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pheasant, it has not been mentioned in the books we have, as professor Gorge Fida says.[2] Anyway, the caliphs launched a violent campaign against the unbelievers. Unfortunately this campaign was against the innocent more than it was against the real atheists. We will explain that. Going too far in Accusing Those accused of atheism and apostasy from religion were not real atheists. Rather some of them were accused of atheism for some political reasons. The caliphs used this accusation as means to put an end to their opponents from among the Hashimites. For example, one of the sons of Dauwd b. ‘Ali and of Ya‘qub b. al‐Fedl were accused of atheism and were brought to Al‐Mehdi. As this Caliph had made a covenant not to kill them, he ordered them to be imprisoned. However, he ordered his son al‐Hadi to kill them after his undertaking the caliphate. The accusation of atheism included all those who opposed the caliphs and refused to perform the prayers behind them. An example of that is Shurayk al‐Qaadi (the [1] Al‐ Tabari, Tarikh, vol. 6, p. 388. [2] Al‐Ilhad fi al‐Islam, pp. 28‐29. judge). He did not believe in performing the prayers behind al‐Mehdi. So al‐Mehdi ordered him to be brought. He was brought before him and he said to him: “O son of the adulteress!” “Slow, Commander of the faithful, ”Shurayk retorted, “she fasted and performed prayers!” “O atheist,” said al‐Mehdi, “I will kill you!” Shurayk smiled and said: “Commander of the faithful, the atheists have signs through which they are recognized. They drink wine and associate with songstresses!” So al‐Mehdi kept silent and was unable to answer.[1] This story indicates that the caliphs went tool far in accusing people of atheism to the extent that they included all those whom they hated. Shurayk’s answer also indicates that the atheism were recognized through some marks such as drinking wine and associating with songstresses. As a result the atheist was dissolute and mischievous. For this reason Adam, the grandson of ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al‐‘Aziz, was arrested. He was accused of atheism because he was dissolute and mischievous. He went too far in drinking wine. While he was drunk, he composed some poetry lines in which he violated the sacredness of the religion. He says: Give me and my bosom friend to drink wine throughout the long night. It has a clear, yellow color; it is like excellent musk. It tastes like ginger on one’s tongue. Its bright smell comes from a distance of a mile. Presented by &

pheasant, it has not been mentioned in the books we have, as professor Gorge Fida says.[2]<br />

Anyway, the caliphs launched a violent campaign against the unbelievers. Unfortunately this<br />

campaign was against the innocent more than it was against the real atheists. We will explain<br />

that.<br />

Going too far in Accusing<br />

Those accused of atheism and apostasy from religion were not real atheists. Rather some of them<br />

were accused of atheism for some political reasons. The caliphs used this accusation as means to<br />

put an end to their opponents from among the Hashimites. For example, one of the sons of<br />

Dauwd b. ‘Ali and of Ya‘qub b. al‐Fedl were accused of atheism and were brought to Al‐Mehdi. As<br />

this Caliph had made a covenant not to kill them, he ordered them to be imprisoned. However, he<br />

ordered his son al‐Hadi to kill them after his undertaking the caliphate.<br />

The accusation of atheism included all those who opposed the caliphs and refused to perform the<br />

prayers behind them. An example of that is Shurayk al‐Qaadi (the<br />

[1] Al‐ Tabari, Tarikh, vol. 6, p. 388.<br />

[2] Al‐Ilhad fi al‐Islam, pp. 28‐29.<br />

judge). He did not believe in performing the prayers behind al‐Mehdi. So al‐Mehdi ordered him to<br />

be brought. He was brought before him and he said to him: “O son of the adulteress!” “Slow,<br />

Commander of the faithful, ”Shurayk retorted, “she fasted and performed prayers!” “O atheist,”<br />

said al‐Mehdi, “I will kill you!”<br />

Shurayk smiled and said: “Commander of the faithful, the atheists have signs through which they<br />

are recognized. They drink wine and associate with songstresses!” So al‐Mehdi kept silent and was<br />

unable to answer.[1] This story indicates that the caliphs went tool far in accusing people of<br />

atheism to the extent that they included all those whom they hated. Shurayk’s answer also<br />

indicates that the atheism were recognized through some marks such as drinking wine and<br />

associating with songstresses. As a result the atheist was dissolute and mischievous. For this<br />

reason Adam, the grandson of ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al‐‘Aziz, was arrested. He was accused of atheism<br />

because he was dissolute and mischievous. He went too far in drinking wine. While he was drunk,<br />

he <strong>com</strong>posed some poetry lines in which he violated the sacredness of the religion. He says:<br />

Give me and my bosom friend to drink wine throughout the long night.<br />

It has a clear, yellow color; it is like excellent musk.<br />

It tastes like ginger on one’s tongue.<br />

Its bright smell <strong>com</strong>es from a distance of a mile.<br />

Presented by http://www.alhassanain.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.islamicblessings.<strong>com</strong>

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