Hilde Vandenneucker - Feb2013 - Orthopedie Pellenberg

Hilde Vandenneucker - Feb2013 - Orthopedie Pellenberg

Hilde Vandenneucker - Feb2013 - Orthopedie Pellenberg


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Naam: Dr. VANDENNEUCKER <strong>Hilde</strong><br />

Geboortedatum: 22.09.1968, Halle<br />

Functie: Orthopedisch Chirurg<br />


1980-1986 : Hoger secundair onderwijs ;<br />

Latijn-Wetenschappen<br />

Heilig-Hartinstituut, Halle<br />

1986 – 1993: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven<br />

• Eerste kandidatuur ; juli 1987 met grote onderscheiding<br />

• Tweede kandidatuur ; juli 1988 met grote onderscheiding<br />

• Derde kandidatuur ; juli 1989 met onderscheiding<br />

• Eerste doctoraat ; juli 1990 met grote onderscheiding<br />

• Tweede doctoraat ; juli 1991 met grote onderscheiding<br />

• Derde doctoraat ; juli 1992 met grote onderscheiding<br />

www.orthopediepellenberg.be<br />

Curriculum Vitae<br />

Promotie Doctor in de Genees-,Heel- en Verloskunde, Leuven, 29 juni 1993 met grote onderscheiding<br />


∂ 01.08.1993-31.07.1994 : UZ KU Leuven, Algemene Heelkunde – Traumato<br />

∂ 01.08.1994-31.07.1995 : KLINA Brasschaat, Algemene heelkunde – Traumato<br />

∂ 01.08.1995-31.07.1997 : AZ St Lucas Assebroek Brugge, <strong>Orthopedie</strong> – Traumato<br />

∂ 01.08.1997-31.07.1998 : UZ KU Leuven ( UZ <strong>Pellenberg</strong> ), <strong>Orthopedie</strong><br />

∂ 01.08.1998-31.07.1999 : UZ KU Leuven ( UZ <strong>Pellenberg</strong> ), <strong>Orthopedie</strong><br />

∂ 15.11.1998-14.12.1998 : Travelling Fellowship Knee Surgery :<br />

• Barnes Jewish Hospital St Louis, USA<br />

• Dr L. Whiteside<br />

o Knee- and Sports Medicine<br />

• AANA Fall Course Palm Desert, CA, USA ; knee, ankle and shoulder<br />

• 10 th Total Knee Course december 1998, New York, NY, USA<br />

• Current Concepts in joint replacement, december 1998, Orlando,<br />

Florida, USA<br />

∂ Staff Member of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ,<br />

Belgium, since 01/08/1999 - Subdivision Knee pathology and Sports injuries.


∂ G. Vandeputte, H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong>, P. Kestelijn, Peesaandoeningen van enkel en voet,<br />

Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, Vol 53-19-1997,1291-1297. Impact unknown<br />

∂ Saeki K, Mihalko WM, Patel V, Conway J, Naito M, Thrum H, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Whiteside LA,<br />

Stability after medial collateral ligament release in total knee arthroplasty, Clin Orthop Relat Res.<br />

2001 Nov;(392):184-9. Impact:1.891<br />

∂ Bellemans J, Banks S, Victor J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Moermans A, Fluoroscopic analysis of the<br />

kinematics of deep flexion in total knee arthroplasty. Influence of posterior condylar offset, J<br />

Bone Joint Surg Br. 2002 Jan ;84(1) :50-3. Impact:1,891<br />

∂ Bellemans J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Labey L, van Audekercke R, Fixation strength of meniscal repair<br />

devices, Knee.2002 Feb;9(1):11-4. Impact:1,307<br />

∂ Bellemans J, Reynders-Frederix P, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Vanlauwe J, De gekwetste knie op de<br />

dienst spoedgevallen, Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2004 vol 60:429-432. Impact unknown<br />

∂ Bellemans J, Robijns F, Duerinckx J, Banks S, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, The influence of tibial slope on<br />

maximal flexion after total knee arthroplasty, Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2005<br />

Apr;13(3):193-6. Impact:1,626<br />

∂ Vanhaecht K, Sermeus W, Tuerlinckx G, Witters I, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Bellemans J, Development<br />

of a clinical pathway for total knee arthroplasty and the effect on length of stay and in-hospital<br />

functional outcome, Acta Ortop Belg. 2005 Aug;71(4): 439-44. Impact unknown<br />

∂ J Bellemans, H <strong>Vandenneucker</strong>, J Vanlauwe, Total Knee Replacement, Current Orthopaedics<br />

(2005) 19, 446-452.Impact:0.140<br />

∂ Bellemans J,<strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Victor J, Vanlauwe J, Flexion Contracture in Total Knee<br />

Arthroplasty, Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 Nov;452:78-82. Impact:1,891<br />

∂ Bellemans J, D’Hooghe P, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Van Damme G, Victor J, Soft Tissue Balance in<br />

Total Knee Arthroplasty : Does Stress Relaxation Occur Perioperatively?, Clin Orthop Relat es.<br />

2006 Nov;452:49-52. Impact:1,891<br />

∂ Hardeman F, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Vanlauwe J, Bellemans J, Cementless total knee arthroplasty<br />

with Profix : A 8-to 10-year follow-up study, Knee.2006 Dec;13(6):419-21. Impact:1,307<br />

∂ Van Tongel A, Stuyck J, Bellemans J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Septic arthritis after arthroscopic<br />

anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a retrospective analysis of incidence, management<br />

and outcome, Am J Sports Med.2007 Jul;35(7):1057-8. Impact:3.397<br />

∂ Bellemans J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Vanlauwe J, Robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty, Clin Orthop<br />

Relat Res. 2007 Nov;464:111-6. Impact:1.891<br />


∂ Bellemans J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Vanlauwe J, Total knee arthroplasty in the valgus knee using a<br />

standard medial approach, Springer France Interactive Surgery 2008 vol 3:3-5. Impact unknown<br />

∂ Saris DB, Vanlauwe J, Victor J, Haspl M, Bohnsack M, Fortems Y,…, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, …, Luyten<br />

FP, Characterized chondrocyte implantation results in better structural repair when treating<br />

symptomatic cartilage defects of the knee in a randomized controlled trial versus<br />

microfracture., Am J Sports Med. 2008 Feb;36(2):235-6. Impact:3,397<br />

∂ Dujardin J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Bellemans J, Tibial cyst and intra-articular granuloma formation<br />

after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using polylactide carbonate osteoconductive<br />

interference screws, Arthroscopy. 2008 Feb;24(2):238-42; Impact:2.296<br />

∂ Corten K, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Reynders P, Nijs S, Pittevils T, Bellemans J, A pyogenic, ruptured<br />

Baker’s cyst induced by arthroscopic pressure pump irrigation, Knee Surg Sports Traumatol<br />

Arthrosc. 2009 Mar;17(3):266-9. Impact:1,626<br />

∂ Corten K, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Van Lauwe J, Bellemans J, Chronic posttraumatic bursitis of the<br />

medial collateral ligament: surgical treatment in 2-high-level professional athletes, Am J Sports<br />

Med. 2009 Mar;37(3):610-3. Impact:3.397<br />

∂ Luyckx T, Didden K, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Labey L, Innocenti B, Bellemans J, Is there a<br />

biomechanical explanation for anterior knee pain in patients with patella alta?, J Bone Joint<br />

Surg Br. 2009 Mar;91(3):344-50. Impact: 1.868<br />

∂ Corten K, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Molenaers G, Bellemans J, Moens P, Bilateral patellar Köhler’s<br />

disease in an eleven-year-old child with growth retardation: a case report, Acta Orthop Belg.<br />

2009 Apr;75(2):273-6. Impact unknown<br />

∂ Bellemans J, Carpentier K, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Vanlauwe J, Victor J, The John Insall Award: Both<br />

Morphotype and Gender Influence the Shape of the Knee in Patients Undergoing TKA, Clin<br />

Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Jan;468(1):29-36. Impact: 1.891<br />

∂ Bellemans J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Vanlauwe J, Victor J, The influence of coronal plane deformity<br />

on mediolateral ligament status: an observational study in varus knees, Knee Surg Sports<br />

Traumatol Arthrosc. 2009 Sep 3 (epub ahead of print ). Impact:1,626<br />

∂ Saris DB, Vanlauwe J, Victor J, Almqvist KF, Verdonk R, Bellemans J, Luyten FP;<br />

TIG/ACT/01/2000&EXT Study Group, Treatment of symptomatic cartilage defects of the knee:<br />

characterized chondrocyte implantation results in better clinical outcome at 36 months in a<br />

randomized trial compared to microfracture., Am J Sports Med.2009 Nov;37 Suppl 1:10S-19S.<br />

Epub 2009 Oct 21; Impact:3.397<br />

∂ Raaijmaakers M, Vanlauwe J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Dujardin J, Bellemans J, Arthroscopy of the<br />

knee in elderly patients: cartilage lesions and their influence on short term outcome. A<br />

retrospective follow-up of 183 patients, Acta Orthop Belgica 2010 Feb;76(1):79-85<br />


∂ Bellemans J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Vanlauwe J, Victor J, The influence of coronal plane deformity<br />

on mediolateral ligament status: an observational study in varus knees, Knee Surg Sports<br />

Traumatol Arthrosc. 2010 Feb;18(2): 152-6<br />

∂ C. Verlinden, P. Uvin, L. Labey, J.P. Luyckx, J. Bellemans, H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong>, The influence of<br />

malrotation of the femoral component in Total knee replacement on the mechanics of<br />

patellofemoral contact during gait; An in vitro biomechanical study, J Bone Joint Surg(Br) 2010<br />

May;92-B:737-42<br />

∂ J Bellemans, H <strong>Vandenneucker</strong>, Isolated Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis: Prosthetic Indications,<br />

Springer 2010, Patellofemoral Pain, Instability, and Arthritis, Chapter 36.<br />

∂ Bellemans j, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Van Lauwe J, Victor J., A new surgical technique for medial<br />

collateral ligament balancing; multiple needle puncturing, J Arthroplasty. 2010 Oct;25(7):1151-6<br />

∂ Arnout N, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Bellemans J, Posterior Dislocation in total knee replacement: a<br />

price for deep flexion? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2010 Sep 7<br />

∂ Didden K, Luyckx T, Bellemans J, Labey L, Innocenti B, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Anteroposterior<br />

positioning of the tibial component and its effect on the mechanics of patellofemoral contact,<br />

J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2010 Oct;92 (10):1466-70<br />

∂ Kaat Desloovere, Pius Wong, Liesbeth Swings, Barbara Callewaert, <strong>Hilde</strong> <strong>Vandenneucker</strong>,<br />

Alberto Leardini, Range of motion and repeatability of knee kinematics for 1 clinically relevant<br />

motor tasks, Gait &Posture 32(2010)597-602<br />

∂ Verhaegen F, Ganseman Y, Arnout N, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Bellemans J, Are clinical photographs<br />

appropriate to determine the maximal range of motion of the knee?, Acta Orthop Belg. 2010<br />

Dec;76(6):794-8<br />

∂ Bellemans J, Colyn W, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Victor J, The Chitranjan Ranawat Award: Is neutral<br />

Mechanical Alignment Normal for All Patients?: The Concept of Constitutional Varus, Clin<br />

Orthop Relat res. 2011 Jun 9<br />

∂ Vanlauwe J, Saris DB,… TIG/ACT/01/2000&EXT Study Group, Five-year outcome of characterized<br />

chondrocyte implantation versus microfracture for symptomatic cartilage defects of the knee;<br />

early treatment matters, Am J Sports Med. 2011 Dec;39(12):2566-74<br />

∂ Van Biervliet J, Bellemans J, Verlinden C, Luyckx JP, Labey L, Innocenti B, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H,The<br />

influence of malrotation and femoral component material on patellofemoral wear during gait,<br />

J Bone Joint Surg Br.2011 Oct;93 (10): 1348-54<br />

∂ Bonnin M, Amendola NA, Bellemans J, Mac Donald SJ, Menetry J, The Knee Joint; Surgical<br />

Techniques and Strategies, Springer, 2011<br />

II The Degenerative Knee ............................................................... 559<br />

Osteoarthritis of the patello-femoral joint ............................................... 561<br />

49. Patellofemoral osteoarthritis: pathophysiologie, treatment,<br />

and results<br />

H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong>, K. Didden, J. Bellemans ............................................................. 563<br />

III Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty ............................................... 695<br />

Design and concept in TKA ....................................................................... 697<br />

67. Bicruciate retaining TKA: the future?<br />

J. Bellemans, K. Corten, J. Vanlauwe, H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> ......................................... 735<br />


∂ Luyckx T, Peeters T, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Victor J, Bellemans J, Is adapted measured resection<br />

superior to gap-balancing in determining femoral component rotation in total knee<br />

replacement? J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012 Sep;94(9):1271-6<br />

∂ Dewilde TR, Dauw J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Bellemans J, Opening wedge distal femoral varus<br />

osteotomy using the Puddu plate and calcium phosphate bone cement, Knee Surg Sports<br />

Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Jan;21(1):249-254<br />

∂ Mufty S, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Bellemans J, The influence of leg length difference on clinical<br />

outcome after revision TKA, Knee. 2012 Oct 20 ( Epub ahead of print)<br />

∂ Matassi F, Duerinckx J, <strong>Vandenneucker</strong> H, Bellemans J, Range of motion after total knee<br />

arthroplasty: the effect of a preoperative home exercise program, Knee Surg Sports Traumatol<br />

Arthrosoc. 2012 Dec 28 ( epub ahead of print)<br />


∂ 15/05/1993 ; Orthopaedic Conferences, <strong>Pellenberg</strong>, Belgium<br />

“Avasculaire necrose van de femurkop; Controversie in behandeling”<br />

∂ Nascholingscursus Herfst 1994 Orthopaedica Belgica<br />

AZ VUB Jette, Belgium<br />

“Operatieve behandeling van intercondylaire femurfracturen; functionele<br />

resultaten”<br />

∂ Belgische Vereniging voor Traumatologie 1994<br />

“Achillespeesrupturen”<br />

∂ Belgische Vereniging voor traumatologie 1995<br />

“Surgical Approaches tot the Lower Arm”<br />

∂ Orthopaedic Conferences Resident’s Day 1998, <strong>Pellenberg</strong>, Belgium<br />

“The Biofix meniscal repair device : Short-term clinical results.”<br />

∂ Terugkomdag Rheumatologie-<strong>Orthopedie</strong> voor huisartsen, <strong>Pellenberg</strong>, Belgium<br />

“Degeneratief gewrichtslijden van de knie “<br />

∂ 66th Annual meeting AAOS, February 4-8,1999, Anaheim 1999, CA,USA<br />

“Primary Stability of Currently Available Meniscal Repair techniques”<br />

∂ 21 st World Congress of Sicot 18-23 april,1999, Sydney, Australia<br />

“Primary Stability of Currently Available Meniscal Repair techniques ; an in vitro<br />

biomechanical comparison”<br />

∂ EFORT,3-8 june, 1999, Brussels, Belgium<br />

“Primary Stability of Currently Available Meniscal Repair techniques ; an in vitro<br />

biomechanical comparison”<br />

∂ EFORT,3-8 june, 1999, Brussels, Belgium<br />

• “Arthroscopic meniscus transplantation using an all inside technique ;<br />

min 2-year follow-up”<br />

∂ EFFORT, 3-8 june, 1999, Brussels, Belgium<br />

“Radiostereometric Analysis ( RSA ) in knee arthroplasty”<br />


∂ 67 th Annual meeting AAOS, March 15-19,2000,Orlando ,FL,USA<br />

“Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Patient with a Fixed Flexion Contracture: A<br />

Surgical Algorithm”<br />

J. Bellemans, H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong><br />

∂ International Congress of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology, ABA 2000, Oostende, Belgium<br />

• “Fixation Strength of meniscal repair devices”<br />

∂ International Congress of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology, ABA 2000, Oostende, Belgium<br />

“Is the Rehabilitation faster in cemented or uncemented Total Knee<br />

Arthroplasty,”<br />

J. Bellemans, H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong><br />

∂ ABA / SFA Combined Meeting Multimedia and the Arthroscopist – Anchoring and Reinsertion,<br />

March 23, 2001, Brussels, Belgium<br />

“Comparison of Meniscal Fixation Systems”<br />

∂ 69 th Annual Meeting AAOS, February 13-17, 2002, Dallas, Texas<br />

“Is there a Difference in Kinematics Between Mobile Bearing and Fixed Bearing<br />

Total Knee Arthroplasty?”<br />

J. Bellemans, H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong><br />

∂ 69 th Annual Meeting AAOS, February 13-17, 2002, Dallas, Texas<br />

“What is Limiting Ultimate Maximal Flexion in Posterior Cruciate Ligament-<br />

Retaining Total Knee Arthroplasty,”<br />

J. Bellemans, H. <strong>Vandenneucker</strong><br />

∂ 70 th Annual Meeting AAOS, February 6, 2003, New Orleans, USA<br />

“Effect of tibial sloop on flexion in total knee arthroplasty”<br />

∂ Lentesymposium Belgische Vereniging voor <strong>Orthopedie</strong> en Traumatologie, March 15, 2003,<br />

Roeselare, Belgium<br />

“ Overbelastingsletsels bij het kind”<br />

∂ Orthoconcepts, January 23-24, 2004, <strong>Pellenberg</strong>, Belgium<br />

“Current Concepts of lateral patellar dislocation”<br />

∂ Second State of the Art in total knee arthroplasty course, june 22-23, 2004, Brugge, Belgium<br />

“Minimal invasive TKA- live surgery moderation”<br />

∂ Basic Recon Training, May 26, 2005, Barcelona, Spain<br />

“Surgical Approaches in TKA”<br />

“Surgical Principles in TKA”<br />

“Ligament Balancing in the Varus Knee”<br />

“Ligament Balancing in the Valgus Knee”<br />

“Flexion-Extension Balancing”<br />

“Complications in TKA”<br />

“The Stiff Knee”<br />

“Principles in Revision TKA ; Septic Loosening”<br />

∂ EORS Congress, June 4-7, 2005, Lissabon, Portugal<br />

“Stress Relaxation in total knee arthroplasty”<br />

∂ 7 th Congress of the European federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and<br />

Traumatology ‘ EFFORT ), June 4-7, 2005, Lissabon, Portugal<br />

“Ligament balancing in the navigation-assisted total knee arthroplasty; the<br />

effect of stress relaxation”<br />


∂ Belgian Knee Society, May 10, 2006, Aalst, Belgium<br />

“Anatomy and Biomechanics of the PCL and its impact on PCL-reconstruction”<br />

∂ Leuvense Dagen voor Huisartsen, 18 november, 2005, <strong>Pellenberg</strong>, Belgium<br />

“Functionele Anatomie en patho-anatomie van de knie”<br />

“De totale knieprothese in de behandeling van knie-artrose”<br />

∂ Huisartsensymposium 23 september, 2006, Herent, Belgium<br />

“Acute en chronische kniepathologie in de huisartsenpraktijk”<br />

∂ 3 rd State-of-the-Art in Revision Knee Arthroplasty, June 14-15,2007, Nijmegen, Netherlands<br />

“Bone Loss in Revision TKA”<br />

“The Infected TKA; diagnosis and management”<br />

∂ Cross-selling training S&N September 12,2007, Haasrode, Belgium<br />

“Revision Knee Surgery; Tips and Tricks”<br />

∂ Soft Tissue and Bone Sparing Solutions in Knee Arthroplasty, September 17-18,2007, <strong>Pellenberg</strong>,<br />

Belgium<br />

“Patellofemoral Arthroplasty : Biomechanical Issues”<br />

∂ Innovative Concepts in Knee Joint Surgery, April 3-5,2008, Barcelona, Spain<br />

“Normal / Abnormal Knee Kinematics”<br />

“Early Results Journey BCS”<br />

“Principles of Revision TKA”<br />

My Experience with Infections; The <strong>Pellenberg</strong> Protocol”<br />

∂ The Nordic Masters Course on Revision TKA, June 2-3,2008, Stockholm, Sweden<br />

“Bone Loss in Revision TKA”<br />

“Component Malplacement; How to diagnose and treat?”<br />

“The future of TKA”<br />

∂ 3 rd European Advanced Course on Knee Arthroplasty, June 11-13,2008, Brugge, Belgium<br />

“Cementation tibia/femur”<br />

∂ 4 th State of the Art in Revision Knee Arthroplasty meeting, June 26-27,2008, Nijmegen,<br />

Netherlands<br />

“Bone loss in Revision Surgery”<br />

“Infection in TKA”<br />

∂ European Sports Medicine & Knee Arthroplasty Meeting “The Knee , Our Universe”, October 8-<br />

12,2008, Frankfurt, Germany<br />

“The Infected Knee”<br />

∂ BVOT Spring symposium “ Anterior Knee pain Symposium”, Saturday, March 21, 2009, Ghent,<br />

Belgium<br />

“The degenerative patellofemoral joint”<br />

∂ 5 th State of the Art in Revision knee Arthroplasty meeting, June 18-19,2009, Nijmegen,<br />

Netherlands<br />

“Hinge versus CCK”<br />

“Bone Loss in revision TKA”<br />

“Infection”<br />

∂ Turkish knee Meeting, October 9-10,2009, Istanbul, Turkey<br />

“How to deal with extensive bone loss in revision TKA”<br />

∂ EKA Meeting, November 27,2009, Barcelona, Spain<br />

“Case Discussion”<br />


∂ Nurse Meeting, November 20,2009, Bierbeek, Belgium<br />

“Orthopedische Chirurgie”<br />

∂ 14 th ESSKA Congress, June 9-12,2010, Oslo Norway<br />

“High Flexion and High Performance Knee Designs; An Overview”<br />

∂ 6 th State of the Art in Revision knee Arthroplasty meeting, June 17-18,2010, Nijmegen,<br />

Netherlands<br />

“Hinge versus CCK”<br />

∂ Symposium;”Obesitas, verzekerbaarheid en menselijke schade”, September 20,2010, UZA,<br />

Antwerpen<br />

“Kniepathologie; obesitas en invaliditeit”<br />

∂ Instructional Course Knee; Primary to Revision, October 14-16,2010, Lucerne, Switzerland<br />

“My 10 Checkpoints to a successful TKA”<br />

“Step-by-step technique: ACF/DCF/Pros & Cons”<br />

“Hinge versus CCK”<br />

“Early results with Legion Revision”<br />

∂ Research Forum, October 21-22, 2010, Leuven, Belgium<br />

“Poster presentation;Experimental and numerical analysis of patellofemoral<br />

contact mechanics in TKA”<br />

“Poster presentation; How precise can bony landmarks be determined on a CT<br />

scan of the knee.”<br />

∂ Early Intervention Knee User Group Meeting, May 5-6,2011, Haasrode, Belgium<br />

PFJ; a worthwile operation”<br />

∂ Instructional course knee; Primary to revision, May 15-17, 2010, Barcelona, Spain<br />

“Bone loss in revision surgery”<br />

“Legion revision surgery; early results”<br />

“My 10 checkpoints to a succesfull TKA”<br />

“Hinge versus CCK”<br />

∂ Master Class Knee –Revision Knee Surgery, June 16-17,2011, Nijmegen, Netherlands<br />

“Hinge versus CCK-How much constraint is required?”<br />

∂ Belgian Knee Society ‘Wen everything goes wrong…’, June 22,2011, Antwerpen, Belgium<br />

“Case Report; Never think this is the end”<br />

∂ ISTA, September 21-22,2011, Bruges, Belgium<br />

“Is there a biomechanical explanation for anterior knee pain in patients with<br />

patella alta?”<br />

∂ 14 de De puy Nurse Course, October 14,2011, Netherlands<br />

« De plaats van prothesechirurgie in de behandeling van kniepathologie »<br />

∂ Open EKA meeting, “The osteoarthritic knee, best current practice in Europe”, November, 2011,<br />

Vienna, Austria<br />

“Choosing the right implant in revision surgery”<br />

“Have we neglected the patellofemoral part?”<br />

∂ ESSKA, May 2-5, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland<br />

“Changes induced to patellofemoral kinematics by performing PFA and TKA”<br />

“In vitro measurement of native patella kinematics in different loading<br />

conditions and motor tasks” ( poster)<br />

∂ Knee Revision Masterclass, June 7-8, 2012, Nijmegen, Netherlands<br />

“How to deal with bone loss in revisions?”<br />



Member of the ‘ Belgische Vereniging voor <strong>Orthopedie</strong> en Traumatologie’<br />

Member of the’ Belgian Knee Society’<br />

Member of the ESSKA (European Society of Sports traumatology, Knee surgery and Arthroscopy) and<br />

the subdivision EKA<br />


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