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These books were narrated by Muhammed b. Muhammed, al‐Husayn b. ‘Ubayd Allah, Muhammed b. al‐Hasan, and a group (of narrators).[4] [1] Ibid. [2] Ibn al‐Nadeem, al‐Fihrast, p. 328. [3] Ibid. [4] Al‐Shaykh al‐Toosi, al‐Fihrast. G. His Death He passed a way in the City of Peace (Baghdad) in the year 182 A. H. at the age of 57 years. Muhammed, the crown prince of al‐Rashid, performed the prayer over him; that was at the time when Imam Musa was at a dark prison.[1] 214. ‘Ammar Bin Musa al‐Sabati He has been given the Kunya of Abu al‐Yaqdan. He was a Kufan and lived in al‐Medain. He narrated traditions on the authority of Abi ‘Abd Allah and Abi al‐Hasan, Musa, peace be on them, who has said: “I asked my Lord to give me ‘Ammar al‐Sabati, and He gave him to me.”[2] The biographers have mentioned that he was a Fatahi. Shaykh al‐Tusi has mentioned: “A Group (of traditionists) have regarded ‘Ammar al‐Sabati as weak and mentioned that he is a traditionist. They have also mentioned that what he narrated alone cannot be put into practice, for he was a Fatahi, but we cannot criticize him in this way, for though he is so, he is reliable in reporting (traditions); none can criticize him for that.”[3] Al‐Shaykh al‐Baha’i has said: “He is trustworthy and great; he is among the companions of Imam al‐Sadiq and al‐Kazim; the traditions reported by him are like the authentic ones.”[4] Al‐Shaykh al‐Mufeed has numbered him as among the great figures from whom the lawful, the unlawful, religious decisions, and precepts are taken, and whom none can criticize. He has a book narrated by a group (of narrators).”[5] 215. ‘Ammar Bin al‐Minhal Bin Meqlas al‐Qaysi. He narrated traditions on the authority of Abi ‘Abd Allah and Abi al‐Hasan, peace be on them. He had two sons: Ahmed and al‐Hasan, who were both traditionists. He has a book.[6] He has been mentioned as trustworthy (in the two books entitled) al‐Wajiza and al‐Baligha. 216. ‘Amru Bin Riyah He narrated traditions on the authority of Abi ‘Abd Allah and Abi al‐Hasan, peace be on them. He was a Waqifite, and so were his sons. Al‐‘Allama (al‐Hilli) and al‐Sayyid b. Tawus have said: “He (‘Amru Bin Riyah) belonged to the Tabaria, which is a sect of the Zaydiya.[7] Presented by &

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