Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


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S Topic <strong>Guide</strong> S<br />

SURFEITING #4749<br />


2 See GLUTTONY<br />

SUSANCHITES #4750<br />

1 The inhabitants of Samaria: Ezr 4:9,10<br />

SUSANNA #4751<br />

1 A woman who ministered to Jesus: Lu 8:3<br />

SUSI #4752<br />

1 A Manassite: Nu 13:11<br />

SUSPICION #4753<br />


SWADDLE #4754<br />

1 (Wrapping, bundling)<br />

1.1 Of children: Job 38:9; La 2:22; Eze 16:4;<br />

Lu 2:7,12<br />

SWALLOW #4755<br />

1 Builds its nest in <strong>the</strong> sanctuary: Ps 84:3<br />

2 Chattering of, figurative of <strong>the</strong> mourning of<br />

<strong>the</strong> afflicted: Isa 38:14<br />

3 Migration of: Jer 8:7<br />

SWAN #4756<br />

1 Forbidden as food: Le 11:18; De 14:16<br />

SWEARING #4757<br />

1 See BLASPHEMY<br />

2 See GOD, NAME OF NOT TO BE<br />


3 See OATH<br />

SWEAT #4758<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 3:19<br />

2 An offense in <strong>the</strong> sanctuary: Eze 44:18<br />

3 Of great drops (like bleeding): Lu 22:44<br />

SWEET INCENSE #4759<br />

1 Made of spices: Ex 25:6<br />

2 See INCENSE<br />

SWINE #4760<br />

1 (Pigs)<br />

2 Forbidden as food: Le 11:7; De 14:8<br />

3 Used for food: Isa 65:4; 66:17<br />

4 For sacrifice: Isa 66:3<br />

5 Wild boar: Ps 80:13<br />

6 Jewels in <strong>the</strong> nose of: Pr 11:22<br />

7 Viciousness of: Mt 7:6<br />

8 Jesus sends demons <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong>: Mt 8:28-32;<br />

Mr 5:11-14; Lu 8:32,33<br />

9 Feeding of: Lu 15:15,16<br />

10 Sow returns to her wallowing: 2Pe 2:22<br />

SWORD #4761<br />

1 Used by<br />

1.1 Gideon: Jud 7:20<br />

1.2 Goliath: 1Sa 21:9<br />

1.3 Peter: Mt 26:51; Joh 18:10<br />

2 David's army equipped with: 1Ch 21:5<br />

3 To be beaten <strong>into</strong> plowshares: Isa 2:4; Mic<br />

4:3<br />

4 Made of plowshares: Joe 3:10<br />

5 Two-edged: Heb 4:12; Re 1:16; 2:12<br />


6.1 Of war: Ge 27:40<br />

6.2 Of judgments: De 32:41; Ps 17:13; Ho<br />

11:6; Zec 13:7<br />

6.3 Of <strong>the</strong> malicious tongue: Ps 57:4; Pr<br />

25:18<br />

7 SYMBOLICAL: Ge 3:24; Jos 5:13; Re 1:16<br />

SYCAMINE #4762<br />

1 A tree: Lu 17:6<br />

SYCAMORE #4763<br />

1 (A tree)<br />

2 Abundant in <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong> of Canaan: 1Ki 10:27;<br />

2Ch 1:15; 9:27; Isa 9:10<br />

3 Groves of, cared for: 1Ch 27:28<br />

4 Destroyed by frost: Ps 78:47<br />

5 Care of: Am 7:14<br />

6 Zacchaeus climbs <strong>into</strong> a: Lu 19:4<br />

SYCHAR #4764<br />

1 See SHECHEM, number two<br />

SYCHEM #4765<br />

1 See SHECHEM, number one <strong>and</strong> number<br />

three<br />

SYENE #4766<br />

1 A city in Egypt: Eze 29:10; 30:6<br />


SIMILITUDES #4767<br />

1 Trees of life <strong>and</strong> knowledge: Ge 2:9,17;<br />

3:3,24; Re 22:2<br />

2 Rainbow: Ge 9:12,13<br />

3 Circumcision, of <strong>the</strong> covenant of Abraham:<br />

Ge 17:11; Ro 4:11<br />

4 Passover, of <strong>the</strong> sparing of <strong>the</strong> firstborn,<br />

<strong>and</strong> of <strong>the</strong> atonement made by Christ: Ex 12:3-<br />

28; 1Co 5:7<br />

5 Of <strong>the</strong> divine presence, <strong>the</strong> pillar of cloud:<br />

Ex 13:21,22; 14:19,20; 19:9,16<br />

6 Thunder on Mount Sinai: Ex 19:9,16<br />

7 Darkness, of God's inscrutability: Ex<br />

20:21; Le 16:2; 1Ki 8:12; Ps 18:11; 97:2; Heb<br />

12:18,19<br />

8 The rock that was struck, of Christ: Ex<br />

17:6; 1Co 10:4<br />

9 The sprinkled blood, of <strong>the</strong> covenant: Ex<br />

24:8<br />

10 Wine, of <strong>the</strong> atoning blood: Mt 26:27-29;<br />

Mr 14:23-25; Lu 22:17,18,20<br />

11 The bronze serpent, of Christ: Nu 21:8,9;<br />

Joh 3:14<br />

12 Sacrificial animals: Ge 15:8-11; Joh<br />

1:29,36<br />

13 Waving <strong>the</strong> wave offering <strong>and</strong> lifting up<br />

<strong>the</strong> heave offering: Ex 29:24-28; Le 8:27-29;<br />

9:21<br />

14 The whole system of Mosaic rites: Heb<br />

9:9,10,18-23<br />

15 Tabernacle: Ps 15:1; Eze 37:27; Heb 8:2,5;<br />

9:1-12,23,24<br />

16 Sanctuary: Ps 20:2<br />

17 Canaan, of <strong>the</strong> spiritual rest: Heb 3:11,12;<br />

4:5<br />

18 Salt: Nu 18:19<br />

19 Offering water to drink: Ge 24:13-15,42-44<br />

20 Lapping water: Jud 7:4-8<br />

21 Invitation to approach: 1Sa 14:8-12<br />

22 Bow-Shot<br />

22.1 By Jonathan: 1Sa 20:21-37<br />

22.2 By Joash: 2Ki 13:15-19<br />

23 Men meeting Saul: 1Sa 10:2-7<br />

24 Rain <strong>and</strong> thunder: 1Sa 12:16-18<br />

25 The torn altar: 1Ki 13:3,5<br />

26 The tearing of <strong>the</strong> curtain in <strong>the</strong> temple:<br />

Mt 27:51; Mr 1:38; Lu 23:45<br />

27 Wounding: 1Ki 20:35-40<br />

28 Praying toward <strong>the</strong> temple: 1Ki 8:29; Da<br />

6:10<br />

29 Harvest: 2Ki 19:29<br />

30 Isaiah's children: Isa 8:18<br />

31 Nakedness: Isa 20:2-4<br />

32 Almond rod: Jer 1:11<br />

33 Sticks <strong>and</strong> staves: Eze 37:16,17; Zec<br />

11:7,10,11,14<br />

34 Food: 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30<br />

35 Shadow on Ahaz' sun-dial: 2Ki 20:8-11;<br />

Isa 38:7,8<br />

36 Cooking: Jer 1:13; Eze 4:9-15; 24:3-5<br />

37 Belt: Jer 13:1-7; Ac 21:11<br />

38 Bottles: Jer 13:12; 19:1,2,10<br />

39 Breaking of a potter's vessel: Jer 19<br />

40 Good <strong>and</strong> bad figs: Jer 24<br />

41 Basket of fruit: Jer 24:1-3; Am 8:1,2<br />

42 Wine: Jer 25:15-17; Mt 26:27; Mr 14:23; Lu<br />

22:17<br />

43 Yokes: Jer 27:2,3; 28:10<br />

44 Jeremiah's deeds of l<strong>and</strong>: Jer 32:1-16<br />

45 The book thrown <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> Euphrates<br />

River: Jer 51:63<br />

46 Being mute: Eze 3:26,27; 24:27; 29:21;<br />

33:22; Lu 1:20-22,62-64<br />

47 A siege: Eze 4:1-3<br />

48 Posture: Eze 4:4-8<br />

49 Ceremonially unclean food: Eze 4:9-17<br />

50 Ezekiel's beard: Eze 5:1-4<br />

51 Change of domicile: Eze 12:3-11<br />

52 Eating bread with alertness: Eze 12:17-20<br />

53 Eating <strong>and</strong> drinking in fear: Eze 12:18<br />

54 A vine: Eze 15:2; 19:10-14<br />

55 Death: Eze 24:16-19<br />

56 A boiling pot: Eze 24:1-5<br />

57 Mourning forbidden: Eze 24:15-18<br />

58 Two sticks: Eze 37:15-28<br />

59 H<strong>and</strong>writing on <strong>the</strong> wall: Da 5:5,6,16-28<br />

60 The plumb-line: Am 7:7,8<br />

61 Marrying a whore: Ho 1:2-9; 3:1-4<br />

62 Roll: Zec 5:2-4<br />

63 Ephah: Zec 5:6-11<br />

64 Jonah: Mt 16:4; Lu 11:29,30<br />

65 The star in <strong>the</strong> east: Mt 2:2<br />

66 The rock that was struck: 1Co 10:4; Ex<br />

17:6<br />

67 Salt: Col 4:6<br />

68 Bread: Mt 26:26; Mr 14:22; Lu 22:19<br />

69 Childhood: Mt 18:3; Mr 10:14,15; Lu<br />

18:16,17<br />

70 Manna: Joh 6:31-58<br />


71.1 WATER: Joh 3:5; 7:38,39<br />

71.2 Cleansing by: Eze 16:9; 36:25; Eph 5:26;<br />

Heb 10:22<br />

71.3 Vivifying: Ps 1:3; Isa 27:3,6; 44:3,4;<br />

58:11<br />

71.4 FIRE: Mt 3:11<br />

71.5 Purifying: Isa 4:4; Mal 3:2,3<br />

71.6 Illuminating: Ex 13:21; Ps 78:14<br />

71.7 Searching: Zep 1:12; with 1Co 2:10<br />

71.8 WIND: So 4:16<br />

71.9 Incomprehensible: Joh 3:8; 1Co 12:11<br />

71.10 Powerful: 1Ki 19:11; with Ac 2:2<br />

71.11 Sensible in its effects: Joh 3:8<br />

71.12 Reviving: Eze 37:9,10,14<br />

71.13 OIL: Ps 45:7<br />

71.14 Healing: Isa 1:6; Lu 10:34; Re 18:13<br />

71.15 Comforting: Isa 61:3; Heb 1:9<br />

71.16 Illuminating: Zec 4:2,3,11-13; Mt 25:3,4;<br />

1Jo 2:20,27<br />

71.17 Consecrating: Ex 29:7; 30:30; Isa 61:1<br />

71.18 RAIN AND DEW: Ps 72:6<br />

71.19 Fertilizing: Eze 34:26,27; Ho 6:3; 10:12;<br />

14:5<br />

71.20 Refreshing: Ps 68:9; Isa 18:4<br />

71.21 Abundant: Ps 133:3<br />

71.22 Imperceptible: 2Sa 17:12; with Mr 4:26-<br />

28<br />

71.23 A DOVE: Mt 3:16<br />

71.24 A VOICE: Isa 6:8<br />

71.25 Speaking: Mt 10:20<br />

71.26 Guiding: Isa 30:21; with Joh 16:13<br />

71.27 Warning: Heb 3:7-11<br />

71.28 A SEAL: Re 7:2<br />

71.29 Impressing: Job 38:14; with 2Co 3:18<br />

71.30 Earnest: Eph 1:13,14; 4:30; 2Co 1:22<br />

71.31 CLOVEN TONGUES (like split,<br />

lashing, projections of fire): Ac 2:3,6,11<br />

71.32 Ablutions, a symbol of purity<br />

71.33 See ABLUTIONS<br />

71.34 See PURIFICATIONS<br />

71.35 For symbolisms of color<br />

71.36 See COLORS<br />

71.37 See also ALLEGORY<br />




SYMPATHY #4768<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Job 2:11-<br />

13; 6:14; 22:29; Ec 7:2; Php 2:1,2; Jas 1:27;<br />

1Pe 3:8<br />

2 See AFFLICTED<br />



5 See PITY<br />

SYNAGOGUE #4769<br />

1 Primarily an assembly of Jews <strong>and</strong> Godfearers:<br />

Ac 13:43<br />

1.1 R. V.): Jas 2:2<br />

1.2 Constitutes a court of justice: Lu 12:11;<br />

Ac 9:2<br />

1.3 Had powers<br />

1.3.1 Of criminal courts: : Mt 10:17; 23:34; Ac<br />

22:19; 26:11<br />

1.3.2 Of religious courts: Joh 9:22,34; 12:42;<br />

16:2<br />

2 A phycial place of assembly for Jews <strong>and</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r God-fearers. The Scriptures were read<br />

<strong>and</strong> expounded in: Ne 8:1-8; 9:3,5; Mt 4:23;<br />

9:35; 13:54; Mr 1:39; Lu 4:15-33; 13:10; Joh<br />

18:20; Ac 9:20; 13:5-44; 14:1; 15:21; 17:2,10;<br />

18:4,19,26<br />

2.1 In Jerusalem: Ac 6:9<br />

2.2 In Damascus: Ac 9:2,20<br />

2.3 In o<strong>the</strong>r cities: Ac 14:1; 17:1,10; 18:4<br />

2.4 One was erected by Jairus: Lu 7:5<br />

2.5 Jesus performed healing in: Mt 12:9-13;<br />

Lu 13:11-14<br />

2.6 Alms (charity) were given in: Mt 6:2<br />

2.7 Of Satan: Re 2:9; 3:9<br />

2.8 See CHURCH<br />

SYNTYCHE #4770<br />

1 A Christian woman in Philippi: Php 4:2<br />

SYRACUSE #4771<br />

1 (A city of Sicily)<br />

2 Paul visits: Ac 28:12<br />

SYRIA #4772<br />

1 (The highl<strong>and</strong>s lying between <strong>the</strong><br />

Euphrates River <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mediterranean Sea)<br />

2 Called ARAM, from <strong>the</strong> son of Shem: Ge<br />

10:22,23; Nu 23:7; 1Ch 1:17; 2:23<br />

3 During <strong>the</strong> time of Abraham it seems to<br />

have embraced <strong>the</strong> region between <strong>the</strong> Tigris<br />

River <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Euphrates River: Ge 24:10; with<br />

25:20<br />

4 Including Padan-aram: Ge 25:20; 28:5<br />

5 Minor kingdoms within <strong>the</strong> region<br />

5.1 Aram-zobah, also called, ZOBAH <strong>and</strong><br />

ZOBA: 1Sa 14:47; 2Sa 8:3; 10:6,8; 1Ki 11:23;<br />

1Ch 18:5,9; 19:6<br />

5.2 And in <strong>the</strong> title of: Ps 60<br />

5.3 Geshur: 2Sa 15:8<br />

5.4 Aram-rehob, also called BETH-REHOB:<br />

2Sa 10:6,8<br />

5.5 Damascus: 2Sa 8:5,6; 1Ch 18:5,6<br />

5.6 Hamath: 2Sa 8:9,10<br />

6 Conquest of<br />

6.1 By David: 2Sa 8:3-13<br />

6.2 By Jeroboam: 2Ki 14:25,28<br />

6.3 By Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria: 2Ki<br />

16:7-9; 18:33,34<br />

7 People of, colonized in Samaria by <strong>the</strong><br />

king of Assyria: 2Ki 17:24<br />

8 Confederates with Nebuchadnezzar: 2Ki<br />

24:2; Jer 39:5<br />

9 The Roman province of, included <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong><br />

of Canaan: Lu 2:2,3<br />

10 And it included Phoenicia: Mr 7:26; Ac<br />

21:3<br />

11 The fame of Jesus extended over: Mt 4:24<br />

12 Paul goes to, with letters to apprehend<br />

<strong>the</strong> Christians; is converted <strong>and</strong> begins his<br />

evangelistic ministry: Ac 9:1-31<br />

13 See PAUL<br />

14 Paul preaches in: Ac 15:41; 18:18; 21:3;<br />

Ga 1:21<br />

15 Damascus, <strong>the</strong> capitol of<br />

15.1 See DAMASCUS<br />

16 Wars between, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> kingdoms of<br />

Judah <strong>and</strong> Israel<br />

16.1 See ISRAEL<br />

17 Prophecies concerning: Isa 7:8-16; 8:4-7;<br />

17:1-3; Jer 1:15; 49:23-27; Am 1:3-5; Zec 9:1<br />

SYRIA-MAACHAH #4773<br />

1 Also called MAACHAH<br />

2 A small kingdom: 1Ch 19:6<br />

3 See MAACHAH, number ten<br />


1 The nationality of a non-Jewish woman<br />

whose daughter was cured by Jesus: Mt<br />

15:21-28; Mr 7:24-30<br />


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