Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


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P Topic <strong>Guide</strong> P<br />

PAARAI #3694<br />

1 One of David's valiant men: 2Sa 23:35<br />

2 Called NAARAI in: 1Ch 11:37<br />

PACK ANIMALS #3695<br />

1 Used for transporting army supplies: 1Ch<br />

12:40<br />

PADAN-ARAM #3696<br />


PADON #3697<br />

1 One of <strong>the</strong> Nethinim: Ezr 2:44; Ne 7:47<br />

PAGIEL #3698<br />

1 Son of Ocran <strong>and</strong> leader of <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Asher at time of <strong>the</strong> exodus: Nu 1:13; 2:27;<br />

7:72,77; 10:26<br />

PAHATH-MOAB #3699<br />

1 The ancestor of an influential family of<br />

Judah which returned to Jerusalem from <strong>the</strong><br />

captivity: Ezr 2:6; 10:30; Ne 3:11; 7:11<br />

PAI #3700<br />

1 A city in Edom: 1Ch 1:50<br />

2 Called PAU in: Ge 36:39<br />

PAIN #3701<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Job 14:22;<br />

30:17,18; 33:19; La 3:5; Re 16:10; 21:4<br />


PAINTING #3702<br />

1 Around <strong>the</strong> eyes to enlarge <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

appearance: 2Ki 9:30; Jer 4:30; Eze 23:40<br />

2 Of portraits: Eze 23:14<br />

3 See PICTURE<br />

PALACE #3703<br />

1 For kings: 1Ki 21:1; 2Ki 15:25; Jer 49:27;<br />

Am 1:12; Na 2:6<br />

2 Of David: 2Sa 7:2<br />

3 Of Solomon: 1Ki 7:1-12<br />

4 At Babylon: Da 4:29; 5:5; 6:18<br />

5 At Shushan: Ne 1:1; Es 1:2; 7:7; Da 8:2<br />

6 Archives kept in: Ezr 6:2<br />

7 Proclamations issued from: Am 3:9<br />


8.1 Of a government: Am 1:12; 2:2; Na 2:6<br />

PALAL #3704<br />

1 (Son of Uzai)<br />

2 One of <strong>the</strong> workmen who rebuilt <strong>the</strong> walls<br />

of Jerusalem: Ne 3:25<br />

PALE HORSE #3705<br />

1 Symbol of death: Re 6:8<br />

PALESTINE #3706<br />

1 See CANAAN<br />

PALLU #3707<br />

1 Also called PHALLU<br />

2 Son of Reuben: Ge 46:9; Ex 6:14; Nu<br />

26:5,8; 1Ch 5:3<br />

PALM TREE #3708<br />

1 Deborah led Israel from under a: Jud 4:5<br />

2 Wood of, used in <strong>the</strong> temple: 1Ki<br />

6:29,32,35; 2Ch 3:5<br />

3 In <strong>the</strong> temple seen in <strong>the</strong> vision of Ezekiel:<br />

Eze 40:16; 41:18<br />

4 Branches of, thrown in <strong>the</strong> path when<br />

Jesus made his triumphal entry <strong>into</strong><br />

Jerusalem: Joh 12:13<br />

5 Jericho was called "The City of Palm<br />

Trees,": De 34:3<br />


6.1 Of <strong>the</strong> prosperity of <strong>the</strong> righteous: Ps<br />

92:12<br />

6.2 Used as a symbol of victory: Re 7:9<br />

PALMER-WORM #3709<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Joe 1:4;<br />

2:25; Am 4:9<br />

PALSY #3710<br />

1 See PARALYSIS<br />

108<br />

PALTI #3711<br />

1 A chief Benjamite <strong>and</strong> one of <strong>the</strong> twelve<br />

spies sent <strong>into</strong> Canaan: Nu 13:9<br />

PALTIEL #3712<br />

1 A chief of Issachar <strong>and</strong> one of <strong>the</strong><br />

committee of twelve appointed to divide<br />

Canaan among <strong>the</strong> tribes: Nu 34:26<br />

PAMPHYLIA #3713<br />

1 (A province in Asia Minor)<br />

2 Men of, in Jerusalem: Ac 2:10<br />

3 Paul goes to: Ac 13:13,14; 14:24<br />

4 John, surnamed "Mark," in: Ac 13:13;<br />

15:38<br />

5 Sea of: Ac 27:5<br />

PANIC #3714<br />

1 In armies: Le 26:17; De 32:30; Jos 23:10; Ps<br />

35:5<br />

2 From God: Ge 35:5; Ex 15:14-16; Jud 7:22;<br />

1Sa 14:15-20; 2Ki 7:6,7; 2Ch 20:22,23<br />

3 See ARMIES<br />

PANTOMIME #3715<br />

1 By Isaiah: Isa 20:2,3<br />

2 By Ezekiel: Eze 4:1-8; 12:18<br />

3 By Agabus: Ac 21:11<br />

PAPER #3716<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 2Jo 1:12<br />

2 See PARCHMENT<br />

PAPHOS #3717<br />

1 (A city of Cyprus)<br />

2 Paul blinds a sorcerer in: Ac 13:6-13<br />

PAPYRUS #3718<br />

1 (R. V., margin): Ex 2:3<br />

PARABLES #3719<br />

1 Of <strong>the</strong> trees: Jud 9:8-15<br />

2 Of <strong>the</strong> lamb: 2Sa 12:1-6<br />

3 Of <strong>the</strong> woman of Tekoa: 2Sa 14:5-12<br />

4 Of <strong>the</strong> garment which was torn in pieces:<br />

1Ki 11:30-32<br />

5 Of <strong>the</strong> prisoner of war: 1Ki 20:39-41<br />

6 Of <strong>the</strong> thistle <strong>and</strong> cedar: 2Ki 14:9<br />

7 Of a vine of Egypt: Ps 80:8-16<br />

8 Of <strong>the</strong> vineyard: Isa 5:1-7; 27:2,3<br />

9 Of <strong>the</strong> husb<strong>and</strong>man: Isa 28:23-29<br />

10 Of <strong>the</strong> skins filled with wine: Jer 13:12-14<br />

11 Of <strong>the</strong> vine: Eze 15; 17:5-10; 19:10-14<br />

12 Of <strong>the</strong> two eagles: Eze 17<br />

13 Of lions' cubs: Eze 19:1-9<br />

14 Of Aholah <strong>and</strong> Aholibah: Eze 23<br />

15 The boiling pot: Eze 24:3-5<br />

16 The gourd: Jon 4:10,11<br />

17 The sheet lowered down from <strong>the</strong> sky (in<br />

Peter's vision): Ac 10:10-16<br />

18 The two covenants: Ga 4:22-31<br />

19 The mercenary soldier: 2Ti 2:3,4<br />

20 The farmer: 2Ti 2:6<br />

21 Furnished house: 2Ti 2:20,21<br />

22 The athlete: 2Ti 2:5<br />

23 The mirror: Jas 1:23-25<br />


25 See SYMBOLS<br />

26 See TYPES<br />

PARADISE #3720<br />

1 The place of glorified spirits: Lu 23:43; 2Co<br />

12:4; Re 2:7<br />

2 See EDEN<br />

PARADOX #3721<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 13:7; Mt<br />

10:39; 16:25; Mr 8:35; Lu 17:33; Joh 12:25; 1Co<br />

3:18; 2Co 6:4,8-10; 12:4,10,11; Eph 3:17-19;<br />

Php 3:7; Re 21:18,21<br />

PARAH #3722<br />

1 A city in <strong>the</strong> territory of <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Benjamin: Jos 18:23<br />

PARALYSIS #3723<br />

1 Cured<br />

1.1 By Jesus: Mt 4:24; 8:6,13; 9:2,6<br />

1.2 By Philip: Ac 8:7<br />

1.3 By Peter: Ac 9:33,34<br />

PARAN #3724<br />

1 Desert or wilderness of: Ge 21:21; Nu<br />

10:12; 12:16; 13:3,26; De 1:1<br />

2 Mountains of: De 33:2; Hab 3:3<br />

3 Israelites encamp in: Nu 12:16<br />

4 David takes refuge in: 1Sa 25:1<br />

5 Hadad flees to: 1Ki 11:17,18<br />

PARCHMENT #3725<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 2Ti 4:13<br />

PARDON #3726<br />

1 OF SIN<br />


PARENTS #3727<br />

1 Covenant, benefits of, entailed on<br />

children: Ge 6:18; Ex 20:6; Ps 103:17<br />

2 Curses entailed: Ex 20:5; Le 20:5; Isa<br />

14:20; Jer 9:14; La 5:7; Eze 16:44; 45<br />

3 Involved in children's wickedness: 1Sa<br />

2:27-36; 4:10-22<br />

4 Partiality of<br />

4.1 Isaac for Esau: Ge 25:28<br />

4.2 Rebekah for Jacob: Ge 25:28; 27:6-17<br />

4.3 Jacob for Joseph: Ge 33:2; 37:3; 48:22<br />

4.4 Jacob for Benjamin: Ge 42:4<br />

5 See PARTIALITY<br />

6 Parental affection exemplified by<br />

6.1 Hagar: Ge 21:15,16<br />

6.2 Rebekah's mo<strong>the</strong>r: Ge 24:55<br />

6.3 Isaac <strong>and</strong> Rebekah: Ge 25:28<br />

6.4 Isaac: Ge 27:26,27<br />

6.5 Laban: Ge 31:26-28<br />

6.6 Jacob: Ge 37:3,4; 42:4,38; 43:13,14;<br />

45:26-28; 48:10,11<br />

6.7 Moses' mo<strong>the</strong>r: Ex 2<br />

6.8 Naomi: Ru 1:8,9<br />

6.9 Hannah: 1Sa 2:19<br />

6.10 David: 2Sa 12:18-23; 13:38,39; 14:1,33;<br />

18:5,12,13,33; 19:1-6<br />

6.11 Rizpah: 2Sa 21:10<br />

6.12 The true mo<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> infant brought to<br />

Solomon: 1Ki 3:22-28<br />

6.13 Mary: Mt 12:46; Lu 2:48; Joh 2:5; 19:25<br />

6.14 Jairus: Mr 5:23<br />

6.15 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> demoniac: Mr 9:24<br />

6.16 The nobleman: Joh 4:49<br />

7 Indulgent<br />

7.1 Eli: 1Sa 2:27-36; 3:13,14<br />

7.2 David: 1Ki 1:6<br />

8 Paternal blessings of<br />

8.1 Noah: Ge 9:24-27<br />

8.2 Abraham: Ge 17:18<br />

8.3 Isaac: Ge 27:10-40; 28:3,4<br />

8.4 Jacob: Ge 48:15-20; 49:1-28<br />

9 Prayers on behalf of children<br />

9.1 Of Hannah: 1Sa 1:27<br />

9.2 Of David: 2Sa 7:25-29; 1Ch 17:16-27; 2Sa<br />

12:16; 1Ch 22:12; 29:19<br />

9.3 Of Job: Job 1:5<br />

10 Paternal reproaches: Ge 9:24,25; 49:3-7<br />


11.1 See INFLUENCE<br />


TO: Ge 18:19; Ex 10:2; 12:26,27; 13:8,14;<br />

20:5,10; 21:17; Le 20:9; 23:3; De 4:9,10; 6:7,20-<br />

24; 11:18-21; 32:46; Ps 78:5,6; 103:13; Pr 3:12;<br />

13:22,24; 19:18; 22:6,15; 23:13,14; 27:11;<br />

29:15,17; 31:28; Isa 38:19; 49:15; 66:13; Jer<br />

31:1; 49:11; La 5:7; Joe 1:3; Mal 4:6; Mt 10:37;<br />

Lu 11:11-13; 2Co 12:14; Eph 6:4; Col 3:21; 1Th<br />

2:11; 1Ti 3:4,5,12; 5:8; Tit 1:6; 2:4; Heb 12:7<br />

12.1 See CHILDREN<br />

12.2 See INSTRUCTION<br />

PARLOR #3728<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 9:22<br />

PARMASHTA #3729<br />

1 Son of Haman: Es 9:9<br />

PARMENAS #3730<br />

1 One of <strong>the</strong> disciples: Ac 6:5<br />

PARNACH #3731<br />

1 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Elizaphan: Nu 34:25<br />

PAROSH #3732<br />

1 Also called PHAROSH<br />

2 The ancestor of one of <strong>the</strong> families which<br />

returned to Jerusalem from captivity in<br />

Babylon: Ezr 2:3; 8:3; 10:25; Ne 7:8; 10:14<br />

PARRICIDE #3733<br />

1 (Murdering one's own parent s))): 2Ki<br />

19:37; 2Ch 32:21; Isa 37:38<br />

PARSHANDATHA #3734<br />

1 Son of Haman: Es 9:7<br />


(STINGINESS) #3735<br />

1 Of <strong>the</strong> Jews<br />

1.1 Toward <strong>the</strong> temple: Hag 1:2,4,6,9<br />

1.2 Toward God: Mal 3:8,9<br />

2 Of <strong>the</strong> disciples, when <strong>the</strong> ointment was<br />

poured upon Jesus: Mt 26:8,9; Joh 12:4,5<br />

3 Punishment of: Hag 1:9-11<br />

4 See LIBERALITY<br />

PARTHIANS #3736<br />

1 The inhabitants of Parthia, a country<br />

northwest of Persia: Ac 2:9<br />

PARTIALITY #3737<br />

1 Forbidden among brethren: 1Ti 5:21<br />

2 Of parents for particular children<br />

2.1 See PARENTS<br />

3 Its effect on o<strong>the</strong>r children: Ge 37:4<br />


#3738<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 2Jo 1:11<br />

2 See COLLUSION<br />

PARTNERSHIP #3739<br />

1 With God: 1Co 3:7,9; 2Co 6:1; Php 2:13<br />

2 See PROVIDENCE<br />

PARTRIDGE #3740<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: 1Sa 26:20;<br />

Jer 17:11<br />

PARUAH #3741<br />

1 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Jehoshaphat: 1Ki 4:17<br />

PARVAIM #3742<br />

1 An unknown region where gold was found:<br />

2Ch 3:6<br />

PAS-DAMMIM #3743<br />

1 A battle between David <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Philistines, fought at: 1Ch 11:13<br />

2 Called EPHES-DAMMIM in: 1Sa 17:1<br />

PASACH #3744<br />

1 Son of Japhlet: 1Ch 7:33<br />

PASCHAL LAMB #3745<br />

1 See PASSOVER<br />

PASEAH #3746<br />

1 Also called PHASEAH<br />

1.1 A son of Eshton: 1Ch 4:12<br />

2 Ancestor of a family which returned to<br />

Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon: Ezr 2:49;<br />

Ne 7:51<br />

3 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Jehoiada, probably identical with<br />

number two: Ne 3:6<br />

PASHUR #3747<br />

1 A priest, son of Malchiah: 1Ch 9:12<br />

1.1 An influential man <strong>and</strong> ancestor of an<br />

influential family: Jer 21:1; 38:1; Ezr 2:38;<br />

10:22; Ne 7:41; 10:3; 11:12<br />

2 Son of Immer <strong>and</strong> governor of <strong>the</strong> temple<br />

2.1 Beats <strong>and</strong> imprisons Jeremiah: Jer 20:1-<br />

6<br />

3 Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Gedaliah, who perscuted<br />

Jeremiah: Jer 38:1<br />

PASSENGER #3748<br />

1 See COMMERCE<br />

PASSION #3749<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ac 1:3<br />


PASSOVER #3750<br />

1 Institution of: Ex 12:3-49; 23:15-18; 34:18;<br />

Le 23:4-8; Nu 9:2-5,13,14; 28:16-25; De 16:1-<br />

8,16; Ps 81:3,5<br />

2 Design of: Ex 12:21-28

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