Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


U Topic Guide U UCAL #5021 1 A man mentioned only in: Pr 30:1 UEL #5022 1 An Israelite who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife: Ezr 10:34 ULAI #5023 1 A river of Chaldea: Da 8:2,16 ULAM #5024 1 Son of Sheresh: 1Ch 7:16; 17 2 Son of Eshek: 1Ch 8:39,40 ULLA #5025 1 An Asherite: 1Ch 7:39 UMMAH #5026 1 A city in the territory of the tribe of Asher: Jos 19:30 UNBELIEF #5027 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 4:1; Nu 11:21-23; 20:12,13; Ps 78:19,21,22,32; 95:8-11; 106:7,24; Isa 6:9,10; 7:9; 53:1-3; 58:3; Jer 5:12- 14; Mal 1:2,7; Mt 10:14,15; 11:16-19; 13:13- 15,58; 17:17,19,20; 21:32; Mr 4:24,25; 6:2-6; 9:24; 16:14,16; Lu 7:31-35; 8:12,18; 10:16; 12:46; 13:34; 14:16-24; 16:31; 18:8; 19:41,42; 22:67; 24:11,21,25,26,36-45; Joh 1:10,11; 3:7,11,12,18,32,36; 4:48; 5:38,40,43,44,46,47; 6:36,60-62,64,66,70,71; 8:24,45-47,52,53; 10:25,26,37,38; 12:37-40,47,48; 14:17; 16:8,9; 20:27; Ac 13:40,41; 19:9; 22:18; 28:24; Ro 1:18; 3:3; 4:20; 9:31,32; 10:6,7,14,16,21; 11:7,20,30- 32; 14:23; 1Co 1:18,22,23; 2:14; 14:22; 2Co 6:14-16; 2Th 2:11,12; 3:2; 1Ti 1:13; 2Ti 2:13; Tit 1:15; Heb 3:12,16-19; 4:1-3,6,11; 11:6,31; 12:25; Jas 1:6,7; 1Pe 2:7,8; 2Pe 3:4; 1Jo 2:22,23; 4:3; 5:10,12; Jude 1:5; Re 21:8 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Eve: Ge 3:4-6 2.2 Moses and Aaron: Nu 20:12 2.3 Israelites: De 9:23; 2Ki 17:14; Ps 78 2.4 Naaman: 2Ki 5:12 2.5 A Samaritan lord: 2Ki 7:2 2.6 Disciples: Mt 17:17; Lu 24:11,25 2.7 Zacharias: Lu 1:20 2.8 Chief priests: Lu 22:67 2.9 The Jewish leaders: Mr 1:45; 2:6-11; 8:11,12; 15:29-32; Joh 5:38,40,43,46,47 2.10 Disciples: Mt 17:20; Mr 4:38,40; Lu 24:41-45 2.11 The half-brothers of Christ: Joh 7:5 2.12 Thomas: Joh 20:25 2.13 The Jews of Iconium: Ac 14:2 2.14 The Thessalonian Jews: Ac 17:5 2.15 Jews in Jerusalem: Ro 15:31 2.16 Ephesians: Ac 19:9 2.17 Saul: 1Ti 1:13 2.18 People of Jericho: Heb 11:31 UNCHARITABLENESS #5028 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 29:20,21; Mt 7:1-5; Lu 6:37-42; 12:57; Joh 7:24; 8:7; Ro 2:1; 14:1-15; 1Co 4:3-5,7; 13:1-6; Jas 4:11,12 2 See ACCUSATION, FALSE 3 See CHARITABLENESS 4 See SLANDER 5 See SPEAKING, EVIL 6 See TALEBEARER 7 INSTANCES OF 7.1 The Israelites toward Moses 7.1.1 Charging him with having made them abhorrent to the Egyptians: : Ex 5:21 7.1.2 Charging him with bringing them out of Egypt to die: Ex 14:11,12 7.1.3 In complaining against MOSES 7.2 See MURMURING, INSTANCES OF 7.3 The tribes west of the Jordan River toward the two and a half tribes: Nu 32:1-33; Jos 22:11-31 7.4 Of Eli toward Hannah: 1Sa 1:14-17 7.5 Eliab toward David, charging him with presumption, when he offered to fight Goliath: 1Sa 17:28 7.6 Princes of Ammon toward David, when he sent commissioners to convey his sympathy to Hanun: 2Sa 10:3 7.7 Bildad toward Job: Job 8 7.8 Eliphaz toward Job: Job 15; 22; 42:7,8 7.9 Zophar toward Job: Job 11:1-6; 20 7.10 Nathanael, when he said, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth,": Joh 1:46 7.11 The Jews, charging Paul with teaching contrary to the law of Moses and against the temple: Ac 21:28 UNCIRCUMCISION #5029 1 General scriptures concerning: Eph 2:11 2 Uncircumcised heart (metaphorically): Eze 28:10; 44:7,9 UNCLEAN #5030 1 (Ceremonially speaking) 1.1 Creatures designated as such: Le 11; De 14 2 See UNCLEANNESS UNCLEANNESS #5031 1 (Ceremonially speaking): Le 5:2,3; 7:20,21; 17:15; 21:1-15; 22:2-8 2 See ABLUTIONS 3 See DEFILEMENT 4 See PURIFICATION 5 See SANITATION UNCTION #5032 1 FIGURATIVE: 1Jo 2:20,27 1.1 See ANOINTING UNFAITHFULNESS #5033 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 24:11,12; Isa 5:1-7; Ho 10:1,2; Mt 3:10; 13:12; 21:19,20,33-43; 25:1-46; Mr 11:13,14; 12:1-9; Lu 13:6-9; 19:12-27; Joh 15:2; 2Pe 1:8,9 2 See SIN, FRUITS OF 3 See UNFRUITFULNESS 4 Also see RIGHTEOUSNESS, FRUITS OF 5 OF FRIENDS 5.1 See FRIENDS, FALSE UNFRUITFULNESS #5034 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 5:2; Mt 3:10; 7:19; 13:4-7; 21:19,20; Mr 11:13; Lu 3:9; 13:6-9; Joh 15:2,4,6 2 See SIN, FRUITS OF 3 See UNFAITHFULNESS 4 Also see RIGHTEOUSNESS, FRUITS OF UNICORN (WILD OX, R. V.) #5035 1 Intractable: Job 39:9-12 2 Horned: De 33:17; Ps 22:21; 92:10 3 Great strength of: Nu 24:8; Job 39:10,11 4 FIGURATIVE 4.1 Of the judgments of God: Isa 34:7 UNION #5036 1 Advantages of: Pr 15:22; Ec 4:9-12 2 OF THE RIGHTEOUS 2.1 See UNITY, OF THE RIGHTEOUS 2.2 Of the righteous with Christ 2.3 See RIGHTEOUS, UNITY OF, WITH CHRIST UNITY #5037 1 OF THE GODHEAD 1.1 See GOD, UNITY OF 2 OF THE RIGHTEOUS: Ps 133:1; Isa 52:8; Mt 23:8; Ac 4:32; Ro 12:16; 14:19; 15:5,6; 1Co 1:10; 2Co 13:11; Eph 4:3; Php 1:27; 2:2; 3:16,17; 1Pe 3:8 2.1 See COMMUNION 2.2 See FELLOWSHIP UNLEAVENED BREAD #5038 1 (With yeast, which symbolized pervasive corruption) 2 See BREAD 3 See PASSOVER UNNI #5039 1 A musician in the time of David: 1Ch 15:18,20 2 A Levite in the time of Nehemiah: Ne 12:9 UNNO #5040 1 See UNNI, Number two UNPARDONABLE SIN #5041 1 General scriptures concerning: 2Ki 24:4; Mt 12:31,32; Lu 12:10; Heb 6:4-6; 1Jo 5:16 2 See OBDURACY 3 See REPROBACY 4 INSTANCES OF 4.1 Israel: Nu 14:26-45 4.2 Eli's house: 1Sa 3:14 UNSELFISHNESS #5042 1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 12:10; 15:1-3; 1Co 9:19-23; 10:24,33; 13:4,5; 2Co 5:14,15; 8:9; Php 2:3,4; Jas 2:8 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Abraham: Ge 13:9; 14:23,24 2.2 King of Sodom: Ge 14:21 2.3 The children of Heth: Ge 23:6,11 2.4 Judah: Ge 44:33,34 2.5 Moses: Nu 11:29; 14:12-19 2.6 Gideon: Jud 8:22,23 2.7 Saul: 1Sa 11:12,13 2.8 Jonathan: 1Sa 23:17,18 2.9 David: 1Sa 24:17; 2Sa 15:19,20; 23:16,17; 1Ch 21:17; Ps 69:6 2.10 Araunah: 2Sa 24:22-24 2.11 Nehemiah: Ne 5:14-18 2.12 Jews: Es 9:15 2.13 Daniel: Da 5:17 2.14 Jonah: Jon 1:12,13 2.15 Joseph: Mt 1:19 2.16 The disciples: Ac 4:34,35 2.17 Priscilla and Aquila: Ro 16:3,4 2.18 Paul: 1Co 10:33; Php 1:18; 4:17; 2Th 3:8 2.19 Philemon: Phm 1:13,14 2.20 See CHARITABLENESS 2.21 See FELLOWSHIP 2.22 See FRATERNITY 2.23 See SELFISHNESS UPHARSIN #5043 1 Divided: Da 5:25,28 UPHAZ #5044 1 A country famous for gold: Jer 10:9; Da 10:5 2 See OPHIR UPRIGHTNESS #5045 1 See RIGHTEOUSNESS UR #5046 1 Abraham's native place: Ge 11:27,28 1.1 Abraham leaves: Ge 11:31; 15:7; Ne 9:7 2 Father of one of David's mighty men: 1Ch 11:35 URBANE #5047 1 A Christian in Rome: Ro 16:9 URIAH #5048 1 One of David's mighty men: 2Sa 23:39; 1Ch 11:41 1.1 David's adultery with the wife of: 2Sa 11:2-5; 1Ki 15:5 1.2 Summoned from seat of war by David: 2Sa 11:6-13 1.3 Noble spirit of: 2Sa 11:11 1.4 David compasses the death of: 2Sa 11:14-25 1.5 David marries the widow of: 2Sa 11:26,27 1.6 Called URIAS (A. V.): Mt 1:6 2 A priest 2.1 The father of Meremoth: Ezr 8:33 2.2 Called URIJAH, (R. V. URIAH): Ne 3:4,21 3 URIAH 3.1 See URIJAH, Number three 4 A priest 4.1 Witness to one of Isaiah's prophecies: Isa 8:2 4.2 Probably identical with Urijah: 2Ki 16:10 4.3 See URIJAH, Number one URIAS #5049 1 See URIAH, Number one URIEL #5050 1 A Levite 1.1 Son of Tahath: 1Ch 6:24 2 A Levite 2.1 Assisted in moving the ark of the covenant: 1Ch 15:5,11,12 3 Grandfather of King Abijah: 2Ch 13:2 URIJAH #5051 1 A priest in Ahaz 1.1 Builds a new altar for Ahaz: 2Ki 16:10-16 1.2 Probably identical with Uriah, witness to a prophecy of Isaiah: Isa 8:2 2 URIJAH 2.1 See URIAH, Number two 3 A priest 3.1 Assistant to Ezra: Ne 8:4 3.2 Called URIAH in the R. V 4 A prophet in the time of Jehoiakim 4.1 Prophesies against Judah: Jer 26:20 4.2 Fled to Egypt; taken; killed by Jehoiakim: Jer 26:21-23 URIM AND THUMMIM #5052 1 (Signifying light and perfection) 2 In the breastplate: Ex 28:30; Le 8:8 3 Eleazar to ask counsel for Joshua, after the judgment of: Nu 27:21 4 Only priests could interpret: De 33:8; Ezr 2:63; Ne 7:65 5 Israelites consult: Jud 1:1; 20:18,23 6 Withheld the answer from King Saul: 1Sa 28:6 USURPATION #5053 1 OF POLITICAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 By Absalom: 2Sa 15:1-12 1.2 By Adonijah: 1Ki 1:5-9 1.3 By Baasha: 1Ki 15:27,28 1.4 By Zimri: 1Ki 16:9,10 1.5 By Jehu: 2Ki 9:11-37 1.6 By Athaliah: 2Ki 11:1-16 1.7 By Shallum: 2Ki 15:10 2 IN RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS 2.1 By King Saul, in assuming priestly functions: 1Sa 13:8-14 2.2 By King Solomon, in thrusting Abiathar out of the priesthood: 1Ki 2:26,27 2.3 By King Uzziah, in assuming priestly offices: 2Ch 26:16-21 2.4 By King Ahaz: 2Ki 16:12,13 2.5 See CHURCH AND STATE, STATE SUPERIOR TO THE CHURCH 2.6 See GOVERNMENT, ECCLESIASTICAL 3 OF EXECUTIVE POWER 3.1 In ordering Naboth's death and confiscation of his vineyard: 1Ki 21:7-19 3.2 In the plan of Joseph to dispossess the Egyptians of their real and personal property: Ge 47:13-26 3.3 Of Pharaoh, making bondservants of the Israelites: Ex 1:9-22 3.4 Moses accused of: Nu 16:3 USURY #5054 1 (Interest, not necessarily unreasonable exaction, but all income from loans) 2 Forbidden: Ex 22:25; Le 25:35-37; De 23:19; Ps 15:5; Pr 28:8; Jer 15:10; Eze 18:8,13,17; 22:12 3 Exaction of, rebuked: Ne 5:1-13 4 Authorized, of strangers (foreigners): De 23:20 5 Exacted by Jews: Eze 22:12 6 Just men innocent of the vice of requiring: Eze 18:8 7 See INTEREST 8 See MONEY UTHAI #5055 1 Son of Ammihud: 1Ch 9:4 2 Son of Bigvai 2.1 Returned from Babylon with Ezra: Ezr 8:14 UZ #5056 1 Son of Aram: Ge 10:23; 1Ch 1:17 2 Son of Nahor: Ge 22:21 2.1 In the A. V., called Huz 3 Son of Dishan: Ge 36:28; 1Ch 1:42 4 A country of unknown location 4.1 Home of Job: Job 1:1 4.2 Prophecies concerning: Jer 25:20; La 4:21 UZAI #5057 1 Father of Palal: Ne 3:25 UZAL #5058 1 Son of Joktan: Ge 10:27; 1Ch 1:21 149

U Topic Guide U UZZA #5059 1 UZZA 1.1 See UZZAH, Number one 2 Proprietor of the burial place of kings (Manasseh and Amon): 2Ki 21:18,26 3 Son of Shimei: 1Ch 6:29 3.1 In R. V., called UZZAH 4 Son of Ehud: 1Ch 8:7 5 One of the Nethinim: Ezr 2:49; Ne 7:51 UZZAH #5060 1 Also called UZZA, son of Abinadab 1.1 Driver of the cart when moving the ark of the covenant: 2Sa 6:3; 1Ch 13:7 1.2 Stricken dead for touching the ark of the covenant: 2Sa 6:6-8; 1Ch 13:9-11 2 UZZAH 2.1 See UZZA, Number two UZZEN-SHERAH #5061 1 A city of unknown location: 1Ch 7:24 UZZI #5062 1 A priest 1.1 Son of Bukki: 1Ch 6:5,6,51; Ezr 7:4 2 Grandson of Issachar: 1Ch 7:2,3 3 Grandson of Benjamin: 1Ch 7:7 4 Son of Michri: 1Ch 9:8 5 An overseer of the Levites: Ne 11:22 6 A priest in the time of Nehemiah: Ne 12:19,42 UZZIA #5063 1 One of David's mighty men: 1Ch 11:44 UZZIAH #5064 1 Called AZARIAH 1.1 King of Judah: 2Ki 14:21; 15:1,2; 2Ch 26:1,3 1.2 Rebuilds Elath: 2Ki 14:22; 2Ch 26:2 1.3 Reigns righteously: 2Ki 15:3; 2Ch 26:4,5 1.4 Defeats the Philistines: 2Ch 26:6,7 1.5 Takes tribute from the Ammonites 1.6 Strengthens the kingdom: 2Ch 26:8 1.7 Strengthens the fortifications of Jerusalem: 2Ch 26:9 1.8 Promotes cattle raising and agriculture: 2Ch 26:10 1.9 Military establishment of: 2Ch 26:11-15 1.10 Is presumptuous in burning incense; stricken with leprosy; quarantined: 2Ch 26:16-21; 2Ki 15:5 1.11 Jotham regent during quarantine of: 2Ki 15:5; 2Ch 26:21 1.12 Death of: 2Ki 15:7; 2Ch 26:23 1.13 History of, written by Isaiah,: 2Ch 26:22; Isa 1:1 1.14 An earthquake occurred during the reign of: Am 1:1; Zec 14:5 2 Son of Uriel: 1Ch 6:24 3 Father of Jehonathan: 1Ch 27:25 4 A priest 4.1 Puts away (divorced) his Gentile wife: Ezr 10:21 5 Father of Athaiah: Ne 11:4 UZZIEL #5065 1 A son of Kohath: Ex 6:18,22; Le 10:4 2 A Simeonite captain: 1Ch 4:42 3 Son of Bela: 1Ch 7:7 4 One of David's musicians: 1Ch 25:4 5 A Levite 6 Son of Jeduthun: 2Ch 29:14 7 A goldsmith 7.1 Helped in repairing the walls of Jerusalem: Ne 3:8 150

U Topic <strong>Guide</strong> U<br />

UZZA #5059<br />

1 UZZA<br />

1.1 See UZZAH, Number one<br />

2 Proprietor of <strong>the</strong> burial place of kings<br />

(Manasseh <strong>and</strong> Amon): 2Ki 21:18,26<br />

3 Son of Shimei: 1Ch 6:29<br />

3.1 In R. V., called UZZAH<br />

4 Son of Ehud: 1Ch 8:7<br />

5 One of <strong>the</strong> Nethinim: Ezr 2:49; Ne 7:51<br />

UZZAH #5060<br />

1 Also called UZZA, son of Abinadab<br />

1.1 Driver of <strong>the</strong> cart when moving <strong>the</strong> ark<br />

of <strong>the</strong> covenant: 2Sa 6:3; 1Ch 13:7<br />

1.2 Stricken dead for touching <strong>the</strong> ark of <strong>the</strong><br />

covenant: 2Sa 6:6-8; 1Ch 13:9-11<br />

2 UZZAH<br />

2.1 See UZZA, Number two<br />

UZZEN-SHERAH #5061<br />

1 A city of unknown location: 1Ch 7:24<br />

UZZI #5062<br />

1 A priest<br />

1.1 Son of Bukki: 1Ch 6:5,6,51; Ezr 7:4<br />

2 Gr<strong>and</strong>son of Issachar: 1Ch 7:2,3<br />

3 Gr<strong>and</strong>son of Benjamin: 1Ch 7:7<br />

4 Son of Michri: 1Ch 9:8<br />

5 An overseer of <strong>the</strong> Levites: Ne 11:22<br />

6 A priest in <strong>the</strong> time of Nehemiah: Ne<br />

12:19,42<br />

UZZIA #5063<br />

1 One of David's mighty men: 1Ch 11:44<br />

UZZIAH #5064<br />

1 Called AZARIAH<br />

1.1 King of Judah: 2Ki 14:21; 15:1,2; 2Ch<br />

26:1,3<br />

1.2 Rebuilds Elath: 2Ki 14:22; 2Ch 26:2<br />

1.3 Reigns righteously: 2Ki 15:3; 2Ch 26:4,5<br />

1.4 Defeats <strong>the</strong> Philistines: 2Ch 26:6,7<br />

1.5 Takes tribute from <strong>the</strong> Ammonites<br />

1.6 Streng<strong>the</strong>ns <strong>the</strong> kingdom: 2Ch 26:8<br />

1.7 Streng<strong>the</strong>ns <strong>the</strong> fortifications of<br />

Jerusalem: 2Ch 26:9<br />

1.8 Promotes cattle raising <strong>and</strong> agriculture:<br />

2Ch 26:10<br />

1.9 Military establishment of: 2Ch 26:11-15<br />

1.10 Is presumptuous in burning incense;<br />

stricken with leprosy; quarantined: 2Ch<br />

26:16-21; 2Ki 15:5<br />

1.11 Jotham regent during quarantine of: 2Ki<br />

15:5; 2Ch 26:21<br />

1.12 Death of: 2Ki 15:7; 2Ch 26:23<br />

1.13 History of, written by Isaiah,: 2Ch 26:22;<br />

Isa 1:1<br />

1.14 An earthquake occurred during <strong>the</strong><br />

reign of: Am 1:1; Zec 14:5<br />

2 Son of Uriel: 1Ch 6:24<br />

3 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Jehonathan: 1Ch 27:25<br />

4 A priest<br />

4.1 Puts away (divorced) his Gentile wife:<br />

Ezr 10:21<br />

5 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Athaiah: Ne 11:4<br />

UZZIEL #5065<br />

1 A son of Kohath: Ex 6:18,22; Le 10:4<br />

2 A Simeonite captain: 1Ch 4:42<br />

3 Son of Bela: 1Ch 7:7<br />

4 One of David's musicians: 1Ch 25:4<br />

5 A Levite<br />

6 Son of Jeduthun: 2Ch 29:14<br />

7 A goldsmith<br />

7.1 Helped in repairing <strong>the</strong> walls of<br />

Jerusalem: Ne 3:8<br />


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