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d. flne antenna is used for transmitting and another for receiv­<br />

ing. Both antennae stand about twenty-five feet above the ground and are<br />

of the single-wire, off-center.feed type.<br />

e. The operator on duty at the time of the visit appeared com­<br />

potent as he received CW traffic at about 18-20 words per minute. Signals<br />

from Tananarive .were strong and without any inteiferenoe at the time.<br />

They could have been easily copied fron some distance outside of the<br />

operations room.<br />

f. With proper maintenance and availability of replacement tubes<br />

(Americannot French), theROAtransmitter and receiver could be continued<br />

-in operation for several years. Should a new system be installed, this<br />

RCA equipment would make an excellent standby transmitter.<br />

1. U Fort Installations:<br />

a. Tamatave is the principal comercial ocean port for the<br />

Malagasy Republic and of course serves Tananarive to .which it is con­<br />

nected by a tortuout an weather road and a railroad. The Public Safety.<br />

Survey Tiem iwere taken on a tour of these port facilities which appeared<br />

,to be modern and adequate. The Malagasy officials were particularly<br />

anxiois'to have the team members observe the security measures of this<br />

port.' It'was explained that this security problem, while within the pri­<br />

mary-furisdiction of the National Police, had been delegated to the<br />

Gendarmerie due to lack of police personnel.<br />

b. The Gendarmerie have detailed a forty man para-military forcet,<br />

with French Nationals as Officers, to this security assignment. The<br />

entire port and quay area is secured from the City of Tamatave by a high<br />

fence and the sea. There is only one entry and exit to the area and all<br />

- 54 ­<br />

118- UN JoI

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