Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


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S Topic <strong>Guide</strong> S<br />

9.5 Our love to one ano<strong>the</strong>r: Ro 12:9; 1Pe<br />

1:22; 1Jo 3:18<br />

9.6 Our whole conduct: 2Co 1:12<br />

9.7 The preaching of <strong>the</strong> gospel: 2Co 2:17;<br />

1Th 2:3-5<br />

10 A characteristic of <strong>the</strong> doctrines of <strong>the</strong><br />

gospel: 1Pe 2:2<br />

11 The gospel sometimes preached without:<br />

Php 1:16<br />

12 Evil people are devoid of: Ps 5:9; 55:21<br />

13 Exhortations to: 1Co 5:8; 1Pe 2:1<br />

14 Prayer for, on behalf of o<strong>the</strong>rs: Php 1:10<br />

15 Blessedness of: Ps 32:2<br />


16.1 By some men of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Zebulun:<br />

1Ch 12:33<br />

16.2 By Hezekiah: Isa 38:3<br />

16.3 By Nathanael: Joh 1:47<br />

16.4 By Paul: 2Co 1:12<br />

16.5 By Timothy: 2Ti 1:5<br />

16.6 By Lois <strong>and</strong> Eunice: 2Ti 1:5<br />

SINEWS #4593<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Job 10:11;<br />

30:17; Isa 48:4; Eze 37:6,8<br />

SINGERS #4594<br />

1 See MUSIC<br />

SINGING #4595<br />

1 See MUSIC<br />

SINIM #4596<br />

1 An unknown l<strong>and</strong>, conjectured by some<br />

authorities to be China: Isa 49:12<br />

SINITES #4597<br />

1 A tribe of Canaanites: Ge 10:17; 1Ch 1:15<br />

SINLESSNESS #4598<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 119:3;<br />

Ac 24:16; Php 1:9-11; 1Th 3:13; 5:23; 1Pe<br />

4:1,2; 1Jo 1:8,10; 3:6,9<br />

SINNER #4599<br />

1 See WICKED<br />

SION #4600<br />

1 A name of Mount Hermon: De 4:48<br />

2 SION<br />

2.1 See ZION<br />

SIPHMOTH #4601<br />

1 A city of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah: 1Sa 30:28<br />

SIPPAI #4602<br />

1 A Philistine giant: 1Ch 20:4<br />

2 Called SAPH: 2Sa 21:18<br />

SIRAH #4603<br />

1 The name of a well: 2Sa 3:26<br />

SIRION #4604<br />

1 Sidonian name of Mount Hermon: De 3:9;<br />

Ps 29:6<br />

SISAMAI #4605<br />

1 Son of Eleasah: 1Ch 2:40<br />

SISERA #4606<br />

1 Captain of a Canaanite army, defeated by<br />

Barak; killed by Jael: Jud 4; 5:20-31; 1Sa 12:9;<br />

Ps 83:9<br />

2 One of <strong>the</strong> Nethinim: Ezr 2:53; Ne 7:55<br />

SITNAH #4607<br />

1 A name given by Isaac to a particular well<br />

where strife had occurred: Ge 26:21<br />

SIVAN #4608<br />

1 Third month (June): Es 8:9<br />

SKEPTICISM #4609<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Job 21:15;<br />

22:17; Ps 14:1; 53:1; Zep 1:12; Mal 3:14<br />

2 Of Pharaoh: Ex 5:2<br />

3 Of Thomas: Joh 20:25-28<br />

4 See UNBELIEF<br />

SKIN #4610<br />

1 Clo<strong>the</strong>s of: Ge 3:21<br />

2 For covering <strong>the</strong> tabernacle: Ex 25:5; Nu<br />

4:8-14<br />

3 Diseases of: Le 13:38,39; De 28:27; Job 7:5<br />

4 See BOILS<br />

5 See LEPROSY<br />

SKIRT #4611<br />

1 See DRESS<br />

SLANDER #4612<br />

1 Comes from <strong>the</strong> evil heart: Lu 6:45<br />

2 Often arises from hatred: Ps 109:3<br />

3 Idleness leads to: 1Ti 5:13<br />

4 Evil people addicted to: Ps 50:20<br />

5 Hypocrites habitually: Pr 11:9<br />

6 A characteristic of <strong>the</strong> Devil: Re 12:10<br />

7 Wicked people love: Ps 52:4<br />

8 Those who indulge in, are fools: Pr 10:18<br />

9 Women warned against: Tit 2:3<br />

10 Wives of God's servants should avoid:<br />

1Ti 3:11<br />

11 Christ was exposed to: Ps 35:11; Mt 26:60<br />

12 Rulers exposed to: Jude 1:8<br />

13 Servants of God exposed to: Ro 3:8; 2Co<br />

6:8<br />

14 The nearest relations exposed to: Ps<br />

50:20<br />

15 Saints exposed to: Ps 38:12; 109:2; 1Pe<br />

4:4<br />

16 Saints should keep <strong>the</strong>ir tongues from:<br />

Ps 34:13; with 1Pe 3:10<br />

17 Saints should lay aside: Eph 4:31<br />

18 Should be warned against: Tit 3:1,2<br />

19 Should give no occasion for: 1Pe 2:12;<br />

3:16<br />

20 Should return good for: 1Co 4:13<br />

21 Blessed in enduring: Mt 5:11<br />

22 Characterized as avoiding: Ps 15:1,3<br />

23 Should not be listened to: 1Sa 24:9<br />

24 Causes anger: Pr 25:23<br />

25 Effects of<br />

25.1 Separating friends: Pr 16:28; 17:9<br />

25.2 Deadly wounds: Pr 18:8; 26:22<br />

25.3 Strife: Pr 26:20<br />

25.4 Discord among brethren: Pr 6:19<br />

25.5 Murder: Ps 31:13; Eze 22:9<br />

26 The tongue of, is a scourge: Job 5:21<br />

27 Is venomous: Ps 140:3; Ec 10:11<br />

28 Is destructive: Pr 11:9<br />

29 End of, is mischievous madness: Ec<br />

10:13<br />

30 People shall give account for: Mt 12:36<br />

31 Punishment for: De 19:16-21<br />


TO: Ex 23:1; De 22:13-19; Job 5:21; Ps 41:6-9;<br />

50:20; 101:5; Pr 10:18; 25:23; Jer 6:28; 9:4; Ro<br />

1:29,30; 1Co 4:13; 6:10; 2Co 12:20; Jas 4:11;<br />

1Pe 2:1; 2Pe 2:10<br />


33.1 Joseph by Potiphar's wife: Ge 39:14-18<br />

33.2 The l<strong>and</strong> of Canaan misrepresented by<br />

<strong>the</strong> spies: Nu 14:36<br />

33.3 Of Mephiboseth, by Ziba: 2Sa 16:3;<br />

19:24-30<br />

33.4 Of David, by his enemies: Ps 31:13;<br />

35:21; 41:5; 64:3; 140:3<br />

33.5 Of Naboth, by Jezebel: 1Ki 21:9-14<br />

33.6 Of Jeremiah, by <strong>the</strong> Jews: Jer 18:18<br />

33.7 Of Jesus, by <strong>the</strong> Jews falsely charging<br />

that he was a winebibber (wino): Mt 11:19<br />

33.8 That he blasphemed: Mr 14:64; Joh 5:18<br />

33.9 That he had a demon: Joh 8:48,52; 10:20<br />

33.10 That he was seditious: Lu 22:65; 23:5<br />

33.11 That he was a king: Lu 23:2; Joh 18:37;<br />

with 19:1-5<br />

33.12 Of Paul<br />

33.13 See PAUL<br />

33.14 See ACCUSATION, FALSE<br />

33.15 See FALSE WITNESS<br />

33.16 See FALSEHOOD<br />

33.17 See SPEAKING EVIL<br />

SLAVERY #4613<br />

1 See SERVANT, BOND<br />

SLEEP #4614<br />

1 From God: Ps 127:2<br />

2 Of <strong>the</strong> sluggard (very lazy person): Pr<br />

6:9,10<br />

3 Of Jesus: Mt 8:24; Mr 4:38; Lu 8:23<br />

4 A symbol of death: Job 14:12; Mt 9:24; Mr<br />

5:39; Lu 8:52; Joh 11:11,12; 1Th 4:14<br />

5 See DEATH<br />

SLIME #4615<br />

1 (A cement made of asphaltum)<br />

2 The Valley of Siddim afforded: Ge 14:10<br />

3 Used at Babel: Ge 11:3<br />

4 Used in Noah's ark: Ge 6:14<br />

5 Used in <strong>the</strong> ark (small basket) of Moses<br />

when he was an infant: Ex 2:3<br />

6 Flammable: Isa 34:9<br />

SLING #4616<br />

1 Used for throwing stones: Pr 26:8<br />

2 David kills Goliath with a: 1Sa 17:40-50<br />

3 Dextrous use of: Jud 20:16<br />

4 Used in war: Jud 20:16; 2Ki 3:25; 2Ch 26:14<br />

5 See ARMIES<br />

6 See ARMS<br />

SLOTHFULNESS #4617<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 6:6-11;<br />

10:4,5,26; 12:24,27; 13:4; 15:19; 18:9; 19:15,24;<br />

20:4; 21:25; 22:13; 23:21; 24:30-34; 26:13-16;<br />

Ec 10:18; Isa 56:10; Mt 25:26,27; Ro 12:11; 2Th<br />

3:10-12; Heb 6:12<br />

2 See IDLENESS<br />

3 See INDUSTRY<br />

SLUGGARD #4618<br />

1 (A very lazy person)<br />

2 See IDLENESS<br />

SMITH #4619<br />

1 (A worker in metals)<br />

2 Tubal-cain: Ge 4:22<br />

3 Bezaleel: Ex 31:1-11<br />

4 The Philistines: 1Sa 13:19<br />

5 Jewish, carried away captive to Babylon:<br />

2Ki 24:14; Jer 24:1<br />

6 The manufacturers of idols: Isa 41:7; 44:12<br />

7 Genius of, from God: Ex 31:3-5; 35:30-35;<br />

Isa 54:16<br />

SMITING #4620<br />


SMOKE #4621<br />

1 FIGURATIVE: Isa 6:4; Ho 13:3<br />

SMYRNA #4622<br />

1 (A city of Ionia)<br />

2 One of <strong>the</strong> seven congregations in: Re<br />

1:11; 2:8<br />

SNAIL #4623<br />

1 (A crustacean)<br />

2 Forbidden as food: Le 11:30<br />

3 Perishable: Ps 58:8<br />

SNARE #4624<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Am 3:5<br />


2.1 Of <strong>the</strong> evils in life of wicked people: Job<br />

18:8-10<br />

2.2 Of <strong>the</strong> devices of evil people to deceive<br />

<strong>the</strong> righteous: Ps 91:3; Jer 5:26<br />

2.3 See AMBUSH<br />

2.4 See CONSPIRACY<br />

2.5 See PIT<br />

SNOW #4625<br />

1 In Palestine: 2Sa 23:20<br />

2 In Uz: Job 6:16; 9:30; 37:6<br />

3 On Mount Lebanon: Jer 18:14<br />


4.1 Of purity: Ps 51:7; Isa 1:18; La 4:7<br />

SNUFFDISHES #4626<br />

1 In <strong>the</strong> tabernacle: Ex 25:38<br />

SNUFFERS #4627<br />

1 Provided for <strong>the</strong> lamps in <strong>the</strong> temple: 1Ki<br />

7:50; 2Ki 12:13; 25:14; Jer 52:18<br />

SO #4628<br />

1 King of Egypt: 2Ki 17:4<br />

SOAP #4629<br />

1 A washing compound: Jer 2:22; Mal 3:2<br />

SOBRIETY #4630<br />

1 (Clear thinking)<br />

2 Comm<strong>and</strong>ed: 1Pe 1:13; 5:8<br />

3 The gospel designed to teach: Tit 2:12<br />

4 With watchfulness: 1Th 5:6<br />

5 With prayer: 1Pe 4:7<br />

6 Required in<br />

6.1 God's servants: 1Ti 3:2,3; Tit 1:8<br />

6.2 Wives of servants of God: 1Ti 3:11<br />

6.3 Aged men: Tit 2:2<br />

6.4 Young men: Tit 2:6<br />

6.5 Young women: Tit 2:4<br />

6.6 All saints: 1Th 5:6,8<br />

7 Women should exhibit in dress: 1Ti 2:9<br />

8 We should estimate our character <strong>and</strong><br />

talents with: Ro 12:3<br />

9 We should live in: Tit 2:12<br />

10 Motive for: 1Pe 4:7; 5:8<br />

11 See TEMPERANCE<br />

12 See DRUNKENNESS<br />

SOCHO #4631<br />

1 Son of Heber: 1Ch 4:18<br />

SOCHOH #4632<br />

1 See SOCOH<br />

SOCOH #4633<br />

1 Also called SHOCHO, SHOCHOH, SHOCO,<br />

SOCHOH<br />

1.1 A city of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Judah: Jos 15:35;<br />

1Sa 17:1<br />

1.2 One of Solomon's commissaries in: 1Ki<br />

4:10<br />

1.3 Rebuilt <strong>and</strong> fortified by Rehoboam: 2Ch<br />

11:7<br />

1.4 Captured by Philistines: 2Ch 28:18<br />

2 A city in <strong>the</strong> mountains of <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Judah: Jos 15:48<br />

SODI #4634<br />

1 A man of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Zebulun: Nu 13:10<br />

SODOM #4635<br />

1 Also called SODOMA<br />

2 Situated on <strong>the</strong> plain of <strong>the</strong> Jordan River:<br />

Ge 13:10<br />

3 The sou<strong>the</strong>astern limit of <strong>the</strong> Canaanites:<br />

Ge 10:19<br />

4 Lot lived in: Ge 13:12<br />

5 King of, joins o<strong>the</strong>r kings of <strong>the</strong> nations<br />

resisting <strong>the</strong> invasion of Chedorlaomer: Ge<br />

14:1-12<br />

6 Wickedness of <strong>the</strong> inhabitants of: Ge<br />

13:13; 19:4-13; De 32:32; Isa 3:9; Jer 23:14; La<br />

4:6; Eze 16:46,48,49; Jude 1:7<br />

7 Abraham's intercession for: Ge 18:16-33<br />

8 Destroyed on account of <strong>the</strong> wickedness<br />

of <strong>the</strong> people: Ge 19:1-29; De 29:23; Isa 13:19;<br />

Jer 49:18; 50:40; La 4:6; Am 4:11; Zep 2:9; Mt<br />

10:15; Lu 17:29; Ro 9:29; 2Pe 2:6<br />


9.1 Of wickedness: De 23:17; 32:32; Isa 1:10;<br />

Eze 16:46-56<br />

SODOMITES #4636<br />

1 (The inhabitants of Sodom, many of whom<br />

openly practiced homosexuality)<br />

2 Wickedness of: Ge 19:4-14<br />

3 Destroyed by fire as a judgement: Ge<br />

19:24,25<br />

4 To be judged according to opportunity: Mt<br />

11:24; Lu 10:12<br />

5 A proverbial term of reproach applied to<br />

those who practiced sodomy (ritual<br />

homosexuality): De 23:17; 1Ki 14:24; 15:12;<br />

22:46; 2Ki 23:7; Job 36:14<br />

6 The word "harlot" ("shrine prostitute" (N.<br />

I. V.)) appears in: Ge 38:21,22<br />

7 And is applied to males: De 23:17<br />

8 And is <strong>the</strong> translation of a Hebrew<br />

feminine form of <strong>the</strong> word translated<br />

elsewhere "sodomite": Ho 4:14<br />

9 See SODOMY<br />

SODOMY #4637<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 19:5-8;<br />

Ex 22:19; Le 18:22,23; 20:13,15,16; De 23:17;<br />

27:21; Jud 19:22; 1Ki 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; 2Ki<br />

23:7; Ro 1:24,26,27; 1Co 6:9; 1Ti 1:9,10<br />

2 See SODOMITES<br />

SOLDERING #4638<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 41:7<br />

SOLDIERS #4639<br />

1 Military enrollment of Israel in <strong>the</strong><br />

wilderness of Sinai: Nu 1 ; 2<br />

2 On <strong>the</strong> plains of Moab: Nu 26<br />

3 Levies of, in <strong>the</strong> ratio of one man to ten<br />

subject to duty: Jud 20:10<br />

4 Dressed in scarlet: Na 2:3<br />

5 Cowards excused from duty as: De 20:8;<br />

Jud 7:3<br />


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