Proto-Indo-European Lexicon - Indo-European Grammar ...

Proto-Indo-European Lexicon - Indo-European Grammar ...

Proto-Indo-European Lexicon - Indo-European Grammar ...


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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

morphologia synt. obseruātiōnes significātiō obseruātiōnes significātiō obseruātiōnes uerba<br />

intr H 3eg 28 aiō affirm state * əgjō<br />

tr proclamō proclaim * əgsājō<br />

fem contiō speech

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas H 2eg( w h)-no 16 agnus lamb * acnos<br />

ind 64 ad at * ad<br />

AIIIo tr praeparō prepare * adejō<br />

AIIa tr H 2edgh circumueniō beset * adghō<br />

es neus ascia axe * adhos<br />

BIf tr HeH i<br />

2-d-; adjō siccō dry (to) * ādmi<br />

neu ritus rite

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem H 2egh iūmentum plough animal * aghjā<br />

adI 59 repellens repellent * aghlós<br />

(aghlewós) fem irrorātiō (bruine) drizzle * aghlóws<br />

BIVb tr affligō afflict

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI actus pushed driven, acted * agtós<br />

sta 39 pudet (mihi) feel ashamed * aichesājō<br />

ej fem 6 aedes hearth home

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

adI<br />

H 1eisk- / H 2eisk- ?<br />

aidh-sk?<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

clārus clear * aiskrós<br />

tr H 2eis- 25 reuereor respect * aisō<br />

tr<br />

H 2eis(o)ske/o-;<br />

aisskō<br />

quaerō request * áisoskō<br />

fem desiderium desire * aisskā<br />

jo fem H 3eH i<br />

2-ti / H 3H i<br />

2-ti 51 pars part * aitis<br />

ind semper always * áiw(es)i<br />

mas 63 aetas (epochē) period * áiwesos<br />

adII H 2eiwo- aeuus eternal (lifetime-lasting) * aiwós<br />

jo fem aetas eternity

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu H 2ei-os aes cūprum brass copper * ajos<br />

jo fem 9 acer maple * ákeris<br />

mas 4 aceruus pile * ákeswos<br />

intr Hº 3H i<br />

2k- aceō be sharp be sour * akējō<br />

fem Hº 3H i<br />

2k- aciēs blade * akjēs<br />

fem buccella bit * akmā<br />

(ákmenos) mas H 2ek-mon 3 lapis stone * akmōn<br />

fem 4 agna prickle * aknā<br />

BIVa tr edō eat * áknāmi<br />

mas Hº 3H i<br />

2k-H 3oH i<br />

2k- 10 acridium scammony sharp plant * akōkós<br />

es neu acus (aceris) chaff * akos<br />

adI<br />

Hº 3(e)H i<br />

2k-ri-,<br />

Hº 3(e)H i<br />

2k-(e)ro-<br />

59 ācer sharp * akris<br />

neu Hº 3H i<br />

2k-ro- promontorium promontory * akrom<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem ascia axe * áksijā<br />

jo mas H 2eg w s-iH 2 axis axle * aksis<br />

fem genista broom (plant) * aksteinos<br />

mas aculeus sting * ákulos<br />

neu Hº 3H i<br />

2k-uHmn̥ acūmen sharpened point * ákūmn̥<br />

ew fem acus needle * akus<br />

excl. heus! hello * alā!<br />

intr ambulō stroll * alājai<br />

adI H 2elbho- 60 albus white * albhos<br />

mas pecūnia money * alchos<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

en mas 8 canālis pecudum trough * aldhōn<br />

(alikós) 10 alica spelt * alēiks<br />

fem H 2el-esno- 9 alnus alder * álesnos<br />

sta algeō be cold * alghējō<br />

id lois H 2el-yo alius another * aljos<br />

ind aliō to another place * áljote<br />

AIIIo tr 69 tueor protect * alkejō<br />

fem cohors court * alkis<br />

tr alō nourish * alō<br />

adI paruus small * alpos<br />

adII alter the other one

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu H 2elu- ceruisia beer * álumn̥<br />

tr HemH, cf. omos 23 amō love (to) (relatives) * amājō<br />

ind<br />

H 2n̥ tbhí ? ><br />

*H 2n̥ tbhí<br />

circum around * ambhí<br />

mas ambhíagots agens publicus public servant * ambhíagtos<br />

neu circuitus circuit

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

et<br />

adI<br />

H 3mH 2-ró<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

amārus sour * amrós<br />

mas cf. āmi 63 mane morning * āmros - āmrei<br />

tr H 2emH 1 dēmetō mow * amsō<br />

ind forsan perhaps * an<br />

mas /<br />

fem H2enH2-t(i)- 13 anas duck * anəts<br />

ind ∂na; H 2en- ad to * ana<br />

fem uirgō maid * ándhesā<br />

tr H 2end(h); cf. kandō accendō kindle * andhō<br />

adI caecus blind * andhos<br />

mas H 2eng-lo rotula angulus articulation corner * anglos<br />

tr remoueō withdraw * anjō<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas H 1enko-; cf. onkos ancus hook * ankos<br />

BIf tr H 2/3enk dōnō bestow * ankmi<br />

ind cf. noqtis anteluciō before dawn * anksí<br />

neu antelucānum time before dawn

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ind H 1enti 64 ante before * antí<br />

adI antiquus antique

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI posterus hint

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu H 2rg- argentum silver * árgn̥tom<br />

adI argus 2 albus white * argis<br />

adI H 2(e)rgró- 2 splendidus brilliant * argrós<br />

tr H 2orgu-je/o 29 arguō reason * argujō<br />

mas dominus sir * arjos<br />

neu armentum cattle (for plowing) * ármn̥tom<br />

mas H 2erH-mo- 18 armus arm (upper part) * armos<br />

neu H 2erom harundō reed * arom<br />

(ā́ renos) mas H 2eH 2r-on/en- rēnēs kidney * ārōn<br />

mas H 2rkwo- 58 arcus bow * arqos<br />

ind adeō precisely * arti<br />

jo fem ars art * artis<br />

mas artus joint * artus<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem H 2er- 11 abellāna hazelnut * árusā<br />

fem aruīna (manteca) butter * arwā<br />

neu<br />

H 2erH 3w-o \ r̥ /n-<br />

'granum' \ -on/n-<br />

'granātus'<br />

1 aruum field * arwom<br />

fem HeH i<br />

2-seH 2 āra altar * āsā<br />

sta HeH i<br />

2-s-ējō 6 areō be dry * āsējō<br />

mas cinis ash * āsos<br />

ej mas astur hawk * astris<br />

mas astus guile * astus<br />

ind re(d) again * ati<br />

mas reliquiae remnant * atiloiqos<br />

fem 14 sparus aurata seabream gilthead * atis<br />

adI H 2et-lo- nōbilis noble * atlos<br />

mas 63 annus year * atnos<br />

mas halitus breath

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI H 1eH 2-tro 60 āter black * ātros<br />

mas 17 tata dad * attās<br />

mas dominus sir * audhos<br />

fem H 2eugeH 2<br />

fascis (luminis) glance * augā́<br />

AIIIo cau cf. wogsejō augeō make grow increase * augejō<br />

AIIIe sta magnus sum be big

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr hauriō empty * ausijō<br />

neu<br />

H 2euso-,<br />

H 2w-es-eH 2<br />

fem ausṓs;<br />

H 2eus-oHs-eH 2<br />

aurum gold * ausom<br />

aurōra dawn * ausōsā<br />

neu matīna morning * ausrom<br />

intr illūcescō dawn (begin to) * áussketi<br />

orientālis eastern * áusteros<br />

ind autem howbeit * aw<br />

fem fons fountain * awā<br />

tr H 2ew 22 desiderō desire * awējō<br />

fem aura breeze * áweljā<br />

fem H 2ewig-sneH 2 10 auēna oat * awigsnā<br />

fem 17 auia grandmother

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr H 2ewi(s) + dheH 1 sentiō feel * awisdhijō<br />

(ávenos) neu fons fountain

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

fem 28<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

bombus drum * bámbalos<br />

locutiō sine<br />

sensu<br />

babble * batā<br />

intr latrō bark * baubājai<br />

intr 65 bēbō bleat * bebājō<br />

neu 42 uis strenght * belom<br />

neu 42 robustus strong

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

cau addicō atribute * bhagō<br />

mas portiō portion * bhagos<br />

fem bheH 2go- 9 fāgus beech * bhāgos<br />

mas 18 pēnis penis * bhalnós<br />

neu affāmen speech * bhāmn̥<br />

fem fāma rumor fame, news * bhāmā<br />

intr bhH 2-moi 28 for speak * bhāmoi<br />

BIVb tr 2 illūminō<br />

bheH 2;<br />

bhH 2neumi,<br />

bheH 2mi<br />

illuminate give light * bháneumi<br />

fem sententia sentence * bhānis<br />

neu 2 illuminātiō lighting

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(bharós) neu 10 far wheat * bhar<br />

fem barba beard * bhardhā<br />

mas 57 fibula brooch * bharkos<br />

fem farīna wheat

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 29 fīdō trust * bheidhō<br />

fem 9 fīcus fig * bheikos<br />

fem bheiq- 12 apēs bee * bheiqlā<br />

mas<br />

non IE? Item<br />

ai. paraśu<br />

ascia axe * bheitlom<br />

AIa intr 45 battuō (ianuam) knock (the door) * bheldō<br />

fem 13 fulica coot * bhelēks<br />

tr H 3bhel prosperō enhance * bheljō<br />

intr 2 superluceō fluoresce * bhelō<br />

intr bhelH; cf. spelō strepō make noise * bhelō<br />

neu 40 dēbilitas weakness * bhelu<br />

fem 34 hyosciamus henbane * bhélunā<br />

(bhémenos) 18 femur thigh * bhemr̥<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 52 ligō (ligāre) bind * bhendhō<br />

mas 23 collēga mate * bhendhros<br />

adI melodicus melodious * bhendos<br />

contusiō hit * bhenjom<br />

(bhergos) fem bherH 2-g 9 betulla birch * bherāgs<br />

AIa tr 55 conseruō keep * bherghō<br />

AIa sta cf. merkō 2 fulgeō glimmer * bherkō<br />

Bia tr bhHr; bher 54 bherō bear * bhermi (bherō)<br />

neu onus burden * bhermn̥<br />

fem fissūra breach * bhernā<br />

ind<br />

bhristi ? cf. testis<br />

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

AIa inc<br />

cf. bhudhjai; caus.<br />

bhoudhejō<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

uigilō be awake * bheudhō<br />

AIa perf. 33 eueniō benē succeed * bheughō<br />

AIa 68 flectō fold * bheugō<br />

tr (liquidō) commisceō knead (with a liquid) * bheurō<br />

fem compendium profit * bhéwedā<br />

BIa / BIIb dur bhwH 2 55 sum be * bhewmi<br />

neu reālitās rēs uēra reality * bhéwonom<br />

jo fem bhūtis, bhūtís nātura nature * bhewtis<br />

neu circumiectus environment * bhewtlom<br />

tr 24 timeō fear * bhíbheimi<br />

mas 56 fiscus vessel * bhidhós<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI acerbus bitter * bhidrós<br />

adI bonus (bonae fidei) good * bhilis<br />

BIVa tr bhiH 45 tundō strike * bhínāmi<br />

cau findō cleave * bhindō<br />

adI bhiH-tó tusus struck * bhītós<br />

fem flamma flame

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa intr inflor inflate * bhleidō<br />

intr 27 fleō weep * bhlēmi<br />

adI 59 sublustris dim * bhlendhos<br />

BIII/AIIIu tr bhelujō dēbilitō weaken

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(bhlēsos) mas bhleH 3-s- flōs flower * bhlōs<br />

sta floreō bloom

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas amnis crook * bhogjos<br />

fem 8 amnis stream * bhoglā<br />

adI<br />

bhoiH-dhH 1o-<br />

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII planipēs barefoot * bhosos<br />

AIIIo cau expergefaciō awaken

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa intr excellō edge * bhrenō<br />

tr 51 disrumpō shatter * bhresjō<br />

(bhrugós) mas frux fruit * bhreugs<br />

en neu 10 frūmentum wheat

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIVc intr surgō rise * bhr̥ghjai<br />

adI bhṛghú- altus high * bhr̥ghos<br />

intr 65 frigō chirp * bhrigijō<br />

tr friō crumble * bhrijājō<br />

cau bhHriyō/bhHruyō 49 incīdō cut open * bhr̥ijō<br />

tr 49 premō press

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 4 cacumen (arboris) summit (of a tree) * bhroigos<br />

fem 9 cedrus cedar * bhrosdhos<br />

neu cf. bhrūnós squāma scale (in skin) * bhrounóm<br />

neu frūstum fragment * bhroustom<br />

mas frōns (frōntis) forehead * bhrówn̥tis<br />

fem 57 cuspis tip * bhr̥stís<br />

fem portātiō bearing * bhr̥tis<br />

fem 70 iuncus bulrush * bhrughnos<br />

AIVa tr bhreuH-g fruor use * bhrūgjai<br />

(bhrugós) mas 18 guttur throat * bhrugs<br />

adI<br />

bhruH-no-; cf.<br />

bhrounó-<br />

spādix brown * bhrūnós<br />

(bhruvós) fem H 3bhruH; bhrews brus eyebrow * bhrūs<br />

BIVa tr 51 defringō break * bhrúsnāmi<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem lorīca cuirass * bhrusnjā<br />

mas pectus breast * bhrusos<br />

neu 51 particula particle

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr osculō kiss * bhusājō<br />

intr 32 percurrō hasten * bhūsjō<br />

fem mansiō dwelling * bhūtā́<br />

tr 45 quatiō hit * bhutjō<br />

adII part. pf. esse been * bhūtós<br />

fem bīlis gall * bistlis<br />

fem 12 blatta cockroach * blaktā<br />

intr 28 blaterō chatter * blatsājō<br />

intr 65 bēbō bleat * blēkājō<br />

mas 7 gutta drop * bn̥dus<br />

adI 41 surdus deaf * bodhrós<br />

mas 16 caper goat * bokkos<br />

AIVd intr explōdō explode * bólboljō<br />

mas 58 cuniculus tunnel * bolkos<br />

intr 27 personō resound * boukājō<br />

adI raucus rough * brenghos<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 13 bubō eagle owl * bughōn<br />

fem 19 bucca mouthful * bukkā<br />

fem gula gullet * cəlā<br />

intr uolō (uolās) fly

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr g w elH 2 abiciō throw away * celō<br />

neu g w elH 1-ono- lauābrum bath-tub * célwonom<br />

intr<br />

g w m̥ jō, g w m̥ -skō;<br />

cm̥ jō, cm̥ skō<br />

33 ueniō come * cemjō<br />

fem g w nH 2; g w ēnis, g w nā mulier woman * cenā<br />

uorō devour * cerbhō<br />

ej neu g w erH- 4 mons mountain * ceri<br />

AIa intr finiō finish * cerjō<br />

AIb tr 28 laudō praise * cerō<br />

sta febriō have fever * cerō<br />

ew neu ueru pike * ceru<br />

BIVb tr<br />

neu berrum watercress * cérurom<br />

(s)g w es(H 2); cesō,<br />

cesjō<br />

exstinguō extinguish * césneumi<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem 9 foliamen branches * cespis<br />

mas bitūmen resin * cetus<br />

es neu 61 immunditia rubbish * ceudhos<br />

adI ghwH 2y-so 59 pulcher beautiful * chaisos<br />

AIa tr chedhō rogō pray * chedhjō<br />

neu 20 fel bile * cheldi<br />

AIa tr H 1ghwel desiderō desire * chelō<br />

cau 42 feriō wound * chendō<br />

tr interficiō murder * chenmi<br />

jo fem cf. chn̥tjā nex death * chentis<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr chorejō 6 calefaciō warm * cherō<br />

es neu calor heat * cheros<br />

neu fīlum wire * chislom<br />

tr 48 fallō deceive * chl̥nō<br />

fem cf. chentis proelium pugna combat fight * chn̥tjā<br />

fem dēsiderium longing * chodhjā<br />

(chkos) fem chōkeH 1? fax torch * chōks<br />

mas sonitus sound * chonos<br />

adI 59 abundans abundant * chonós<br />

adI acerbus bitter * choris<br />

adI chermos, chermós 6 formus warm * chormós<br />

mas chṛnos fornus hearth * chornos<br />

mas<br />

chrensmós;<br />

cf. cherō<br />

6 aestus summer heat * chrensós<br />

intr furō be violent * chr̥jō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIIa inc g w eH 2 33 abeō go away * cícāmi<br />

fem ouīle fold for sheep * cijā<br />

BIVa intr praeualeō prevail * cínāmi<br />

adI laetus lush * cīrós<br />

fem 18 digitus finger * cistis<br />

fem gw H 3itu-, g w H 3itaH<br />

2, g w H 3iwotā<br />

uita life * cītā<br />

adI uīuax lively * cīwāks<br />

mas g w H 3i-wo- uita life * cīwos<br />

adI g w H 3i-wó- uīuus alive * cīwós<br />

mas animāl animal * cīwotos<br />

BIVa intr g w lH praepatior agonise * cl̥nāmi<br />

mas uultur vulture * cl̥turós<br />

fem itus march * cm̥tis<br />

adI conglūtīnōsus viscose * cobhōn<br />

mas saccus sack * coinos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas uterus womb * colbhos<br />

mas cibicida big eater * corós<br />

mas 57 uirga rod * cosdhos<br />

AIIIo tr 28 allūdō mention * cotejō<br />

mas tumōr swelling * cotlós<br />

fem merda shit * coucis<br />

adI 61 immundus dirty

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr g w rH 3 uorō devour * crājō<br />

adI cṛdus inconcinnus clumsy * cr̥dos<br />

adI g w rH 2-to 21 grātus welcome pleasing, grateful * crātós<br />

mas g w reH 2-n /g w reH 2-w mola millstone * crā́wenus<br />

neu gurgustium hovel

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr distribuō divide up * daimoi<br />

fem d(e)H 2i-ti-; d(e)H 2imon- <br />

63 tempus (horae, diēs,annī) time * daitis<br />

(daiwrós) mas 17 leuir brother-in-law * daiwēr<br />

ew neu<br />

akru / dṛk-akru<br />

>drakru > dakru /<br />

skw-akru /H 2ekur -<br />

H 2ekuenos<br />

lacrima tear * dakru<br />

mas sodālis mate * dāmos<br />

mas 8 fluuius river * dānus<br />

BIVb tr carus esse be expensive

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIVb tr deH 2w-- 6 accendō scorch * dáwneumi<br />

fem cibus ignis fuel * dawtis<br />

ind 64 dē from upwards * dē<br />

AIa tr depsō knead * debhō<br />

mas allergia allergy * dedrus<br />

fem rihipicephalus tick * deghā<br />

neu exemplum example

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII decimus tehth * dekəmós<br />

intr decet (mihi) be proper * dekējō<br />

ind dekm(t) decem ten * dekm̥<br />

mas 18 digitus finger * dékm̥tulos<br />

adI dignus worthy

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr 50 abiungō split * delō<br />

es neu aedēs building

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(drewos) neu derH-u; doru 9 lignum (materiēs) wood (material) * deru<br />

AIa tr 54 dūcō drag * deukō<br />

(dukós) and dux leader

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

AIa tr<br />

(H)dhebh;<br />

dhébhneumi<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

dēminuō corrumpō impair * dhebhō<br />

adI dēminutus diminished * dhebhús<br />

AIa dur 6 ardeō burn * dhechō<br />

(dhghmos) mas<br />

dhēdhos auus grandfather * dhēdhjos<br />

mas consultus (documentum) decree * dhedhmós<br />

dhghmós,<br />

dheghoms<br />

humus earth * dheghom<br />

fem inflammātiō inflammation * dheghwis<br />

AIa tr dheig w<br />

figō puncture * dheicō<br />

fibula brooch

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas lactans baby * dhēljos<br />

AIb intr 2 splendeō shine * dhelō<br />

mas 18 tetta teat * dhēlós<br />

neu habitus condition * dhēmn̥<br />

AIb intr uaporō steam up * dhemō<br />

fem dhēlus femina female

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr corroborō strengthen * dherghō<br />

adI 60 obscūrus dark * dherghos<br />

(dhṛghos) fem 61 excrēmentum shit * dherghs<br />

AIa cau 61 maculō stain * dherkō<br />

tr dherH 2 retineō retain * dhermi<br />

(dhasós) mas dhH 1s- sacrificātiō duty (religious) * dhēs<br />

jo fem dhHtí-, dheHti- factum fact act, deed * dhētis<br />

AIa intr sufficiō<br />

ūtilis esse,<br />

generō<br />

enough (to be)<br />

be useful,<br />

produce<br />

* dheughō<br />

AIa cau 45 conterō destroy * dheukō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu dh(u)nH 2 fūnus death * dheunos<br />

AIb intr dhewH 1 32 currō run * dhewō<br />

ind herī yesterday * dhghjesi<br />

(dhghómenos) mas homō human being * dhghomōn<br />

fem 14 perca perch * dhghusā<br />

jo mas fīnis end * dhicsnis<br />

BIIb / AIVb tr dheH i<br />

1 faciō do * dhídhēmi-dhəkjō<br />

BIVb tr cf. dhídhēmi instaurō install * dhídhneumi<br />

AVIa tr fingō model * dhinghō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem dhl̥ghos dēbitum debt * dhl̥eghlā<br />

fem dhl̥H 1nā; dhelH 1 uiridia vegetation * dhl̥nā<br />

adI directus direct * dhn̥ghus<br />

adI solidus solid * dhobos<br />

AIIIo cau 6 foueō make hot

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem 10 cereāle cereal * dhōnā<br />

adI 60 fuscus dark

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr clangō ring out with the horn * dhrenkō<br />

mas gemitus crābrō roar drone * dhrēnos<br />

intr drensō cry * dhrensājō<br />

AIa sta militō<br />

BIVb intr<br />

do military<br />

service<br />

* dhreughō<br />

mas fascis (pack) bundle * dhrighsós<br />

adI firmus steady * dhr̥mos<br />

dherH 3<br />

saltō jump * dhr̥numoi<br />

neu tornus fictiliārius potter wheel

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr dherH 2 51 dismontō dismantle * dhruslijō<br />

adI dhubus profundus deep * dhubús<br />

(dhugtrós) fem dhugH 2ter 17 fīlia daughter * dhugtēr<br />

eff<br />

dhuH 2-jō; cf.<br />

dhúneumi,<br />

dhūmājō<br />

fūmō smoke produce smoke * dhūjō<br />

ej fem dhūlis fūligo soot * dhūlis<br />

fem collis sabulī duna down * dhūmā<br />

eff cf. dhūjō fūmō smoke produce smoke * dhūmājō<br />

mas dhuH 1-mo 5 fūmus smoke * dhūmós<br />

BIVb tr cf. dhūjō 35 agitō adflō agitate blow * dhúneumi<br />

ej fem agitātiō exhalātiō agitation exhalation * dhūnis<br />

adI 60 fuscus dark * dhūskos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

AIa tr dhwer/dhru defraudō acuminibus deceive<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

and cause<br />

damage<br />

* dhwerō<br />

fem 34 pulicāria fleabane * dhwestus<br />

ej mas uaporō smoke * dhwēwis<br />

adI insānus crazy * dhwolnos<br />

fem 7 uertex whirlpool

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr dīscō learn * didkskō<br />

inc didm̥skō; cf. dn̥sus perītus fiō get skilled * dídn̥skō<br />

fem 16 capra goat * dighā<br />

AIVa tr reiciō reject * dikjō<br />

fem dinā; cf. djēws 63 diēs day * dinos<br />

intr moueō move * djejō<br />

(djwos) mas dyeH 1-w; cf. dinos 63 diēs (lux) day * djēws<br />

cp. dleH 1ghijos-,<br />

sp.<br />

dleH 1ghistH 2o-<br />

intr dat 40 contineō perdūrō maintain last * dl̥ghējō<br />

adI dulcis sweet * dl̥kus<br />

mas dlongho-, dlH 1gho- longus long * dl̥nghos<br />

fem dḷnghostus / -ostis longitudō length * dl̥nghotā<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu locus operum building place * dm̥pedom<br />

adI hebes blunt * dm̥pus<br />

dṃseghnós neu dominium (proprius fundus domain<br />

(property land,<br />

real estate)<br />

* dm̥ seghr̥<br />

fem dnghu-H2;<br />

dṇt-ghuH2 ?<br />

lingua tongue * dn̥ghwā<br />

adI densus thick * dn̥sus<br />

adI dm̥sus; cf. dídn̥skō perītus qualified * dn̥sus<br />

ind ad usque to until * dō<br />

AIIIo tr significō mean * doiknejō<br />

AIIIo pred uideor seem * dokejō<br />

mas cauda tail * doklom<br />

tr dolH 1- 50 dolō cudge

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIIIa, AIIIo,<br />

AIVc, BIVa<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ind dum still * dom<br />

tr<br />

demH 2; domejō,<br />

d∂mjō, démāmi,<br />

dm̥nāmi, dmāsmi<br />

domō tame * dómāmi<br />

BIIc tr deH w<br />

3 dō give * (dí)dōmi<br />

(domõs,<br />

dómewos)<br />

fem dom(H 2)o-; domus domus house * domos<br />

fem domina landlady

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu duHno-, dūno- oppidum town * dounom<br />

mas 9 dūmus bush * dousmos<br />

mas braccium (inferius) arm * dóusontos<br />

intr laborō work * drājō<br />

mas drappus drapery

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa cau 48 dēcipiō beguile * dreughō<br />

fem 8 cursus (flūialis) course * drewā<br />

neu cf. deru arbōs tree * drewom<br />

AIa tr consuēscō (aliquem) treat s.o. * drewō<br />

adI asper harsh * drismós<br />

mas 9 dūmus bramble * dristos<br />

intr. manifestor be visible * dr̥kjai peri<br />

tr 25 perspiciō make up * dr̥kjō<br />

tr 25 uideō (uisū crinō) see

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

jo fem uisus seen

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII uicesimus twentieth * dwídkm̥təmos<br />

num (d)widkm̥tiH 1 uigintī twenty * dwídkm̥tī<br />

adII ducentesimus two hundredth

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(édhenos) neu uallum palisade * edhr̥<br />

ind hodie today * edjḗw<br />

tr H 1ed edō eat * edmi<br />

pron ecquis someone something * edqis, edqid<br />

pron<br />

ecquī, -quae, -<br />

quod<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr Heik; H ? 55 habeō have * eikō<br />

dur H1ei 33 eō go * eimi<br />

fem ira wrath * eisā<br />

inc irāscor be angry

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem 57 cuspis bodkin * ēlā<br />

(alnós) mas cf. alkis 16 alcēs ceruus elaphus red-deer * elēn<br />

es neu ulcus wound * elkos<br />

adI malus bad * elkós<br />

ew mas 16 anguilla eel * ellus<br />

pron cf. eno enā enod ille illa illud that * elno elnā elnod<br />

(aor. a gesō) tr gessī conducted * elóm<br />

(éleros) mas olor swan * elōr<br />

60 rosaceus pink * elwos<br />

tr 55 emō take * emō<br />

fem insectus insect * empis<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ind 64 in- (particula) loc) in * en<br />

ej fem H 2(e)ng w hi- ; cf.<br />

ochis<br />

15 anguis snake * anghwis<br />

ind H 1(e)ndo(m) in inside * endo<br />

neu suppellex furniture

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI tab interior internal * énteros<br />

adI tab intestīnus intestine

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas er-H 3ero- 13 aquila eagle * éroros<br />

AIa intr H 1erk w<br />

2 splendeō shine * erqō<br />

fem H 1ers- cauda tail * ersā<br />

neu cauda tail * ersábhaljom<br />

sta 48 errō wander * ersājō<br />

AIa intr H 1ers 8 fluō flow * ersō<br />

fem terra land * erwā<br />

dur H 1es 55 sum be * esmi<br />

intr sum in loco, sedens be situated * ēsmoi<br />

(sn̥tos) part H 1esn̥t-; cf. sontis qui est being * esn̥ts<br />

m H 1esH-o- erus housemaster * esos<br />

(ésenos) neu H 1esH 2-r sanguis blood * esr̥<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI eH 1su- ?; ēsus bonus good * ēsús<br />

adII secundus (ordinis) second * éteros<br />

ind etiam even (adv.) * eti<br />

etsqe ind etiam even (adv.) * étiqe<br />

en neu animus soul

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr 28 garriō talk * garsijō<br />

intr<br />

geH 2-dheH 1 /<br />

geH 2wi-dheH 1 /<br />

23 gaudeō rejoice * gāudhējō<br />

geH2-dhH1-sk ?<br />

neu gaudium joy

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIb tr grauātus esse be loaded feel oppressed * gemō<br />

mas gemHro- 17 gener son-in-law * gemros<br />

cau generō create

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu 18 maxilla maxilla * genus<br />

AIa cau 36 contorqueō wind * gergō<br />

tr<br />

H 1ger; med.<br />

expergiscor<br />

expergefaciō wake up * gerjō<br />

adI senex old

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr 55 possideō own * ghəbhējō<br />

eff<br />

cf. gherijai; caus.<br />

ghorejoo<br />

gaudeō be glad * ghərējō<br />

fem gratia grace * ghəris<br />

neu furca fork * ghabhlom<br />

mas 16 hircus goat (he-goat) * ghabhros<br />

adII haedīnus goatish * ghaidīnós<br />

mas 16 haedus young goat * ghaidos<br />

sta haereō stick * ghaisējō<br />

neu gaesum spear * ghaisom<br />

neu 57 pilum stick * ghaisom<br />

fem 66 capillum (hirsūtum) hair * ghaitā<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu 39 labēs disgrace * ghálerom<br />

fem ganta tadorna shelduck * ghandā<br />

es neu hiātus yawn * ghanos<br />

er mas 13 anser goos * ghansōr<br />

fem 57 hasta spearshaft * ghastā<br />

tr ghH 2ew / ghwH 2e uocō call * ghawō<br />

ind haud not * ghawōd<br />

fem 19 caput head * ghebhlā<br />

(ghédmenos) neu excrēmentum excrement * ghedmr̥-<br />

AIb tr 61 iunificō defecate * ghedō<br />

AIa tr 22 aueō long for * gheidhō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tab hic haec hoc this *<br />

ghoi-ke ghāi-ke ghod-<br />

adI hiemālis wintry * ghéimentos<br />

(ghéimenos) neu gheims, cf. ghjems hiems winter * gheimr̥<br />

adII hibernus winterly * gheimrīnós<br />

AIa intr hippitō sob * gheipō<br />

mas gh w eistlo- ? obses hostage * gheislos<br />

AIa intr glorior boast * ghelbō<br />

intr 27 grunniō (canum) growl (dogs) * ghelijō<br />

neu labrum lip * ghelnom<br />

intr 47 insecō incise * ghelō<br />

fem testudō tortoise * ghelus<br />

es neu ghelH 3-os/es 60 olus vegetable * ghelos<br />

mas<br />

ghelis, ghélenos,<br />

gh∂lis, ghl̥ros;<br />

ghelH 3i- ghelH 3(i)-<br />

wo-, ghelH 3-eno-,<br />

ghl̥H 3-i-, ghl̥H 3-ro-<br />

60 uiridis green * ghelwos<br />

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75<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

BIIb intr gheH 1 33 permeō perueniō, attingō<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

pass from one<br />

place to another<br />

arrive * ghēmi<br />

AIa intr uadō step * ghenghō<br />

(gherós) mas 16 ēr hedgehog * ghēr<br />

AIa tr 33 circumdō encircle * gherdhō<br />

fem 9 pirus pear-tree * gherdos<br />

fem siliqua pod * gherghros<br />

tr gherH; cf. gh∂rējō 22 desiderō desire * gherijai<br />

tr commodō lend * gherō<br />

neu butyrum butter * ghertom<br />

exiguus small * gherús<br />

(ghésenos) neu cf. ghestos 18 manus hand * ghesr̥<br />

fem digitābulum glove * ghesris<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu cf. ghēsṛ 18 manus hand * ghestos<br />

jo fem aduentus arrival

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 26 pertractō study * ghlendhō<br />

intr nugor joke * ghleumi<br />

mas sumptus luxury * ghloidos<br />

BIIc intr ghlH 3; ghlōjō 2 renideō glimmer * ghlōmi<br />

nuga joke * ghloumos<br />

adII aureus golden

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIIIb tr 49 mulceō caress * ghneumi<br />

mas honos honour * ghōdhos<br />

mas 18 pūga ānus rump anus * ghodos<br />

adI 21 alacer joyful * ghoilos<br />

fem cf. ghelus 'testudō' 18 bald head caluum caput * gholwā́<br />

mas cf. ghortos saeptum enclosure * ghordhos<br />

AIIIo cau cf. gh∂rejō hortor encourage exhort

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

jo adII hospes guest * ghóstipots<br />

ej and aduena foreigner * ghostis<br />

mas ghostos inedia starvation * ghosdos<br />

adI terrens (obj) terrible * ghouros<br />

AIIIo tr obseruō faueō pay attention * ghowejō<br />

dur g (h) rd (h)<br />

28 gredior step * ghradjai<br />

en neu 10 grāmen grass

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

sta uacuus sum be empty * ghr̥ējō<br />

AIa intr 27 fremō<br />

(ēlementa<br />

natūrae)<br />

grumble<br />

(natural<br />

elements)<br />

* ghremō<br />

fem corona (arch.) cornice (arch:) * ghrendhā<br />

es neu ghrōnā́ 66 cirrus (capillī) lock (of hair) * ghrendhos<br />

AIa intr<br />

chrendō,<br />

g (w)h rend (h) frendō gnaw * ghrendō<br />

ind ghreH 1u mane early * ghrēw<br />

AIa cau 45 conterō grind * ghrewō<br />

eff ingruō fall into * ghrewō<br />

mas continentia content * ghrobhos<br />

mas fremitus<br />

(ēlementa<br />

natūrae)<br />

81<br />

roaring<br />

(natural<br />

elements)<br />

* ghromos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas signum mark * ghronos<br />

mas pila (in corpore) ball (in corpore) * ghroudos<br />

fem 3 calculus (glarea) pebble

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr ēfodiō plane * glabhō<br />

adI 59 glaber even * gladhros<br />

fem querēla protest * glaghā́<br />

neu lac milk * glaghti<br />

adI 40 infirmus docile * gleghos<br />

AIa tr adhaerō adhere * gleibhō<br />

(glisós) mas glis mouse * gleis<br />

adI callidus intelligent * glēkis<br />

AIa cau 53 inclūdō include * glembhō<br />

AIa tr 49 glūbō peel * gleubhō<br />

(gluwós) mas fascis glomus parcel * glēws<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIVa intr adhaerō stick * glínāmi<br />

mas globus globe * globhos<br />

fem 57 cuspis point * glōghis<br />

mas glūtinum rubber * gloidos<br />

adI glutinoosus sticky * gloijós<br />

gloitnós neu glūten glue * gloitn̥<br />

intr glociō clack * glokijō<br />

es neu glomus yarn (a ball of) * glomos<br />

(glēsos) fem gH 2lōw 17 glōs sister-in-law * glōs<br />

AIIIu tr glūtiō swallow * glujō<br />

AIVb tr gn∂bhjō abrōdo gnaw off * gnabhjō<br />

tr gignō produce * gnājō<br />

tr<br />

knH2; cf. kanmā,<br />

kn̥ mā, knāmā<br />

adrōdō gnaw * gnāmi<br />

(gnājós) m/f prōlēs offspring * gnās<br />

adII<br />

gnH 1-tó; comp. -<br />

gṇtó-; cf. gignō<br />

nātus born * gnātós<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem uellus fleece

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu signum sign * gnōtlom<br />

mas nōtor knower * gnōtṓr<br />

adI gnH 3tó- nōtus known * gnōtós<br />

mas geniculum bud * gnoubhos<br />

adI nāuus wise * gnōwos<br />

fem cf. goulos globus ball * golā<br />

mas acūmen dart * golbhnos<br />

fem cf. gugā buccellātum biscuit * gōgā<br />

mas cf. gembhō dentes jaws * gombhos<br />

mas onus load * gomos<br />

tr gonH 1-eio/e- generō produce * gonējō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas fauces jaws * gopos<br />

mas rūga wrinkle

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem (s)karp ? 9 carpinus betulus hornbeam * gr̥beinos<br />

sta rugātus sum have wrinkle * gr̥bējō<br />

AVIII tr 49 charaxō scratch * gr̥bhō<br />

mas rēte net * grebhos<br />

AIa tr 49 scabō scratch * gredō<br />

(grēcos) mas H 2greg- 16 grex herd * gregs<br />

es neu aequōr level surface lake * grejos<br />

neu 20 gremium lap

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa intr 68 curuō bend * greugō<br />

AIa tr 49 abrādō scrape off * greumō<br />

AIa intr solidificō solidify * greutō<br />

BIVb, AIa tr<br />

adI grandis grown * grn̥dhís<br />

H 2ger; gercō,<br />

gerjō, g∂rjō<br />

cogō (gregem) gather * gr̥neumi<br />

fem 9 quercus suber oak tree * grōbhos<br />

mas grōdos grandō hail * grōdis<br />

mas grōmos congregātiō group * gromos<br />

mas grūmus crumb

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

AVIII<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem cf. gōgā pila ball * gugā<br />

fem pitheūs cellar * gupā<br />

mas dorsum back * gurnos<br />

tr gustō taste * gusnō<br />

(gútenos) mas guttur throat * gutr̥<br />

ind ibī there * idhei<br />

tr H 2yk 46 ic(i)ō reach

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

BIVb tr Hei-neu- aerumnas obiciō<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

bring disgrace<br />

upon<br />

* íneumi<br />

45 opprimō oppress * ipjō<br />

pron tab is, ea, id this * is, id<br />

neu ferrum iron * īsarnom<br />

ind itH ita so * ita<br />

freq 33 itō journey

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIVb tr<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr yH 2 33 transeō transgredior pass * jāmi<br />

ind iam already * jāmi<br />

ieH 2;<br />

iH 2neumi<br />

coniurō contra conspire against * jáneumi<br />

fem iānua entrance

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr 52 contineō hold (to) * jemō<br />

neu geminus twin * jemós<br />

(jentrós) mas 17<br />

frāter patruēlis/<br />

amitinus<br />

cousin * jentēr<br />

(-óneros) neu 20 iecur liver * jeqr̥<br />

AIb intr. HH i<br />

2es- fermentō ferment * jesō<br />

fem 71 uia recta right way * jeunis<br />

intr cf. jugājō ferociō excitus sum be violent be agitated * jeugō<br />

(jusós) neu ius (pulmentum) broth * jeus<br />

jo adII iudex judge

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI laetus exuberant * jn̥dros<br />

AVIa tr 22 aueō desire eagerly * jn̥tō<br />

ind quia because * jod qid<br />

rel ūbī (relāt.) where (rel.)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

(júwenos); sup.<br />

jéwistH 2o-<br />

AIIIo tr<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 16 iūmentum beast of burden

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI cf. kenō recens recent * kənjós<br />

tr kHp 55 capiō catch * kəpjō<br />

fem capsa box

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII sanctus saint * kadros<br />

fem caula opening

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIVb tr foueō possum? promote be able? * kákneumi<br />

cau 40 tenuefaciō thinnen * kakō<br />

(kakudós) fem cacūmen summit * kakúds<br />

(kalikós, kalijós) mas/<br />

fem<br />

sta calleō be experienced

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI 67 tortus bent * kambos<br />

tr amō love * kāmi<br />

tr kH2m 45 comprimō press tightly * kamō<br />

mas campus land * kampos<br />

BIIIa tr fodiō dig * kánāmi<br />

tr candō glow * kandō<br />

mas 16 equulus colt * kánkestos<br />

mas kanku /kākā 57 ramulus branch * kankus<br />

fem<br />

knH2; kṇH2mā,<br />

knāmā, knH2mi-;<br />

cf. gnāmi<br />

18 crus leg * kanmā<br />

(kánmenos) neu carmen song * kanmn̥<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr 27 canō sing * kanō<br />

mas<br />

kambtos?;<br />

cf. witus<br />

cantus (rotae) wheelrim * kantos<br />

mas cf. skāpos instrumentum tool * kaplos<br />

mas 1 fundus (villa) land estate piece of land * kāpos<br />

fem 16 capra goat (female)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIIIa tr carinō pin down * karnājō<br />

en fem 18 membrum limb

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas kH 2etu- 44 pugna fight * katus<br />

mas collectāculum vessel * kaukos<br />

fem 70 caulis cabbage * kaulis<br />

adI pudendus shameful * kaunós<br />

AIIa tr keH 2w-d 45 cūdō hit

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa intr 37 descendō go down * keidō<br />

mas cīmex bug

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr kelH 2-d- 35 percellō strike * keldō<br />

fem mysterium mystery * kelgā<br />

neu cēnaculum penthouse

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIIc tr H 3H i<br />

2keH 3 exacuō sharpen * (kí)kōmi<br />

tr cantillō hum * kemjō<br />

AIb intr adnītor (temptō) strain * kemō<br />

adII incornis hornless * kemos<br />

(kensós) fem *kon(H)I- /*ken(H)i- 5 cinis ash * kenēs<br />

intr uacillō hesitate * kenkai<br />

18 tendō (calcaneus) tendon tendo Achillis * kenklom<br />

AIa inc pendō weigh

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 61 mancillō dirty * keqō<br />

neu kerH 2-s-ro- cerebrum brain * kerəsrom<br />

mas 16 mustela weasel * kérberos<br />

mas pāstor herdsman * kerdhjos<br />

AIa tr ordinō range (to)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI harsh rudis * kersis<br />

fem cēna dinner

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa cau 36 curuō curve * keubō<br />

AIa 33, 53 abdī hide * keudhō<br />

dur cf. kakúds 68 inflectō warp * keukō<br />

neu 4 turgentia swelling * keulom<br />

tr keusH locō rent * keusō<br />

intr keH 1w- oscillō sway * kēwējō<br />

mas cachinnus laugh * khákhatnos<br />

mas hāmus hook * khamos<br />

fem hedera ivy * khéderos<br />

mas 39 agitātus agitated * kighrós<br />

(kikrós) mas cicer pea * kikēr<br />

BIIIb intr uigescō become vigorous

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(kiklēwa) tr inuocō invoke

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr kieH 2 diribeō assort * kjājō<br />

cau 35 ciō activate * kjējō<br />

mas cf. kl̥dos clādēs damage * klādis<br />

mas gladius sword

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem k∂lnis?; cf. k∂ldos 71 callis mountain-path * kl̥dis<br />

mas cf. klādis lignum wood * kl̥dos<br />

fem 9 acer (arbos) maple * kleinos<br />

fem casa hut * kleitis<br />

neu firmāmentum support base * kleitrom<br />

AIa tr 67 plicō bend * klengō<br />

AIa tr 55 clepō steal * klepō<br />

neu kluH audiō listen * kleumi<br />

neu audītus hearing * kleumn̥<br />

neu reputātiō reputation * kléumn̥tom<br />

AIa tr oboediō obey * kleusō<br />

fem klustís oboedientia obedience

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 7 purgō wash clean * klewō<br />

es neu gloria glory * klewos<br />

aor. kleim cau kli-H 2; klinjō 36 clinō cause to slope * klínāmi<br />

adI 21 gentilis gentle * klisrós<br />

tr (s)kel 47 diuidō divide * kl̥jō<br />

BIVb* tr kleuH

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

prog kmH 2 40 dēfetiscor get tired * kmāmi<br />

adI kṃbhnós paruus small * km̥bhis<br />

mas 16 langusta lobster * km̥ertos<br />

59 camur curved * km̥ros<br />

dh°r cf. kom 64 cum with

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu euentus (bonus) success * kobom<br />

tr turificō thurify * kodējō<br />

adI koilus sānus healthy * koilús<br />

jo fem ualētūdō health state of

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr adhaerō stick * koljō<br />

mas campana bell * kólkolos<br />

en neu 4 culmen summit

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI perfectus perfect * kómsqr̥tos<br />

fem patientia patience

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

(kornikós,<br />

kornijós)<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas dolor pain * kormos<br />

fem 13 cornīx crow * kornīks<br />

fem cornus cherry tree * kornos<br />

(kórudhos) fem cf. kr̥nu cassis helmet * korudhs<br />

mas saccus bag * kṓrukos<br />

adI korw-, korweH 2 42 raucus raven * korwos<br />

fem 9 corilus hazel * kósolos<br />

fem H 3osteH 2 costa (ossis) rib * kostā<br />

mas artus joint

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI 59 cauus hollow * kowos<br />

(kówenos) neu kuH 2-r cauerna cavern * kowr̥<br />

Bib / BIVa tr krH2 / kṛneH2 35 permisceō mix * krāmi<br />

ind cf. ausrom cras tomorrow * krāsi<br />

en mas 12 crābrō bumblebee * krāsrōn<br />

ej fem krH 2tis crātis network * krātis<br />

crassus plump * kratsos<br />

kṛdnos cardō hinge

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr krd + dhH 1/dhH 3 crēdō believe * kréddhēmi<br />

neu crībrum sieve * kreidhrom<br />

neu crīmen crime

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa intr praecipitor precipitate * krepō<br />

adI 42 fortis strong * krepús<br />

fem krīqā ? cf. krinō 58 limēs border * krēqā<br />

prog<br />

kr̥H 1ske/o-; cf.<br />

krēmi<br />

crēscō grow * krēskō<br />

fem crēta chalk * krētā<br />

AIa tr 47 exsecō cut * kretō<br />

AIa intr 27 gemō (pueri) cry (a child) * kreugō<br />

(krukós) fem crux cross * kreuks<br />

tr kru-H dēpositō stock * kreumi<br />

AIa inc 52 incrustor get encrusted * kreupō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 35 permoueō agitate * kreutō<br />

AIIf tr adflīgō afflict * krēwō<br />

(kruwós) neu<br />

kr(e)uH 2-;<br />

krew(o)s-, kruwós-<br />

cruor blood * krēws<br />

fem 27 clamor cry * krigā<br />

tr kre(H 1)i 25 crinō sieve * krinō<br />

jo fem crīnis mane * kripsnis<br />

adI 66 crispus curly * kripsos<br />

fem crista crest

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr krH 1 corrumpō rot * kr̥nāmi<br />

adI corruptus rotten * kr̥nos<br />

kṛnewós neu cornū kṛH 2-n / kṛnH 2ng- horn * kr̥nu<br />

mas dēuotiō devotion * krōbhtus<br />

intr 65 crociō shriek * krokijō<br />

mas 4 peplum anorak * kroknos<br />

mas 8 saliens jet * krosnos<br />

tr 35 agitō shake * krotjājō<br />

(kreusos) neu crūs leg * krous<br />

mas refugium tectum shelter refuge, roof * krowos<br />

mas krH 2pjo-; krāpjo- calceus shoe * kr̥ pjos<br />

es neu k w ṛpos ? 59 corpus body * kr̥pos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

sta 49 carreō be scratched * kr̥sējō<br />

60 āter black * kr̥snos<br />

AIIh tr 32 currō run * kr̥sō<br />

mas cursus course

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr orbiurgō reprove * kudājō<br />

intr 65 cucu facere cuckoo * kukulājō<br />

mas 13 cucūlus cuckoo * kukūlós<br />

fem latebra hiding place * kūlā<br />

(kūlkós) mas 12 cūlex gnat * kūleks<br />

mas cūlus ass * kūlos<br />

fem 56 catīnus pot * kumbhā<br />

intr 38 accumbō recline

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas pulllus foal * kurnos<br />

mas thesaurus treasure * kusdhos<br />

mas basium kiss * kusis<br />

neu kūsjom cauea cavity dwelling * kusjom<br />

ej fem kHuti-; kūtís 18 cutis skin * kūtis<br />

mas kūnos lapis lazuli lapis lazuli * kúwanos<br />

sta grauidus sum be pregnant * kuwējō<br />

mas catulus whelp * kuwos<br />

adI potens powerful * kúwr̥os<br />

tr 22 acquīro acquire * kwāimi<br />

mas caseus cheese * kwatsos<br />

mas 60 candidus white * kweidos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII skwentos sacer holy * kwentos<br />

(kwnos) mas 16 canis dog * kwōn<br />

neu labrum lip * ləbjom<br />

cau lacerō tear

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII laeuus left * laiwós<br />

tr obiurgō scold * lājō<br />

es neu adeps fat * lajos<br />

mas lacertus forearm * lakertos<br />

ew mas 1 lacus lake * lakus<br />

intr 28 blaterō babble * lalājo<br />

ind 18 pēnis penis * lalu<br />

fem lāma poodle * lāmā<br />

neu obiurgātiō tell off

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr leH 2u; abl. fruor benefit * lawō<br />

mas leH 2wó- squadra team * lāwós<br />

adI l∂wHros lucrifĭcābilis profitable * lawrós<br />

neu lucrum benefit

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(lēgos) fem lēx law * legs<br />

(libós) mas 7 gutta drop * leibs<br />

tr permittō permit (to) * leidmi<br />

fem leigdhlā 56 ligula spoon * leiglā<br />

AIa intr H 1lei-g saliō jump * leigō<br />

neu liilium lily * leiljom<br />

AIa tr 36 uitō avoid * leinō<br />

neu līnum flax * leinom<br />

fem 9 tilia lime-tree * leipā<br />

fem 71 līra track * leisā<br />

AIa intr 33 eō go * leitō<br />

léitesos neu litus seaside * leitos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr suspendō (uerticaliter) hang (vertically) * lembō<br />

BIc tr leH 1 indulgeō sinō grant permit (to) * lēmi<br />

tr H 3lem 51 abrumpō break up * lemō<br />

mas phasma phantom * lemsos<br />

fem 8 fons spring * lendhā<br />

lēnis weak * lēnis<br />

fem 9 picea juniper * lentos<br />

intr 28 balbutiō stutter * lepō<br />

BIe dēclārō declare * lenghmi<br />

adI 59 plānus flat * lergos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(lēsankós) fem lēwanks ? 3 ardesia slate * lēsanks<br />

tr carpō pick * lesō<br />

neu vās vessel

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI H 3ligo- rarus scarce little * ligos<br />

tr 55 praestō sum 3 a p. licet be available be allowed * likējō<br />

sta 52 haereō stick * limpō<br />

tr lingō (lambō) lick * linghō<br />

tr liH; lināmi linō oint * līnō<br />

adI litus ointed * līnós<br />

tr linquō leave * linqō<br />

sta adhaereō be sticked * lipējō<br />

fem lippa rheum (in eyes)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

AVIc cau<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr lambō sip * lm̥bō<br />

(s)leH 2g; ln̥gō; cf.<br />

lāgō<br />

40 fatigō tire * ln̥ cō<br />

adI cf. leghús 59 leuis light * ln̥ghros<br />

fem dēlictus crime * lōbā<br />

neu tarde late

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI 59 obliquus slanting * loksós<br />

mas loktus culpa fault * loktos<br />

neu 1 regiō land * londhom<br />

mas lumbus hip * londhwos<br />

mas 12 lombrīcus worm * longhros<br />

adI 67 tortus twisted * lordós<br />

fem uestigium footprint * lorgā<br />

mas 57 uirga club * lorgos<br />

mas 57 hasta (apex) spear (point) * lostos<br />

ind uel or * loubhis<br />

ej mas laus praise * loudis<br />

neu sacramentum oath * loughjom<br />

mas 57 rāmulus twig * lougos<br />

AIIIo cau ilūminō illuminate * loukejō<br />

adI 2 splendidus radiant * loukētjos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 1 saltus lūcus glade forest * loukos<br />

mas 2 splendor radiance * loukós<br />

fem fenestra window * louksā<br />

fem lūna moon * louksnā<br />

mas lynx lynx * louksos<br />

(lusnós) fem 12 pedis louse * lousēn<br />

fem merētrix whore * loutsā<br />

fem 66 coma lāna, fragmentum hair wool, fragment * lowā<br />

tr lH 3w lauō wash * lowō<br />

neu 7 lābrum bath * lowtrom<br />

AIIIo tr H 2ltoi-, H 2lti- inuītō invite * l̥tejō<br />

tr 23 libet (mihi) like * lubhējō<br />

fem 10 herba herb * lubhjā<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas liber (arboris) bast * lubhros<br />

(aor. a cemjō) intr 33 uēnī came * ludhóm<br />

sta fractus sum lugeō be broken be sad * lugējō<br />

fem 56 ōrificium hole * lugjā<br />

adI flexibilis flexible * lugnós<br />

mas cōpiae multitude

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

cf. məgjṓs; sup.<br />

mégistH 2o-<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

sta 7 madeō be wet * mədējō<br />

adI magnus big * məgjos<br />

adI nōbilis noble

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

omc ēmineō tower * mənijai<br />

sta mnH 2; m∂njai 29 cōgitō arbitror think consider * mənjō<br />

sta mereō deserve * mərējō<br />

intr morior die * mərijai<br />

mas pūbes pubescent young man * mərjos<br />

mas maghu-, moghu? iuuenis youngster * machos<br />

fem iuuentūs youth * machotis<br />

BIVb tr 69 dēfendō defend * mághneumi<br />

mas 1 pratum field * maghos<br />

tr mH 2g configurō form * magō<br />

adv cf. məgis magis more in a bigger way * mājis<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

prog mātūrō prosper * mājō<br />

cau maciō make slim

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ej neu mori? 8 mare sea * mari<br />

mas equus horse * markos<br />

neu 57 mālus (nauis) mast * masdos<br />

tr 28 dēsignō designate * mātejō<br />

(mātrós) fem meH 2-ter- 17 māter mother * mātḗr<br />

mas dmāterós? 59 solidus solid * māterós<br />

fem 17 mātertera aunt (of the mother) * mātérterā<br />

fem malleus hammer * matlā<br />

adI fuscus gloomy * mauros<br />

mas cf. nebhos imber storm * m̥bhros<br />

neu cf. nebhos 7 aqua pluuiālis water from rain * m̥bhu<br />

adI 60 caeruleus blue * m̥dhros<br />

adI ṃgH 2-dhH 1o- magnificus magnificent * m̥gadhós<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

pron H 1me; aton. mē acc. me accusative * me<br />

ind nē (priuāt.) not * mē<br />

intr mH 1d; cōgit. 29 medeor ponder * medai<br />

mas mergus gull * medgós<br />

mas 63 meridiēs midday (noon)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu propositiō purpose * meinom<br />

AIa sta dēsum lack * meitō<br />

AIa tr<br />

neu mitros contractus agreement * meitrom<br />

adI minor smaller * meiwijṓs<br />

intr mínāmi 8 meō flow * mejājō<br />

H 2mei; uox media<br />

intr.<br />

mūtō (permūtō) change * mejō<br />

jo fem quoque mjtis permutātiō shift

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 49 mulceō rub * melkō<br />

neu 51 articulus article * melmn̥<br />

AIb tr melH 2 molō grind * melō<br />

neu meH 1-lo- 63 mōmentum moment * mēlom<br />

adI 42 robustus strong * melos<br />

AIa tr cf. m∂ljos 48 mentior deceive verbally * melsō<br />

tr 45 conterō crush grind * melujō<br />

neu farīna flour * melwom<br />

AIa tr puniō punish * membhō<br />

tr metior measure * mēmi<br />

neu memsóm 18 carō meat * mēmsóm<br />

intr cogit. 29 interest (mihi) be interested * mendhai<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 36 uersō uersāre stir * mendhō<br />

tr sūgō suck * mendō<br />

neu mendum fault * mendom<br />

adI frequens frequent * menghos<br />

AIa tr uestiō saturnaliter disguise * mengō<br />

mas 14 phoxinus dace * menis<br />

intr desum lack * menkō<br />

en neu 29 intellectus intellect

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem furca fork * mergā<br />

fem laqueus snare * merghā<br />

fem situs filth * mergis<br />

AIa cau merg/mezg mergō sink * mergō<br />

(merk∂dós) fem naulus charge * merkēds<br />

cf. bherkō 2 fulgeō flimmer * merkō<br />

BIVb tr turbō worry * mérneumi<br />

adI merHo- merus adv: merē simple<br />

adv: very much,<br />

wholly<br />

* meros<br />

tr mr̥snāmi neglegō neglect * mersō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

insipidus insipid * merwos<br />

AIa tr 52 communicō communicate * mesgō<br />

fem 13 merula blackbird * meslā<br />

fem memstis ? mensūra measure * mestis<br />

adII memstós? mensus measured * mestós<br />

fem mēta post * mētā<br />

ind 64 in mediā parte in the middle * meti<br />

tr mētior measure * mētijai<br />

fem meH 1-ti- dīmensiō dimension * mētis<br />

AIb tr 55 metō reap * metō<br />

mētrom 2º comp. neu mensūra measure * metrom<br />

adI 39 superbus (positīuē) proud * meudos<br />

AIa intr 48 dēlūdō (in lūdō) cheat * meugō<br />

AIa tr 49 ērōdō scratch * meukō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(mūsós) neu 18 mūs muscle * meus / muskós<br />

adI mg(e)H 2(e)nt- ingens great * mgānts<br />

fem 7 uapor mist * mighlā<br />

dur 2 micō flimmer * míkāmi<br />

AIIIo cau meik/meik-sk- 35 misceō mix * mikskejō<br />

neu minium red ochre * miljom<br />

inc 25 accurrō meet * mimdō<br />

AVc intr cogit. 29 memini remember * mímnāskō (memna)<br />

BIVb cau eff. mínāmi 40 minuō reduce * míneumi<br />

intr H 3meigh-; mighjō mingō piss * minghō<br />

ind minus less

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIVa tr<br />

meitH 2; uox media<br />

intr.<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

permūtū exchange change position * mítnāmi<br />

cau 40 dēbilitō weaken * mlājō<br />

adI ml-H 2-kó stultus stupid * mlākós<br />

neu mlH 2-tó farīna flour * mlātóm<br />

adI ml(H 2)-dh- permissīiuus permissive * ml̥dhos<br />

adI ēmollītus softened * ml̥dsnos<br />

adI ml-du; tab 40 mollis soft * ml̥dus<br />

tr molliō soften

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr dēgustō taste * ml̥sjō<br />

adI excelsus lofty

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(m∂newós) fem 18 manus hand * mn̥us<br />

adI cf. m∂nkos insignificans scant * mn̥wos<br />

ind sed but * mō<br />

mas moH 3do- constantia perseverance * mōdos<br />

es neu modus (/mensūra) measure * modos<br />

adI 21 amoenus pleasant * moghjos<br />

AIId tr mH 3gh possum<br />

(potestātem<br />

habeō)<br />

can * moghō<br />

jo fem potestās might * moghtis<br />

neu remedium means

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu moenia walls * moinja<br />

mas pellis ouīna sheep skin * moisós<br />

tr mūtō exchange * moitājō<br />

mas méitimos grātes thanks * moitmos<br />

mas permūtātiū exchange swap * moitos<br />

adII mutuus mutual * moitwos<br />

mas commūtātiō exchange * mojnos<br />

ind mogsí, moksí mox soon * mogsū́<br />

fem molH 1(e)H 2 mola millstone * molā<br />

fem 8 lītus coast * moljā<br />

fem 19 occipitium occipital * moldhā<br />

mas prex prayer

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ej fem mōlēs mass * mōlis<br />

es neu mōlimen effort

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr 45 mordeō bite * mordējō<br />

fem mulier woman * morignā<br />

ed mas 18 poples thigh * morjods<br />

mas horror panic * mórmoros<br />

neu mōrum berry * morom<br />

fem cf. mṛtis infortūnium fatality * moros<br />

adI<br />

mōros /mēros cf.<br />

yōrom /yērom<br />

nōbilis renowned * mōros<br />

adI mōrus stupid * mōrós<br />

(mosós) mas ingenium character * mōs<br />

neu cerebellum cerebellum * mosgom<br />

mas uinculum relation * mosgos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas mūcus mucus

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

murmurō murmur * mr̥mrājō<br />

tr -nH 2moi exspoliō plunder * mr̥ namói<br />

tr 45 conterō crush * mr̥tājō<br />

neu mortārium mortar

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

intr<br />

H 2meuH;<br />

cf. mowejō?<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

cadō fall sink * mūjō<br />

AVIa tr dīmittō ēmungō let out blow out * munkō<br />

mas cōpia abundance * mūris<br />

(mūsós) neu muH-s-; mews 16 mūs mouse * mūs<br />

BIVa tr<br />

fem 12 musca fly * muskā<br />

mas muscus moss * muskos<br />

meuH; muneH 2/3mi;<br />

meuH 2/3-s-<br />

neu 16 mustēla<br />

54 abdō secrete * músnāmi<br />

paruum animal<br />

simile mūris<br />

weasel<br />

small mouse-like<br />

animal<br />

* mūstrom<br />

mas *muH 1/3 18 pēnis penis * mūtos<br />

neu lutum mud * mūtrom<br />

sta 41 muttiō mutter mumble

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ej fem neH 2s-i 19 nārēs nose * nāsis<br />

(natrikós,<br />

natrijós)<br />

fem 15 natrix serpent (aquatic) * natrīks<br />

epic nauta sailor * nawāgós<br />

(nāwós) fem neH 2w- nāuis ship * nāws<br />

neu abyssus abyss * n̥ bhudhnóm<br />

fem H 1ngw inguen groin * n̥cḗn<br />

ind H 1ndh- deinde then * n̥dha<br />

adI tab inferior underly * n̥dherós<br />

adII infectus unmade

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ej fem 9 urtīca nettle * nedis<br />

adI nHed-yo- propinquus near * nedjos<br />

AIb tr nHd 52 nōdō link * nedō<br />

fem nassa net

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr necō kill

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII inferus lower * nérteros<br />

adI 42 robustus strong * nertos<br />

adI neHs-ro modestus modest * nesros<br />

AIa tr impendō spend * neudō<br />

adI 41 myops myop * neukos<br />

BIIIb tr neuH praeconor proclaim * neumi<br />

adI nouus new * new(ij)os<br />

tr nouō renew * newājō<br />

num H 1newn nouem nine * newn̥<br />

num undeuigintī nineteen * néwn̥dekm̥<br />

adII undeuicesimus nineteenth

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

num<br />

dec<br />

newn̥km̥tóm (ind.)<br />

+ gen.<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

nongentī nine hundred * newn̥km̥tṓs<br />

adII néwm̥tos nouenus (nōnus) ninth * néwn̥mos<br />

AIa intr 28 nuō nod * newō<br />

(newotātjos) fem nouitās newness * newotāts<br />

adI ignōtus unknown * n̥gnōtós<br />

BIVb tr H 3n-neu; n̥skō doceō teach * n̥neumi<br />

ind 64 sub down * nī<br />

(aor. a bherō) dūxī lead (aorist) * nijóm<br />

H 3nei-k adorior attack * nikjō<br />

fem 10 grānum corn

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas nīdus nest * nisdos<br />

sta *nei- 2 niteō shine * nitējō<br />

adI tab inferior inferior

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

adII<br />

nog w od(h)o-<br />

/nog w oto /nog w no-<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

nūdus naked * nócodos<br />

mas nōdus knot * nōdos<br />

adII sanctus holy * noibhos<br />

pron nōinlos nullus none * nōinos<br />

AIIIo cau deleō destroy * nokejō<br />

en neu<br />

ind cf. num num so * nom<br />

ind nonne do not? is not?

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

jo mas H 2n̥ si / H 2n̥ sr̥ ensis sword * n̥sis<br />

adII illīmis unmuddy

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIIf tr<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

sta H 3eid 4 tumeō be swollen * oidējō<br />

intr proficiscor depart * oighai<br />

H 2/3eH 3i; cf. oitos,,<br />

ainō<br />

crēdō fīdō believe trust * ōimi<br />

mas itus march * oimos<br />

adII ūnicus single * óinokos<br />

num<br />

dec<br />

adII<br />

H 1oi-no- ūnus one * oinos<br />

in eōdem<br />

tempore factus<br />

ūniuersus;<br />

pariter cum<br />

simultaneously<br />

made<br />

together; in a go * oinowr̥stós<br />

fem H 3iH 2s-? tēmō rudder * oisjā<br />

adII iste that one * oiso, oisā, oisod<br />

BIf tr H 3oit- appetō fetch * oitmi<br />

mas cf. ōimi, ainō 28 sacrāmentum oath * oitos<br />

fem H 3eiwo- 9 taxus yew * oiwos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

sta 29 dubitō doubt * okējō<br />

fem occa harrow * óketā<br />

adI compositus ready

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem cincinnus (uineae) tendril * olgjā<br />

ind ōlim formerly * ōlim<br />

pl. pron omnes all * oljoi oljāi olja<br />

ej<br />

mas /<br />

fem<br />

l̥kis; cf. elēn 16 alcēs<br />

capreolus<br />

capreolus<br />

roe-deer * olkis<br />

fem H 1(o)lmo- 9 ulmus elm * olmos<br />

fem H 3olH 1-neH 2 ulnā elbow * ōlnā<br />

adI ulterus further

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ej mas H 3n(o)g wh -i 18 unguis fingernail * onchis<br />

(óncenos) neu H 3eng w ṇ unguen ointment * oncn̥<br />

AVIII tr H 3eng w<br />

unguō oint * oncō<br />

(ṇclós) mas H 1ong w -ōl, cf. ecnis carbō coal * oncōl<br />

óndesos neu 3 saxum rock * ondos<br />

tr H 3enH 2 culpō blame * onējō<br />

mas Honr̥/-n- Honerio- somnus dream * ónerjos<br />

mas clāuus nail * onghlos<br />

adII alius another * onjos<br />

intr 65 uncō groan a pig * onkājō<br />

mas cf. ankos uncus hook

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

(ópesos) neu<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem opnos (es-) substantia wealth * opnā<br />

adI abundans abundant * opnis<br />

fem 13 upupa hoopoe * ópopā<br />

H 3ep-os-; H 3ep-r-/<br />

H 3ep-n-<br />

opus work * opos<br />

intr opportet be necessary

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

mas<br />

pordhos ? cf. gr.<br />

rqw<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

malleus hammer * ordhos<br />

tr H 3erg contundō beat up * orgājō<br />

ej fem H 3erghi-; cf.<br />

orbhis, r̥ghējō<br />

pila testiculus ball testicle * orghis<br />

tr H 1orghó- sollicitātus, incited * orghós<br />

adI pauper poor * ormos<br />

es neu mons mountain * oros<br />

wo- mas H 3ertu- orīgō origin lineage * ortus<br />

(sos) neu<br />

adI H 3eru-; H 3ersi- altus high * orús<br />

H 3eH w<br />

3s- (Bernabé)<br />

H 1eH 3s- (Melchert)<br />

H 3eH 1s- (Vaan)<br />

19 ōs mouth * ōs<br />

mas nodus (in lignō) knot * osdcos<br />

mas H 2osdo- 70 rāmus branch * osdos<br />

(osnós) mas H 3esH 3r̥ /<br />

H 3esH 3en<br />

62 autumnus autumn * osēn<br />

fem H 3es-ko- /-kā 9 frāxinus ashtrē * oskos<br />

fem H 3es-no- 9 ornus ashtree * ósonos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

ej mas H 3estHi-; H 3estHṛ-<br />

/ H 3estHṇ -<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

18 os bone * ostis<br />

BIf tr H 3eH w<br />

3s- aperiō open * ōsmi<br />

neu ōstium aperture entrance * ōstjom<br />

(óudesos) neu H 1ud terra land * oudn̥<br />

adI frigidus cold * ougros<br />

fem Hº 3H w<br />

3s-, H3oH w<br />

3s-,<br />

H3eH w<br />

w<br />

3s-, H3H3 ºs-<br />

19 auris ear * ousis<br />

neu H 1oH 2w-yo ōuum egg * ṓw(ij)om<br />

tr ouō (ouātionibus) cheer * owājō<br />

fem ouicula small sheep * owikā́<br />

fem H 3ewi- 16 ouis sheep * owis<br />

AIId inc H 3ew 53 induō get dressed * owō<br />

adI pH 1g-to pactus fixed * pəgtós<br />

adI pH 1g-ro pH1g-no constans sure * pəgrós<br />

ind 64 iuxta close to * pəra<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr perH 3 30 pariō give birth * pərijō<br />

ind prae before * pəros<br />

neu pagina page * pəstrom<br />

sta ptH 1 /pH 1t pateō lie open * pətējō<br />

(p∂tros) mas pH 2-ter; tab 17 pater father * pətēr<br />

fem 56 patera saucer

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIIa tr peH 2k; cf. pn̥gō 52 uinciō fasten * pakō<br />

(pākos) fem pax peace agreement

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem parra sparrow * parsā<br />

ej mas 10 pābulum food

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu pectus chest * pegtos<br />

AIa prog 59 pinguescō grow fat * peidō<br />

AIa tr peikō; cf. pikrós molestō annoy * peigō<br />

fem 13 pīca woodpecker * peikā<br />

AIa tr ornō adorn * peikō<br />

mas pīcus magpie

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 24 insultō insult * pējō<br />

tr pectō comb * pekō<br />

(pektnós) mas pecten comb

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

es neu<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem peluis pēlHwis dish * pēlwis<br />

pḷHwo-, polHwo-,<br />

pḷHwi-<br />

puluis pelH-w- dust * pelwos<br />

neu dētrimentum damage * pēmn̥<br />

tr pendō hang

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII quintus fifth * penqtos<br />

mas 3 saburra sand/gravel * pēnsús<br />

AIa tr 71 indāgō track

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ind cf. peros 64 praeterea besides * perom<br />

neu plūma feather * peróm<br />

ind cf. perom prorsum farther in time and space * peros<br />

ind perperām turned aside * pérpern̥ks<br />

fem 9 quercus oak * perqos<br />

fem pers(n)eH 2 calx heel * persā<br />

fem perna ham

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas āla wing * peterós<br />

adI pétH 2los petilus meager * petlos<br />

intr<br />

pet; petH 1/2/3<br />

secundārium<br />

33 aduolō fly (go flying) * petō<br />

fem penna feather * petsnā<br />

mas uolucrēs bird * petsnós<br />

BIIIb tr 29 intellegō understand * peumi<br />

AIa tr pwH purgō clean * pewō<br />

tr peH i<br />

3 bibō drink * pibō<br />

sta molestus (esse) be annoying

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr pinsō crush * pinsō<br />

tr peH 2; cf. spáneumi trahō draw pull * pípāmi<br />

ej neu piper pepper * píperi<br />

tr expleō fill satisfy * píperkmi<br />

intr 65 pipiō squeak * pipjājō<br />

(pepta) tr petH praecipitor fall down * piptō<br />

ej mas 14 piscis fish * piskis<br />

mas cibus food * pitús<br />

adI (fem. píweryā) 59 pinguis fat * piwōn<br />

intr garriō babble * plabrājai<br />

AIIIa cau cf. sedējō/sēdājō congruere facere make adequate

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI plH 2-no 59 plānus flat * plānos<br />

neu contabulātiō floor * plārom<br />

neu 1 campus planitiēs

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr pleu-d inundō flood * pleudō<br />

en mas pulmō lung * pleumōn<br />

AIa intr 8 fluō pluō flow rain * plewō<br />

fem appendix appendix * plighā<br />

fem plH 2meH 2 palma palm (of the hand) * pl̥mā<br />

BIVa intr pelH 2; cf. peldō appropinquō approach (to) * pl̥namaí<br />

BIVa inc<br />

plH 1; plḗnāmi,<br />

pḷnēmi; cf.<br />

pímplēmi<br />

pleō fill * pl̥nāmi<br />

AVIc tr plH 2-g 45 plangō strike * pln̥gō<br />

fem plūma feather * plousmā<br />

mas tabula board * ploutos<br />

fem pluuia rain

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem pḷtH2wiH2 terra (planēta) earth (planet) * pl̥táwijā<br />

mas<br />

plH 2t-H 2no; cf.<br />

plātús<br />

planitiēs flatness plateau * pl̥tnos<br />

sagum coat * pl̥tom<br />

neu plumbum lead * plúwaidhom<br />

(pḷwedos) mas 1 palus swamp * pl̥wods<br />

(pṇdkos) mas pantex paunch * pn̥dēks<br />

AIa intr 40 anhelō (lassitudine) breathe<br />

(strongly, from<br />

tireness)<br />

* pneusō<br />

AVIb tr pH 2g; cf pakō pangō (pepigi) nail * pn̥gō<br />

tr ptH 1 /pH 1t pandō spread out * pn̥ tō<br />

neu podium relief (geogr.) * podjom<br />

(pedos) mas 18 pēs foot * pods<br />

poimkós mas pūmex pumice (stone)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ueruactum fallow

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr portō carry

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 18 pēnis penis * poutos<br />

AIIIo cau purgō clean * powejō<br />

mas puer boy * póweros<br />

ind prH 1i 64 prae before * prāi<br />

ind praestō (adu) at hand

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(prēkos) fem prex plea * preks<br />

AVIII tr premō press

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI priH-to delectātus contentus pleased satisfied * prītós<br />

AIVa tr 24 timeō fear * pr̥gjō<br />

fem 1 sulcus furrow * pr̥kā́<br />

adI uarius motley * pr̥knos<br />

fem quaestiō question * pr̥kskā<br />

tr cf. prekō poscō ask * pr̥kskō<br />

BIVa tr prH 2 uendō sell * pr̥ nāmi<br />

adI pṛH-nó, perH-nó praeteritus past * pr̥ nos<br />

ind pro 64 prō forwards * prō(d)<br />

mas attentiō attention * probhoudhos<br />

tr probō (uerificō) prove

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI prouectus advanced * prokos<br />

sup prīmus (dictōrum) principal * promos<br />

ind prope near

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem prH 3ti- 51 pars part * pr̥tis<br />

(pṛtwos) mas 58 portus (transitus) ford * pr̥tus<br />

tr 7 gelō freeze * prunsō<br />

BIVb tr 7 rigō water * prúsneumi<br />

fem pruīna frost * pruswā́<br />

fem tilia lime-tree * pteljā<br />

inc puH 61 putēscō molder * pujō<br />

adI cf. pūtós pius righteous

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

adI<br />

powros; cf.<br />

dweiros/dwīrós,<br />

skeiros/skīrós<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

pūrus pure * pūrós<br />

mas puHro- 10 nucleus (fructus) core * pūrós<br />

mas H 3pu-s-bhi pubēs groom * pusbhis<br />

tr inflō inflate * pusjō<br />

pusḷkós mas 12 pūlēx flea * puslēks<br />

fem pustula pustule

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

jo adII quadrupēs quadruped * qətwr̥pods<br />

adII quartus fourth * qətwr̥tos<br />

ind quā which

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr compōnō compose * qejō<br />

fem quoque qjtis collectiō collection

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

num quattuordecim fourteen * qétwordekm̥<br />

adII quattuordecimus fourteenth * qétwordekəmos<br />

num<br />

dec<br />

kt w H3r-; tab;<br />

quoque q∂tw∂res,<br />

fem. qétsores<br />

quattuor four * qetwores, qétesres<br />

adII quadragēsimus fortieth * qétwr̥dkm̥təmos<br />

num<br />

adII<br />

num<br />

dec<br />

kwetwr̥dkm̥t- /<br />

kwetwr̥dkont-<br />

qetwr̥km̥tóm (ind.)<br />

+ gen.<br />

quadrāgintā forty * qétwr̥dkm̥ta<br />

quadrigentesimu<br />

s<br />

four hundreth

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

int quandō when * qm̥dō<br />

tr patior suffer * qn̥ tjō<br />

ind qoH 2(e); qōi? quō whither (towards, interr.) * qō<br />

int ubī (interr.) where (interr.) * qodhei<br />

fem 43 ulciscātiō retaliation * qoinā́<br />

mas excrēmentum dirt * qoinom<br />

adI 40 serēnus fair weather

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem tussis cough * qostā<br />

int quot how many * qot(j)os<br />

int ut (interr.) how * qota<br />

int quō whither * qote<br />

pron uter which (of two) * qóteros<br />

ind quō whither

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr rigō wet * rəgājō<br />

tr 55 rapiō snatch * rəpjō<br />

(r∂tjos) fem ratiō reason

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr crēscō grow * r̥dhjō<br />

adI<br />

Hrdh-wo-<br />

59 arduus steep * r̥dhwos<br />

fem saltus (dansa) leap * rebhā<br />

intr saltō (dansō) jump

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr equitō ride * reidhō<br />

adI facilis easy * reidhos<br />

AIa tr 52 alligō bind * reigō<br />

fem reiwā rīma crack * reimā<br />

en neu rīmo-, rīmā- seriēs list * rēimn̥<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIb intr H 1rem requiescō relax * remō<br />

neu<br />

H 2rH 1<br />

29 reor reckon * rēmoi<br />

AIb intr renH 32 currō run * renō<br />

mas possessiō rēs property * rentus<br />

intr 33 rēpō crawl * rēpō<br />

AIa tr 67 plectō (capilla) plait * resgō<br />

fem restis rope

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu H1reudhos/es rubōr redness * reudhos<br />

AIa intr<br />

reud(H); reudō /<br />

reudmi<br />

27 rūdō cry * reudō<br />

adI rudis wild * reudos<br />

neu pasta dough * reughmn̥<br />

AIa intr H 1reu-g ructō belch * reugō<br />

H 3reuH rūmorem faciō<br />

rumor (to<br />

produce)<br />

* reumi<br />

neu rūmen rūmen * reusmn̥<br />

intr rūminō ruminate

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

AIa inc / tr H 3rw / rwH 3<br />

(réwesos) neu<br />

rews, rows; cf.<br />

jewos, weis<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

51 dēfringō fodiō, ruō break off dig, collapse * rewō<br />

1 rūs open land * rewos<br />

tr cf. orghis sollicitō incite * r̥ghējō<br />

tr tormentō torture * rigjō<br />

tr ruinō ruin * rikjō<br />

BIVa tr H 3reiH; cf. reiwos ēgerō med. uertīgĭnō flush away med. whirl * rínāmi<br />

AIIIe sta tr H 2rk arceō contain * r̥ kējō<br />

neu repagula door-bar * r̥ kēslom<br />

fem r̥ ktlā arcula chest box * r̥ klā<br />

BIVa tr H 1erH 2 47 dīuidō divide * r̥ nāmi<br />

BIVb tr H 3r 35 cieō move * r̥neumi<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIVb tr capessō try to get * r̥numái<br />

jo fem mōmentum movement

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem rūpēs rock * roupis<br />

mas 20 intestīnum (animalium) intestine (of animals) * routos<br />

fem H 1erH 1- cessātiō pause * rowā́<br />

(r̥snos) mas H 1r̥sen; cf. wersis mās male * r̥sēn<br />

fem H 2r- inuidia envy * r̥sjā<br />

intr H 1r 33 eō go * r̥skai<br />

jo fem abitiō farewell

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas tunica tunic * ruktus<br />

tr 51 rumpō break * rumpō<br />

AVIa tr H 3ruk runcō weed * runkō<br />

adI rupus insincērus shoddy * rupús<br />

tr rūspor rummage * ruspājai<br />

adI H 3rw-to rutus collapsed * rwtós<br />

neu sī whenever * s(w)ei<br />

ind sīc thus

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas saepēs fence * saipis<br />

fem 66 saeta hair (strong) * saitā<br />

neu 63 saeculum lifetime * saitlom<br />

adI 42 saeuus fierce

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIVb tr<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas sabulum sand * samdhos<br />

adI quiētus tranquillus quiet calm

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

pron tab iste ista istud this * se/sos sā/sī tod<br />

ind sē apart * sēd<br />

cau sēdō appease settle * sēdājō<br />

sta sedeō be sitting * sedējō<br />

sta circumsedeō besiege * sedējō ambhí<br />

fem sella chair * sedlā<br />

neu conditus dēductiō (actiō) settlement (action)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr effundō spill * seiqō<br />

AIa intr exstillō drip * seilō<br />

fem seiH-meH 2 uitta band * seimā<br />

mas seiH-nu- catēna chain * seinus<br />

neu cōlum sieve * sējdhlom<br />

AVIII tr sH 1y 40 cōlō sieve * sējō<br />

tr sekH 2; cf. skijō 47 secō cut * sékāmi<br />

fem sektlā sēcula scythe * sēklā<br />

adI 40 calmōsus calm * sēknis<br />

num ksweks ? sex six * seks / sweks<br />

num swéksdekm̥ sēdecim sixteen * séksdekm̥<br />

adII swéksdek∂mos sēdecimus sixteenth * séksdekəmos<br />

adII swels- sexāgēsimus sixtieth * séksdkm̥təṃos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

num sexāginta sixty * séksdkṃta<br />

adII sescentesimus six hundredth

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

(senós) mas<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas semo- / sṃo- ūnus (numerus) one * semos<br />

intr 27 canō sing * senchō<br />

sta seneō be old * senējō<br />

senos; senH 1,<br />

senH 2<br />

senex old * senēks<br />

AIa inc mergō sink * senqō<br />

es neu 71 sēmita path * sentos<br />

tr sepeliō bury * sepēlijō<br />

neu sepulcrum tomb

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

num septm̥dkm̥t-<br />

/septm̥dkont-<br />

adII<br />

num<br />

dec<br />

septm̥km̥tóm (ind.)<br />

+ gen.<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

septuaginta seventy * séptm̥dkṃta<br />

septingentesimu<br />

s<br />

seven hundredth

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

adI<br />

sHi-tu, cf. sisō;<br />

sitús<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

sparsus far-reaching * sētús<br />

ind posterius later * sḗtjosi<br />

AIa tr sūgō suck * seugō<br />

AIa sta ferueō boil * seutō<br />

prog 40 minuō lessen * sewājō<br />

igene<br />

s.<br />

sui self

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr sīdō sit down * sisdō<br />

BIIe intr 8 fluō flow * sísermi<br />

tr olfaciō smell * sísghrāmi<br />

adI benignus beneficial

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu scamnus stool * skabhnom<br />

tr 49 scabō scratch * skabhō<br />

adI 41 scaeuus left-handed * skaiwós<br />

tr 49 scalpō carve * skalpō<br />

dur 33 scandō mount * skandō<br />

fem scāla ladder

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr debeō shall * skelō<br />

es neu scelus evil * skelos<br />

tr 53 uelō cover * skemō<br />

AIa tr 49 excauō hollow out * skerbhō<br />

fem<br />

(s)keHr(-deH 2)<br />

\Hr/Hn<br />

61 merda shit * skerdā<br />

AIa 47 castrō castrate * skerdō<br />

tr scindō split * skerjō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr 35 exsultō spring * skerō<br />

AIa inc 33 effugiō escape * skeubhō<br />

AIa tr 46 ēmittō shoot * skeudō<br />

AIa tr 53 obruō cover * skeumō<br />

adI 60 obscūrus dark * skeuros<br />

AIa tr s-kuH-t 53 operiō cover * skeutō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr H 2kw-; cf. koweyō 25 inspiciō inspect (to) * skewō<br />

tr dēcernō decide

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII scurrā clown * skoirsās<br />

neu skoito-s, skeito-m scūtum shield * skoitom<br />

fem umbra shade shadow * skojā́<br />

fem columella small pillar * skolmā<br />

mas ēlementum element * skōlos<br />

mas pluteus (librōrum) shelf * skolpos<br />

neu scortum whore

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr 47 caelō carve * skreidō<br />

fem scrobis pit

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem sleH 1i-meH 2 līma file * sleimā<br />

tr 49 līmō polish

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas smH 1-lo, smeH 1-lo animal animal * smalos<br />

AIa tr 22 cupiō desire * smegō<br />

AIa tr 47 caelō carve * smeidhō<br />

neu mīca crumb * smeikā<br />

tr admīror wonder

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIVb inc<br />

s-m(i)H-(d);<br />

smḗneumi<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

61 maculō stain * smā́neumi<br />

fem 61 merda shit

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIVb tr irrēpō slip in * smúghneumi<br />

intr 33 rēpō creep * snəghjō<br />

tr 47 amputō cut off sever * snadhō<br />

Bib intr snH 2 nō swim * snāmi<br />

(snighwós) fem 7 nix snow * sneighs<br />

AIa tr 47 dēminuō curtail * sneitō<br />

adI 59 exiguus scanty

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr nūbō marry the woman * sneubhō<br />

(snudhós) fem (aerea) turbulentia smog * sneudhs<br />

neu *sneH 1w-r̥/n̥ - mitra (funis) cable * snēwər<br />

sta ninguit snow * sníncheti<br />

15 serpens snake

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

soḷH2-wo,<br />

sḷH2-wo<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas oleum oil * solpos<br />

pron tōtus whole * solwos<br />

(solwotātjos) fem integritās totality * solwotāts<br />

AIIIo tr aequō make equal (to) * somejō<br />

adII somHó-; sṃos aequus equal * somós<br />

mas son-dhH 1o excrescentia protrusion * sondhos<br />

AIIIo cau 54 mittō send * sontejō<br />

adI cf. esn̥ts; sontjós sons uērus * sontis<br />

neu spolium plunder * soru<br />

mas socius allied * soqjós<br />

jo fem sok w tH-i 18 femur thigh-bone * soqtis<br />

mas sorā 8 fluxus flow * sormos<br />

tr sorbeō sip * sorbhējō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIVb tr<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem 9 sorbus rowan tree * sorbhos<br />

fem uiscus uiscera entrails * sorwā<br />

adII sinister left * soujós<br />

mas swoqós sūcus juice * soukos<br />

fem sauia kiss

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem lien spleen * spelghā<br />

mas 57 asser pole * spelgis<br />

intr cf. bhelō 27 recitō recitate * spelō<br />

cf. pelnis tabula table * speltā<br />

prog speH 1 33 extendī extend * spēmi<br />

mas psteHn ?? tetta nipple * spēnos<br />

mas 1 specus cave

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr spargō scatter * sperjō<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem spūma foam * spoimā<br />

intr spirō perspire * spoisājō<br />

fem halitus breath

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

cau sperH 1 54 spernō calcitrō move away kick * spr̥nō<br />

mas 18 talus ankle * spr̥os<br />

mas squalus large fish * sqalos<br />

es neu prodigium portent * sqeros<br />

fem 34 spīna thorn * sqijā<br />

intr sredh / sret aestuō billow * sredhō<br />

AIa intr diffilor fray * sremsō<br />

AIa intr sternuō snore * srenkō<br />

AIa intr 8 fluō flow * srewō<br />

fem quoque srwtis 8 fluxus strom * srewtis<br />

sta frigeō be cold be inactive

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem falcicula sickle

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

neu<br />

steH 2-mṇ /<br />

stoH 2-mo-<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

institūtiō arrangement * stāmn̥<br />

AIIIo tr condō place

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem stīua plough handle * steiwā<br />

AIa inc spissō condense * stejō<br />

fem stīria icicle

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu 61 stercus shit * sterkos<br />

(stros) mas H 2ster-; steros,<br />

sterlā<br />

stella star * stēr<br />

neu intestina entrails * sternom<br />

adI<br />

sterH 1-nó/ sterH 1-<br />

yó<br />

rigidus rigid * sternós<br />

AIa tr fūror rob * sterō<br />

adI sterilis sterile * stérolis<br />

mas H 2ster- stella star * steros<br />

(stṛpos) mas stirps trunk * stērps<br />

AIa intr stertō snore

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr 28 ēnuntiō inform * steumi<br />

AIa tr 45 quatiō hit * steupō<br />

AIa tr 49 sustineō support * steutō<br />

tr 45 instigō prickle * stigājō<br />

adI secūrus safe * stiprós<br />

neu lamina plate

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 58 sublicā pillar * stobhos<br />

mas uara trestle * stoghos<br />

mas 71 uia street * stoighos<br />

AIIIo cau stīpō densifiy stolo-<br />

; steH 2 + lo > stōlo-<br />

mensa table * stolos<br />

es neu palātum palate * stōmn̥<br />

tr interclūdō block * stopejō<br />

AIIIo cau corrigō straighten (to) * storejō<br />

fem centrum centre

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas (H 2)st(o)r-no- 13 sturnus starling * stornos<br />

neu studium study

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa dur 44 certō fight * streudō<br />

AIa tr str-w sternō strew * strewō<br />

intr strigō stop * strigājō<br />

fem stria line

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 57 pālus stick * stupos<br />

lois H 1su-(H) benē well * sū<br />

mas zythum beer * sudhjom<br />

ej adI súgh∂ris gracious grātus * súghoris<br />

tr effundō pluit spill rain * sujō<br />

mas porcellus piglet * sūkós<br />

fem 61 colluuiēs dregs * suljā<br />

mas uiridis (homō) vigorous * súnoros<br />

ew mas 17 fīlius son * sūnús<br />

ind sub under

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ind tab super over * (s)úperi<br />

adI tab superior superior * (s)úperos<br />

sup. summus uppest

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

6 flagrō blaze * sweidō<br />

es neu sīdus star

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa intr 2 splendeō glare * swelō<br />

neu trauersa sleeper * swelom<br />

es neu sulpur sulphur * swelplos<br />

BIIIa intr<br />

dur secūtus ueniō be followed * swemōr<br />

swenH; swenō,<br />

swonājō caus./iter.<br />

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI transpuntorius snappy

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIVb tr 45 uulnerō wound * swr̥neumi<br />

intr susurrō whisper murmur

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 20 uenter belly * tarsós<br />

adI tardus slow * tárudos<br />

neu pappa dad * tātā<br />

mas 16 taurus bull * tauros<br />

ind silenter silently

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem secūris axe

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu 53 obscuritās obscurity * temos<br />

mas ēbrius drunken * tēmos<br />

es neu tempus time * tempos<br />

tenos mas continuitās dūrātiō continuity duration * tēn<br />

fem taenia ribbon * tenā<br />

tr tendō extend * tendō<br />

AIa tr abstrahō drag away * tenghō<br />

AIa tr tingō impregnate drench * tengō<br />

ind tenos 64 tenus until * teni<br />

AIa tr prolongō extend * tenjō<br />

neu 19 tempus temple (part of head) * tenjom<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

prog tm̥nekmi 33 ēueniō result * temkō<br />

es neu 52 ligāmen ligament * tenos<br />

prōtēlō extend * tensō<br />

neu fūnis string * tentrom<br />

AIIIe sta 6 tepeō be warm * tepējō<br />

adI tepidus warm * teplós<br />

es neu febris fever * tepnos<br />

neu trāiectiō passage * teqom<br />

AIa tr minor threaten * tercō<br />

AIa tr<br />

neu terH 1(e)tro- terebra auger * téredhrom<br />

*trig w ō ? cf. gr.<br />

tribw<br />

49 tergō wipe * tergō<br />

neu mantellum towel

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(terṃnós) mas terminus end * termēn<br />

BIVb tr<br />

trH w<br />

1; tṛneumi<br />

33 transeō cross * terō<br />

AIa intr 23 oblector enjoy oneself * terpō<br />

jo fem quoque tṛptis delectātiō enjoyment * terptis<br />

fem 1, 6 terra (materiēs) earth * tersā<br />

intr serescō get dry * tersai<br />

adI teren 40 tener feeble * térunos<br />

(tétkenos) mas lignārius woodworker * tetkōn<br />

fem tetta teat * tettā<br />

mas pauō turkey * téturos<br />

neu progeniēs progeny * teukmn̥<br />

AIa effodiō dig out * teukō<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa inc 68 genuflector knee * teupō<br />

AIa tr 53 obtūrō stop up * teurō<br />

neu cumulus lot * teusmn̥<br />

fem teuteH 2 populus people (of a nationality) * teutā<br />

tr 25, 26 tueor observe * tewai<br />

es neu 42 impetus force * tewos<br />

neu tibia stalk * tibhjā<br />

tr 24 metuō be afraid * timējō<br />

intr teiH 1; tīńeumi tr. liquefiō finiō melt finish * tínāmi<br />

intr<br />

teH 2(i)-, cf.<br />

tādhēskō<br />

liquefiō melt * títāmi<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

BIIe tr explicō explain * títermi<br />

intr 65 titiō (passeris) chirp * titijō<br />

Bid tr condō establish * tkeimi<br />

sta<br />

telH 2; cf. tḷnō,<br />

tḷnāmi<br />

42 resistō endure * tlāmi<br />

adI 40 patiens patient * tlātjos<br />

sta requiescō rest * tl̥ijō<br />

tr<br />

telH 2; tḷnāmi; cf,<br />

tlāmi<br />

tollō raise * tl̥nō<br />

intr 28 loquor speak * tloqai<br />

tr temH 1 47 secō cut * tmāmi<br />

adI 58<br />

lacte<br />

coagulātum<br />

curdled milk * tm̥klos<br />

adI concrētus clotted * tm̥ktos<br />

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<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI diffusilis elasticus elastic * tm̥ pus<br />

sta tr 55 teneō comprehend * tn̥ējō<br />

adI cf. tenghō 59 grauis heavy serious * tn̥ghus<br />

tr teH 1g 49 tangō touch * tn̥gō<br />

adI tentus stretched * tn̥tos<br />

adI tnH 2-u- 59 tenuis thin * tn̥us<br />

fem toga garment * togā́<br />

ind profectō certainly * toi<br />

mas bipennis hatchet * tōkslos<br />

fem<br />

tk-so, tok-so,<br />

tk w so-, tok w -so ?<br />

9 iuniperus juniper * toksos<br />

adI fugax pernix fugacious swift * tokwós<br />

tr aduocō call for resort to * tolājō<br />

mas furfur bran * tolkos<br />

ind tum then * tom<br />

ind tunc then

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

BIIIa intr<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas sectiō cut * tomos<br />

(s)tenH 2/ (s)tonH 2<br />

(s)tenō, (s)tonājō<br />

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIIIo cau 6 torreō dry * torsejō<br />

neu tonitrum thunder

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

num trídekm̥ trēdecim thirteen * tréjesdekm̥<br />

adII trídek∂mos trēdecimus thirteenth * tréjesdekəmos<br />

AIa dur 35 tremō tremble * tremō<br />

AIa tr 22 incitō incite * trenkō<br />

AIa intr tremō shiver * trepō<br />

AIa tr 35 calcō trample tread * trepō<br />

Aia intr 67 uertor turn * trepō<br />

AVIII intr tremō shiver

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adII triple threefold * triplós<br />

fem triplicātiō triplication * trípl̥tis<br />

ind ter three times * trīs<br />

trīnī three in a go * trisnōs<br />

ej adII testis witness * tristis<br />

adII tertius third * tritjos<br />

adI triH-tó trītus rubbed * trītós<br />

(tṛmtos) fem 67 cuneus wedge * tr̥mēts<br />

mas tarmes termite * tr̥mos<br />

fem spīna thorn * tr̥nā<br />

mas 17 subolēs posterity * troghos<br />

fem porca sow

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

adI turpis ugly

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

tustjós<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ej fem turris tower * tursis<br />

(teusqa -ōm ?)<br />

intr delector rejoice oneself * tusjai<br />

neu desertum desert * tuskjós<br />

fem 7 unda wave * tusnā<br />

intr tussiō cough

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

(ūdhenos) neu<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas aper boar * twr̥kos<br />

fem turma troop * twr̥ mā<br />

adI 32 uelox quick * twr̥tos<br />

sta H 1ug w /H 1eug w /H 1ueg w<br />

7 ūmeō wet (be)

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr 65 ululō howl * ululājō<br />

fem unksnā umbra shadow * unksrā<br />

adI H 2wp-elo malus (non bonus) bad * upelos<br />

ind optimē very well * úperesū<br />

ind H 2u-per 64 super over * uperi<br />

adI superus high * úperos<br />

ind sub under * upo<br />

neu interpretium commission * upóqrijom<br />

neu fundamentum fundament * upósēdjom<br />

neu seruitium service * upóstānom<br />

adI upsēlós altus high * úpselos<br />

ind supra above * upsi<br />

mas cf. auqslā fornus oven

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr uagor roam * wəgājai<br />

es neu 7 liquor liquid

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

tr 67 flectō bend * wərikjō<br />

mas anfractus bend * wəroikos<br />

neu ricinium webbing

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ej mas 10 sēcale cereāle rye * wərughis<br />

ej mas uas caution * wadhis<br />

BIVb, AIVe tr<br />

intr g w adh? 33 uādō walk * wadhō<br />

neu gh w dhó- uadum river ford * wadhom<br />

fem uagīna sheath

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas 18 uārus asunder-legged

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu wedhmnom ? dōs dowry * wedhnom<br />

tr wHedh / Hwedh 54 addūcō lead * wedhō<br />

wédhenos neu arma weapon * wedhr̥<br />

neu tempus (sōl, pluuia) weather * wedhrom<br />

tr wedhH 1 caedō strike * wedhskō<br />

neu locūtiō utterance statement

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu uehiculum vehicle * weghtlom<br />

mas uector transporter * weghtṓr<br />

Aib, AIIIo cau wogejō 42 uegeō enliven * wegō<br />

AIb tr texō weave * wegō<br />

wiedr̥/wéidenos neu bestia beast * weidr̥<br />

AIa tr (d)wi-dhH 1; widhjō 47 dīuidō divide * weidhō<br />

es neu 31 praesentia presence * weidos<br />

(wikós)<br />

mas/<br />

fem<br />

cf. woikos domus house * weiks<br />

fem uictima victim * wéiktomā<br />

BIId tr uēnor hunt * (wí)weimi<br />

en neu 52 textrīnum loom * weimn̥<br />

AIa cau cf. wipjō 35 uibrō oscillō wave swing * weipō<br />

mas weiH 1ro-, wiH 1ró fūnis wire * weiros<br />

(wīsós) neu weiH-s/os/es 42 uis strength * weis<br />

fem uēna vein

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa sta 8 fluō flow * weisō<br />

(weitkós) fem 9 uitēx agnus castus

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu uellus hair velvet

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

es neu amor love * wenos<br />

fem 4 uensīca blister * wenseikā<br />

wentjos suff praeditus equipped with * went<br />

mas H 2weH 1-ṇto- /<br />

H 2wH 1ento-<br />

uentus wind * wentos<br />

fem rēs (abstracta) thing (abstract) * weqtis<br />

neu dictus expression * weqtlom<br />

(wṛos) neu forēs door * wēr<br />

wēros mas fauor favour * wēr<br />

es neu H 1wr-b flagellum whip * werbos<br />

fem secta sect * wereinā<br />

AIa sta 33 rotō uergō turn head towards * wergō<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu labos work * wergom<br />

neu Hwr; wēr, wēri 7 aqua water * weri<br />

tr werH 1 nōminō dīcō name say * werjō<br />

BIIe tr inueniō find * (wí)wermi<br />

fem 9 betullla alder * wernā<br />

adI uērus true * wēros<br />

AIa tr 67 ēuoluō wrap out * werpō<br />

ej mas cf. r̥sēn mās male * wersis<br />

en neu cf. w∂ros 4 uerrūca wart * wersmn̥<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIa tr uerrō drag * wersō<br />

fem 71 trames track

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

(wesenós /<br />

wesentós/)<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

neu 62 uēr spring * wesr̥<br />

mas matina morning * wēsros<br />

fem pulmentum food anything eaten with

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

ind 64 sē asunder * wī<br />

fem appārentia appearance * widā́<br />

tr weidmi ? 25 uideō (uisū nōuī) see * widējō<br />

fem H 1wídheweH 2 uidua widow * wídhewā<br />

fem 9 salīx willow * widhus<br />

fem widjā scientia wisdom * widjom<br />

adI doctus wise * widris<br />

sta weH 1i 36 uieō be curved * wijējō<br />

inc 36 uiēscō wither * wijēskō<br />

ej fem uicis chance opportunity * wikis<br />

dur 44 certō contend struggle

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AVIb tr comperiō find out * windō<br />

fac inuestigō investigate * windō peri<br />

adI appararens apparent * windos<br />

fem cable cable * winis<br />

tr 52 uinciō shackle * winkijō<br />

tr 44 uincō win * winkō<br />

AVIa tr causō cause * winsō<br />

adI multifārius diverse

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem 57 uirga club * wísogā<br />

adII uisus seen known * wistós<br />

intr circumeō turn around * witājō<br />

adI<br />

complementāriu<br />

s<br />

supplementary * wíteros<br />

fem wHi- textus framework * wītjā́<br />

neu curua curve

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem H 2/3wlH 1-neH 2 lāna wl̥ēnā wool * wl̥nā<br />

mas 16 lupus wolf * wl̥qos<br />

fem 66 caesariēs tuff of hair * wl̥tis<br />

mas adspectus impression * wl̥tus<br />

fem 7 unda wave

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

(wédenos) neu wedṛ 7 aqua water * wodr̥<br />

AIIIo cau addūcō induce (to) c woghejō<br />

mas uehiculum car * woghnos<br />

mas uectiō transport * woghos<br />

cau cf. augejō augeō make grow increase * wogsejō<br />

mas uomer ploughshare * wogsmis<br />

tr sciō know * woida<br />

AIIIo cau dirigō certiōrō orient * woidejō<br />

mas woH 1i- uīdulus basket * woidlos<br />

(woidwesos) adII fem: widw∂syā conscius knowing witness * woidwṓs<br />

fem ulmus elm * woighos<br />

fem uigor vigour * woikā́<br />

mas cf. weiks uīcus village hamlet * woikos<br />

adI wikrós peruicax steadfast warlike * woikós<br />

fem uilla farm country house

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

fem culpa crīmen fault * woinā́<br />

mas weinom uīnum wine * woinos<br />

mas uenēnum poison * woisos<br />

fem uēnātus hunt * woitā<br />

tr ēligō magis uelle choose prefer * wolējō<br />

es neu uulgus people (common) * wolgos<br />

es neu<br />

mas spīra roll * wolmos<br />

H 2wolH 1nos,<br />

H 2wlH 1nos<br />

uulnus wound * wolnos<br />

mas wōlos ēlectiō choice * wolos<br />

mas uolens willing * wolós<br />

ej fem uulpēs fox * wolpis<br />

neu perniciēs damage * wolsom<br />

adI wōlós rotundus round * wolwós<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

AIIIo cau torqueō wind * wondhejō<br />

wondhsos 66 caesariēs hair * wondhos<br />

adI uānus empty * wōnós<br />

fem 7 aqua water * wopjā<br />

fem wop-seH 2<br />

12 uespa wasp * wopsā<br />

(weqs) fem uox voice * woqs<br />

mas scelestus criminal * worghós<br />

neu cannabis cannabis * worgjom<br />

mas 12 uermis worm * wormis<br />

mas color colour * wornos<br />

fem wornā 13 coruus raven * wornos<br />

http://indo-european.info/ http://dnghu.org/<br />


<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

mas tresuir policeman

<strong>Proto</strong>-<strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Etymological Dictionary (c) 2012 Fernando López-Menchero <strong>Indo</strong>-<strong>European</strong> Language Association<br />

genus<br />

latīne anglē IE<br />

intr rīdeō laugh * wr̥isdējō<br />

intr urcō cry of an animal * wr̥kājō<br />

BIVa tr persequor persecute * wr̥nāmi<br />

(wṛādikós,<br />

wṛādijós)<br />

intr ringor grumble * wr̥n̥gai<br />

fem manus hand * wəronkā́<br />

fem fouea dip * wəronkis<br />

fem wrH 2d-eiH-;<br />

cf.wṛdyā<br />

fem H 2wrs;<br />

worsos, worsā<br />

rādix root

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