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abundant reason is the best thing with which man endowed, for he through it reaches the happiness in this world and wins the hereafter. Imam Musa, peace be on him, has said: "O Hisham, most surely, Allah has two proofs over men: outward proof and inward one. As for the outward proof, it is the messengers, the prophets, and the Imams. As for the inward proof, it is reason." "O Hisham, most surely, the sane is he whose gratitude is not occupied by the lawful nor does his steadfastness is overcome by the unlawful." In the last paragraphs of his speech, Imam Musa, peace be on him, has dealt with some states of the wise who are grateful to Allah, the Most High, in spite of the many favors He bestow upon them, and who are steadfast regardless of misfortunes and disasters. Imam Musa, peace be on him, has said: "O Hisham, whoever empowers three (things) over three (things) is as if that he helped (them) demolish his reason. Whoever makes dark the light of his reflection through his drawn out expectations, erases his original wisdom with his surplus speech, and puts out the light of his learning a lesson with his own pleasures as if that he helped his desire demolish his reason. Whoever demolishes his reason spoils his religion and his life in this world." In his speech, the Imam has mentioned that man has two different forces; they are reason and low desire; each of them has three qualities that contradict the other ones. As for the qualities of reason, they are: reflection, wisdom, and learning a lesson (from experiences); as for the qualities of the low desire, they are: drawn out expectations, surplus speech, and indulgence in pleasures. As for the drawn out expectations in the world, they prevent man from reflecting on the affairs of the hereafter and make him desirous of the affairs of this world; this is the meaning of Imam Musa's speech: "Makes dark the light of his reflection through his drawn out expectations." Most surely, drawn out expectations make darkness replace the light of reflection and veil reason from moving about in the good field. As for the surplus speech, it erases the original wisdom from soul. As for the indulgence in pleasures and devotion to desires, they blind the heart, take away the light of faith, remove the light of the insight and of learning lessons (from experiences). Therefore, whoever empowers these three evil qualities over his own soul, certainly help them demolish his own reason; whoever demolishes his reason, certainly spoils his religion and his life in this world. Imam Musa, peace be on him, has said: "O Hisham, how do your deeds grow with Allah while you have diverted your heart from the Command of your Lord and obeyed your low desire due to your overcome reason? "O Hisham, steadfastness during loneliness is a sign of strong reason. So whoever has knowledge of Allah, isolates himself from the people of this world and those who crave after it, desires that which is with Allah. Allah is his bosom friend during loneliness, enriches him during poverty, and Presented by &

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