Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


P Topic Guide P 15:15; 17:18; 18:21-23; 20:12; La 1:22; 3:64-66; Ga 1:8,9; 2Ti 4:14,15 1.34 Submission in, exemplified by Jesus: Mt 26:39; Mr 14:36; Lu 22:42 1.35 David: 2Sa 12:22,23 1.36 Job: Job 1:20,21 1.37 Private, enjoined: Mt 6:6 1.38 Exemplified by 1.38.1 Lot: : Ge 19:20 1.38.2 Eliezer: Ge 24:12 1.38.3 Jacob: Ge 32:9-12 1.38.4 Gideon: Jud 6:22,36,39 1.38.5 Hannah: 1Sa 1:10 1.38.6 David: 2Sa 7:18-29 1.38.7 Hezekiah: 2Ki 20:2 1.38.8 Isaiah: 2Ki 20:11 1.38.9 Manasseh: 2Ch 33:18,19 1.38.10 Ezra: Ezr 9:5,6 1.38.11 Nehemiah: Ne 2:4 1.38.12 Jeremiah: Jer 32:16-25 1.38.13 Daniel: Da 9:3,19 1.38.14 Jonah: Jon 2:1 1.38.15 Habakkuk: Hab 1:2 1.38.16 Anna: Lu 2:37 1.38.17 Jesus: Mt 14:23; 26:36,39; Mr 1:35; Lu 9:18,29 1.38.18 Paul: Ac 9:11 1.38.19 Peter: Ac 9:40; 10:9 1.38.20 Cornelius: Ac 10:30 1.39 Family 1.39.1 By Abraham: : Ge 12:5,8 1.39.2 By Jacob: Ge 35:3 1.39.3 By Cornelius: Ac 10:2 1.40 Social: Mt 18:19; Ac 1:13,14; 16:25; 20:36; 21:5 1.41 Held in private houses: Ac 1:13,14; 12:12 1.42 Held in the temple: Ac 2:46; 3:1 1.43 Of Jesus 1.43.1 On a mountain: : Mt 14:23; Mr 6:46; Lu 6:12; 9:28 1.43.2 In the garden of Gethsemane: Mt 26:36; Mr 14:32; Lu 22:45 1.43.3 The Lord's prayer: Mt 6:9; Lu 11:1 1.43.4 However, see: Joh 17:1-26 1.43.5 Before daylight: Mr 1:35 1.43.6 In distress: Joh 12:27; Heb 5:7 1.43.7 In the wilderness: Lu 5:16 1.43.8 In behalf of Peter: Lu 22:31,32 1.43.9 For the Comforter (the Holy Spirit) to come: Joh 14:16 1.43.10 After the supper: Joh 17 1.44 Of the apostles: Ac 1:24,25 1.45 To idols: 1Ki 18:26-29 2 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Ge 32:24-28; Ho 12:4; 1Ch 16:11,35; 2Ch 7:14; Ne 4:9; Ps 27:8; 105:3,4; 145:18; Pr 15:8; Ec 5:2; Isa 55:6; La 3:41; Zec 12:10; Mt 6:5-13; 7:7,8; 21:22; Mr 9:28,29; 11:24; Lu 11:1-13; 18:1; Ro 8:26; 1Co 14:15; Eph 3:11,12; 6:18,19; Php 4:6; Col 4:2; 1Th 5:17,18; 1Ti 2:8; Heb 4:16; Jas 5:16; Jude 1:20; Re 5:8; 8:3,4 3 ANSWER TO, PROMISE: Ex 6:5; 22:23,27; 33:17-20; De 4:7,29-31; 1Ki 8:22,53; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 7:13-15; Job 8:5,6; 12:4; 22:27; 33:26; Ps 9:10,12; 10:17; 18:3; 32:6; 34:15,17; 37:4,5; 38:15; 50:14,15; 55:16,17; 56:9; 65:2,5; 69:33; 81:10; 86:5-7; 91:15; 102:17-20; 145:18,19; Pr 2:3,5; 3:6; 10:24; 15:8,29; 16:1; Isa 19:20; 30:19; 55:6; 58:9; 65:24; Jer 29:12,13; 31:9; 33:3; La 3:25; Eze 36:37; Joe 2:18,19,32; Am 5:4-6; Zep 2:3; Zec 10:1,6; 13:9; Mt 6:5-13; 7:7- 11; 18:19,20; 21:22; Mr 11:24,25; Lu 11:5-13; 18:1-8; 21:36; Joh 4:10,23,24; 9:31; 14:13,14; 15:7,16; 16:23,24,26,27; Ac 7:34; 22:16; Ro 8:26; 10:12,13; Eph 2:18; 3:20; Heb 4:16; 10:22,23; 11:6; Jas 1:5-7; 4:8,10; 5:16; 1Jo 3:22; 5:14,15 4 ANSWERED: Job 34:28; Ps 3:4; 4:1; 6:8,9; 18:6; 21:2,4; 22:4,5,24; 28:6; 30:2,3; 31:22; 34:4-6; 40:1; 66:19,20; 77:1,2; 81:7; 99:6-8; 106:44; 107:6,7,13-20; 116:1,2; 118:5,21; 119:26; 120:1; 138:3; La 3:57,58; Ho 12:4; Jon 2:1,2,7; Lu 23:42,43; Ac 4:31; 2Co 12:8,9; Jas 5:17,18 4.1 INSTANCES OF ANSWERED 4.2 Cain: Ge 4:13-15 4.3 Abraham, for a son: Ge 15 4.4 Abraham entreating 4.4.1 For Sodom: : Ge 18:23-33 4.4.2 For Ishmael: Ge 17:20 4.4.3 For Abimelech: Ge 20:17 4.5 Hagar, for deliverance: Ge 16:7-13 4.6 Abraham's servant, for guidance: Ge 24:12-52 4.7 Rebecca, concerning her pains in pregnancy: Ge 25:22,23 4.8 Jacob, for deliverance from Esau: Ge 32:9-32; 33:1-17 4.9 Moses, for help at the Red Sea: Ex 14:15,16 4.10 Moses, at the waters of Marah: Ex 15:25 4.11 Moses, at Mount Horeb: Ex 17:4-6 4.12 Moses, in the battle with the Amalekites: Ex 17:8-14 4.13 Moses, concerning the complaint of the Israelites for meat: Nu 11:11-35 4.14 Moses, on behalf of Miriam's leprosy: Nu 12:13-15 4.15 Moses, Aaron, and Samuel: Ps 99:6 4.16 Israelites for deliverance 4.16.1 From bondage: : Ex 2:23-25; 3:7-10; Ac 7:34 4.16.2 From Pharaoh's army: Ex 14:10-30 4.16.3 From the king of Mesopotamia: Jud 3:9,15 4.16.4 Sisera: Jud 4:3,23,24; 1Sa 12:9-11 4.16.5 Ammon: Jud 10:6-18; 11:1-33 4.16.6 For God's favor under the reproofs of Azariah: 2Ch 15:1-15 4.16.7 From Babylonian bondage: Ne 9:27 4.17 Gideon, asking for the token of dew: Jud 6:36-40 4.18 Manoah, asking about Samson: Jud 13:8,9 4.19 Samson, asking for strength: Jud 16:28- 30 4.20 Hannah, asking to give birth to a child: 1Sa 1:10-17,19,20 4.21 David, asking whether Keilah would be delivered into his hands: 1Sa 23:10-12 4.22 David, asking about Ziklag: 1Sa 30:8 4.23 David, asking whether he should go into Judah after Saul's death: 2Sa 2:1 4.24 David, asking whether he should go to war against the Philistines: 2Sa 5:19-25 4.25 David, in adversity: Ps 118:5; 138:3 4.26 Solomon, asking for wisdom: 1Ki 3:1- 13; 9:2,3 4.27 Elijah, raising the widow's son: 1Ki 17:22 4.28 Elijah, calling for fire to come down upon his sacrifice: 1Ki 18:36-38 4.29 Elijah, asking for rain: 1Ki 17:1; 18:1,42- 45; Jas 5:17 4.30 Elisha, leading the Syrian army: 2Ki 6:17-20 4.31 Jabez, asking for prosperity: 1Ch 4:10 4.32 Abijah, for victory over Jeroboam: 2Ch 13:14-18 4.33 Asa, for victory over Zerah: 2Ch 14:11- 15 4.34 The people of Judah: 2Ch 15:15 4.35 Jehoshaphat, for victory over the Canaanites: 2Ch 18:31; 20:6-27 4.36 Jehoahaz, for victory over Hazael: 2Ki 13:4 4.37 Priests and Levites, when blessing the people: 2Ch 30:27 4.38 Hezekiah and Isaiah, for deliverance from Sennacherib: 2Ki 19:14-20; 2Ch 32:20-23 4.39 To save Hezekiah's life: 2Ki 20:1-7,11; 2Ch 32:24 4.40 Manasseh, for deliverance from the king of Babylon: 2Ch 33:13,19 4.41 The Reubenites, for deliverance from the Hagarites: 1Ch 5:20 4.42 The Jews, returning from the captivity: Ezr 8:21,23 4.43 Ezekiel, to have the baking of his bread of affliction changed: Eze 4:12-15 4.44 Daniel, for the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzars dream: Da 2:19-23 4.45 Daniel, interceding for the people: Da 9:20-23 4.46 Daniel, in a vision: Da 10:12 4.47 Zacharias, for a son: Lu 1:13 4.48 The leper, for healing: Mt 8:2,3; Mr 1:40- 43; Lu 5:12,13 4.49 Centurion, for his servant: Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:3-10; Joh 4:50,51 4.50 Peter, asking that Tabitha (Dorcas) be restored to life: Ac 9:40 4.51 The disciples, for Peter: Ac 12:5-17 4.52 Paul, to be restored to health: 2Co 1:9- 11 5 CONFESSION IN: Le 5:5; 26:40; Nu 5:5-7; Jud 10:10,15; 1Sa 12:10; 1Ki 8:47; Ezr 9:6,15; Ne 1:6,7; 9:2,33-35; Job 7:20; 40:4,5; Ps 31:10; 32:3,5; 38:4-8,10,18; 40:12; 51:3,4; 69:5; 106:6,7; 119:176; 130:3; Pr 28:13; Isa 6:5; 59:12,13; Jer 3:13,25; 14:7,20; La 1:18; 3:42; 5:16; Da 9:5-15 6 IMPORTUNITY IN: Ge 18:23-32; 32:24-29; Ex 32:32; De 9:25; Jud 6:36-40; 16:28; 1Sa 1:10,11; 12:23; 1Ki 8:22-30; Ezr 9:5,6; Ne 1:4-6; Ps 17:1,6; 22:1,2,19; 28:1,2; 35:22,23; 55:1,2,16,17; 57:2; 61:1,2; 70:5; 86:3,6; 88:1,2,9,13; 102:1,2; 119:58,145-147; 130:1,2; 141:1,2; 142:1,2; Isa 38:2,3; 62:7; 64:12; Da 9:3,16-19; Jon 1:14; Hab 1:2; Mt 15:22-28; Mr 7:25-29; Lu 7:3; 11:5-8; 18:1-7; 22:44; Ro 8:26; 2Co 12:8; Eph 6:18; Heb 5:7 6.1 INSTANCES OF IMPORTUNITY IN 6.2 Jacob: Ge 32:24-30 6.3 Moses: Ex 33:12-16; 34:9 6.4 Elijah: 1Ki 18:22-44 6.5 The two blind men of Jericho: Mt 20:30,31; Mr 10:48; Lu 18:39 6.6 The non-Jewish, Syro-Phoenician woman: Mt 15:22-28; Mr 7:25-30 6.7 The Roman centurion: Mt 8:5; Lu 7:3,4 7 INTERCESSORY 7.1 See INTERCESSION 7.2 See JESUS, MEDIATION OF 8 OF WICKED PEOPLE NOT HEARD 8.1 See WICKED, PRAYER OF 9 PLEAS OFFERED IN: Ge 32:9-12; Ex 32:11- 13; 33:13; Nu 14:13-18; 16:22; De 3:24,25; 9:18,25-29; Jos 7:8,9; 2Sa 7:25-29; 1Ki 8:25,26,59,60; 18:36,37; 2Ki 19:15-19; 2Ch 14:11; Ne 1:8,9; 9:32; Ps 4:1; 9:19,20; 25:6; 27:9; 31:3; 38:16; 69:6,13,16; 71:18; 74:10,11,18-23; 79:10-12; 83:1,2,18; 86:1-5,17; 89:49-51; 106:47; 109:21-27; 115:1,2; 119:38,42,43,49,73,94, 116,124,145,146,149,153,173-176; 143:11,12; Isa 37:15-20; 63:17-19; Jer 14:21; 18:20,21; La 3:56-63; Joe 2:17 10 THANKSGIVING AND, BEFORE RECEIVING FOOD: Jos 9:14; 1Sa 9:13; Mt 14:19; 15:36; 26:26,27; Mr 6:41; 8:6,7; 14:22,23; Lu 9:16; 22:19; Joh 6:11,23; Ac 27:35; Ro 14:6; 1Co 10:30,31; 11:24; 1Ti 4:3-5 PRAYERFULNESS #3937 1 General scriptures concerning: Ps 5:1-3; 42:8; 109:4; 116:2; Da 6:10; Lu 2:37; Ac 6:4; 10:2,9; Ro 1:9; 12:12; Eph 1:15,16; Col 1:9; 1Th 3:10; 5:17; 1Ti 5:5; 2Ti 1:3 PRAYERLESSNESS #3938 1 General scriptures concerning: Job 15:4; 21:14,15; 27:10; Ps 14:4; 53:4; 79:6; Isa 43:22; 64:7; Jer 10:21,25; Da 9:13; Ho 7:7; Jon 1:6; Zep 1:6 PREACHING #3939 1 (The act of exhorting, prophesying, reproving, teaching) 2 Solomon called "the preacher" (Koheleth): Ec 1:1,12 3 Noah called "preacher,": 2Pe 2:5 4 Sitting while: Mt 5:1; Lu 4:20; 5:3 5 Moses was slow of speech: Ex 4:10-12 6 Repentance, the subject of John the Baptist's: Mt 3:2; Mr 1:4,15; Lu 3:3 7 Repentance, the subject of Christ's: Mt 4:17; Mr 1:15 8 Repentance, the subject of the apostles: Mr 6:12 9 "The Gospel of the Kingdom of God," the subject of Christ's: Mr 1:14,15; 2:2; Lu 8:1 10 Christ crucified and risen, the burden of Paul's: Ac 17:3 11 Effective 11.1 By Azariah: 2Ch 15:1-15 11.2 By Jonah: Jon 3 11.3 By Peter and other apostles: Ac 2:14-41 11.4 By Philip: Ac 8:5-12,27-38 11.5 By Paul: Ac 9:20; 13:16-43 12 See REVIVALS 13 Impenitence under 13.1 Of Asa: 2Ch 16:7-10 13.2 Of Ahab: 2Ch 18:7-26 13.3 Of the Jews: Ac 13:46 14 See OBDURACY 15 See also MINISTER 16 See CALL, PERSONAL 17 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Ps 8:2; Mt 11:25,26; Lu 10:21; 1Co 1:17,18,21,23,27-29; 2:1-8,12,13; 14:1- 20,24,25; 2Co 2:14-16; 3:12,13; Col 1:23-29; 1Th 1:5; 2:3-12; 1Ti 6:20,21; 2Ti 2:15,16; Tit 1:3; 3:8,9 PRECEPTS #3940 1 See COMMANDMENTS 2 See LAW PRECIOUS STONES #3941 1 See STONES PREDESTINATION #3942 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 21:12,13; Ex 9:16; 33:19; De 4:37; 7:7,8; 10:15; 32:8; Jos 11:20; 1Sa 12:22; 1Ki 12:15; 20:42; 2Ki 19:25; 2Ch 6:6; Job 23:13,14; Ps 33:12; 65:4; 78:67,68,70-72; 105:17-22; 135:4; Pr 16:4; Isa 44:1,2,7; Jer 1:4,5; Mal 1:2,3; Mt 11:25,26; 20:16,23; 22:14; 24:22,40,41; 25:34; 26:24; Mr 13:20,22; 14:21; Lu 4:25-27; 8:10; 10:20; 17:34- 36; 18:7; 22:22; Joh 6:37,39,44,45; 15:16,19; 17:2,6,9; 21:23; Ac 1:7; 2:23,39,47; 3:18; 4:28; 13:48; 17:26; 22:14; Ro 1:6; 8:28-30,33; 9:7-33; 11:5,7,8; 1Co 1:26-29; 2:7; Ga 1:15; Eph 1:4,5,9-11; 2:10; 3:11; Col 3:12; 1Th 1:4; 2:12; 2Th 2:13; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 1:1,2; Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:2,20; 2Pe 1:10; Jude 1:4; Re 13:8 2 EXEMPLIFIED 2.1 In the destruction of 2.1.1 Eli's sons: : 1Sa 2:25 2.1.2 The Hivites: Jos 11:20 2.1.3 The Philistines: Jud 14:4 2.1.4 Ahaziah: 2Ch 22:7 2.1.5 Amaziah and the idolatrous Jews: 2Ch 25:20 2.2 In the covenant with Abraham to have posterity: Ge 21:12; Ne 9:7,8 2.3 Zerubbabel: Hag 2:23 2.4 The apostles: Joh 13:18; 15:19 2.5 Jacob: Ro 9:12,13 2.6 Rufus: Ro 16:13 2.7 Paul: Ga 1:15 2.8 See CONTINGENCIES PREPARATION DAY #3943 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 27:62; Mr 15:42; Lu 23:54; Joh 19:14,31,42 PRESBYTER #3944 1 See ELDER PRESCIENCE #3945 1 Of God 1.1 See GOD, FOREKNOWLEDGE OF PRESENT #3946 1 See GIFT PRESUMPTION #3947 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 5:2; 14:11,12; 17:7; Nu 15:30; 16:41; 21:5; De 6:16; 29:19,20; 1Ki 20:28; 22:24; Job 15:25; Ps 19:13; 131:1; Pr 18:12,13; 25:6,7; Isa 5:18-25; 10:15; 14:13,14; 28:14-18,22; 29:15,16,20; 45:9,10; 58:3; 65:5; Jer 23:34; Mt 4:5-7; Lu 4:9- 11; 12:18-20; 14:7-11; 18:11,12; Ro 1:32; 9:20,21; 1Co 10:9-12; 2Th 2:3; Jas 4:13-16; 2Pe 2:10,11 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 Satan, when he said to Eve, "You will surely not die,": Ge 3:1-5 2.2 Builders of Babel: Ge 11:4 2.3 Abraham, in questioning about Sodom: Ge 18:23-32 2.4 Moses, in rebuking Jehovah: Nu 11:11- 15,22 2.5 Nadab and Abihu: Le 10:1,2 2.6 Israelites, in ascending to the top of the hill against the Amalekites: Nu 14:44,45 2.7 Complaining at Meribah: Ex 17:2,7 2.8 In reviling God: Mal 1:6,7,12; 3:7,8,13 2.9 Korah, Dathan, and Abiram: Nu 16:3 2.10 Saul, in sacrificing: 1Sa 13:8-14 2.11 Sparing the Amalekites: 1Sa 15:3,9-23 2.12 Men of Beth-shemesh: 1Sa 6:19 2.13 Uzzah, in steadying the ark of the covenant: 2Sa 6:6,7 2.14 David's anger on account of Uzzah's death: 2Sa 6:8 2.15 David, in numbering Israel: 2Sa 24:1-17 2.16 Jeroboam: 1Ki 13:4 2.17 Ben-hadad: 1Ki 20:10 2.18 Uzziah: 2Ch 26:16 2.19 Sennacherib: 2Ch 32:13,14 2.20 Job, in cursing the day of his birth: Job 3 2.21 Reproved by Eliphaz: Job 4 ; 5 2.22 Jonah: Jon 4:1-8 2.23 Peter 2.23.1 In objecting to Jesus' statement that Jesus must be killed: : Mt 16:21-23; Mr 8:32 2.23.2 In reflecting upon his knowledge when he asked, amid a throng, who touched Jesus: Lu 8:45 2.23.3 In objecting to Jesus washing Peter's feet: Joh 13:8 115

P Topic Guide P 2.23.4 In asking Jesus, "What will this man do?": Joh 21:20-22 2.24 The disciples, in rebuking those who brought little children to Jesus: Mt 19:13; Mr 10:13,14; Lu 18:15 2.25 The disciples, in their indignation at the anointing of Jesus: Mt 26:8,9; Mr 14:4,5; Joh 12:5 2.26 Reproving Jesus: Joh 7:3-5 2.27 James and John, in desiring to call down fire upon the Samaritans: Lu 9:54 2.28 Those who reviled Jesus: Mt 27:42,43; Mr 15:29-32 2.29 Theudas: Ac 5:36 2.30 The sons of Sceva: Ac 19:13,14 2.31 Diotrephes: 3Jo 1:9 2.32 See BLASPHEMSY, which is presumption 2.33 See MOCKING 2.34 See PRIDE PRETORIUM #3948 1 Also called PRAETORIUM, COMMON HALL, JUDGMENT HALL, and PALACE: Mt 27:27; Mr 15:16; Joh 18:28,33; 19:9; Ac 23:35; Php 1:13 PRIDE #3949 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 18:10,11; Le 26:19; De 8:11-14,17-20; Jud 9:14,15; 1Sa 2:3-5; 1Ki 20:11; 2Ki 14:9,10; 2Ch 25:18,19; Job 11:12; 12:2,3; 13:2,5; 15:1-13; 18:3; 21:31,32; 32:9-13; 37:24; Ps 9:20; 10:2- 6,11; 12:4; 18:27; 31:23; 49:11; 52:7; 73:6,8,9; 75:4-6; 101:5; 119:21,69,70,78; 138:6; Pr 3:34; 6:16,17; 8:13; 10:17; 11:2,12; 12:9,15; 13:10; 14:21; 15:5,10,12,25,32; 16:5,18,19; 17:19; 18:11,12; 20:6; 21:4,24; 25:14,27; 26:5,12,16; 27:2; 28:11,25; 29:8,23; 30:12,13; Isa 2:11-17; 3:16-26; 5:8,15; 9:9,10; 10:5-16; 13:11; 14:12- 16; 16:6,7; 22:16,19; 23:7,9; 24:4,21; 26:5; 28:3; 47:4-10; Jer 9:23,24; 13:9,15,17; 48:7,14,15,29; 49:4,16; 50:31,32; Eze 16:56; 28:2-9,17; 30:6; 31:10-14; Da 4:37; 11:45; Ho 5:5; 7:10; 10:11; Ob 1:3,4; Na 3:19; Hab 2:4,5,9; Zep 2:10,15; 3:11; Mal 4:1; Mt 20:26,27; 23:6-8,10-12; Mr 7:21; 10:43; 12:38,39; Lu 1:51,52; 9:46; 11:43; 14:8,9; 18:14; 20:45-47; Ro 1:22,29,30; 11:17- 21,25; 12:3,16; 1Co 1:29; 3:18; 4:6-8,10; 5:2,6; 8:1,2; 10:12; 13:4; 14:38; 2Co 10:5,12,18; 12:7; Ga 6:3; Eph 4:17; Php 2:3; 1Ti 2:9; 3:6; 6:3,4,17; 2Ti 3:2,4; Jas 3:1; 4:6; 1Pe 5:3,5; 1Jo 2:16; Re 3:17,18; 18:7,8 2 See RICH, THE 3 INSTANCES OF 3.1 Ahithophel: 2Sa 17:23 3.2 Naaman, refusing to wash in the Jordan River: 2Ki 5:11-13 3.3 Hezekiah, in displaying his resources: 2Ki 20:13; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 39:2 3.4 Uzziah: 2Ch 26:16-19 3.5 Haman: Es 3:5; 5:11,13; 6:6; 7:10 3.6 Kings of Tyre: Eze 28:2 3.7 Nebuchadnezzar: Da 4:30-34; 5:20 3.8 See AMBITION PRIEST #3950 1 BEFORE MOSES 1.1 Melchizedek: Ge 14:18; Heb 5:6,10,11; 6:20; 7:1-21 1.2 Jethro: Ex 2:16 1.3 Priests in Israel before the giving of the law: Ex 19:22,24 1.4 Called "angel,": Ec 5:6 2 THE TIME OF MOSES: Ex 28:1-4; 29:9,44; Nu 3:10; 18:7; 1Ch 23:13 2.1 Hereditary, descent of office: Ex 27:21; 28:43; 29:9 2.2 Consecration of: Ex 29:1-9,19-35; 40:12- 16; Le 6:20-23; 8:6-35; Heb 7:21 2.3 Is holy: Le 21:6,7; 22:9,16 2.4 Ablutions of: Ex 40:30-32; Le 16:24 2.5 See CONSECRATION OF, above 2.6 Must be without blemish: Le 21:17-23 2.7 Vestments of: Ex 28:2-43; 39:1-29; Le 6:10,11; 8:13; Eze 44:17-19 2.8 Don vestments in the temple area: Eze 42:14; 44:19 2.9 Atonement for: Le 16:6,24; Eze 44:27 2.10 Defilement and purification of: Eze 44:25,26 2.11 Marriage of: Le 21:7-15; Eze 44:22 2.12 Chambers for, in the temple area: Eze 40:45,46 2.13 Exempt from tax: Ezr 7:24 2.14 Armed and organized for war at the time of the disaffection toward Saul: 1Ch 12:27,28 116 2.15 Beard and hair of: Eze 44:20 2.16 Twenty-four divisions (shifts) of: 1Ch 24:1-19; 28:13,21; 2Ch 8:14; 31:2; 35:4,5; Ezr 2:36-39; Ne 13:30 2.17 Chosen by lot: Lu 1:8,9,23 2.18 Usurpations of office of: Nu 3:10; 16; 18:7; 2Ch 26:18 2.19 Priests who were not from the sons of Levi were appointed by Jeroboam: 1Ki 12:31; 13:33 2.20 See LEVITES 2.21 See MINISTERS 3 DUTIES OF 3.1 To offer sacrifices: Le 1:4-17; 2:2,16; 3:5,11,13,16; 4:5-12,17,25,26,30-35; 1Ch 16:40; 2Ch 13:11; 29:34; 35:11-14; Ezr 6:20; Heb 10:11 3.2 See OFFERINGS 3.3 To offer the firstfruits: Le 23:10,11; De 26:3,4 3.4 Pronounce benedictions: Nu 6:22-27; De 21:5; 2Ch 30:27 3.5 Teach the law: Le 10:11; De 24:8; 27:14; 31:9-13; 33:10; Jer 2:8; Mal 2:7 3.6 Light the lamps in the tabernacle: Ex 27:20,21; 2Ch 13:11; Le 24:3,4 3.7 Keep the sacred fire always burning: Le 6:12,13 3.8 To furnish a quota of wood for the sanctuary: Ne 10:34 3.9 Responsible for the sanctuary: Nu 4:5- 15; 18:1,5,7 3.10 To act as scribes: Ezr 7:1-6; Ne 8:9 3.11 Be present at and supervise the tithing: Ne 10:38 3.12 Sound the trumpet in summoning assemblies and in battle: Nu 10:2-10; 31:6; Jos 6; 2Ch 13:12 3.13 Examine lepers 3.14 See LEPROSY 3.15 Purify the unclean: Le 15:31 3.16 See DEFILEMENT 3.17 Valuate things devoted: Le 27:8,12 3.18 Officiate in the Holy Place: Heb 9:6 3.19 Chiefs of Levites: Nu 3:9,32; 4:19,28,33; 1Ch 9:20 3.20 To act as magistrates: Nu 5:14-31; De 17:8-13; 19:17; 21:5; 2Ch 19:8; Eze 44:23,24 3.21 To encourage the army on the eve of battle: De 20:2-4 3.22 Carry the ark of the covenant 3.22.1 Through the Jordan River: : Jos 3; 4:15-18 3.22.2 In battle: 1Sa 4:3-5 4 BENEFITS OF 4.1 No part of the land of Canaan allowed to: Nu 18:20; De 10:9; 14:27; 18:1,2; Jos 13:14,33; 14:3; 18:7; Eze 44:28 4.2 Provided with cities and suburbs: Le 25:32-34; Nu 35:2-8; Jos 21:1-4,13-19,41,42; 1Ch 6:57-60; Ne 11:11,20; Eze 45:1-6; 48:8-20 4.3 Own lands sanctified to the Lord: Le 27:21 4.4 Tithes of the tithes: Nu 18:8-18,26-32; Ne 10:38 4.5 Part of the plunder of war, including captives: Nu 31:25-29 4.6 Firstfruits: Le 23:20; 24:9; Nu 18:12,13,17,18; De 18:3-5; Ne 10:36 4.7 Redemption money: Le 27:23 4.8 Of the firstborn: Nu 3:46-51; 18:15,16 4.9 Things devoted: Le 27:21; Nu 5:9,10; 18:14 4.10 Fines: Le 5:16; 22:14; Nu 5:8 4.11 Trespass money and other trepass offerings: Le 5:15,18; Nu 18:9; 2Ki 12:16 4.12 The shewbread: Ex 25:30; Le 24:5-9; 2Ch 2:4; 13:11; Ne 10:33; Mt 12:4; Heb 9:2 4.13 Portions of sacrifices and offerings: Ex 29:27-34; Le 2:2,3,9,10; 5:12,13,16; 6:15-18,26; 7:6-10,31-34; 10:12-14; 14:12,13; Nu 6:19,20; 18:8-19; De 18:3-5; 1Sa 2:13,14; Eze 44:28-31; 45:1-4; 1Co 9:13 4.14 Regulations by Hezekiah concerning benefits to the priests: 2Ch 31:4-19 4.15 Portion of land allotted to, in redistribution in Ezekiel's vision: Eze 48:8-14 4.16 For the sustenance of their families: Le 22:11-13; Nu 18:11,19 5 FIGURATIVE: Ex 19:6; Isa 61:6; 1Pe 2:9; Re 1:6; 5:10; 20:6 6 HIGH PRIEST 7 (Moses did not denominate Aaron chief or high priest) 8 (The function he served was superior to that of other priests) 8.1 The title appears after the institution of the office: Le 21:10-15; Nu 3:32 8.2 For qualifications, consecration, etc 8.3 See under the general topic above, PRIEST, MOSAIC INSTITUTION OF 8.4 Vestments of: Ex 28:2-43; 39:1-31; Le 8:7- 9 8.5 Respect due to: Ac 23:5 8.6 DUTIES OF 8.6.1 Had charge of the sanctuary and altar: : Nu 18:2,5,7 8.6.2 To offer sacrifices: Heb 5:1; 8:3 8.6.3 To designate subordinate priests for duty: Nu 4:19; 1Sa 2:36 8.6.4 To officiate in consecrations of Levites: Nu 8:11-21 8.6.5 To have charge of the treasury: 2Ki 12:10; 22:4; 2Ch 24:6-14; 34:9 8.6.6 To light the lamps of the tabernacle: Ex 27:20,21; 30:8; Le 24:3,4; Nu 8:3 8.6.7 To burn incense: Ex 30:7,8; 1Sa 2:28; 1Ch 23:13 8.6.8 To place shewbread on the table every Sabbath: Le 24:8 8.6.9 To offer for his own sins of ignorance: Le 4:3-12 8.6.10 On the Day of Atonement: Ex 30:10; Le 16; Heb 5:3; 9:7,22,23 8.6.11 Judicial: Nu 5:15; De 17:8-13; 1Sa 4:18; Ho 4:4; Mt 26:3,50,57,62; Ac 5:21-28; 23:1-5 8.6.12 To count the people: Nu 1:3 8.6.13 Officiate at the choice of a ruler: Nu 27:18,19,21 8.6.14 Distribute the plunder of war: Nu 31:26-29 8.7 Benefits of 8.8 See PRIEST, BENEFITS OF, above 8.9 A second priest, under the high priest: Nu 3:32; 4:16; 31:6; 1Ch 9:20; 2Sa 15:24; 2Ki 25:18; Lu 3:2 9 MISCELLANEOUS FACTS CONCERNING 9.1 Loyal to Rehoboam at the time of the revolt of the ten tribes: 2Ch 11:13 9.2 Zeal of, in purging the temple: 2Ch 29:4- 17 9.3 Wickedness of: 2Ch 36:14 9.4 Taken with the captivity to Babylon: Jer 29:1 9.5 Return from the captivity: Ezr 1:5; 2:36- 39,61,70; 3:8; 7:7; 8:24-30; Ne 7:39-42,63-73; 10:1-8; 12:1-7 9.6 Polluted by marrying idolatrous wives: Ezr 9:1,2; 10:5,18,19; Ne 10:28 9.7 Restore the altar, and offer sacrifices: Ezr 3:1-7 9.8 Supervise the building of the new temple: Ezr 3:8-13 9.9 Inquire of John the Baptist to see if he might be the Messiah: Joh 1:19 9.10 Conspire to destroy Jesus: Mt 26:3- 5,14,15,47,51; Mr 14:10,11,43-47,53-66; 15:1; Lu 22:2-6,50,54,66-71; 23:1,2; Joh 11:47; 19:15,16,18 9.11 Put on trial and condemn Jesus: Mt 26:57-68; 27:1,2; Mr 14:53-65; Lu 22:54-71; 23:13-24; Joh 18:15-32 9.12 Incite the people to ask that Barabbas be released and Jesus be destroyed: Mt 27:20; Mr 15:11; Lu 23:18 9.13 Persecute the disciples: Ac 22:5 9.14 Reprove and threaten Peter and John: Ac 4:6-21; 5:17-41 9.15 Put on trial, condemn, and stone Stephen: Ac 6:12-15 ; 7 9.16 Paul brought before: Ac 22:30; 23:1-5 9.17 Corrupt, instances of 9.17.1 Misc: : Jer 23:11,12; Eze 22:26; Lu 10:31 9.17.2 Eli's sons: 1Sa 2:12-17,22 9.17.3 Of the captivity: Ezr 9:1,2; 10:18-22; Ne 13:4-9,13,28,29 9.18 Zealous: 1Ch 9:10-13 9.18.1 Priestly office performed by prophets: 1Sa 16:5 PRIMOGENITURE #3951 1 See FIRSTBORN 2 See BIRTHRIGHT PRINCE OF PEACE #3952 1 See JESUS PRINCESSES #3953 1 Taught in household duties: 2Sa 13:8,9 PRISCA #3954 1 A female disciple in Ephesus: 2Ti 4:19 PRISCILLA #3955 1 (Wife of Aquila) 2 A disciple at Corinth: Ac 18:1-3,18,19,26; Ro 16:3,4; 1Co 16:19; 2Ti 4:19 PRISON #3956 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 39:20; 42:16-19; Le 24:12; Nu 15:34; Ezr 7:26; Jer 52:11; Lu 23:19; Ac 4:3; 12:4,5 2 Public ward of: Ac 5:18 3 Cells of: Ac 16:24 4 Court of: Jer 33:1 5 Dungeon in 5.1 See DUNGEON 6 See IMPRISONMENT 7 See PRISONERS PRISONERS #3957 1 Joseph: Ge 39:20-23; 40; 41:1-44 2 Jeremiah: Jer 38:6-28; 39:14 3 John the Baptist: Mt 11:2; 14:3-12; Mr 6:17; Lu 3:20 4 Jesus: Mt 26:47-75; 27; Mr 14:43-72; 15; Lu 22:47-71; 23; Joh 18:3-40; 19 5 The apostles: Ac 5:17-42 6 Peter: Ac 12:3-19 7 Paul: Ac 16:19-40; 21:27-40; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28 8 Silas: Ac 16:19-40 9 Required to labor: Jud 16:21 10 Sustained on bread and water of affliction: 1Ki 22:27 11 In chains: Ac 12:6 12 In stocks: Pr 7:22; Jer 29:26; Ac 16:24 13 Confined 13.1 In the court of the palace: Jer 32:2 13.2 In the house of the scribe: Jer 37:15 13.3 In the house of the captain of the guard: Ge 40:3 14 Visited by friends: Mt 11:2; Ac 24:23 15 Bound to soldiers: Ac 12:6,7 16 Severe hardships of, mitigated: Jer 37:20,21 17 Cruelty to: Jer 38:6; La 3:53,54 18 See CAPTIVE 19 Guards responsible for: Ac 12:18,19 20 Tortured to extort self-incriminating testimony: Ac 22:24 21 Scourged: Mt 27:26; Mr 15:15; Ac 16:23,33; 2Co 6:5; 11:23,24 22 Permitted to make defense: Ac 24:10; 25:8,16; 26:1; 2Ti 4:16 23 Kindness to 23.1 By the prison guard to Jeremiah: Jer 38:7-28 23.2 By the Philippian jailer to Paul: Ac 16:33 23.3 By Felix: Ac 24:23 23.4 By Julius, the centurion: Ac 27:1,3; 28:16,30,31 24 To be visited and ministered to: Mt 25:35- 46 25 Released at feasts: Mt 27:15-17; Mr 15:6; Lu 23:17; Joh 18:39 26 OF WAR 26.1 Put to death: Jos 10:16-27; 1Sa 15:33; 27:11; 2Sa 12:31; 2Ki 25:7; 1Ch 20:3; Ho 13:16; Am 1:13; La 3:34 26.2 By divine command: Nu 31:9,17 26.3 Thumbs and toes cut off: Jud 1:6,7 26.4 Blinded: 2Ki 25:7 26.5 See CAPTIVE 26.6 Consolations for: Ps 69:33; 79:11; 102:19,20; 146:7 26.7 See CAPTIVE 26.8 See IMPRISONMENT 27 FIGURATIVE: Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18 PRIVILEGE #3958 1 See JUDGMENT, ACCORDING TO OPPORTUNITY 2 See RESPONSIBILITY PRIZE #3959 1 A reward of merit: 1Co 9:24 2 FIGURATIVE: Php 3:14 PROBATION #3960 1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 5:4 2 Adam on: Ge 2:15-17; 3:3 3 Amorites: Ge 15:16 4 Solomon: 1Ki 3:14; 9:4-9; with 11:9-12 5 Taught in parables of the talents and pounds: Mt 25:14-30; Lu 19:12-27 6 The fig tree: Lu 13:6-9

P Topic <strong>Guide</strong> P<br />

2.23.4 In asking Jesus, "What will this man<br />

do?": Joh 21:20-22<br />

2.24 The disciples, in rebuking those who<br />

brought little children to Jesus: Mt 19:13; Mr<br />

10:13,14; Lu 18:15<br />

2.25 The disciples, in <strong>the</strong>ir indignation at <strong>the</strong><br />

anointing of Jesus: Mt 26:8,9; Mr 14:4,5; Joh<br />

12:5<br />

2.26 Reproving Jesus: Joh 7:3-5<br />

2.27 James <strong>and</strong> John, in desiring to call<br />

down fire upon <strong>the</strong> Samaritans: Lu 9:54<br />

2.28 Those who reviled Jesus: Mt 27:42,43;<br />

Mr 15:29-32<br />

2.29 Theudas: Ac 5:36<br />

2.30 The sons of Sceva: Ac 19:13,14<br />

2.31 Diotrephes: 3Jo 1:9<br />

2.32 See BLASPHEMSY, which is<br />

presumption<br />

2.33 See MOCKING<br />

2.34 See PRIDE<br />

PRETORIUM #3948<br />

1 Also called PRAETORIUM, COMMON<br />

HALL, JUDGMENT HALL, <strong>and</strong> PALACE: Mt<br />

27:27; Mr 15:16; Joh 18:28,33; 19:9; Ac 23:35;<br />

Php 1:13<br />

PRIDE #3949<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ex<br />

18:10,11; Le 26:19; De 8:11-14,17-20; Jud<br />

9:14,15; 1Sa 2:3-5; 1Ki 20:11; 2Ki 14:9,10; 2Ch<br />

25:18,19; Job 11:12; 12:2,3; 13:2,5; 15:1-13;<br />

18:3; 21:31,32; 32:9-13; 37:24; Ps 9:20; 10:2-<br />

6,11; 12:4; 18:27; 31:23; 49:11; 52:7; 73:6,8,9;<br />

75:4-6; 101:5; 119:21,69,70,78; 138:6; Pr 3:34;<br />

6:16,17; 8:13; 10:17; 11:2,12; 12:9,15; 13:10;<br />

14:21; 15:5,10,12,25,32; 16:5,18,19; 17:19;<br />

18:11,12; 20:6; 21:4,24; 25:14,27; 26:5,12,16;<br />

27:2; 28:11,25; 29:8,23; 30:12,13; Isa 2:11-17;<br />

3:16-26; 5:8,15; 9:9,10; 10:5-16; 13:11; 14:12-<br />

16; 16:6,7; 22:16,19; 23:7,9; 24:4,21; 26:5; 28:3;<br />

47:4-10; Jer 9:23,24; 13:9,15,17; 48:7,14,15,29;<br />

49:4,16; 50:31,32; Eze 16:56; 28:2-9,17; 30:6;<br />

31:10-14; Da 4:37; 11:45; Ho 5:5; 7:10; 10:11;<br />

Ob 1:3,4; Na 3:19; Hab 2:4,5,9; Zep 2:10,15;<br />

3:11; Mal 4:1; Mt 20:26,27; 23:6-8,10-12; Mr<br />

7:21; 10:43; 12:38,39; Lu 1:51,52; 9:46; 11:43;<br />

14:8,9; 18:14; 20:45-47; Ro 1:22,29,30; 11:17-<br />

21,25; 12:3,16; 1Co 1:29; 3:18; 4:6-8,10; 5:2,6;<br />

8:1,2; 10:12; 13:4; 14:38; 2Co 10:5,12,18; 12:7;<br />

Ga 6:3; Eph 4:17; Php 2:3; 1Ti 2:9; 3:6;<br />

6:3,4,17; 2Ti 3:2,4; Jas 3:1; 4:6; 1Pe 5:3,5; 1Jo<br />

2:16; Re 3:17,18; 18:7,8<br />

2 See RICH, THE<br />


3.1 Ahithophel: 2Sa 17:23<br />

3.2 Naaman, refusing to wash in <strong>the</strong> Jordan<br />

River: 2Ki 5:11-13<br />

3.3 Hezekiah, in displaying his resources:<br />

2Ki 20:13; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 39:2<br />

3.4 Uzziah: 2Ch 26:16-19<br />

3.5 Haman: Es 3:5; 5:11,13; 6:6; 7:10<br />

3.6 Kings of Tyre: Eze 28:2<br />

3.7 Nebuchadnezzar: Da 4:30-34; 5:20<br />

3.8 See AMBITION<br />

PRIEST #3950<br />


1.1 Melchizedek: Ge 14:18; Heb 5:6,10,11;<br />

6:20; 7:1-21<br />

1.2 Jethro: Ex 2:16<br />

1.3 Priests in Israel before <strong>the</strong> giving of <strong>the</strong><br />

law: Ex 19:22,24<br />

1.4 Called "angel,": Ec 5:6<br />

2 THE TIME OF MOSES: Ex 28:1-4; 29:9,44;<br />

Nu 3:10; 18:7; 1Ch 23:13<br />

2.1 Hereditary, descent of office: Ex 27:21;<br />

28:43; 29:9<br />

2.2 Consecration of: Ex 29:1-9,19-35; 40:12-<br />

16; Le 6:20-23; 8:6-35; Heb 7:21<br />

2.3 Is holy: Le 21:6,7; 22:9,16<br />

2.4 Ablutions of: Ex 40:30-32; Le 16:24<br />

2.5 See CONSECRATION OF, above<br />

2.6 Must be without blemish: Le 21:17-23<br />

2.7 Vestments of: Ex 28:2-43; 39:1-29; Le<br />

6:10,11; 8:13; Eze 44:17-19<br />

2.8 Don vestments in <strong>the</strong> temple area: Eze<br />

42:14; 44:19<br />

2.9 Atonement for: Le 16:6,24; Eze 44:27<br />

2.10 Defilement <strong>and</strong> purification of: Eze<br />

44:25,26<br />

2.11 Marriage of: Le 21:7-15; Eze 44:22<br />

2.12 Chambers for, in <strong>the</strong> temple area: Eze<br />

40:45,46<br />

2.13 Exempt from tax: Ezr 7:24<br />

2.14 Armed <strong>and</strong> organized for war at <strong>the</strong><br />

time of <strong>the</strong> disaffection toward Saul: 1Ch<br />

12:27,28<br />

116<br />

2.15 Beard <strong>and</strong> hair of: Eze 44:20<br />

2.16 Twenty-four divisions (shifts) of: 1Ch<br />

24:1-19; 28:13,21; 2Ch 8:14; 31:2; 35:4,5; Ezr<br />

2:36-39; Ne 13:30<br />

2.17 Chosen by lot: Lu 1:8,9,23<br />

2.18 Usurpations of office of: Nu 3:10; 16;<br />

18:7; 2Ch 26:18<br />

2.19 Priests who were not from <strong>the</strong> sons of<br />

Levi were appointed by Jeroboam: 1Ki 12:31;<br />

13:33<br />

2.20 See LEVITES<br />

2.21 See MINISTERS<br />

3 DUTIES OF<br />

3.1 To offer sacrifices: Le 1:4-17; 2:2,16;<br />

3:5,11,13,16; 4:5-12,17,25,26,30-35; 1Ch 16:40;<br />

2Ch 13:11; 29:34; 35:11-14; Ezr 6:20; Heb<br />

10:11<br />

3.2 See OFFERINGS<br />

3.3 To offer <strong>the</strong> firstfruits: Le 23:10,11; De<br />

26:3,4<br />

3.4 Pronounce benedictions: Nu 6:22-27; De<br />

21:5; 2Ch 30:27<br />

3.5 Teach <strong>the</strong> law: Le 10:11; De 24:8; 27:14;<br />

31:9-13; 33:10; Jer 2:8; Mal 2:7<br />

3.6 Light <strong>the</strong> lamps in <strong>the</strong> tabernacle: Ex<br />

27:20,21; 2Ch 13:11; Le 24:3,4<br />

3.7 Keep <strong>the</strong> sacred fire always burning: Le<br />

6:12,13<br />

3.8 To furnish a quota of wood for <strong>the</strong><br />

sanctuary: Ne 10:34<br />

3.9 Responsible for <strong>the</strong> sanctuary: Nu 4:5-<br />

15; 18:1,5,7<br />

3.10 To act as scribes: Ezr 7:1-6; Ne 8:9<br />

3.11 Be present at <strong>and</strong> supervise <strong>the</strong> tithing:<br />

Ne 10:38<br />

3.12 Sound <strong>the</strong> trumpet in summoning<br />

assemblies <strong>and</strong> in battle: Nu 10:2-10; 31:6;<br />

Jos 6; 2Ch 13:12<br />

3.13 Examine lepers<br />

3.14 See LEPROSY<br />

3.15 Purify <strong>the</strong> unclean: Le 15:31<br />

3.16 See DEFILEMENT<br />

3.17 Valuate things devoted: Le 27:8,12<br />

3.18 Officiate in <strong>the</strong> Holy Place: Heb 9:6<br />

3.19 Chiefs of Levites: Nu 3:9,32; 4:19,28,33;<br />

1Ch 9:20<br />

3.20 To act as magistrates: Nu 5:14-31; De<br />

17:8-13; 19:17; 21:5; 2Ch 19:8; Eze 44:23,24<br />

3.21 To encourage <strong>the</strong> army on <strong>the</strong> eve of<br />

battle: De 20:2-4<br />

3.22 Carry <strong>the</strong> ark of <strong>the</strong> covenant<br />

3.22.1 Through <strong>the</strong> Jordan River: : Jos 3;<br />

4:15-18<br />

3.22.2 In battle: 1Sa 4:3-5<br />


4.1 No part of <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong> of Canaan allowed to:<br />

Nu 18:20; De 10:9; 14:27; 18:1,2; Jos 13:14,33;<br />

14:3; 18:7; Eze 44:28<br />

4.2 Provided with cities <strong>and</strong> suburbs: Le<br />

25:32-34; Nu 35:2-8; Jos 21:1-4,13-19,41,42;<br />

1Ch 6:57-60; Ne 11:11,20; Eze 45:1-6; 48:8-20<br />

4.3 Own l<strong>and</strong>s sanctified to <strong>the</strong> Lord: Le<br />

27:21<br />

4.4 Ti<strong>the</strong>s of <strong>the</strong> ti<strong>the</strong>s: Nu 18:8-18,26-32; Ne<br />

10:38<br />

4.5 Part of <strong>the</strong> plunder of war, including<br />

captives: Nu 31:25-29<br />

4.6 Firstfruits: Le 23:20; 24:9; Nu<br />

18:12,13,17,18; De 18:3-5; Ne 10:36<br />

4.7 Redemption money: Le 27:23<br />

4.8 Of <strong>the</strong> firstborn: Nu 3:46-51; 18:15,16<br />

4.9 Things devoted: Le 27:21; Nu 5:9,10;<br />

18:14<br />

4.10 Fines: Le 5:16; 22:14; Nu 5:8<br />

4.11 Trespass money <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r trepass<br />

offerings: Le 5:15,18; Nu 18:9; 2Ki 12:16<br />

4.12 The shewbread: Ex 25:30; Le 24:5-9;<br />

2Ch 2:4; 13:11; Ne 10:33; Mt 12:4; Heb 9:2<br />

4.13 Portions of sacrifices <strong>and</strong> offerings: Ex<br />

29:27-34; Le 2:2,3,9,10; 5:12,13,16; 6:15-18,26;<br />

7:6-10,31-34; 10:12-14; 14:12,13; Nu 6:19,20;<br />

18:8-19; De 18:3-5; 1Sa 2:13,14; Eze 44:28-31;<br />

45:1-4; 1Co 9:13<br />

4.14 Regulations by Hezekiah concerning<br />

benefits to <strong>the</strong> priests: 2Ch 31:4-19<br />

4.15 Portion of l<strong>and</strong> allotted to, in<br />

redistribution in Ezekiel's vision: Eze 48:8-14<br />

4.16 For <strong>the</strong> sustenance of <strong>the</strong>ir families: Le<br />

22:11-13; Nu 18:11,19<br />

5 FIGURATIVE: Ex 19:6; Isa 61:6; 1Pe 2:9; Re<br />

1:6; 5:10; 20:6<br />


7 (Moses did not denominate Aaron chief or<br />

high priest)<br />

8 (The function he served was superior to<br />

that of o<strong>the</strong>r priests)<br />

8.1 The title appears after <strong>the</strong> institution of<br />

<strong>the</strong> office: Le 21:10-15; Nu 3:32<br />

8.2 For qualifications, consecration, etc<br />

8.3 See under <strong>the</strong> general topic above,<br />


8.4 Vestments of: Ex 28:2-43; 39:1-31; Le 8:7-<br />

9<br />

8.5 Respect due to: Ac 23:5<br />

8.6 DUTIES OF<br />

8.6.1 Had charge of <strong>the</strong> sanctuary <strong>and</strong> altar:<br />

: Nu 18:2,5,7<br />

8.6.2 To offer sacrifices: Heb 5:1; 8:3<br />

8.6.3 To designate subordinate priests for<br />

duty: Nu 4:19; 1Sa 2:36<br />

8.6.4 To officiate in consecrations of<br />

Levites: Nu 8:11-21<br />

8.6.5 To have charge of <strong>the</strong> treasury: 2Ki<br />

12:10; 22:4; 2Ch 24:6-14; 34:9<br />

8.6.6 To light <strong>the</strong> lamps of <strong>the</strong> tabernacle: Ex<br />

27:20,21; 30:8; Le 24:3,4; Nu 8:3<br />

8.6.7 To burn incense: Ex 30:7,8; 1Sa 2:28;<br />

1Ch 23:13<br />

8.6.8 To place shewbread on <strong>the</strong> table every<br />

Sabbath: Le 24:8<br />

8.6.9 To offer for his own sins of ignorance:<br />

Le 4:3-12<br />

8.6.10 On <strong>the</strong> Day of Atonement: Ex 30:10; Le<br />

16; Heb 5:3; 9:7,22,23<br />

8.6.11 Judicial: Nu 5:15; De 17:8-13; 1Sa<br />

4:18; Ho 4:4; Mt 26:3,50,57,62; Ac 5:21-28;<br />

23:1-5<br />

8.6.12 To count <strong>the</strong> people: Nu 1:3<br />

8.6.13 Officiate at <strong>the</strong> choice of a ruler: Nu<br />

27:18,19,21<br />

8.6.14 Distribute <strong>the</strong> plunder of war: Nu<br />

31:26-29<br />

8.7 Benefits of<br />

8.8 See PRIEST, BENEFITS OF, above<br />

8.9 A second priest, under <strong>the</strong> high priest:<br />

Nu 3:32; 4:16; 31:6; 1Ch 9:20; 2Sa 15:24; 2Ki<br />

25:18; Lu 3:2<br />


9.1 Loyal to Rehoboam at <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong><br />

revolt of <strong>the</strong> ten tribes: 2Ch 11:13<br />

9.2 Zeal of, in purging <strong>the</strong> temple: 2Ch 29:4-<br />

17<br />

9.3 Wickedness of: 2Ch 36:14<br />

9.4 Taken with <strong>the</strong> captivity to Babylon: Jer<br />

29:1<br />

9.5 Return from <strong>the</strong> captivity: Ezr 1:5; 2:36-<br />

39,61,70; 3:8; 7:7; 8:24-30; Ne 7:39-42,63-73;<br />

10:1-8; 12:1-7<br />

9.6 Polluted by marrying idolatrous wives:<br />

Ezr 9:1,2; 10:5,18,19; Ne 10:28<br />

9.7 Restore <strong>the</strong> altar, <strong>and</strong> offer sacrifices:<br />

Ezr 3:1-7<br />

9.8 Supervise <strong>the</strong> building of <strong>the</strong> new<br />

temple: Ezr 3:8-13<br />

9.9 Inquire of John <strong>the</strong> Baptist to see if he<br />

might be <strong>the</strong> Messiah: Joh 1:19<br />

9.10 Conspire to destroy Jesus: Mt 26:3-<br />

5,14,15,47,51; Mr 14:10,11,43-47,53-66; 15:1;<br />

Lu 22:2-6,50,54,66-71; 23:1,2; Joh 11:47;<br />

19:15,16,18<br />

9.11 Put on trial <strong>and</strong> condemn Jesus: Mt<br />

26:57-68; 27:1,2; Mr 14:53-65; Lu 22:54-71;<br />

23:13-24; Joh 18:15-32<br />

9.12 Incite <strong>the</strong> people to ask that Barabbas<br />

be released <strong>and</strong> Jesus be destroyed: Mt<br />

27:20; Mr 15:11; Lu 23:18<br />

9.13 Persecute <strong>the</strong> disciples: Ac 22:5<br />

9.14 Reprove <strong>and</strong> threaten Peter <strong>and</strong> John:<br />

Ac 4:6-21; 5:17-41<br />

9.15 Put on trial, condemn, <strong>and</strong> stone<br />

Stephen: Ac 6:12-15 ; 7<br />

9.16 Paul brought before: Ac 22:30; 23:1-5<br />

9.17 Corrupt, instances of<br />

9.17.1 Misc: : Jer 23:11,12; Eze 22:26; Lu<br />

10:31<br />

9.17.2 Eli's sons: 1Sa 2:12-17,22<br />

9.17.3 Of <strong>the</strong> captivity: Ezr 9:1,2; 10:18-22;<br />

Ne 13:4-9,13,28,29<br />

9.18 Zealous: 1Ch 9:10-13<br />

9.18.1 Priestly office performed by prophets:<br />

1Sa 16:5<br />


1 See FIRSTBORN<br />

2 See BIRTHRIGHT<br />

PRINCE OF PEACE #3952<br />

1 See JESUS<br />

PRINCESSES #3953<br />

1 Taught in household duties: 2Sa 13:8,9<br />

PRISCA #3954<br />

1 A female disciple in Ephesus: 2Ti 4:19<br />

PRISCILLA #3955<br />

1 (Wife of Aquila)<br />

2 A disciple at Corinth: Ac 18:1-3,18,19,26;<br />

Ro 16:3,4; 1Co 16:19; 2Ti 4:19<br />

PRISON #3956<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 39:20;<br />

42:16-19; Le 24:12; Nu 15:34; Ezr 7:26; Jer<br />

52:11; Lu 23:19; Ac 4:3; 12:4,5<br />

2 Public ward of: Ac 5:18<br />

3 Cells of: Ac 16:24<br />

4 Court of: Jer 33:1<br />

5 Dungeon in<br />

5.1 See DUNGEON<br />


7 See PRISONERS<br />

PRISONERS #3957<br />

1 Joseph: Ge 39:20-23; 40; 41:1-44<br />

2 Jeremiah: Jer 38:6-28; 39:14<br />

3 John <strong>the</strong> Baptist: Mt 11:2; 14:3-12; Mr 6:17;<br />

Lu 3:20<br />

4 Jesus: Mt 26:47-75; 27; Mr 14:43-72; 15; Lu<br />

22:47-71; 23; Joh 18:3-40; 19<br />

5 The apostles: Ac 5:17-42<br />

6 Peter: Ac 12:3-19<br />

7 Paul: Ac 16:19-40; 21:27-40; 22; 23; 24; 25;<br />

26; 27; 28<br />

8 Silas: Ac 16:19-40<br />

9 Required to labor: Jud 16:21<br />

10 Sustained on bread <strong>and</strong> water of<br />

affliction: 1Ki 22:27<br />

11 In chains: Ac 12:6<br />

12 In stocks: Pr 7:22; Jer 29:26; Ac 16:24<br />

13 Confined<br />

13.1 In <strong>the</strong> court of <strong>the</strong> palace: Jer 32:2<br />

13.2 In <strong>the</strong> house of <strong>the</strong> scribe: Jer 37:15<br />

13.3 In <strong>the</strong> house of <strong>the</strong> captain of <strong>the</strong><br />

guard: Ge 40:3<br />

14 Visited by friends: Mt 11:2; Ac 24:23<br />

15 Bound to soldiers: Ac 12:6,7<br />

16 Severe hardships of, mitigated: Jer<br />

37:20,21<br />

17 Cruelty to: Jer 38:6; La 3:53,54<br />

18 See CAPTIVE<br />

19 Guards responsible for: Ac 12:18,19<br />

20 Tortured to extort self-incriminating<br />

testimony: Ac 22:24<br />

21 Scourged: Mt 27:26; Mr 15:15; Ac<br />

16:23,33; 2Co 6:5; 11:23,24<br />

22 Permitted to make defense: Ac 24:10;<br />

25:8,16; 26:1; 2Ti 4:16<br />

23 Kindness to<br />

23.1 By <strong>the</strong> prison guard to Jeremiah: Jer<br />

38:7-28<br />

23.2 By <strong>the</strong> Philippian jailer to Paul: Ac<br />

16:33<br />

23.3 By Felix: Ac 24:23<br />

23.4 By Julius, <strong>the</strong> centurion: Ac 27:1,3;<br />

28:16,30,31<br />

24 To be visited <strong>and</strong> ministered to: Mt 25:35-<br />

46<br />

25 Released at feasts: Mt 27:15-17; Mr 15:6;<br />

Lu 23:17; Joh 18:39<br />

26 OF WAR<br />

26.1 Put to death: Jos 10:16-27; 1Sa 15:33;<br />

27:11; 2Sa 12:31; 2Ki 25:7; 1Ch 20:3; Ho 13:16;<br />

Am 1:13; La 3:34<br />

26.2 By divine comm<strong>and</strong>: Nu 31:9,17<br />

26.3 Thumbs <strong>and</strong> toes cut off: Jud 1:6,7<br />

26.4 Blinded: 2Ki 25:7<br />

26.5 See CAPTIVE<br />

26.6 Consolations for: Ps 69:33; 79:11;<br />

102:19,20; 146:7<br />

26.7 See CAPTIVE<br />

26.8 See IMPRISONMENT<br />

27 FIGURATIVE: Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18<br />

PRIVILEGE #3958<br />




PRIZE #3959<br />

1 A reward of merit: 1Co 9:24<br />

2 FIGURATIVE: Php 3:14<br />

PROBATION #3960<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ro 5:4<br />

2 Adam on: Ge 2:15-17; 3:3<br />

3 Amorites: Ge 15:16<br />

4 Solomon: 1Ki 3:14; 9:4-9; with 11:9-12<br />

5 Taught in parables of <strong>the</strong> talents <strong>and</strong><br />

pounds: Mt 25:14-30; Lu 19:12-27<br />

6 The fig tree: Lu 13:6-9

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