Middle Miocene palynoflora of the Legnica lignite deposit complex ...

Middle Miocene palynoflora of the Legnica lignite deposit complex ... Middle Miocene palynoflora of the Legnica lignite deposit complex ...

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8 its thickness reaches about 2–5 m at Legnica, 1–12 m at Ścinawa and about 0.6 m at Ruja, so it has a small infl uence on the scale of coal resources in the Legnica and Ruja deposits, whereas distinctly greater in the Ścinawa deposit. The seam consists of detrital, and sometimes hard, coal with inserts of xylites (Jaroń et al. 1978). Its age was determinated as the Late Badenian (Dyjor 1986, Dyjor & Sadowska 1986a, b, Piwocki & Ziembińska- Tworzydło 1995). Deposits of the Henryk seam (detritical brown coal with xylites) occur in the cores Legnica 33/56 (depth 76.6–74.0 m), Legnica 41/52 (depth 91.8–89.0 m), and Komorniki 97/72 (depth 77.5–77.6 m). The Poznań series (Poznań Formation) is the next one in the lithostratigraphic scheme of the Fore-Sudetic Block. The series is the latest Middle Miocene – Early Pliocene (Late Badenian – Early Dacian) in age (Dyjor 1986, Dyjor & Sadowska 1986a, Piwocki & Ziembińska- Tworzydło 1995, 1997). In the Legnica–Ścinawa region the Poznań series is up to 40 m thick. The grey and green clay horizons are present, whereas the fl amy clays occur only in part of the Legnica deposit and in the Ścinawa deposit (Jaroń et al. 1978). Deposits of the Poznań series occur in all studied cores, e.g. Legnica 33/56 (green clays with glauconite and fl amy clays, depth 74.0–2.5 m) and Legnica 41/52 (grey clays, green clays with glauconite and fl amy clays, depth 89.0–?25.0 m). The youngest Neogene series in the Lower Silesia is the Gozdnica series (Gozdnica Formation). In the Legnica region only small fragments of these deposits still exist, and their thickness does not exceed 0.5 m (Jaroń et al. 1978, Sawicki 1995). Deposits of the Gozdnica series (light-grey fi ne-grained sands, clays and silts) occur only in one studied core Legnica 41/52 (depth ?25.0–7.0 m). MATERIAL AND METHODS Material from three boreholes – Legnica 33/56 (depth of 74.0–77.0 m and 90.0–112.0 m) and Legnica 41/52 (depth of 77.0–86.8 m, 89.3–91.8 m and 114.4– 125.5 m), as well as Komorniki 97/72 from the Ruja deposit (depth of 77.2–81.4 m) have been used for palynological studies (Fig. 2). A total of 103 samples (46 from Legnica 33/56, 45 from Legnica 41/52 and 12 from Komorniki 97/72) have been collected. Material for pollen analysis was prepared by modifi ed Erdtman’s acetolysis method using HF acid (Faegri & Iversen 1975, Moore et al. 1991). Depending on frequency 1–6 slides from each sample were examined. Five samples (2 from Legnica 41/52, and 3 from Komorniki 97/72) were barren, and therefore data from 98 samples have been used to construct pollen diagrams (histograms). The sporomorphs were identifi ed on the basis of available publications and the palynological reference collection of the Department of Palaeobotany, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków. Descriptions of selected sporomorphs and phytoplankton microfossils (that were not described in detail in previous elaborations, or having old descriptions), as well as some synonyms of the taxa are presented. Some informations about botanical affi nity, occurrence in fossil fl oras and in the studied material as well as about allied recent plants are given in remarks. All taxa have been ordered taxonomically according to their botanical affi nity, and classifi ed to an appropriate palaeofl oristical element mainly on the basis of the checklist of selected pollen and spore taxa from the Neogene deposits (Ziembińska-Tworzydło et al. 1994a), and the Atlas of Pollen and Spores of the Polish Neogene (Stuchlik et al. 2001, 2002, 2009). The following elements have been distinguished: palaeotropical (P): tropical (P1) and subtropical (P2), as well as arctotertiary (A): warm-temperate (A1) and cool-temperate (A2). Some species, of which the nearest living relatives occur in a variety of climatic conditions, were included into cosmopolitan (P/A) climatic element. All illustrations reproduced on the photo plates are presented at 1000 × magnifi cation, except where otherwise stated. GENERAL RESULTS OF POLLEN ANALYSIS A total of 201 taxa from 96 genera (including 195 taxa from 92 genera of pollen and spores, and 6 taxa from 4 genera of fresh-water phytoplankton) have been identifi ed. There are some multispecies genera (Abiespollenites, Araliaceoipollenites, Cathayapollis, Cornaceaepollis, Ericipites, Graminidites, Ilexpollenites, Laevigatosporites, Nyssapollenites, Piceapollis, Quercoidites, Sciadopityspollenites, Sequoiapollenites, Stereisporites, Zonalapollenites, and others). In all studied samples pollen and spores of the arctotertiary palaeofl oristical element (mainly A1 – warm-temperate) distinctly prevail. In the upper parts of both Legnica profi les and in the Komorniki profi le this domination is the strongest. Taxa of the palaeotropical element (mainly P2 – subtropical) are more frequent in the lowest parts of both Legnica profi les (Tab. 1). Pollen grains of conifers are numerous, but they show a comparatively small diversity in all studied profi les. Among them Taxodiaceae/

Fig. 2. Correlation of the studied profi les. 1 – soil, 2 – sand, 3 – gravel, 4 – clay, 5 – silt, 6 – coaly clay, 7 – calcium carbonate concretions, 8 – brown coal, 9 – weathering residues (according to Sadowska et al. 1981, Worobiec et al. 2008) Cupressaceae (Inaperturopollenites, max. 65% of total sum of pollen grains), Sequoia (Sequoiapollenites, up to 35%), Pinus – with predomination of Pinus sylvestris type (up to 30%), and P. type Haploxylon sensu Rudolph + Cathaya (up to 15%), are the most frequent. Pollen grains of Abies type were encountered in quantities up to 12%. Picea, Tsuga (Zonalapollenites) and Sciadopitys reach a few percent, whereas Cedrus, Keteleeria, and Larix were found sporadically. Deciduous trees are represented by Alnus (max. 70%, with distinct predomination of tetraporate pollen grains), Nyssa (up to 30%), 9

Fig. 2. Correlation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> studied pr<strong>of</strong>i les. 1 – soil, 2 – sand, 3 – gravel, 4 – clay, 5 – silt, 6 – coaly clay, 7 – calcium carbonate<br />

concretions, 8 – brown coal, 9 – wea<strong>the</strong>ring residues (according to Sadowska et al. 1981, Worobiec et al. 2008)<br />

Cupressaceae (Inaperturopollenites, max.<br />

65% <strong>of</strong> total sum <strong>of</strong> pollen grains), Sequoia<br />

(Sequoiapollenites, up to 35%), Pinus – with<br />

predomination <strong>of</strong> Pinus sylvestris type (up to<br />

30%), and P. type Haploxylon sensu Rudolph<br />

+ Cathaya (up to 15%), are <strong>the</strong> most frequent.<br />

Pollen grains <strong>of</strong> Abies type were encountered<br />

in quantities up to 12%. Picea, Tsuga (Zonalapollenites)<br />

and Sciadopitys reach a few percent,<br />

whereas Cedrus, Keteleeria, and Larix<br />

were found sporadically.<br />

Deciduous trees are represented by Alnus<br />

(max. 70%, with distinct predomination <strong>of</strong><br />

tetraporate pollen grains), Nyssa (up to 30%),<br />


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