Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the

Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the Using Nave's Bible Guide - A Kabbalist walks into a bar, and the


L Topic Guide L 47 The plunder of war, including captives: Nu 31:30,42-47 48 See TITHES 49 Tithes withheld from: Ne 13:10-13; Mal 3:10 50 Pensioned: 2Ch 31:16-18 51 Owned lands: De 18:8; with 1Ki 2:26 52 Land allotted to, by Ezekiel: Eze 48:13,14 53 Enrollment of, at Mount Sinai: Nu 1:47-49; 2:33; 3:14-39; 4:2,3; 26:57-62; 1Ch 23:3-5 54 Degraded from the Levitical office by Jeroboam: 2Ch 11:13-17; 13:9-11 55 Loyal to the ruler: 2Ki 11:7-11; 2Ch 23:7 56 Intermarried with Canaanites: Ezr 9:1,2; 10:23,24 57 Exempt from enrollment for military duty: Nu 1:47-54; with 1Ch 12:26 58 Subordinate to the sons of Aaron: Nu 3:9; 8:19; 18:6 59 Prophecies concerning: Jer 33:18; Eze 44:10-14; Mal 3:3 60 Of their repentance of the crucifixion of the Messiah: Zec 12:10-13 61 John's vision concerning: Re 7:7 LEX TALIONIS #3049 1 See RETALIATION LIARS #3050 1 All men are liars: Ps 116:11 2 Satan, a deceiver: Joh 8:44,55 3 Prohibited from the Kingdom of Heaven: Re 21:8 4 See DECEIT 5 See DECEPTION 6 See FALSEHOOD 7 See HYPOCRISY LIBERALITY #3051 1 General scriptures concerning: Ex 13:2,12; 22:29,30; 23:15; 25:1-8; 34:20; 35:4-29; 36:3-6; 38:8; Le 19:5; 22:29; Nu 35:8; De 12:11,12,17- 19; 14:27-29; 15:7-18; 16:10,17; 18:1-8; 24:19- 22; 2Sa 24:24; 1Ch 22:19; 28:10,20; 29:5; 2Ch 15:7,18; Ezr 1:2-4; Ps 41:1-3; 76:11; 112:5,9; 132:1-5; Pr 3:9,10; 11:24,25; 13:7; 14:21; 19:6,17; 21:26; 22:9; 28:27; 31:20; Ec 11:1,2; Isa 32:8; 60:7,9,17; Hag 1:8; 2:18,19; Mal 3:10- 12; Mt 5:42; 6:1-4; 19:21,22; 25:34-40; Lu 3:10,11; 6:38; 11:41; 12:33,34; 16:9; Ac 10:4; 20:35; Ro 12:8,13; 15:27; 1Co 13:3; 16:1-3; 2Co 8:7-9,11-15,24; 9:6-13; Eph 4:28; 1Ti 5:16; 6:17- 19; Phm 1:14; Heb 6:10; 13:16; 1Jo 3:17,18 2 See ALMS 3 See BENEFICENCE 4 See CHARITABLENESS 5 See MINISTERS, EMOLUMENTS (BENEFITS) OF 6 See POOR, DUTY TO 7 See RICH 8 See RICHES 9 INSTANCES OF 9.1 King of Sodom to Abraham: Ge 14:21 9.2 Jacob: Ge 28:22 9.3 Pharaoh to Joseph's people: Ge 45:18-20 9.4 Israelites at the erection of the tabernacle: Ex 35:21-29; 36:3-7; 38:8; Nu 7; 31:48-54; Jos 18:1 9.5 Reubenites: Jos 22:24-29 9.6 David: 2Sa 7:2; 1Ch 17:1; 2Sa 8:11; 1Ki 7:51; 8:17,18; 1Ch 21:24; 22; 26:26; 28:2; 29:2- 5,17; Ps 132:1-5 9.7 Barzillai and others to David: 2Sa 17:27- 29; 19:32 9.8 Araunah for sacrifice: 2Sa 24:22,23 9.9 Joab to David: 2Sa 12:26-28 9.10 Israelites' offerings for the temple: 1Ch 29:6-9,16,17 9.11 Samuel: 1Ch 26:27,28 9.12 Solomon: 1Ki 4:29; 5:4,5; 2Ch 2:1-6; 1Ki 6; 7:51; 8:13 9.13 Queen of Sheba to Solomon: 1Ki 10:10 9.14 Asa and Abijam: 1Ki 15:15 9.15 Elisha toward Elijah: 1Ki 19:21 9.16 Jehoshaphat: 2Ki 12:18 9.17 Joash and his people: 2Ki 12:4-14; 2Ch 24:4-14 9.18 David: 1Ch 16:3 9.19 Hezekiah: 2Ch 29; 30:1-12; 31:1-10,21 9.20 Manasseh: 2Ch 33:16 9.21 Josiah: 2Ki 22:3-6; 2Ch 34:8-13; 35:1-19 9.22 Jews after the captivity: Ezr 1:5,6; 2:68,69; 3:2-9; 5:2-6; 6:14-22; 8:25-35; Ne 3; 4:6; 6:3; 7:70-72; 10:32-39; 13:12,31; Hag 1:12- 14; 2:18,19 9.23 Cyrus: Ezr 1:2-4,7-11; 3:7; 5:13-15; 6:3 9.24 Darius: Ezr 6:7-12 9.25 Artaxerxes: Ezr 7:13-27; 8:24-36 9.26 The Magi (wise men from the east): Mt 2:11 9.27 The centurion: Lu 7:4,5 9.28 Mary Magdalene: Lu 8:2,3 9.29 The Good Samaritan: Lu 10:33-35 9.30 The poor widow: Lu 21:2-4 9.31 Christians 9.31.1 In Jerusalem: : Ac 2:44,45; 4:32-37 9.31.2 In Antioch (of Syria): Ac 11:29 9.31.3 In Philippi: Php 4:18 9.31.4 In Corinth: 2Co 8:19; 9:1-13 9.31.5 In Macedonia: 2Co 8:14 9.32 People of Melita (Malta) to Paul: Ac 28:10 LIBERTINES #3052 1 Freedmen: Ac 6:9 LIBERTY #3053 1 Proclaimed in the year of jubilee: Le 25:10; Jer 34:8,15-17 2 Political: Jud 17:6; 21:25; Ac 22:28 3 See JUBILEE 4 FIGURATIVE: Isa 61:2; 63:4; Lu 4:19; Joh 8:32,33,36; Ga 3:28; Eph 6:8; Col 3:11 LIBNAH #3054 1 A station of the Israelites in the desert: Nu 33:20 2 A city of the tribe of Judah, captured by Joshua: Jos 10:29-32,39; 12:15 2.1 Allotted to the priests: Jos 21:13; 1Ch 6:57 2.2 Sennacherib besieged; his army defeated near: 2Ki 19:8,35; Isa 37:8-36 LIBNI #3055 1 Son of Gershon: Ex 6:17; Nu 3:18; 1Ch 6:17,20 1.1 Descendants called LIBNITES: Nu 3:21; 26:58 2 Grandson of Merari: 1Ch 6:29 LIBYA #3056 1 Region north of Egypt: Eze 30:5; 38:5; Ac 2:10 2 Also called LUBIM and PHUT, which see LIBYANS #3057 1 The inhabitants of Libya: Jer 46:9; Da 11:43 LICE #3058 1 Plague of: Ex 8:16-19; Ps 105:31 LICENTIOUSNESS #3059 1 See ADULTERY 2 See LASCIVIOUSNESS LIFE #3060 1 MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICS 1.1 Breath of: Ge 2:7 1.2 Called SPIRIT OF GOD: Job 27:3 1.3 Tree of: Ge 2:9; 3:22,24; Pr 3:18; 13:12; Re 2:7 2 (SACREDNESS OF, an inference from what is taught in the law concerning murder) 2.1 See HOMICIDE 2.2 Long life promised to obedient children: Ex 20:12; De 5:16 2.3 To those who keep the commandments: De 4:40; 22:7 2.4 Vanity of: Ec 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 ; 7 2.5 Hated: Ec 2:17 2.6 To be hated for Christ's sake: Lu 14:26 2.7 What can a man give in exchange for: Mt 16:26; Mr 8:37 2.8 The one who loses it will save it: Mt 10:39; 16:25,26; Lu 9:24; Joh 12:25 2.9 Weary of 2.9.1 Job: : Job 3; 7:1-3; 10:18-20 2.9.2 Jeremiah: Jer 20:14-18 2.9.3 Elijah: 1Ki 19:1-8 2.9.4 Jonah: Jon 4:8,9 2.10 See SUICIDE 2.11 Life of Christ, a ransom: Mt 20:28; Mr 10:45; 1Ti 2:6 2.12 See SPIRITUAL, below 3 BREVITY AND UNCERTAINTY OF: Ge 18:27; 47:9; 1Sa 20:3; 2Sa 14:14; 1Ch 29:15; Job 4:19-21; 7:6-10,17; 8:9; 9:25,26; 10:9,20,21; 13:12,25,28; 14:1,2; 17:1; Ps 22:29; 39:4-6,11; 78:39; 89:47,48; 90:3,5,6,9,10; 102:11; 103:14- 16; 144:3,4; 146:4; Pr 27:1; Ec 1:4; 6:12; Isa 2:22; 38:12; 40:6,7,24; 50:9; 51:8,12; 64:6; Jas 1:10,11; 4:14; 1Pe 1:24 3.1 See DEATH 4 EVERLASTING: Ps 21:4; 121:8; 133:3; Isa 25:8; Da 12:2; Mt 19:16-21,29; 25:46; Mr 10:30; Lu 18:18,30; 20:36; Joh 3:14-16; 4:14; 5:24,25,29,39; 6:27,40,47,50-58,68; 10:10,27,28; 12:25,50; 17:2,3; Ac 13:46,48; Ro 2:7; 5:21; 6:22,23; 1Co 15:53,54; 2Co 5:1; Ga 6:8; 1Ti 1:16; 4:8; 6:12,19; 2Ti 1:10; Tit 1:2; 3:7; 1Jo 2:25; 3:15; 5:11-13,20; Jude 1:21; Re 1:18 4.1 See IMMORTALITY 5 FROM GOD: Ge 2:7; De 8:3; 30:20; 32:39,40; 1Sa 2:6; Job 27:3; 34:14,15; Ps 22:29; 30:3; 68:20; 104:30; Ec 12:7; Isa 38:16- 20; Ac 17:25-28; Ro 4:17; 1Ti 6:13; Jas 4:15 6 LONG 6.1 See LONGEVITY 7 SPIRITUAL: Joh 3:3-16; 5:24-26,40; 6:27,33,35,40,47; 10:10; 11:25,26; 14:6; 17:2,3; 20:31; Ro 6:4,5,8,11,13,22,23; 8:10; 1Jo 1:1,2 LIGHT #3061 1 Created: Ge 1:3-5; Isa 45:7; 2Co 4:6 2 Miraculous: Mt 17:2; Ac 9:3 3 FIGURATIVE AND SYMBOLICAL: 1Ki 11:36; Ps 27:1; 119:105,130; Pr 6:23; Ec 2:13; Isa 8:20; 49:6; 58:8; 60:19,20; Mt 4:16; 5:14,16; Lu 2:32; 11:34; 16:8; Joh 1:4,5,7-9; 3:19-21; 5:35; 8:12; 9:5; 12:35,36; Ac 26:18; Eph 5:8,14; Php 2:15; 1Th 5:5; 1Ti 6:16; Jas 1:17; 1Pe 2:9; 2Pe 1:19; 1Jo 1:5,7; Re 21:23 LIGHTNING #3062 1 General scriptures concerning: Job 28:26; 37:3; 38:25,35; Ps 18:14; 77:18; 78:48; 97:4; 135:7; 144:6; Jer 10:13; 51:16; Eze 1:13,14; Da 10:6; Na 2:4; Zec 9:14; 10:1; Mt 24:27; 28:3; Lu 10:18; Re 4:5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18 LIGN-ALOE #3063 1 A tree, not identified by naturalists: Nu 24:6 LIGURE #3064 1 A precious stone: Ex 28:19; 39:12 LILY #3065 1 The principal capitals of the temple ornamented with carvings of: 1Ki 7:19,22,26 2 Molded on the rim of the molten laver in the temple: 1Ki 7:26; 2Ch 4:5 3 Lessons of trust gathered from: Mt 6:28- 30; Lu 12:27 4 FIGURATIVE 4.1 Of the lips of the beloved: So 5:13 LIME #3066 1 General scriptures concerning: Isa 33:12; Am 2:1 LINEN #3067 1 Exported 1.1 From Egypt: 1Ki 10:28; Eze 27:7 1.2 From Syria: Eze 27:16 2 Curtains of the tabernacle made of: Ex 26:1; 27:9 3 Vestments of priests made of: Ex 28:5- 8,15,39-42 4 Livery of royal households made of: Ge 41:42; Es 8:15 5 Garments 5.1 For men made of: Ge 41:42; Eze 9:2; Lu 16:19 5.2 For women made of: Isa 3:23; Eze 16:10- 13 6 Bedding made of: Pr 7:16 7 Mosaic law forbade its being interwoven with wool: Le 19:19; De 22:11 8 The corpse of Jesus was wrapped in: Mr 15:46; Joh 20:5 9 FIGURATIVE 9.1 Pure and white, of righteousness: Re 15:6; 19:8,14 LINUS #3068 1 A Christian at Rome: 2Ti 4:21 LION #3069 1 King of beasts: Mic 5:8 2 Fierceness of: Job 4:10; 28:8; Ps 7:2; Pr 22:13; Jer 2:15; 49:19; 50:44; Ho 13:8 3 The roaring of: Ps 22:13; Pr 20:2 4 Strength of: Pr 30:30; Isa 38:13; Joe 1:6 5 Instincts of, in taking prey: Ps 10:9; 17:12; La 3:10; Am 3:4; Na 2:12 6 Lair of, in the jungles: Jer 4:7; 25:38 7 The bases in the temple ornamented by mouldings of: 1Ki 7:29,36 8 Twelve statues of, on the stairs leading to Solomon's throne: 1Ki 10:19,20 9 Samson's riddle concerning: Jud 14:14,18 10 Proverb of: Ec 9:4 11 Parable of: Eze 19:1-9 12 Kept in captivity: Da 6 13 Sent as judgment upon the Samaritans: 2Ki 17:25,26 14 Killed by 14.1 Samson: Jud 14:5-9 14.2 David: 1Sa 17:34,36 14.3 Benaiah: 2Sa 23:20 14.4 Saints: Heb 11:33 15 Disobedient prophet killed by: 1Ki 13:24- 28 16 An unnamed person killed by: 1Ki 20:36 17 Used for the torture of criminals: Da 6:16- 24; 7:12; 2Ti 4:17 18 FIGURATIVE 18.1 Of a ruler's anger: Pr 19:12; Jer 5:6; 50:17; Ho 5:14 18.2 Of Satan: 1Pe 5:8 18.3 Of divine judgments: Isa 15:9 19 SYMBOLICAL: Ge 49:9; Isa 29:1 19.1 Margin): Eze 1:10; 10:14; Da 7:4; Re 4:7; 5:5; 9:8,17; 13:2 LITIGATION #3070 1 To be avoided: Mt 5:25; Lu 12:58; 1Co 6:1-8 2 See ACTIONS AT LAW 3 See ADJUDICATION 4 See ARBITRATION 5 See COMPROMISE LITTER #3071 1 An oriental carriage for carrying persons: Isa 66:20 LIVER #3072 1 Burnt in sacrifice: Le 3:5 2 Superstitious rites with: Eze 21:21 LIVERY #3073 1 (Of seizin (the method by which the ceremonial conveyance of land was made)) 2 See LAND, CONVEYANCE OF LIZARD #3074 1 General scriptures concerning: Le 11:30; Pr 30:28 LO-AMMI #3075 1 A symbolical name given to a son of Hosea: Ho 1:9 LO-DEBAR #3076 1 A city in the territory of the tribe of Manasseh: 2Sa 9:4,5; 17:27 2 Home of Mephibosheth, the lame son of Jonathan: 2Sa 9:3-5 LO-RUHAMAH #3077 1 Hosea's daughter: Ho 1:6-8 LOAVES #3078 1 Miracle of the five: Mt 14:15-21; 16:9; Lu 9:12-17 2 Miracle of the seven: Mt 15:34-38; 16:10 3 See BREAD LOBBYING #3079 1 General scriptures concerning: Ezr 4:4,5 2 See DIPLOMACY 3 See INFLUENCE, POLITICAL LOCK #3080 1 General scriptures concerning: Jud 3:23- 25; Ne 3:13,14; So 5:5 LOCUST #3081 1 Authorized as food: Le 11:22 2 Used as food: Mt 3:4; Mr 1:6 3 Plague of: Ex 10:1-19; Ps 105:34,35 4 Devastation by: De 28:38; 1Ki 8:37; 2Ch 7:13; Isa 33:4; Joe 1:4-7; Re 9:7-10 5 Sun obscured by: Joe 2:2,10 6 Instincts of: Pr 30:27 7 In A. V. often inaccurately translated "grasshopper," as in: Jud 6:5; 7:12; Job 39:20; Jer 46:23 8 See GRASSHOPPER 9 FIGURATIVE: Jer 46:23 10 SYMBOLICAL: Re 9:3-10 89

L Topic Guide L LOD #3082 1 A city in the territory of the tribe of Benjamin: 1Ch 8:12; Ezr 2:33; Ne 7:37; 11:35 2 Called LYDDA: Ac 9:38 LOG #3083 1 A measure for liquids, holding about a pint: Le 14:10,12,15,24 LOIS #3084 1 The grandmother of Timothy, commended by Paul for her faith: 2Ti 1:5 LONGEVITY #3085 1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 6:3; Ex 20:12; 1Ki 3:11-14; Job 5:26; Ps 21:4; 34:11-13; 90:10; 91:16; Pr 3:1,2,16; 9:11; 10:27; Isa 65:20; 1Pe 3:10,11 2 See OLD AGE 3 INSTANCES OF 3.1 Adam, nine-hundred and thirty years: Ge 5:5 3.2 Seth, nine-hundred and twelve years: Ge 5:8 3.3 Enos, nine-hundred and five years: Ge 5:11 3.4 Cainan, nine-hundred and ten years: Ge 5:14 3.5 Mahalaleel, eight-hundred and ninetyfive years: Ge 5:17 3.6 Jared, nine-hundred and sixty-two years: Ge 5:20 3.7 Enoch, three-hundred and sixty-five years: Ge 5:23 3.8 Methuselah, nine-hundred and sixty-nine years: Ge 5:27 3.9 Lamech, seven-hundred and seventyseven years: Ge 5:31 3.10 Noah, nine-hundred and fifty years: Ge 9:29 3.11 Shem, six-hundred years: Ge 11:10,11 3.12 Arphaxad, four-hundred and thirty-eight years: Ge 11:12,13 3.13 Salah, four-hundred and thirty-three years: Ge 11:14,15 3.14 Eber, four-hundred and sixty-four years: Ge 11:16,17 3.15 Peleg, two-hundred and thirty-nine years: Ge 11:18,19 3.16 Reu, two-hundred and thirty-nine years: Ge 11:20,21 3.17 Serug, two-hundred and thirty years: Ge 11:22,23 3.18 Nahor, one-hundred and forty-eight years: Ge 11:24,25 3.19 Terah, two-hundred and five years: Ge 11:32 3.20 Job, "lived one-hundred and forty years" after his ordeal, and then "he died at a very great age,": Job 42:16,17 3.21 Sarah, one-hundred and twenty-seven years: Ge 23:1 3.22 Abraham, one-hundred and seventyfive years: Ge 25:7 3.23 Isaac, one-hundred and eighty years: Ge 35:28 3.24 Jacob, one-hundred and forty-seven years: Ge 47:28 3.25 Joseph, one-hundred and ten years: Ge 50:26 3.26 Amram, one-hundred and thirty-seven years: Ex 6:20 3.27 Aaron, one-hundred and twenty-three years: Nu 33:39 3.28 Moses, one-hundred and twenty years: De 31:2; 34:7 3.29 Joshua, one-hundred and ten years: Jos 24:29 3.30 Eli, ninety-eight years: 1Sa 4:15 3.31 Barzillai, eighty years: 2Sa 19:32 3.32 Jehoiada, one-hundred and thirty years: 2Ch 24:15 3.33 Anna, older than eighty-four years: Lu 2:36,37 3.34 Paul, "the aged one": Phm 1:9 LONGSUFFERING #3086 1 General scriptures concerning: 1Co 13:4,7; 2Co 6:4-6; Ga 5:22; Eph 4:1,2; Col 1:11; 3:12,13; 1Ti 1:16; 2Ti 3:10; 4:2 2 See CHARITABLENESS 3 See GOD, LONGSUFFERING OF 4 See PATIENCE 90 LOOKING-GLASS #3087 1 See MIRROR LORD #3088 1 A prince: Jos 13:3; Jud 3:3; 1Sa 5:8; 6:4 2 See GOD 3 See JESUS LORD'S DAY #3089 1 See SABBATH LORD'S PRAYER #3090 1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 6:9-13; Lu 11:2-4 LORD'S SUPPER #3091 1 See EUCHARIST LOST SHEEP #3092 1 Parable of: Mt 18:12,13; Lu 15:4-7 LOST, THE #3093 1 See WICKED, PUNISHMENT OF LOT #3094 1 Feast of 1.1 See PURIM 2 The son of Haran 2.1 Accompanies Terah from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran: Ge 11:31 2.2 Migrates with Abraham to the land of Canaan: Ge 12:4 2.3 Accompanies Abraham to Egypt 2.4 Returns with him to Beth-el: Ge 13:1-3 2.5 Rich in flocks, and herds, and servants 2.6 Separates from Abraham, and locates in Sodom: Ge 13:5-14 2.7 Taken captive by Chedorlaomer; rescued by Abraham: Ge 14:1-16 2.8 Providentially saved from destruction in Sodom: Ge 19; Lu 17:28,29 2.9 Disobediently protests against going to the mountains, and chooses Zoar: Ge 19:17- 22 2.10 His wife disobediently yearns after Sodom, and becomes a pillar of salt: Ge 19:26; Lu 17:32 2.11 Commits incest with his daughters: Ge 19:30-38 2.12 Descendants of 2.13 See AMMONITES 2.14 See MOABITES LOT, THE #3095 1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 16:33; 18:18; Isa 34:17; Joe 3:3 2 The scapegoat chosen by: Le 16:8-10 3 The land of Canaan divided among tribes by: Nu 26:55; Jos 15; 18:10; 19:51; 21; 1Ch 6:61,65; Eze 45:1; 47:22; 48:29; Mic 2:5; Ac 13:19 4 Saul chosen king by: 1Sa 10:20,21 5 Priests and Levites designated by, for sanctuary service: 1Ch 24:5-31; 26:13; Ne 10:34; Lu 1:9 6 Used after the captivity: Ne 11:1 7 An apostle chosen by: Ac 1:26 8 Achan's guilt ascertained by: Jos 7:14-18 9 Jonathan's: 1Sa 14:41,42 10 Jonah's: Jon 1:7 11 Used to fix the time for the execution of condemned persons: Es 3:7; 9:24 12 The garments of Jesus divided by: Ps 22:18; Mt 27:35; Mr 15:24; Joh 19:23,24 LOVE #3096 1 OF CHILDREN FOR PARENTS 1.1 See CHILDREN 2 OF GOD, LOVE OF 3 OF MAN FOR GOD: Ex 20:6; De 5:10; 6:5; 7:9; 10:12; 11:1,13,22; 13:3; 30:6,16,20; Jos 22:5; 23:11; Ps 18:1; 31:23; 37:4; 45:10,11; 63:5,6; 69:35,36; 73:25,26; 91:14; 97:10; 116:1; 145:20; Pr 8:17; 23:26; Isa 56:6,7; Jer 2:2,3; Mt 22:37,38; Mr 12:29,30,32,33; Lu 11:42; Joh 5:42; Ro 5:5; 8:28; 1Co 8:3; Php 1:9; 2Th 3:5; 2Ti 1:7; 1Jo 2:5,15; 3:17,18; 4:12,16-21; 5:1-3; 2Jo 1:6; Jude 1:21 4 0F MAN FOR JESUS: Mt 10:37,38; 25:34- 40; 27:55-61; Mr 9:41; Lu 2:29,30; 7:47; Joh 8:42; 14:15,21,23,28; 15:9; 16:27; 17:26; 21:17; Ac 21:13; 1Co 16:22; 2Co 5:6,8,14,15; Ga 5:6,22; 6:14; Eph 3:17-19; 4:15; 6:24; Php 1:9,20,21,23; 3:7,8; Col 1:8; 2Th 3:5; 2Ti 1:13; 4:8; Phm 1:5; Heb 6:10; Jas 1:12; 2:5; 1Pe 1:8; 2:7; Re 2:4 5 INSTANCES OF LOVE FOR JESUS 5.1 Mary: Mt 26:6-13; Joh 12:3-8; Lu 10:39 5.2 Peter: Mt 17:4; Joh 13:37; 18:10; 20:3-6; 21:7 5.3 Thomas: Joh 11:16 5.4 The disciples: Mr 16:10; Lu 24:17-41; Joh 20:20 5.5 Mary Magdalene and other disciples: Mt 27:55,56,61; 28:1-9; Lu 8:2,3; 23:27,55,56; 24:1-10; Joh 20:1,2,11-18 5.6 A man from Gadara (Gerasa) out of whom Jesus cast an evil spirit: Mr 5:18 5.7 Joseph of Aramathaea: Mt 27:57-60 5.8 Nicodemus: Joh 19:39,40 5.9 Women of Jerusalem: Lu 23:27 6 OF MAN FOR MAN: Le 19:18,34; De 10:19; Ps 133:1-3; Pr 10:12; 15:17; 17:9,17; So 8:6,7; Mt 5:41-47; 7:12; 10:41,42; 19:19; 25:34-40; Mr 9:41; 12:30-33; Lu 6:31-35; 10:30-37; Joh 13:14,15,34,35; 15:12,13,17; Ro 12:9,10; 13:8- 10; 1Co 8:1; 13:1-13; 14:1; 16:14; 2Co 8:7,8; Ga 5:13,14,22,26; Eph 5:2; Php 1:9; 2:2; Col 2:2; 3:12; 1Th 1:3; 3:12; 4:9; 1Ti 1:5,14; 2:15; 4:12; 6:2; 2Ti 2:22; Tit 3:15; Phm 1:12-16; Heb 10:24; Jas 2:8; 1Pe 1:22; 2:17; 3:8,9; 4:8; 2Pe 1:7; 1Jo 2:9-11; 3:11,14,16-19,23; 4:7,11,12,20,21; 5:1,2; 2Jo 1:5 7 EXEMPLIFICATION OF THE LOVE OF MAN FOR MAN: Ex 32:31,32; Ps 133:1-3; Pr 24:17,18; Mt 5:41,42; 10:41,42; 25:34-40; Mr 9:41; Lu 10:25-37; Ac 20:26,27,31; 26:29; Ro 1:12; 5:7; 9:1-3; 12:15,16; 14:19,21; 15:1,2,5,7,14,15,24,32; 16:1-16,19; 1Co 1:4; 4:14-16; 10:24; 2Co 1:3-6,14,23,24; 2:1-17; 3:2; 4:5; 6:4-6,11-13; 7:1-4,7,12; 11:2; 12:14-16,19- 21; 13:9; Ga 4:11-20; 6:1,2,10; Eph 3:13; 4:2,32; 6:22,24; Php 1:3-5,7,8,23-26; 2:19; 3:18; 4:1; Col 1:3,4,24,28,29; 2:1,5; 4:7; 1Th 1:3,4; 2:7,8,11,12,17-20; 3:5,7-10,12; 5:8,11,14; 2Th 1:4; 1Ti 1:5; 5:9,10; 6:2,11; 2Ti 1:3,4,8; 2:10; Phm 1:8,9,12,16-21; Heb 5:2; 6:9,10; 13:1-3,22; Jas 1:27 7.1 See FRATERNITY 8 INSTANCES OF 8.1 Abraham for Lot: Ge 14:14-16 8.2 Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz: Ru 1; 2 ; 3 8.3 David's subjects: 2Sa 15:30; 17:27-29 8.4 Obadiah for the prophets: 1Ki 18:4 8.5 Jehoshabeath for Joash: 2Ch 22:11 8.6 Nehemiah for Israelites: Ne 5:10-15 8.7 Mordecai for Esther: Es 2:7 8.8 Job's friends: Job 42:11 8.9 Centurion for his servant: Lu 7:2-6 8.10 Roman Christians for Paul: Ac 28:15 9 OF MONEY 9.1 The root of evil: 1Ti 6:10 9.2 See RICHES 10 OF PARENTS FOR CHILDREN 10.1 See PARENTS 10.2 See also BROTHER 10.3 See FRATERNITY 10.4 See FRIENDSHIP LOVEFEASTS #3097 1 Assemblies of Christian fellowship: 2Pe 2:13; Jude 1:12 LOVERS #3098 1 INSTANCES OF 1.1 Isaac for Rebekah: Ge 24:67 1.2 Jacob for Rachel: Ge 29:20,30 1.3 Shechem for Dinah: Ge 34:3,12 1.4 Boaz for Ruth: Ru 2; 3 ; 4 LOYALTY #3099 1 Enjoined: Ex 22:28; Nu 27:20; Ezr 6:10; 7:26; Job 34:18; Pr 24:21; Ec 8:2; 10:4; Ro 13:1; Tit 3:1 2 Enforced: Ezr 10:8; Pr 17:11 3 Disloyalty: 2Pe 2:10 4 See PATRIOTISM 5 INSTANCES OF 5.1 Israelites: Jos 1:16-18; 2Sa 3:36,37; 15:23,30; 18:3; 21:17; 1Ch 12:38 5.2 David: 1Sa 24:6-10; 26:6-16; 2Sa 1:14 5.3 Uriah: 2Sa 11:9 5.4 Ittai: 2Sa 15:21 5.5 Hushai: 2Sa 17:15,16 5.6 David's soldiers: 2Sa 18:12,13; 23:15,16 5.7 Joab: 2Sa 19:5,6 5.8 Barzillai: 2Sa 19:32 5.9 Jehoiada: 2Ki 11:4-12 5.10 Mordecai: Es 2:21-23 LUBIMS #3100 1 Inhabitants of northern Africa: 2Ch 12:3; 16:8 2 The region they inhabited was called PHUT in: Eze 27:10; Na 3:9 3 See PHUT 4 Called LIBYA: Ac 2:10 LUCAS #3101 1 Fellow-laborer of Paul: Phm 1:24 2 See LUKE LUCIFER #3102 1 Nebuchadnezzar called by this name: Isa 14:12 LUCIUS #3103 1 A Christian at Antioch: Ac 13:1 2 A relative of Paul: Ro 16:21 LUD #3104 1 A son of Shem: Ge 10:22; 1Ch 1:17 LUDIM #3105 1 Son of Mizraim: Ge 10:13; 1Ch 1:11 2 Descendants of Ludim: Ge 10:13 2.1 Warriors: Isa 66:19; Jer 46:9; Eze 27:10; 30:5 LUHITH #3106 1 A city of Moab: Isa 15:5; Jer 48:5 LUKE #3107 1 (A disciple) 2 A physician: Col 4:14 3 Wrote to Theophilus: Lu 1:1-4; Ac 1:1,2 4 Accompanies Paul in his tour of Asia and Macedonia: Ac 16:10-13; 20:5,6 5 To Jerusalem: Ac 21:1-18 6 To Rome: Ac 27; 28; 2Ti 4:11; Phm 1:24 LUKEWARMNESS #3108 1 FIGURATIVE: Jer 9:3; Eze 13:5; 16:30; Ho 6:4; 10:2; Hag 1:2,4-11; 2:15,16; Mt 26:41; Re 2:4; 3:2,15,16 1.1 See BACKSLIDING 1.2 See BLINDNESS, SPIRITUAL 2 INSTANCES OF 2.1 The Reubenites, when Deborah called on them to assist Sisera: Jud 5:16 2.2 The Jews under Nehemiah: Ne 3:5; 13:11 2.3 A congregation at 2.3.1 Pergamos: : Re 2:14-16 2.3.2 Thyatira: Re 2:20-24 2.3.3 Sardis: Re 3:1-3 2.3.4 Laodicea: Re 3:14-16 LUNACY #3109 1 See INSANITY 2 See DEMONS LUST #3110 1 Evil desire: Ge 3:6; Ex 20:17; Job 31:9-12; Ps 81:12; Pr 6:24,25; Mt 5:28; Mr 4:19; Joh 8:44; 1Co 9:27; 10:6,7; Eph 4:22; 1Ti 6:9; 2Ti 2:22; 4:3,4; Tit 2:12; Jas 1:14,15; 4:1-3; 1Pe 2:11; 4:3; 2Pe 2:18; 3:3; 1Jo 2:16,17; Jude 1:16,18 2 See ADULTERY 3 See COVETOUSNESS 4 See INCEST 5 See LASCIVIOUSNESS 6 See SENSUALITY 7 See SODOMY LYCAONIA #3111 1 (A province of Asia Minor) 2 Paul visits towns of: Ac 14:6-21; 16:1,2 LYCIA #3112 1 A province of Asia Minor 2 Paul visits: Ac 27:5 LYDDA #3113 1 Also called LOD 2 A city of the tribe of Benjamin: 1Ch 8:12; Ezr 2:33; Ne 11:35 3 Peter heals Aeneas in: Ac 9:32-35 LYDIA #3114 1 A woman of Thyatira, who with her household was converted through the preaching of Paul: Ac 16:14,15

L Topic <strong>Guide</strong> L<br />

LOD #3082<br />

1 A city in <strong>the</strong> territory of <strong>the</strong> tribe of<br />

Benjamin: 1Ch 8:12; Ezr 2:33; Ne 7:37; 11:35<br />

2 Called LYDDA: Ac 9:38<br />

LOG #3083<br />

1 A measure for liquids, holding about a<br />

pint: Le 14:10,12,15,24<br />

LOIS #3084<br />

1 The gr<strong>and</strong>mo<strong>the</strong>r of Timothy, commended<br />

by Paul for her faith: 2Ti 1:5<br />

LONGEVITY #3085<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Ge 6:3; Ex<br />

20:12; 1Ki 3:11-14; Job 5:26; Ps 21:4; 34:11-13;<br />

90:10; 91:16; Pr 3:1,2,16; 9:11; 10:27; Isa<br />

65:20; 1Pe 3:10,11<br />

2 See OLD AGE<br />


3.1 Adam, nine-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty years: Ge<br />

5:5<br />

3.2 Seth, nine-hundred <strong>and</strong> twelve years: Ge<br />

5:8<br />

3.3 Enos, nine-hundred <strong>and</strong> five years: Ge<br />

5:11<br />

3.4 Cainan, nine-hundred <strong>and</strong> ten years: Ge<br />

5:14<br />

3.5 Mahalaleel, eight-hundred <strong>and</strong> ninetyfive<br />

years: Ge 5:17<br />

3.6 Jared, nine-hundred <strong>and</strong> sixty-two years:<br />

Ge 5:20<br />

3.7 Enoch, three-hundred <strong>and</strong> sixty-five<br />

years: Ge 5:23<br />

3.8 Methuselah, nine-hundred <strong>and</strong> sixty-nine<br />

years: Ge 5:27<br />

3.9 Lamech, seven-hundred <strong>and</strong> seventyseven<br />

years: Ge 5:31<br />

3.10 Noah, nine-hundred <strong>and</strong> fifty years: Ge<br />

9:29<br />

3.11 Shem, six-hundred years: Ge 11:10,11<br />

3.12 Arphaxad, four-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty-eight<br />

years: Ge 11:12,13<br />

3.13 Salah, four-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty-three<br />

years: Ge 11:14,15<br />

3.14 Eber, four-hundred <strong>and</strong> sixty-four<br />

years: Ge 11:16,17<br />

3.15 Peleg, two-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty-nine<br />

years: Ge 11:18,19<br />

3.16 Reu, two-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty-nine years:<br />

Ge 11:20,21<br />

3.17 Serug, two-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty years:<br />

Ge 11:22,23<br />

3.18 Nahor, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> forty-eight<br />

years: Ge 11:24,25<br />

3.19 Terah, two-hundred <strong>and</strong> five years: Ge<br />

11:32<br />

3.20 Job, "lived one-hundred <strong>and</strong> forty<br />

years" after his ordeal, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n "he died at a<br />

very great age,": Job 42:16,17<br />

3.21 Sarah, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> twenty-seven<br />

years: Ge 23:1<br />

3.22 Abraham, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> seventyfive<br />

years: Ge 25:7<br />

3.23 Isaac, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> eighty years:<br />

Ge 35:28<br />

3.24 Jacob, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> forty-seven<br />

years: Ge 47:28<br />

3.25 Joseph, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> ten years: Ge<br />

50:26<br />

3.26 Amram, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty-seven<br />

years: Ex 6:20<br />

3.27 Aaron, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> twenty-three<br />

years: Nu 33:39<br />

3.28 Moses, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> twenty years:<br />

De 31:2; 34:7<br />

3.29 Joshua, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> ten years:<br />

Jos 24:29<br />

3.30 Eli, ninety-eight years: 1Sa 4:15<br />

3.31 Barzillai, eighty years: 2Sa 19:32<br />

3.32 Jehoiada, one-hundred <strong>and</strong> thirty<br />

years: 2Ch 24:15<br />

3.33 Anna, older than eighty-four years: Lu<br />

2:36,37<br />

3.34 Paul, "<strong>the</strong> aged one": Phm 1:9<br />


1 General scriptures concerning: 1Co<br />

13:4,7; 2Co 6:4-6; Ga 5:22; Eph 4:1,2; Col 1:11;<br />

3:12,13; 1Ti 1:16; 2Ti 3:10; 4:2<br />



4 See PATIENCE<br />

90<br />

LOOKING-GLASS #3087<br />

1 See MIRROR<br />

LORD #3088<br />

1 A prince: Jos 13:3; Jud 3:3; 1Sa 5:8; 6:4<br />

2 See GOD<br />

3 See JESUS<br />

LORD'S DAY #3089<br />

1 See SABBATH<br />

LORD'S PRAYER #3090<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Mt 6:9-13;<br />

Lu 11:2-4<br />

LORD'S SUPPER #3091<br />

1 See EUCHARIST<br />

LOST SHEEP #3092<br />

1 Parable of: Mt 18:12,13; Lu 15:4-7<br />

LOST, THE #3093<br />


LOT #3094<br />

1 Feast of<br />

1.1 See PURIM<br />

2 The son of Haran<br />

2.1 Accompanies Terah from Ur of <strong>the</strong><br />

Chaldees to Haran: Ge 11:31<br />

2.2 Migrates with Abraham to <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong> of<br />

Canaan: Ge 12:4<br />

2.3 Accompanies Abraham to Egypt<br />

2.4 Returns with him to Beth-el: Ge 13:1-3<br />

2.5 Rich in flocks, <strong>and</strong> herds, <strong>and</strong> servants<br />

2.6 Separates from Abraham, <strong>and</strong> locates in<br />

Sodom: Ge 13:5-14<br />

2.7 Taken captive by Chedorlaomer;<br />

rescued by Abraham: Ge 14:1-16<br />

2.8 Providentially saved from destruction in<br />

Sodom: Ge 19; Lu 17:28,29<br />

2.9 Disobediently protests against going to<br />

<strong>the</strong> mountains, <strong>and</strong> chooses Zoar: Ge 19:17-<br />

22<br />

2.10 His wife disobediently yearns after<br />

Sodom, <strong>and</strong> becomes a pillar of salt: Ge<br />

19:26; Lu 17:32<br />

2.11 Commits incest with his daughters: Ge<br />

19:30-38<br />

2.12 Descendants of<br />

2.13 See AMMONITES<br />

2.14 See MOABITES<br />

LOT, THE #3095<br />

1 General scriptures concerning: Pr 16:33;<br />

18:18; Isa 34:17; Joe 3:3<br />

2 The scapegoat chosen by: Le 16:8-10<br />

3 The l<strong>and</strong> of Canaan divided among tribes<br />

by: Nu 26:55; Jos 15; 18:10; 19:51; 21; 1Ch<br />

6:61,65; Eze 45:1; 47:22; 48:29; Mic 2:5; Ac<br />

13:19<br />

4 Saul chosen king by: 1Sa 10:20,21<br />

5 Priests <strong>and</strong> Levites designated by, for<br />

sanctuary service: 1Ch 24:5-31; 26:13; Ne<br />

10:34; Lu 1:9<br />

6 Used after <strong>the</strong> captivity: Ne 11:1<br />

7 An apostle chosen by: Ac 1:26<br />

8 Achan's guilt ascertained by: Jos 7:14-18<br />

9 Jonathan's: 1Sa 14:41,42<br />

10 Jonah's: Jon 1:7<br />

11 Used to fix <strong>the</strong> time for <strong>the</strong> execution of<br />

condemned persons: Es 3:7; 9:24<br />

12 The garments of Jesus divided by: Ps<br />

22:18; Mt 27:35; Mr 15:24; Joh 19:23,24<br />

LOVE #3096<br />


1.1 See CHILDREN<br />

2 OF GOD, LOVE OF<br />

3 OF MAN FOR GOD: Ex 20:6; De 5:10; 6:5;<br />

7:9; 10:12; 11:1,13,22; 13:3; 30:6,16,20; Jos<br />

22:5; 23:11; Ps 18:1; 31:23; 37:4; 45:10,11;<br />

63:5,6; 69:35,36; 73:25,26; 91:14; 97:10; 116:1;<br />

145:20; Pr 8:17; 23:26; Isa 56:6,7; Jer 2:2,3; Mt<br />

22:37,38; Mr 12:29,30,32,33; Lu 11:42; Joh<br />

5:42; Ro 5:5; 8:28; 1Co 8:3; Php 1:9; 2Th 3:5;<br />

2Ti 1:7; 1Jo 2:5,15; 3:17,18; 4:12,16-21; 5:1-3;<br />

2Jo 1:6; Jude 1:21<br />

4 0F MAN FOR JESUS: Mt 10:37,38; 25:34-<br />

40; 27:55-61; Mr 9:41; Lu 2:29,30; 7:47; Joh<br />

8:42; 14:15,21,23,28; 15:9; 16:27; 17:26; 21:17;<br />

Ac 21:13; 1Co 16:22; 2Co 5:6,8,14,15; Ga<br />

5:6,22; 6:14; Eph 3:17-19; 4:15; 6:24; Php<br />

1:9,20,21,23; 3:7,8; Col 1:8; 2Th 3:5; 2Ti 1:13;<br />

4:8; Phm 1:5; Heb 6:10; Jas 1:12; 2:5; 1Pe 1:8;<br />

2:7; Re 2:4<br />


5.1 Mary: Mt 26:6-13; Joh 12:3-8; Lu 10:39<br />

5.2 Peter: Mt 17:4; Joh 13:37; 18:10; 20:3-6;<br />

21:7<br />

5.3 Thomas: Joh 11:16<br />

5.4 The disciples: Mr 16:10; Lu 24:17-41; Joh<br />

20:20<br />

5.5 Mary Magdalene <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r disciples: Mt<br />

27:55,56,61; 28:1-9; Lu 8:2,3; 23:27,55,56;<br />

24:1-10; Joh 20:1,2,11-18<br />

5.6 A man from Gadara (Gerasa) out of<br />

whom Jesus cast an evil spirit: Mr 5:18<br />

5.7 Joseph of Aramathaea: Mt 27:57-60<br />

5.8 Nicodemus: Joh 19:39,40<br />

5.9 Women of Jerusalem: Lu 23:27<br />

6 OF MAN FOR MAN: Le 19:18,34; De 10:19;<br />

Ps 133:1-3; Pr 10:12; 15:17; 17:9,17; So 8:6,7;<br />

Mt 5:41-47; 7:12; 10:41,42; 19:19; 25:34-40; Mr<br />

9:41; 12:30-33; Lu 6:31-35; 10:30-37; Joh<br />

13:14,15,34,35; 15:12,13,17; Ro 12:9,10; 13:8-<br />

10; 1Co 8:1; 13:1-13; 14:1; 16:14; 2Co 8:7,8; Ga<br />

5:13,14,22,26; Eph 5:2; Php 1:9; 2:2; Col 2:2;<br />

3:12; 1Th 1:3; 3:12; 4:9; 1Ti 1:5,14; 2:15; 4:12;<br />

6:2; 2Ti 2:22; Tit 3:15; Phm 1:12-16; Heb 10:24;<br />

Jas 2:8; 1Pe 1:22; 2:17; 3:8,9; 4:8; 2Pe 1:7; 1Jo<br />

2:9-11; 3:11,14,16-19,23; 4:7,11,12,20,21;<br />

5:1,2; 2Jo 1:5<br />


FOR MAN: Ex 32:31,32; Ps 133:1-3; Pr<br />

24:17,18; Mt 5:41,42; 10:41,42; 25:34-40; Mr<br />

9:41; Lu 10:25-37; Ac 20:26,27,31; 26:29; Ro<br />

1:12; 5:7; 9:1-3; 12:15,16; 14:19,21;<br />

15:1,2,5,7,14,15,24,32; 16:1-16,19; 1Co 1:4;<br />

4:14-16; 10:24; 2Co 1:3-6,14,23,24; 2:1-17; 3:2;<br />

4:5; 6:4-6,11-13; 7:1-4,7,12; 11:2; 12:14-16,19-<br />

21; 13:9; Ga 4:11-20; 6:1,2,10; Eph 3:13;<br />

4:2,32; 6:22,24; Php 1:3-5,7,8,23-26; 2:19; 3:18;<br />

4:1; Col 1:3,4,24,28,29; 2:1,5; 4:7; 1Th 1:3,4;<br />

2:7,8,11,12,17-20; 3:5,7-10,12; 5:8,11,14; 2Th<br />

1:4; 1Ti 1:5; 5:9,10; 6:2,11; 2Ti 1:3,4,8; 2:10;<br />

Phm 1:8,9,12,16-21; Heb 5:2; 6:9,10; 13:1-3,22;<br />

Jas 1:27<br />

7.1 See FRATERNITY<br />


8.1 Abraham for Lot: Ge 14:14-16<br />

8.2 Naomi, Ruth, <strong>and</strong> Boaz: Ru 1; 2 ; 3<br />

8.3 David's subjects: 2Sa 15:30; 17:27-29<br />

8.4 Obadiah for <strong>the</strong> prophets: 1Ki 18:4<br />

8.5 Jehoshabeath for Joash: 2Ch 22:11<br />

8.6 Nehemiah for Israelites: Ne 5:10-15<br />

8.7 Mordecai for Es<strong>the</strong>r: Es 2:7<br />

8.8 Job's friends: Job 42:11<br />

8.9 Centurion for his servant: Lu 7:2-6<br />

8.10 Roman Christians for Paul: Ac 28:15<br />

9 OF MONEY<br />

9.1 The root of evil: 1Ti 6:10<br />

9.2 See RICHES<br />


10.1 See PARENTS<br />

10.2 See also BROTHER<br />

10.3 See FRATERNITY<br />

10.4 See FRIENDSHIP<br />

LOVEFEASTS #3097<br />

1 Assemblies of Christian fellowship: 2Pe<br />

2:13; Jude 1:12<br />

LOVERS #3098<br />


1.1 Isaac for Rebekah: Ge 24:67<br />

1.2 Jacob for Rachel: Ge 29:20,30<br />

1.3 Shechem for Dinah: Ge 34:3,12<br />

1.4 Boaz for Ruth: Ru 2; 3 ; 4<br />

LOYALTY #3099<br />

1 Enjoined: Ex 22:28; Nu 27:20; Ezr 6:10;<br />

7:26; Job 34:18; Pr 24:21; Ec 8:2; 10:4; Ro<br />

13:1; Tit 3:1<br />

2 Enforced: Ezr 10:8; Pr 17:11<br />

3 Disloyalty: 2Pe 2:10<br />

4 See PATRIOTISM<br />


5.1 Israelites: Jos 1:16-18; 2Sa 3:36,37;<br />

15:23,30; 18:3; 21:17; 1Ch 12:38<br />

5.2 David: 1Sa 24:6-10; 26:6-16; 2Sa 1:14<br />

5.3 Uriah: 2Sa 11:9<br />

5.4 Ittai: 2Sa 15:21<br />

5.5 Hushai: 2Sa 17:15,16<br />

5.6 David's soldiers: 2Sa 18:12,13; 23:15,16<br />

5.7 Joab: 2Sa 19:5,6<br />

5.8 Barzillai: 2Sa 19:32<br />

5.9 Jehoiada: 2Ki 11:4-12<br />

5.10 Mordecai: Es 2:21-23<br />

LUBIMS #3100<br />

1 Inhabitants of nor<strong>the</strong>rn Africa: 2Ch 12:3;<br />

16:8<br />

2 The region <strong>the</strong>y inhabited was called<br />

PHUT in: Eze 27:10; Na 3:9<br />

3 See PHUT<br />

4 Called LIBYA: Ac 2:10<br />

LUCAS #3101<br />

1 Fellow-laborer of Paul: Phm 1:24<br />

2 See LUKE<br />

LUCIFER #3102<br />

1 Nebuchadnezzar called by this name: Isa<br />

14:12<br />

LUCIUS #3103<br />

1 A Christian at Antioch: Ac 13:1<br />

2 A relative of Paul: Ro 16:21<br />

LUD #3104<br />

1 A son of Shem: Ge 10:22; 1Ch 1:17<br />

LUDIM #3105<br />

1 Son of Mizraim: Ge 10:13; 1Ch 1:11<br />

2 Descendants of Ludim: Ge 10:13<br />

2.1 Warriors: Isa 66:19; Jer 46:9; Eze 27:10;<br />

30:5<br />

LUHITH #3106<br />

1 A city of Moab: Isa 15:5; Jer 48:5<br />

LUKE #3107<br />

1 (A disciple)<br />

2 A physician: Col 4:14<br />

3 Wrote to Theophilus: Lu 1:1-4; Ac 1:1,2<br />

4 Accompanies Paul in his tour of Asia <strong>and</strong><br />

Macedonia: Ac 16:10-13; 20:5,6<br />

5 To Jerusalem: Ac 21:1-18<br />

6 To Rome: Ac 27; 28; 2Ti 4:11; Phm 1:24<br />

LUKEWARMNESS #3108<br />

1 FIGURATIVE: Jer 9:3; Eze 13:5; 16:30; Ho<br />

6:4; 10:2; Hag 1:2,4-11; 2:15,16; Mt 26:41; Re<br />

2:4; 3:2,15,16<br />

1.1 See BACKSLIDING<br />



2.1 The Reubenites, when Deborah called<br />

on <strong>the</strong>m to assist Sisera: Jud 5:16<br />

2.2 The Jews under Nehemiah: Ne 3:5; 13:11<br />

2.3 A congregation at<br />

2.3.1 Pergamos: : Re 2:14-16<br />

2.3.2 Thyatira: Re 2:20-24<br />

2.3.3 Sardis: Re 3:1-3<br />

2.3.4 Laodicea: Re 3:14-16<br />

LUNACY #3109<br />

1 See INSANITY<br />

2 See DEMONS<br />

LUST #3110<br />

1 Evil desire: Ge 3:6; Ex 20:17; Job 31:9-12;<br />

Ps 81:12; Pr 6:24,25; Mt 5:28; Mr 4:19; Joh<br />

8:44; 1Co 9:27; 10:6,7; Eph 4:22; 1Ti 6:9; 2Ti<br />

2:22; 4:3,4; Tit 2:12; Jas 1:14,15; 4:1-3; 1Pe<br />

2:11; 4:3; 2Pe 2:18; 3:3; 1Jo 2:16,17; Jude<br />

1:16,18<br />

2 See ADULTERY<br />


4 See INCEST<br />


6 See SENSUALITY<br />

7 See SODOMY<br />

LYCAONIA #3111<br />

1 (A province of Asia Minor)<br />

2 Paul visits towns of: Ac 14:6-21; 16:1,2<br />

LYCIA #3112<br />

1 A province of Asia Minor<br />

2 Paul visits: Ac 27:5<br />

LYDDA #3113<br />

1 Also called LOD<br />

2 A city of <strong>the</strong> tribe of Benjamin: 1Ch 8:12;<br />

Ezr 2:33; Ne 11:35<br />

3 Peter heals Aeneas in: Ac 9:32-35<br />

LYDIA #3114<br />

1 A woman of Thyatira, who with her<br />

household was converted through <strong>the</strong><br />

preaching of Paul: Ac 16:14,15

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