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knowledgeable of them in all sciences. For he should perfect men, purify their souls, educate them with knowledge and good deeds; He it is Who raised among the illiterates an Apostle from among themselves, who recites to them His communications and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom. The imperfect (person) cannot perfect (men); one who is void (of knowledge) does not give (knowledge), so in respect with the outstanding qualities, the Imam is inferior to the Prophet and superior to men."[2] This is the frank opinion of the Shi'a concerning the knowledge of the Imam, which has no excessiveness of which their opponents have accused. The Designation of the Imam for the Imamate The Shi'a have unanimously agreed that neither the community nor those in power have the right to designate the Imam, that electing the Imam is null and void, and that choosing him is impossible, for the Imam is similar to the prophet. The prophet is not designated according to man's election and desire, and so is the Imam. That is because the Infallibility, which is a condition in the Imamate with them, is not known by anyone except Allah, Who is fully aware of the secrets of souls and inward thoughts. So He it is Who grants it for whom He pleases of His servants and chooses for the office of the Imamate and Caliphate. As for that whether it is permissible to nominate and elect the Imam and the prophet for these divine offices, it is that Allah Who designate them. This has been shown in the Holy Book in which Allah, the Exalted, has said: O Dawood, surely We have made you a ruler in the land; so judge between men with justice. [3] And your Lord creates and chooses whom he pleases; to choose is not theirs; glory be to Allah, and exalted be He above what they associate (with Him).[4] The Imamate is just like the prophethood concerning which there is no need to resort to the election and will of the community. The Shi'a have concluded this belief from the successive traditions [1] 'Aqa'id al‐Imamiya, pp. 51‐54. [2] Asl al‐Shi'a wa Usoolaha, p. 103, al‐ 'Urfan edition. [3] Surat Saad, verse 26. [4] Surat al‐Qasas, verse 68. transmitted from the Imams of Ahl al‐Bayt, peace be on them. Among these traditions is that which has been given as a proof by (Imam al‐Mehdi), the Proof of Allah (hujjat Allah) and His vicegerent over His creatures. He will make straight the crookedness of the right, set right those corrupt precepts have been fabricated by some people and ascribed to the religious regime, the rightly‐guided one of this community, may Allah hasten his coming. That was when he was asked by Sa'd b. 'Abd Allah about the reason why men are prevented from choosing an Imam for themselves, and he, peace be on him, answered him, saying: Presented by &

knowledgeable of them in all sciences. For he should perfect men, purify their souls, educate<br />

them with knowledge and good deeds; He it is Who raised among the illiterates an Apostle from<br />

among themselves, who recites to them His <strong>com</strong>munications and purifies them, and teaches them<br />

the Book and the Wisdom. The imperfect (person) cannot perfect (men); one who is void (of<br />

knowledge) does not give (knowledge), so in respect with the outstanding qualities, the Imam is<br />

inferior to the Prophet and superior to men."[2]<br />

This is the frank opinion of the Shi'a concerning the knowledge of the Imam, which has no<br />

excessiveness of which their opponents have accused.<br />

The Designation of the Imam for the Imamate<br />

The Shi'a have unanimously agreed that neither the <strong>com</strong>munity nor those in power have the right<br />

to designate the Imam, that electing the Imam is null and void, and that choosing him is<br />

impossible, for the Imam is similar to the prophet. The prophet is not designated according to<br />

man's election and desire, and so is the Imam. That is because the Infallibility, which is a condition<br />

in the Imamate with them, is not known by anyone except Allah, Who is fully aware of the secrets<br />

of souls and inward thoughts. So He it is Who grants it for whom He pleases of His servants and<br />

chooses for the office of the Imamate and Caliphate. As for that whether it is permissible to<br />

nominate and elect the Imam and the prophet for these divine offices, it is that Allah Who<br />

designate them. This has been shown in the Holy Book in which Allah, the Exalted, has said: O<br />

Dawood, surely We have made you a ruler in the land; so judge between men with justice. [3] And<br />

your Lord creates and chooses whom he pleases; to choose is not theirs; glory be to Allah, and<br />

exalted be He above what they associate (with Him).[4] The Imamate is just like the prophethood<br />

concerning which there is no need to resort to the election and will of the <strong>com</strong>munity. The Shi'a<br />

have concluded this belief from the successive traditions<br />

[1] 'Aqa'id al‐Imamiya, pp. 51‐54.<br />

[2] Asl al‐Shi'a wa Usoolaha, p. 103, al‐ 'Urfan edition.<br />

[3] Surat Saad, verse 26.<br />

[4] Surat al‐Qasas, verse 68.<br />

transmitted from the Imams of Ahl al‐Bayt, peace be on them. Among these traditions is that<br />

which has been given as a proof by (Imam al‐Mehdi), the Proof of Allah (hujjat Allah) and His<br />

vicegerent over His creatures. He will make straight the crookedness of the right, set right those<br />

corrupt precepts have been fabricated by some people and ascribed to the religious regime, the<br />

rightly‐guided one of this <strong>com</strong>munity, may Allah hasten his <strong>com</strong>ing. That was when he was asked<br />

by Sa'd b. 'Abd Allah about the reason why men are prevented from choosing an Imam for<br />

themselves, and he, peace be on him, answered him, saying:<br />

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