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Pre-Raphaelite Style of the 1890s. However, the source of<br />

inspiration changed later, as F. F. Farag remarks.<br />

There is no doubt that the style and the subject matter of<br />

his early poems reveal a heterogeneous effort in the<br />

direction of the aesthetes whom his father taught him to<br />

admire. However, we cannot dispose of the whole period in<br />

this sweeping fashion. Although the Pre-Raphaelite diction of<br />

his poetry remained throughout this phase. Yeats's .inspiration<br />

after 1885 came from a different quarter. With the<br />

appearance of the Indian Missionary, Mohini Chatte ji on the<br />

scene, a new note entered Yeats's poetry.=<br />

Yeats was stimulated by the East, especially, by India and<br />

Arabia. The interest in India was not with the '~ndia of politicians<br />

or historians or travellers, but an India of pure romance which<br />

bears some subtle yet obvious relation to old romantic Ireland:!<br />

Similarly the interest in Arabia, too, related to an Arabia of 'pure<br />

romance' like the old romantic Ireland:<br />

1 do not wish to overestimate the importance of Arabia and<br />

the Arabs in the study of Yeats, but his interest in them in<br />

fact stands on the same level as his interest in Indian<br />

philose, Japanese drama, occult practices, magic and the<br />

theo~ophy.~<br />

W. B. Yeats attempted to establish a relationship between<br />

~urope and Asia by bringing to light those elements which are<br />

reconcilable. He dreamed of sowing oriental thought in the west.<br />

In fact several artists and men of letters shared Yeats9 preoccupa-<br />

tion with Orient. Laurence Binyon studied Japanese and Chinese<br />

painting, Florence Farr and Sturge Moore studied Buddhism, Ezra<br />

Pound and Arthur WaIey translated Japanese and Chinese works. In<br />

America Emerson and Whitman turned to the East. T.S. Eliot applied<br />

himself to Sanskrit. Max Muller was publishing translations of the<br />

literature of the East. Once, in a letter to his friend Ethel Mannin,<br />

Yeats wrote:<br />

Our tradition only permit us to bless, for the arts are an<br />

extention of the beautitudes. Blessed be heroic death<br />

(Shakespeare's tragedies), blessed be heroic life (Cervantes),<br />

blessed be the wise (Balzac). Then there is a still more<br />

convincing reason why we'should not admit ppaganda into<br />

our lives. I shall write out the style of The Ambian Nights<br />

(which I am reading daily).'<br />

From 1912 to 1915 yeats was , influenced by Rabindranath<br />

Tagore, in whose work, he observed. a supreme culture full of<br />

purity and passion. This made Yeats re-examine the nature of his<br />

vork and he 'kept an eye cocked for other Eastern sages.*a Yeats,<br />

thus stated in a letter to Olivia Shakespeare:

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