his sympathy with David: 1Sa 20:30-34 10.10 Ahab, because Naboth would not sell his vineyard: 1Ki 21:4 10.11 Naaman, because Elisha directed him to wash in the Jordan: 2Ki 5:12 10.12 Asa, because the prophet rebuked him: 2Ch 16:10 10.13 Uzziah toward Azariah, the priest, because of his reproof of: 2Ch 26:19 7

A Topic Guide A 10.14 Ahasuerus, toward Vashti, for refusing to amuse his courtiers: Es 1:12; 7:7 10.15 Haman, because Mordecai did not salute him: Es 3:5 10.16 Elihu, because Job had beaten his friends in argument: Job 32:3 10.17 Moab: Isa 16:6 10.18 Nebuchadnezzar, on account of the insubordination of the three Hebrews, who refused to worship his idol: Da 3:13,19 10.19 Jonah, because the gourd withered: Jon 4:1,2,4,9 10.20 Herod, toward the wise men who deceived him: Mt 2:16 10.21 The people of Nazareth, toward Jesus: Lu 4:28 10.22 Paul, toward Ananias: Ac 23:3 10.23 Jews, against Stephen: Ac 7:54-58 11 ANGER OF GOD: Ex 22:24; 32:10; 33:5; Nu 11:1,10,33; 12:9; 14:11; 16:20,21,45; 25:3,4,11; 32:10,11,13; De 6:14,15; 9:13,14,18-20; 32:21,22; Jos 7:1,26; 23:16; Jud 2:12; 3:8; 10:7; 1Sa 28:18; 2Sa 6:7; 22:8,9; 1Ki 11:9; 16:2-13; 2Ki 13:3; 17:18; 22:13; 23:26; Ps 7:11; 69:24; 74:1; 76:7; 78:21,38,49,50; 85:3; 90:11; 103:8; 106:23,29,32; 110:5; Isa 5:25; 9:17,19,21; 12:1; 13:9,13; 30:27; 42:25; 48:9; 57:16,17; 63:3-6; 66:15; Jer 3:12; 4:4,8,26; 7:20; 10:10; 17:4; 21:5,6; 23:20; 25:15-17,37,38; 30:24; 32:37; 33:5; 36:7; 42:18; 44:6; 51:45; La 2:1,3,6; 4:11; Eze 5:13,15; 25:14-17; Da 9:16; Ho 11:9; 13:11; 14:4; Na 1:2,3,6; Mt 22:7,13; Ro 1:18; 2:5; Eph 5:6; Col 3:6; Heb 3:11; 4:3; Re 6:16,17; 14:10,11; 15:1,7; 16:19; 19:15 ANIAM #303 1 Son of Shemidah: 1Ch 7:19 ANIM #304 1 A city of Judah: Jos 15:50 ANIMALS #305 1 Creations of: Ge 1:24; 2:19; Jer 27:5 2 Food of: Ge 1:30 3 Named: Ge 2:20 4 Ordained as food for man: Ge 9:2,3; Le 11:3,9,21,22; De 14:4-6,9,11,20 5 God's care of: Ge 9:9,10; De 25:4; Job 38:41; Ps 36:6; 104:11,21; 147:9; Jon 4:11; Mt 6:26; 10:29; Lu 12:6,24; 1Co 9:9 6 Under the curse: Ge 3:14; 6:7,17 7 Suffer under divine judgments, sent upon man: Jer 7:20; 12:4; 21:6; Eze 14:13,17,19-21; Joe 1:18-20 8 Two of every sort preserved in the ark: Ge 6:19,20; 7:2,3,5,9,11; 8:19 9 Suffered the plagues of Egypt: Ex 8:17; 9:9,10,19; 11:5 10 Perish at death: Ec 3:21; 12:7 11 Possessed of devils: Mt 8:31,32; Mr 5:13; Lu 8:33 12 Clean and unclean: Ge 8:20; Le 7:21; 11; 20:25; De 14:3-20; Ac 10:11-15; 1Ti 4:3-5 13 Offered in sacrifice: Ge 4:4; 7:2-8; 8:20 14 See OFFERINGS 15 God's control of: Ps 91:13; Isa 11:6,8; 35:9; Lu 10:19 16 Instruments of God's will: Ex 8; 9; 10:1-20; Nu 21:6; 22:28; Jos 24:12; Jer 8:17; Joe 1:4 17 Belong to God: Ps 50:10-12 18 Sent in judgment: Le 26:22; Nu 21:6,7; De 8:15; 28:26; Eze 5:17; 14:15; 32:4; Re 6:8 19 Paul contends with: 1Co 15:32 20 Nature of: Job 39; Ps 32:9; 49:12; Ec 3:18- 21 21 Habits of: Job 12:7,8; 37:8; 39; 40:20; Ps 29:9; 104:20-25; Isa 13:21,22; 34:14; Jas 3:7 22 Menstruation of: Jer 2:24 23 Facts about breeding: Ge 30:35-43; 31:8,9 24 Instincts of: De 32:11; Job 35:11; 39; 40; 41; Ps 59:6; 104; Pr 6:6-8; 30:25-28; Jer 8:7; Mt 24:28 25 Homes of: Job 24:5; 37:8; 39; Ps 104:20- 25; Isa 34:14; Jer 2:24; 50:39; Mr 1:13 26 See BIRDS 27 See CATTLE 28 See FISH 29 BEASTS SYMBOLICAL: Isa 30:6; Da 7:11,17,19; 8:4; Ac 10:12; Re 4:6-9; 5:6-14; 6:1- 7; 7:11; 11:7; 13; 14:3,9,11; 15:2; 16:2,10-13; 17; 19:4,19,20; 20:4,10 30 CRUELTY TO: INSTANCES OF 30.1 Balaam: Nu 22:22-33 30.2 Houghing horses: 2Sa 8:4; 1Ch 18:4 30.3 See HOUGHING 31 KINDNESS TO: INSTANCES OF 31.1 Jacob, in erecting booths for his cattle: Ge 33:17 8 31.2 People of Gerar, in providing tents for cattle: 2Ch 14:15 32 LAWS CONCERNING: Ex 20:10; 21:28-36; 22:1-4; 23:5,12; Le 19:19; De 5:14; 22:4,6,7,10; 25:4; Pr 12:10; 1Ti 5:18 33 Firstlings of 33.1 See FIRSTBORN 33.2 Man's dominion over 33.3 See MAN, DOMINION OF 33.4 See ADDER 33.5 See ANT 33.6 See ANTELOPE 33.7 See APE 33.8 See ASP 33.9 See ASS 33.10 See BADGER 33.11 See BAT 33.12 See BEAR 33.13 See BEHEMOTH 33.14 See BIRDS 33.15 See BOAR 33.16 See CAMEL 33.17 See CHAMELEON 33.18 See CHAMOIS 33.19 See CHICKENS 33.20 See COCKATRICE 33.21 See CONEY 33.22 See DEER 33.23 See DOG 33.24 See DRAGON 33.25 See DROMEDARY 33.26 See ELEPHANT 33.27 See FERRET 33.28 See FISH 33.29 See FOX 33.30 See FROGS 33.31 See GOAT 33.32 See GREYHOUND 33.33 See HARE 33.34 See HART 33.35 See HIND 33.36 See HIPPOPOTAMUS 33.37 See HORNET 33.38 See HORSE 33.39 See KINE 33.40 See LEOPARD 33.41 See LEVIATHAN 33.42 See LION 33.43 See LIZARD 33.44 See MOLE 33.45 See MOUSE 33.46 See PYGARG 33.47 See RAM 33.48 See ROE 33.49 See SATYR 33.50 See SCORPION 33.51 See SERPENT 33.52 See SHEEP 33.53 See SWINE 33.54 See UNICORN 33.55 See VIPER 33.56 See WEASEL 33.57 See WHALE 33.58 See WOLF 33.59 See WORM 33.60 See INSECTS ANISE #306 1 A seed, used as a condiment: Mt 23:23 ANNA #307 1 A devout widow: Lu 2:36,37 ANNAS #308 1 Associate high priest with Caiaphas: Lu 3:2; Joh 18:13,19,24; Ac 4:6 ANOINTING #309 1 Of the body: De 28:40; Ru 3:3; Es 2:12; Ps 92:10; 104:15; 141:5; Pr 27:9,16; Ec 9:8; So 1:3; 4:10; Isa 57:9; Am 6:6; Mic 6:15 2 Of guests: 2Ch 28:15; Lu 7:46 3 Of the sick: Isa 1:6; Mr 6:13; Lu 10:34; Jas 5:14; Re 3:18 4 Of the dead: Mt 26:12; Mr 14:8; 16:1; Lu 23:56 5 Of Jesus, as a token of love: Lu 7:37,38,46; Joh 11:2; 12:3 6 Omitted in mourning: 2Sa 12:20; 14:2; Isa 61:3; Da 10:3 7 God Preserves those who receive: Ps 18:50; 20:6; 89:20-23 8 Saints receive: Isa 61:3; 1Jo 2:20 9 IN CONSECRATION 9.1 OF HIGH PRIESTS: Ex 29:7,29; 40:13; Le 6:20; 8:12; 16:32; Nu 35:25; Ps 133:2 9.2 OF PRIESTS: Ex 28:41; 30:30; 40:15; Le 4:3; 8:30; Nu 3:3 9.3 OF KINGS: Jud 9:8,15 9.4 Saul: 1Sa 9:16; 10:1; 15:1 9.5 David: 1Sa 16:3,12,13; 2Sa 2:4; 5:3; 12:7; 19:21; 1Ch 11:3 9.6 Solomon: 1Ki 1:39; 1Ch 29:22 9.7 Jehu: 1Ki 19:16; 2Ki 9:1-3,6,12 9.8 Hazael: 1Ki 19:15 9.9 Joash: 2Ki 11:12; 2Ch 23:11 9.10 Jehoahaz: 2Ki 23:30 9.11 Cyrus: Isa 45:1 9.12 OF PROPHETS: 1Ki 19:16 9.13 OF THE TABERNACLE: Ex 30:26; 40:9; Le 8:10; Nu 7:1 9.14 Altars of: Ex 30:26-28; 40:10; Le 8:11; Nu 7:1 9.15 Vessels of: Ex 30:27,28; 40:9,10; Le 8:10,11; Nu 7:1 9.16 JACOB'S PILLAR: at Beth-el: Ge 28:18; 31:13; 35:14 9.17 See DEDICATION 10 FIGURATIVE 10.1 Of Christ's kingly and priestly office: Ps 45:7; 89:20; Isa 61:1; Da 9:24; Lu 4:18; Ac 4:27; 10:38; Heb 1:9 10.2 Of spiritual gifts: 2Co 1:21; 1Jo 2:20,27 11 TYPIFIED: Ex 40:13-15; Le 8:12; 1Sa 16:13; 1Ki 19:16 12 SYMBOLICAL 12.1 Of Jesus: Mt 26:7-12; Joh 12:3-7 ANOINTING OIL #310 1 Formula of, given by Moses: Ex 30:22- 25,31-33 2 See OIL 3 See OINTMENT ANT #311 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 6:6-8; 30:25 ANTEDILUVIANS #312 1 Worship God: Ge 4:3,4,26 2 Occupations of: Ge 4:2,3,20-22 3 Arts of: Ge 4:2,3,20-22; 6:14-22 4 Enoch prophesies to: Jude 1:14,15 5 Noah preaches to: Heb 11:7; 1Pe 3:18-20; 2Pe 2:5 6 Wickedness of: Ge 6:5-7 7 Destruction of: Ge 7:1,21-23; Job 22:15-17; Mt 24:37-39; Lu 17:26,27; 2Pe 2:5 8 See FLOOD 9 Longevity of 10 See LONGEVITY 11 Giants among 12 See GIANTS ANTELOPE #313 1 See DEER ANTHROPOMORPHISMS #314 1 (Figures of speech, which attribute human forms, acts, and affections to God) 2 MISCELLANEOUS FIGURES: Ge 2:2,3,19; 6:6; 9:16; 11:5,7; 18:17-19,21,33; 19:29; 22:12; 28:13; 35:13; Ex 2:24; 3:8; 14:24; 20:5; 31:17; 32:14; Nu 11:25; Jud 2:18; 1Sa 15:35; 2Sa 24:16; 1Ch 21:15; Ps 31:2; 33:6; 35:1-3; 36:7; 57:1; 68:17; 94:9; 121:4; Isa 1:15; Eze 1:24,28; Hab 1:13; 1Pe 3:12 3 ATTRIBUTED TO DEITY 3.1 Memory: Isa 43:26; 63:11 3.2 Assisted by tokens: Ge 9:16 3.3 Reason: Isa 1:18 3.4 Understanding: Ps 147:5 3.5 Will: Ro 9:19 4 MISCELLANEOUS ACTS AND STATES OF MIND ATTRIBUTED TO 4.1 Walking: Ge 3:8; Le 26:12; De 23:14; Job 22:14; Hab 3:15 4.2 Resting: Ge 2:2,3; Ex 20:11; 31:17; De 5:14; Heb 4:4,10 4.3 Does not faint: Isa 40:28 4.4 Amazement: Isa 59:16; 63:5; Mr 6:6 4.5 Laughing: Ps 2:4; 37:13; 59:8; Pr 1:26 4.6 Sleeping: Ps 44:23; 78:61 4.7 Grieved: Ge 6:6; Jud 10:16; Ps 95:10; Heb 3:10,17 4.8 Oaths: Isa 62:8; Heb 6 4.9 See OATHS 4.10 See also ANGER OF GOD ANTICHRIST #315 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 24:5,23,24,26; Mr 13:6,21,22; Lu 21:8; 2Th 2:3- 12; 1Jo 2:18,22; 4:3; 2Jo 1:7 2 Ascends from the bottomless pit: Re 11:7; 17:8 3 Empowered by Satan: 2Th 2:9; Re 13:2; 16:13-14 4 Revealing of: 2Th 2:6 5 Intelligence of: Da 7:8,20 6 Speaks pompous words, blasphemes: Da 7:20,25; 11:36; Re 13:1,5-6; 16:11 7 Wounded and healed: Re 13:3,14; 17:8,11 8 Aided by False Prophet: Re 13:11-17; 16:13; 19:20; 20:10 9 Lying signs and wonders, a deceiver: 2Th 2:9-11; Re 16:14 10 Received in place of Christ: Joh 5:43 11 Image of: Re 13:14-15; 14:9,11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4 12 Worshipped: Da 11:37; 2Th 2:4; Re 13:4,7,12; 14:9; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4 13 Mark and number: Re 13:16-18; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4 14 Having seven heads: Re 12:3; 13:1,3; 17:3,7,9-10 15 Having ten horns: Da 7:7,20,24; Re 12:3; 13:1; 17:3; 17:7,12,16 16 Makes a covenant: Da 9:27 17 Changes law: Da 7:25; 9:27 18 People of destroy Jerusalem and Sanctuary: Da 9:26 19 Overthrows kingdoms: Dan 7:8,20,24; 11:40-44; Re 13:7; 17:13 20 Edom and Moab escape: Da 11:41 21 Prevails over the saints: Da 7:21,25; 8:24; Re 13:7 22 Wars against God: Re 16:13-14; 17:14; 19:19 23 Duration of power: Da 7:25; Re 13:5 24 Destroyed: Da 7:9,11,26; 8:25; 9:27; 11:45; 2Th 2:3,8; Re 17:11; 19:19-20; 20:10,15 25 Titles of 25.1 Antichrist: 1Jo 2:18 25.2 The Beast: Da 7:7,11; Re 11:7; 13:1- 4,14-18; 14:9,11; 15:2; 16:2,10,13; 17:7,8,11- 13,16-17; 19:19-20; 20:4,10 25.3 Horn: Da 7:8,20-21 25.4 Prince that shall come: Da 9:26 25.5 King: Da 11:36 25.6 Man of Sin: 2Th 2:3 25.7 Son of Perdition: 2Th 2:3 25.8 That Wicked: 2Th 2:8 ANTIOCH #316 1 A city of Syria 1.1 Disciples first called Christians in: Ac 11:19-30 1.2 The congregation in: Ac 13:1; 14:26,27 1.3 Barnabas and Paul make second visit to: Ac 14:26-28 1.4 Dissension within the congregation of: Ac 15:22; with 15:1-35 1.5 Paul and Peter's controversy at: Ga 2:11- 15 2 A city of Pisidia. Persecutes Paul: Ac 13:14-52; 2Ti 3:11; Ac 14:19-22; 18:22 ANTIPAS #317 1 A martyr: Re 2:13 ANTIPATRIS #318 1 A city in Samaria: Ac 23:31 ANTOTHIJAH #319 1 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:24 ANUB #320 1 Son of Coz: 1Ch 4:8 ANVIL #321 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 41:7 ANXIETY #322 1 See CARE APE #323 1 In Solomon's zoological collections: 1Ki 10:22; 2Ch 9:21 APELLES #324 1 A disciple in Rome: Ro 16:10

A Topic <strong>Guide</strong> A<br />

10.14 Ahasuerus, toward Vashti, for<br />

refusing to amuse his courtiers: Es 1:12; 7:7<br />

10.15 Haman, because Mordecai did not<br />

salute him: Es 3:5<br />

10.16 Elihu, because Job had beaten his<br />

friends in argument: Job 32:3<br />

10.17 Moab: Isa 16:6<br />

10.18 Nebuchadnezzar, on account of <strong>the</strong><br />

insubordination of <strong>the</strong> three Hebrews, who<br />

refused to worship his idol: Da 3:13,19<br />

10.19 Jonah, because <strong>the</strong> gourd wi<strong>the</strong>red:<br />

Jon 4:1,2,4,9<br />

10.20 Herod, toward <strong>the</strong> wise men who<br />

deceived him: Mt 2:16<br />

10.21 The people of Nazareth, toward Jesus:<br />

Lu 4:28<br />

10.22 Paul, toward Ananias: Ac 23:3<br />

10.23 Jews, against Stephen: Ac 7:54-58<br />

11 ANGER OF GOD: Ex 22:24; 32:10; 33:5; Nu<br />

11:1,10,33; 12:9; 14:11; 16:20,21,45; 25:3,4,11;<br />

32:10,11,13; De 6:14,15; 9:13,14,18-20;<br />

32:21,22; Jos 7:1,26; 23:16; Jud 2:12; 3:8; 10:7;<br />

1Sa 28:18; 2Sa 6:7; 22:8,9; 1Ki 11:9; 16:2-13;<br />

2Ki 13:3; 17:18; 22:13; 23:26; Ps 7:11; 69:24;<br />

74:1; 76:7; 78:21,38,49,50; 85:3; 90:11; 103:8;<br />

106:23,29,32; 110:5; Isa 5:25; 9:17,19,21; 12:1;<br />

13:9,13; 30:27; 42:25; 48:9; 57:16,17; 63:3-6;<br />

66:15; Jer 3:12; 4:4,8,26; 7:20; 10:10; 17:4;<br />

21:5,6; 23:20; 25:15-17,37,38; 30:24; 32:37;<br />

33:5; 36:7; 42:18; 44:6; 51:45; La 2:1,3,6; 4:11;<br />

Eze 5:13,15; 25:14-17; Da 9:16; Ho 11:9; 13:11;<br />

14:4; Na 1:2,3,6; Mt 22:7,13; Ro 1:18; 2:5; Eph<br />

5:6; Col 3:6; Heb 3:11; 4:3; Re 6:16,17;<br />

14:10,11; 15:1,7; 16:19; 19:15<br />

ANIAM #303<br />

1 Son of Shemidah: 1Ch 7:19<br />

ANIM #304<br />

1 A city of Judah: Jos 15:50<br />

ANIMALS #305<br />

1 Creations of: Ge 1:24; 2:19; Jer 27:5<br />

2 Food of: Ge 1:30<br />

3 Named: Ge 2:20<br />

4 Ordained as food for man: Ge 9:2,3; Le<br />

11:3,9,21,22; De 14:4-6,9,11,20<br />

5 God's care of: Ge 9:9,10; De 25:4; Job<br />

38:41; Ps 36:6; 104:11,21; 147:9; Jon 4:11; Mt<br />

6:26; 10:29; Lu 12:6,24; 1Co 9:9<br />

6 Under <strong>the</strong> curse: Ge 3:14; 6:7,17<br />

7 Suffer under divine judgments, sent upon<br />

man: Jer 7:20; 12:4; 21:6; Eze 14:13,17,19-21;<br />

Joe 1:18-20<br />

8 Two of every sort preserved in <strong>the</strong> ark: Ge<br />

6:19,20; 7:2,3,5,9,11; 8:19<br />

9 Suffered <strong>the</strong> plagues of Egypt: Ex 8:17;<br />

9:9,10,19; 11:5<br />

10 Perish at death: Ec 3:21; 12:7<br />

11 Possessed of devils: Mt 8:31,32; Mr 5:13;<br />

Lu 8:33<br />

12 Clean <strong>and</strong> unclean: Ge 8:20; Le 7:21; 11;<br />

20:25; De 14:3-20; Ac 10:11-15; 1Ti 4:3-5<br />

13 Offered in sacrifice: Ge 4:4; 7:2-8; 8:20<br />

14 See OFFERINGS<br />

15 God's control of: Ps 91:13; Isa 11:6,8;<br />

35:9; Lu 10:19<br />

16 Instruments of God's will: Ex 8; 9; 10:1-20;<br />

Nu 21:6; 22:28; Jos 24:12; Jer 8:17; Joe 1:4<br />

17 Belong to God: Ps 50:10-12<br />

18 Sent in judgment: Le 26:22; Nu 21:6,7; De<br />

8:15; 28:26; Eze 5:17; 14:15; 32:4; Re 6:8<br />

19 Paul contends with: 1Co 15:32<br />

20 Nature of: Job 39; Ps 32:9; 49:12; Ec 3:18-<br />

21<br />

21 Habits of: Job 12:7,8; 37:8; 39; 40:20; Ps<br />

29:9; 104:20-25; Isa 13:21,22; 34:14; Jas 3:7<br />

22 Menstruation of: Jer 2:24<br />

23 Facts about breeding: Ge 30:35-43; 31:8,9<br />

24 Instincts of: De 32:11; Job 35:11; 39; 40;<br />

41; Ps 59:6; 104; Pr 6:6-8; 30:25-28; Jer 8:7; Mt<br />

24:28<br />

25 Homes of: Job 24:5; 37:8; 39; Ps 104:20-<br />

25; Isa 34:14; Jer 2:24; 50:39; Mr 1:13<br />

26 See BIRDS<br />

27 See CATTLE<br />

28 See FISH<br />

29 BEASTS SYMBOLICAL: Isa 30:6; Da<br />

7:11,17,19; 8:4; Ac 10:12; Re 4:6-9; 5:6-14; 6:1-<br />

7; 7:11; 11:7; 13; 14:3,9,11; 15:2; 16:2,10-13;<br />

17; 19:4,19,20; 20:4,10<br />


30.1 Balaam: Nu 22:22-33<br />

30.2 Houghing horses: 2Sa 8:4; 1Ch 18:4<br />

30.3 See HOUGHING<br />


31.1 Jacob, in erecting booths for his cattle:<br />

Ge 33:17<br />

8<br />

31.2 People of Gerar, in providing tents for<br />

cattle: 2Ch 14:15<br />

32 LAWS CONCERNING: Ex 20:10; 21:28-36;<br />

22:1-4; 23:5,12; Le 19:19; De 5:14; 22:4,6,7,10;<br />

25:4; Pr 12:10; 1Ti 5:18<br />

33 Firstlings of<br />

33.1 See FIRSTBORN<br />

33.2 Man's dominion over<br />

33.3 See MAN, DOMINION OF<br />

33.4 See ADDER<br />

33.5 See ANT<br />

33.6 See ANTELOPE<br />

33.7 See APE<br />

33.8 See ASP<br />

33.9 See ASS<br />

33.10 See BADGER<br />

33.11 See BAT<br />

33.12 See BEAR<br />

33.13 See BEHEMOTH<br />

33.14 See BIRDS<br />

33.15 See BOAR<br />

33.16 See CAMEL<br />

33.17 See CHAMELEON<br />

33.18 See CHAMOIS<br />

33.19 See CHICKENS<br />

33.20 See COCKATRICE<br />

33.21 See CONEY<br />

33.22 See DEER<br />

33.23 See DOG<br />

33.24 See DRAGON<br />

33.25 See DROMEDARY<br />

33.26 See ELEPHANT<br />

33.27 See FERRET<br />

33.28 See FISH<br />

33.29 See FOX<br />

33.30 See FROGS<br />

33.31 See GOAT<br />

33.32 See GREYHOUND<br />

33.33 See HARE<br />

33.34 See HART<br />

33.35 See HIND<br />

33.36 See HIPPOPOTAMUS<br />

33.37 See HORNET<br />

33.38 See HORSE<br />

33.39 See KINE<br />

33.40 See LEOPARD<br />

33.41 See LEVIATHAN<br />

33.42 See LION<br />

33.43 See LIZARD<br />

33.44 See MOLE<br />

33.45 See MOUSE<br />

33.46 See PYGARG<br />

33.47 See RAM<br />

33.48 See ROE<br />

33.49 See SATYR<br />

33.50 See SCORPION<br />

33.51 See SERPENT<br />

33.52 See SHEEP<br />

33.53 See SWINE<br />

33.54 See UNICORN<br />

33.55 See VIPER<br />

33.56 See WEASEL<br />

33.57 See WHALE<br />

33.58 See WOLF<br />

33.59 See WORM<br />

33.60 See INSECTS<br />

ANISE #306<br />

1 A seed, used as a condiment: Mt 23:23<br />

ANNA #307<br />

1 A devout widow: Lu 2:36,37<br />

ANNAS #308<br />

1 Associate high priest with Caiaphas: Lu<br />

3:2; Joh 18:13,19,24; Ac 4:6<br />

ANOINTING #309<br />

1 Of <strong>the</strong> body: De 28:40; Ru 3:3; Es 2:12; Ps<br />

92:10; 104:15; 141:5; Pr 27:9,16; Ec 9:8; So<br />

1:3; 4:10; Isa 57:9; Am 6:6; Mic 6:15<br />

2 Of guests: 2Ch 28:15; Lu 7:46<br />

3 Of <strong>the</strong> sick: Isa 1:6; Mr 6:13; Lu 10:34; Jas<br />

5:14; Re 3:18<br />

4 Of <strong>the</strong> dead: Mt 26:12; Mr 14:8; 16:1; Lu<br />

23:56<br />

5 Of Jesus, as a token of love: Lu 7:37,38,46;<br />

Joh 11:2; 12:3<br />

6 Omitted in mourning: 2Sa 12:20; 14:2; Isa<br />

61:3; Da 10:3<br />

7 God Preserves those who receive: Ps<br />

18:50; 20:6; 89:20-23<br />

8 Saints receive: Isa 61:3; 1Jo 2:20<br />


9.1 OF HIGH PRIESTS: Ex 29:7,29; 40:13; Le<br />

6:20; 8:12; 16:32; Nu 35:25; Ps 133:2<br />

9.2 OF PRIESTS: Ex 28:41; 30:30; 40:15; Le<br />

4:3; 8:30; Nu 3:3<br />

9.3 OF KINGS: Jud 9:8,15<br />

9.4 Saul: 1Sa 9:16; 10:1; 15:1<br />

9.5 David: 1Sa 16:3,12,13; 2Sa 2:4; 5:3; 12:7;<br />

19:21; 1Ch 11:3<br />

9.6 Solomon: 1Ki 1:39; 1Ch 29:22<br />

9.7 Jehu: 1Ki 19:16; 2Ki 9:1-3,6,12<br />

9.8 Hazael: 1Ki 19:15<br />

9.9 Joash: 2Ki 11:12; 2Ch 23:11<br />

9.10 Jehoahaz: 2Ki 23:30<br />

9.11 Cyrus: Isa 45:1<br />

9.12 OF PROPHETS: 1Ki 19:16<br />

9.13 OF THE TABERNACLE: Ex 30:26; 40:9;<br />

Le 8:10; Nu 7:1<br />

9.14 Altars of: Ex 30:26-28; 40:10; Le 8:11; Nu<br />

7:1<br />

9.15 Vessels of: Ex 30:27,28; 40:9,10; Le<br />

8:10,11; Nu 7:1<br />

9.16 JACOB'S PILLAR: at Beth-el: Ge 28:18;<br />

31:13; 35:14<br />

9.17 See DEDICATION<br />


10.1 Of Christ's kingly <strong>and</strong> priestly office: Ps<br />

45:7; 89:20; Isa 61:1; Da 9:24; Lu 4:18; Ac 4:27;<br />

10:38; Heb 1:9<br />

10.2 Of spiritual gifts: 2Co 1:21; 1Jo 2:20,27<br />

11 TYPIFIED: Ex 40:13-15; Le 8:12; 1Sa<br />

16:13; 1Ki 19:16<br />


12.1 Of Jesus: Mt 26:7-12; Joh 12:3-7<br />

ANOINTING OIL #310<br />

1 Formula of, given by Moses: Ex 30:22-<br />

25,31-33<br />

2 See OIL<br />

3 See OINTMENT<br />

ANT #311<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 6:6-8;<br />

30:25<br />


1 Worship God: Ge 4:3,4,26<br />

2 Occupations of: Ge 4:2,3,20-22<br />

3 Arts of: Ge 4:2,3,20-22; 6:14-22<br />

4 Enoch prophesies to: Jude 1:14,15<br />

5 Noah preaches to: Heb 11:7; 1Pe 3:18-20;<br />

2Pe 2:5<br />

6 Wickedness of: Ge 6:5-7<br />

7 Destruction of: Ge 7:1,21-23; Job 22:15-17;<br />

Mt 24:37-39; Lu 17:26,27; 2Pe 2:5<br />

8 See FLOOD<br />

9 Longevity of<br />

10 See LONGEVITY<br />

11 Giants among<br />

12 See GIANTS<br />

ANTELOPE #313<br />

1 See DEER<br />


#314<br />

1 (Figures of speech, which attribute human<br />

forms, acts, <strong>and</strong> affections to God)<br />

2 MISCELLANEOUS FIGURES: Ge 2:2,3,19;<br />

6:6; 9:16; 11:5,7; 18:17-19,21,33; 19:29; 22:12;<br />

28:13; 35:13; Ex 2:24; 3:8; 14:24; 20:5; 31:17;<br />

32:14; Nu 11:25; Jud 2:18; 1Sa 15:35; 2Sa<br />

24:16; 1Ch 21:15; Ps 31:2; 33:6; 35:1-3; 36:7;<br />

57:1; 68:17; 94:9; 121:4; Isa 1:15; Eze 1:24,28;<br />

Hab 1:13; 1Pe 3:12<br />


3.1 Memory: Isa 43:26; 63:11<br />

3.2 Assisted by tokens: Ge 9:16<br />

3.3 Reason: Isa 1:18<br />

3.4 Underst<strong>and</strong>ing: Ps 147:5<br />

3.5 Will: Ro 9:19<br />



4.1 Walking: Ge 3:8; Le 26:12; De 23:14; Job<br />

22:14; Hab 3:15<br />

4.2 Resting: Ge 2:2,3; Ex 20:11; 31:17; De<br />

5:14; Heb 4:4,10<br />

4.3 Does not faint: Isa 40:28<br />

4.4 Amazement: Isa 59:16; 63:5; Mr 6:6<br />

4.5 Laughing: Ps 2:4; 37:13; 59:8; Pr 1:26<br />

4.6 Sleeping: Ps 44:23; 78:61<br />

4.7 Grieved: Ge 6:6; Jud 10:16; Ps 95:10; Heb<br />

3:10,17<br />

4.8 Oaths: Isa 62:8; Heb 6<br />

4.9 See OATHS<br />

4.10 See also ANGER OF GOD<br />

ANTICHRIST #315<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Mt<br />

24:5,23,24,26; Mr 13:6,21,22; Lu 21:8; 2Th 2:3-<br />

12; 1Jo 2:18,22; 4:3; 2Jo 1:7<br />

2 Ascends from <strong>the</strong> bottomless pit: Re 11:7;<br />

17:8<br />

3 Empowered by Satan: 2Th 2:9; Re 13:2;<br />

16:13-14<br />

4 Revealing of: 2Th 2:6<br />

5 Intelligence of: Da 7:8,20<br />

6 Speaks pompous words, blasphemes: Da<br />

7:20,25; 11:36; Re 13:1,5-6; 16:11<br />

7 Wounded <strong>and</strong> healed: Re 13:3,14; 17:8,11<br />

8 Aided by False Prophet: Re 13:11-17;<br />

16:13; 19:20; 20:10<br />

9 Lying signs <strong>and</strong> wonders, a deceiver: 2Th<br />

2:9-11; Re 16:14<br />

10 Received in place of Christ: Joh 5:43<br />

11 Image of: Re 13:14-15; 14:9,11; 15:2; 16:2;<br />

19:20; 20:4<br />

12 Worshipped: Da 11:37; 2Th 2:4; Re<br />

13:4,7,12; 14:9; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4<br />

13 Mark <strong>and</strong> number: Re 13:16-18; 14:9-11;<br />

15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4<br />

14 Having seven heads: Re 12:3; 13:1,3;<br />

17:3,7,9-10<br />

15 Having ten horns: Da 7:7,20,24; Re 12:3;<br />

13:1; 17:3; 17:7,12,16<br />

16 Makes a covenant: Da 9:27<br />

17 Changes law: Da 7:25; 9:27<br />

18 People of destroy Jerusalem <strong>and</strong><br />

Sanctuary: Da 9:26<br />

19 Overthrows kingdoms: Dan 7:8,20,24;<br />

11:40-44; Re 13:7; 17:13<br />

20 Edom <strong>and</strong> Moab escape: Da 11:41<br />

21 Prevails over <strong>the</strong> saints: Da 7:21,25; 8:24;<br />

Re 13:7<br />

22 Wars against God: Re 16:13-14; 17:14;<br />

19:19<br />

23 Duration of power: Da 7:25; Re 13:5<br />

24 Destroyed: Da 7:9,11,26; 8:25; 9:27; 11:45;<br />

2Th 2:3,8; Re 17:11; 19:19-20; 20:10,15<br />

25 Titles of<br />

25.1 Antichrist: 1Jo 2:18<br />

25.2 The Beast: Da 7:7,11; Re 11:7; 13:1-<br />

4,14-18; 14:9,11; 15:2; 16:2,10,13; 17:7,8,11-<br />

13,16-17; 19:19-20; 20:4,10<br />

25.3 Horn: Da 7:8,20-21<br />

25.4 Prince that shall come: Da 9:26<br />

25.5 King: Da 11:36<br />

25.6 Man of Sin: 2Th 2:3<br />

25.7 Son of Perdition: 2Th 2:3<br />

25.8 That Wicked: 2Th 2:8<br />

ANTIOCH #316<br />

1 A city of Syria<br />

1.1 Disciples first called Christians in: Ac<br />

11:19-30<br />

1.2 The congregation in: Ac 13:1; 14:26,27<br />

1.3 Barnabas <strong>and</strong> Paul make second visit to:<br />

Ac 14:26-28<br />

1.4 Dissension within <strong>the</strong> congregation of:<br />

Ac 15:22; with 15:1-35<br />

1.5 Paul <strong>and</strong> Peter's controversy at: Ga 2:11-<br />

15<br />

2 A city of Pisidia. Persecutes Paul: Ac<br />

13:14-52; 2Ti 3:11; Ac 14:19-22; 18:22<br />

ANTIPAS #317<br />

1 A martyr: Re 2:13<br />

ANTIPATRIS #318<br />

1 A city in Samaria: Ac 23:31<br />

ANTOTHIJAH #319<br />

1 A Benjamite: 1Ch 8:24<br />

ANUB #320<br />

1 Son of Coz: 1Ch 4:8<br />

ANVIL #321<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 41:7<br />

ANXIETY #322<br />

1 See CARE<br />

APE #323<br />

1 In Solomon's zoological collections: 1Ki<br />

10:22; 2Ch 9:21<br />

APELLES #324<br />

1 A disciple in Rome: Ro 16:10

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