Southern Plant Lists - Southern Garden History Society

Southern Plant Lists - Southern Garden History Society Southern Plant Lists - Southern Garden History Society
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double white primrose 1875 cyclamen 1875 variegated wire plant 1875 bouvardeas 1875 wallnut 1875 Dahlias 1868 Ferns 1868 Geraniums 1868 Heleotropes 1868 sweet violets 1868 verbenae 1868 fairy belle 1868 fuschia 1868 lily of the Nile 1868 choice roses 1868 cactus 1868 night blooming cerus 1868 jessamine 1868 hyacinths 1868 salvia 1868 oleanders 1868 tubarose 1868 tisa plant 1868 chrysanthemums 1868 lantana 1868 lemon verbena 1868 japonica 1868 arbution 1868 Hannah Knight 1844-1875 Arkansas 200

Miss Betty Roper’s Herbarium 1853, Rocky Mount, Alabama Lower Montgomery County Betty Roper 1853 Alabama The following is a list of plants as they appear in Miss Betty Roper's Pressed Flower Herbarium notebook - Dated - Spring 1853. She was 14 years old when this was done, and was a part of her Botany school lessons. She would collect, press, and mount each specimen, generally one per page. She would then key out the specimen and write down it’s Order, Genus and Species, and it’s common name out beside the specimen. She would then include a statement as to what human sentiment it represented, or other such item. They would be kept in the parlor and shown to visitors, much like magazines would. This collection is at the State Archives and History at Montgomery. Compiled and submitted by George R. Stritikus. Latin Name Common Name Trillium cuneatum adder's tongue Gelsemium sempervirens carolina jasmine Thalictrum thalictroides rue anemone Narcissus orientalis chinese sacred lily ? Antennaria plantaginifolia pussy's toes Vaccinium corymbosum Ranunculus whortle-berry grass Viola rotundifolia yellow violet Acer rubrum red maple Brassica species mustard ? Amelanchier canadensis shadbush Cornus florida white dogwood Ranunculus arbortivus buttercup Rhododendron canescens native azalea Malus coronaria crabapple Aesculus pavia Rosa semperflorens red buckeye Podophyllum peltatum mayapple ? Helianthemum canadense rock rose Trillium species white trillium ? Viola blanda white violet Uvularia perfoliata bell wort Sanguinaria canadensis blood root Symphytum officinale comfrey 201

double white primrose 1875<br />

cyclamen 1875<br />

variegated wire plant 1875<br />

bouvardeas 1875<br />

wallnut 1875<br />

Dahlias 1868<br />

Ferns 1868<br />

Geraniums 1868<br />

Heleotropes 1868<br />

sweet violets 1868<br />

verbenae 1868<br />

fairy belle 1868<br />

fuschia 1868<br />

lily of the Nile 1868<br />

choice roses 1868<br />

cactus 1868<br />

night blooming cerus 1868<br />

jessamine 1868<br />

hyacinths 1868<br />

salvia 1868<br />

oleanders 1868<br />

tubarose 1868<br />

tisa plant 1868<br />

chrysanthemums 1868<br />

lantana 1868<br />

lemon verbena 1868<br />

japonica 1868<br />

arbution 1868<br />

Hannah Knight<br />

1844-1875<br />

Arkansas<br />


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