Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


M Topic Guide M MILETUS #3370 1 Also called MILETUM 2 A seaport in Asia Minor 3 Paul visits: Ac 20:15 4 And sends to Ephesus for the elders of the congregation, and addresses them at: Ac 20:17-38 5 Trophimus left sick at: 2Ti 4:20 MILITARY INSTRUCTION #3371 1 Of children: 2Sa 1:18 2 See ARMIES MILK #3372 1 Used for food: Ge 18:8; Jud 4:19; So 5:1; Eze 25:4; 1Co 9:7 2 Of goats: Pr 27:27 3 Of sheep: De 32:14; Isa 7:21,22 4 Of camels: Ge 32:15 5 Of cows: De 32:14; 1Sa 6:7,10 6 Churned: Pr 30:33 7 Kid (a baby goat) not to be seethed (boiled) in its own mother's: Ex 23:19; De 14:21 8 FIGURATITE: Ex 3:8,17; 13:5; 33:3; Nu 13:27; De 26:9,15; Isa 55:1; 60:16; Jer 11:5; 32:22; Eze 20:6; Joe 3:18; 1Co 3:2; Heb 5:12,13; 1Pe 2:2 MILL #3373 1 General scriptures concerning: Jer 25:10 2 Upper and lower stones of: De 24:6; Job 41:24; Isa 47:2 3 Used in Egypt: Ex 11:5 4 Operated by women: Mt 24:41 5 And captives: Jud 16:21; La 5:13 6 Manna ground in: Nu 11:8 7 Sound of, to cease: Re 18:22 8 SEE MILLSTONE MILLENNIUM #3374 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 65:17- 25; Zep 3:11-13; Zec 9:9,10; 14:16-21; Mt 16:18,19; 26:29; Mr 14:25; Heb 8:11; Re 14:6; 20:1-15 2 See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING 3 See JESUS, KINGDOM OF 4 See JESUS, SECOND COMING OF MILLET #3375 1 General scriptures concerning: Eze 4:9 MILLO #3376 1 The house of Millo, possibly a clan at Shechem: Jud 9:6,20 2 A name given to part of the citadel of Jerusalem: 2Sa 5:9; 1Ch 11:8 2.1 King Solomon raises a levy to repair: 1Ki 9:15,24; 11:27 2.2 Repaired by Hezekiah: 2Ch 32:5 2.3 King Joash murdered at: 2Ki 12:20 MILLSTONE #3377 1 Not to be taken as a pledge: De 24:6 2 Probably used in executions by drowning: Mt 18:6; Mr 9:42; Lu 17:2 3 Abimelech killed by one being of hurled upon him: Jud 9:53 4 Figurative of a hard heart: Job 41:24 MINCING #3378 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 3:16 MINERALS #3379 1 See ADAMANT 2 See AGATE 3 See ALABASTER 4 See AMETHYST 5 See BERYL 6 See BRIMSTONE (sulphur) 7 See CHALCEDONY 8 See CHALK 9 See CHRYSOLYTE 10 See CHRYSOPRASUS 11 See COPPER 12 See CORAL 13 See DIAMOND 14 See FLINT 15 See GOLD 16 See IRON 17 See JACINTH 18 See JASPER 19 See LEAD 20 See LIME 21 See MARBLE 22 See NITRE 23 See PITCH 24 See SALT 25 See SAPPHIRE 26 See SARDIUS 27 See SARDONYX 28 See SILVER 29 See SLIME 30 See STONE 31 See TIN 32 See TOPAZ 33 See STONES, PRECIOUS MINIAMIN #3380 1 A Levite who assisted in the distribution of the sacred offerings in the time of Hezekiah: 2Ch 31:15 2 A priest who came from Babylon with Zerubbabel: Ne 12:17,41 MINISTER, Christian #3381 1 (a sacred teacher) 2 Called 2.1 AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST: 2Co 5:20 2.2 ANGELS OF THE CHURCH: Re 1:20; 2:1 2.3 APOSTLES: Lu 6:13; Re 18:20 2.4 APOSTLES OF JESUS CHRIST: Tit 1:1 2.5 DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH: Php 1:7 2.6 ELDERS: 1Ti 5:17; 1Pe 5:1 2.7 EVANGELISTS: Eph 4:11; 2Ti 4:5 2.8 FISHERS OF MEN: Mt 4:19; Mr 1:17 2.9 LABORERS: Mt 9:38; with Phm 1:1 2.10 LABORERS IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST: 1Th 3:2 2.11 LIGHTS: Joh 5:35 2.12 MEN OF GOD: De 33:1; 1Ti 6:11 2.13 MESSENGERS OF THE CHURCH: 2Co 8:23 3 MESSENGERS OF THE LORD OF HOSTS: Mal 2:7 4 MINISTERS OF 4.1 GOD: Isa 61:6; 2Co 6:4 4.2 OF THE LORD: Joe 2:17 4.3 CHRIST: Ro 15:16; 1Co 4:1 4.4 OF THE SANCTUARY: Eze 45:4 4.5 OF THE GOSPEL: Eph 3:7; Col 1:23 4.6 OF THE WORD: Lu 1:2 4.7 OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: 2Co 3:6 4.8 OF THE CHURCH: Col 1:24,25 4.9 OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: 2Co 11:15 5 OVERSEERS: Ac 20:28 6 PASTORS: Jer 3:15; Joh 21:16-18; Eph 4:11 7 PREACHERS: Ro 10:14; 1Ti 2:7 8 PREACHERS OF RIGHTEOUSNFSS: 2Pe 2:5 9 SERVANTS 9.1 OF GOD: Tit 1:1; Jas 1:1 9.2 OF THE LORD: 2Ti 2:24 9.3 OF JESUS CHRIST: Php 1:1; Jude 1:1 9.4 OF THE CHURCH: 2Co 4:5 9.5 SHEPHERDS: Jer 23:4 9.6 SOLDIERS OF CHRIST: Php 2:25; 2Ti 2:3,4 9.7 STARS: Re 1:20; 2:1 9.8 STEWARDS OF GOD: Tit 1:7 9.9 OF THE GRACE OF GOD: 1Pe 4:10 9.10 OF THE MYSTERIES OF GOD: 1Co 4:1 10 TEACHERS: Isa 30:20; Eph 4:11 11 WATCHMEN: Isa 62:6; Eze 33:7 12 WITNESSES: Ac 1:8; 5:32; 26:16 13 WORKERS TOGETHER WITH GOD: 2Co 6:1 14 Compared to sowers: Ps 126:6; Mt 13:3-8; Mr 4:3-20; Lu 8:5-8 15 Teachers of schools: 1Sa 19:20; 2Ki 2:3,5,15; 4:38; 2Ch 15:3; 17:7-9; Ac 13:1 16 Hired: Jud 18:4 17 Exempt from taxation: Ezr 7:24 18 Non-partisan in politics: 2Sa 15:24-27 19 Influential in public affairs 19.1 Designate kings: 1Sa 9:15,16; 10:1; 16:1-13 19.2 Recommend civil and military appointments: 2Ki 4:13 20 Expostulate with rulers 20.1 Samuel with Saul: 1Sa 13:11-14; 15:10- 31 20.2 Nathan with David: 2Sa 12:1-14 20.3 Elijah with Ahab: 1Ki 18:17,18 21 Tact of: 1Co 9:20-23; 10:23,28-33; 2Co 12:16 22 Recreations for: Mr 6:31,32,45 23 Say good-bye to the congregation: Ac 20:17-38 24 Personal bearing of: Tit 2:7,8 25 Preach without authority: Ga 1:15-24; 2:1- 9 26 Patience of: Jas 5:10 27 Work of, will be tried: 1Co 3:12-15 28 Responsibility of: Eze 3:17-21; 33:8; Mt 10:14-40; Ac 18:6; 20:26,27 29 Speaking evil of, forbidden: Jude 1:8-10 30 Marriage of: Le 21:7-15; Mt 8:14; 1Co 9:5; 1Ti 3:2,12; Tit 1:5-7 31 Incorruptible 31.1 Balaam: Nu 22:18,37,38; 23:8,12; 24:12- 14; with 2Pe 2:15,16 31.2 Micaiah: 1Ki 22:13,14 31.3 Peter: Ac 8:18-23 32 Love of, for the ekklesia (the body of Christ), exemplified by Paul: Php 1:7; 1Th 1:2- 4; 2:8,11 33 Kindness to: 33.1 Ebed-melech to Jeremiah,: Jer 38:7-13 34 Fear of: 1Sa 16:4 35 Examples to the flock: Php 3:17; 2Th 3:9; 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 5:3 36 Intolerance of: Mt 15:23; 19:13; Mr 10:13; Lu 18:15 37 Message of, rejected: Eze 33:30-33 38 Inconsistent: Mt 27:3-7 39 God's care of: 1Ki 17:1-16; 19:1-18; Isa 30:20; Mt 10:29-31; Lu 12:6,7 40 Their calling glorious: 2Co 3:7-11 41 Discouragements of: Isa 53:1; Eze 3:8,9,14; Hab 1:2,3; Mt 13:57; Mr 6:3,4; Lu 4:24; Joh 4:44 42 Defended: Jer 26:16-19 43 Beloved: Ac 20:37,38; 21:5,6 44 Sent forth in teams of two 44.1 Disciples: Mr 6:7 44.2 Paul and Barnabas: Ac 13:2,3 44.3 Judas and Silas: Ac 15:27 44.4 Barnabas and Mark: Ac 15:37,39 44.5 Paul and Silas: Ac 15:40 44.6 Paul and Timothy: Ac 16:1-4 44.7 Paul and Titus: 2Co 8:19,23 44.8 Timothy and Erastus: Ac 19:22 44.9 Titus and a companion: 2Co 12:18 45 See MINISTER, TRIALS AND PERSECUTIONS OF, below 46 CALL OF: Ex 28:1; Nu 3:5-13; 1Sa 3:4-10; 1Ki 19:16,19; 1Ch 23:13; Isa 6:8-10; Jer 1:5; Am 2:11; Jon 1:1,2; 3:1,2; Mt 4:18-22; 9:9; Mr 1:17-20; 2:14; Lu 10:1,2; Joh 1:43; Ac 13:2,3; 20:24; 22:12-15; 26:14-18; Ro 1:1; 10:14,15; 1Co 1:1,27,28; 9:16-19; 2Co 1:1; 5:18-20; Ga 1:15,16; Eph 3:7,8; 4:11,12; Col 1:1,25-29; 4:17; 1Ti 1:12-14; 2:7; 2Ti 1:11; Tit 1:3; Heb 5:4 46.1 See PRIESTS 46.2 See LEVITES 46.3 See CALL, PERSONAL 46.4 See EXCUSES 47 CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTES OF: Le 10:3-11; 21:6; Nu 16:9,10; De 32:1-3; 1Sa 2:35; 12:7; 2Ch 6:41; 29:11; Ezr 7:10; Ps 68:11; Pr 11:30; Isa 6:5-8; 32:20; 52:11; Jer 1:7,8; 3:15; 20:9; Eze 34:1-31; Mal 2:6,7; Mt 10:16-24; 11:25,26; 13:51,52; 20:25-28; 23:8-11; 24:45; Lu 6:39; 10:21; 12:42-44; 22:27; 24:49; Joh 3:27,34; 4:36-38; 10:2-5,11-15; 13:13-17; 15:20,21; 17:16-18,20; Ac 1:8; 4:8,31; 6:3,4; 20:22-24; Ro 2:21-23; 1Co 1:23,27-30; 2:2; 3:7- 10; 4:10-13; 9:16-23,27; 15:10; 2Co 2:15-17; 3:6-10; 4:1-10; 5:11,18-20; 6:3-7; 10:1,2,8; 13:10; Ga 2:8; 6:17; Php 3:17; 1Th 2:3-12; 1Ti 3:1-15; 5:17,21; 6:11,13,14,20,21; 2Ti 1:6- 8,13,14; 2:1-7,14-16,20-26; 3:14,16,17; Tit 1:5- 9,13,14; 2:1,7,8,15; 3:1,2,8,9; Heb 5:1-3,12-14; 13:6,7,9,17; Jas 3:1,13,16,17; 1Pe 4:10,11 48 CHARGE DELIVERED TO: Nu 18:1-7; 27:18-23; De 31:7,8,14-23; Jos 1:1-9; Eze 3:4; Mt 10:5-42; Mr 6:11; Lu 10:1-16; 1Ti 1:18-20; 2:1-15; 3:1-16; 4:1-16; 5:1-22; 6:1-21; 2Ti 1:6- 13; 2:1-26; 3:1-17; 4:1-8 49 COURAGE OF 49.1 See COURAGE 49.2 See REPROOF, FAITHFULNESS IN 50 DUTIES OF: Ex 4:12; Le 10:8-11; Jos 1:8; 2Ki 17:27,28; 2Ch 29:11; Isa 40:1-3,9,11; 52:11; 57:14; 58:1; 62:6,7; Jer 1:7,8,17-19; 4:15; 6:27; 15:19-21; 23:4,22,28; 26:2; Eze 2:6-8; 3:8- 10,17-21,27; 6:11; 33:1-9; 34:2-31; 44:23; Joe 1:13-15; 2:17; Jon 1:2; Na 1:15; Hab 2:2; Mal 2:7; Mt 7:6; 10:7,11-13,16,25,27,28; 16:19; 18:5,6,18; 20:25-28; 28:19,20; Mr 10:43-45; Lu 9:48; 22:32; 24:48; Joh 3:34; 4:35-38; 15:27; 20:23; 21:15-17; Ac 1:21,22; 5:20; 6:2,4; 10:42; 16:4; 18:9,10; 20:28; 22:15; 26:16-18; Ro 1:14,15; 12:3-8; 1Co 1:16; 4:1,2,21; 9:16,17; 2Co 1:24; 4:1,2,5; 5:14,18,20; 6:3-10; 7:4- 9,12,15; 8:23; 10:8; 12:15,19; 13:2,10; Ga 1:10; Eph 3:8-10; 4:11,12; 6:20; Col 4:17; 1Th 2:4- 8,10-12; 3:2; 5:12; 2Th 3:4; 1Ti 1:3,4,11,18,19; 2:7; 4:6,7,12-16; 5:1-3,7-11,19-22; 6:3,4,10- 14,17-21; 2Ti 1:6-8; 2:2-7,14-16,23-25; 4:1,2,5; 1Pe 5:1-4; 2Pe 1:12-16 50.1 See MINISTER, CHARGE DELIVERED TO, above 51 DUTIES OF THE CHURCH TO: De 1:38; 3:28; 31:7; Mal 2:7; 1Co 11:1,2; 16:15,16; Php 3:17; Col 4:10; 1Th 5:12,13; Heb 13:7,17,18 52 EMOLUMENTS (BENEFITS) OF: Nu 18:20; De 10:9; 14:27; 18:1,2; Jos 13:14,33; 18:7; Jer 31:14; Eze 44:28; Mt 10:9,10; Mr 6:8; Lu 10:7,8; 22:35,36; Joh 4:36; Ac 20:33,34; 1Co 9:1-23; 2Co 1:14,15; 11:7-9; 12:13-18; Ga 6:6; Php 4:10-18; 1Th 2:5,6,9; 2Th 3:7-9; 1Ti 5:18; 3Jo 1:7 52.1 See PRIESTS 52.2 See LEVITES 52.3 See EMOLUMENTS (BENEFITS) OF 53 FAITHFUL: INSTANCES OF 53.1 Moses: De 4:26; 30:19; Heb 3:2,5 53.2 Micaiah: 2Ch 18:12,13 53.3 Azariah: 2Ch 26:16-20 53.4 Balaam: Nu 22:18,38; 23:8,12; 24:12-14 53.5 Nathan: 2Sa 12:1-14 53.6 Isaiah: Isa 22:4,5; 39:3-7 53.7 Jeremiah: Jer 17:16; 26:1-15; 28; 37:9,10,16-18 53.8 John the Baptist: Mt 3:2-12; Mr 6:18-28; Lu 3:7-9,19 53.9 Peter: Ac 8:18-23 53.10 Paul: Ac 20:26,27; Col 1:7 53.11 The apostles: Ac 3:12-26; 4:9- 13,19,20,31; 5:21,29-32 54 FALSE AND CORRUPT: De 13:1-5; 18:20- 22; 1Ki 12:31; 2Ch 29:34; 30:15; Ne 13:29; Pr 19:27; Isa 3:12; 5:20; 8:19,20; 9:14-16; 28:7; 29:10,11; 30:10; 43:27,28; 44:20; 56:10-12; Jer 2:8; 5:13,14,30,31; 6:13,14; 8:10,11; 10:21; 12:10; 13:20; 14:13-16; 23:1,2,11,14-16,21,25- 39; 27:9-18; 48:10; 50:6; La 2:14; 4:13,14; Eze 13:1-23; 14:9,10; 22:25,26,28; 34:1-31; 44:8,10; Ho 4:6,8-13; 5:1; 6:9; 9:7,8; Am 2:11,12; Mic 2:11; 3:5-7,11; Zep 3:4; Zec 10:3; 11:4,5,16,17; 13:2-5; Mal 1:6-10; 2:1-3,8,9; Mt 5:19; 7:15,22,23; 15:9,14; 20:20-27; 23:3,4,13; 24:4,5,24,26,48-51; Mr 9:33-35; 10:35-37; 13:21,22; Lu 6:39; 9:46; 11:35,46-52; 12:45,46; 21:8; 22:24; Joh 3:10; 5:43; 10:1,5,8,10-13; Ac 20:29,30; Ro 2:19-25; 16:17,18; 1Co 3:1-4,10- 16,21; 11:18,19; 2Co 2:17; 11:1-31; Ga 1:6-8; 5:10; Eph 4:14; Php 1:15,16; 3:2; Col 2:4,8,18,19; 1Ti 1:3-7,19; 4:1-3,7; 6:3-5,20,21; 2Ti 2:14-18; 3:6-9,13; 4:3; Tit 1:10-14; 3:10,11; Heb 13:9; 2Pe 2:1-22; 3:16; 1Jo 2:18,26; 4:1- 3,5; 2Jo 1:7-10; 3Jo 1:10; Jude 1:4-11; Re 2:1,2,12,14,15,18,20-23 55 INSTANCES OF 55.1 Aaron: Nu 12:1-12 55.2 Nadab and Abihu: Le 10:1,2 55.3 Korah, Dathan, and Abiram: Nu 16 55.4 Eli's sons: 1Sa 2:12-17,22,25,28,29 55.5 Samuel's sons: 1Sa 8:1-3; 1Ch 6:28 55.6 The old prophet of Beth-el: 1Ki 13:11-32 55.7 Jonathan: Jud 17:7-13; 18 55.8 Noadiah: Ne 6:14 55.9 Priests under Jehoash: 2Ki 12:7; 2Ch 24:5,6 55.10 Hezekiah: 2Ch 30:3,5 55.11 Priests and Levites: Ezr 2:61,62; 9:1,2; 10:18-24; Ne 13:4-13,28,29; Zec 7:5,6 55.12 Hananiah: Jer 28 55.13 Jonah: Jon 1:1-6 55.14 Rulers in the temple: Mt 16:6-12; 23:16; Lu 12:1 55.15 Caiaphas: Mt 26:2,3,57,63-65; Joh 11:49-51; 18:14 55.16 Judas Iscariot: Mt 26:14-16,21-25,47- 50; 27:3-5; Joh 12:4-6; Ac 1:18 55.17 Simon the sorcerer: Ac 8:9-11 55.18 Judaizers: Ac 15:1; Ga 3; 4; 5 ; 6 55.19 Diotrephes: 3Jo 1:9 55.20 Elymas (Bar-Jesus): Ac 13:6-11 55.21 Hymenaeus: 1Ti 1:20; 2Ti 2:17 55.22 Philetus: 2Ti 2:17,18 56 HOSPITALITY TO 56.1 Woman of Zarephath to Elijah: 1Ki 17:10-16 56.2 The Shunammite woman to Elisha: 2Ki 4:8-10 56.3 The foreigners to Paul: Ac 28:1-10 56.4 Simon the tanner to Peter: Ac 9:43 56.5 The Philippian jailer: Ac 16:33,34 56.6 Aquila and Priscilla (Prisca) 56.6.1 To Paul: : Ac 18:3 56.6.2 To Apollos: Ac 18:26 56.7 Justus to Paul: Ac 18:7 56.8 Philip the evangelist to Paul: Ac 21:8-10 97

M Topic Guide M 57 ORDINATION OF 57.1 Of Matthias: Ac 1:26 57.2 Of the seven servants (or, deacons; Greek: diakonoi): Ac 6:5,6 57.3 Of Paul and Barnabas: Ac 13:3 57.4 Timothy: 1Ti 4:14 57.5 See PRIESTS 57.6 See LEVITES 58 PRAYER FOR, ENJOINED: Mt 9:37,38; Lu 10:2; Ro 15:30-32; 2Co 1:11; Eph 6:18-20; Php 1:19; Col 4:2-4; 1Th 5:25; 2Th 3:1,2; Phm 1:22; Heb 13:18,19 59 PRAYER FOR, EXEMPLIFIED: 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:9; Ac 1:24,25; 4:29; 6:6; 12:5; 14:23 60 PROMISES TO, JOYS OF: 2Sa 23:6,7; Ps 126:5,6; Jer 1:7-10,17-19; 20:11; Da 12:3; Mt 10:28-31; 28:20; Lu 12:11,12; 24:49; Joh 4:36- 38; Ac 1:4,5,8; 1Co 9:9,10; 2Co 2:14-16; 7:6,7; Php 2:16; 1Th 2:13,19,20; 3:8,9; 3Jo 1:4 60.1 See RIGHTEOUS, PROMISES TO 61 SUCCESS ATTENDING 61.1 Jonah: Jon 1:5,6,9,14,16; 3:4-9 61.2 Apostles: Ac 2:1-4,41 61.3 Philip: Ac 8:6,8,12 61.4 Peter: Ac 9:32-35 61.5 Paul: Ac 13:16-43; 1Co 4:15; 9:2; 15:11; 2Co 3:2,3; 12:12; 13:4; Php 2:16; 1Th 1:5 61.6 Apollos: Ac 18:24-28 61.7 See REVIVALS 62 TRIALS AND PERSECUTIONS OF: 1Ki 19:1-10; Isa 20:2,3; Eze 24:15-18; Ho 1:2; Am 5:10; 7:10-17; Mt 10:16-27; 23:34; Joh 13:16; 1Co 2:1-4; 4:9-13; 2Co 6:4-10; 7:5; 11:23-33; 12:7-12; Ga 4:13,14; Eph 3:1,13 63 FALSELY ACCUSED 63.1 See ACCUSATION, FALSE 63.2 See also PERSECUTION 64 INSTANCES OF PERSECUTION 64.1 Micaiah: 1Ki 22:24-27 64.2 Hanani: 2Ch 16:10 64.3 Zechariah: 2Ch 24:20,21 64.4 The apostles: Ac 5:17-42 64.5 Peter: Ac 12:3-19 64.6 Paul: Ac 9:23-25,29,30; 14:6-20; 16:11- 40; 17:1-13; 20:3; 21:27-40; 22:18,21,24-30; 23:11-35; 24; 25; 26; 2Co 11:31-33; Ga 1:21-24; 2Ti 1:8,16; 2:9; 4:16,17 64.7 See ELIJAH 64.8 See JEREMIAH 65 ZEALOUS 65.1 Titus: 2Co 8:16,17 65.2 Epaphroditus: Php 2:25-30 65.3 Epaphras: Col 4:12,13 65.4 Tychicus: Col 4:7 65.5 John, in his vision: Re 5:4,5 65.6 See ZEAL MINISTER, Civil #3382 1 (An officer in civil government) 2 Joseph: Ge 41:40-44 3 Ira: 2Sa 20:26 4 Zabud: 1Ki 4:5 5 Ahithophel: 1Ch 27:33 6 Zebadiah: 2Ch 19:11 7 Elkanah: 2Ch 28:7 8 Haman: Es 3:1 9 Mordecai: Es 10:3; with 8 ; 9 10 Daniel: Da 2:48; 6:1-3 11 See CABINET MINNI #3383 1 A district of Armenia: Jer 51:27 MINNITH #3384 1 A place east of the Jordan River: Jud 11:33; Eze 27:17 MINORITY REPORT #3385 1 See REPORTS MINORS #3386 1 Legal status of: Ga 4:1,2 2 See ORPHAN 3 See YOUNG MEN MINT #3387 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 23:23; Lu 11:42 MIRACLES #3388 1 CATALOGUE OF 1.1 Creation of the world: Ge 1 1.2 The great flood: Ge 7 ; 8 1.3 The confusion of languages: Ge 11:1-9 1.4 The fire on Abraham's sacrifice: Ge 15:17 98 1.5 The conception of Isaac: Ge 17:17; 18:12; 21:2 1.6 The destruction of Sodom: Ge 19 1.7 Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt: Ge 19:26 1.8 The closing of the wombs of Abimelech's household: Ge 20:17,18 1.9 The opening of Hagar's eyes: Ge 21:19 1.10 The conception of Jacob and Esau: Ge 25:21 1.11 The opening of Rachel's womb: Ge 30:22 1.12 The flaming bush: Ex 3:2 1.13 The transformation of Moses' rod into a serpent: Ex 4:3,4,30; 7:10,12 1.14 Moses' leprosy: Ex 4:6,7,30 1.15 The plagues in Egypt: Nu 16:46-50 1.16 See PLAGUES 1.17 The pillar of cloud and fire: Ex 13:21,22; 14:19,20 1.18 Passage through the Red Sea: Ex 14:22 1.19 The destruction of Pharaoh and his army: Ex 14:23-30 1.20 Sweetening the waters of Marah: Ex 15:25 1.21 Manna: Ex 16:4-31 1.22 Quails: Ex 16:13 1.23 The defeat of Amalek: Ex 17:9-13 1.24 The transfiguration of the face of Moses: Ex 34:29-35 1.25 Water from the rock: Ex 17:5,7 1.26 Thundering and lightning on Mount Sinai: Ex 19:16-20; 24:10,15-17; De 4:33 1.27 Miriam's leprosy: Nu 12:10-15 1.28 Judgment by fire: Nu 11:1-3 1.29 The destruction of Korah: Nu 16:31-35; De 11:6,7 1.30 The plague: Nu 16:46-50 1.31 Aaron's rod buds: Nu 17:1-9 1.32 Water from the rock in Kadesh: Nu 20:8- 11 1.33 The scourge of serpents: Nu 21:6-9 1.34 The destruction of Nadab and Abihu: Le 10:1,2 1.35 Balaam's donkey speaks: Nu 22:23-30 1.36 The preservation of Moses: De 34:7 1.37 The Jordan River divided: Jos 3:14-17; 4:16-18 1.38 The fall of Jericho: Jos 6:20 1.39 The Midianites destroyed: Jud 7:16-22 1.40 Hailstones on the confederated kings: Jos 10:11 1.41 The sun and the moon stand still: Jos 10:12-14 1.42 Dew on Gideon's fleece: Jud 6:37-40 1.43 Samson's strength: Jud 14:6; 16:3,29,30 1.44 Samson supplied with water: Jud 15:19 1.45 The falling of the god Dagon: 1Sa 5:1-4 1.46 Even nursing cows return the ark of the covenant (walking away from their calves): 1Sa 6:7-14 1.47 The plague of hemorrhoids on the Philistines: 1Sa 5:9-12; 6:1-18 1.48 The destruction of the people of Bethshemesh: 1Sa 6:19,20 1.49 Thunder: 1Sa 12:16-18 1.50 The death of Uzzah: 2Sa 6:1-8 1.51 The plague in Israel: 1Ch 21:14-26 1.52 Fire on the sacrifices 1.52.1 Of Aaron: : Le 9:24 1.52.2 Of Gideon: Jud 6:21 1.52.3 Of Manoah: Jud 13:19,20 1.52.4 Of Solomon: 2Ch 7:1 1.52.5 Of Elijah: 1Ki 18:38 1.53 Jeroboam's hand withered: 1Ki 13:3-6 1.54 The appearance of blood: 2Ki 3:20-22 1.55 The panic of the Syrians: 2Ki 7:6,7 1.56 Elijah 1.56.1 Is fed by ravens: : 1Ki 17:6 1.56.2 Is fed by an angel: 1Ki 19:1-8 1.56.3 Increases the widow's meal and oil: 1Ki 17:9-16; Lu 4:26 1.56.4 Raises the widow's son: 1Ki 17:17-24 1.57 Rain in answer to Elijah's prayer: 1Ki 18:41-45 1.58 Brings fire down upon Ahaziah's army: 2Ki 1:10-12 1.59 Divides the Jordan River: 2Ki 2:8 1.60 Is transported to the heavens: 2Ki 2:11 1.61 Elisha 1.61.1 Divides the Jordan River: : 2Ki 2:14 1.61.2 Sweetens the waters of Jericho: 2Ki 2:19-22 1.61.3 Increases a widow's supply of oil: 2Ki 4:1-7 1.61.4 Raises the Shunammite woman's child: 2Ki 4:18-37 1.61.5 Renders the poisoned stew harmless: 2Ki 4:38-41 1.61.6 Feeds one-hundred men: 2Ki 4:42-44 1.61.7 Cures Naaman: 2Ki 5:1-19 1.61.8 Strikes down Gehazi with leprosy: 2Ki 5:26,27 1.61.9 Causes the ax to float: 2Ki 6:6 1.61.10 Reveals the counsel of the king of Syria: 2Ki 6:12 1.61.11 Causes the eyes of his servant to be opened: 2Ki 6:17 1.61.12 Strikes the army of the king of Syria with blindness: 2Ki 6:18 1.61.13 The dead man was restored to life: 2Ki 13:21 1.61.14 The destruction of Sennacherib's army: 2Ki 19:35; Isa 37:36 1.61.15 Return of the shadow on the sun dial: 2Ki 20:9-11 1.61.16 Hezekiah's cure: Isa 38:21 1.62 The deliverance 1.62.1 Of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: : Da 3:23-27 1.62.2 Of Daniel: Da 6:22 1.62.3 The sea was calmed when Jonah was thrown into it: Jon 1:15 1.62.4 Jonah in the belly of the great fish: Jon 1:17; 2:10 1.62.5 Jonah's gourd: Jon 4:6,7 1.63 The conception by Elizabeth: Lu 1:18,24,25 1.64 The incarnation of Jesus: Mt 1:18-25; Lu 1:26-80 1.65 The appearance of the star over Bethlehem: Mt 2:1-9 1.66 The deliverance of Jesus: Mt 2:13-23 2 OF JESUS, IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER 2.1 Water converted into wine: Joh 2:1-11 2.2 Heals the nobleman's son: Joh 4:46-54 2.3 The catch of fish: Lu 5:1-11 2.4 Heals the demoniac: Mr 1:23-26; Lu 4:33- 36 2.5 Heals Peter's mother-in-law: Mt 8:14-17; Mr 1:29-31; Lu 4:38,39 2.6 Cleanses the leper: Mt 8:1-4; Mr 1:40-45; Lu 5:12-16 2.7 Heals the paralyzed man: Mt 9:1-8; Mr 2:1-12; Lu 5:17-26 2.8 Healing of the immobile man: Joh 5:1-16 2.9 Restoring the withered hand: Mt 12:9-13; Mr 3:1-5; Lu 6:6-11 2.10 Restores the centurion's servant: Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:1-10 2.11 Raises the widow's son to life at the village of Nain: Lu 7:11-16 2.12 Heals a demoniac: Mt 12:22-37; Mr 3:11; Lu 11:14,15 2.13 Stills the storm: Mt 8:23-27; 14:32; Mr 4:35-41; Lu 8:22-25 2.14 Throws demons out of two men of Gadara (Gerasa): Mt 8:28-34; Mr 5:1-20; Lu 8:26-39 2.15 Raises the daughter of Jairus from the dead: Mt 9:18,19,23-26; Mr 5:22-24,35-43; Lu 8:41,42,49-56 2.16 Cures the woman with the issue of blood: Mt 9:20-22; Mr 5:25-34; Lu 8:43-48 2.17 Restores two blind men to sight: Mt 9:27-31 2.18 Heals a demoniac: Mt 9:32,33 2.19 Walks upon Lake Galilee: Mt 14:22-33; Mr 6:45-52; Joh 6:16-21 2.20 Heals the daughter of the non-Jewish, Syro-Phoenician woman: Mt 15:21-28; Mr 7:24-30 2.21 Feeds more than four-thousand people: Mt 15:32-39; Mr 8:1-9 2.22 Restores the deaf-mute man: Mr 7:31-37 2.23 Restores a blind man: Mr 8:22-26 2.24 Heals the epileptic boy: Mt 17:14-21; Mr 9:14-29; Lu 9:37-43 2.25 The temple tax money obtained from a fish's mouth: Mt 17:24-27 2.26 Restores ten lepers to wholeness, only one of them returns to thank Jesus: Lu 17:11- 19 2.27 Opens the eyes of a man born blind: Joh 9 2.28 Raises Lazarus from the dead: Joh 11:1-46 2.29 Heals the woman with the spirit of infirmity: Lu 13:10-17 2.30 Cures a man with dropsy: Lu 14:1-6 2.31 Restores sight to two blind men near Jericho: Mt 20:29-34; Mr 10:46-52; Lu 18:35-43 2.32 Condemns a fig tree: Mt 21:17-22; Mr 11:12-14,20-24 2.33 Heals the ear of Malchus: Lu 22:49-51 2.34 The second catch of fish: Joh 21:6 3 OF THE DISCIPLES OF JESUS 3.1 By the seventy (the best mss. have "seventy-two"): Lu 10:17-20 3.2 By other disciples: Mr 9:39; Joh 14:12 3.3 By the apostles: Ac 3:6,12,13,16; 4:10,30; 9:34,35; 16:18 3.4 Peter 3.4.1 Cures the sick: : Ac 5:15,16 3.4.2 Heals Aeneas: Ac 9:34 3.4.3 Raises Dorcas from the dead: Ac 9:40 3.4.4 Causes the death of Ananias and Sapphira: Ac 5:5,10 3.5 Peter and John cure a lame man: Ac 3:2- 11 3.6 Peter and other apostles were delivered from prison: Ac 5:19-23; 12:6-11; 16:26 3.7 Philip carried away by the Spirit: Ac 8:39 3.8 Paul 3.8.1 Strikes Elymas (Bar-Jesus) with blindness: : Ac 13:11 3.8.2 Heals a cripple: Ac 14:10 3.8.3 Throws out evil spirits, and cures sick people: Ac 16:18; 19:11,12; 28:8,9 3.8.4 Raises Eutychus to life: Ac 20:9-12 3.8.5 Shakes a viper off his hand and is unharmed: Ac 28:5 3.9 Paul cured of blindness: Ac 9:3-6,17,18 4 CONVINCING EFFECT OF: Ex 4:28-31; 10:7,16,17; 12:31-33; 14:25,31; Jud 6:17-22,36- 40; 7:1; Da 3:28,29; 4:2,3; Lu 5:4-11; Joh 2:11,22,23; 4:48-53; 7:31; 11:43-45; 12:10; 20:30,31; Ac 8:6; 9:32-42; 13:8-12; 19:13-18; Ro 15:18,19 4.1 See MIRACLES, DESIGN OF, below 5 DESIGN OF: Ex 3:19,29; 4:2-9; 7:5,17; 8:8- 10,22; 9:14-16,29; 10:1,2,16,17; 11:1,7-9; 12:29-33; 14:4,18,24,25,31; 16:4-6; 19:4,5,9; Nu 14:11; 16:28-35; 17:1-13; De 4:33-35; 11:1-8; 29:5,6; Jos 2:9-11; 3:10,11; 4:23,24; 5:1; Jud 2:7; 1Sa 6:6-18; 12:17,18; 1Ki 18:24,37-39; 2Ki 5:14,15; 2Ch 7:1-3; Ps 78:10-32; 106:9-12; Jer 32:20; Da 2:47; 3:28,29; 6:20-27; Jon 1:14-16; Zec 2:9; Mt 4:3; 11:3-5; Mr 2:9-12; 18:42,43; Joh 2:11; 4:48; 5:36; 9:3; 11:4,40-42; Ac 2:22; 3:1-10; 4:21,22; 1Co 1:22 6 MIRACULOUS GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 6.1 Foretold: Isa 35:4-6; Joe 2:28,29 6.2 Of different kinds: 1Co 12:4-6 6.3 Enumerated: 1Co 12:8-10,28 6.4 Christ was endued with: Mt 12:28 6.5 Poured out on the day of Pentecost in thirty A. D: Ac 2:1-4 6.6 Communicated on preaching the gospel: Ac 10:44-46 6.7 By laying on of the apostles' hands: Ac 8:17,18; 19:6 6.8 For the confirmation of the gospel: Mr 16:20; Ac 14:3; Ro 15:19; Heb 2:4 6.9 For the edification of the assembly: 1Co 12:7; 14:12,13 6.10 To be sought after: 1Co 12:31; 14:1 6.11 Temporary nature of: 1Co 13:8 6.12 Not to be neglected: 1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6 6.13 Or despised: 1Th 5:20 6.14 Or purchased: Ac 8:20 7 MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICS 7.1 Called 7.1.1 MARVELOUS THINGS: : Ps 78:12 7.1.2 MARVELOUS WORKS: Isa 29:14; Ps 105:5 7.1.3 SIGNS AND WONDERS: Jer 32:21; Joh 4:48; 2Co 12:12 7.2 Performed 7.2.1 Through the power of God: : Joh 3:2; Ac 14:3; 15:12; 19:11 7.2.2 Of the Holy Spirit: Mt 12:28; Ro 15:19; 1Co 12:9,10,28,30 7.2.3 In the name of Christ: Mr 16:17; Ac 3:16; 4:30 7.3 Faith required in those who perform: Mt 17:20; 21:21; Joh 14:12; Ac 3:16; 6:8 7.4 Faith required in those for whom they were performed: Mt 9:28; Mr 9:22-24; Ac 14:9 7.5 Power to work, given the disciples: Mr 3:14,15; 16:17,18,20 7.6 Demanded by unbelievers: Mt 12:38,39; 16:1; Lu 11:16,29; 23:8 7.7 Alleged miracles performed by magicians: Ex 7:10-12,22; 8:7 7.8 Performed by other impostors: Mt 7:22 7.9 Performed through the powers of evil: 2Th 2:9; Re 16:14 7.10 Performed in support of false religions: De 13:1,2 7.11 Performed by false messiahs: Mt 24:24

M Topic <strong>Guide</strong> M<br />


57.1 Of Matthias: Ac 1:26<br />

57.2 Of <strong>the</strong> seven servants (or, deacons;<br />

Greek: diakonoi): Ac 6:5,6<br />

57.3 Of Paul <strong>and</strong> Barnabas: Ac 13:3<br />

57.4 Timothy: 1Ti 4:14<br />

57.5 See PRIESTS<br />

57.6 See LEVITES<br />

58 PRAYER FOR, ENJOINED: Mt 9:37,38; Lu<br />

10:2; Ro 15:30-32; 2Co 1:11; Eph 6:18-20; Php<br />

1:19; Col 4:2-4; 1Th 5:25; 2Th 3:1,2; Phm 1:22;<br />

Heb 13:18,19<br />

59 PRAYER FOR, EXEMPLIFIED: 2Ch 6:41;<br />

Ps 132:9; Ac 1:24,25; 4:29; 6:6; 12:5; 14:23<br />

60 PROMISES TO, JOYS OF: 2Sa 23:6,7; Ps<br />

126:5,6; Jer 1:7-10,17-19; 20:11; Da 12:3; Mt<br />

10:28-31; 28:20; Lu 12:11,12; 24:49; Joh 4:36-<br />

38; Ac 1:4,5,8; 1Co 9:9,10; 2Co 2:14-16; 7:6,7;<br />

Php 2:16; 1Th 2:13,19,20; 3:8,9; 3Jo 1:4<br />



61.1 Jonah: Jon 1:5,6,9,14,16; 3:4-9<br />

61.2 Apostles: Ac 2:1-4,41<br />

61.3 Philip: Ac 8:6,8,12<br />

61.4 Peter: Ac 9:32-35<br />

61.5 Paul: Ac 13:16-43; 1Co 4:15; 9:2; 15:11;<br />

2Co 3:2,3; 12:12; 13:4; Php 2:16; 1Th 1:5<br />

61.6 Apollos: Ac 18:24-28<br />

61.7 See REVIVALS<br />


19:1-10; Isa 20:2,3; Eze 24:15-18; Ho 1:2; Am<br />

5:10; 7:10-17; Mt 10:16-27; 23:34; Joh 13:16;<br />

1Co 2:1-4; 4:9-13; 2Co 6:4-10; 7:5; 11:23-33;<br />

12:7-12; Ga 4:13,14; Eph 3:1,13<br />


63.1 See ACCUSATION, FALSE<br />

63.2 See also PERSECUTION<br />


64.1 Micaiah: 1Ki 22:24-27<br />

64.2 Hanani: 2Ch 16:10<br />

64.3 Zechariah: 2Ch 24:20,21<br />

64.4 The apostles: Ac 5:17-42<br />

64.5 Peter: Ac 12:3-19<br />

64.6 Paul: Ac 9:23-25,29,30; 14:6-20; 16:11-<br />

40; 17:1-13; 20:3; 21:27-40; 22:18,21,24-30;<br />

23:11-35; 24; 25; 26; 2Co 11:31-33; Ga 1:21-24;<br />

2Ti 1:8,16; 2:9; 4:16,17<br />

64.7 See ELIJAH<br />

64.8 See JEREMIAH<br />

65 ZEALOUS<br />

65.1 Titus: 2Co 8:16,17<br />

65.2 Epaphroditus: Php 2:25-30<br />

65.3 Epaphras: Col 4:12,13<br />

65.4 Tychicus: Col 4:7<br />

65.5 John, in his vision: Re 5:4,5<br />

65.6 See ZEAL<br />

MINISTER, Civil #3382<br />

1 (An officer in civil government)<br />

2 Joseph: Ge 41:40-44<br />

3 Ira: 2Sa 20:26<br />

4 Zabud: 1Ki 4:5<br />

5 Ahithophel: 1Ch 27:33<br />

6 Zebadiah: 2Ch 19:11<br />

7 Elkanah: 2Ch 28:7<br />

8 Haman: Es 3:1<br />

9 Mordecai: Es 10:3; with 8 ; 9<br />

10 Daniel: Da 2:48; 6:1-3<br />

11 See CABINET<br />

MINNI #3383<br />

1 A district of Armenia: Jer 51:27<br />

MINNITH #3384<br />

1 A place east of <strong>the</strong> Jordan River: Jud<br />

11:33; Eze 27:17<br />


1 See REPORTS<br />

MINORS #3386<br />

1 Legal status of: Ga 4:1,2<br />

2 See ORPHAN<br />

3 See YOUNG MEN<br />

MINT #3387<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 23:23;<br />

Lu 11:42<br />

MIRACLES #3388<br />


1.1 Creation of <strong>the</strong> world: Ge 1<br />

1.2 The great flood: Ge 7 ; 8<br />

1.3 The confusion of languages: Ge 11:1-9<br />

1.4 The fire on Abraham's sacrifice: Ge<br />

15:17<br />

98<br />

1.5 The conception of Isaac: Ge 17:17; 18:12;<br />

21:2<br />

1.6 The destruction of Sodom: Ge 19<br />

1.7 Lot's wife turned <strong>into</strong> a pillar of salt: Ge<br />

19:26<br />

1.8 The closing of <strong>the</strong> wombs of Abimelech's<br />

household: Ge 20:17,18<br />

1.9 The opening of Hagar's eyes: Ge 21:19<br />

1.10 The conception of Jacob <strong>and</strong> Esau: Ge<br />

25:21<br />

1.11 The opening of Rachel's womb: Ge<br />

30:22<br />

1.12 The flaming bush: Ex 3:2<br />

1.13 The transformation of Moses' rod <strong>into</strong> a<br />

serpent: Ex 4:3,4,30; 7:10,12<br />

1.14 Moses' leprosy: Ex 4:6,7,30<br />

1.15 The plagues in Egypt: Nu 16:46-50<br />

1.16 See PLAGUES<br />

1.17 The pillar of cloud <strong>and</strong> fire: Ex 13:21,22;<br />

14:19,20<br />

1.18 Passage through <strong>the</strong> Red Sea: Ex 14:22<br />

1.19 The destruction of Pharaoh <strong>and</strong> his<br />

army: Ex 14:23-30<br />

1.20 Sweetening <strong>the</strong> waters of Marah: Ex<br />

15:25<br />

1.21 Manna: Ex 16:4-31<br />

1.22 Quails: Ex 16:13<br />

1.23 The defeat of Amalek: Ex 17:9-13<br />

1.24 The transfiguration of <strong>the</strong> face of<br />

Moses: Ex 34:29-35<br />

1.25 Water from <strong>the</strong> rock: Ex 17:5,7<br />

1.26 Thundering <strong>and</strong> lightning on Mount<br />

Sinai: Ex 19:16-20; 24:10,15-17; De 4:33<br />

1.27 Miriam's leprosy: Nu 12:10-15<br />

1.28 Judgment by fire: Nu 11:1-3<br />

1.29 The destruction of Korah: Nu 16:31-35;<br />

De 11:6,7<br />

1.30 The plague: Nu 16:46-50<br />

1.31 Aaron's rod buds: Nu 17:1-9<br />

1.32 Water from <strong>the</strong> rock in Kadesh: Nu 20:8-<br />

11<br />

1.33 The scourge of serpents: Nu 21:6-9<br />

1.34 The destruction of Nadab <strong>and</strong> Abihu: Le<br />

10:1,2<br />

1.35 Balaam's donkey speaks: Nu 22:23-30<br />

1.36 The preservation of Moses: De 34:7<br />

1.37 The Jordan River divided: Jos 3:14-17;<br />

4:16-18<br />

1.38 The fall of Jericho: Jos 6:20<br />

1.39 The Midianites destroyed: Jud 7:16-22<br />

1.40 Hailstones on <strong>the</strong> confederated kings:<br />

Jos 10:11<br />

1.41 The sun <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> moon st<strong>and</strong> still: Jos<br />

10:12-14<br />

1.42 Dew on Gideon's fleece: Jud 6:37-40<br />

1.43 Samson's strength: Jud 14:6; 16:3,29,30<br />

1.44 Samson supplied with water: Jud 15:19<br />

1.45 The falling of <strong>the</strong> god Dagon: 1Sa 5:1-4<br />

1.46 Even nursing cows return <strong>the</strong> ark of <strong>the</strong><br />

covenant (walking away from <strong>the</strong>ir calves):<br />

1Sa 6:7-14<br />

1.47 The plague of hemorrhoids on <strong>the</strong><br />

Philistines: 1Sa 5:9-12; 6:1-18<br />

1.48 The destruction of <strong>the</strong> people of Bethshemesh:<br />

1Sa 6:19,20<br />

1.49 Thunder: 1Sa 12:16-18<br />

1.50 The death of Uzzah: 2Sa 6:1-8<br />

1.51 The plague in Israel: 1Ch 21:14-26<br />

1.52 Fire on <strong>the</strong> sacrifices<br />

1.52.1 Of Aaron: : Le 9:24<br />

1.52.2 Of Gideon: Jud 6:21<br />

1.52.3 Of Manoah: Jud 13:19,20<br />

1.52.4 Of Solomon: 2Ch 7:1<br />

1.52.5 Of Elijah: 1Ki 18:38<br />

1.53 Jeroboam's h<strong>and</strong> wi<strong>the</strong>red: 1Ki 13:3-6<br />

1.54 The appearance of blood: 2Ki 3:20-22<br />

1.55 The panic of <strong>the</strong> Syrians: 2Ki 7:6,7<br />

1.56 Elijah<br />

1.56.1 Is fed by ravens: : 1Ki 17:6<br />

1.56.2 Is fed by an angel: 1Ki 19:1-8<br />

1.56.3 Increases <strong>the</strong> widow's meal <strong>and</strong> oil:<br />

1Ki 17:9-16; Lu 4:26<br />

1.56.4 Raises <strong>the</strong> widow's son: 1Ki 17:17-24<br />

1.57 Rain in answer to Elijah's prayer: 1Ki<br />

18:41-45<br />

1.58 Brings fire down upon Ahaziah's army:<br />

2Ki 1:10-12<br />

1.59 Divides <strong>the</strong> Jordan River: 2Ki 2:8<br />

1.60 Is transported to <strong>the</strong> heavens: 2Ki 2:11<br />

1.61 Elisha<br />

1.61.1 Divides <strong>the</strong> Jordan River: : 2Ki 2:14<br />

1.61.2 Sweetens <strong>the</strong> waters of Jericho: 2Ki<br />

2:19-22<br />

1.61.3 Increases a widow's supply of oil: 2Ki<br />

4:1-7<br />

1.61.4 Raises <strong>the</strong> Shunammite woman's<br />

child: 2Ki 4:18-37<br />

1.61.5 Renders <strong>the</strong> poisoned stew harmless:<br />

2Ki 4:38-41<br />

1.61.6 Feeds one-hundred men: 2Ki 4:42-44<br />

1.61.7 Cures Naaman: 2Ki 5:1-19<br />

1.61.8 Strikes down Gehazi with leprosy: 2Ki<br />

5:26,27<br />

1.61.9 Causes <strong>the</strong> ax to float: 2Ki 6:6<br />

1.61.10 Reveals <strong>the</strong> counsel of <strong>the</strong> king of<br />

Syria: 2Ki 6:12<br />

1.61.11 Causes <strong>the</strong> eyes of his servant to be<br />

opened: 2Ki 6:17<br />

1.61.12 Strikes <strong>the</strong> army of <strong>the</strong> king of Syria<br />

with blindness: 2Ki 6:18<br />

1.61.13 The dead man was restored to life:<br />

2Ki 13:21<br />

1.61.14 The destruction of Sennacherib's<br />

army: 2Ki 19:35; Isa 37:36<br />

1.61.15 Return of <strong>the</strong> shadow on <strong>the</strong> sun<br />

dial: 2Ki 20:9-11<br />

1.61.16 Hezekiah's cure: Isa 38:21<br />

1.62 The deliverance<br />

1.62.1 Of Shadrach, Meshach, <strong>and</strong> Abednego:<br />

: Da 3:23-27<br />

1.62.2 Of Daniel: Da 6:22<br />

1.62.3 The sea was calmed when Jonah was<br />

thrown <strong>into</strong> it: Jon 1:15<br />

1.62.4 Jonah in <strong>the</strong> belly of <strong>the</strong> great fish:<br />

Jon 1:17; 2:10<br />

1.62.5 Jonah's gourd: Jon 4:6,7<br />

1.63 The conception by Elizabeth: Lu<br />

1:18,24,25<br />

1.64 The incarnation of Jesus: Mt 1:18-25; Lu<br />

1:26-80<br />

1.65 The appearance of <strong>the</strong> star over<br />

Bethlehem: Mt 2:1-9<br />

1.66 The deliverance of Jesus: Mt 2:13-23<br />


2.1 Water converted <strong>into</strong> wine: Joh 2:1-11<br />

2.2 Heals <strong>the</strong> nobleman's son: Joh 4:46-54<br />

2.3 The catch of fish: Lu 5:1-11<br />

2.4 Heals <strong>the</strong> demoniac: Mr 1:23-26; Lu 4:33-<br />

36<br />

2.5 Heals Peter's mo<strong>the</strong>r-in-law: Mt 8:14-17;<br />

Mr 1:29-31; Lu 4:38,39<br />

2.6 Cleanses <strong>the</strong> leper: Mt 8:1-4; Mr 1:40-45;<br />

Lu 5:12-16<br />

2.7 Heals <strong>the</strong> paralyzed man: Mt 9:1-8; Mr<br />

2:1-12; Lu 5:17-26<br />

2.8 Healing of <strong>the</strong> immobile man: Joh 5:1-16<br />

2.9 Restoring <strong>the</strong> wi<strong>the</strong>red h<strong>and</strong>: Mt 12:9-13;<br />

Mr 3:1-5; Lu 6:6-11<br />

2.10 Restores <strong>the</strong> centurion's servant: Mt<br />

8:5-13; Lu 7:1-10<br />

2.11 Raises <strong>the</strong> widow's son to life at <strong>the</strong><br />

village of Nain: Lu 7:11-16<br />

2.12 Heals a demoniac: Mt 12:22-37; Mr 3:11;<br />

Lu 11:14,15<br />

2.13 Stills <strong>the</strong> storm: Mt 8:23-27; 14:32; Mr<br />

4:35-41; Lu 8:22-25<br />

2.14 Throws demons out of two men of<br />

Gadara (Gerasa): Mt 8:28-34; Mr 5:1-20; Lu<br />

8:26-39<br />

2.15 Raises <strong>the</strong> daughter of Jairus from <strong>the</strong><br />

dead: Mt 9:18,19,23-26; Mr 5:22-24,35-43; Lu<br />

8:41,42,49-56<br />

2.16 Cures <strong>the</strong> woman with <strong>the</strong> issue of<br />

blood: Mt 9:20-22; Mr 5:25-34; Lu 8:43-48<br />

2.17 Restores two blind men to sight: Mt<br />

9:27-31<br />

2.18 Heals a demoniac: Mt 9:32,33<br />

2.19 Walks upon Lake Galilee: Mt 14:22-33;<br />

Mr 6:45-52; Joh 6:16-21<br />

2.20 Heals <strong>the</strong> daughter of <strong>the</strong> non-Jewish,<br />

Syro-Phoenician woman: Mt 15:21-28; Mr<br />

7:24-30<br />

2.21 Feeds more than four-thous<strong>and</strong> people:<br />

Mt 15:32-39; Mr 8:1-9<br />

2.22 Restores <strong>the</strong> deaf-mute man: Mr 7:31-37<br />

2.23 Restores a blind man: Mr 8:22-26<br />

2.24 Heals <strong>the</strong> epileptic boy: Mt 17:14-21; Mr<br />

9:14-29; Lu 9:37-43<br />

2.25 The temple tax money obtained from a<br />

fish's mouth: Mt 17:24-27<br />

2.26 Restores ten lepers to wholeness, only<br />

one of <strong>the</strong>m returns to thank Jesus: Lu 17:11-<br />

19<br />

2.27 Opens <strong>the</strong> eyes of a man born blind:<br />

Joh 9<br />

2.28 Raises Lazarus from <strong>the</strong> dead: Joh<br />

11:1-46<br />

2.29 Heals <strong>the</strong> woman with <strong>the</strong> spirit of<br />

infirmity: Lu 13:10-17<br />

2.30 Cures a man with dropsy: Lu 14:1-6<br />

2.31 Restores sight to two blind men near<br />

Jericho: Mt 20:29-34; Mr 10:46-52; Lu 18:35-43<br />

2.32 Condemns a fig tree: Mt 21:17-22; Mr<br />

11:12-14,20-24<br />

2.33 Heals <strong>the</strong> ear of Malchus: Lu 22:49-51<br />

2.34 The second catch of fish: Joh 21:6<br />


3.1 By <strong>the</strong> seventy (<strong>the</strong> best mss. have<br />

"seventy-two"): Lu 10:17-20<br />

3.2 By o<strong>the</strong>r disciples: Mr 9:39; Joh 14:12<br />

3.3 By <strong>the</strong> apostles: Ac 3:6,12,13,16; 4:10,30;<br />

9:34,35; 16:18<br />

3.4 Peter<br />

3.4.1 Cures <strong>the</strong> sick: : Ac 5:15,16<br />

3.4.2 Heals Aeneas: Ac 9:34<br />

3.4.3 Raises Dorcas from <strong>the</strong> dead: Ac 9:40<br />

3.4.4 Causes <strong>the</strong> death of Ananias <strong>and</strong><br />

Sapphira: Ac 5:5,10<br />

3.5 Peter <strong>and</strong> John cure a lame man: Ac 3:2-<br />

11<br />

3.6 Peter <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r apostles were delivered<br />

from prison: Ac 5:19-23; 12:6-11; 16:26<br />

3.7 Philip carried away by <strong>the</strong> Spirit: Ac 8:39<br />

3.8 Paul<br />

3.8.1 Strikes Elymas (Bar-Jesus) with<br />

blindness: : Ac 13:11<br />

3.8.2 Heals a cripple: Ac 14:10<br />

3.8.3 Throws out evil spirits, <strong>and</strong> cures sick<br />

people: Ac 16:18; 19:11,12; 28:8,9<br />

3.8.4 Raises Eutychus to life: Ac 20:9-12<br />

3.8.5 Shakes a viper off his h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> is<br />

unharmed: Ac 28:5<br />

3.9 Paul cured of blindness: Ac 9:3-6,17,18<br />

4 CONVINCING EFFECT OF: Ex 4:28-31;<br />

10:7,16,17; 12:31-33; 14:25,31; Jud 6:17-22,36-<br />

40; 7:1; Da 3:28,29; 4:2,3; Lu 5:4-11; Joh<br />

2:11,22,23; 4:48-53; 7:31; 11:43-45; 12:10;<br />

20:30,31; Ac 8:6; 9:32-42; 13:8-12; 19:13-18;<br />

Ro 15:18,19<br />

4.1 See MIRACLES, DESIGN OF, below<br />

5 DESIGN OF: Ex 3:19,29; 4:2-9; 7:5,17; 8:8-<br />

10,22; 9:14-16,29; 10:1,2,16,17; 11:1,7-9;<br />

12:29-33; 14:4,18,24,25,31; 16:4-6; 19:4,5,9; Nu<br />

14:11; 16:28-35; 17:1-13; De 4:33-35; 11:1-8;<br />

29:5,6; Jos 2:9-11; 3:10,11; 4:23,24; 5:1; Jud<br />

2:7; 1Sa 6:6-18; 12:17,18; 1Ki 18:24,37-39; 2Ki<br />

5:14,15; 2Ch 7:1-3; Ps 78:10-32; 106:9-12; Jer<br />

32:20; Da 2:47; 3:28,29; 6:20-27; Jon 1:14-16;<br />

Zec 2:9; Mt 4:3; 11:3-5; Mr 2:9-12; 18:42,43;<br />

Joh 2:11; 4:48; 5:36; 9:3; 11:4,40-42; Ac 2:22;<br />

3:1-10; 4:21,22; 1Co 1:22<br />


SPIRIT<br />

6.1 Foretold: Isa 35:4-6; Joe 2:28,29<br />

6.2 Of different kinds: 1Co 12:4-6<br />

6.3 Enumerated: 1Co 12:8-10,28<br />

6.4 Christ was endued with: Mt 12:28<br />

6.5 Poured out on <strong>the</strong> day of Pentecost in<br />

thirty A. D: Ac 2:1-4<br />

6.6 Communicated on preaching <strong>the</strong> gospel:<br />

Ac 10:44-46<br />

6.7 By laying on of <strong>the</strong> apostles' h<strong>and</strong>s: Ac<br />

8:17,18; 19:6<br />

6.8 For <strong>the</strong> confirmation of <strong>the</strong> gospel: Mr<br />

16:20; Ac 14:3; Ro 15:19; Heb 2:4<br />

6.9 For <strong>the</strong> edification of <strong>the</strong> assembly: 1Co<br />

12:7; 14:12,13<br />

6.10 To be sought after: 1Co 12:31; 14:1<br />

6.11 Temporary nature of: 1Co 13:8<br />

6.12 Not to be neglected: 1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6<br />

6.13 Or despised: 1Th 5:20<br />

6.14 Or purchased: Ac 8:20<br />


7.1 Called<br />

7.1.1 MARVELOUS THINGS: : Ps 78:12<br />

7.1.2 MARVELOUS WORKS: Isa 29:14; Ps<br />

105:5<br />

7.1.3 SIGNS AND WONDERS: Jer 32:21; Joh<br />

4:48; 2Co 12:12<br />

7.2 Performed<br />

7.2.1 Through <strong>the</strong> power of God: : Joh 3:2;<br />

Ac 14:3; 15:12; 19:11<br />

7.2.2 Of <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit: Mt 12:28; Ro 15:19;<br />

1Co 12:9,10,28,30<br />

7.2.3 In <strong>the</strong> name of Christ: Mr 16:17; Ac<br />

3:16; 4:30<br />

7.3 Faith required in those who perform: Mt<br />

17:20; 21:21; Joh 14:12; Ac 3:16; 6:8<br />

7.4 Faith required in those for whom <strong>the</strong>y<br />

were performed: Mt 9:28; Mr 9:22-24; Ac 14:9<br />

7.5 Power to work, given <strong>the</strong> disciples: Mr<br />

3:14,15; 16:17,18,20<br />

7.6 Dem<strong>and</strong>ed by unbelievers: Mt 12:38,39;<br />

16:1; Lu 11:16,29; 23:8<br />

7.7 Alleged miracles performed by<br />

magicians: Ex 7:10-12,22; 8:7<br />

7.8 Performed by o<strong>the</strong>r impostors: Mt 7:22<br />

7.9 Performed through <strong>the</strong> powers of evil:<br />

2Th 2:9; Re 16:14<br />

7.10 Performed in support of false religions:<br />

De 13:1,2<br />

7.11 Performed by false messiahs: Mt 24:24

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