Exc. 1: Hartley mixer Hartley mixer cancells the image ... - Oulu

Exc. 1: Hartley mixer Hartley mixer cancells the image ... - Oulu

Exc. 1: Hartley mixer Hartley mixer cancells the image ... - Oulu


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RF LO + IF<br />

90 -<br />

90<br />

signal <strong>image</strong><br />

RF<br />

LO<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

<strong>Exc</strong>. 1: <strong>Hartley</strong> <strong>mixer</strong><br />

<strong>Hartley</strong> <strong>mixer</strong> <strong>cancells</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>image</strong> sideband: only signal<br />

will appear in IF port, while <strong>image</strong> is cancelled. This<br />

can be seen using Matlab file hartley.m that convolves<br />

<strong>the</strong> line spectrums given<br />

Do:<br />

• select lower sideband<br />

• select upper sideband<br />

• check <strong>the</strong> effect of 10% error in LO phase shift<br />

<strong>Exc</strong>. 2: AM/AM test<br />

In amam.i AM/AM and AM/PM curves are simulated<br />

using 1-tone harmonic balance<br />

Do:<br />

• Check <strong>the</strong> effect of biasing <strong>the</strong> device in class B or C<br />

by reducing <strong>the</strong> base voltage by 50 mV.<br />

1<br />


itest<br />

XIN<br />

RB<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

1 1 1 1<br />

4 1 1 4<br />

XOUT<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

<strong>Exc</strong>. 3: Measuring Zin<br />

In pierce.i, a CMOS Pierce oscillator is characterized<br />

by driving it by a 1-tone test current source and measuring<br />

<strong>the</strong> voltage that developes across port XOUT-XIN.<br />

Oscillation criteria is that Zamp(Amp) = -Zresonator(f),<br />

so<br />

Find<br />

• excact oscillation amplitude if Re(Zreson) = 18 ohm.<br />

• find Im(Zamp) at that point and note that it will pull<br />

<strong>the</strong> resonance frequency.<br />

Note that due to large RB <strong>the</strong> circuit settles slowly, and<br />

similar amplitude sweep using transient analysis would<br />

be very slow.<br />

<strong>Exc</strong>. 4: Measuring IIP3<br />

In mtanhiip3.i, both conventional and multi-tanh differential<br />

pair are measured using a 2-tone input signal.<br />

The figures are in Chapter 6, when driven from 50 differential<br />

source.<br />

• Run <strong>the</strong> same simulations when driven from 500<br />

ohms<br />

3<br />


Maple<br />

.net<br />

rules<br />

Matlab<br />

.mws<br />

function<br />

calls<br />

netlist nli_main<br />

+sweeps<br />

calculation<br />

of<br />

kernels<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

voltrules.txt for Maple:<br />

restart;<br />

with(linalg); # initialisation<br />

Maple<br />

Matlab<br />

# nonlin 2nd order current of 1-dim. conductance<br />

# v1,v2 are 1st order voltages at w1, w2<br />

# KV is a vector containing K1,K2,K3<br />

gH2 := proc(v1,v2,KV) ;<br />

KV[2]*v1*v2;<br />

end;<br />

# nonlin 3rd order current of 1-dim. conductance<br />

# v1,v2,v3 are 1st order voltages at w1, w2, w3<br />

# v12, v13,... are 2nd order voltages at w1+w2,<br />

# w1+w3, ...<br />

gH3 := proc(v1,v2,v3,v12,v13,v23,KV) local t1,t2;<br />

t1 := KV[3]*v1*v2*v3;<br />

t2 := 2/3*KV[2]*(v1*v23 + v2*v13 + v3*v12);<br />

evalm(t1+t2); # matrix addition<br />

end;<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />


Volterra kernels can be analyzed symbolically using<br />

Maple and numerically using Matlab. In both cases,<br />

<strong>the</strong> following needs to be done:<br />

• describe circuit topology with MNA matrix<br />

• show <strong>the</strong> location of inputs<br />

• list <strong>the</strong> control and output nodes of nonlinear components<br />

Calculation proceeds so that using linear response,<br />

controlling voltages are calculated (in general <strong>the</strong>y are<br />

differential, e.g. v1[3]-v1[4] is voltage between nodes<br />

3 and 4 at frequency w1), and usign <strong>the</strong>m, 2nd order<br />

currents in nonlinear components are calculated (gH2()<br />

and cH2() in Maple).<br />

These currents are now <strong>the</strong> 2nd order input vector for<br />

<strong>the</strong> circuit, and <strong>the</strong>ir voltage response is calculated<br />

using linear model t frequency w1+w2.<br />

Then, using 1st and 2nd order controlling voltages, 3rd<br />

order distortion currents are calculated, injected to <strong>the</strong><br />

circuit and voltage responses are calculated.<br />

# nonlin 2nd order current of a 1-dim cap.<br />

#<br />

cH2 := proc(v1,v2,KV,w1,w2) ;<br />

I*(w1+w2)*KV[2]*v1*v2;<br />

end;<br />

# nonlin 3rd order current of a 1-dim cap.<br />

#<br />

cH3 := proc(v1,v2,v3,v12,v13,v23,KV,w1,w2,w3)<br />

local t1,t2;<br />

t1 := K3*v1*v2*v3;<br />

t2 := 2/3*K2*(v1*v23 + v2*v13 + v3*v12);<br />

I*(w1+w2+w3)*(t1+t2);<br />

end;<br />

5<br />


I in 1<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

gmramp.net<br />

1<br />

+<br />

-<br />

g mA<br />

## INV AMP: gm loaded by ano<strong>the</strong>r gm and cap<br />

#<br />

# IV: input position, gmXv: K1, K2, K3 of cond. X<br />

#<br />

Iv := vector([ 1, 0]); #linear input signal<br />

gmAv := vector([ gmA, gmA*K2, gmA*K3]);<br />

gmBv := vector([ gmB, gmB*K2, gmB*K3]);<br />

2<br />

C<br />

g mB<br />

# H1 calcs v vector for given current vector input Iin<br />

H1 := proc(w,Iin) local Y;<br />

# MNA admittance matrix<br />

Y := matrix( [<br />

[1, 0 ], # node 1<br />

[gmA , (gmB + I*w*C)] ]); # node 2<br />

evalm( inverse(Y) &* Iin);<br />

end;<br />

H2 := proc(w1,w2)<br />

local v1,v2,inA,inB,H2A,H2B;<br />

v1 := H1(w1,Iv); # 1st order voltage at w1<br />

v2 := H1(w2,Iv); # 1st order voltage at w2<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

-<br />

+<br />

<strong>Exc</strong>. 5: Finding Volterra transfer function for amp<br />

In gmramp.net, <strong>the</strong> amplifier on left is described. Current<br />

equations in nodes 1 and 2 are<br />

1 ⋅ v1 = Iin jωC ⋅ v2 = – gmA ⋅ v1 + gmB ⋅ ( – v2) which in matrix form is<br />

1 0 v1 ⋅<br />

gmA ( gmB + jωC ) v2 Next, in voltrules.txt basic rules for Volterra kernels in<br />

Maple are shown, and next, in gmramp.net, <strong>the</strong> circuit<br />

and positions of distortion current sources are shown.<br />

Do:<br />

• derive 2nd order Volterra response<br />

• modify gmramp.net such that <strong>the</strong> control and output<br />

polarity of g mB are changed. It does not affect linear<br />

transfer function but does affect distortion.<br />

# distortion currents and voltages caused by <strong>the</strong>m<br />

inA := gH2(v1[1],v2[1],gmAv); # calc current<br />

H2A := H1(w1+w2,vector([0,-inA]));# inject it<br />

inB := gH2(-v1[2],-v2[2],gmBv);<br />

H2B := H1(w1+w2,vector([0,+inB]));<br />

evalm(H2A + H2B);<br />

end;<br />

H3 := proc(w1,w2,w3)<br />

local v1,v2,v3, v23,v13,v12,inA,inB,H2A,H2B;<br />

v1 := H1(w1,Iv); v2 := H1(w2,Iv); # 1st order<br />

v3 := H1(w3,Iv); v12 := H2(w1,w2);<br />

v13 := H2(w1,w3); v23 := H2(w2,w3); # 2nd ord<br />

# distortion currents and voltages caused by GA,GB<br />

inA :=<br />

gH3(v1[1],v2[1],v3[1],v12[1],v13[1],v23[1],gmAv);<br />

H2A := H1(w1+w2+w3,vector([0,-inA]));<br />

inB := gH3(-v1[2],-v2[2],-v3[2],-v12[2],-v13[2],v23[2],gmBv);<br />

H2B := H1(w1+w2+w3,vector([0,+inB]));<br />

evalm(H2A + H2B);<br />

end;<br />

=<br />

I in<br />

0<br />

7<br />


I in<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

virtap.net:<br />

+<br />

-<br />

1<br />

-<br />

gmA C gmB go<br />

restart;<br />

with(linalg);<br />

# current mirror<br />

# IV: input position, gmXv: K1, K2, K3 of cond. X<br />

Iv := vector([ 1, 0]);<br />

gmAv := vector([ gmA, gmA*K2, gmA*K3]);<br />

gmBv := vector([ gmB, gmB*K2, gmB*K3]);<br />

# H1: lin. voltage at w with input Iin<br />

H1 := proc(w,Iin) local Y;<br />

#<br />

Y := matrix( [<br />

[(gmA+I*w*C), 0], # node 1<br />

[ gmB , g0] ]); # node 2<br />

evalm( inverse(Y) &* Iin); # solve voltage vect.<br />

end;<br />

H2 := proc(w1,w2)<br />

local v1,v2,inA,inB,H2A,H2B;<br />

v1 := H1(w1,Iv);<br />

v2 := H1(w2,Iv);<br />

(C) 1999- Timo Rahkonen, University of <strong>Oulu</strong>, <strong>Oulu</strong>, Finland<br />

+<br />

2<br />

<strong>Exc</strong>. 6: Finding Volterra for current mirror<br />

In virtap.net, a current mirror on left is described.<br />

Current equations in nodes 1 and 2 are<br />

jωC ⋅ v1 = Iin – gmA ⋅ v1 go ⋅ v2 which in matrix form is<br />

= – gmB ⋅ v1 ( gmA + jωC ) 0<br />

g mB<br />

Its description for Maple is shown on <strong>the</strong> next page.<br />

g o<br />

# distortion currents and voltages caused by <strong>the</strong>m<br />

inA := gH2(v1[1],v2[1],gmAv);<br />

H2A := H1(w1+w2,vector([-inA,0]));<br />

inB := gH2(v1[1],v2[1],gmBv);<br />

H2B := H1(w1+w2,vector([0,-inB]));<br />

evalm(H2A + H2B);<br />

end;<br />

H3 := proc(w1,w2,w3)<br />

local v1,v2,v3, v23,v13,v12,inA,inB,H2A,H2B;<br />

v1 := H1(w1,Iv); v2 := H1(w2,Iv);<br />

v3 := H1(w3,Iv); v12 := H2(w1,w2);<br />

v13 := H2(w1,w3); v23 := H2(w2,w3);<br />

# distortion currs and voltages caused by M1,M2<br />

inA :=<br />

gH3(v1[1],v2[1],v3[1],v12[1],v13[1],v23[1],gmAv);<br />

H2A := H1(w1+w2+w3,vector([-inA,0]));<br />

inB :=<br />

gH3(v1[1],v2[1],v3[1],v12[1],v13[1],v23[1],gmBv);<br />

H2B := H1(w1+w2+w3,vector([0,-inB]));<br />

evalm(H2A + H2B);<br />

end;<br />

⋅<br />

v 1<br />

v 2<br />

=<br />

I in<br />

0<br />

9<br />


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