Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


W Topic Guide W WAFER #5103 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 29:23; Nu 6:19 WAGES #5104 1 Of Jacob: Ge 29:15-30; 30:28-34; 31:7,41 2 Parable concerning: Mt 20:1-15 3 See MASTER 4 See SERVANT 5 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Le 19:13; De 24:14,15; 25:4; Jer 22:13; Hag 1:6; Mal 3:5; Mt 10:10; Lu 3:14; 10:7; Ro 4:4; 6:23; Col 4:1; Jas 5:4 WAGON #5105 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 45:19,27; Nu 7:3-9 2 See CART WAILING #5106 1 Of the wicked: Mt 13:42 WAITING #5107 1 Upon God 1.1 As the God of providence: Jer 14:22 1.2 As the God of salvation: Ps 25:5 1.3 As the giver of all temporal blessings: Ps 104:27,28; 145:15,16 2 For mercy: Ps 123:2 3 For pardon: Ps 39:7,8 4 For the consolation of Israel: Lu 2:25 5 For salvation: Ge 49:18; Ps 62:1,2 6 For guidance and teaching: Ps 25:5 7 For protection: Ps 33:20; 59:9,10 8 For the fulfillment of his word: Hab 2:3 9 For the fulfillment of his promises: Ac 1:4 10 For the hope of righteousness by faith: Ga 5:5 11 For the coming of Christ: 1Co 1:7; 1Th 1:10 12 Is good: Ps 52:9 13 God calls us to: Zep 3:8 14 Exhortations and encouragements to: Ps 27:14; 37:7; Ho 12:6 15 Should be with the soul: Ps 62:1,5 16 With earnest desire: Ps 130:6 17 With patience: Ps 37:7; 40:1 18 With resignation: La 3:26 19 With hope in his word: Ps 130:5 20 With full confidence: Mic 7:7 21 Continually: Ho 12:6 22 All the day: Ps 25:5 23 Especially in adversity: Ps 59:1-9; Isa 8:17 24 In the way of his judgments: Isa 26:8 25 Saints resolve on: Ps 52:9; 59:9 26 Saints have expectation from: Ps 62:5 27 Saints plead, in prayer: Ps 25:21; Isa 33:2 28 The patience of saints often tested in: Ps 69:3 29 Those who engage in 29.1 Wait upon him only: Ps 62:5 29.2 Are heard: Ps 40:1 29.3 Are blessed: Isa 30:18; Da 12:12 29.4 Experience his goodness: La 3:25 29.5 Will not be ashamed: Ps 25:3; Isa 49:23 29.6 Will renew their strength: Isa 40:31 29.7 Will inherit the earth: Ps 37:9 29.8 Will be saved: Pr 20:22; Isa 25:9 29.9 Will rejoice in salvation: Isa 25:9 29.10 Will receive the glorious things prepared by God for them: Isa 64:4 30 Predicted of the Gentiles: Isa 42:4; 60:9 31 Illustrated: Ps 123:2; Lu 12:36; Jas 5:7 32 EXEMPLIFIED 32.1 Jacob: Ge 49:18 32.2 David: Ps 39:7 32.3 Isaiah: Isa 8:17 32.4 Micah: Mic 7:7 32.5 Joseph: Mr 15:43 WALKING #5108 1 With God 1.1 According to his commands: De 5:33; Ps 1; Jer 7:23 1.2 In his ways: De 28:9; Jos 22:5 1.3 In the old paths: Jer 6:16 1.4 As taught by him: 1Ki 8:36; Isa 2:3; 30:21 1.5 Uprightly: Pr 2:7 1.6 In his statutes and judgments: Eze 37:24 1.7 In newness of life: Ro 6:4 1.8 Not after the flesh, but after the Spirit: Ro 8:1; Ga 5:16 1.9 Honestly, as in the day: Ro 13:13 1.10 Not walking by sight, but by faith: 2Co 5:7 1.11 In love, following Christ: Eph 5:2 1.12 Worthy of the Lord: Col 1:10 1.13 In Christ: Col 2:6 1.14 By the gospel rule: Php 3:16 1.15 In the light, as God is: 1Jo 1:7 1.16 In white clothing: Re 3:4 1.17 In the light of heaven: Re 21:24 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Enoch: Ge 5:24 2.2 Noah: Ge 6:9 WALLS, OF THE CITIES #5109 1 Of Bashan, destroyed by the Israelites: De 3:5,6 2 Of Jericho: Jos 2:15 ; 6 3 Of Jerusalem 3.1 See JERUSALEM 4 Of Babylon: Jer 51:44 5 Broad: Jer 51:58 6 Of Beth-shan: 1Sa 31:10 7 Of Rabbah: 2Sa 11:20 8 Of Abel: 2Sa 20:15,21 9 Houses built upon: Jos 2:15 10 Double: 2Ki 25:4; Isa 22:11 11 Sentinels on 11.1 See WATCHMAN 12 FIGURATIVE 12.1 Of the new Jerusalem: Re 21:12,14,17- 21 WAR #5110 1 Divine approval of: 2Sa 22:35 2 Civil: Jud 12:1-6; 20; 2Sa 2:12-31; 3:1; 20; 1Ki 14:30; 16:21; Isa 19:2 3 Forbidden: 2Ch 11:4 4 Averted: Jos 22:11-34 5 Enemy harangued by the general of the opposing side: 2Ki 18:19-36; 2Ch 13:4-12 6 Of extermination: Nu 31:7-17; De 2:33,34; 3:6; 20:13-18; Jos 6:21,24; 8:24,25; 10:2-40; 11:11-23; 1Sa 15:3-9; 27:8-11 7 God in: Ex 14:13,14; De 1:30; 3:21,22; 7:17- 24; 20:1,4; 31:6-8,23; 32:29,30; Jos 1:1,5-7,9; Jud 1:2; 6:16; 7:9; 11:29; 1Sa 17:45-47; 19:5; 30:7,8; 2Sa 5:22-24; 22:18; 1Ki 20:28; Ps 18:34; 76:3; Jer 46:15; Am 5:8,9; Zec 10:5 8 God uses, as a judgment: Ex 23:24; Le 26:17,31-39; De 28:25-68; 32:30; Jud 2:14; 2Ki 15:37; 1Ch 5:22,26; 21:12; 2Ch 15:6; 12:1-12; 24:23,24; 33:11; 36; Job 19:29; Ps 44:9-16; 60:1-3; 105:25; Isa 5:1-8,25-30; 9:8-12; 13:3,4,9; 19:2; 34:2-6; 43:28; 45:7; Jer 12:7,12; 46:15-17,21; 47:6,7; 48:10; 49:5; 50:25; Eze 23:22-25; Am 3:6; 4:11; Zep 1:7-18; Zec 8:10; 14:2 9 Repugnant to God: 1Ch 22:8,9; Ps 68:30; 120:6,7; Re 13:10 10 God sends panic in: Ex 15:14-16 11 Threatens defeat in: De 32:25; 1Sa 2:10; 2Ch 18:12-16; Isa 30:15-17; Eze 15:6-8; 21:9-17 12 Inflicts defeat in: Jos 7:12,13; 2Ch 12:5-8; 24:23,24; Ps 76:3; 78:66; 79:10; Isa 5:25; Jer 46:15,16 13 Counsels of: Jos 22:10-34; Jud 7:10,11; 2Sa 16:20; 17:1-15; Ps 48:4-7; Pr 11:14; 20:18 14 Wisdom required in: Pr 21:22; 24:6; Ec 9:14-18; Lu 14:31,32 15 Tumult of: Am 2:2 16 Killed in, neglected: Isa 14:19; 18:6 17 Evils of: 2Sa 2:26; Ps 46:8; 79:1-3; 137:9; Isa 3:5,25,26; 5:29,30; 6:11,12; 9:5,19-21; 13:15,16; 15; 16:9,10; 18:6; 19:2-16; 32:13,14; 33:8,9; 34:7-15; Jer 4:19-31; 5:16,17; 6:24-26; 7:33,34; 8:16,17; 9:10-21; 10:20; 13:14; 14:18; 15:8,9; 19:7-9; 25:33; 46:3-12; 47:3; 48:28,33; 51:30-58; La 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Eze 33:27; 39:17-19; Ho 10:14; 13:16; Joe 2:2-10; Am 1:13; 6:9,10; 8:3; Na 2:10; 3:3,10; Zec 14:2; Lu 21:20-26; Re 19:17,18 18 To cease: Ps 46:9; Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3 19 Wars and rumors of: Mt 24:6; Mr 13:7; Lu 21:9 20 See ARMIES 21 See ARMS 22 See FORT 23 See SOLDIERS 24 See STRATEGY 25 See TOWER 26 See WATCHMAN 27 FIGURATIVE 27.1 Warfare of saints 27.1.1 Is not after the flesh: : 2Co 10:3 27.1.2 Is a good warfare: 1Ti 1:18,19 27.1.3 Called the good fight of faith: 1Ti 6:12 27.2 Is against 27.2.1 The Devil: : Ge 3:15; 2Co 2:11; Eph 1:12; Jas 4:7; 1Pe 5:8; Re 12:17 27.2.2 The flesh: Ro 7:23; 1Co 9:25-27; 2Co 12:7; Ga 5:17; 1Pe 2:11 27.2.3 Enemies: Ps 38:19; 56:2; 59:3 27.2.4 The world: Joh 16:33; 1Jo 5:4,5 27.2.5 Death: 1Co 15:26; with Heb 2:14,15 27.3 Often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives: Mic 7:6; Mt 10:35,36 27.4 To be carried on 27.4.1 Under Christ, as our Captain: : Heb 2:10 27.4.2 Under the Lord's banner: Ps 60:4 27.4.3 With faith: 1Ti 1:18,19 27.4.4 With a good conscience: 1Ti 1:18,19 27.4.5 With steadfastness in the faith: 1Co 16:13; 1Pe 5:9; with Heb 10:23 27.4.6 With earnestness: Jude 1:3 27.4.7 With watchfulness: 1Co 16:13; 1Pe 5:8 27.4.8 With sobriety: 1Th 5:6; 1Pe 5:8 27.4.9 With endurance of hardness: 2Ti 2:3,10 27.4.10 With self-denial: 1Co 9:25-27 27.4.11 With confidence in God: Ps 27:1-3 27.4.12 With prayer: Ps 35:1-3; Eph 6:18 27.4.13 Without earthly entanglements: 2Ti 2:4 27.5 Mere professors do not maintain: Jer 9:3 27.6 Saints are all engaged in: Php 1:30 27.7 Must stand firm in: Eph 6:13,14 27.8 Exhorted to diligence in: 1Ti 6:12; Jude 1:3 27.9 Encouraged in: Isa 41:11,12; 51:12; Mic 7:8; 1Jo 4:4 27.10 Helped by God in: Ps 118:13; Isa 41:13,14 27.11 Protected by God in: Ps 140:7 27.12 Comforted by God in: 2Co 7:5,6 27.13 Strengthened by God in: Ps 20:2; 27:14; Isa 41:10 27.14 Strengthened by Christ in: 2Co 12:9; 2Ti 4:17 27.15 Delivered by Christ in: 2Ti 4:18 27.16 Thank God for victory in: Ro 7:25; 1Co 15:57 27.17 Armor for 27.17.1 The belt of truth: : Eph 6:14 27.17.2 The breastplate of righteousness: Eph 6:14 27.17.3 The preparation of the gospel: Eph 6:15 27.17.4 The shield of faith: Eph 6:16 27.17.5 The helmet of salvation: Eph 6:17; 1Th 5:8 27.17.6 The sword of the Spirit: Eph 6:17 27.17.7 Called "the armor of God,": Eph 6:11 27.17.8 Called "the armor of righteousness,": 2Co 6:7 27.17.9 Called "the armor of light,": Ro 13:12 27.17.10 Not carnal: 2Co 10:4 27.17.11 Mighty through God: 2Co 10:4,5 27.17.12 The whole, is required: Eph 6:13 27.17.13 Must be put on: Ro 13:12; Eph 6:11 27.17.14 To be on the right hand and left, an idiom meaning: "to attack and to defend.": 2Co 6:7 27.17.15 Victory in, is from God: 1Co 15:57; 2Co 2:14 27.17.16 Through Christ: Ro 7:25; 1Co 15:57; 2Co 12:9; Re 12:11 27.17.17 By faith: Heb 11:33-37; 1Jo 5:4,5 27.17.18 Over the Devil: Ro 16:20; 1Jo 2:14 27.17.19 Over the flesh: Ro 7:24,25; Ga 5:24 27.17.20 Over the world: 1Jo 5:4,5 27.17.21 Over all that exalts itself: 2Co 10:5 27.17.22 Over death and the grave: Isa 25:8; 26:19; Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:54,55 27.17.23 Triumphant: Ro 8:37; 2Co 10:5 27.18 Those who overcome in, will eat of the hidden manna: Re 2:17 27.19 Eat from the Tree of Life: Re 2:7 27.20 Be clothed in white clothing: Re 3:5 27.21 Be pillars in the temple of God: Re 3:12 27.22 Sit with Christ on his throne: Re 3:21 27.23 Have a white stone, and in it a new name written: Re 2:17 27.24 Have power over the nations: Re 2:26 27.25 Have the name of God written upon them by Christ: Re 3:12 27.26 Have God as their God: Re 21:7 27.27 Have the Morning Star: Re 2:28 27.28 Inherit all things: Re 21:7 27.29 Be confessed by Christ in the presence of God the Father: Re 3:5 27.30 Be sons of God: Re 21:7 27.31 Not be hurt by the Second Death: Re 2:11 27.32 Not have their names blotted out of the Book of Life: Re 3:5 27.33 Symbolized by a red horse: Re 6:4 28 IN HEAVEN 28.1 SYMBOLICAL: Re 12:7 WARFARE #5111 1 See WAR 2 Spiritual 2.1 See FIGURATIVE, under WAR WARNING #5112 1 See WICKED, WARNED WASHING #5113 1 Of hands, a token of innocence: De 21:6; Ps 26:6; 73:13; Mt 27:24 2 See ABLUTION 3 See PURIFICATION 4 FIGURATIVE 4.1 Of regeneration: Ps 51:7; Pr 30:12; Isa 1:16; 4:4; Zec 13:1; 1Co 6:11; Eph 5:26; Tit 3:5 WATCH #5114 1 (A division of time) 1.1 See NIGHT TIME WATCHFULNESS #5115 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 23:13; 34:12; De 4:9,23; 6:17; 11:16; 12:13; 27:9; Jos 22:5; 23:11; 1Ki 2:3,4; 8:25; 2Ch 19:7; Ne 4:9; Job 36:18-21; Ps 39:1; 102:7; 119:9; 141:3; Pr 4:23,25,26; 8:34; 16:17; 28:26; Na 2:1; Hab 2:1; Mal 2:15; Mt 6:1; 16:6; 18:10; 24:4; 25:13; 24:42-51; 26:40,41; Mr 4:24; 13:9-23,32-37; Lu 8:18; 11:35; 12:15,35-40; 21:8-36; Ac 20:28-31; Ro 11:21; 13:11; 1Co 7:29-31; 9:27; 10:12; 11:28; 16:13; Ga 6:1; Eph 5:15; 6:18; Php 3:2; 4:5; Col 4:2,17; 1Th 5:4,6,21; 1Ti 4:16; 2Ti 4:5; Heb 2:1; 3:12; 12:15; 1Pe 1:13,17; 4:7; 5:8; 2Pe 1:19; 3:17; 1Jo 5:18; 2Jo 1:8; Jude 1:20,21; Re 3:2,3,11; 16:15 2 See TEMPTATION WATCHMAN #5116 1 (A sentinel) 2 On the walls of cities: So 3:3; 5:7 3 Of Jerusalem: 2Sa 13:34; 18:24,25; Ne 4:9; 7:3; Isa 52:8; 62:6 4 Of Babylon: Jer 51:12 5 On towers: 2Ki 9:17; 2Ch 20:24; Isa 21:5-12; Jer 31:6 6 At the gates of the temple: 2Ki 11:6,7 7 Alarm of, given by trumpets: Eze 33:3-6 8 Unfaithfulness in the discharge of duty of, punished by death: Eze 33:6; Mt 28:14; Ac 12:19 WATER #5117 1 Creation of: Ps 148:4,5 2 Covered the whole earth: Ge 1:9 3 Daily allowance of: Eze 4:11 4 City waterworks: 2Ki 20:20 5 Vision of, by Ezekiel: Eze 47:1-5 6 Of separation: Nu 19:2-22 7 Libation of: 1Sa 7:6 8 Irrigation with 8.1 See IRRIGATION 9 Miraculously supplied 9.1 To the Israelites: Ex 17:1,6; Nu 20:11 9.2 To Samson: Jud 15:19 9.3 To Jehoshaphat's army: 2Ki 3:16-20 10 Purified by Elisha: 2Ki 2:19-22 11 Red Sea divided: Ex 14:21,22 12 The Jordan River: Jos 3:14-17; 2Ki 2:6- 8,14 13 Jesus walks upon: Mt 14:25 14 Changed to wine: Joh 2:1-11 15 Turned into blood: Re 16:3-5 16 FIGURATIVE 16.1 Water of life: Joh 4:14; 7:37-39; Re 21:6; 22:17 16.2 Water of affliction: 2Sa 22:17; Ps 69:1; Isa 30:20; 43:2 16.3 Water of salvation: Isa 12:3; 49:10; 55:1; Eze 36:25; Joh 4:10; 7:38 16.4 Domestic love: Pr 5:15 17 SYMBOLICAL: Isa 8:7; Re 8:11; 12:15; 16:4; 17:1,15 WAX #5118 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 22:14; 68:2; 97:5; Mic 1:4 153

W Topic Guide W WAY #5119 1 FIGURATIVE 1.1 Of holiness: Ps 16:11; Isa 35:8,9; Jer 6:16; Ho 14:9 1.2 Of righteousness, narrow: Mt 7:1,4 1.3 Of sin, broad: Mt 7:13 1.4 Jesus is the: Joh 14:6; Heb 9:8 1.5 Doctrines taught by Christ: Ac 9:2; 19:23; 22:4; 24:14,22 WEALTH #5120 1 See RICHES WEAPONS #5121 1 See ARMOR 2 See ARMS WEASEL #5122 1 General scriptures concerning: Le 11:29 WEATHER #5123 1 Signs of: Mt 16:2,3 2 Sayings concerning: Job 37:9,17,22 3 See METEOROLOGY WEAVING #5124 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 19:9; 38:12 2 Bezaleel skilled in: Ex 35:35 3 Performed by women: 2Ki 23:7 4 Of the ephod: Ex 28:32; 39:22 5 Of coats: Ex 39:27 6 Weaver's shuttle: Job 7:6 7 Beam: Jud 16:14; 2Sa 21:19; 1Ch 11:23 WEDDING #5125 1 See MARRIAGE WEEDING #5126 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 13:28 WEEPING #5127 1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 12:15; 1Co 7:30 2 In destruction: Mt 8:12; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30 3 None in heaven: Re 7:17 4 Penitential: Jer 50:4; Joe 2:12 5 Instances of penitential 5.1 The Israelites: Jud 2:4,5 6 Peter: Mt 26:75; Mr 14:72; Lu 22:62 7 While doing good: Ps 126:5,6 8 For others: Jer 9:1 9 On account of tribulation: Jer 22:10; Am 5:16,17 10 INSTANCES OF 10.1 Of Abraham for Sarah: Ge 23:2 10.2 Of Esau: Ge 27:38 10.3 Of Jacob and Esau: Ge 33:4 10.4 Of Jacob: Ge 37:35 10.5 Of Joseph: Ge 42:24; 43:30; 45:2,14; 46:29; 50:1,17 10.6 Of Hannah: 1Sa 1:17 10.7 Of Jonathan and David: 1Sa 20:41 10.8 Of David: 2Sa 1:17; 3:32; 13:36; 15:23,30; 18:33 10.9 Of Hezekiah: 2Ki 20:3; Isa 38:3 10.10 Of Jesus 10.10.1 Over Jerusalem: : Lu 19:41 10.10.2 At the grave of Lazarus: Joh 11:35 10.11 Of Mary, when she washed the feet of Jesus: Lu 7:38; Joh 11:2,33 10.12 Of Mary Magdalene: Joh 20:11 10.13 Of Paul: Ac 20:19; Php 3:18 WEIGHTS #5128 1 Must be just: Le 19:35,36; De 25:13-15; Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:10,23; Mic 6:10,11 2 See MEASURE WELLS #5129 1 The occasion of feuds 1.1 Between Abraham and Abimelech: Ge 21:25-30 1.2 Between Isaac and Abimelech: Ge 26:15- 22,32,33 2 Of Jacob: Joh 4:6 3 Of Solomon: Ec 2:6 4 Of Uzziah: 2Ch 26:10 5 Of Hezekiah 5.1 See GIHON 6 At Haran: Ge 24:16 7 FlGURATIVE 7.1 Of salvation: Isa 12:3; Joh 4:14 7.2 Without water: Jer 15:18; 2Pe 2:17 154 7.3 See SPRING WEN #5130 1 A tumor: Le 22:22 WHALE #5131 1 Created: Ge 1:21 2 Called a "sea monster," in the R. V: Job 7:12 3 See DRAGON WHEAT #5132 1 General scriptures concerning: Re 6:6 2 Grown in Palestine: 1Ki 5:11; Ps 81:16; 147:14 3 Offering of: Nu 18:12 4 Prophecy of the sale of a measure of, for a penny: Re 6:6 5 Parables of: Mt 13:25; Lu 16:7 6 Winnowing of: Mt 3:12; Lu 3:17 7 Ground in a mortar: Pr 27:22 8 Chaff of: Jer 23:28; Mt 3:12; Lu 3:17 9 Growth of, figurative of vicarious death: Joh 12:24 10 FIGURATIVE 10.1 Of God's mercy: Ps 81:16; 147:14 10.2 Of self-rigteousness: Jer 12:13 WHEEL #5133 1 Potter's: Jer 18:3 2 FIGURATIVE: Pr 20:26; Ec 12:6 3 SYMBOLICAL: Eze 1:15-21; 3:13; 10:9-19; 11:22 WHIP #5134 1 General scriptures concerning: 1Ki 12:11; Pr 26:3; Na 3:2 WHIRLWIND #5135 1 Destructive: Pr 1:27 2 From the south in the land of Uz: Job 37:9 3 In the valley of the Euphrates: Isa 21:1 4 In the land of Canaan: Zec 9:14 5 From the north: Eze 1:4 6 Elijah transported upward in: 2Ki 2:1,11 7 God answered Job in: Job 38:1 8 See METEOROLOGY 9 FIGURATIVE 9.1 Of the judgment of God: Jer 23:19; 30:23 9.2 Of the fruits of unrighteousness: Ho 8:7 9.3 Of divine judgments: Eze 1:4 WHISPER #5136 1 See BUSYBODY 2 See SLANDER 3 See TALEBEARER WHISPERER #5137 1 A slanderer: Ro 1:29; 2Co 12:20 2 See SLANDER 3 See SPEAKING, EVIL WHITE #5138 1 See COLOR WHORE #5139 1 Revenues of, not to be brought to the sanctuary: De 23:18 2 See HARLOT WHOREDOM #5140 1 Licentious rites of, in idolatrous worship: Le 19:29; De 31:16; Jud 2:17; 2Ki 9:22 2 See IDOLATRY 3 FIGURATIVE: Eze 16; 23; Re 17 WHOREMONGER #5141 1 General scriptures concerning: Re 21:8; 22:15 2 See ADULTERY 3 See SENSUALITY WICKED (PEOPLE) #5142 1 Compared with 1.1 Abominable branches: Isa 14:19 1.2 Ashes under the feet: Mal 4:3 1.3 Bad fish: Mt 13:48 1.4 Animals: Ps 49:12; 2Pe 2:12 1.5 Blind people: Zep 1:17; Mt 15:14 1.6 Bronze and iron: Jer 6:28; Eze 22:18 1.7 Briers add thorns: Isa 55:13; Eze 2:6 1.8 The bulls of Bashan: Ps 22:12 1.9 Carcasses trodden underfoot: Isa 14:19 1.10 Chaff: Job 21:18; Ps 1:4; Mt 3:12 1.11 Clouds without water: Jude 1:12 1.12 Corn (grain) blasted: 2Ki 19:26 1.13 Corrupt trees: Lu 6:43 1.14 Deaf adders: Ps 58:4 1.15 Dogs: Pr 26:11; Mt 7:6; 2Pe 2:22 1.16 Dross: Ps 119:119; Eze 22:18,19 1.17 Early dew that passes away: Ho 13:3 1.18 Bad figs: Jer 24:8 1.19 Fading oaks: Isa 1:30 1.20 Fiery oven: Ps 21:9; Ho 7:4 1.21 Fire of thorns: Ps 118:12 1.22 Fools building upon sand: Mt 7:26 1.23 The fuel of fire: Isa 9:19 1.24 Garden without water: Isa 1:30 1.25 Goats: Mt 25:32 1.26 Grass: Ps 37:2; 92:7 1.27 Grass on the housetop: 2Ki 19:26 1.28 Green bay tree: Ps 37:35 1.29 Green herbs: Ps 37:2 1.30 Heath in the desert: Jer 17:6 1.31 Horses rushing into the battle: Jer 8:6 1.32 Lions greedy of prey: Ps 17:12 1.33 Melting wax: Ps 68:2 1.34 Morning clouds: Ho 13:3 1.35 Moth-eaten garments: Isa 50:9; 51:8 1.36 Passing whirlwinds: Pr 10:25 1.37 Potsherds: Pr 26:23 1.38 Raging waves of the sea: Jude 1:13 1.39 Reprobate silver: Jer 6:30 1.40 Scorpions: Eze 2:6 1.41 Serpents: Ps 58:4; Mt 23:33 1.42 Smoke: Ho 13:3 1.43 Stony ground: Mt 13:5 1.44 Stubble: Job 21:18; Mal 4:1 1.45 Swine (pig): Mt 7:6; 2Pe 2:22 1.46 Tares: Mt 13:38 1.47 Disturbed sea: Isa 57:20 1.48 Visions of the night: Job 20:8 1.49 Wandering stars: Jude 1:13 1.50 Wayward children: Mt 11:16 1.51 Wells without water: 2Pe 2:17 1.52 Wheels: Ps 83:13 1.53 Whited gravesites: Mt 23:27 1.54 A wild donkey's colts: Job 11:12 2 God is angry with: Ps 5:5,6; 7:11; Ro 9:13; 1Co 10:5 3 Spirit of God withdrawn from: Ge 6:3; Ho 4:17-19; Ro 1:24,26,28 4 Hate the righteous: Mt 5:11,12; Lu 6:22,23 5 Worship of, offensive to God: Ps 50:16,17; Isa 1:10-15 6 Present and future state of evil and righteous persons contrasted, (see below also): Job 8; Ps 49 7 Prosperity of: Job 5:3-5; 12:6; 15:21,23,27,29; 20:5,22; 21:7-13; Ps 37:1,35,36; 49:10-15; 73:3-22; 92:6,7; Ec 8:12,13; Jer 12:1,2; Hab 1:3,4,13-17; Mal 3:15 8 Hate reproof: 1Ki 22:8; 2Ch 18:7 9 God's mercy to: Job 33:14-30 10 Love for: De 5:29; 32:29; Mt 18:11-14; Joh 3:16,17; Ro 5:8; 1Jo 3:16; 4:9,10 11 Dreading God: Job 18:11 12 Eliphaz's exhortation to: Job 22:21-30 13 Temporal punishment of: Job 27:13-23; 15:20-35; 18:5-21; 20:5-29; 21:7-33; 24:2-24; Jer 5:25; Eze 11:10; 12:19,20; Zec 14:17-19 14 False hope of: Job 8:13-18 15 Gospel invitation to, illustrated by the parables of 15.1 The householder: Mt 20:1-16 15.2 The marriage supper: Mt 22:1-14 16 Warned: Jer 7:13-15,23-25; 25:4-6; 26:2- 7,12,13; 29:17-19; Eze 33:8; Da 4:4-27; 5:4-29; Zep 2:1,2; Lu 3:7-9; 1Co 10:11; Jude 1:4-7; Re 3:1-3,16-19 17 Terrors of, at the judgment: Re 1:7 18 Death of: Ps 49:14; 73:4 19 See IMPENITENCE 20 See OBDURACY 21 See PENITENCE 22 See REPROBACY 23 See SEEKERS 24 See SIN, CONFESSION OF 25 CONTRASTED WITH RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE: Ps 1:1-6; 11:5; 17:14,15; 32:10; 37:17-22,37,38; 68:6; 73:1-28; 75:10; 91:7,8; 107:33-38; 125:5; Pr 10:6,9,21,23-25,28-30,32; 11:3,5,6,8,10,11,18-21,23,31; 12:3,5- 7,13,21,26; 13:6,13,17,21; 14:19,22,32; 15:6; 21:18,26; 22:5; 28:1,4,5,13,14,18; Isa 32:1-8; 65:13,14; Mal 3:18; Ro 2:7-9; Eph 2:12-14; Php 2:15; 1Th 5:5-8; Tit 1:15; 1Jo 1:6,7; 3:3-17 26 DESCRIBED: Ge 13:13; 18:20; Le 18:25; De 9:13,24; 32:10,32,33; 1Sa 24:13; 1Ki 21:20; 2Ch 28:10,22; Ezr 9:11; Job 14:4; 15:16,20-35; 20:12,13; 22:5; 24:2-24; Ps 5:9; 7:14-16; 10:4- 11; 36:1-4; 37:12; 49:20; 50:17-20; 52:1-4; 53:1- 5; 58:3-5; 59:6,7; 64:3-6; 73:4-12; 94:3-8; 119:155; Pr 1:29,30; 2:12-19; 4:16; 6:12-15; 10:23; 13:19; 14:9; 15:9,10; 27:22; 28:4; Ec 3:18; 8:11; Isa 1:4-6; 3:9; 5:11,12,18-25; 26:10,11; 30:1,9-11; 32:6,7; 57:20,21; 59:2-8; 63:19; Jer 2:22-25; 3:5; 4:22; 5:4,5,26-28; 6:7,15; 8:6,12; 9:3-6; 11:8,15; 13:10; 14:10; 17:1; 30:12-15; Eze 3:7; 11:12; 16:47; 20:16; Ho 4:8; 7:3,9; 9:10; 13:12; Am 5:10; Mic 3:1,2; 7:2- 4; Zep 3:5,7; Hag 2:14; Mt 4:16; 6:23; 18:11; Mr 4:11; Lu 1:79; 19:10; Joh 3:18-20; 5:42; 8:34,44; Ac 8:21,23; 13:10; Ro 1:20-32; 2:8; 3:10-18; 8:5,7,8; 9:8; Eph 2:1-3,12; 4:17-19; 5:11,12; Php 2:15; Col 1:21; 1Th 5:7; 2Th 1:8; 1Ti 1:9,10; 2Ti 3:2-13; Tit 1:15,16; 3:3; 2Pe 2:10,12-19; 1Jo 3:8,10,14,15; Jude 1:12,13; Re 3:17,18 27 PRAYER OF: De 1:45; 3:26; 2Sa 22:42; Job 27:9; 35:12,13; Ps 18:41; 66:18; Pr 1:24-28; 15:8,29; 21:13,27; 28:9; Isa 1:15; 45:19; 59:2; Jer 11:11; 14:12; 15:1; 18:17; La 3:8,44; Eze 8:18; 20:3,31; Ho 5:6; Mic 3:4; Zec 7:12,13; Mal 1:9; 2:11-13; Joh 9:31; Jas 1:6,7; 4:3; 1Pe 3:7 28 PUNISHMENT OF: Ge 2:17; 3:16-19; 4:7; 6:3,7,12,13; Ex 20:5; 32:33-35; 34:7; Le 26:14,16-39; Nu 15:31; 32:23; De 7:9,10; 11:26,28; 28:15-68; 30:15,19; 31:29; 1Sa 3:11- 14; 12:25; 2Sa 3:39; 7:14; 22:27,28; 23:6,7; 1Ki 21:20,21; 1Ch 10:13,14; 15:13; 28:9; 2Ch 15:2; Job 4:8,9; 5:3,14; 8:20,22; 10:14,15; 11:20; 15:20-24,28-30; 18:5-21; 19:29; 20:5-29; 21:7- 33; 27:8-23; 31:3; 34:22; 36:12,17; Ps 1:4-6; 2:4,5,9; 3:7; 5:5; 7:11-13; 9:5,17; 10:15; 11:6; 18:14,26,27; 21:9,10; 28:4,5; 32:10; 34:16,21; 36:12; 37:1,2,9,10,13-22,34-38; 39:11; 50:22; 52:5; 55:19,23; 56:7; 58:6-9; 59:5,8; 62:3; 64:7,8; 68:1,2,6,21; 73:2-21,27; 75:8,10; 78:1- 67; 89:10,31,32; 91:8; 92:7,9; 94:13,23; 97:3; 101:8; 104:35; 106:18,43; 107:17,34; 109:6-19; 119:21,118,119,155; 129:4; 139:19; 145:20; 146:9; 147:6; Pr 2:22; 3:33; 6:12-15; 10:3,6- 8,24,25,27-31; 11:3,5-8,19,21,23,31; 12:2,3,7; 13:2,5,6,9,21,25; 14:12,19,32; 16:4,5,25; 18:3; 19:16; 21:12,15,16; 22:5,23; 24:20,22; 26:10; 28:14,18; 29:1,16; Ec 2:26; 7:17; 8:12,13; Isa 2:19; 3:11; 5:11-14,24; 9:18; 10:3; 11:4; 13:8,9,11; 24:17,18; 26:21; 28:18-22; 33:11,12,14; 40:2; 48:22; 50:11; 57:20,21; 64:5- 7; 65:12-14; Jer 8:12-14,20-22; 9:1; 13:14,16,22; 14:10,12; 16:18; 21:14; 25:31; 36:31; 44:23; 49:12; La 3:3; 4:22; 5:16,17; Eze 3:18-20; 5:4,8-17; 7:4-6; 9:5-7,10; 11:21; 18:1- 32; 20:8; 22:14,20,21,31; 24:13,14; 25:7; 33:7- 20; Da 12:2; Ho 2:9-13; 5:4-6,9; 7:12,13; 9:7,9,15; 10:8; 12:2,14; 13:1,3; 14:9; Joe 2:1,2; 3:13-16; Am 3:2; 5:18-20; 8:14; 9:1-5,10; Jon 3:9; Mic 2:3; 6:13; Na 1:2,8-10; Zep 1:12-18; Zec 5:2-4; Mal 3:17,18; 4:1; Mt 3:7,10,12; 5:19- 30; 7:13,19,23,26,27; 8:12; 10:28,33; 11:23; 12:34; 13:12-15,30,38-42,49,50; 15:13; 16:26; 18:7-9,34,35; 21:19,41,44; 22:13; 23:14,33; 24:50,51; 25:30,32,33,41,46; 26:24; Mr 4:12,25; 8:36,38; 9:43; 11:26; 12:1-9,40; 14:21; 16:16; Lu 3:7,17; 6:49; 8:18; 9:24-26; 12:4,5,46,47; 13:3,5-7,9,24,27,28; 16:22-28; 17:1,2; 19:26,27; 20:18; 22:22; 23:30,31; Joh 3:15,16,18,36; 5:14,29; 7:34; 8:21; 12:40; 15:2; 17:12; Ac 1:18,25; 3:23; Ro 1:18; 2:5,8; 5:12,21; 6:16,21; 8:2,6,7,13; 9:22; 11:22; 14:23; 1Co 3:17; 5:5,13; 6:9,10; 9:27; 10:5-11; 15:21,22; 2Co 7:10; Ga 3:10; 5:19,20; 6:8; Eph 5:5,6; Php 3:18,19; Col 3:25; 1Th 1:10; 5:3; 2Th 1:5-9; 2:8-10; 1Ti 1:20; 5:24; 2Ti 2:12,13; Heb 2:2,3; 6:8; 10:27-31; Jas 1:14,15; 5:1-3,20; 1Pe 3:12; 4:17,18; 2Pe 2:3- 9,12-17; 1Jo 3:14,15; Jude 1:5-7,11-15; Re 2:22,23; 3:3; 6:15-17; 9:4-6,15,18; 11:18; 14:9- 11; 16:2-21; 18:5; 19:15,17-21; 20:10,15; 21:8,27; 22:19 28.1 See JUDGMENTS 28.2 See HELL 28.3 See PUNISHMENT WIDOW #5143 1 Vows of, binding: Nu 30:9 2 When they are daughters of priests, they are to be supported by their fathers: Le 22:13 3 Priests forbidden to marry: Le 21:14 4 Marriage of, authorized: Ro 7:3; 1Co 7:39 5 Widows' dower 5.1 See DOWRY 6 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Ex 22:22-24; De 10:18; 14:28,29; 16:11-14; 24:17,19-21; 25:5-10; 27:19; Job 22:5,9; 24:3,21; 29:13; 31:16,22; Ps 68:5; 94:6; 146:9; Pr 15:25; Isa 1:17,23; 10:1,2; Jer 7:6,7; 22:3; 49:11; Eze 22:7; Zec 7:10; Mal 3:5; Mt 23:14; Mr 12:40; Lu 20:47; 1Co 7:8,9; 1Ti 5:3-6,9-12,16 7 INSTANCES OF 7.1 Naomi: Ru 1:3 7.2 Ruth: Ru 1; 2; 3 ; 4 7.3 The widow of Zarephath, who sustained Elijah during a famine: 1Ki 17

W Topic <strong>Guide</strong> W<br />

WAY #5119<br />


1.1 Of holiness: Ps 16:11; Isa 35:8,9; Jer<br />

6:16; Ho 14:9<br />

1.2 Of righteousness, narrow: Mt 7:1,4<br />

1.3 Of sin, broad: Mt 7:13<br />

1.4 Jesus is <strong>the</strong>: Joh 14:6; Heb 9:8<br />

1.5 Doctrines taught by Christ: Ac 9:2; 19:23;<br />

22:4; 24:14,22<br />

WEALTH #5120<br />

1 See RICHES<br />

WEAPONS #5121<br />

1 See ARMOR<br />

2 See ARMS<br />

WEASEL #5122<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Le 11:29<br />

WEATHER #5123<br />

1 Signs of: Mt 16:2,3<br />

2 Sayings concerning: Job 37:9,17,22<br />


WEAVING #5124<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 19:9;<br />

38:12<br />

2 Bezaleel skilled in: Ex 35:35<br />

3 Performed by women: 2Ki 23:7<br />

4 Of <strong>the</strong> ephod: Ex 28:32; 39:22<br />

5 Of coats: Ex 39:27<br />

6 Weaver's shuttle: Job 7:6<br />

7 Beam: Jud 16:14; 2Sa 21:19; 1Ch 11:23<br />

WEDDING #5125<br />

1 See MARRIAGE<br />

WEEDING #5126<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 13:28<br />

WEEPING #5127<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 12:15;<br />

1Co 7:30<br />

2 In destruction: Mt 8:12; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30<br />

3 None in heaven: Re 7:17<br />

4 Penitential: Jer 50:4; Joe 2:12<br />

5 Instances of penitential<br />

5.1 The Israelites: Jud 2:4,5<br />

6 Peter: Mt 26:75; Mr 14:72; Lu 22:62<br />

7 While doing good: Ps 126:5,6<br />

8 For o<strong>the</strong>rs: Jer 9:1<br />

9 On account of tribulation: Jer 22:10; Am<br />

5:16,17<br />


10.1 Of Abraham for Sarah: Ge 23:2<br />

10.2 Of Esau: Ge 27:38<br />

10.3 Of Jacob <strong>and</strong> Esau: Ge 33:4<br />

10.4 Of Jacob: Ge 37:35<br />

10.5 Of Joseph: Ge 42:24; 43:30; 45:2,14;<br />

46:29; 50:1,17<br />

10.6 Of Hannah: 1Sa 1:17<br />

10.7 Of Jonathan <strong>and</strong> David: 1Sa 20:41<br />

10.8 Of David: 2Sa 1:17; 3:32; 13:36;<br />

15:23,30; 18:33<br />

10.9 Of Hezekiah: 2Ki 20:3; Isa 38:3<br />

10.10 Of Jesus<br />

10.10.1 Over Jerusalem: : Lu 19:41<br />

10.10.2 At <strong>the</strong> grave of Lazarus: Joh 11:35<br />

10.11 Of Mary, when she washed <strong>the</strong> feet of<br />

Jesus: Lu 7:38; Joh 11:2,33<br />

10.12 Of Mary Magdalene: Joh 20:11<br />

10.13 Of Paul: Ac 20:19; Php 3:18<br />

WEIGHTS #5128<br />

1 Must be just: Le 19:35,36; De 25:13-15; Pr<br />

11:1; 16:11; 20:10,23; Mic 6:10,11<br />

2 See MEASURE<br />

WELLS #5129<br />

1 The occasion of feuds<br />

1.1 Between Abraham <strong>and</strong> Abimelech: Ge<br />

21:25-30<br />

1.2 Between Isaac <strong>and</strong> Abimelech: Ge 26:15-<br />

22,32,33<br />

2 Of Jacob: Joh 4:6<br />

3 Of Solomon: Ec 2:6<br />

4 Of Uzziah: 2Ch 26:10<br />

5 Of Hezekiah<br />

5.1 See GIHON<br />

6 At Haran: Ge 24:16<br />

7 FlGURATIVE<br />

7.1 Of salvation: Isa 12:3; Joh 4:14<br />

7.2 Without water: Jer 15:18; 2Pe 2:17<br />

154<br />

7.3 See SPRING<br />

WEN #5130<br />

1 A tumor: Le 22:22<br />

WHALE #5131<br />

1 Created: Ge 1:21<br />

2 Called a "sea monster," in <strong>the</strong> R. V: Job<br />

7:12<br />

3 See DRAGON<br />

WHEAT #5132<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Re 6:6<br />

2 Grown in Palestine: 1Ki 5:11; Ps 81:16;<br />

147:14<br />

3 Offering of: Nu 18:12<br />

4 Prophecy of <strong>the</strong> sale of a measure of, for a<br />

penny: Re 6:6<br />

5 Parables of: Mt 13:25; Lu 16:7<br />

6 Winnowing of: Mt 3:12; Lu 3:17<br />

7 Ground in a mortar: Pr 27:22<br />

8 Chaff of: Jer 23:28; Mt 3:12; Lu 3:17<br />

9 Growth of, figurative of vicarious death:<br />

Joh 12:24<br />


10.1 Of God's mercy: Ps 81:16; 147:14<br />

10.2 Of self-rigteousness: Jer 12:13<br />

WHEEL #5133<br />

1 Potter's: Jer 18:3<br />

2 FIGURATIVE: Pr 20:26; Ec 12:6<br />

3 SYMBOLICAL: Eze 1:15-21; 3:13; 10:9-19;<br />

11:22<br />

WHIP #5134<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 1Ki 12:11;<br />

Pr 26:3; Na 3:2<br />

WHIRLWIND #5135<br />

1 Destructive: Pr 1:27<br />

2 From <strong>the</strong> south in <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong> of Uz: Job 37:9<br />

3 In <strong>the</strong> valley of <strong>the</strong> Euphrates: Isa 21:1<br />

4 In <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong> of Canaan: Zec 9:14<br />

5 From <strong>the</strong> north: Eze 1:4<br />

6 Elijah transported upward in: 2Ki 2:1,11<br />

7 God answered Job in: Job 38:1<br />



9.1 Of <strong>the</strong> judgment of God: Jer 23:19; 30:23<br />

9.2 Of <strong>the</strong> fruits of unrighteousness: Ho 8:7<br />

9.3 Of divine judgments: Eze 1:4<br />

WHISPER #5136<br />

1 See BUSYBODY<br />

2 See SLANDER<br />

3 See TALEBEARER<br />

WHISPERER #5137<br />

1 A sl<strong>and</strong>erer: Ro 1:29; 2Co 12:20<br />

2 See SLANDER<br />

3 See SPEAKING, EVIL<br />

WHITE #5138<br />

1 See COLOR<br />

WHORE #5139<br />

1 Revenues of, not to be brought to <strong>the</strong><br />

sanctuary: De 23:18<br />

2 See HARLOT<br />

WHOREDOM #5140<br />

1 Licentious rites of, in idolatrous worship:<br />

Le 19:29; De 31:16; Jud 2:17; 2Ki 9:22<br />

2 See IDOLATRY<br />

3 FIGURATIVE: Eze 16; 23; Re 17<br />

WHOREMONGER #5141<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Re 21:8;<br />

22:15<br />

2 See ADULTERY<br />

3 See SENSUALITY<br />

WICKED (PEOPLE) #5142<br />

1 Compared with<br />

1.1 Abominable branches: Isa 14:19<br />

1.2 Ashes under <strong>the</strong> feet: Mal 4:3<br />

1.3 Bad fish: Mt 13:48<br />

1.4 Animals: Ps 49:12; 2Pe 2:12<br />

1.5 Blind people: Zep 1:17; Mt 15:14<br />

1.6 Bronze <strong>and</strong> iron: Jer 6:28; Eze 22:18<br />

1.7 Briers add thorns: Isa 55:13; Eze 2:6<br />

1.8 The bulls of Bashan: Ps 22:12<br />

1.9 Carcasses trodden underfoot: Isa 14:19<br />

1.10 Chaff: Job 21:18; Ps 1:4; Mt 3:12<br />

1.11 Clouds without water: Jude 1:12<br />

1.12 Corn (grain) blasted: 2Ki 19:26<br />

1.13 Corrupt trees: Lu 6:43<br />

1.14 Deaf adders: Ps 58:4<br />

1.15 Dogs: Pr 26:11; Mt 7:6; 2Pe 2:22<br />

1.16 Dross: Ps 119:119; Eze 22:18,19<br />

1.17 Early dew that passes away: Ho 13:3<br />

1.18 Bad figs: Jer 24:8<br />

1.19 Fading oaks: Isa 1:30<br />

1.20 Fiery oven: Ps 21:9; Ho 7:4<br />

1.21 Fire of thorns: Ps 118:12<br />

1.22 Fools building upon s<strong>and</strong>: Mt 7:26<br />

1.23 The fuel of fire: Isa 9:19<br />

1.24 Garden without water: Isa 1:30<br />

1.25 Goats: Mt 25:32<br />

1.26 Grass: Ps 37:2; 92:7<br />

1.27 Grass on <strong>the</strong> housetop: 2Ki 19:26<br />

1.28 Green bay tree: Ps 37:35<br />

1.29 Green herbs: Ps 37:2<br />

1.30 Heath in <strong>the</strong> desert: Jer 17:6<br />

1.31 Horses rushing <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> battle: Jer 8:6<br />

1.32 Lions greedy of prey: Ps 17:12<br />

1.33 Melting wax: Ps 68:2<br />

1.34 Morning clouds: Ho 13:3<br />

1.35 Moth-eaten garments: Isa 50:9; 51:8<br />

1.36 Passing whirlwinds: Pr 10:25<br />

1.37 Potsherds: Pr 26:23<br />

1.38 Raging waves of <strong>the</strong> sea: Jude 1:13<br />

1.39 Reprobate silver: Jer 6:30<br />

1.40 Scorpions: Eze 2:6<br />

1.41 Serpents: Ps 58:4; Mt 23:33<br />

1.42 Smoke: Ho 13:3<br />

1.43 Stony ground: Mt 13:5<br />

1.44 Stubble: Job 21:18; Mal 4:1<br />

1.45 Swine (pig): Mt 7:6; 2Pe 2:22<br />

1.46 Tares: Mt 13:38<br />

1.47 Disturbed sea: Isa 57:20<br />

1.48 Visions of <strong>the</strong> night: Job 20:8<br />

1.49 W<strong>and</strong>ering stars: Jude 1:13<br />

1.50 Wayward children: Mt 11:16<br />

1.51 Wells without water: 2Pe 2:17<br />

1.52 Wheels: Ps 83:13<br />

1.53 Whited gravesites: Mt 23:27<br />

1.54 A wild donkey's colts: Job 11:12<br />

2 God is angry with: Ps 5:5,6; 7:11; Ro 9:13;<br />

1Co 10:5<br />

3 Spirit of God withdrawn from: Ge 6:3; Ho<br />

4:17-19; Ro 1:24,26,28<br />

4 Hate <strong>the</strong> righteous: Mt 5:11,12; Lu 6:22,23<br />

5 Worship of, offensive to God: Ps 50:16,17;<br />

Isa 1:10-15<br />

6 Present <strong>and</strong> future state of evil <strong>and</strong><br />

righteous persons contrasted, (see below<br />

also): Job 8; Ps 49<br />

7 Prosperity of: Job 5:3-5; 12:6;<br />

15:21,23,27,29; 20:5,22; 21:7-13; Ps<br />

37:1,35,36; 49:10-15; 73:3-22; 92:6,7; Ec<br />

8:12,13; Jer 12:1,2; Hab 1:3,4,13-17; Mal 3:15<br />

8 Hate reproof: 1Ki 22:8; 2Ch 18:7<br />

9 God's mercy to: Job 33:14-30<br />

10 Love for: De 5:29; 32:29; Mt 18:11-14; Joh<br />

3:16,17; Ro 5:8; 1Jo 3:16; 4:9,10<br />

11 Dreading God: Job 18:11<br />

12 Eliphaz's exhortation to: Job 22:21-30<br />

13 Temporal punishment of: Job 27:13-23;<br />

15:20-35; 18:5-21; 20:5-29; 21:7-33; 24:2-24;<br />

Jer 5:25; Eze 11:10; 12:19,20; Zec 14:17-19<br />

14 False hope of: Job 8:13-18<br />

15 Gospel invitation to, illustrated by <strong>the</strong><br />

parables of<br />

15.1 The householder: Mt 20:1-16<br />

15.2 The marriage supper: Mt 22:1-14<br />

16 Warned: Jer 7:13-15,23-25; 25:4-6; 26:2-<br />

7,12,13; 29:17-19; Eze 33:8; Da 4:4-27; 5:4-29;<br />

Zep 2:1,2; Lu 3:7-9; 1Co 10:11; Jude 1:4-7; Re<br />

3:1-3,16-19<br />

17 Terrors of, at <strong>the</strong> judgment: Re 1:7<br />

18 Death of: Ps 49:14; 73:4<br />

19 See IMPENITENCE<br />

20 See OBDURACY<br />

21 See PENITENCE<br />

22 See REPROBACY<br />

23 See SEEKERS<br />



PEOPLE: Ps 1:1-6; 11:5; 17:14,15; 32:10;<br />

37:17-22,37,38; 68:6; 73:1-28; 75:10; 91:7,8;<br />

107:33-38; 125:5; Pr 10:6,9,21,23-25,28-30,32;<br />

11:3,5,6,8,10,11,18-21,23,31; 12:3,5-<br />

7,13,21,26; 13:6,13,17,21; 14:19,22,32; 15:6;<br />

21:18,26; 22:5; 28:1,4,5,13,14,18; Isa 32:1-8;<br />

65:13,14; Mal 3:18; Ro 2:7-9; Eph 2:12-14; Php<br />

2:15; 1Th 5:5-8; Tit 1:15; 1Jo 1:6,7; 3:3-17<br />

26 DESCRIBED: Ge 13:13; 18:20; Le 18:25;<br />

De 9:13,24; 32:10,32,33; 1Sa 24:13; 1Ki 21:20;<br />

2Ch 28:10,22; Ezr 9:11; Job 14:4; 15:16,20-35;<br />

20:12,13; 22:5; 24:2-24; Ps 5:9; 7:14-16; 10:4-<br />

11; 36:1-4; 37:12; 49:20; 50:17-20; 52:1-4; 53:1-<br />

5; 58:3-5; 59:6,7; 64:3-6; 73:4-12; 94:3-8;<br />

119:155; Pr 1:29,30; 2:12-19; 4:16; 6:12-15;<br />

10:23; 13:19; 14:9; 15:9,10; 27:22; 28:4; Ec<br />

3:18; 8:11; Isa 1:4-6; 3:9; 5:11,12,18-25;<br />

26:10,11; 30:1,9-11; 32:6,7; 57:20,21; 59:2-8;<br />

63:19; Jer 2:22-25; 3:5; 4:22; 5:4,5,26-28;<br />

6:7,15; 8:6,12; 9:3-6; 11:8,15; 13:10; 14:10;<br />

17:1; 30:12-15; Eze 3:7; 11:12; 16:47; 20:16; Ho<br />

4:8; 7:3,9; 9:10; 13:12; Am 5:10; Mic 3:1,2; 7:2-<br />

4; Zep 3:5,7; Hag 2:14; Mt 4:16; 6:23; 18:11; Mr<br />

4:11; Lu 1:79; 19:10; Joh 3:18-20; 5:42; 8:34,44;<br />

Ac 8:21,23; 13:10; Ro 1:20-32; 2:8; 3:10-18;<br />

8:5,7,8; 9:8; Eph 2:1-3,12; 4:17-19; 5:11,12; Php<br />

2:15; Col 1:21; 1Th 5:7; 2Th 1:8; 1Ti 1:9,10; 2Ti<br />

3:2-13; Tit 1:15,16; 3:3; 2Pe 2:10,12-19; 1Jo<br />

3:8,10,14,15; Jude 1:12,13; Re 3:17,18<br />

27 PRAYER OF: De 1:45; 3:26; 2Sa 22:42;<br />

Job 27:9; 35:12,13; Ps 18:41; 66:18; Pr 1:24-28;<br />

15:8,29; 21:13,27; 28:9; Isa 1:15; 45:19; 59:2;<br />

Jer 11:11; 14:12; 15:1; 18:17; La 3:8,44; Eze<br />

8:18; 20:3,31; Ho 5:6; Mic 3:4; Zec 7:12,13; Mal<br />

1:9; 2:11-13; Joh 9:31; Jas 1:6,7; 4:3; 1Pe 3:7<br />

28 PUNISHMENT OF: Ge 2:17; 3:16-19; 4:7;<br />

6:3,7,12,13; Ex 20:5; 32:33-35; 34:7; Le<br />

26:14,16-39; Nu 15:31; 32:23; De 7:9,10;<br />

11:26,28; 28:15-68; 30:15,19; 31:29; 1Sa 3:11-<br />

14; 12:25; 2Sa 3:39; 7:14; 22:27,28; 23:6,7; 1Ki<br />

21:20,21; 1Ch 10:13,14; 15:13; 28:9; 2Ch 15:2;<br />

Job 4:8,9; 5:3,14; 8:20,22; 10:14,15; 11:20;<br />

15:20-24,28-30; 18:5-21; 19:29; 20:5-29; 21:7-<br />

33; 27:8-23; 31:3; 34:22; 36:12,17; Ps 1:4-6;<br />

2:4,5,9; 3:7; 5:5; 7:11-13; 9:5,17; 10:15; 11:6;<br />

18:14,26,27; 21:9,10; 28:4,5; 32:10; 34:16,21;<br />

36:12; 37:1,2,9,10,13-22,34-38; 39:11; 50:22;<br />

52:5; 55:19,23; 56:7; 58:6-9; 59:5,8; 62:3;<br />

64:7,8; 68:1,2,6,21; 73:2-21,27; 75:8,10; 78:1-<br />

67; 89:10,31,32; 91:8; 92:7,9; 94:13,23; 97:3;<br />

101:8; 104:35; 106:18,43; 107:17,34; 109:6-19;<br />

119:21,118,119,155; 129:4; 139:19; 145:20;<br />

146:9; 147:6; Pr 2:22; 3:33; 6:12-15; 10:3,6-<br />

8,24,25,27-31; 11:3,5-8,19,21,23,31; 12:2,3,7;<br />

13:2,5,6,9,21,25; 14:12,19,32; 16:4,5,25; 18:3;<br />

19:16; 21:12,15,16; 22:5,23; 24:20,22; 26:10;<br />

28:14,18; 29:1,16; Ec 2:26; 7:17; 8:12,13; Isa<br />

2:19; 3:11; 5:11-14,24; 9:18; 10:3; 11:4;<br />

13:8,9,11; 24:17,18; 26:21; 28:18-22;<br />

33:11,12,14; 40:2; 48:22; 50:11; 57:20,21; 64:5-<br />

7; 65:12-14; Jer 8:12-14,20-22; 9:1;<br />

13:14,16,22; 14:10,12; 16:18; 21:14; 25:31;<br />

36:31; 44:23; 49:12; La 3:3; 4:22; 5:16,17; Eze<br />

3:18-20; 5:4,8-17; 7:4-6; 9:5-7,10; 11:21; 18:1-<br />

32; 20:8; 22:14,20,21,31; 24:13,14; 25:7; 33:7-<br />

20; Da 12:2; Ho 2:9-13; 5:4-6,9; 7:12,13;<br />

9:7,9,15; 10:8; 12:2,14; 13:1,3; 14:9; Joe 2:1,2;<br />

3:13-16; Am 3:2; 5:18-20; 8:14; 9:1-5,10; Jon<br />

3:9; Mic 2:3; 6:13; Na 1:2,8-10; Zep 1:12-18;<br />

Zec 5:2-4; Mal 3:17,18; 4:1; Mt 3:7,10,12; 5:19-<br />

30; 7:13,19,23,26,27; 8:12; 10:28,33; 11:23;<br />

12:34; 13:12-15,30,38-42,49,50; 15:13; 16:26;<br />

18:7-9,34,35; 21:19,41,44; 22:13; 23:14,33;<br />

24:50,51; 25:30,32,33,41,46; 26:24; Mr 4:12,25;<br />

8:36,38; 9:43; 11:26; 12:1-9,40; 14:21; 16:16; Lu<br />

3:7,17; 6:49; 8:18; 9:24-26; 12:4,5,46,47;<br />

13:3,5-7,9,24,27,28; 16:22-28; 17:1,2; 19:26,27;<br />

20:18; 22:22; 23:30,31; Joh 3:15,16,18,36;<br />

5:14,29; 7:34; 8:21; 12:40; 15:2; 17:12; Ac<br />

1:18,25; 3:23; Ro 1:18; 2:5,8; 5:12,21; 6:16,21;<br />

8:2,6,7,13; 9:22; 11:22; 14:23; 1Co 3:17; 5:5,13;<br />

6:9,10; 9:27; 10:5-11; 15:21,22; 2Co 7:10; Ga<br />

3:10; 5:19,20; 6:8; Eph 5:5,6; Php 3:18,19; Col<br />

3:25; 1Th 1:10; 5:3; 2Th 1:5-9; 2:8-10; 1Ti 1:20;<br />

5:24; 2Ti 2:12,13; Heb 2:2,3; 6:8; 10:27-31; Jas<br />

1:14,15; 5:1-3,20; 1Pe 3:12; 4:17,18; 2Pe 2:3-<br />

9,12-17; 1Jo 3:14,15; Jude 1:5-7,11-15; Re<br />

2:22,23; 3:3; 6:15-17; 9:4-6,15,18; 11:18; 14:9-<br />

11; 16:2-21; 18:5; 19:15,17-21; 20:10,15;<br />

21:8,27; 22:19<br />

28.1 See JUDGMENTS<br />

28.2 See HELL<br />

28.3 See PUNISHMENT<br />

WIDOW #5143<br />

1 Vows of, binding: Nu 30:9<br />

2 When <strong>the</strong>y are daughters of priests, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are to be supported by <strong>the</strong>ir fa<strong>the</strong>rs: Le 22:13<br />

3 Priests forbidden to marry: Le 21:14<br />

4 Marriage of, authorized: Ro 7:3; 1Co 7:39<br />

5 Widows' dower<br />

5.1 See DOWRY<br />


TO: Ex 22:22-24; De 10:18; 14:28,29; 16:11-14;<br />

24:17,19-21; 25:5-10; 27:19; Job 22:5,9;<br />

24:3,21; 29:13; 31:16,22; Ps 68:5; 94:6; 146:9;<br />

Pr 15:25; Isa 1:17,23; 10:1,2; Jer 7:6,7; 22:3;<br />

49:11; Eze 22:7; Zec 7:10; Mal 3:5; Mt 23:14; Mr<br />

12:40; Lu 20:47; 1Co 7:8,9; 1Ti 5:3-6,9-12,16<br />


7.1 Naomi: Ru 1:3<br />

7.2 Ruth: Ru 1; 2; 3 ; 4<br />

7.3 The widow of Zarephath, who sustained<br />

Elijah during a famine: 1Ki 17

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