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said: “‘O Shamara gardens, there is nothing like you in view. I have ophthalmia that has made the doctor tired. Your earth is camphor; your light is a flower giving a good scent after plowing. “When Harun woke and ordered me to sing him a song, I song him these lines. So he said: ‘Woe unto you! Where is Shamara? I told him about the story. So he ordered fourteen thousand dinars to be given to me, and I bought it.”[2] 3. Yehya al‐Mekki song Harun a song and delighted him, and he said to him: “O Yehya, rise and take what is in the house.” Yehya thought that there were carpets and garments in the house. However, he found in it notes and coins. They were carried before him. When they were counted, they were fifty thousand dirhams.[3] 4. Yehya song him a song through this poetry line When does the thousands meet with all the camels that ascend a valley and descend to a valley? So Harun had wine until evening, and then he ordered ten thousand dirhams to be given to him.[4] 5. Al‐Rashid became angry with al‐Mousili and ordered him to be imprisoned. One day he sat and remembered his good songs, so he said: “If al‐Mousili was present, [1] Abu al‐Farajj al‐Asfahani, al‐Aghani, vol.,4 p. 74. [2] Ibid, vol. 5, pp. 174‐175. [3] Ibid, vol. 6, p. 187. [4] Ibid., p. 185. our affair and delight would be perfect.” Accordingly, one of those who were sitting with him said to him: “Commander of the faithful, shall we bring him? He did not commit a great crime.” So he sent for him. When he stood before him, he ordered him to sing him a song. So he sang him a song through this poetry line: Ni‘man’s belly exudes musk when she walks among ashamed women. Al‐Rashid became delighted. He ordered the shackles to be untied. Then he ordered him to be covered with robes of honor, and ordered thirty thousand dirhams to be given to him.[1] 6. Ibrahim al‐Mousili sang al‐ Rashid one of his best songs, and he became so delighted that he said: “I have never heard a song greater in gathering generosity, delight, and good skill than this one!” So Ibrahim asked him: “If a man granted you two hundred thousand dirhams, would you be delighted at it or at this song?” “By Allah, I am more delighted at this song than the two million dirhams,” al‐Rashid replied. Presented by &

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