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6. He, peace be on him, said: “Man feels aversion for three days: on the day when he is born and<br />

sees the world; on the day when he dies and sees the people in the hereafter; and on the day<br />

when he is raised to life and sees precepts he did not see in the world. Allah greeted Yehya on<br />

these three days and removed his fear, saying: And peace be on him on the day he was born, and<br />

on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life. ‘Isa b. Maryam greeted himself on these<br />

three days, saying: And peace be on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the<br />

day I am raised to life.”[2]<br />

7. He, peace be on him, said: “If one walks behind another, he will subject the followed to<br />

tribulation and abase himself.”[3]<br />

8. He, peace be on him, said: “Establishing justice and showing kindness make boons continue.”[4]<br />

9. He, peace be on him, said: “Wealth is not accumulated except by five means: extreme<br />

miserliness, a long‐standing optimism, an overwhelming care, a boycott of the relatives, and a<br />

preference of this life over the life to <strong>com</strong>e.”[5]<br />

10.He, peace be on him, said: “Assisting the weak is better for you than your act of charity.”[6]<br />

11. He, peace be on him, said: “Whoever loves the disobedient, then he is disobedient; whoever<br />

loves the obedient, then he is obedient. Whoever helps the oppressive, then he is oppressive;<br />

whoever deserts the just, then he is unjust. There is no kinship between Allah and anyone. None<br />

can attain the friendship of Allah except through obedience. (In this respect) Allah’s Apostle, may<br />

Allah bless him and his family, said to the Banu ‘Abd al‐Muttalib: ‘Give me your (good) deeds, not<br />

your ancestry and lineage.’ Allah, the Most High, said: So when the trumpet is blown, there shall<br />

be no ties of relationship between them on that day, nor shall they ask of each other. Then as for<br />

those whose good deeds are preponderant, these are the successful. And as for those whose good<br />

deeds are light, these are they who shall have lost their souls, abiding in hell.”[7]<br />

[1] Ibid.<br />

[2] Noor al‐Abbsar, p. 140.<br />

[3] Al‐Yaqubi, Tarikh, vol. 3, p. 181.<br />

[4] 'Uyun Akhbar al‐Rida, vol. 2, p. 24.<br />

[5] Ibid., vol. 1, p. 276.<br />

[6] Tuhaf al‐'Uqool, p. 446.<br />

[7] 'Uyun Akhbar al‐Rida, vol. 2, p. 235.<br />

12. He, peace be on him, said: “Allah abhors heresy, the loss of one’s funds (through foolishness),<br />

and excessive questioning.”[1]<br />

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